How to celebrate the anniversary of the organization. Corporate "Birthday": organization of the company's birthday. The scenario of the anniversary corporate event consists of several main blocks

The birthday of the company is not an ordinary booze or corporate party for the New Year. This is the main event of the year in terms of holidays. So gifts, balloons and other paraphernalia inherent in the celebrations will be available. It's just that this event can be an excellent tool for promoting a company in its market, and this chance is not recommended to be missed.

Date of Birth

Its choice must be approached from a practical point of view, since there are many options from the date of registration to the first release of products, i.e. you can stop at any first event. This is not a mandatory rule, but it is recommended to celebrate your birth at the peak of business activity so that you can use this good news to the maximum benefit for the profitability of the company. Therefore, the best period is the end of winter, spring and autumn. Naturally, companies whose sales peak occurs in other seasons should focus on their periods.

Celebration period

It is advisable not to limit yourself to one day. A week, or even a year (if the anniversary date) - that's our way! This period is just enough for an extensive advertising campaign, holding promotions, such as “We are 5 years old, and therefore every 5th client has a 10% discount!” and similar "gifts" to consumers in honor of the company's birthday, which is merrily celebrated, customers are happy with discounts, and your sales are growing.


Again, in order to once again remind yourself of yourself, it is recommended to plan the production of branded souvenirs indicating your logo, and if it is awarded to important partners, then it is advisable to also put their symbols on it. As a basis, you can use a lot of options: boxes of chocolates, calendars, mugs, T-shirts, stationery, etc.

Carry out a massive advertising campaign covering the street, the press and transport. Fortunately, the market is developing by leaps and bounds in this direction, and developers are offering more and more new solutions, for example, non-standard advertising made of inflatable structures has been available not so long ago (namely, on inflatable balls, although you can order a figure in the form of a bottle, jars, on which a logo is applied, promotion conditions, etc.). So, in the advertising text dedicated to the birthday of the company, the “age” and achievements should be indicated, such as “50 tons of sausages in 5 years”.

In honor of the holiday, it’s not a sin to once again remind clients and partners about yourself: send someone greeting cards with an invitation to the celebration, someone the conditions of promotions held on the occasion of a birthday or letters of thanks that you have been cooperating with us for 1 - 5 - 10 years .

Such dates are a good reason to encourage company employees and important partners for the company, the first will be most pleasant to receive an award, and the second to present a diploma as the most reliable partner or the best supplier.

Of course, you should plan a traditional banquet, or you can take a more extreme route and organize a country picnic or celebrate on a climbing wall, underwater, etc.


It doesn’t hurt to think about the choice of participants either, it makes sense not to limit yourself (especially when it comes to an anniversary date) to the company’s employees alone, including major clients and important business partners in the list of invited guests. Only, when gathering such a “motley” company, it is better not to unite them together, or rather, approach this based on a specific goal. So, for example, it is advisable to gather business partners and top managers at the same table in order to more closely “tie up” business ties in a relaxed atmosphere. It is better to leave employees of the "junior level" alone with the toastmaster, so that they can calmly relax and be distracted from the work process.

Holiday goals

If everything is thought out and foreseen in advance, then the celebration of a birthday will have a beneficial effect on team building. An extensive advertising campaign, including the use of non-standard tools, can attract new customers, which will ultimately have a positive impact on the company's profitability. Also, events related to the celebration will work to strengthen or enhance the image of the company.

An unprofessional organizer may not be able to do such a volume of work, especially since it is not enough to simply organize, you also need to ensure the coordinated work of all components of the holiday. It is best to trust such complex developments to specialized agencies, especially since now there are many options both for the taste of the customer and for the size of his budget.

But some points can still be implemented independently. These tips will be useful to those who, for whatever reason, cannot afford a full-fledged celebration. But a birthday is a birthday, certain attributes must be present even at the most modest celebration.

Room decor in festive colors

What item is associated with the birthday of almost any person? Of course, these are balloons. This attribute of the holiday does not happen much. Balls can be scattered on the floor, hung from the ceiling, build a company logo out of them. They will perfectly fit into any interior, whether it is a restaurant or an assembly hall.

Huge figures, and smaller sculptures can be created from foam, or rather, ordered. You can come up with not only funny three-dimensional figures, but also inscriptions, for example, you can put the name of the company in letters. Such objects are wildly popular among lovers of photography. Similar letters can be hung on the walls, set in the middle of the room, and smaller versions will perfectly decorate holiday tables.

In general, the decor of the room largely depends on the style of your event, maybe it will be a corporate party in the style of superheroes or a pirate corporate party, or maybe the company's management has sympathy for chic palace halls and is ready to arrange a royal evening.

A place for a photo, or “Attention, you are being filmed!”

Most likely, everyone who came to the event dedicated to the organization's birthday will want to take a picture as a keepsake. So that the photos are not banal, you can provide some interesting place. It can be a tantamaresque - a banner in which holes for faces are made. With the help of such a device, everyone can instantly transform into ... But who depends on the area in which the birthday company works, how friendly its employees are with humor.

If you don’t feel like fooling around, order a press wall. This is a banner on which there is the name of the company and the date of the holiday. Photos can also be used to create memorabilia. For example, photos of the team on mugs or T-shirts will be a great thing that every employee will use with pleasure. And every year, with the help of photos of employees, you can create some interesting creative solution: a “Photo Tree”, or a “Gallery of Stars”.

