Quotes about sincere friendship. Friendship phrases

Those who are looking for friends are worthy to find them; who has no friends, he never looked for them.

How many different benefits friendship brings together! Wherever you turn, she is at your service; it is ubiquitous; it never bothers, it never comes out of place, it adds a new splendor to well-being, and the failures that it shares lose their sharpness to a greater extent.

Many are a treat to friends, not friendship.


Drinking poison from a golden cup and taking an insidious advice from a friend are the same thing.


As much as someone appreciates himself, so do his friends.

He who despises everyone is worthy of contempt. A cruel man is worthy of torment. God will give good people to be friends, And whoever is bad with others is worthy of revenge.
Babur 3.

He who is a good friend himself has good friends.
Machiavelli N.

Only in one case we have nothing to be afraid of offending a friend - this is when it comes to telling him the truth and thus proving our loyalty to him.


Enjoying communication is the main sign of friendship.


No kindness is better than a friend.

He who is so deaf that he does not even want to hear the truth from a friend is hopeless.

Anyone who is afraid of making enemies will never make true friends.
Hazlitt W.

Oh my friends! There are no friends in the world!

Praise your friend, praise yourself.

If you went to visit a friend, then the sight of his children, even before you entered the house, will tell you whether you are honored as a friend. If the children meet you joyfully, you can be sure that your friend loves you and you are dear to him. But if his children did not come out to meet you, then your friend does not want to see you. Then - turn around and return home without hesitation.

A good friend should appear for fun when called, and when a friend is in trouble, come without a call.

Without friendship, no communication between people has value.

Do not avoid a friend in distress.

One should be ashamed of oneself as much as of other people, and equally not to do wrong, whether it remains unknown to anyone or everyone knows about it. But most should be ashamed of oneself.


Friendship should be a solid thing, capable of surviving all temperature changes and all the shocks of that bumpy road along which sensible and decent people make their life journey.

Herzen A.I.

Without true friendship, life is nothing.

And with a friend and an enemy, you must be good!
Who is good by nature, in that you will not find malice.
If you offend a friend, you will make an enemy,
You embrace the enemy - you will find a friend.

Omar Khayyam

Affection can do without reciprocity, but friendship never.

Rousseau J.

There is nothing better and more pleasant in the world than friendship; excluding friendship from life is like depriving the world of sunshine.

One should know the measure in everything, everywhere. It is necessary to know the measure in friendship and enmity.

Happiness has never put a person to such a height that he does not need a friend.

We do not use water or fire as often as friendship.

Your true friend, who will point out all the Obstacles along the way and help you pass. Be wary of the flatterers as friends. He is your true friend who is honest and straightforward.


To have common desires and common aversions is precisely what a lasting friendship consists of.

A true friend is everywhere
Faithful in happiness and trouble;
Your sadness worries him, you are not sleeping - he cannot sleep,
And in everything, without further words,

He is ready to help you.
Yes, they are dissimilar in actions
Faithful friend and unfit flatterer.

Shakespeare W.

They look for a friend for a long time, find it with difficulty and it is difficult to keep him.


In face-to-face conversations between close friends, the wisest people very often express very weak judgments, because talking with a friend is the same as thinking out loud.

Addison D.

We love friends for their flaws.
Friends are known in need.


There is no more joy than seeing friends
There is no grief worse than separation from friends.


Make friends with smart ones, for a friend is a fool Sometimes it is more dangerous than a smart enemy.


If my friend is friends with my enemy, then I should not get along with my friend. Beware of sugar mixed with poison, beware of a fly that has perched on a dead snake.
Ibn Sina

Not the point of whom you were born, but who you hang out with.

There is no more joy in this world,
Than contemplation of relatives and friends.
There is no torment on earth,
Than to be with friends glorious in separation.


Where things are shaken, there are friends at the door.
Misunderstanding turns friends into enemies.

Feuchtwanger L.

The friendship that ended never really started.


Only a true friend can tolerate his friend's weaknesses.

Shakespeare W.

Do not be loose with your friends, otherwise your friends will be nothing but nonentities.
Hong Zicheng

It is better to give up a sharp word than a friend.


Everyone in the world has enemies,
But save us from friends, God!

Pushkin A.S.

He is your true friend who is honest and straightforward.

Only the hand of a friend can pull the thorns out of the heart.
Helvetius K.

