How to ask the right question to the subconscious. How to make direct contact with the subconscious. question on paper

How to write questions for your subconscious?

How to write questions for your subconscious? Leave a comment Nov 14 2013 How to formulate questions for your subconscious? It is said that the ability to ask the right questions is the engine of success in life. It's true, as the question is, so is the answer. This applies not only to relationships with people, but also to work with the subconscious. Asking the right questions to the subconscious is a real art. First, you can't just ask him. Secondly, a detailed answer is very difficult to obtain, it will have to be interpreted. Thirdly, to interact with your own mind, you will have to resort to some kind of technique.

The choice of communication technique with the subconscious On the pages of this site, we have already considered several effective techniques for mental work. These are dream, pendulum and finger techniques. Let's briefly review them.

dream technique Something similar was described by John Kehoe and Joseph Murphy in their works. Its essence boils down to the fact that before going to bed you need to concentrate on an exciting problem, remember the dream, and in the morning interpret it correctly. Many examples prove the effectiveness of this method of dialogue with the subconscious.

Finger technique You can also ask questions of the subconscious mind and get answers using the method of lifting a finger. The main thing is to determine in advance the finger of which hand will mean “yes” and which “no”. This is a very simple way to talk to the subconscious, but it is very important to relax first. The bottom line is that you ask a question, and one of the two index fingers involuntarily rises.

pendulum technique Another easy way to get an answer to an exciting question is to use a pendulum. Its function can be performed by any suspension. Here you also need to decide in advance what the trajectory of the pendulum will mean “left-to-right” and “forward-backward”. If the last two methods involve only a yes / no answer, then the first will help the subconscious answer in an expanded way. Questions should be asked depending on the chosen method.

What can you ask your subconscious? If you have chosen the method of fingers or a pendulum, then prepare for the subconscious mind the most specific question that requires a one-word answer. You may ask whether it is worth starting a new business, whether it is necessary to act in this way, whether to go where you have in mind, etc. The more specific the question, the more details it contains, the more accurate the answer. If you ask a question to the subconscious before going to bed, then here you are not limited in the wording. If you want to define some goals for yourself, then start your appeal with the question “Why?”. If you want to discover hidden obstacles, then ask: "What should I do to get what I want." You can ask your subconscious mind for advice by asking the question "How?", but never ask "Why?" because it sounds like a misunderstanding or bewilderment. And the Universe loves quick-witted and enterprising people.

Any response received from the subconscious mind should be taken into account. This is not a guide to action, but do not doubt the capabilities of your subconscious. No need to ask again or fantasize, trying to interpret the information received. Treat your mind with respect.

Never tell your subconscious mind what to do. This is a limitless source of information, your friend, not a slave. Be respectful, and if you need help, just ask.

Be persistent. So many people have long lost touch with their inner "I". It may take time to recover

Do not ask the subconscious about the future, because it is always on guard of your interests. Even if a serious obstacle awaits you in the future, it will most likely prove to be a valuable experience.

Ask simple questions to the subconscious without lengthy reasoning. Say only what you want to say. It's best to write down what you're going to ask beforehand.

That's all. As you can see, finding a common language with the subconscious is very simple. The key is to ask specific questions and get specific answers, but if you want to ask your mind for something that requires a broader answer, make sure you can interpret it correctly. This is difficult and the dream book will not help here. The key to interpretation will be developed intuition. Therefore, take the time to develop its practices.

Evgeny Gorobchenko's personal blog

Hello, my dear readers! Today I will tell you about how to get an answer from the subconscious, how to learn to hear it and correctly decipher it. After all, we often ignore it, do not notice its clues, or misinterpret it, then feeling angry and disappointed. I will offer you ways by which you will open the door to an inexhaustible storehouse of information. After all, the subconscious mind stores and processes all the data that has happened to a person from the moment of his birth to the present day, in addition, it is believed that information of the kind is also stored there, which is accumulated and transmitted from generation to generation and affects our attitude to life. , its quality, is a support and sometimes support.

Top 10 technician

1. Invisible partner

This technique is easy, and is suitable for those who need to quickly make a decision, within one evening, only it will be possible to get an answer by asking closed questions. This means that what you will hear or feel will be monosyllabic, only “yes” or “no”, because you can track a more detailed version, but it will be almost impossible to decipher correctly.

