How to sew a bag for a rabbit egg. Fabric bunny eggs for the spring holiday. We sew Easter bags-bunnies for eggs with our own hands

Natalia Melkova

easter bunny- one of the symbols of the Easter holiday. Even at the beginning of the 20th century, bright Easter cards depicting a fluffy rabbit with a basket of colorful eggs were popular in Tsarist Russia. And the first mention of a hare as a symbol of Easter dates back to the end of the 17th century. It is believed that the Easter Bunny comes from Germany, because it was there that the first written mention of it was found. The bunny/rabbit was a constant companion of the Anglo-Saxon goddess Eostre (Ostara), the patroness of Spring and fertility. The onset of spring, namely the day of the vernal equinox, was her holiday, and the symbol of the holiday was the rabbit, symbolizing fertility. Rabbits are famous for their fertility, and it was with this quality that the devoted friend of the goddess symbolized the continuation and renewal of life.

In the same place in Germany, in Munich, there is the only Easter bunny museum in the world, which got into the Guinness Book of Records. The museum has over 1000 different exhibits that arrived there from all over the world.

There are many beautiful legends about the appearance of the Easter Bunny. One of them says that during the Great Flood, when the ark was floating on the waves, it stumbled upon the top of the mountain, and a gap was formed in the bottom. The Ark should have sunk, if not for the bunny, who plugged the hole with his tail. And in memory of the brave hare, a beautiful tradition was born and taken root of a magical animal that lays bright, painted eggs.

Today, the Easter Bunny enjoys great love and is one of the main elements of Easter decor. Hares are baked for Easter - cookies or muffins, made from chocolate, mastic, etc. Souvenir hares made of ceramics, plastic, glass, fabric, wood, wax or children's crafts are comfortably "arranged" on mantelpieces, window sills, holiday tables and take part in the Easter celebrations with us. In many Catholic countries, there is such a popular game as Easter Bunny Hunt, which is also successfully taking root in our country - adults hide eggs throughout the house and garden, and kids rush around with delight, trying to find brightly colored eggs, as well as their chocolate ones. imitations.

I bring to your attention two options for a master class of Easter bunnies that will decorate any interior and make the Easter holiday more colorful.


For work we need:

* Multi-colored cotton fabric (a small patch of 10 x 18 cm is used for one bunny);

* Reinforced or cotton threads - for stitching parts;

* Mouline threads - for embroidering spouts;

* Plastic eyes for toys or beads;

* Nylon ribbon (width 1 cm and length 50 cm) - for a skirt and a bow;

* Pattern of a bunny.


Fold the fabric in half, right side inward and outline the outline of our pattern.

Cut out, taking into account the allowances.

We sweep away the details, stepping back a little from the edge (so that, subsequently, we can easily turn the product on the front side, and sew it on a typewriter.

We sweep and sew tucks.

Cut off the excess fabric, leaving a small allowance on the darts. We twist.

We stuff our bunny with holofiber or cotton wool tightly enough to a pleasant elasticity. It is more convenient to do this with long tweezers or a pencil.

Sew up the opening carefully with blind stitches.

We outline the nose and mouth and embroider them with floss threads.

We turn the allowances of the ears inward and pre-pin with pins, carefully sew with hidden stitches.

For the skirt, I used a nylon ribbon 50 cm long (37 cm - directly for the skirt itself and 13 cm for the bow). We sew the tape together to form a single ring, and assemble it into an assembly, beautifully and evenly distributing the tails. We put the skirt on the bunny and sew it with hidden stitches.

We outline the eyes, glue or draw them with acrylic paint.

From the remaining ribbon we make a bow and sew.

Bunny is ready!

Here is such a nice company of bunnies will help you decorate the interior of the group for the holiday.


These felt Easter bunnies are not difficult to make, as they do not consist of more details and actions.

For work we need:

* Multi-colored hard felt;

* Filler holofiber (sintepuh or cotton wool);

* Marker self-disappearing for fabric and felt or pencil;

* Mouline threads - for stitching details;

* Various accessories for decoration (rhinestones, flowers, ribbons - ribbons, bows, etc.);

* Wooden skewers;

* Pattern of bunnies.


Fold the felt in half, right side inward and outline the outline of our pattern. It is more convenient to do this with a self-disappearing marker. The contour of the pattern is marked brightly and easily disappears with water, leaving no marks on the felt / fabric.

Cut out.

We sew, leaving a small gap, through which we lightly fill the bunny with holofiber or cotton wool to give it a light and pleasant volume.

