How to find your motivation. Where to look for motivation for life

Motivation for life can disappear for various reasons. It is more effective to eliminate the root cause rather than looking for additional stimulation. This happens when an emotionally intense period begins in a person’s life. In some cases, it makes sense to consult a doctor for qualified help.

Reasons for loss of motivation

The desire to preserve life is inherent in us by nature. The instinct of self-preservation is one of the most powerful, present in most living beings, including humans. Loss of motivation is an unnatural condition that must be dealt with. If for some reason there is no motivation for life, a person should consult a psychiatrist, since this is one of the symptoms of depression. Lack of motivation to survive can be a symptom of other mental illnesses. In this case, the specialist will prescribe special medications and prescribe therapy.

Lack of motivation may also be a sign of chronic fatigue syndrome. The main symptoms are apathy, constant fatigue, and reluctance to do anything. In this case, you need to rest first. It is advisable to take a vacation for this purpose.

Motivation for life may temporarily disappear in severe stressful situations, for example, after the loss of a loved one or divorce. In this case, the person not only does not want to do anything, but there is also psychological discomfort. It will be useful to contact a psychologist who will help you find strength and meaning to move on with your life.

Motivational literature

How to find motivation on your own? It is worth reading some literature. Sometimes ordinary quotes about life that can be found on the Internet are enough, but books have a greater impact. There are good motivator quotes about life in Osho’s books. The wise words of the master manage to change people’s attitudes towards themselves, the world, relationships and much more.

For many, someone else's positive example becomes the motivation for action. You should read inspiring literature. An excellent choice would be Nick Vujicic's autobiography, Life Without Borders. The story of a man born with a rare diagnosis of tetra-amelia (congenital absence of both arms and legs), but who found the strength and opportunity to live happily and fully, motivates action. The vitality of this man is admirable and inspiring.

The famous psychologist Viktor Frankl also has good motivational books. This man survived imprisonment in a concentration camp, but retained the will to live and the desire to help other people. If you suffer from a lack of desire to live, you should familiarize yourself with his autobiographical works.

Believers are often motivated by religious texts. It makes sense to read the Lives of the Saints. You can learn a lot of useful things from such books describing the life path of saints.

If you have no desire to study serious literature, it will be useful to read a light story with a happy ending. Sometimes reading a light story about how life is good can be motivating. This will be especially effective for people with chronic fatigue syndrome, since such stories calm the nerves and help restore energy. Motivation to live arises after reading books by Jojo Moyes, Cecilia Ahern, and good works about animals.

Spiritual and physical practices

Another answer to the question of how to find motivation is a variety of spiritual practices. They help you think about life and find new meaning in it. Practices like yoga disperse apathy and laziness. It has been scientifically proven that the more activity a person does per day, the more strength and desire to live he has, so moderate physical activity can have a significant motivating effect. In the absence of movement, a person, on the contrary, often feels tired.

Meditations during which a person turns to himself can be useful. An excellent option would be special trips for several days with a group under the supervision of experienced trainers.

It will be useful to turn to positive thinking techniques. The ability to enjoy life has a positive effect on the nervous system. Optimists are less susceptible to depression.

A professional psychologist can help you find motivators. By choosing the right words, a competent specialist is able to point in the right direction.

Cardio exercises have a good effect: running, swimming, rollerblading, skiing, cycling. The load should be selected individually. If there are no contraindications, you can add strength exercises.

If you lose the desire to live, it will be useful to go on a trip. A change of place often has a beneficial effect on an overloaded nervous system. The new environment encourages activity and exploration of the place.

Where to look for the desire to live

Where to find motivation? To ensure that motivation does not disappear, you should find the meaning of life for yourself and make plans. You should have a far-reaching goal that motivates you to take certain actions. It’s good if this is your own aspiration, and not an idea imposed by society. A person motivated to succeed often has a plan for bringing these projects to life.

There are many resources in spiritual development. It is useful to spend part of your time in prayer and meditation. The motivation for life that religion provides is very significant for a sincere believer.