Stylish buffet for the best company

There is a good option for celebrating, completely different from the usual feasts - a buffet table. And not just a buffet, but thought out to the smallest detail. That is, not only some snacks that you can take and immediately eat (tartlets, small pies), but also snacks and decoration in the appropriate style. Any “quirks” are connected here: small photos on coasters, flags, skewers, cups with company logos, some figurines, cups and product examples. Everything together should merge into a harmonious picture. It is quite possible to organize such a table on your own.

By the way, another type of buffet table may well be applicable for a birthday - lady buffet. If a girl is dressed up in a company uniform, or a dress in the colors of the logo, then such a table will be just a godsend. Properly selected nuances will provide a beautiful, unusual and attractive buffet.

Congratulations to the employees on a significant date!

Different companies have their own traditions. Somewhere partners are congratulating, somewhere employees are preparing a surprise for management, and in some places vice versa. All this, in fact, is not important, because the means for the implementation of such congratulations are the same.

  • The sand show, which became popular a few years ago, still does not lose its relevance. The artist creates one picture after another on the sand with his hands, the story is projected onto a large screen, where everyone present can recognize both the characters and the events. This performance takes about 20 minutes, if desired, it can be burned to disk. Either way, the memories are sure to last forever. By the way, if you can’t invite the sand master to the place of celebration, then order such a recording from him in advance and just scroll it on the big screen.
  • The cake, which is made in the form of some kind of plot relating to the life and work of the enterprise, will be an excellent congratulation for everyone. Or maybe it will be a cake with figurines of workers? Everything depends on the wishes of the customer. Sometimes it’s worth coming up with something very humorous, the main thing is that the team understands exactly what the confectioner portrayed.
  • A comic or serious film about company employees will be a great birthday present. If you shoot such a tape a little bit throughout the year, then the viewing pleasure will be multiplied. “We shot a movie for so long and fun, what happened there?”
  • The photobook will show the most unforgettable moments experienced by the company. Significant events, memorable dates - such a book will not only be a good gift, but also an excellent souvenir that reflects the history of the formation of the company celebrating its birthday today.
  • Personal souvenirs for each employee - it's hard to come up with something more pleasant. Such a gift will remind you of an important event, and the employee will increasingly feel like a part of one large team. It can be a nice personalized pen with a company logo, or a mug with a photo and logo - the choice is yours!

Good Entertainment - Experience Guaranteed

Of course, at any birthday there should be entertainment, they will not let you get bored and provide a good mood. What options should be preferred?

  • To each - according to merit! It sounds ominous, but in fact, to single out those who excelled in something over the next year of work is a great idea. People with great enthusiasm begin to guess who snatched off the next "award". You can come up with not only serious nominations, but also comic ones, the main thing is to try not to forget anyone, because everyone will want to hear at least a few phrases about their achievements. Use ready-made award ideas from our article: "Corporate awards - comic nominations and more..."
  • Birthday in verse and prose. In principle, there are quite a lot of ready-made scripts for corporate parties on the net. But there is one big “but”, there are no absolutely identical companies, each team has its own characteristics, jokes and secrets. Therefore, you can try to compose such a script yourself, or seek help from professional authors.
  • Corporate Quest. A quest is an entertainment option that is gaining popularity on holidays, such as a company’s birthday, for example. The theme is the life of the company, but everything gets confused to such an extent that even the most “experienced” enthusiastically gets involved in the game, learning new information for themselves and unraveling the tangle of riddles and strange stories. Agencies that organize such entertainment are developing so rapidly that now it is already possible to arrange a truly exciting action that will absorb every employee without exception with its plot.
  • Creative birthday. If you want a real holiday, in which there will be a place for fun, for new knowledge, and for unforgettable emotions - invite some non-standard creative team to the birthday of the company. You can learn to play musical instruments and rehearse a corporate number, or paint a picture of life in a company together. If you buy a batch of white T-shirts, then you can paint them together in the style of the enterprise. The choice is yours, but remember to consider the preferences of the majority.
  • Festive cartoon. If you invite an experienced cartoonist to the celebration, you can get a lot of good mood, laughter and positive. A person working in such a technique practically sees through people, highlights their features both in appearance and in character, and depicts them in a somewhat exaggerated form in the picture. As a result, humorous portraits are obtained, which will become not only a catalyst for a good mood, but also an excellent souvenir. As a rule, an artist can paint about 6 portraits in an hour, so keep this in mind when deciding whether to hire an artist.

We offer a selection of excellent contests "Competitions for the birthday of the company".

The company's birthday, even if it is an ordinary tea party within the office, remains a significant holiday in the life of the company. Another year is behind us, and the past difficulties and joys are still there. This day must be celebrated! Use the tips to ensure that the event leaves only positive emotions in the memory of employees.

"The idea: to celebrate the birth of the company in an official setting with honored guests."

This scenario will be of interest to large companies that want to pompously celebrate their anniversary in an official setting and invite honored guests. The budget of this holiday will be expensive, given the cost of the presenter, creative teams and musicians.

