Denis Baryshnikov: “Yoga is the path in the right direction! What are your favorite dishes

Denis Baryshnikov, OJSC PSEZ Ulyanovsk: “I stopped reading books about business 10 years ago”

He also told us about his daily routine, conflicts between employees, vacations, and negotiations in Europe and Asia.

The port special economic zone "Ulyanovsk" was formed in accordance with the decree of the government of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2009 on the territory adjacent to the international airport "Ulyanovsk-Vostochny". It is the only SEZ in Russia that has access to the infrastructure of an international airport and aviation infrastructure on its territory. SEZ residents are provided with significant tax benefits and administrative support. Land plots are provided for rent at a low rate, and after the investor implements the project - into ownership at the cadastral value. The construction of infrastructure and payment for connection to networks is carried out at the expense of the federal and regional budgets. Our SEZ is a free customs zone, which allows foreign goods to be imported into its territory without duties and VAT. The complex project is led by Denis Baryshnikov.

— Denis, thank you for agreeing to answer our questions. How do you start your working day?

— My working day usually starts at four o’clock in the morning.

- Wow!
— From four to five in the morning I’m planning. I take my organizer, check my email, if necessary, compose and send letters. I look at what needs to be done over the course of a week, a month, and also make adjustments to my plans for several months in advance. I formulate long-term items on paper, in regular diaries. Outlook and Google Doc formats, in my opinion, do not allow for long-term projects, because online there is a fairly rigid grid and framework for doing things. But all my upcoming plans are in Google Calendar. I used Outlook before, but Google's service is better. I travel a lot and have tested this in practice.

— Have you checked the plans, made adjustments, and are you ready to go to work?
- During this time I wake up. Then I usually run out of the house or ride my bike to our office in New Town. At about eight o'clock in the morning I find myself at work.

— How late does your working day end?
- Standard - at six. I try not to stay late at work, I think it’s harmful. You have to do all the work during the day. I often leave work by bicycle or by car. I try to go to bed at 10-11 pm. This is my biological rhythm. At home I deliberately limit myself from working to long evenings, especially considering that I get up at four in the morning, and sometimes at three. Physical and psychological fatigue accumulated during the day does not allow me to work effectively in the evening. Early morning is the most golden and productive time, when the phone is silent, no one is around, there is an opportunity to think and make the right decisions outside of the hustle and bustle, without distractions. Experience shows that I make all the necessary and correct decisions between five and seven in the morning. During dynamic activity and motor work of the body, when I am jogging or riding a bicycle, the brain concentrates as much as possible.

— How many days off do you have?
— Of course, I have days off... It’s just that at this time I often think not about tactical, current plans, but about strategic tasks. For me, rest is not a sofa, but a change of activity, when you can think about something else that you didn’t think about at work, or you can dig up your mother’s garden. Or ride a bicycle for several tens of kilometers. The longest weekend for me is a vacation, but lately, to be honest, I don’t feel much need for it. I'm good at combining work and rest throughout the month. I do this so as not to overstrain my brain and body, which would then need a real good long vacation. Business trips replace it for me.

- Excellent principle. Are you a strict leader or a soft one?
— The calendar is the calendar, and the leaders’ strictness or gentleness has nothing to do with it. I do not welcome changes to the work calendar that have not been previously agreed upon with me. If people do something incorrectly or at the wrong time, it means they do not meet the objectives of our organization. However, in other areas of regulation of the work of the Ulyanovsk SEZ, I am softer. An SEZ is essentially a project office, a startup; we are building the first zone of this level in Russia, with a large number of open tasks that are not formulated radically according to the principle “Go there and do that.” Our formulation of tasks often involves a creative approach and initiative on the part of the employee. In these cases, I try not to force people into a rigid framework so that they can give their decisions, and not rely only on the boss or management directives, chewed in detail by me.

— How do you resolve conflicts and disagreements between your subordinates?
— The absence of conflicts shows, in my opinion, that most likely something is not quite right in the organization. My task as a leader is to listen to the parties who are in conflict over certain resources of the organization, and then make a compromise decision, or a decision in which I take one side or another. My job is to resolve the dispute.

— Do you have any main principle that guides you?
— Remember the famous expression “The end justifies the means”? It is often used in a negative way, too harshly. I reformulated it for myself: “The goal justifies the process of achieving it.” This is important to remember, especially in Russia, since there is often no “window of opportunity” to achieve a goal if everything is done “as expected.”