So, it is necessary before going to bed, after making sure that no one and nothing interferes with you, close your eyes and imagine your interlocutor with whom you will communicate. It can be anything and anyone, up to the fact that it will have its own name, which you may well be interested in. Agree with your interlocutor on how you will receive answers, maybe it will be his head nods, or maybe you will feel warm in your hands with a positive option, and cold with a negative one ...

Just designate the signal system itself with it. Then you need to ask a question that concerns you. And listen and watch. If nothing happens, ask again and again. In any case, you will find the answer, it's just that someone needs more time to make contact, up to several weeks, while someone gets it right the first time.

2. "In the pocket"

It requires attentiveness and the ability to notice even the smallest details, with the help of which it will be possible to decipher the message. The essence of this technique is that you form your request, and, as it were, “put it in your pocket”, and from that moment on, follow all the signs that the Universe sends. For example, a snippet of a song, an inscription on a billboard during a traffic jam, and similar nuances that you notice. Thus, you will feel that you have finally received the information you need.

3. "Book"

Very simple, but at the same time very informative way. Think about an issue that concerns you and choose a book. Mentally say it and with your eyes closed open the book and put your finger anywhere on the page. Then open your eyes and read. Or another option, name the page number in advance, what paragraph in a row and from which side to start reading. What is read is sometimes incomprehensible, do not be discouraged, in this case, sometimes an insight occurs quite unexpectedly when everything becomes clear. This method can be used no more than three times in a row during the day.

4. "In a dream"

Prepare a sheet with a pen near the bed. Form a clear question that you are seriously puzzled by and write it down on paper. Then, closing your eyes, give yourself the installation that you will remember absolutely all the answers that come in a dream. If you wake up at night, you will immediately write them out, and in the morning you will already read and understand their essence.

5. "Glass of water and sleep"

There are few similarities with the previous technique, but here water is used as a conductor of information. Get a full glass of clean drinking water. Before going to bed, close your eyes and mentally pronounce what interests you, drink half in slow sips. Then go to bed, and in the morning, as soon as you wake up, drink the remaining half.

This method can be used no more than three times for the same topic. You will receive important information in a dream, or in the form of a random realization, which is called insight, when an understanding of an ongoing or exciting event suddenly comes, even if at that moment we were not thinking about it.

6. "Pendulum"

It is necessary to take a thread, no longer than your forearm. We tie any load to one end, the main thing is that it be weighty, for example, a bead or a button. We put a sheet of paper on the table, put our elbow and find a support for the hand, because it must be motionless, because how to control it, this pendulum, if your hand itself will sway? Then we begin the study of signals, that is, we determine which side of the sheet is “yes”, “no” and “I don’t know”. And it is easy to do this by asking aloud a question, the answer to which is obvious to you.

For example, “My name is Eugene?”, and look in which direction your pendulum swung, this area will symbolize “yes”, if that is really your name. Then you need to ask the opposite, some random name, to find out where the "no" area is. After testing the reliability of the pendulum's answers several times, ask what you are directly interested in, so that the subconscious has the opportunity to answer you closed, that is: "yes", "no", "I don't know".

7. "Intention"

To do this, you will need at least 10 minutes in a calm environment, so that no one interferes or distracts. Concentrate all your attention deep into yourself, breathe slowly, best of all with your stomach. When you feel that the thoughts in your head have begun to slow down, and you have reached a relaxed state, say a question to yourself, then clearly form the intention that soon you will definitely receive an answer to it. Try to feel this confidence, which will not happen otherwise. Then breathe in and out slowly, and when you're ready, open your eyes and get back to your business.

8. Meditation

A very effective and useful exercise when you contemplate the flame of a candle, I wrote about it in an article. You just need to modify it a little, with ordinary contemplation there should be no thoughts in the head, but in the process of establishing contact with the subconscious, you should first concentrate on what interests you, and even then look at the candle. In this state, it will be much easier for the subconscious to reach out to you, and for you to hear it.

How to perform this technique correctly, read the article so that I do not repeat myself here. By the way, periodic practice will allow you not only to develop your intuition and gain access to information of the kind, but also to strengthen your health, increase stress resistance, develop mindfulness ...