  • Write a list of guests invited to your event, these may be honorary veterans of the organization, may be officials of state administrations, as well as officials of partner enterprises.
  • Send them an invitation, in which indicate the reason for the invitation, the place of the celebration and the time of the event.
  • Work to find talented entertainers, musicians, creative teams, and florists.
  • Conduct an interview with each team or look at their numbers so that it is not five minutes before the start of the holiday, it is excruciatingly painful to see that they made a mistake in choosing.
  • Prizes for competitions: Sets for creativity up to 100 rubles, orders, medals

    Games for the company: Family, Developing for children, Memory development

  • Let the florists deal with the decoration of the hall and build a single concept in which the decoration of the hall will be combined with the proposed buffet table. Give clear instructions to waiters.
  • At the appointed time, gather in the hall much earlier than the set time to check the readiness on the ground.
  • When guests arrive, they are met by the main persons of the company. They are located in the center of the room. It is necessary to consider that everywhere in the hall there were employees who met guests at the entrance and suggested where to go. Those guests who have already congratulated must be escorted to the tables.
  • All this time, while the guests are being met, musicians are playing.
  • The host solemnly opens the event. He speaks about the occasion that brought together all the guests present and conveys the first word of honor to the main persons of the company.
  • After the speech of the first persons, the presenter draws attention to the screen, where a presentation about the work of the company, its employees and achievements will be shown.
  • After the film, it is most appropriate to invite guests to watch the performance of one of the creative teams.
  • The host gives the floor to the guests of honor.
  • During the holiday, it will be possible to offer several competitions, but they will be connected in one way or another with the activities of the company. By no means mobile. for such events, you can look in the "Competitions" section.

Wishes to business partners in honor of the anniversary of the campaign.

Let this anniversary become a new starting point for your business. Let your income grow, and your employees always remain a single friendly team of professionals. Let them do their work competently and responsibly, with full dedication. And then, simply, competitors will have nowhere to go, and they will recognize you as a market leader and take their hat off to you.

The wishes of the company of the hero of the day to their business partners.

You have been and remain all the years of the progressive development of the company ____, our stable partners. Thank you for your choice. Thanks to our fruitful cooperation, ____ continues to be a leader. We have ambitious plans to conquer new heights of business, and you are an integral part of our success.

You can see other text options in the "Wishes" section.

Prizes for competitions: Candles up to 100 rubles, Inexpensive mugs, Towels up to 100 rubles.

Games for the company: To the office after work, Simple, To a party

Company Anniversary Script

A corporate party dedicated to the anniversary of the Company will help not only celebrate labor successes, raise and entertain employees, but also rally the team through communication in an informal setting.

Toastmaster: Hello, dear gentlemen, sirs and madams! Today is a wonderful day, as we are here to celebrate the (number)-year anniversary of your Company (name), which has been able to achieve a lot over so many years of its existence. Do I need to remind you of what you yourself have achieved?!

Friends! You have worked hard for many days

And many nights they thought about the matter,

And often at lunch you didn’t drink, didn’t eat,

And you were only concerned about your work.

And labor conscientious, creative, important

Now crowned with great success - Anniversary!

Not everyone will be able to work and create in the same way.

Years are not a hindrance to you!

Let's raise our glasses to you

Firm, for its (figure)-year anniversary!

(Soft music sounds. After the toast, the participants of the feast start the meal.)

Tamada: Lord! Everyone who is present here knows firsthand that (figure) years is not a period of time that has sunk into the irrevocable past. This is the number of days, hours, minutes of hard work of all employees - from management to the janitor. The floor is given to a person who is probably aware of the contribution of each employee to the common cause, the director of the Firm (full name of the head). (Congratulations from the director, toast, music.) Toastmaster: Friends! No one can challenge the knowledge of Leo Tolstoy in the field of psychology. He said that "happiness is not in always doing what you want, but in always wanting what you do." I propose to raise glasses to your happiness in doing what you love, to your success!

(Party members drink and eat.)

Toastmaster: Dear employees of the Firm, staff and guests! You supported my toast to the success and happiness of working in your Firm so warmly that I became insanely interested in what exactly makes each of you happy. I want to conduct a small sociological survey. This will not be tiresome for you: I do not forget that you deserve good rest and entertainment. Therefore, your task is only to take a card from the hat (from the tray), from which we will find out what (who) makes your work a real pleasure. Dear ones, relax and trust your intuition - it will not let you down. Just draw any card without choosing.

(Tamada brings each employee a hat (tray) with cards folded in half, or turned upside down so that the inscription is not visible. Suggested inscription options: director's wisdom; secretary's smile; mind of an accountant; cleaning lady's skill; security guard's professionalism; parker's pen; goldfish on the screen of my work computer; the kind tram conductors that take me to work; the spirits of my office neighbor; the generosity of my husband (wife), who only three times trampled on the documents that I took home while preparing for the annual report; the watchman's brooch; a warm battery in my office; my new business suit, in which I look impressive; the kindness of the plumber, who reacted with lightning speed to the application and on the third day blocked the gushing water supply in my apartment; the typist's scarf, the head of the department's broken heel, wonderful coffee in our dining room; The guests sort out the cards and read them to everyone, thus answering the question of what makes working in the Firm their happiness.)

Toastmaster: So, friends, whatever the reasons for your happiness and good mood at work, probably, each of you could advise the newcomer with the words of Kozma Prutkov: “If you want to be happy, be it,” and remembering all the same L.N. Tolstoy, one can also add that “happiness is pleasure without remorse.” In my opinion, none of those present here yet regrets that they have the good fortune to celebrate the anniversary of the Firm. Let's raise our glasses to the pure - without remorse - happiness to work in this wonderful team and to those very little things that, as you said, make your life happy!

Anniversary is a serious matter for the 50th anniversary of the plant


to the 50th anniversary of the plant

(concert prepared by the factory amateur performances)

It is desirable that all roles be played by people known at the plant, whom everyone knows, perhaps even the leaders. This makes the atmosphere intimate, warmer, more unusual and more fun.