— You often have to go abroad. What experience have you gained in the West and in the East?

— In general, Western control systems and Eastern control systems are different. Fortunately, my experience allows me to talk with both Western and Eastern partners. In the USA and Europe they use a direct business approach in negotiations. Asia, the East, in particular China, is a very delicate topic. Western approaches to negotiations do not always work here. For example, you agree that within two years you will deliver such and such a product at such and such a time. Everything seems clear. But in the Eastern mentality this is not at all the case. There it means something like this: under certain conditions, maybe, if everything goes well, such deliveries can happen. The mistake that Western businessmen make when negotiating in Asia is being straightforward. Russia is at the crossroads of these civilizations; understanding and knowing how to behave with Western and Eastern partners is very important for us. I believe that we can do this, and this is a plus for our country.

— How deeply did you have to dive into the aviation industry, since you manage the SEZ related to aviation?
— I didn’t have to dive deep, I have 15 years of experience working for Volga-Dnepr Airlines. I know the industry from the inside, including the processes that have occurred and are occurring at such a huge plant as Aviastar-SP. Of course, I had to learn to understand other areas. Otherwise, you will not be able to speak the same language with the residents of the zone, and you will not be able to attract them to work in the project.

— Do you have idols in business, or don’t create for yourself...
- Do not make yourself an idol. I can’t say that I accept absolutely everything in people from whom I could take an example. I only accept certain principles. Moreover, these people are not some stars of the first magnitude, these are my friends, in whom I see the maximum manifestation of certain qualities. Some are very efficient, some are very organized, another is a very good tactician, another is a very good politician, another is great at working with personnel.

Richard Branson

— What business literature do you read?
— I stopped reading applied business literature about ten years ago. Now I rely more on my life experience than on what is written in books. Publications on how to negotiate, for example, are a passed stage for me. I switched to more global and philosophical things, I mean books at the intersection of business and philosophy. Besides, I don't have much time to read. That's why I try to listen to them in audio format when I ride my bike to work. Monotonous physical work helps to concentrate on the material in the book. But if we take the business segment, then these are books by Richard Branson and Radislav Gandapas. The latter has a lot of interesting audiobooks, he packages and presents them well.

Just a few years ago, Denis Baryshnikov was a meat eater and regularly drank alcohol. Having gone through misunderstandings from loved ones and a difficult physical transformation, Denis became an excellent yoga teacher and a convinced vegetarian.

Today, the Yoga Federation teacher shares valuable experience with readersVegetarian.

“I studied to become an engineer, then worked - it seemed like I was successfully completing my life program. True, the psychological state was close to depression. In addition, some kind of internal aggression always lived within me, ready to come out at the first opportunity.

I used to think that vegetarians were some kind of crazy people. I ate a lot of meat and, in general, did not lead the healthiest lifestyle. At that time in my life there were a lot of all sorts of parties with alcohol and soft drugs, and all my friends lived in much the same way. Now I don’t feel the need for this, I don’t like the taste of alcoholic drinks, and being intoxicated is associated with poisoning.”

What led you to change?

I have always had a feeling of dissatisfaction with life, which is why I was constantly in active search and loved to try something new. In addition, I was drawn to the esoteric, and yoga, as it seemed to me then, was its quintessence.

Once I took a Hatha yoga class, where I had a rather interesting experience, despite the fact that at that time I was absolutely stiff, like wood, and I couldn’t do a lot of things. I became interested and started training a couple of times a week. Quite by chance, one day I found myself in a kundalini yoga lesson, which became a revelation for me: it was not just a physical activity, but a journey that changed the inner state. After the class, I had the feeling that I had not only gone through fire, water and copper pipes, but also emerged victorious. I felt full of energy, the inclusion of sensations. I was simply captivated and realized: “This is definitely mine.”

They told me that there was such a teacher, Alexander Kulikov, and I started going to him. In his classes I discovered gong meditation, which I also really liked. All this happened 7 years ago. Now I teach kundalini yoga classes and gong meditation myself.

How did you become a vegetarian?

Once I took part in a visiting kundalini yoga seminar in Crimea, it was a new experience for me, everything seemed very strange, especially such a morning event: at 4 am you had to dive into a rather cool sea, and after bathing for two and a half hours, do the morning exercise sadhana. In addition, it was advisable to adhere to a vegetarian diet. But I accepted these rules of the game and gave myself entirely to the process. And after returning to Moscow, I realized that I no longer wanted to eat meat. I was never told that this was harmful or bad, it was just an internal rejection without any theoretical basis. Now I have a clearer position: I have compassion for animals, and I know for sure that for health it is better not to eat meat. I believe that if one day all people on Earth become vegetarians, there will be no war in the world. And then everything will look like the movie “Beautiful Green.”