9. "Bridge"

A very interesting method, with its help we will try to establish contact between the conscious and the subconscious. Take a sheet of paper and a pen, focus on your question, and when the whirlwind of thoughts in your head subsides, ask it out loud, and then just write down everything that comes to mind. It can be just a set of separate words, maybe whole phrases ... The main thing is not to try to interpret and reread them right away, let the mental flow flow, fixing it on paper. And when you feel that everything, proceed to decryption.

10. "Story"

When performing it, it is important to observe the emerging pictures before your eyes, without trying to modify them with the power of thought. To do this, sit comfortably, relax, close your eyes and think about what is bothering you, saying to yourself: “When I count to 20, I will have the information I need.” Then let go of the situation and just count slowly, preferably from 20 to 1. Various pictures will appear in front of you, there will be many thoughts. Your task is simply to observe, imagining that you are in a movie, watching a short film with a twisted plot, the idea of ​​which you will try to understand after the end.

That's all, dear readers! I would like to recommend my article. Thanks to it, you will be able to learn about the main methods of influence, which is also important, as well as the ability to hear your subconscious. Follow the news and subscribe to my blog to always be aware of the most interesting information. I wish you success!

This is not an answer.

No, this is the answer. It's just not what you want to hear.

It often happens that a person is tormented by some question, the answer to which does not come in any way, and this causes a feeling of “suspension”, “unresolved”, in every possible way burdens and generally spoils life.

Conversations with your best friend, with close people, with parents do not bring you closer to what is important and necessary, on the contrary, the diverse opinions of relatives and friends are confusing, impose restrictions and inability to hear your own inner voice.

Day after day passes, the issue remains unresolved and by no means less relevant. And it happens that a decision needs to be made very quickly, there is more than enough information to make it, but you are always afraid to make a mistake if you choose one of the options. It always seems that another choice would probably be better if you knew the answer for sure.

People often face life choices or unresolved issues, weigh the pros and cons, and still doubt the answer.

How can you get answers to your questions literally out of thin air?

We all know that the human mind is divided into conscious and unconscious parts. According to scientists, ninety percent of our behavior, our way of life, our reactions, beliefs, decision-making, the formation of intentions are due to the subconscious part, not controlled by consciousness, not understood by consciousness, not visible to consciousness.

The subconscious is an area of ​​the human psyche that is responsible for storing and processing incoming information, orientation in the outside world, unconditioned reflexes, as well as for intuition, for storing information about the Family, experienced emotions and feelings.

In fact, the subconscious is a huge database that stores everything that happened in a person’s life, from the moment of conception to the present day, and also stores and processes the information of the Family.

The subconscious constantly receives various kinds of information from the outside, which it correlates with what is already available, and, in general, the answers to the questions that a person is tormented by are already in his subconscious, you just need to talk with your subconscious and bring the answer to the conscious level.

Of course, there are techniques for asking questions to your subconscious, and therefore getting answers to them.

Each technique can be used as needed, although the results of applying the techniques are mixed.

So, the techniques themselves:

question on paper.

This technique can be used in two versions, as an express method, or as a long experiment.

Its essence is that the question of interest is written down on paper. Then you get answers from the subconscious.

With the express method:

It is necessary to allocate an hour or two of time so that nothing distracts, no one interferes, there are no extraneous sounds. Take a notepad and write the question of interest on a blank sheet of paper. Focus on it, and mentally ask the subconscious mind to answer this question. Write down what comes from the subconscious, that is, the actual answers, until they dry up.

Do not analyze, do not reread, do not stop and do not try to write in sentences or some bookish phrases. Write as is. As soon as there is nothing to write, you need to put down the pen and switch to something else. Reread. Here you can see various words, seemingly unrelated in meaning, the names of feelings and emotions, just scattered words. For example, I have encountered the words: “Jacket”, “Winter”, “Fish”, “Boat”, “Sad”, “Never” in response to a specific question.

Leave them at least for a day in this notebook, come back after a while, and you will see the answer to your question.

Pros: low cost in time, high effect for express questions

Cons: misinterpretation is possible when a lot of words that are not related in meaning do not want to add up to the big picture.

Long term experiment:

This method is more effective for a long experiment, its duration should be at least 14 days, and it is better that it be 21 days or a month.