Nikolai Nikolaevich - head of the department of labor and wages, (plays a role somewhat similar to the hero from the movie "Carnival Night" by Ogurtsov).

Marina Vladimirovna - head of the personnel department, supports the head of O&Z in everything.

They create formality, strictness and observance of generally accepted rules and norms in everything. They should bring their roles as close as possible to their actual real production life at the plant, preferably using as many of their personal words and expressions as possible, which are known to the team.

Lenochka - appointed one of those responsible for writing the script.

Volodya - screenwriter, on the same team with Lenochka

Their task is to lead in a sincere, light, almost family atmosphere, captivating the audience with simplicity, naturalness, humor and a warm, friendly form of communication.


During the exit of the presenters, a light solemn melody plays (waltz from the film "Carnival Night")

In the beginning, Lenochka and Volodya come out.

Lenochka (emotionally): Everything is great! Our concert, prepared by the factory amateurs, is almost ready... Volodya, do you think we will be able to surprise and entertain our people? I'm so worried, it's such a responsibility to perform on such a significant day, when the impossible is expected of you and ... all this pre-holiday fuss ... I'm in such suspense.

Volodya (confidently reassuring): Lenochka, don't worry, we'll break through. Our people are wonderful, all our own. Imagine that you are celebrating our common birthday in your family, where everything is close, everything is familiar and everything is in your biography.

Lenochka (sighing a little sadly, continues): Volodya, that’s all, of course, this is true, well, you know that Nikolai Nikolaevich, head of the OT and Z, has been appointed the chief inspector of our amateur performances! And his assistant is the head of the personnel department Marina Vladimirovna. And Nikolai Nikolaevich is a man of very strict rules, irreconcilable to all sorts of innovations and experiments, and so unpredictable! Here he is, easy on the face. Now you will see!

Nikolay Nikolaevich and Marina Vladimirovna come out

Nikolai Nikolaevich: So you, as I see it, are already here, good! Let's get to the heart of the matter, comrades! There is a fun setting to meet the anniversary of our factory. It imposes on us, so to speak, and at the same time demands from us. We must hold our concert in such a way that no one could say anything. It is necessary to apply a game of fantasy in order to hold our event in accordance with the estimate, so to speak, at a high level and, most importantly, you understand, seriously!

What do you think, Elena Viktorovna?

Lenochka: Preparing a good concert is no small matter.

Nikolai Nikolaevich: Don't worry, Elena Viktorovna, I don't like joking myself and I won't let people! You write it down, Marina Vladimirovna, write everything down!

Marina Vladimirovna (taking notes with a clipboard): Yes, yes, Nikolai Nikolaevich, I am recording everything.

Nikolai Nikolaevich: So, Vladimir Ivanovich, as far as I know, you and Elena Viktorovna were instructed to prepare the script for the anniversary concert of the factory amateur performances?

Volodya: The script is ready! I think the concert should be held in a light festive mood, original performances, bright costumes, songs about the life of the plant...

Nikolai Nikolaevich (interrupts): This is not typical for our people. I personally thought over this question and I think that our concert should begin like this: put a rostrum on the stage, fanfare plays, the speaker comes out and so briefly, forty minutes, more, I think, is not necessary, gives his speech.

Volodya and Lenochka look at each other in bewilderment.

Marina Vladimirovna (with admiration): You have come up with everything, Nikolai Nikolaevich!

Nikolai Nikolaevich: We are trying! So, you prepare the artists for viewing. And, here's something else I want to note, our discipline, comrades, is still lame. The youth, you know, are quite bold! Their speech is incomprehensible. Recently I went to our computer center, I did not understand anything! Some users, screenshots, lamers, you know. Either they need to be banned, then they need to download something, merge, then they hang. Our people don't talk like that! I'm afraid they don't even know our Chief Specialists behind these servers, cracks and glitches.

Marina Vladimirovna: But these, Nikolai Nikolaevich, are such people! It is on them that the solution of all technical problems at the plant depends. These are the Chief Engineer, the Chief Technologist, the Chief Designer and the Chief Controller, the Chief Power Engineer and the Chief Mechanic, the Chief Metrologist, the Chief Accountant! I'm not talking about the Director and his deputies, as well as the deputies of the Chief Engineer, whose work is so significant at our plant.

Lenochka: Don't worry so much! Whoever needs to communicate with the Chiefs will achieve his goal!

Volodya: At least they probably heard about their existence! And here's how to recognize the bosses in the face, more experienced workers will always help them in this! Here listen!

The song “We recognize all the main ones by their gait” sounds (to the tune of “And I recognize my dear by their gait”). If there are screens in the hall, then shoot a silent film about the main specialists to this music: how they go to the headquarters, how this headquarters passes, how they talk to people in the shops, etc. etc. It is desirable that the expression of their emotions coincide with the lyrics of the song.

When everyone goes to the headquarters by ten, uh-huh!

And if the plan is thwarted, we know clearly

They better not meet on the way.

And if they have a smile on their face,

This means that the plan was handed over at the plant by the deadline.

But still, the hurricane passed us. (Someone into microphone offstage: "We'll see!")

And our happiness, though it is unsteady,

But still, the hurricane passed us.

You are experts in everything

Technically savvy for good reason!

And you make decisions.

You look at everything like a realist

And you make decisions.

We wish our main inspiration

And fulfillment of all your plans on time.

