Wood figurines. Tips for beginners. Carved wooden figures

  • You need to start with the outer contour until you close it. After that, go to the internal
  • You need to build the path by cutting your object inward by 1-2 px. If it is less, then as a result, the background will show through from time to time.
  • And of course, strictly observe the shape of the object.
  • Netoropizzo)))

Let's start with the shoes on the right foot. In the figure, I showed the drawing of the contour. But my hand trembled, or simply did not notice, and I put one point incorrectly.

This is where we begin to notice the benefits of the good old Pen (Pen). To fix (move) this point, I just need to select the "Arrow" tool and drag the point to the right place with the mouse.

But that's not all. We may have to add another point somewhere in the contour later. To do this, right-click on the "Pen" tool and select the "Pen+(add anchor point)" tool. You may also need to make the break at the reference point smooth. To do this, take the "Angle" tool from there.

When we have already drawn the outline to the edge of the document frame, to move the picture, just press the spacebar, the cursor turns into a hand, and without releasing the spacebar, holding down the left mouse button, move the picture to the right place.

If suddenly they clicked in the wrong place, and the contour disappeared, or all the points from the contour disappeared, and it itself became just a line, there is nothing wrong with that, you don’t have to look for anything and click on everything in a row. All you have to do is open the history panel and select one of the previous steps.

Having finished with the main contour, we move on to the inner ones, there will be three of them on this figure.

Having closed all three contours, we make sure that there is no one selected among them, that is, all contours should be in the form of lines, without squares on them. If this is not the case, then take the "Arrow" tool and click on the free space of the picture.

And now we have two options for further processing of this contour, this is the creation of a new layer with the cut out image and the creation of a vector mask from the contour. The second option is better in that the path can be edited, and provides a lot of other fun with the use of a mask. For example, you can perform various actions to correct the contour after rasterizing the vector mask into a layer mask, you can work with the silhouette of a girl, you can add image sections to the cut out figure. These and other gadgets are discussed in the article.

In the meantime, let's return to the first, simpler method. which is still used more often than dancing with masks and tambourines.

We continue to work on the first option. We right-click on any place of the contour, in the menu that opens, select "Create a selection", in the new window that appears, select the feather radius of zero pixels, OK.

The path will turn into a selection.

To transfer it to a new layer, press the keys Ctrl + J. Open the layers panel, turn off the visibility of the background layer, look what happened.

In order to see all the defects of the clipping, and they will be necessary, we create two layers under the layer with the cut out girl, one black and the other poisonous yellow-green.

I have captured the background layer on the arm and on the heels of the shoes.

With an eraser with soft edges, we remove these defects.

Do not forget that with an extra movement, some kind of wrong action, you can always return one or more actions up using the layers palette.

If the diameter of the eraser is too large, and along with the defect it also affects a good area, then it is not necessary to reduce the diameter of the eraser to a minimum.

It is enough to select a piece with a defect using the Lasso tool, and then apply the eraser. It will erase only in the selection area. Then do not forget to remove the selection by pressing Ctrl + D.

It is better to start such a business as creating wooden sculptures with your own hands from different miniatures. This is the simplest and most affordable woodcarving option. Anyone can learn it, and it is less demanding in execution. At the same time, it is miniature carving that is given the least attention in textbooks, and often there is no information about it at all. We will try to fix this issue.

A carved miniature is a three-dimensional sculpture ranging in size from 1 to 13 cm. It is better to do this with the help of special tools, although you can also use a regular knife for three-dimensional carving. Of course, this is not very convenient and quite time consuming.

Material selection

For carved miniatures, you can use different types of wood, among which the following are popular:

  • baked birch;
  • cypress;
  • apple tree, etc.

You are lucky if a hazelnut or common hazel falls into your hands. Even such breeds as black rosewood, boxwood and ebony should not be discounted, although they are difficult to carve.

It is hardwoods that forgive the novice carver inaccurate movements, while softwood crafts can easily be ruined by any careless cut.

Where do they start?

So, the material is prepared, the tool is sharpened, which means you can start carving. First of all, you need to take a pencil in your hands, not a knife. On a piece of paper, sketch one or more sketches of the figure. At the same time, do not overdo it and do not show excessive artistic talents. Just make simple contour sketches.

After choosing the option you like, you need to pick up the pencil again. This time it will be required to apply contours to the workpiece. Keep in mind that you will need to do this several times during work. To make the lines more visible, circle them with a felt-tip pen.

Depending on the degree of complexity of the figure, you need to choose the appropriate tool and start working. A cut should be made along the contour. If necessary, re-contour and cut. Then again and again, until the workpiece takes the desired shape.