You definitely need to find time for a hobby. Any activity that brings pleasure relieves the nervous system. Development in an area of ​​interest can become one of the motivating life goals.

A good way to motivate yourself is to find inspiring people. There should be several such role models so as not to lose inspiration due to disappointment in the idol.

Practical methods

How to develop motivation? Keep a diary of achievements. In a difficult moment, realizing how much you have already done will give you strength to move on. Many successful people also keep a goal diary, where large tasks are broken down into small steps that will tell them what to do at each specific moment. This simple step will allow you to avoid disappointment if you fail to implement your plan for a long time.

You should constantly discover something new. These could be new places to travel, hobbies, practices and much more. It is useful to constantly expand your circle of acquaintances. You should choose positive-minded people for communication, since the environment largely shapes your living space. Depressed people who have lost their motivation for life can negatively affect your worldview and attitude towards yourself. On the contrary, communicating with a motivated person can increase the desire to live.

How to motivate yourself? Start inspiring the other person. In the process, there is a high probability of finding something that will help you specifically. A word spoken to another is better stored in the head, forming the person’s own experience.

Children often provide the impetus for life. Caring for a small child prevents you from sinking into depression and forces you to constantly do something. But you shouldn’t make a child the only meaning of life. It should be understood that parenting is not the only area in life. It is imperative to find time for your own development and relaxation, to enjoy life.

People who would not like to be successful and wealthy, as well as happy and healthy, probably do not occur not only often, but one might even say not at all. Because such desires are absolutely normal and healthy. Only sometimes it happens that people do not have enough motivation to achieve their goals and desires. Often they do not achieve the success that they can dream about and tell others, or only themselves.

Lack of motivation stops the process of moving towards your dream and success. Does not allow you to grow and become more successful, healthier, slimmer or more educated. And if a person stops developing, then, as is known, he begins to lose his activity.

Motivation (Latin “movere” - to move) is what moves a person towards a goal. One can even generalize: everything a person does is caused by specific motives.

Any movement (including reflexes) occurs only because they are needed to achieve a variety of goals. If a person stands up, it means he needs to get up in order to move in a specific direction or change his position. No one does anything just like that! And how important the reason (motivation) is, will depend on how quickly the goal is achieved.

The most striking example of motivation is the natural needs of a person (food, sleep, going to the toilet), and when the question arises, I won’t go to eat, sleep, or go to the toilet today, because I don’t have the mood, strength and desire. Yes, these matters can be postponed for some time, but how long can a person hold out? That's right, not for long.

The importance of motivation

Correct and healthy motivation helps a person move towards the most incredible goals and makes him not only successful and beautiful, sometimes it makes people move forward no matter what. And where it seems that nothing can be changed and one must come to terms with it, sometimes a real miracle happens, which a person achieves not only with his hard and titanic work, but, first of all, with his faith and desire to achieve his goal.

To achieve the “impossible”, you need the right motivation. One that will move a person towards that cherished dream or need.

Why does motivation disappear and where does it go?

When a person loses motivation, he stops moving forward and immediately loses his goal. And as you know, without a goal, any movement becomes useless, or rather ineffective. But why does it happen that motivation disappears and where does it go?

Motivation disappears when people do something other than their own business.

It often happens that a person has chosen the wrong path in life. An unloved profession, working for money, living together in a family for the sake of children and many other circumstances make people feel unhappy. Often they lose all interest in life, they forget their dreams, goals and lose all motivation.

The daily routine turns life into the daily fulfillment of uninteresting and sometimes painful duties. It takes a lot of strength and energy and does not bring joy at all.

The task is beyond my strength

If a person has a fairly high goal or dream, it may happen that he simply does not have enough strength, knowledge, skills, support or ingenuity, and sometimes just luck and assertiveness, to achieve it. After this, he may lose motivation. He will be depressed and upset that everything didn’t work out that way, that he couldn’t. After such disappointments in oneself or others, one may “give up” and a person may simply abandon the idea of ​​achieving a certain goal.