In trouble you get to know a friend.

Everything will pass - and the grain will not sprout hope,
Everything that you have saved up will be lost for a penny.
If you don't share with a friend in time -
All your property will go to the enemy.

Omar Khayyam

With whom you lead, from that you will gain.

There can be no friendship between master and slave.

Remember, friend: it is more difficult to find a Friend than a girlfriend.
Lope de Vega

One enemy is many, a thousand friends are few.

Who is everyone's friend, I do not consider that friend.

Only in the twilight of life does the luminary of friendship shine brightly; the brilliance of happiness darkens its light.
Bacon F.

Service and friendship are two parallel lines: they do not converge.
A. V. Suvorov

The friend should take on some of the friend's grief.
Erasmus of Rotterdam

Be sincere with your friends, moderate in your needs and selfless in your actions.
A. V. Suvorov

A faithful friend will help a friend, he is not afraid of trouble. He will give heart for heart, and love - a star on the way.

Rustaveli Sh.

How few friends would remain friends if they could fully know each other's thoughts.

Lichtenberg G.

Never enter into friendship with a person whom you cannot respect.

Darwin C.

The choice of friends is followed by the choice of society. Do your best to communicate with those who are above you. This will lift you, while communication with people of a lower level will force you to lower, for what is the society in which you are, so is you.
Chesterfield F.

There is nothing more precious than friends; therefore do not waste the opportunity to acquire them whenever you can.

Guicciardini F.

Friendship is not such a pitiful flame to go out in separation.

Schiller F.

There are three kinds of friends: friends who love you, friends who don't care for you, and friends who hate you.

Since solitude and life without friends are full of intrigue and fear, the mind itself advises to acquire friendship.


One must not be afraid of trials for a friend's sake,
To respond with heart to heart and pave the way with love.

Rustaveli Sh.

Alien superiority view
We are annoyed and angry,
And friendship is only then lovely,
When comparing to a friend is flattering.
Swift D.

When the paths are not the same, they do not make plans together.

Time will reveal a friend, like gold - fire.

While it is commendable to do good to friends, there is no shame in accepting help from friends.

Friendship is the harbor to which a person strives, it brings joy and peace of mind, it is a rest in this life and the beginning of heavenly life.
Tasso T.

Friendship, which is given for money, and is not acquired by the greatness and nobility of the soul, can be bought, but cannot be kept.
Machiavelli N.

Friendship abuse is discord with wisdom.
Rustaveli Sh.

When the state has fallen into decay, then friends begin to scatter.

In general, friendship can be judged only in relation to people of mature age and a mature soul.

Friendship ends where mistrust begins.

If you want to live serenely, stormlessly,
Not knowing the sorrows of life until late old age, -
Do not look for a friend for yourself and do not call yourself a friend:
You will taste less joy, less sorrow.

Enemies always tell the truth, friends never.

It is better for a man to be without a brother than without friends.
Kay Cavus

Friendship is a calm and quiet attachment, guided and reinforced by habit arising from long association and mutual commitment.
Hume D.

Friendship can only be lasting with maturity of mind and age.


To drag out my days without a friend is the worst of troubles.
The soul is worthy of pity, which has no friend.


Fulfilling the duties of friendship is somewhat more difficult than admiring it.

Friendship penetrates into the life of all people, but in order to preserve it, sometimes you have to endure grievances.
It would be nice for a person to examine himself, how much he costs for friends, and to try to be as expensive as possible.


Sincere friendship is based on closeness of minds and secret laws, not on visible signs.

In order to gain the favor of friends and acquaintances in everyday intercourse with them, one should evaluate their merits rendered to us higher than they themselves do; on the contrary, our favors to friends should be considered less than our friends and acquaintances believe.


Fake people are more dangerous to have friends than enemies.

Rousseau J.

I do not need a friend who, agreeing with me in everything, changes his views with me, nodding his head, for the shadow does the same better.


There is no excuse for wrongdoing, even if you do it for a friend.

Strong friendship is our strength, Friendship is glory and praise.

Burns R.

If you want to be faithful, have faithful friends.


True friendship matures slowly and flourishes where people have actually proven it to each other.
Chesterfield F.

There are no debtors or benefactors in friendship.
Rolland R.

The person with whom true friends do not stay long has a hard temper.