So, we do the same, write down the question on paper, below we write five possible answers to this question, those that come to mind.

The next day, we repeat, read the question and write five possible answers, and so on until the end of the experiment. Do not read previous answers.

At the end of the allotted time, reread your question and reread all the answers. I think you will see for yourself that the answer to your question has been found.

This method is good when you need to make a fundamental decision that does not want to be made for various reasons. For example, the decision to change a partner, work, move to another city, or the question of how to find your own business.

By forcing the subconscious to look for an answer for a long time, you sort of digest all possible scenarios, only bypassing consciousness, and at the output you get the safest answer to your question.

By safe, I mean that this decision will be the most environmentally friendly for you with this degree of awareness, that is, the best at this time and in these circumstances.

Cons: takes a long time, not effective for "quick" questions

A question to the subconscious

The essence of the technique is to ask the question of the subconscious mind personally. In general, Sinelnikov V.V. wrote a lot about this. in their books, if desired, you can find this technique in the original source.

But briefly I will outline the meaning of the technique. To get answers to your questions, the subconscious mind mentally asks questions. Through the adopted alarm system, you can get an answer to any question.

Usually this technique is performed before going to bed, and it is desirable that no one touches you for at least half an hour. So, you go to bed and imagine what your interlocutor might look like. Better yet, directly turn to your counterpart and ask to appear. The image can be anything. Your subconscious will appear before you and then you can even ask him to give his name.

Next, you need to agree with him about how it will signal you about the answers "Yes" and "No". It can be a visual image, sensations in the body, sound signals, or some other signs that the subconscious mind is responding to you. Agree with him what signal will be the answer "Yes" and what "No".

Ask your subconscious until you feel that the answer is found. This may happen the first time, or you may hear the answer in a week or two. But in any case, you will receive an answer. Responses to vague or open-ended questions are difficult to recognize.

If you ask if you want to move to another city, then the answer here can be “Yes” or “No”. But if you ask, "What is my purpose?" then you will still get the answer, but it will be difficult to interpret and generally understand what the subconscious meant. However, the yes-no answers thus obtained from the subconscious were on point.

Pros: high efficiency, environmental friendliness

Cons: the ability to receive answers to questions of a closed type, such as “To go or not?”, “To change jobs or not?”. Responses to open-ended questions that are difficult to interpret or are vague.


The technique is as follows. We take a thread and tie a load to one end. A button, a bead, a shark's tooth, a dragon's eye - it doesn't matter, you need a weight that would allow the thread to be in a strictly vertical position. The thread should not be longer than your forearm.

Next, we take a sheet of paper, put it on the table, put our elbow on the table, it is desirable that the brush rests on something and is motionless. Next, we ask a question, the answer to which you know for sure, like “Am I a woman?”. We look in which direction the pendulum will move. It should swing to a sufficient amplitude so that you can accurately see the direction.

Accordingly, if you are a woman, then this direction will be the answer "Yes". Next, we ask a question to which you know the answer for sure, and this answer is “No”. For women, you can ask the question "Am I a man?". The pendulum will begin to deviate along the trajectory corresponding to the answer "No". Then, in the same way, we find out the answer "I do not know."

Once you have installed the alarm system, ask about what interests you.

In response, the pendulum will begin to swing, and you will see the answer.

At one time, I worked with this technique for a long time, all the time being afraid that I was breathing on the pendulum or my hand was trembling, and because of this it was swinging somehow wrong. In the future, I was convinced that this was not so, but this technique did not take root with me.

Once I asked the same question with maniacal persistence, several times a day, and always the pendulum showed the answer “Yes” to it. But in reality, that moment never came. Perhaps I was very nervous, or really wanted to get the answer “Yes”, which created interference and “knocked down” the pendulum in this way, as if forcing it to move in the direction I needed.

But, nevertheless, this technique is quite simple to use, and also gives answers to closed-type questions.

Pros: the technique is easy to use, does not require much preparation or time

Cons: the reliability of answers can be distorted if you are not in a state of balance, but really want some kind of answer; closed questions

Question in the pocket

The technique is also simple to perform, but requires care. You ask a question and sort of put it in your pocket. Go with him to work, for a walk or to the store, do household chores, sleep, read, go to fitness, in general, lead a daily life. The question lies in your pocket, you remember this and try to fix the signs that come from outside.

