Is it necessary to get a tattoo at all? When not to get a tattoo. Do not take medications unless absolutely necessary before you get a tattoo.

Tattoos have always carried much more meaning than a simple drawing. They were applied during initiations - age or gender, representatives of certain social groups cover themselves with them, and finally, there is symbolism tacitly accepted in many countries that should not be used just like that. Why? Yes, because problems may arise: a person who forms an incorrect idea about himself thereby offends those for whom certain symbols mean very specific things. Sometimes you can end up in jail for them - or even pay with your life if the wearer is considered unworthy of the signs and drawings depicted on it.

What tattoos should you not get for the love of art - or at least worth knowing what they mean in certain circles?

tear under the eye

This tattoo under the right eye means that its owner has committed murder - or at least attempted it. It is sometimes tattooed under the left eye by relatives of those who have served significant prison terms or died under tragic circumstances. Nowadays, some rappers or representatives of creative circles wear a similar design - it’s worth thinking about whether something more innocent should be preferred to this design?

Buddha image

If someone really likes the face of the Enlightened One, it is better to carry it in the heart - and follow the commandments of Buddhist teachings. None of those who have taken the trouble to seriously study this religion will put a Buddha tattoo on their body. Because for Buddhists, the image of the Teacher is unacceptable - after all, attachments cannot be created.

Such blasphemy can result in a long trial with particularly zealous zealots of the faith or even with the police, if we are talking about historically Buddhist countries. Does anyone need a similar addition to their vacation? If you really want to emphasize your sympathy for the teachings of suffering and samsara, it is better to choose a more harmless symbol - fortunately there are a great many of them in Buddhism.

Japanese mafia

Tattoos of the powerful and ferocious Japanese mafia clan can only be worn by those who belong to it. For everyone else, it's better to opt for other designs, even if colorful fish and dragons seem very attractive - and they are.

For example, you can take any of the ancient Japanese prints as a model or simply stylize the image using the same stylistic techniques: a flat drawing, two or three bright colors in a bright contrasting outline, whimsical lines and an abundance of details. People in the Land of the Rising Sun will only rejoice at this show of respect - and there will definitely be no problems with the mafia.


The good thing about the clover flower is that it suits people of both sexes, it is unpretentious and quite beautiful. It is often chosen by those who want to make some kind of sign for good luck. But a standard clover has four leaves, and a shamrock can bring its owner quite a few headaches—if not worse.

The fact is that such a tattoo in the form of a shamrock is a distinctive sign of an Irish criminal gang, which is characterized by bloodthirstiness and cruelty. If one of its members sees this image on the body of a person who is not related to the world of crime, a conflict will inevitably arise.

Barbed wire image

This design is sometimes popular on a bracelet around the forearm or leg - especially in the stylized Celtic or Malaysian version. Be that as it may, it is better to think a hundred times before going to the salon to a master with such a desire. In many countries, this symbol means a stay in the past in places not so distant, and by the number of nodules you can find out the number of years spent behind bars.

Former prisoners may not perceive an ordinary person without a criminal record with such a tattoo in the most pleasant way - such a design may be considered an insult to the romance and difficulties of prison. If you really want to emphasize the number of thorns in your own life or character, you can choose a thistle flower, for example, or any other image with a lot of sharp corners.

The muzzle of a predator with a grin

Recently, images of animals have become a real trend: every now and then someone you know proudly displays a drawing in the form of a lion, wolf, tiger, or at least a cat. The motive for this choice is quite clear - these animals symbolize courage, strength, bravery and independence. Sometimes it is a symbol of the year of birth.

But images of a predator with a grinning mouth may not be perceived by some people at all as you would like. In the criminal world, such a design should be worn by a person who is ready to commit any, even the most cruel and merciless, crimes. It is clear that such a reputation must be earned through real deeds, and on a peaceful and law-abiding person this symbol will be “read” extremely negatively.

Rings on fingers

Some time ago, tattoos were done on those parts of the body that were hidden under clothing or hair. However, rappers who became fashionable brought fashion to designs on the hands - including on the fingers and wrists. You can rejoice or condemn this choice of image as much as you like, but it’s definitely better to avoid rings. Unless, of course, you know exactly what this drawing means.

A man who has served time in prison and enjoys authority in the criminal community gets rings on his hands. The details will show the nature of the criminal activity and the degree of respect for authority by fellow inmates - therefore, for the sake of beauty, you should not get such a tattoo. There is no need to create the aura of a former prisoner around yourself.