How to find motivation?

If a person wants to reach certain heights, or fulfill a dream (lose weight, buy a house, a car, find a good job) or simply move forward, he needs to motivate himself. We need to move forward. But how not to give up halfway, and how to find motivation? Everything you just need:

1. Define a specific and realistic goal.

Goals should be as realistic and specific as possible. If a person wants to lose weight, then he needs to know how much. It’s not easy to lose weight by summer, on Monday or on New Year’s Day. And determine exactly over what period and how much weight you need to lose. If you buy something expensive (an apartment, a house, a car, a trip abroad), then you need to decide exactly what you want, how long it will take to do it, and how much money you need to save.

Knowing exactly what needs to be achieved, you can think through a detailed plan for achieving the goal.

2. Having already a real (specific) goal, you need to draw up a detailed plan for achieving it.

Even if a person knows for sure that he wants to buy an apartment, then knowledge (goals) alone will not be enough. You still need to know how to do this. The same applies to other goals (lose weight, get a diploma, start a family). Having an idea of ​​the end result, you need to think through a plan to achieve it.

Namely: how to do this? (find money, play sports according to the program, go on a diet, read and learn the program or educational material). By making such a detailed plan to achieve big goals, a person allows himself to receive joy from small victories that will encourage him and bring him closer to the main goal.

3. Go from the opposite.

If there are no inspiring goals and cherished dreams (and this sometimes happens), then you can be motivated based on extreme contradictions. Looking at people who are overweight, have not achieved anything worthwhile, are not climbing the corporate ladder, etc. and understand whether a person wants to be the same. If not. This is already a big motivation. This can serve as an impetus not to become like that, but to change for the better and achieve more.

4. Visualize your goal.

To achieve your intended desires, you can engage in visualization. That is, try to imagine your emotions and sensations at the moment when a person gets what he wants. Such “encouragement” helps not to give up halfway.

5. Have a physical embodiment of the goal.

You can not just imagine that the goal has been achieved, but remind yourself of it with some specific object. A picture, photograph, drawing or something else.

6. Argue.

A good motivation can be an argument with friends, family, or colleagues. If you want to prove not only to yourself, but also to others, you can achieve a lot. But do not forget that everything should be within reasonable limits. And you can’t lose your head trying to prove some unrealistic goals or principles.

7. Find like-minded people.

In order not to lose motivation, you can enlist the support of like-minded people who want the same thing. This method of strengthening and maintaining motivation is very effective for those who want to lose weight or learn something new. By exchanging their achievements, successes and failures, people encourage themselves and help each other.

8. Envy.

Yes, yes, envy can also serve as motivation. Noticing something better in someone makes you want to have it yourself; this motivates many people. But here it is important to stop in time. Envy is not always good, or rather very rare.

9. Admire.

On the contrary, admiration can push one to achieve goals. After watching a movie or reading a book about successful people, you can be inspired to repeat their path to their goal.

10. Don't stop searching for yourself.

Only by finding his own path (favorite thing, hobby, work) does a person become happy, he finds balance, and the confidence that he lives as he wants. Having such support and moving in the right direction, you can move forward and not be afraid that everything is in vain. On such a path, laziness and fear will not appear, and if they do, they will appear only for a short moment and will immediately disappear, because a person receives pleasure not from the goal itself, but from the process of achieving it.

Motivation is of great importance in a person's life. It is difficult to imagine achieving any significant goals without sufficient desire to take an important step. Motivation for life is the direction that leads a person forward and allows him to reveal his significant needs. Without this important component, a person will never begin to act actively and realize his true desires.

Many people, unfortunately, suffer from a lack of motivation. Loss of motivation leads to the fact that they do not want anything, they do not find the inner strength to act openly, without masks and pretense.

When there is no motivation for life, a person becomes lethargic and apathetic, and stops noticing his own desires. Individuality cannot develop in such conditions. Motivation to live is a natural desire, but if it is not maintained at the proper level, it sometimes disappears. Your life position may change under the influence of prevailing circumstances. How to develop the ability to appreciate every moment and learn to enjoy life?