We cut out flowers from contrasting felt, decorate them with rhinestones, buttons and ribbons.

Carefully sew the decoration with hidden stitches or glue it with fabric glue.

Similarly, you can make felt Easter eggs.

Using wooden skewers, Easter bunnies can become one of the decorative elements of the composition. Here are some example options:

Such compositions can be easily made using improvised materials.

For this we need:

Flower pots. (For Easter decor, I always use 150 ml mini pots, which in a festive interior, combined with green grass and flowers, look very impressive and colorful).

Grass seeds (a special mixture of cereals can be bought at any flower shop or seed store, such as the seeds in the photo).

We put porous drainage at the bottom of the flower pots.

We fill the earth on 2/3 of the pot and plant the seeds.

Cover with soil and water. We are waiting for shoots.

After a week, the grass looks like this.

For additional decoration of the composition, from salt dough, we sculpt decorative flowers.

We decorate.

We fill the pot with decorative pebbles, put sisal on top.

We decorate with braid.

For decoration we use plastic models of Easter eggs and, of course, our creation - Easter bunnies on skewers. Additionally, the composition can be decorated with willow branches or flowers.

I will be very glad if my master class turned out to be useful and interesting. Happy creativity!

Spring is a very fresh, bright and long-awaited time of the year for all of us. It is probably the most favorite time of the year for many, as everything around is green, smells, blooms, sings and flies. Spring freshness, cheerful trills of birds that have flown in from distant warm lands, what could be better and sweeter. Here spring brings us another wonderful, albeit sometimes a little sad holiday of Easter. It is not for nothing that this holiday is called bright, since on this day the resurrection of our Lord God Jesus Christ took place. It is on this day that we hear “Christ is Risen” on everyone’s lips, to which we hear “Truly Risen” in response. People bake Easter cakes, paint eggs and exchange these Easter attributes with each other. And now it is generally very fashionable and prestigious to give each other small handmade souvenirs for Easter. For example, you can make soft bunnies in the shape of Easter eggs as souvenirs, only with ears. It will look very cool and will be cool gifts for loved ones.
So, let's consider a master class on sewing such bunnies and for the master class we take:

  • Fabric cotton 100% quality Polish and Korean production, we take purple, blue and turquoise with small white polka dots;
  • Pattern;
  • Holofiber filler;
  • Threads are white and black;
  • Needle;
  • Ribbon satin lettuce in peas 5 mm wide;
  • White cotton lace in the shape of a flower;
  • Black rhinestones for the eyes;
  • Knitted flowers in mint, pink and beige;
  • Half beads of different colors;
  • Scissors, pencil;
  • Lighter;
  • Sewing machine.

We take a pattern. Each bunny we have consists of two eggs for the body and 4 blanks for the ear. Cut out one egg blank and one ear.

Now we take a fabric and apply our patterns to each.

Outline with a simple pencil.

It turns out from each fabric we need to cut 4 ears and two bodies. We cut out and now we need to iron all the elements of the fabric well.

Now in pairs, with the front side, we fold the blanks of the ears and the blanks of the calf. We sew all the blanks together with a machine, not sewing 2 cm each, so that all parts can be turned out, stuffed with filler and then sewn up by hand.

First, we sew the sidewalls on the bodies, and then the workpiece itself in a circle. We make side inserts so that later our bunnies take the shape of eggs.

Now we fill our fabric blanks with filler and sew them on from below manually with a cap seam.

With the help of a hidden seam, we sew the ears to the very body at the very top. We tie ribbons around the ears and tie bows. We sew noses and mouths with black threads.

On Easter, small gifts are usually exchanged - and chocolate eggs. These gifts can be presented in unusual original packaging. Small bags in the form of cute rabbits will be appreciated by both children and adults. We invite you to sew an Easter egg bag, following our master class

We sew Easter bags-bunnies for eggs with our own hands

To make Easter bags, we need:

  • paper, scissors and pencil;
  • felt of light yellow and light pink colors;
  • hot pink felt with polka dots;
  • thread and needle;
  • black beads;
  • yellow tape.

Operating procedure

  1. Let's make a pattern of the bag - cut out the detail of the bag from paper, as well as the details of the muzzle, nose and ear.

  2. We fold the bright pink felt with polka dots in half and redraw the bag pattern on it. Cut out the bag along the marked lines and straighten it.