So, when I stopped eating meat, the most interesting thing happened: the whole world around me decided that I had gone crazy! My parents were afraid for me, they gave me meat, they persuaded me, they were offended. I always had to defend my decision, and this strengthened me even more and gave me strength.

Physically it was very difficult: I lost 15 kilograms of weight, felt weak, and was very cold in winter. The restructuring process took about six months. But psychologically I felt great: I felt incredible lightness and understood that the body was being cleansed. All this time I did not stop doing yoga, which really supported me.

I realized that thanks to yoga my life has changed a lot. It was as if I was sleeping, and then I woke up and saw the world completely different: interesting, beautiful, bright, filled with love. Life opened up to me in all its diversity. I felt Love for the world, for everything around me, and these are not just words, it was a new and very strong experience for me. I began to see everything differently: people, nature, streets, sunsets and sunrises. Internal aggression disappeared, and love appeared in its place.

Why are yoga and vegetarianism so closely related?

Yoga is the ancient art of improving the spirit and body. The path of yoga is inextricably linked with vegetarianism. This is a harmonious way of life from a philosophical and moral point of view. It is based on the understanding that other creatures also have feelings and experience emotions similar to humans. This belief forces a person to be more careful in his actions and try not to cause suffering to other living beings. This is one of the main principles of yoga and vegetarianism - “ahimsa” (non-violence). Its observance is a necessary condition for spiritual self-improvement. Vegetarianism helps maintain the purity of subtle energy channels, eliminates aggression, and helps maintain a calm, meditative state of mind. The main advantage of vegetarianism is that it helps develop a person's natural attraction and love for God.

Have you tried other diet plans, raw food diet, for example?

I once ate only green foods for 40 days - such a summer diet. And in winter I “sat” for 40 days on kitchari. This was part of a Kundalini Yoga teacher training program. There was a very strong cleansing of the body, but the condition was good. Such experiments must be carried out very carefully, listening carefully to the body, and supporting yourself with yoga practice so as not to undermine your health.

What are your favorite dishes?

Palak paneer is an Indian spinach dip with pieces of homemade cheese. Pumpkin soup, pancakes with honey, fried potatoes, vegetable salad with herbs. The main dish of Ayurvedic cuisine is kitchari, if it is properly prepared, it contains everything you need: proteins, vitamins and other valuable substances. Kitchari is a stew of rice with mung beans (mung beans), butter and spices. I also eat dairy products, cottage cheese, and cheese. I choose the one that is made without rennet.

Many people believe that vegetarians are chronically lacking in protein, amino acids, energy, or something else. You have a pretty busy schedule. How are you coping?

I, like many people, go to the office five times a week and work as an engineer. I teach three lessons a week at the Yoga Federation and at the Shambhala Yoga Center. And I study at home every day. Like most people, I have a personal life and a family. Of course I get tired, but I don’t think I get more tired than other people. I can withstand long-term loads, I think that I have a fairly high level of endurance. Despite the first blood group, the most difficult for vegetarianism.

There is an opinion that yogis must be hermits, or renounce worldly vanity. How does this apply to you?

By doing yoga, I do not renounce urban social life with all its problems. I live in Moscow, one of the largest metropolises in the world, and participate in the life of the city to the fullest. Besides teaching yoga, I have a job that I enjoy, and I spend almost all day around people: going to meetings, riding the subway, spending time with friends and family.

What about your personal life?

After kundalini yoga appeared in my life, I began to perceive relationships and my partner differently. Even sex has changed a lot for the better. There was an understanding that relationships can constantly blossom, this is the highest yoga, the one that happens between a man and a woman. By the way, I recently married a wonderful girl who completely shares my beliefs. We met at an ethnic music concert. She plays the piano and also teaches yoga and music classes for children. My wife and I are very close in spirit.

Tell us, when and where is the best time to practice yoga?

In principle, yoga can be done anywhere and at any time. The main thing is that it gives you pleasure. The most favorable time for classes is early morning (from 3.30 to 7.00). We awaken our body and set our minds up for the whole day ahead. Evening practice is also beneficial. It promotes relaxation and sound, restful sleep, relieves stress accumulated during the day. In addition to practicing at home and in the classroom, practicing yoga in nature is very beneficial for physical and mental health. It is very interesting to do yoga while traveling.

