How to start a conversation with a guy on the Internet? Ways to meet young people

Yes, the problem is not simple. You sit, look at his or her photo on social networks, like it ... But how to start a correspondence? What would you say, so as not to repel, to interest, to please in the end. We will not blur the topic, sharing how to start a correspondence with a guy, like a girl, like a man, like a woman. Let's just try to look at the main options for starting a conversation with a stranger.

Correspondence: motives

In general, start with why you are writing to this person, that is, find out your motives. You will need to focus on them in the future, it depends on them what and how you write. To make it easier for you to get started, here are the most common motives that encourage people to write to strangers:

  1. You liked the person in the photo, and you want to get to know each other better (by the way, find out here too if you want to make a friend or maybe even thinking about starting a relationship);
  2. You just got bored and want to brighten up your pastime;
  3. You want to show yourself, so to speak, brag about yourself for self-affirmation;
  4. Your motive is to make useful acquaintances, contacts in a certain field or environment.

Where to begin

So, based on the motives we have proposed, let's try to consistently see how to start a correspondence with a girl or a guy on a social network.

Motive - sympathy

Perhaps the most common motive. It is logical that your goal is to please too.

  1. Since you can start a correspondence in a contact, for example, not only with a personal message, you can use this. Comment on any photo of a person with an original comment. Although, to be honest, if a person is interested in you, then a simple comment on the photo, for example, of his dacha, such as: "how beautiful!" If you are not so interesting, then even the most original comment is more likely to be ignored. But there are always exceptions! In the end, a person may simply not notice your writings. So take your time and move on.
  2. Banality. Write simply: “Hi, no, we don’t know each other, I just wanted to say hello to you.” Focus on the individual - "with you". And then how will it go.
  3. You can start a conversation with a compliment. For the most part, this is the lot of young people, however, a girl can afford it. The main thing here is sincerity (be honest at least with yourself), write compliments if you really want to do it.
  4. You can pretend to be wrong. The full namesake of your classmate (tsy), well, confused, with whom it does not happen. Perhaps the conversation will start.
  5. Write that you know the face, could you meet somewhere. You remember your sweet face very much.
  6. On the Internet you can find funny phrases, such as: “are there angels on earth?”, hinting that she is an angel (this is more about how to start a conversation with a girl). Although, for sure, there are similar “phrases” for guys too.

Rule to follow: do not try to drastically close the distance, it scares and repels (both guys and girls). Start acquaintance gradually, with abstract topics.

The main thing here is to rely on your main goal. You have to please the person. So build the whole conversation so that he (she) is pleasant to you. After all, there is such a phenomenon in psychology: we like those who like us. So show your affection.

Motive - boredom

Well, you can start anywhere. Your goal is to brighten up loneliness and get rid of boredom.

  1. You can start right like this: "hello, I'm writing because I'm sad (put pressure on pity). I thought (a) this can be fixed by talking to a nice person."
  2. You can come up with a topic, absolutely any, and offer to discuss it. It's good if you write questions, because it will be easier for a person to answer. And then, if the conversation starts, then he will start asking. The main thing is not to forget that you are writing, just do not jump to talking only about yourself, be sure to also ask about the person.

Motive - self-affirmation

Actually, you probably already caught the essence of our presentation. The goal is to increase your own self-esteem.

Put your favorite photo on the avatar and show off.

Motive - benefit, benefit

You have found a person in a field whose connections are useful to you. Your goal is to show interest.

Start the conversation in the topic, area with which your interest is connected. There will be two parallel lines of conversation here: You need to interest a person in yourself (ie, to please him, as discussed above) and show your interest in the "case". You don't have to start from afar, you need to immediately show that you are interested in "the opportunity to join a club", "to do this and that". Make a person an expert, ask, show him that he is smart (admire).

There is a stereotype that a girl should not be the first to show attention. The same applies to social networks, which often prevents people from finding happiness. How to give a sign of sympathy to a guy if you can’t take the first step? Or if you already have a conversation, but something went wrong, then how to start a conversation with a guy on VK after a quarrel?