It can be billboards with some kind of advertisement, a song, maybe a movie, something else that will give you the answer to your question. No need to specifically look for these signs, because you risk distorting the answer. But you also need to keep your eyes and ears open.

The answer, as always, comes, but here your attentiveness and ability not to adjust the desired to the real play an important role.

Pros: simplicity

Cons: possible misinterpretation, distortion of signs

Questions in a dream

For me, this technique turned out to be the most complex and ambiguous, but, nevertheless, it has the right to exist.

Before going to bed, you need to prepare paper and a pen and put it close to the bed so that you do not have to get up to write down the answers. We ask you a question that interests you at night. It is necessary to clearly formulate it, not to ask leading questions, vague and questions for the sake of a joke.

Write it down on paper before you fall asleep, then give yourself such a setting. That you will wake up and REMEMBER the answers that will come to your question at night. If you wake up at night, then you need to quickly write down everything that happens on prepared paper and calmly fall asleep further. Read the answer to your question in the morning.

Unfortunately, this technique caused me a lot of difficulties due to the fact that I often wake up at night. Therefore, everything that she wrote down as answers to her questions looked more like nonsense and nonsense than real answers. I did not make friends with this technique, but I know that this method is very effective and gives excellent results.

Pros: good result after training

Cons: the technique is complicated, unclear answers to the questions asked.

Of course, I have not described all the techniques for asking questions of the universe and getting answers, but if you apply the above techniques in combination, then no question will remain unanswered.

P.S. I would like to end with a quote. Don't ask yourself too many questions. This is the centipede syndrome. The centipede was asked in what order she moves her legs, and she could no longer walk - Roman Polanski.

Working with the subconscious is the basis of any meditation, but medicine has long included it in its arsenal. For example, back in the early eighties of the last century in one of the closed sanatoriums in the city of Zheleznovodsk, I was taught to work with my own subconscious, only then it was called a little differently. By and large, little has changed since then. Modern healers and clairvoyants, for example, Mikhail Alexandrovich Miller and Gennady Andreevich Krasnokutsky, with whom I studied, when teaching their art, they first of all teach communication with the subconscious. The technique used by Dr. Sinelnikov is essentially a well-known element of neuro-linguistic programming called "Six-Step Reframing", which has long been tested and has performed well for decades. I say all this in order to dispel even the shadow of your doubt that you will be able to communicate with your subconscious. From the moment when you only formulate your desire to communicate with your subconscious, it will already strive to meet you. Moreover, it is quite possible (and even for sure!) the subconscious has been trying to tell you something for a long time and the question of establishing contact with the subconscious comes down only to hearing and understanding each other.

A very important circumstance is your attitude to communicate with your subconscious. As we have already said, the subconscious is very strongly connected with the outside world and strives to remain in harmony with it, therefore, if you hatch plans in yourself by communicating with the subconscious in the future to find out someone's secrets, if grievances boil in your soul and you want someone take revenge with the help of subconscious influence or otherwise negatively affect the world around you, this may cause great resistance from your subconscious mind in an attempt to establish contact with it, but the subconscious mind will be very willing to meet you if you are looking for contact to eliminate your own problems or even just for self-awareness.

Before we turn to specific methods, it seems appropriate to note some circumstances.

First of all, I would like to note that the subconscious mind is a very subtle instrument and must be handled very carefully. If you are currently unable to establish contact with him, or if you do not receive the information that you expect from him, or if the information you receive upsets you (and this happens and this is not unusual - because you will look for problems!), all the same, one should not allow any pressure on the subconscious, mental shouts, exhortations, and even more so one should not be offended by it! On the contrary, having received any information from your subconscious, immediately thank him for it!

Having received an answer or other information from your subconscious, just take note of it, but do not ask again and do not doubt the correctness of the answer, but completely trust your subconscious and treat it with the greatest respect, because your subconscious is the most intimate part of you!

Address your subconscious with requests, not orders! Anyway, any of your request for your subconscious mind is an order, and it will fulfill it in the best possible way.

The ease of establishing contacts with the subconscious depends little on the level of education and social status, but significantly depends on the propensity for figurative thinking, although even in the absence of figurative thinking, establishing contact with the subconscious is only a matter of time and perseverance.