Search for meaning

How to find motivation? A person should always be aware of why he lives. At different periods of life, a person relies on different priorities, which form a significant basis for his existence. These components control his consciousness and force him to move forward. Motivational words about life are sometimes something everyone needs to hear.

A person motivated to develop can go far in his quest and make life truly interesting. Inspiring activities bring a lot of pleasure and make you look at everyday reality in a new way. The only question is how to find motivation, learn to live and be happy.

Internal needs

Motivation for life begins with awareness of your inner needs. Every person strives for something, hopes for something, and willingly devotes his time to something. How to motivate yourself to develop? You need to be ready to accept significant changes. Understanding your own desires allows you to build immediate prospects and outline ways to achieve your dreams.

If a person has a dream, he lives as if fluttering on wings, expanding his inner boundaries and capabilities. Everyone has their own resources, but not everyone actually uses them. The need to develop can bring a person to a completely different level of perception of his own essence.

Target selection

In life, there is no point in wasting yourself on many things. You need to be interested in many things, but seriously focus on one thing in order to concentrate your energy on achieving what you want. The choice of target is of great importance. From this moment, a person begins to see a completely complete picture in front of him and therefore the necessary steps are lined up in front of him. Having decided on the direction of the path, you can start moving. The more time a person devotes to his dream, the sooner it can become a reality. Additional motivation for life is not required for those who are passionate about their own idea.

This point implies that a person accepts responsibility for his actions. His achievements fully correspond to his stated ambitions. A person who wants development will definitely think about self-realization at some point. Then additional energy appears to achieve what you want. It is this that allows you not to deviate from the chosen direction, not to waste your time on trifles and not to get hung up on failures. Everyone has disappointments, but it’s hardly worth paying attention to them. You just need to draw the appropriate conclusions and move on.

There is no one specific method for self-realization. Personal growth begins when a person does not sit in one place, but is constantly looking for some ways to attract what he wants into his life. The development of individuality means that a person releases a huge amount of energy for his intentions. Such courage is usually dictated by an internal desire to do many useful things. To a wise person, life does not seem too long, so he tries to do everything in time.

Own rules

If you look at most people, a curious circumstance becomes clear. They don’t even start playing by their own rules, fearing in advance that they will lose. While waiting for a catch, a person will sooner or later receive it. Such a person, as a rule, does not strive to realize his dreams; he simply does not believe in his own prospects. By choosing a job they don’t like, many don’t understand that they are ruining their lives, not allowing themselves to develop, and putting invisible but significant obstacles in their way.

Living by your own rules means taking responsibility for what happens. Only a spiritually strong person can be willing to set goals that come from within and move towards their solution. He will not be afraid, he will not shrink from difficulties. If a person needs additional motivation to take action, then he is not confident in himself. Sometimes you need to enlist the support of loved ones in order to believe in your own prospects.

Overcoming difficulties

How to develop motivation to live on if you are disappointed? Is it worth being too upset about temporary setbacks? Not a single task is complete without difficulties. Every now and then life puts up significant obstacles for a person to learn to overcome. By developing perseverance and perseverance, many people don’t even notice how they become stronger and begin to act more confidently.

Coping with adversity is an important skill to acquire. Then no disappointments will be terrible. And when a person tries to avoid any difficulties, he actually does not develop. Hiding behind masks, it is impossible to move towards what you want. You need to motivate yourself not to give up, at least in order not to lose faith in your own prospects.

Serious disappointments

What to do if you don’t have the strength to fight difficulties? How to live further? In some cases that are beyond the control of reason, a person loses a lot of precious energy trying to cope with all-consuming internal pain. In this case, you always want to feel support from the outside. The mistake is that people often try to seek help from others instead of turning within themselves. A person forgets that he has internal resources, and therefore strength, which no one can actually take away.