Cross tattoo on chest

The cross is one of the most popular symbols all over the world, and Copts, for example, can even tattoo it on their faces, sometimes more than one. In Russia, you need to be as careful as possible with the image of a cross, since it was chosen as a distinctive symbol by criminal authorities.

It is very risky to put a cross on the chest simply out of whim or the desire to seem fashionable - some citizens may perceive such a gesture as offensive, and the wearer as an arrogant impostor who mocks the accepted traditions of the world of former prisoners. Usually in such cases the punishment is swift and severe.


From this tattoo, prisoners can deduce how many years a person has been in prison - each row of the web reports this. The second meaning is drug addiction, which the owner of the drawing on any part of the body had to endure. For beauty, it is better to choose some other design, so that you are not accidentally mistaken for someone with a very serious and dark past - the reaction may turn out to be unpredictable, but definitely bad.

Crown with five points

This tattoo is common in America: it is applied to the skin by members of the criminal group “Latin Kings”. Today, this is the most influential of the Spanish-speaking gangs in the country - so you should seriously consider whether you want to appear in the United States with such a design on your body. There may not be a reaction in other countries, but the glory of the “Kings” resounds on all continents.

Three point equilateral triangle

It would seem - what’s so special about such a simple and modest tattoo? It has the same meaning all over the world: the owner has a prison past, and the three words “My Crazy Life”/Mi Vida Loca are encrypted with dots.

The bearers of this sign may be tried to be recruited by criminal authorities to carry out various criminal tasks, and if you have never broken the law, then at least you are guaranteed to have misunderstandings.

Stars on different parts of the body

And we also have rap culture to thank for the popularity of this symbol. The star is popular not only among singers of the spoken genre, but also among representatives of the criminal world. The shape of the star and the location of the design matter. For example, an image on one’s knees means that this person has never submitted or obeyed anyone, and the stars on the shoulders in the form of unique shoulder straps mean the owner’s very high status.

Rose with a dagger

This image can sometimes be seen in sketches made in the so-called “old-fashioned” style. The tattoo may seem sweet and romantic, but to someone it will convey that the owner was imprisoned in his youth, even before reaching adulthood. Representatives of the world of crime may mistakenly assume that the bearer of the picture has solid criminal experience, which will inevitably lead to trouble and, possibly, danger for such a peaceful person.


And this image is also very popular in the old school style. The symbol is attractive, to be sure, but its meaning can be unexpectedly terrible. In a colony, such a tattoo can be done without the desire of a cellmate if they find out that he has committed a terrible crime, even by their standards. For example, he was convicted under an article that provides punishment for violence against a child. In the zone, this is punished with inhuman cruelty - and the criminal is marked in a special way for the rest of his life.

Military and political topics

Everyone knows how to easily and quickly get into trouble. It is enough to indicate your political leanings. And if you get a tattoo of similar content, then you don’t need to communicate anything verbally - they themselves will understand everything very quickly and, perhaps, will rush to tell you exactly what and why you are very wrong. If you are not ready to suffer for ideological reasons, it is better to avoid such drawings.

I'll start with the sore point. Many people ask us to get a tattoo on their wrist, ankles, between their fingers and we refuse them! Usually I try to explain the reason and suggest another, more suitable place. Most heed the master's advice, but there are also those who firmly stand their ground - I want a tattoo on my wrist, period!

Let's look at which places it is better not to get a tattoo and why.

Why not?

These pictures indicate areas that are bad for application. The places where it is not advisable to get a tattoo are painted yellow, and the places where it is not worth getting anything at all are colored red.

These zones are not suitable for us for several reasons:

  • Greatest friction with clothing
  • Specific skin structure
  • Maximum deformation angles

What can, and often does, happen to tattoos in these places? It's simple, they start to swim...

And it’s not a matter of bad paints, master, or needles. It doesn’t matter who will do the tattoo in these places, the result is often the same. Of course, it happens when, for example, a tattoo on an ankle lasts a long time, but this is rather an exception. The skin on the feet is very hard and has a slightly different structure, which helps the paint blur.

Tattoos have long ceased to be an identification mark exclusively of prisoners or sailors. Today they are worn by completely different people, thus expressing themselves, hiding any defects or emphasizing their uniqueness. Is it worth getting a tattoo? Weigh all the pros and cons, find out what consequences this procedure can have for a person’s health, psyche and fate.

Why do people get tattoos?

Since ancient times, people have been decorating their bodies with various designs. Of course, before tattoos were applied for a specific purpose, for example, to intimidate enemies, determine a person’s social status and position in society. There was also a so-called occult motivation. People could wear certain designs on their bodies in the name of a specific deity or spirit. Various signs and symbols protected people from evil demons; it was believed that they were able to give the character of the person wearing them the necessary qualities that he previously lacked.