The mood will always be great

Everything depends on you, God bless you!

(a loss, during which the singer or one of the singers is dancing, knocking out fractions with their feet, and others urge him on: “Come on, come on!”

We recognize all the main ones by their gait,

When everyone goes to the headquarters by ten. Eh!

Imagine a sophisticated ball where gentlemen twirl their ladies to the rhythm of dance, a disco party in bright acid outfits to ABBA music, or a modern open-air with fluorescent decorations, ultra-modern shows and special effects ... You want to go to one of these evenings? No problem! We will write exclusively for you script for the anniversary of the enterprise, and we will take you to any era, to any country, we will give you a lot of unforgettable impressions.

Arabic dances, Indian adventures - in Persian tents we will arrange for you a luxurious evening in oriental style. Cabaret, jazz and poker - we invite you to a retro party. Dozens of scenarios, hundreds of ideas - we are ready to make your fantasies come true and make your dreams come true.

A team of professionals from the ARTNONSTOP event agency will write company anniversary script thinking through every little detail. Thanks to this, the evening will flow harmoniously. Bursts of vigorous activity will be replaced by lyrical moments, laughter - by dances, show program - by competitions, songs - by toasts.

In addition, we take care of all the concerns for the celebration itself. We will choose a venue for the celebration, and in the style of the evening we will decorate it with flowers, balloons, sculptures and original decor.

No matter how old your company is and how many guests are invited, be it scenario of the anniversary of 10 years of the organization, or the scenario of the centennial anniversary of the plant - the ARTNOSTOP events agency will bring it to life to the smallest detail.

We focus on your taste and budget, our creativity and craftsmanship, as well as fashion trends in the entertainment industry. You will enjoy with us!

tag: script for the anniversary of the enterprise, script for the anniversary of the company, script for the anniversary of 10 years of the organization

Corporate. company anniversary script.

The scenario is intended for a corporate party with a small number of people present 20-30 people.

Guests go to a pre-decorated banquet hall. They are seated.

The leader begins the celebration with the words:

One has an anniversary

But today, the anniversary of many,

Let's celebrate this celebration

So that without a dress code, without strict suits!

Today you can sing and dance

And from the heart, have fun with everyone,

Wine in glasses joyfully splash,

And this date can only be proud of!

Your team knows a lot about work,

And your success, for this confirmation,

And you must pay your debt to him -

Celebrate this Birthday!

The word is given to the administration(to the director, boss, founder, etc.) The director congratulates the team, thanks for the work, touches a little on statistics, a little on plans for the future.

The firm gives present to all employees of the firm (enterprise)

Employees congratulate the administration on the anniversary of the enterprise, gifts are given to managers.

Made in verse form in verse, jokes invented sketches, will be a great surprise for leaders.

A comic scene with dressing up from Babok Ezhek.

Requisites, attributes: buckets, wooden spoons, pot lids, ladles (as musical instruments). On the head are scarves tied back to front, bast wigs, long colored skirts, bright sweaters.

The disguised Grandmothers Ezhki come running with a cry - "IIIIIIIIIIII ...." In time, rattling their instruments, they dance and sing verses in turn, and the chorus all together.

Chastushkas sing:

Stretch fur accordion

Eh! Play and excel

Celebrate firm holiday brightly

Drink wine and be merry.

Walked along the side of the forest

I see a competitor behind me

Incident not allowed

Will become our dividend.

Stretch fur accordion

Eh! Play and excel

Celebrate firm holiday brightly

Drink wine and be merry.

It became brighter in the soul,

Company Anniversary Coming Soon

Oh I don't believe myself

My career will grow.

Stretch fur accordion

Eh! Play and excel

Celebrate firm holiday brightly

Drink wine and be merry.

Our boss will become kinder

Like in a fairy tale barber

The award will be given to all of us

And give a smile.

Stretch fur accordion

Eh! Play and excel

Celebrate firm holiday brightly

Drink wine and be merry.

Grandmother Yozhki leave to the music.

The next comic scene - congratulations will be from the Pediatrician.

This scene can be done impromptu. A doctor dressed in a bathrobe and with a stethoscope, a hammer for tapping on the knees, on the head, depending on what the comic doctor is talking about. It is better to take a hammer for children with a squeaker.

I'm on your glorious holiday

Everyone is invited to check

And of course I will give you instructions.

I will evaluate health, and I will not be hypocritical

I will examine your entire staff

Ear, throat, nose, check...

And of course the appointments of the ladies

Checked pressure first.

So let's see how your mental attitude is? (Listens with a stethoscope in the chest area)

And you would like to check

Heart, lungs are in order ..... Cover your chest (Lady with a large neckline)

And you can’t trust someone with a stack (To someone who is already drunk or usually abuses)

I concluded like this

That everyone in the hall is healthy today

Eat, be merry, drink wine by the river

Let there be an exemplary holiday!

The doctor leaves, the party continues.

The next scene - you can arrange some kind of musical group. For example, blacks. "Boney Em"

Details, attributes: black stockings on the head (cut a hole under the mouth) put glasses on the eyes. Black gloves, Bright shiny sweaters, and leggings for girls.

Bright shiny or Negro wigs.

Three girls, one guy, participate in the scene - congratulations. The effect is always positive.

The four run out to the music of Bonnie Em, dance for a while. Then, with a Negro accent, congratulations are read:

May your cherished dreams come true!

Let fairy dreams come true!

Love will warm in the cold and bad weather,

And may happiness not leave your house!