True friendship is truthful and courageous.
Byron D.

How much we do for our friends that we would never do for ourselves.


Having learned a secret from a friend, do not betray it by becoming an enemy: you will strike not an enemy, but friendship.

Friendship is love without wings.
Byron D.

Many who appear to be friends are not really friends, and conversely, some who do not seem to be friends are actually friends.


How much charm our happiness would have lost if no one rejoiced in it with us! How difficult it would be to bear our misfortunes without a friend who experiences them even more strongly than us!


Success brings few friends.


Have you become clean air, bread and medicine for your friend? Some are unable to free themselves from their own chains, but saves their friend.

Nietzsche F.

We do not so much need the help of friends as in the confidence that we will receive it.

The basis of friendship lies in complete agreement of will, tastes and opinions.


A true friend is known in adversity.


We all have disadvantages - some have more, some less. That is why friendship, help, and communication would be impossible if there were no mutual tolerance between us.

Guicciardini F.

In happiness it is easy to find a friend, in unhappiness it is extremely difficult.


Where there is no complete frankness, full trust, where there is even a little hiding, there is not and cannot be friendship.

Belinsky V.G.

Try the temper of your friends in different ways, especially look at who is in anger.

Friends have everything in common, and friendship is equality.


It is not family ties that create friends, but a community of interests.


At the height of greatness, remember that your friend is in trouble.
Schiller F.

Rather hurry to your friends in misfortune than in happiness.

Choose your friend; you cannot be happy alone: ​​happiness is a matter of two.

A brother may not be a friend, but a friend is always a brother.
Franklin B.

The friendship of one reasonable person is dearer than the friendship of all unreasonable ones.

He who has friends does not have a friend.

Of all that wisdom brings you for the happiness of your whole life, the most important thing is the possession of friendship.

Friends exist to help each other.
Rolland R.

A friend to everyone is a friend to everyone.

... To be left without friends is the worst misfortune after poverty.
Defoe D

Friends' misunderstandings are never serious until there is a third person between them.
Rolland R.

A friend is one soul living in two bodies.

If you make new friends, don't forget about old ones.
Erasmus of Rotterdam

Friendship is content with the possible, without demanding what is due.

Of two friends, one is always the slave of the other, although often neither of them admits it to himself.
Lermontov M. Yu.

Friendship must be immortal, and enmity mortal.

Friendship is not only invaluable, but also beautiful; we praise someone who loves their friends, and having many friends seems like a wonderful thing, and some people think that being a good person and a friend is the same thing.

Blessed is the one who is lucky with a faithful friend.

People are born to help each other, like the hand helps the hand, the leg helps the leg and the upper jaw helps the lower one.
Marcus Aurelius

If you are a slave, you cannot be a friend. If you are a tyrant, you cannot have friends.
Nietzsche F.

Friendship is the most necessary for life, since no one will wish for himself a life without friends, even if he had all the other benefits.

Like-mindedness creates friendship.

Friends and foes alike should be judged equally.

Everyone loves himself not in order to receive any reward for his love, but because everyone is dear to himself. If we do not apply the same to friendship, then we will never find a true friend; after all, a friend for everyone is the second himself.

It is better to have one friend of great value than many of little value.

Friendship doubles joys and halves sorrows.
Bacon F.

Choose a friend slowly, even less hurry to change him.
Franklin B.

Do not learn to go to a friend, so that, fed up with you, he does not hate you.

Pretense and flattery should be excluded both in friendship and in government activities.

My friend is the one to whom I can speak everything.
Belinsky V.G.

To friends and in misfortune, be unchanged.
Lermontov M. Yu.

In enmity, a friend is no different from an enemy.

A true friend always speaks frankly, advises correctly, helps willingly and patiently takes everything along with you.
Penn William

He is your friend who, in misfortune, helps with deeds when there is a need for it.

On the road and in prison, friendship is always born and a person's abilities are manifested brighter.
Lope de Vega

Friendship, like love, is a rose with a luxurious color, an intoxicating aroma, but also with thorny thorns.
Belinsky V.G.

Sincere friendship is inherent in giving advice and listening to it.

If you want to have friends, don't be vindictive.
Kay Cavus

Friends are thieves of time.
Bacon F.

A person has few faithful friends among many friends.