The next step is to start gradually cutting out small details. If you doubt that you will be able to do this without first marking, play it safe, use a felt-tip pen or pencil again, and then continue cutting.

After cutting through all the details of the figurine, you need to lightly clean the product with sandpaper, and then cover it with sunflower oil or weld it in it. The oil polymerizes, and the wooden surface will receive reliable protection from dirt and moisture.

Wood processing

The finished look of wooden figurines will be obtained after careful processing. There are different ways, depending on what material you are using to cover the wood. It can be:

  • stains;
  • varnishes;
  • oils, etc.

wood stain

Birch, spruce, linden, aspen, maple and poplar need additional tinting, so it is better to cover them with stain. Note that there are a lot of stains, starting with aniline dyes, which can be found on sale, and ending with funds from the first-aid kit - potassium permanganate and iodine, diluted in water.

There are a lot of recipes for making stains at home. They can easily be found in manuals and reference books for carpenters and joiners. Below we will consider examples of the most accessible of them.

Water stain can be made by pouring half a glass of water into a small container (for example, a glass of yogurt), and then adding a few drops of iodine to it. Using white clean paper and a brush, check the resulting color. If the tone is not saturated, add more iodine and achieve a suitable shade.

One layer of such a stain will give the product a honey-yellow color. Three or four coats will give the surface an orange, ocher color. Brown stain is prepared in the same way, but potassium permanganate is used instead of iodine.

To prepare an alcohol stain, you will need inexpensive instant coffee. Pour a tablespoon of the drink into a glass of yogurt and dissolve it with a tablespoon of boiling water. Fill the glass halfway with alcohol and mix thoroughly.

With this stain, you can cover volumetric carvings or boards with reliefs. If you cover a relief board with a water stain, you may have problems: the tree sometimes arches after drying. To return the material to the form, the board must again be moistened with water and turned over. The wood will straighten out, but don't overdo it with the water. The abundance of water will bend the tree in the opposite direction - keep this in mind.

To learn how to use the stain, take a board with a relief and apply the first layer of the product on it. After the stain has dried, you will see that in places where the product was poorly processed with sandpaper or where an unclean cut remained, roughness appeared. This phenomenon is called pile uplift. Remove it with sandpaper or cut it off.

Apply one or more layers of stain. Do not be embarrassed - when the composition dries, the stain will lose color. when you process the figurine with varnish or sunflower oil, the color will be restored.

Cover the completely dried product with sunflower oil. It may reveal your imperfections, but don't be alarmed. In places of poor treatment, the surface may turn white. Finish and trim.

Sunflower oil does not protect the product from moisture, so cover the figurine with varnish or boil it in oil.

Lacquers are different:

  • oil;
  • pentaphthalic;
  • nitro varnishes, etc.

It is important that the composition is colorless. Shop varnish, as a rule, has a thick consistency, similar to jelly. It should be diluted with a simple solvent to a watery state.

For pentaphthalic varnish, you need to use turpentine instead of a solvent, for nitro varnish, acetone. There are also special solvents. To determine which one you need, read the label on the bottle.

You can dip a small figurine in varnish, and apply varnish on a large product with a hard brush or foam swab. Do not forget that nitrolac cannot be applied with a swab, as it will simply dissolve.

Hard viscous wood species are usually boiled in oil:

  • birch;
  • pear;
  • Apple tree.

Birch suvel after cooking gets brown stains, shimmering with gold. A plum boiled in oil becomes like an ebony.

Cooking a figurine in oil is very simple. The oil is put on fire and heated for five minutes, and then the craft is lowered into it. There she should swim until ready. If there are a lot of figurines, cook them separately from each other, changing the oil. Otherwise, the oil may ignite and cause problems.

The duration of cooking can be different - from 5 to 25 minutes. It all depends on what you want to get as a result. It is important to adhere to one rule: the longer you cook the tree, the darker it will become. Better not time it, but watch the color change. When you get the desired result, pull out the figurine and start cooking a new one.

Sand the welded figures again with sandpaper, bringing the surface to a shine.

When you don't need stain

There are cases when there is no need to use stain:

  1. If the figurine is carved from a valuable or beautiful type of wood. For example, cypress can only be varnished. In extreme cases, when a brighter tone is required, you can cover the product with oil.
  2. Do not apply any coating to ebony ebony as you will ruin the material. Just process the product by polishing with dry horsetail.

Remember that crafts that do not need staining should be immediately treated with oil, which will enhance the color of the wood and emphasize the texture.