By the way, in the Middle Ages tattoos were also used to brand criminals, of course, if they were not sent to the chopping block. This was done for one simple purpose: society had to see who they were dealing with. Slaves were branded, and each owner had his own brand. In the east, tattoos were previously worn only by geishas and girls of easy virtue. But today tattoos are stylish, fashionable, youthful. So is it worth getting a tattoo? Is there any harm? How justified is body art from a moral point of view?

Harmful drawings on the body

First of all, you should know whether tattoos are dangerous. Of course, today there are a huge number of specialized tattoo parlors, where real professionals work. Of course, in this kind of establishment it is relatively safe to apply drawings to the body. Of course, every client may have an allergy to paint components, and the pain has not been canceled. However, the price in such salons can be steep, and therefore many turn to self-taught people, often with homemade machines.

Should I get a tattoo from a non-professional? Experts note that the risk increases significantly, because by doing a tattoo at the artist’s home, you can at least develop a skin disease, and at the most, get blood poisoning or, what is much worse, even AIDS.

By the way, dermatologists from Austria have found that a tattoo can lead to cancer! That is why tattoos are clearly harmful to health, experts say; they do not bring any benefit to human skin, but health problems may well arise.

A tattoo can not only harm your health, but also seriously ruin your life. Thus, people who have any drawings on their bodies should not undergo certain medical studies. For example, MRI is strictly contraindicated, because a tattoo can become inflamed or even catch fire. For 12 months after the tattoo procedure, a person cannot be a donor, because the risk of contracting viruses is too great!

Other consequences include severe allergic reactions. The thing is that in no country in the world does there exist a government body that controls the production of tattoo ink. This allows unscrupulous manufacturers to add arsenic, mercury and lead to their composition!

Another significant disadvantage is the unaesthetic appearance. It is enough to imagine saggy, flabby skin on your arm or chest, on which the contours of some pattern are vaguely visible, to become reluctant to apply a pattern to your body.

A question of morality

As part of the consideration of whether it is worth getting a tattoo, it is worth mentioning the public opinion. So, nothing can be hidden from the not too good-natured grandmothers at the entrance. Stuffed your sleeve? Write goodbye! From a nice boy you automatically turn into a drug addict. Religion also does not approve of drawings on the skin. Believers say: a person’s body does not belong to him at all, it is the property of the Lord. Even a hardened atheist will have to take this into account, because he will have to listen to the moral teachings of overly religious people.

Mysticism and esotericism

Psychologists and esotericists talk about the dangers of applying drawings to the skin. They believe that tattoos can change fate. For example, having applied one image, a person begins to move in one direction, while applying another - in the opposite direction. That is why, when getting a tattoo, you should consult with a specialist, or better yet, more than one.

In general, tattoos are a serious matter. They can bring fame and success to their owner, or they can deprive him of absolutely everything he has.

Age limit

Almost every teenager is a very impulsive person. Many people are characterized by so-called youthful maximalism. In an effort to put an inscription, an image, or even someone’s name on their body, teenagers do not even allow the thought that after a couple of years their worldview may change significantly, and therefore a tattoo that seemed incredibly significant in adolescence, after years can bring a lot of negative associations and create social barriers. In addition, the decision to apply any symbols often causes indignation among parents. It is for this reason that almost any conscientious tattoo artist will refuse a minor client.

Of course, the question may arise: “At what age can you get a tattoo?” Experts answer: you can become the owner of a tattoo before the age of 18, however, in this case you must obtain permission from your parents or guardians. However, it is worth noting that it is not recommended to do this before the age of 18, because the body is actively growing, and therefore the tattoo may shift or become deformed.

The role of tattoos for men

Quite often, men decide to get a tattoo with one simple goal: to emphasize their own brutality and individuality. In addition, it is generally accepted that a man with a tattoo will attract more attention than one who does not have a design on his body. Most often these are Celtic or Gothic images; birds of prey and wild animals are in demand. This is how men express their inner world.

By the way, experts say that for many years only those people who were in prison got tattoos. That is why it is recommended to consult a specialist before applying any symbol to your body. This will avoid unpleasant situations in the future.

The role of tattoos for girls

Why do girls get tattoos? The answer is simple: it allows you to highlight your natural beauty. Even psychologists say that a small symbol on the body can raise a woman’s self-esteem. Of course, the images on a woman’s body are significantly different from those on a man. They are more elegant and usually less voluminous. The most popular are zodiac signs, hieroglyphs, stylized images of animals and plants. Angels and stars are no less popular.