  3. From light yellow felt we cut out the muzzle of a rabbit.

  4. We cut out the nose and two ears from light pink felt.

  5. Sew the details of the ears with pink threads to the details of the bag.

  6. We sew beady eyes with black threads to the details of the rabbit's muzzle, and sew a nose with pink threads and embroider a mouth.

  7. With light yellow threads, sew the muzzle to the detail of the bag.

  8. We fold the part of the bag in half and sew the ears and sides with pink threads. We will not sew up the space between the ears - through it we will fill the bag with sweets.

  9. We put sweets and Easter eggs in a bag, take a light yellow ribbon and tie the ears of a bunny.

  10. The Easter bag is ready. You can make a whole set of Easter bags from felt of different colors, so that everyone who comes to visit you for Easter gets such an unusual gift.

Do they bring the greatest joy to children? Of course - toys and sweets! Let's try to combine them in one gift and sew a bunny bag for sweets. By the way, it can also be used to wrap Easter treats.

To make a bag, we need: linen for the outer bag, bright floral cotton for lining, toy eyes, decorative buttons for decoration, as well as a ribbon or lace for a tie.

We print the pattern on an A4 sheet at a scale of 1: 1. From linen and cotton, we cut out 2 parts of the bag and two parts of the ears.

We glue the eyes to one of the linen details and embroider the muzzle of a bunny, to the second we sew a wooden button with the inscription "Hand-made".

We take the details of the ears. We put a cotton part on the linen part so that the pattern is inside. We lay a zig-zag seam around the perimeter of the ear.

We twist the ears, iron them and, stepping back from the fold line 2 millimeters, we lay a straight line along the perimeter.

We take a linen detail with a button and tailor's pins, pin the ears to it with a pattern up.

From above, we cover the product with a piece of cotton detail of the pocket with the wrong side down. Lay a straight line along the base of the bag.

We do the same with the second part of the bag. As a result, such blanks should be obtained.

In each direction, we retreat 5 cm from the fold line, bend the fabric inward and fix it with a straight stitch.

We decorate the edges of each part in this way. Fold both parts right sides inward. We make sure that the cotton details are combined with cotton, and linen - with linen. We fix the blanks with pins.

We lay a straight seam along two long and one short side. We leave open only the base of the cotton details. We turn the bag inside out through the open hole, which we then close with a blind seam. We insert the lining into the bag and, stepping back from the edge of 1-1.5 cm, lay a straight line along the perimeter, thereby fixing the drawstring.

Spring, warm days, birds singing, smiles, good mood and, of course, the eve of Easter. Delight your friends and loved ones with such a cute souvenir.

For work we need:

  • Multi-colored cotton fabric (mostly pastel colors)
  • Filler holofiber (sintepuh)
  • Mouline threads - for embroidering spouts
  • Acrylic paint on fabric and skewer - for drawing eyes

Patterns of a large and small bunny are shown in full size on an A4 sheet. And Photo of bunnies, what they will turn out according to these patterns.

So. Fold the fabric in half and outline our pattern.

We sew the contour on the typewriter as shown in the photo. Cut out.

We fold and sew tucks.

Cut off the excess fabric on the darts. We twist.

We stuff our egg quite tightly until it is pleasantly elastic.

Sew up the hole with a hidden seam.

Then we need to tighten our egg at the top and at the bottom. Why do this?

Firstly, the bunny's muzzle will turn out not flat, but embossed.

Secondly, by making a recess on the bottom, the egg will become stable and will not collapse.

We embroider the nose with floss threads.

Now let's take the ears ... I'm making from two colors: the inner ear will be pink, the outer one will be the color of the bunny itself. We outline the contour of the ears.

Sew, cut, twist.

We sew the ears to the bunny with a hidden seam, previously pinned with pins.

It turned out a nosy-eared eyeless. But quite cute.

Now, with a confident movement of the hand, we put dots with a skewer dipped in acrylic paint.

Like this...

Oh yes ... and blush the cheeks of our hare egg already. I blush them with oil paints. You can also use acrylic paints on fabric or pastel crayons for this. I do not advise you to do this with cosmetic blush, they are not resistant and wear off very quickly. And we don't need it!

And after the holiday, bunnies will decorate the interior of any room, I will show a few examples of decoration.

We decorate the window sill.

And you can settle a company of bunnies on an open shelf with glasses. Glasses will sparkle with new colors and eyes.

Or, move the same big-eared company into a wide vase. Fun and original.

I have a couple of bunnies in love under a lamp in my bedroom.

Bunnies are not very whimsical and will feel great in any corner of your home.