Now everyone can work with paper. Even if there was no colored paper at hand, you can always take newspapers or glossy magazines. The craft will not get worse from this, but you can see that the texture of the paper is different from the usual one and the figures will acquire a non-standard color.

What can be made from paper? Almost any figure, fantasy would be enough. But if things are not very good with fantasy, then the Internet is replete with a huge number of proposals. Paper is now an easily accessible material. It is easy and convenient to work with her, and most importantly interesting. Most often, of course, children are fond of paper crafts.

For children's thinking, crafts are not so simple, but due to their mysteriousness, they arouse such interest. Everyone had cases in childhood when a friend showed how he made something out of paper, for example, a cracker, and everyone immediately tries to repeat after him and get the same toy.

Working with paper is also useful. Such a hobby develops imagination, mind, trains fine motor skills. The child begins to work spatial thinking.

To arouse interest in paper crafts in a child, you need to invite him to fold one light figure of his choice.

The most interesting and simple paper figures:

  • Ship;
  • pinwheel;
  • Frog;
  • Clapperboard;
  • Airplane.

It will not take much time to make such toys, one might say. It will be interesting to any schoolchild, and even a kid, if parents make a figurine with him.

There are more complicated figures, they will appeal to those who have certain skills and have not lost interest in origami after the first airplane. For example: croaking frog, carrier pigeon, swan, tulip, lily. These products will be given to you much more difficult, but from this they are no less interesting.

DIY paper figures: schemes, templates and their purpose

There are many different schemes and templates, according to which you can easily assemble almost any paper craft. You won't need much work, just download the template, print it, cut it out and glue it.

A template is also called a product, following the example of which you can make the same. For example, a template made of thick cardboard will make it possible to circle the part on paper, and then cut it out and glue it.

So you can not print a lot of identical parts, but simply cut one out of cardboard and then trace it. Such a template is useful if, for example, you need to place many identical parts on one sheet of paper to create three-dimensional figures. This is the saving of materials and the development of useful skills in children.

Especially this method is often used in schools and out-of-school institutions, in various circles. The leader or teacher simply distributes the templates, and the children are already engaged in the manufacture of starting materials for future crafts.

The scheme includes not only a description of the details, but also a step-by-step implementation of the conditions to achieve the ultimate goal. As a rule, paper diagrams explain what needs to be folded where, where to fold and what to cut off. When working with paper voluminous crafts, this is quite important.

Interesting paper figures for children: crafts from stripes

The quilling technique is available for older children to understand, and what to do with kids to develop their creativity and train their thinking. In addition to various applications and paintings from napkins, you can teach your child to make beautiful voluminous paper figures.

When working with crafts, the child studies geometry and personally gets acquainted with geometric shapes.

Many unusual crafts can be made from strips of colored paper. This will require consumables - 2 different sheets of paper, scissors and glue.

Paper caterpillar:

  1. Cut 4-5 strips of paper 3-4 cm wide, 8-10 cm long. One strip should be of a different color (future head).
  2. Roll into circles and glue the ends. So do all the stripes.
  3. Glue the circles together, imitating a caterpillar. You can draw eyes on the head with a marker, or you can cut out small circles and stick them on.
  4. Cut out a leaf from dark green cardboard on which the caterpillar will sit. It must be larger than our craft.
  5. Plant the caterpillar on the sheet with glue.

Using this technology, you can make a bee, a bunny, a cat, a dog. The kid will like to work with bright paper and create interesting crafts.

Different paper figures: a child learns the world

It would seem that it could be easier than cutting out some figure from paper, for example, a triangle. What is easy for an adult is not so easy for a child. And yet, is it worth it? Of course it's worth it. There will always be benefits and applications for this.

Your child is just learning to explore the world. First of all, he tastes everything, then learns to identify everything by touch, and then only visually. During this period, it is very useful to show the child various figures (square, triangle, circle, oval) using simple crafts as an example. So he studies them and learns new things. Parents cut out - the child knew.

Drawing up applications will also help the child develop. Do not cut out small details or too difficult to understand.

Do not leave the baby unattended, let him take part. Over time, you can try to give him a try to cut something. In the early stages, do not forget about safety.

Subsequently, add gluing and folding elements to the cutting process. Make crafts more difficult. For example, in the first stages, a butterfly can be cut out of colored paper. In the future, you can make a butterfly by creating corrugated paper from colored paper by folding it into an accordion. Such a butterfly can decorate the interior in the nursery and become the pride of your child.

Volumetric figures will develop thinking and also add an element of complexity. It can be both geometric figures, and for example hearts and stars. A particularly important and striking event should be the cutting of snowflakes on New Year's Eve. When cutting out details, pay the child's attention to accuracy.