Sincerity of relationship, truth in communication - that's friendship.
A. V. Suvorov

Be everyone to everyone such a support,
so that, relieving a friend of the burden,
to go to one dream with one will.


In old age, the number of friends does not increase: then all losses are irrecoverable.

There cannot be too many friends.
Dumas A. father

True friendship is extremely rare in this world, especially between equals; and yet she was most glorified. If such a high friendship exists, it is only between the highest and the lowest, because the welfare of one depends on the other.
Bacon F.

One of the first duties of friendship is to anticipate requests from friends. AND

Acquire friends slowly, but do not reject the acquired ones.

Friends should be remembered not only in their presence, but also in their absence.

Friendship is not a service, no thanks are given for it.
Derzhavin G.R.

True friendship must be frank and free from pretense and connivance.

There are many friends; friendship is only rare.

A person is judged by his friends.
Gracian y Morales

Friends must live in full harmony. Violence can stifle friendship.
Chaucer J.

Friendship is like an immortelle: although it is a pale flower, it never withers.
Senkevich G.

If your friend becomes your enemy, then love him, so that the tree of friendship, love and trust will bloom again, withered due to the fact that he was not watered with the water of friendship and did not look after him.

Don't judge a person only by their friends. Remember that Judas's friends were impeccable.
Hemingway E.

The name "friend" sounds everyday, but friendly loyalty is rare.

No happiness pleases without a comrade.

The eyes of friendship are rarely wrong.

Do not have friends who would be inferior to you morally.

The friendship of two saints is more evil than the open enmity of ten villains.
Balzac O.

There is no more bleak desert than life without friends; friendship multiplies blessings and alleviates troubles; joy of the soul - it is the only cure for a hostile fate.
Gracian y Morales

Better an open enemy than a cunning friend.
Senkevich G.

All the honors of this world are not worth one good friend.

Useful friends are a direct friend, a sincere friend, and a friend who has heard a lot. Harmful friends are a hypocritical friend, an insincere friend, and a talkative friend.

It is better to sort out a dispute between your enemies than between friends, because after that one of your friends will become your enemy, and one of your enemies will become your friend.

Best friends are willing to give their lives for each other, but when it comes to gum ... fuck off, it's the last one!

A best friend is always a very good friend, but a good friend is not always the best.

The best friend is the person who is ready to give his life for you. But he will never do this just because his life already belongs to another, along with his heart.

The best friend, like love, is a completely inexplicable thing. You can quarrel at any moment, or you can tell each other what you think, but he still will not be offended by you.

The winner has many friends, and only the loser have real friends.

Dying for a friend is not difficult; it is difficult to find a friend worth dying for.

It's good when there is a friend who cheers you up by just smiling at you.

It is good when a dog is a friend, but it is bad when a friend is a dog.

It is better to have one friend of great value than many of little value.

Better few friends and strong friendship than a lot of "friends" and spitting behind ...

When friends tell you about their problems, they don't complain, they just trust you!

Shout - anyone will hear, whisper - the nearest one will hear. But only a true friend will hear you when you are silent ..

The best friend is not angry with you because of little things, does not take offense at trifles, does not notice your shortcomings ... But, nevertheless, you should not test her good attitude towards you for strength.

Consider a true friend the person who removes stones and thorns from your path.

Important friends are for important things ... Therefore, having important friends and being able to save them is more important than having money.

"Baltasar Gracian y Morales"

The best friend is a person who knows everything about us and nevertheless loves us.

Elbert Hubbard

A best friend is someone you can sit with without saying a word and walk away feeling like it was the best conversation of your life.

True friendship is possible only when silence does not bother the interlocutors.

The sage was asked: How many types of friendship are there? Four, he replied. Friends are like food - you need them every day. There are friends, like medicine, you look for them when you feel bad. There are friends, like a disease, they themselves are looking for you. But there are friends like the air - they are not visible, but they are always with you ...

Best Friends Quotes

A true friend is with you when you're wrong. When you're right, everyone will be with you.

"Mark Twain"

A true friend is someone who, holding your hand, will feel your heart.

Too much can never be done for a devoted friend.

"Henrik Ibsen"

A true friend is someone who walks through your door ... even if the whole world came out of it.

Good friends will never let you do stupid things ... alone.