What was your most significant journey?

When I began to actively practice yoga, I wanted to learn more about the culture in which it originated, to feel the energy of these places. So I went to the north of India. The journey began in the Sikh city of Amritsar. Sikhism is one of the world religions; it is directly related to yoga, since the founder of the Western school of Kundalini yoga was a Sikh. There is the Golden Temple (Golden Temple), where the Guru Granth Sahib is kept, a sacred book - a collection of religious poems and hymns created by ten Sikh gurus. This book is considered to be the 11th and final guru. At 4 am, it is solemnly taken out of the temple and one verse from it is read out. For Sikhs this becomes the wisdom of the day.

A very strong place is the Sikh city of Goindwal. There is a sacred temple with a well, to which 84 steps lead. While going down the steps, you need to read prayers from the holy book, about 20 minutes of reading on each one. It is believed that by going through all the steps and plunging into the well, a person frees himself from the need for 8,499,999 cycles of incarnations.

We also visited the foothills of the Himalayas, there are a lot of interesting places and strong energy there. Not far from the city of Rivalsar there is a cave where Buddha Botthisattva meditated for 12 years. And in the mountains of the Kullu Valley we visited Roerich’s residence. Overall, it was a very interesting journey.

Most Hindus, by the way, are vegetarians; they deeply respect their religious traditions and spend a lot of time in prayer. There are special places for yoga classes, they are called Ashrams, usually there is a temple for prayers and housing for students. The ashram is a sacred place for the community; the whole family comes there, does yoga, communicates with each other and with the teacher, prays and meditates.

Tell me, what is your main goal? What are you moving towards?

Oh, this is a lifelong question. We all have to find out this someday.

Interviewed by Vlada Ogneva

In the Ulyanovsk region, a special economic zone has existed since 2009, created for the purpose of economic development of the region and attracting new investors. All this time, the work of OJSC “Port Special Economic Zone “Ulyanovsk”” was led by Denis Baryshnikov. Tonight the director of PSEZ announced his resignation from his position.

Denis Baryshnikov was appointed director of the Ulyanovsk branch of the management company “Special Economic Zones” back in 2010. Prior to this, Baryshnikov worked as director of project financing for the Volga-Dnepr Group of Companies, general director of the VolgaTechnoport Management Company, and was the founder of the Bowling Center, Orient Express and Lenin Hills.

On paper, the Ulyanovsk PSEZ has existed since the end of 2009, but for more than 8 years, only 2 residents have actually made money in the zone - the company Technic One (formerly AAR-Rus) and Promtekh-Ulyanovsk. The customs terminal in the PSEZ was launched only in the fall of 2017.

“It was a difficult journey of four years of “paper births”, in which we lost our brothers from the Krasnoyarsk and Khabarovsk Territories, three years of infrastructure construction, 15 amendments to the legislation on the SEZ, 25 attracted residents, 10 inspections of the ONF, the Prosecutor’s Office , Accounts Chamber, Tax Inspectorate, who found no flaws in the actions of the management company! ”, writes Baryshnikov on Facebook.

However, in 2016, the Accounts Chamber recognized the majority of Russian SEZs as ineffective, and the port zone in Ulyanovsk was no exception. In addition, the chamber identified cases where, with money allocated from the budget, facilities were built not in the PSEZ, but in “adjacent territories.” For example, the Ulyanovsk–Dimitrovgrad–Samara highway, the reconstruction of which cost 650 million rubles, is located 17 km from the entrance to the SEZ. The Accounts Chamber also called the expenses for the construction of a complex with an apron for two aircraft “not related to the SEZ.” This cost the federal budget 800 million rubles.

Despite leaving the leadership of the Ulyanovsk PSEZ, Baryshnikov is not going to quit working with special economic zones. The manager announced the creation of the SEZ-Service company, which provides all types of services for residents at the project stage.

“Many of our clients experience difficulties in implementing their plans due to lack of experience in project management, attracting investments, and construction. Management companies of special economic zones cannot always come to the aid of investors due to the presence of a “conflict of interest”, limited human resources, legislative and financial restrictions,” explained Baryshnikov. He also explained that SEZ-Service will develop a business plan, attract financing, design and other services.

Baryshnikov said that he will remain on the board of directors of the Ulyanovsk PSEZ. The new director of the organization, according to him, will be chosen on November 9.