What should be cut paper figures for children

Your little one is developing every day, learning new words and learning to do new things. To help the baby develop, you can study geometric shapes with him.

Where to begin:

  1. The simplest and most memorable figure is the circle. You can make several circles of different diameters so that the child understands that the name of the figure does not change depending on the size. You can walk around the apartment, show visually round figures.
  2. Then a square, a triangle, and so on.
  3. When the child has studied all the main figures, you can offer him to make a little man or a house from the cut out parts - such a task will develop the logic of the baby. From such details you can add an application - the first picture of your child.

Save the first application of your baby, someday it will be interesting for him to look at the fruits of his creativity.

With the process of his growing up, the figures can become more complicated. It can be figures of animals, birds or things around us.

During this period, the child is interested in everything bright and colorful. You can fit creative activities into your daily routine, it will be both fun and useful. Let your child fantasize, create unusual and interesting crafts.

Master class: do-it-yourself paper figures (video)

Paper figures help the child to study the things that surround him, to learn their shape and size. On the example of simple geometric shapes, the baby can learn how to create the first applications, which can become an impetus for the development of his creative potential in the future.

You will need

  • - a clean sheet of paper;
  • - a sharpened pencil;
  • - camera;
  • - wood;
  • - vice;
  • - mounting block;
  • - screws;
  • - marker;
  • - band-saw;
  • - mallet;
  • - flat or semicircular 12 mm chisel;
  • - a graver with a V-shaped blade;
  • - dye;
  • - varnish on wood.


First, find an easy-to-use pattern that you are going to cut. Then you can already connect your imagination and cut the original gizmos. If it's an animal, study its anatomy. Draw several sketches from different angles of the future figure and choose the most successful version of each angle. If you want to carve a real object, just take a photo of the prototype figurine from different angles.

Choose wood for carving. Pay attention to the color of the wood of various tree species. Alder is a soft wood with a reddish or reddish-pink color. Birch is a white wood with a yellow or reddish tint, easy to cut. Hawthorn - reddish or pinkish wood, easily processed. Aspen - soft wood, white, light.

Since the figurine is a three-dimensional product, it needs to be rotated and inspected frequently in the process of work. Attach the workpiece from below with screws to the mounting block. The ends of the screws must not be visible from the finished product! Saw off all four corners of the mounting block to have more options for turning the workpiece. Clamp the block in a vise.

If you want to carve an animal, do not start carving from the head. Just mark its location on the workpiece with a felt-tip pen or engraver. Along the upper edges of the workpiece with a step of 25 mm, make several shallow cuts. This is necessary so that the wood does not crack. With a chisel, give the workpiece the main shape, cutting the wood only to the same depth.

You need to start cutting out parts only when the main shape of the product is cut out. First cut out the head in general terms, then the hair or fur, then outline the line of the eyes, ears, mouth. Start cutting out the facial features, but the eyes and ears should be cut out last. Hands, feet or paws first outline without fingers, clothes and claws. Only after cutting out the main outline, proceed to a more detailed cutting of clothes, shoes, fingers and other details. Paint and varnish finished figurine.


  • wood figurine carving

Working with material such as natural wood is a creative process that requires full dedication. However, it is also a great hobby, because if you wish, almost everyone can carve wood.

1. First of all, for a successful one, you need a sharp tool. This is very important, since with it it is simply impossible to carefully carve on. If possible, even for simple carving, you need to have several cutters on hand with blades of different thicknesses and widths. This will allow you to easily cut out various elements. You will also need material for sanding a wooden surface. It is needed in order for the workpiece to be perfectly smooth.

3. Since carving is not only a hobby, but also an art, it is better to enlist the help and support of an instructor. This will allow you to visually see the process of working with natural wood. None of the woodcarving will give such clear illustrations as the visual -. There are many complex aspects and elements in carving that may seem incomprehensible to a beginner.

4. If there is no help from a mentor, you need to prepare a workplace, as well as choose a pattern pattern, or additional decorative elements that you will cut out. It is very important to use a cutter of optimal width and shape for a particular element, otherwise it will become much more complicated, and it may take more time to complete it.

5. After the decorative elements on the surface of the workpiece are cut out, it must be sanded again and varnished in order to protect the wood from destruction under the influence of external factors, as well as to give the product a finished look.

Wood carving is difficult, and it is very difficult for a beginner to correctly perform this or that element. However, if you decide to master the art of carving, you should be as patient as possible, as well as make every effort. There is no need to think that everything will work out the first time, but patience and the desire to master the carving technique, which is very interesting, will help you succeed enough.