Nothing replaces old friendships. Years do not add friends, they carry them away, bred them along different paths. Time tests friendship for rupture, for fatigue, for loyalty. The circle of friends is thinning, but there is nothing more valuable than those who remain.

He who is a good friend himself has many good friends.

"Niccolo Machiavelli"

You can't get a faithful friend for money.

True friends only exist in childhood. So naive. They do not yet know flattery, betrayal, envy ...


Quotes and Aphorisms 14.04.2018

Dear readers, you must agree that friendship is something without which a full-fledged human life is inconceivable. It is from friends that we often receive support and consolation that we cannot receive from loved ones, we share joy with them, together with them we seek wisdom that helps us in life.

And in quotes and aphorisms about friendship, the value and importance of friendly relations for a person are precisely described. The Bible also said: “Move away from your enemies and be careful with your friends. A loyal friend is a strong defense: whoever found him found the treasure. "

What does friendship mean

How does this phenomenon arise, that at first a stranger to you suddenly becomes unusually important to you? Quotes about friends help to express in words how a person needs to have a sincere, understanding and selflessly devoted friend next to him.

“I will not tell you what friendship means, it seems to me that words are superfluous here. You just ask me what you need, and I will come when others do not come. "

Anastasia Kalugina-Elkina

“Each of our friends is a whole world for us. A world that might not have been born and that was born only thanks to our meeting with this person. "

Anais Nin

"A friend is one soul living in two bodies."


"My friend is the one to whom I can speak everything."

Vissarion Belinsky

"A brother may not be a friend, but a friend is always a brother."

Benjamin Franklin

"The advice of a friend is the best support against the enemy."

William Shakespeare

“Friends must live in full harmony. Violence can stifle friendship. "

Jeffrey Chaucer

"Too much can never be done for a devoted friend."

Henrik Ibsen

Friends cannot be many

Can a person have many friends? This is a difficult question. One thing is indisputable, friendship is not the case when quantity turns into quality. Do not confuse the concept of "buddy" and "friend". Quotes and aphorisms about friendship only confirm this.

"Anyone who boasts that he has made many friends has never had a friend."

Samuel Coleridge

"To have many friends is to have none."

Erasmus of Rotterdam

"Friends cannot be too many."

Alexander Dumas-father

"A man has few faithful friends among his many friends."

Titus Maccius Plautus

"People usually call friendship a joint pastime, mutual assistance in business, an exchange of services, in a word, a relationship where selfishness hopes to gain something."

Francois de La Rochefoucauld

"I make friends with only a very few, but I value it."

Karl Marx

"In the world we have three kinds of friends: some love us, others hate, others simply do not remember."

Nicola Shamfort

"Friends are not always friends."

Mikhail Lermontov

"Who wants to have more than one friend does not deserve one."

Friedrich Goebbel

"Friends are thieves of time."

Francis Bacon

"One enemy is many, a thousand friends are few."

Abu Abdullah Jafar Rudaki

"It is better to have one friend of great value than many of little value."


"A friend to all is nobody's friend."


"Who is everyone's friend, I do not consider that my friend."

Jean Baptiste Moliere

“In life, a true friend is one. The rest, one way or another, are just good acquaintances and people who are just around you at the moment. "

In friends we see our reflection

Quotes about friendship with meaning make us think once again that friends are not only the greatest value, but also our reflection, because a person can be judged by his close environment.

"Tell me who your friends are - and I'll tell you who you are."

"He who is a good friend himself has good friends."

Nicolo Machiavelli

"The Lord has given us relatives, but we, thank God, are free to choose friends ourselves."

Ethel Mumford

"Friendship is like a treasury: you cannot learn more from it than you put into it."

Osip Mandelstam

"Live with people so that your friends do not become enemies, and enemies become friends."

"Close friendship happens among people who are similar to each other."

"Who wants to have a friend without flaws, he remains without friends."

Bias Priensky

"He who is looking for his ideal friend will be left without friends."

Helena Blavatsky

Friendship is an invaluable gift

All quotes about friends with meaning contain the idea that friendship is an invaluable gift that must be cherished and preserved.

"Friendship penetrates into the life of all people, but to preserve it, sometimes you have to endure grievances."

Mark Tullius Cicero

“There is nothing more precious than friends. Therefore, do not waste the opportunity to acquire them whenever you can. "

Francesco Guicciardini

"They look for a friend for a long time, they find it with difficulty, and it is difficult to keep him."