Thus, motivators about life are the most effective methods for eliminating despondency and bad mood. Of course, each person makes his own decisions about what to focus on and where to draw inspiration from. However, it is imperative to be aware of why and what life is spent on. To do this, it is worth revising your beliefs from time to time.

Sometimes you just want to start a new life! Go on a diet, exercise, learn to drive, open your own business. But how to find motivation for all this?

Many people dream... But how many actually achieve their goals?

Almost every one of my friends has a cherished dream. Some people dream of losing weight, some of them dream of getting a license, others of writing a book or opening a restaurant. Their dreams were not born yesterday - these aspirations are already 2-3, or even more years old. And during all this time, almost no one came closer to the cherished goal. Didn't start working!

We are always missing something... We think that the problem is lack of time, weak willpower, insufficient preparation and lack of the right moment.

In fact, all these reasons are just the tip of the iceberg. The main source of our inaction is the lack of sufficient motivation.

“How can this be?!?”, you will be surprised. “I really want to lose weight/start my own business/become the most beautiful!”

So why then are you not a millimeter closer to your cherished goal?

You can talk a lot about how you want to lose weight while eating another bun. Or assure your friends over a glass of beer in a bar that you will certainly earn a lot of money. Or die from an insane desire to find the man of your dreams while watching another soap opera. But all this is not today, later... and now I’ll rest a little more, idle around... what’s the rush?

This means there is no incentive! Anyone can reason while lying on the couch, but getting up and doing it is more difficult, it requires strength and desire. “But God forbid it doesn’t work out yet! It’s better not to try...” - fear and laziness speaks in us.

But in order to achieve something, you need to move, always move forward.

And sometimes the temptation is so great to give up everything, relax, and be idle.

How to be? How to find motivation to achieve your cherished goal?

How to motivate yourself?

Motivation, hey, where are you?

Finding motivation is not difficult. Just decide what result you want to achieve. If this brings joy to your soul and makes you want to sing and dance, then that’s your goal. And motivation was found.

If the result is not inspiring, then the goal is false, you don’t need it at all. It is very important! Very often desires are not ours, they are imposed by society. In life, only what is truly interesting is achieved.

Motivation is needed everywhere: if you ask yourself the question: how to lose weight, how to find a guy, how to get an award in a competition, how to become the most beautiful, how to achieve success and recognition, then you cannot do without desire.

But it’s not enough to find motivation; you also need to support it, cherish it. So that it does not get lost and does not lose its brightness and charm. If there is no motivation, there will be no result.

5 rules for successful motivation

Brightness and volume

Try to imagine the result you will get as clearly as possible, in the smallest detail. Imagine that you have achieved what you set out to achieve. How has your life changed, how do people treat you? Feel the beauty of the result of your labors.

And every time when your strength is running out, when you want to give up everything and give in to despair, close your eyes for a minute and imagine the result. You will immediately have the strength to move on. After all, the result is worth it, isn't it?
Similar! Imagine yourself slim and beautiful, how men look at you, what clothes you wear, how your friends envy you...

If you ask yourself: how to find motivation to create a business, then imagine how many pleasures you can afford, how interesting your life will become. Imagine the benefits that you can receive, and not the money itself. Money is just pieces of paper, a means to achieve a goal, a reward for work.

Physical reinforcement

Your goal must have a physical embodiment. This could be some thing, a photo that would be associated with the goal.

Let the symbol of your goal always be in a prominent place.

Then you won’t need to ask the question: “How to find motivation?” Motivation will always be with you!

Form goals, make a plan

Write down your goals on paper, make a plan for their implementation. Write everything down point by point, in as much detail as possible. Every night before going to bed, re-read your goals and mark the points of the plan that you have already completed. Set goals for a month, a year, five years.

Make a promise to yourself

Give yourself a promise that you will reach the end and do not break it under any circumstances. For additional motivation, you can make a bet with one of your friends and preferably with money - you will definitely win))

A “living” example is contagious!

Find yourself a role model - this is the best motivation. Your motto should be: “If he can do it, then I can too!”

More fun together!

In any business you need like-minded people. Together it is easier and much more fun to achieve your goal.