Correspondence on the Internet has simplified and made communication more accessible. After all, many are embarrassed and lost when communicating at a meeting. Conversations through a computer liberate and provide an excellent opportunity to tell about yourself and learn more about the interlocutor, and then there will be no awkward silence at the meeting, but there will be something to discuss. Due to pride or prejudice, you can miss a potential life partner, so you should not be afraid to write.

How to start a conversation with a guy on VK

To start a conversation with a guy on VK, you need to muster up the courage and determination. First you just need to greet him and, based on the answer to the greeting, you can judge whether he is ready to communicate with you.

You do not need to be very active, otherwise the guy will find you intrusive. The main thing is to find a common theme, for starters it should be easy, non-committal. Do not touch on the topics of family and wealth.

Starting a conversation with a guy on VK that you like, you should take a good look at his profile. Perhaps you have a lot in common with him: films, music, literature. This will help you immediately steer the conversation in the right direction.

Examples of phrases for the first messages in VK.

  1. Standard. "Hi, let's meet?" - such phrases immediately reveal your intentions to a man and give him the opportunity to respond in a similar manner.
  2. Honesty. Write why you chose it and decided to write. "Hey. I liked your profile, I would just like to have a closer chat.”
  3. Merry. Write about something not serious but interesting and intrigue him. “Good evening, do you recommend any comedy film?”
Social networking is becoming more and more popular every day. It is much easier to conduct a dialogue on the Internet - there is time to think about what has been said, draw conclusions and write an answer. The Vkontakte network gives its users unlimited opportunities for new acquaintances, a girl can easily narrow down the search for applicants for the role of the second half with the help of well-chosen filters - city, age, etc. Choosing is not a problem, but tactfully starting a conversation with a guy for many ladies is an impossible task.
When meeting on the Internet, a girl should adhere to the main rule - to be herself and talk about what is interesting not only to the guy, but also to herself.

Where to start a conversation?

Starting a conversation should be simple and unobtrusive. You can tritely ask how he is doing, his mood, what the weather is like outside his window, what he is doing at the moment, etc. If a guy is interested in starting a new relationship, he will take the initiative and ask questions of a random stranger with interest. In case the male representative is not very talkative, it is better to choose some neutral topic to continue communication. For example, if he puts the question point-blank and wants to know the purpose of adding to friends, you can divert the topic into the mainstream of the distribution of goods or services, apologize for the disturbance and dive into new searches.
If the guy is in no hurry to make an appointment first, the girl can take the initiative into her own hands. In case of manifestation of mutual interest, the first date will soon take place.

How to continue communication?

If the first dialogue with was successful, and in the future the girl is going to correspond with him, you should definitely ask about his personal life. It happens that guys make several acquaintances, hiding their marital status. In order not to fall for such a trick, you need to ask when he had his last serious relationship, why they broke up with their chosen one, etc. It will not be superfluous to look at his photos and posts on the wall in order to study the style of communication and lifestyle. It’s also not worth talking a lot about the guy’s past, perhaps this is a painful topic for him. Long-term relationships in a social network usually end with meetings in real life. It is better that the first date takes place in a crowded place, for example, in a cafe or cinema. This will allow young people to feel relaxed and at ease.

How to start a conversation with a guy you like? Surprisingly, according to psychologists, the "golden rule" of advertising effectiveness operates in communication with the opposite sex. First, we attract involuntary attention, and then we turn it into arbitrary, touching points of interest. What does it mean?

In fact, everything is trivial. It is not necessary to immediately invent and invent something super-unusual, choosing original topics for a conversation with a pretty stranger. He will be able to appreciate the rich inner world of the girl later if he pecks on the "hook". But first you need some bait!

It is important to start with a simple and understandable topic for conversation, specially created for such cases. If the girl is attractive to the interlocutor, he will gladly continue the acquaintance. He definitely won't miss his chance!

But before you start a conversation with a stranger, you should make sure that you have the necessary attitude. Even time-tested and experienced topics will not help if a girl doubts herself and feels fear. You can use some tips that will help you not to get confused at a crucial moment.

Thinking about how to start a conversation with a guy in contact or in person, every girl doubts for a long time - is it worth starting something? Fear of an unexpected blow to pride stops almost half of the ladies who secretly sigh for a beautiful stranger who lives next door or lives in their favorite chat.