On a rainy evening or on a bright day

Let no shadow touch you.

Dreams, joy, let the days be filled,

And what is planned, let it come true.

And just go to the music

After congratulations, it's time to play and compete.

Contests for a fun corporate party. It is better to hold team competitions that will allow teams to compete with each other.

Competition for the anniversary of the company "With balls"

Props, attributes: for this fun contest you will need inflated balloons, playpens for children (or you can use

The players are called, divided into two teams, the balls are behind the players.

Task: you need to take the ball and blow it into the arena by blowing it, you can help the whole team, but without stepping over the line (2-3 meters).

Inflate as many balloons as possible within a certain time.

Competition for a fun corporate party.

Another one with balloons: "Losharik"

Details, attributes: a lot of balls, a T-shirt for each player.

Several players are called (how many T-shirts are eaten). The players wear t-shirts.

Task: put as many balloons under the T-shirt as possible. Naturally, it’s not the result that is interesting, but the process itself, how the players stuff the next ball, is no longer

fit within the t-shirt.

The winner is the player who still stuffed the most balls under his T-shirt.

Competition for the anniversary of the Firm "Sweet"

Details, attributes: candies on a stick for each player, a ring - a bracelet for each team.

The task is to unroll the sweets in advance, and take them in your mouth to wait for the signal. On a signal, the first player takes the bracelet and puts his candy on the stick, then

you must pass the bracelet to the next player on your team. The last player to receive the bracelet runs to the designated place, goes around it and returns to

The team that passed the bracelet and did not drop it, ran first, becomes the winner.

Be sure to prepare music, different, for all ages. Merry for dancing. You can dance before drinking.

The holiday ends with the words of the leader:

Let the holiday come to an end

But they remained

A smile here suits you all,

You all really laughed here!

Let me tell you more

A couple of words, in conclusion:

Work to go to "5",

And to be inspired!

To outperform competitors

Success has always, everywhere been with you,

To find the best in everything

And everyone be friends!

It is necessary to celebrate the birthday of the company. The internal atmosphere, as well as the motivation and loyalty of employees, depends on this. The task of the secretary is to plan activities and calculate costs. How to do this, we will tell in the article.

From the article you will learn:

Step 1.

We determine the composition of the preparatory activities for organizing a birthday:

Festive office decor

Create a holiday atmosphere in the office long before it comes.

Greeting Cards

For congratulations employees happy birthday of the company, you can use template cards that are the same for everyone, or you can turn on your imagination, approach the issue creatively and hand it to employees:

  • individual postcards in paper and (or) electronic form, specially made for each employee or department;
  • a corporate postcard on behalf of the manager on the corporate website of the organization, on the information board in the lobby of the organization or in a personal email newsletter;

Congratulations on the corporate website

Seize the Opportunities corporate network to congratulate colleagues on the organization's birthday. To do this, place on the main page of the internal portal:

  • a solemn speech with congratulations from the head of the organization;
  • festive presentation with photographs or video recording of the most striking events from the history of the company and wishes for the future;
  • video congratulating the organization on its birthday from the management. At the same time, the video can be designed in an official business style with congratulations from the management of the organization or in a comic comedy style with the participation of everyone,
  • song-congratulations on the birthday of the company, recorded for employees of the organization by talented colleagues;
  • a video with congratulations on the birthday of the company from a singer, artist, famous public person.

Congratulations on the corporate notification system

If your office has a public address system (often installed for fire warning), use it to congratulate employees. To do this, write down the festive address of the head of the organization to employees in advance and put a record. Strive to make the appeal fun, sincere, friendly.

Read also:

  • Business etiquette for the secretary. How to behave at a corporate event
  • Receptions of color combinations on the color wheel in a business environment and for corporate events

Step 2

We determine the goals that we want to achieve with the help of organizing a birthday party

Any corporate is not just a festive table, an entertaining show program. It is important to understand why we are organizing all this. There are four such global goals:

just to relax, have fun with colleagues. After all, this is one of the few cases when the entire large company (employees and management) gather in one place;

communicate in an informal setting, help employees from different services and departments get to know each other, and then interact more easily at work;

maintain the status of the company, congratulate the organization on its birthday, show employees that they work in a serious organization, increase their loyalty;

sum up the results of the work, talk about plans, reward the best, to motivate the company's employees for new achievements, to congratulate colleagues on the company's birthday.

The company's birthday is a special holiday. Its task is to arouse in employees a sense of involvement in everything that happens to the company throughout the entire period of its development. In addition, the event helps people to more easily accept its culture, norms, rules and standards, its spirit. As a result, employee loyalty and efficiency increase. For this holiday, companies that produce this or that product can make something exclusive, especially for their employees.

When deciding what, when and why to conduct, consider the company's strategic plans for the coming year. If you know, for example, during which periods the load on the team will be especially high, plan events immediately after them in order to relieve the accumulated fatigue and tension in relationships. You can simply note the intermediate results of the work to give impetus to further movement forward towards the goal. Data on the activities that you have planned to carry out, summarize in a table, indicating in it the goals and cost of each corporate party(table 2).

Table 2. Plan of activities, their goals and costs

In order to be ready for any turn of events in the organization and holding of the event (for example, the host suddenly falls ill), the specialist of your department should be aware of how the preparation is going, what games are planned and how to conduct them, whether the script has been prepared, whether the words of the host have been written. And then let your subordinate get copies of all the documents and the script, demand that a so-called plan "B" be developed - in case something does not go according to plan. Then the problems that have arisen will not take you by surprise.