Your friends and family members can become like-minded people. Like-minded people can be found in the vast expanses of the Global Network. The main thing is that this cooperation be fruitful for the business and motivating for each participant.

If there are no people in your circle who are in tune with you, don’t tell everyone about your goals. Even the occasional seed of doubt can reduce motivation and vitality.

I hope these simple tips helped you understand how to find motivation, because these tips are universal and can be applied to almost any goal. Then the result will not be long in coming!

P.S - a video that moves you to tears... makes you think about your life... and act! Be sure to watch this video changed my life!

You just need to sincerely want and start working!

Problems with motivation? This is serious. You will have to delve into yourself to understand the true reasons. But now we will not talk about this. This article contains ways to solve the problem here and now. They will help you “start the engine”. And then, you see, you’ll get involved in work. You won't go far with them, but they can save a specific day.

Seriously about motivation

If you have persistent problems with motivation, these thick, serious books will help you:

  • "Drive. What Really Motivates Us by Daniel Pink;
  • " ", Neil Fiore;
  • " ", Tal Ben-Shahar;
  • "Flow. The Psychology of Optimal Experience,” Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi.

This was a lyrical digression for those who like to criticize in the comments. Let's move on to the tricks!

Trick #1: Goal board

I made a marker board like Dr. House's:

I did it to illustrate my weekly and monthly planning, but I unexpectedly got a motivational effect. I hung it near my work place. Every day I miss my goals. I involuntarily glance at the board 100 times a day. And I developed a kind of itching. I would like to quickly cross out all these tasks.

Try it, +5% motivation is guaranteed!

Trick number 2. REM sleep

Often problems with motivation are caused by a banal lack. The simplest remedy is 15 minutes of daytime sleep. Tested from my own experience. Longer sleep is also good, but then it is not a guarantee that you will be able to fall asleep at night.

Trick #3: Mental map with pictures

I have . These are just pictures that motivate me. It is known that visual images reach us much faster than anything else.

Of course, everyone can have their own pictures:

  • icon;
  • father mother;
  • child;
  • a great athlete or businessman;
  • Bugatti Veyron or gold iPhone (wow to be like that!).

It only takes two or three minutes to run your eyes over the map. And the effect is noticeable immediately.

Trick number 4. Yell at yourself, hurt yourself

It can be helpful to yell at yourself a little. It is not necessary to scold - just make a suggestion.

It happens that you walk around the room, shout, and problems with motivation immediately disappear. That's why I like to work alone. It’s hard to imagine such raised conversations somewhere in a coworking space.

You can also hurt yourself. For example, hitting a brick wall hard with your fist. Pain helps you shake yourself up. The main thing is not to overdo it: even a highly motivated person will not be able to work with a broken arm.

I learned this trick from popular blogger Jon Morrow, who advises putting yourself in a state of altered consciousness before writing each article.

Yes, there are books that are great motivation. It may not take 15 minutes to read them, but they can have a more lasting effect. For example, books by Tim Ferriss and Tony Robbins have this effect. A video of some powerful motivational trainer works well. There is a lot of this stuff lying around on torrents. Something like this:

Look, the video is funny.

Trick number 6. Anchors

Every person has anchors for work and rest. For example, my anchors for intensive work are:

  • coffee + sweets;
  • earplugs in the ears;
  • dark room.

“I put all this on myself and turn into a machine without fatigue or hesitation. I am careful with the first point - it is harmful to my health.

Trick #7: Super detailed plan

The fact that a good plan helps is clear to the goat. Here we are talking about chewing your actions into a fine pulp. Right down to “turn on the computer.” It doesn’t look serious, but it works in particularly clinical cases.

Still lazy? Try to lie down and write everything down while lying on the couch. :)

Bottom line

Do you love your job? Are your family and colleagues supportive? Good salary? And yet you are not immune from air motivational pits. In such cases, my tricks will definitely help you. But remember: these are just tricks.

What tricks do you use? What books motivate you? Video? Music?