But a simple conversation does not reveal any " insidious plans", no one will know about her sympathy for a young man! Even if he refuses to make an acquaintance, turning away snobbishly or complaining about the lack of free time, there is no point in being afraid.

Light and casual conversation on a neutral topic is not at all a reason to look dull or indecisive. You should not give the impression of a gloomy or too serious person, otherwise the whole idea will fail.

A charming smile will surely attract the attention of an interesting guy, and most importantly, it will give him pleasant memories of an unexpected acquaintance.

Before you start a conversation with a guy on the phone, you should find out if he is comfortable talking. Perhaps the person at the moment does not have even a minute to talk. It also happens that a second before the call someone spoiled his mood or made him angry.

Or maybe the poor guy just didn't get enough sleep. Finding out the mood of the interlocutor when corresponding on the Internet is somewhat more difficult. Perhaps the lack of time will be indicated by spelling errors or a long wait for an answer.

In addition, it is important not to forget about your own mood. How to start a conversation with a guy after a quarrel with relatives or after a sleepless night studying for exams? There is only one answer - no way!

Unfortunately, there are a few lucky people in the world who are able to disengage from unpleasant thoughts and unload psychologically before an important conversation or meeting. It is better not to tempt fate, signing yourself up in their ranks and risking forever losing the chance to get acquainted with the object of sighing.

You should not take this advice too literally, because no one has ever canceled flirtatious flirting and shooting eyes to kill. We are talking about the first impression, which should not be spoiled by subsequent meetings. Don't lie and try to be someone you really aren't.

This rule is especially true for online dating, where many people like to embellish themselves. There is no point in this, because with personal contact the truth will be revealed, and both will be disappointed.

Topics for conversation

So, the preparatory stages are over, and you should think about a suitable topic for making acquaintances. As already noted, the first contact is not at all suitable for intimate conversations and heartfelt conversations. Many try to find an original way to a man's heart and choose a non-standard topic for communication.

This does not always turn out to be a good idea, because the guy may be ignorant of some issue, and then the conversation will not start. The best option is a neutral theme, presumably familiar to both. For each dating option, there are their own, the most successful topics.

How to start a conversation with a guy online

A huge number of people of any age spend time on the Internet today. For most of them, correspondence in contact is a great chance to find a soul mate. To many, this method will seem doubtful, because without live communication it is difficult to make sure that there is sincere sympathy. And the risk of running into scammers and perverts is too great.

But if we discard all skepticism and doubts, we will have to admit the obvious fact - the Internet has managed to connect millions of hearts. So it's still worth trying your luck.

Where to start a conversation? Since the interlocutor is a man, you can not think about clothes, fashion magazines, household chores and culinary recipes. Most guys will consider these topics to be simple chatter, and the girl will quickly be written down as a boring and uninteresting person. You should not start a conversation about football, construction, politics or cars. If the lady does not understand these issues, then she will not be able to keep up the conversation.

What topics are relevant for correspondence in contact?

In correspondence with a guy, it is important not to forget about spelling and punctuation. If you don't get an answer to the last question, don't start typing a new one. The dialogue must remain a dialogue, otherwise the acquaintance can be considered unsuccessful.

How to start a conversation with a guy in person

For a personal acquaintance with a young man, quite simple and logical algorithms are provided that are suitable for absolutely any place, be it a bus stop, a cafe or a gym.

  • Introduce yourself. There is nothing easier than just walking up to a stranger and saying his name. " Hi, I'm Christina! What is your name?". Further in the conversation, you should use the name of the interlocutor - he will like it.
  • Take advantage of the circumstances around you. At the bus stop, you can complain about the lack of a bus, at the institute - about long couples. On the street, you can ask if they promise rain. Surprisingly, banal talk about the weather often works.
  • Ask for help. In an educational institution, ask to bring books, in the gym - a projectile. Let him show his courage and strength.
  • Give thanks and praise. Guys love compliments and thanks just as much as girls. You can praise him not only for his muscles, but for a great cologne or shirt.
  • End the meeting on a high note. A new meeting becomes desirable if the first one ends abruptly. We can say that we have been waiting for a long time at home. The main thing is not to forget to smile in the end and report that the meeting was pleasant. If the guy is really interested, he will definitely offer to exchange numbers or arrange a meeting in a cafe.