The tattoo removal procedure is more painful, longer and more expensive than the tattoo itself. There are a lot of methods of getting rid of it: freezing with liquid nitrogen, cleansing the skin with salt and even mechanical grinding. However, the fastest and highest quality method is laser removal. Of course, the price for removing drawings differs depending on the region of Russia. The cost depends on the area of ​​the design, the quality of the paint and the density of the filling. How much does it cost to get a tattoo removed in different cities? For example, in Moscow, removing a pattern up to 11 square centimeters will cost you 8,000 rubles. The same price is in St. Petersburg. This procedure is slightly cheaper in Voronezh: here they can remove a drawing of up to 11 square centimeters for 7,500 rubles, approximately the same price in cities such as Khabarovsk, Novosibirsk, Krasnodar and Nizhny Novgorod.


Of course, whether to get a tattoo on your body is up to you. However, before you decide to take this step, be sure to find out what the drawing means, think about what it will bring to your life, and whether you will regret it. And, of course, get a tattoo only from a professional, don’t save money by relying on self-taught skills, take care of your health!

I would rephrase the question into the statement "you shouldn't get bad tattoos." This is nothing other than art, and decorating yourself simply because it is fashionable, for the sake of a momentary protest to someone, in an attempt to prove something, while having no idea what will come of it in the end, is wrong. And only you will suffer from this. Therefore, you need to think about whether you need a tattoo, and if so, how to do everything wisely.

    Tattoos are not harmless. Dyes contain metal compounds such as cadmium, lead, cobalt, etc. Not to say that these are downright terribly toxic forms of these substances, but they are harmful to your health, especially if you are the type who is going to get your head down. Actually, this is where tattoo allergies come from. You should check in advance which colors are suitable for your body. Maybe you are generally allergic, then the question is closed. Women should be especially careful with tattoos if they plan to become pregnant. I read a very interesting article about the connection between the cadmium content in the body of mothers and children’s health indicators. The harm of large doses of heavy metals is obvious, but it was interesting that small borderline excesses of the norm also affect anthropometry - health indicators may be within normal limits, but worse than those whose mothers had lower levels of cadmium in the body. Simply put, a child may be born a centimeter shorter or a hundred or two grams lighter. Hardly anyone pays attention to such things, but in vain. Remember that heavy metals accumulate in the body, and the total dose plays a role. We can say that there are not as many harmful substances in tattoos as it seems, not higher than normal, but a little here, a little there, but in the end it turns out quite a lot. If we talk about cadmium, it is found in cigarette smoke, cheap cosmetics, smoke from the friction of car tires on the road, seafood, not to mention environmental pollution from industrial emissions.

    Think about what will happen to you in a couple of years. If you plan to lose weight/gain weight, then you should understand that your skin will change its elasticity and your tattoo will “float”.

    Quality of work. Tattoos are still not cheap, so it’s better to save up some money and go to a cool tattoo artist. Don't be afraid to go to a big city for this if you live in a regular town. Removing a tattoo is darkness. So, a priori, consider that this is forever.

    A cool master is good, but you must have a general idea, an idea of ​​what, where and why to stuff. In the end, the master will do as you wish. In 9 out of 10 cases, after the first tattoo there is a second, third, etc. Consider your body as a canvas and build a whole picture in your mind in advance, and don’t just do something randomly.

Don't be afraid that a tattoo will prevent you from finding a good job or that "you'll look bad when you're old." Firstly, you can score half your body, but no one will notice it under your clothes and may never even know if you don’t show it yourself. Secondly, employers are now very loyal to this. Thirdly, you still have to live to old age. Fourthly, who is stopping you from updating a tattoo that has faded over time, it will be like new again. Fifthly, I wouldn’t be afraid of other people’s disapproval at all, because they always disapprove of something, it’s inevitable.

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Tattoos have long ceased to cause surprise among others, and true professionals in their field are not even prevented from applying for a job. There are more and more people wanting to decorate their bodies with intricate designs. Perhaps you are one of them too. Before visiting a tattoo parlor, you may have questions, such as where is the best place to place the design, what tattoo styles currently exist, etc.

website learned the answers to common questions about tattoos to prepare you for your visit to the tattoo parlor.

Knees and shins

As the tattoo heals, swelling appears on the calves and spreads to the foot, so in the first days do not overload yourself with long walks or sports, and when caring for the tattoo, do not wrap your leg with bandages or a diaper. Tattoos in the Chicano and Muerte styles, as well as portraits, look great on the calves and lower legs. Examples of works in these styles are further in the article.