Sir Publius

"In wealth, friends are with us, in trouble - we are with them."

D.C. Collins

"It is better for a man to be without a brother than without friends."

Unsur al-Maali

“There is no more bleak desert than life without friends. Friendship multiplies blessings and alleviates troubles; joy of the soul, it is the only cure for a hostile fate. "

Baltasar Gracian y Morales

"A friend is a person in whose presence you can think out loud."

Ralph Waldo Emerson

"No worldly blessings will be pleasant to us if we use them alone, without sharing them with friends."

Erasmus of Rotterdam

Why friendship is valuable

Many outstanding and famous writers, poets, artists and scientists spoke about friendship. They all considered this feeling to be the greatest gift for a person. Quotes from great people about friendship are an inexhaustible storehouse of wisdom.

“How is the saint alive who has not known friendship? It is like an empty pearl. "

Alisher Navoi

"We do not use water or fire as often as we do friendship."

"Without true friendship, life is nothing."

“There is nothing better and more pleasant in the world than friendship. To exclude friendship from life is the same as to deprive the world of sunshine. "

"Friendship can only unite worthy people."

“Love can be unrequited. Friendship - never. "

Janusz Wisniewski

"Friendship multiplies joys and crushes sorrows."

Henry George Bon

"The meaning of true friendship is that it doubles joy and halves suffering."

Joseph Addison

"Of all that wisdom brings you for the happiness of your whole life, the most important thing is the possession of friendship."

"The most wonderful gift given to people after wisdom is friendship."

Francois de La Rochefoucauld

"Without friendship, no communication between people has value."

"The eyes of friendship are rarely wrong."

"The friendship that ended never really started."

Best Friends Quotes

Best friends have a special place in our lives. These are people who sometimes know more about us than we know about ourselves. Quotes about best friends reflect this very accurately.

"The best friend is a person who will express to your eyes everything that he does not like about you, and will tell everyone that you are the most wonderful person in the world."

“A true friend is with you when you're wrong. When you are right, everyone will be with you. "

Mark Twain

"Only the hand of a friend can pull the thorns out of the heart."

Claude Adrian Helvetius

"Know, your true friend, if shame happen to you, it will cover it, and not hide itself!"

"I do not need a friend who, agreeing with me in everything, changes his views with me, nodding his head, for the shadow does the same better."

"A lot of treats are friends, not friendships."

"All the honors of this world are not worth one good friend."

"It's not so hard to die for a friend as it is to find a friend worth dying for."

Edward George Bulwer-Lytton

"Only those and friends, not in words - in fact, who would wear our shackles on themselves."

Nosir Hisrow

Female friendship

It is impossible to fully disclose the theme of aphorisms about friendship, bypassing the quotes about the friendship of friends. After all, for us, women, no important event will be fully experienced until it has been discussed to its fullest with a friend, right?

"The loneliest woman in the world is the woman who doesn't have a close friend."

"I am not strong, she is not strong, but together with my friend we are stronger than anyone else in the world."

Linda Macfarlane

“How can you tell if your life is good? If you are dying, and five real, faithful friends have gathered around you, then your life was not lived in vain. "

Lee Iacocca

“A friend is a friend. You call her at night, tell her that you fell in love. And she will simply say in a hoarse voice: "Sleep!" - and hang up. Then he will call back and say: “Open the door for me. Just be quiet. ""

"The best friend is a person who does not need to tell anything, she sees what is happening in her eyes."

"Men come and go, but girlfriends stay."

Milla Jovovich

"Sometimes drinking coffee with your best friend is the best therapy."

“She sometimes imagined a world without men, but she couldn't imagine a world without these two of her friends. In her life, they were "always". And although, or maybe because all three of them were completely different, it seemed to her that without them the world would have lost one dimension. I would have become flat. "

Janusz Wisniewski

"For most women, experiencing love means talking to your best friend."

Leszek Kumor

Different views on female friendship

They doubt her existence, deny her, make fun of her ... They believe in her, they make films and write books about her ... Yes, yes, it's all about her, about the friendship between us women. I offer a selection of quotes about female friendship, which reflect diametrically opposed views on her.

"Friendship of two women is always a conspiracy against a third."

"When a friendship suddenly arises between a dog and a cat, it is nothing but an alliance against the cook."