Step 3

We determine who will organize the birthday: our employees or an invited event agency

If you decide to entrust the organization of the birthday celebration to your service, then, of course, you will save money, but every time the next celebration approaches, this service will be distracted by its organization. There is a danger that this will damage the performance of ongoing work tasks. From this point of view, the second option is better: You hire providers who organize everything. True, you need to pay for the services of an event agency. Despite this training important major celebrations Still, it is better to entrust it to event-agencies. Just worry about clearly defining the purpose of the holiday. Voice it to the provider, ask him for options for the show program, a description of competitions and nominations, offers for gifts and a venue for the celebration, and an estimate. Choose providers carefully.

Choosing an event agency

When choosing an event agency, pay attention to how interested its representatives are in working with you, whether they are ready to offer their options for organizing a birthday. Be sure to listen carefully to what they offer, perhaps some of them have interesting ideas. Most event agencies fully prepare events - develop a program, select a venue for the event, hire artists, and prepare an estimate. Small agencies can only take care of the development of the program and the holding of the holiday, everything else your service does on its own. Let's give an example of calculating the cost of holiday on the occasion of the company's birthday (table 3). The comparison calculation shows the costs if you involve an average event agency and if you organize for the most part everything on your own, involving only a host.

Table 3. Costs for celebrating the birthday of the company (if organized by the agency and if by the HR department)

It is advisable to clarify and form the budget in advance, 2-3 months before the celebration of the company's birthday. This is also important because event agencies raise prices for their services during the season. In summer, the prices for field trips to nature are higher. In winter, the rent of halls rises several times, as well as the prices for holding holidays at ski resorts during the New Year holidays.

Step 4

We approve the budget of the birthday of the company with the management

Choose the most weighty arguments to justify your calculations to the company's management. Every figure in your budget should have an explanation. Let's try to anticipate the main questions that the company's budget managers may ask, and offer answers to them.

CFO question: in the budget, a rather high amount is planned to pay for a banquet to congratulate the staff on the organization's birthday. What is its rationale?

Variant of your answer: The cost of the banquet includes a show program. If you order a banquet to congratulate the organization on its birthday and a show program for different companies, it will turn out more expensive. In addition, this is the total cost of not one, but three banquets that we will hold during the year. In terms of one, it turns out quite inexpensive.

CEO question: why did you choose such prizes for the winners of competitions and at such a price?

Variant of your answer: last year the winners of the contests were presented with photo albums and photo frames at the company's birthday party. Many did not even take them with them, they left them in the hall where the event was held. We conducted a survey of employees, and they expressed a desire to receive something different, more functional and useful as a gift. For example, flash drives for storing and viewing photos and texts in electronic form. Therefore, we decided to purchase flash drives and flash frames themselves.

Questions of the chief accountant: prices for organizing a birthday party are constantly changing. Aren't you afraid that the data in the budget will become outdated? Will you be able to track changes and will you adjust the budget for congratulating colleagues on the company's birthday?

Variant of your answer: the budget includes an amount for unforeseen expenses, this is the so-called financial reserve. If necessary, it will cover upward price deviations. In addition, some items of expenditure for congratulating colleagues on the organization's birthday can be reduced or increased, taking into account the recommendations of management.

How can celebrate the company's birthday

Not necessarily traditional corporate party when everyone is walking. You can, for example, hold this holiday in the form of a conference "Achievements of the company over ... years" (indicate how long the company exists) with the participation of partners, founders. This enhances the prestige of the company. Another option is a solemn awards the best employees and/or "long-livers" of the company.

Play it safe: make multiple budget options

Be patient and prepare three budget options for congratulating colleagues on the organization's birthday

- maximum, average, minimum. The classification is based on the amount of costs. At the maximum, as you might guess, they are the highest, at the minimum - modest, on average - a balance between high and modest. So you insure yourself in case the management rejects your budget. You will have an alternative option, and you will immediately be able to offer it. Just do not lay out all three options at once, as soon as you come to discuss the action plan for the leadership. There is a risk that it will take as a basis the one in which the lowest costs, while others will not be considered. But you understand that cheap is not always good.

How do corporations affect staff turnover?

Western HR directors and company executives consider spending on staff leisure and company birthday parties solely as a profitable investment, as they pay off handsomely. The basis for this opinion is given by statistics: the number layoffs decreased markedly the day before. corporate events and remains low for another three to six months (turnover is only 3%) after them. People are in no hurry to move to other companies, especially if they are honored and rewarded.

It is very important that such important components of the wedding as the groom, bride, parents and witnesses on the day of the wedding be freed from unnecessary hassle for the event, but simply enjoy the holiday on an equal basis with the guests. In the modern sense, a professional toastmaster for a wedding is, first of all, the leader, and in most cases the organizer of the wedding celebration.

The modern wedding toastmaster not only determines the order of the congratulatory speeches of the guests, but is responsible for organizing all entertainment events, holding competitions, supervises the performances of musicians or other artists, takes full care of the guests and the general atmosphere of the holiday.

October 15, 2014

The subtleties of planning the anniversary of the company

The working life of any company should not consist only of working days, business meetings and formal greetings for the New Year. Often, it is the joint holding of holidays that forms a real team and even helps to resolve some conflicts within the team.

One of the great reasons to organize a celebration for employees is the birthday of the company, and even more so, its anniversary.
This day is very important for the company, because it is on round dates that it is customary to sum up global results and evaluate the success of the entire business. In order for the holiday to be a success and employees to get a new charge of vivacity for at least a year, planning for the anniversary should begin a few weeks before the celebration.