The knee is not the most popular place for tattoos: the kneecap is located close to the skin, and the pain is much more noticeable. The skin here is quite rough, the pigment may fall out over time (the elements and contour will lose the required coverage density). A round or oval shaped image will look cool. It is better to refrain from compositions with too small details.


Do you want to decorate your legs with a three-dimensional image? The optimal places are the hips, and the outer and lateral sides are most often chosen, since these are the least painful areas. Tattoos on the thighs can float under certain conditions.

The point here is not only a change in the skin, but also a change in weight in one direction or another. Be prepared to stay in good physical shape. Small tattoos are less susceptible to deformation. Tattoos in the style of realism, old school, traditional or neo-traditional will look stylish on the hips.


The back is an excellent “canvas” for large-scale paintings with many small details or for several smaller tattoos. The skin is smooth, not too rough and almost not subject to deformation - the tattoo will remain in its original form for quite a long time. But caring for such a tattoo is much more difficult, and you can only see the design in the mirror.

A full back tattoo will require 5 sessions or more. It is better to think over the sketch in advance and discuss it with the master: drawings in different styles on one part of the body will look awkward, some are generally difficult to match. Popular subjects for back tattoos: realistic images of predators, floral patterns, Japanese-style tattoos, biomechanics and organics.

Neck and chest

Symmetry will look best on the chest, especially in oriental, trash-polka and organic styles. And on the neck, the design can either be placed on one side or placed in a circle. Thin, airy lines and patterns for girls or more massive elements for men are appropriate here.

The skin on the neck and chest is delicate and sensitive, so applying the design is more painful and the tattoo takes longer to heal. You can use an anesthetic, but then more sessions will be required, because the paint adheres less well. If you are allergic, ask a specialist to conduct a test to see how your skin reacts to a specific paint. It's very rare, but research shows that some people are prone to red ink allergies.

Hands and fingers

Applying a tattoo to the hands and fingers is a filigree job that requires the experience and accuracy of the master; a beginner cannot cope with this. These are the most exposed areas of the body; the skin on them is subjected to strong external influences and friction, as a result of which it is renewed. Because of this, the design quickly wears out and requires correction.

In these areas there is little fat and muscle, but there are many nerve endings, which make drawing very painful. You shouldn't get a tattoo between your fingers: the design will blur, and instead of the original picture you will have a spot on it. Simple geometric shapes, patterns, and letters in the blackwork style are suitable for decorating fingers and hands. The best place to apply is on the outside of the hand, from the wrist to the nails.

Arms and sleeves

The arms are one of the most popular and least painful places to get tattoos. If you don’t want to immediately make a large area tattoo, start, for example, with the wrist. Small contour work in color or black and white tattoos with a small amount of detail will look good here. “Don’t make it too small”: over time, the font may blur and become unreadable.

You can tattoo one area of ​​a limb, or you can tattoo several, connecting the tattoo into a beautiful “sleeve”. Think over your future “sleeve” in advance: sometimes it’s difficult to weave disparate elements into a single ensemble. The most successful styles for “sleeves” are biomechanics, Chicano, neotrad, Japanese, new school, graphics and realism.

Embarrassing questions for a tattoo artist

Going to a tattoo parlor is a responsible event, and you should prepare for it in advance. To be savvy on the topic, read the information on the studio’s website or in its groups on social networks: the main points of the work are covered there. Every now and then there are people asking the same questions. Masters unanimously classify them as indecent. Check it out so you don't get into trouble.

Why so expensive? Can I have a discount?

As a rule, each master has his own style and preferences. If you like the direction in which he works, welcome, if not, look for another master. It is acceptable to express wishes in the spirit of “a green butterfly instead of a blue one,” but nothing more. For example, removing characteristic contours from an old-school style drawing is not at all an option.

Taking a random picture from the Internet and asking for exactly the same one is a bad idea. Craftsmen can take someone else’s idea as a basis and modify it taking into account their preferences. Only an unscrupulous or greedy tattoo artist would undertake to copy someone else's design.

I want a temporary tattoo. Are you doing it?

There are no temporary tattoos. Does the tattooist assure you otherwise? Quickly run away from such a salon, in front of you is a scammer eager to profit from your ignorance. You will get a regular tattoo with poor quality ink, which will fade in a couple of years and the image will lose its marketable appearance.

As for removing tattoos with a laser, today there is no technology that would allow you to remove a tattoo without a trace and remove contours and areas with dense staining. If, out of ignorance, you run into a non-professional, it is better to get a cover-up of a beautiful and high-quality tattoo.

Should a tattoo carry symbolism?