Stefan Zweig

“Men play with friendship like a soccer ball, and it remains intact. Women play with friendship like a glass vase, and it breaks. "

Ann Lindbergh

“In conversations with each other, women imitate a spirit of comradely solidarity and that confidential frankness that they do not allow themselves with men. But behind this semblance of friendship - how much vigilant mistrust, and how, to admit, it is justified! "

André Maurois

"There is a lot of talk about how fickle women are in love, but not much about how they are constant in friendship."

Gaston Lewis

"Let them say that there is no female friendship, let them chat ... I know that you and I will not exchange for anything the friendship of the heart, given to us by fate."

Friendship between man and woman

Another interesting section is quotes about friendship between a man and a woman. In disputes about the existence of this type of friendship, a great many copies have been broken, but this has not led to a consensus. But maybe there shouldn't be a definite answer here?

“What difference does it make if there is female friendship, male friendship, or friendship between a man and a woman? It so happens that there is nothing without a person. It doesn't matter what gender or height you are. The closeness of souls is what happens. The rest doesn't matter. "

Friendship and love

Friendship and love are two similar feelings, without both of them human life is boring and insipid. In quotes about love and friendship, the opinion is often found that friendship is a feeling even more necessary for us than love.

"Friendship unites people much more than love."

Marlene Dietrich

"Remember, friend: it is more difficult to find a friend than a girlfriend."

Lope de Vega

"Friendship is love without wings."

George Byron

"As rare as true love is, true friendship is even rarer."

Francois de La Rochefoucauld

"Friendship should be infinitely more bearable than love."

Stephanie de Jeanlis

"Perhaps, in order to fully appreciate friendship, one must first experience love."

Nicola Sebastian Chamfort

“Romantic relationships are not as different from friendships as people think. Friendship, like love, involves sympathy and support, and just as often presents a choice. Friendships require the development and use of positive relational abilities and skills — sharing, honesty, empathy, listening and communication — all that a romantic relationship requires. We can assume the following: a person who has difficulties with girlfriends and friends will have difficulties in the most important relationships - romantic. "

"When friendship becomes love, they merge like two rivers, of which the larger swallows the smaller."

Madeleine de Scudery

“Love is above all, isn't it? And above love is only friendship ... "

Bella Akhmadulina

About real friends

True friendship is a great and priceless gift; happy is the one who possesses it. Maybe these quotes about real friendship will come in handy to distinguish real friends from just friends?

"A true friend is someone whom I would believe in everything that concerns me, more than myself."

Michel de Montaigne

"Only a true friend can tolerate his friend's weaknesses."

William Shakespeare

"A true friend is the greatest of the blessings and at the same time the blessing, the acquisition of which is least thought to be."

"True friendship knows no envy."

Francois de La Rochefoucauld

"Consider a true friend the person who removes stones and thorns from your path."

"True friendship matures slowly and only flourishes where people have actually proven it to each other."

Philip Dormer Stenhall Chesterfield

“A true friend should be our second self; he will never demand anything from a friend except morally beautiful. "

Mark Tullius Cicero

Worst of all is a bad friend ...

Unfortunately, sometimes we have to be disappointed and make sure that next to us was not at all the one who can be called a true friend. It always hurts a lot. It is these experiences that are expressed by quotes about bad friends. In my opinion, you can't put it better ...

"A bad friend is like a shadow: run on a sunny day - you won't run away, look for on a cloudy day - you won't find".

Abai Kunanbayev

“Unfaithful friends are swallows that you meet only in summer; it is a sundial, which is useful only as long as the sun is shining. "

Theodor Gottlieb von Hippel

"You don't lose anything when you lose your fake friends."

Joan Jett

"Friendship is like a diamond: it is rare, expensive, and there are a lot of counterfeits."

Friendship is a treasure, the value and importance of which has been recognized since time immemorial. No matter how strong and self-sufficient a person is, in the life of each of us there are times when we cannot do without a friendly shoulder and support.

I wish you, dear readers, to find your wealth - real friends and never lose them. And don't forget that friends are our reflection. However, there are exceptions to this rule: “Do not judge a person only by his friends. Remember that Judas's friends were impeccable. "

And as a sincere gift, I invite you to listen to a song performed by the legendary Vladimir Vysotsky , one of his strongest things - "Song of a Friend".

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