Drawing up a detailed plan for organizing the anniversary
The first step in preparing the event is to appoint a person responsible for the holiday. If the anniversary is quiet, modest, with a small number of participants, you can entrust this responsible mission to one of the employees. He will order a restaurant and select a menu. As for the competitive program, such holidays usually take place behind quiet friendly conversations.
In case of organizing a celebration for a large team, and also when employees are too busy with business tasks to bother about gifts, script preparation and festive decoration - they turn to specialists who are able to prepare the company's anniversary and spend an interesting evening at the highest level.
It is of fundamental importance that at the solemn event each employee feel involved in this important event. To do this, the host, as a completely outsider, gets acquainted with the team in advance or even conducts a small survey in order to understand the mood of the people and identify the main wishes for the celebration.

Anniversary Format Selection
The second question that should be answered before starting planning is: “What is the holiday for?” After all, he can have at least two goals - to congratulate employees or to remind partners and clients about himself. Based on the foregoing, the anniversary celebrations take place in the following formats: outdoor events, corporate parties with banquets or in the form of media and advertising presentations for the press.

A banquet in a restaurant takes a confident first place in the ranking of corporate events. It is always beautiful, elegant and comfortable. So that the evening does not go dull and the guests do not forget about the purpose of the invitation to the evening, it is necessary to hire a professional presenter who will help to think over and implement the anniversary program in the spirit of the best corporate traditions of the company.

A few ideas for celebrating an anniversary in a restaurant:

  • drawing and staging a thematic scenario (for example, on the topic: "Time Travel", "Save the Boss", "Visiting the Mafia", where each employee receives a certain role and tries to bring his character to life as realistically as possible);
  • viewing a pre-prepared video that tells a brief "biography" of the organization, as well as funny stories about each of its distinguished employees;
  • congratulations and awards (named medals, diplomas, certificates) of team members who have distinguished themselves in front of the company with certain merits or have worked in it for more than 5, 10, 15 years;
  • decoration of a banquet hall or an open area in corporate colors and logos, as well as table setting and decoration of an anniversary cake in company colors (this will give the team cohesion and once again remind you of what event the holiday is held in honor of);
  • coordination of the dress code for the guests: evening dresses, suits, tuxedos with butterflies (such an idea will make the evening more solemn and ceremonial);
  • large-scale fireworks, a grand fire show or a mass launch of balloons with the company logo at the end of the day (these spectacular performances always delight and cause a lot of positive emotions).

The next form of the anniversary is an outdoor event or team building. This is perhaps the most active joint holiday. Organization of a holiday in this vein is perfect for a young and creative team. The program may include team-building games, entertaining relay races, or deeper training aimed at building mutual cooperation.

There are a lot of options for holding a celebration in nature: paintball, kayaking, relaxing in a rope town, riding ATVs, as well as any other sports and entertainment competitions. However, it is necessary to plan trips in summer, early autumn or late spring, when the air and water are well warmed by the sun. It should also be taken into account that in this format of the anniversary it will not be possible to organize a VIP-class party.

media anniversary is a holiday focused on clients, partners and journalists. The goal is to attract attention and inform people about the scope of the company. Such presentations are more like promotions and are held in the form of a presentation by the host with an official speech from the company, as well as organizing a buffet table for guests. Various kinds of recreational activities for employees are not provided.

Anniversary day planning
In order to control your actions and not miss anything during the organization of the anniversary, it will be useful to record in the diary the progress of the plan for its preparation. Namely:

  • script writing(in the style of official identity or comic-entertainment);
  • choosing a place for a banquet(office, restaurant, recreation center, sports and entertainment center, pleasure boat);
  • selection of the employee invitation form(for an anniversary, this should be something unusual, for example, an official order from the management or sending personal cards by mail);
  • buying various kinds of holiday trifles: items for decoration, contest props, congratulatory gifts, flowers, fireworks;
  • preparation of the technical base of the holiday(music, lighting, transport);
  • ordering a photo and video operator(after all, it’s good when all the important moments of the anniversary day remain as a memory for the history of the company; and in order for the shots to turn out successful and the employees to be satisfied, real professionals should shoot).

Note to the organizers of the company's anniversary
Firstly in order for the event to be fun and dynamic (after all, the team is set up for a holiday, and not for the continuation of the work week), it is necessary to shorten the solemn and welcoming part with official speeches from the management as much as possible. The task of the organizer or host of the corporate (anniversary) is precisely to relieve and distract the team from daily and routine labor tasks.

Secondly The nature of the event largely depends on the skill and professional qualities of the presenter. It is he who sets the rhythm of the holiday, “ignites” the guests, arouses in them the desire to participate in sports competitions or competitive programs, so approach the choice of the coordinator of the anniversary with special attention.

Third, the format of a corporate party must fully comply with the mood of people, corporate traditions and generally accepted norms that have developed within the company.
For example, there are groups that categorically reject strong alcoholic drinks. In order to avoid embarrassing situations during the celebration, the leader personally gets acquainted with the team in advance or coordinates the plan for the celebration with the personnel manager and with the company's leaders.

And finally, holding a really good anniversary or corporate party for a company on a different occasion is not only a creative idea, but also painstaking work and attention to detail, especially if the team consists of several dozen people. Plan an event together with professionals - and the holiday will become a real gift for you and your employees.