Do not try to show your power over the subconscious! You have no control over your subconscious mind. Consciousness is like the Queen of England - it reigns, but does not rule, and all the real reins of government are in the subconscious, therefore only cooperation is possible with the subconscious and only on a voluntary basis.

Don't go to your subconscious with questions about the future.

Dr. Sinelnikov argues that people should be taught the ability to communicate with their subconscious from childhood as the ability to read and write, and does not note any contraindications to its use, although some authors are very careful. For example, Benjamin Krem in his book "Transmission - Meditation of a New Era" indicates that children under 12 years of age are allowed to work with the subconscious, and Alexander Lyubimov, who leads the specialized training "Immersion in the Subconscious", limits the age of participants to the range from 16 to 50 years. . Having felt the power of the influence of the subconscious, I personally tend to think that it is possible to work with the subconscious after the person’s personality has been sufficiently formed, that is, closer to thirty years.

In addition, some experts consider any acute somatic conditions (myocardial infarction and acute cerebrovascular accident, acute appendicitis, high fever infections, etc.), acute psychoses (schizophrenia, manic-depressive psychosis), craniocerebral trauma as absolute contraindications during the last year. Relative contraindications are hypertensive and hypotensive crises, cardiovascular insufficiency and bleeding tendency.

In our opinion, it is better to refrain from reprogramming the subconscious during pregnancy, especially in its last months, since the stress caused can have undesirable consequences, as well as during postoperative treatment and in other similar situations.

We do not recommend starting work with the subconscious just before bedtime, in the dead of night, and even in the dark without special need. It is also not recommended to start working on establishing contacts with the subconscious when there is a shortage of time, in a bad mood, in a painful state, or if you experience an internal unwillingness to do this at a given time, regardless of the reasons. As you begin to work with your subconscious mind, be mentally prepared for significant positive changes in your life and set aside the proper time for this.

Working with the subconscious is dangerous in situations where you have to control your behavior, such as when taking a bath, while swimming in a river or sea, in the hot sun and, above all, on the beach, outdoors in the cold season, etc.

We will try to describe the techniques and ways of communicating with the subconscious in as much detail as possible, but still it should be borne in mind that the subconscious of each person is absolutely individual and if your feelings differ from those expected, then this is in no way evidence that you are something doing wrong, but only reflects your personality.

Working with the subconscious includes the following main steps:

Preparatory stage;

Establishing an expanded dialogue with the subconscious;

Out of communication with the subconscious.

Preparatory stage and exit from communication with the subconscious;

Creation of a signal system "Yes-No";

Establishing an expanded dialogue with the subconscious.

At the same time, it is advisable to proceed to the development of a new stage only after the full development of all previous stages.

Preparing the body and mind to work with the subconscious

The purpose of this stage is to remove barriers to access to the subconscious and to maximize the sensitivity of consciousness by relieving internal stress. To do this, you need to relax the body, normalize breathing and calm thoughts.

Just as learning to drive a car begins with the correct position of the driver's seat, preparation for working with the subconscious begins with choosing a position that allows you to relax as much as possible and completely disconnect from the outside world. It should be borne in mind that all postures must be symmetrical, because any distortion during the lesson will cause tension. Before class, loosen the waist belt, unbutton the top button of the shirt, loosen the knot of the tie, take off the watch, glasses. Women should wear trousers.

Pose of a coachman on a droshky.

This posture is used more often than others because it allows you to practice almost anywhere where there is a chair, stool or even a box of a suitable height. There is only one criterion for the suitability of furniture for practicing in this position - the seat should be parallel to the floor. Your hips should also be parallel to the floor.

In order to take the correct posture, you should:

Sit on the edge of the seat so that the edge of the chair falls on the gluteal folds;

Close your eyes.

Possible mistakes:

Sometimes a person does not sit on the edge of the chair, but on the entire seat, which leads to numbness in the legs;

Women cannot spread their legs wide enough;

They do not hunch their back enough and do not lower their heads to the end;

Excessively leaning forward, which leads to pain in the neck;

Rest your forearms on your thighs.

Reclining position in a high back chair.

Sit in a reclining chair in such a way that when relaxing, the head leans back;

Spread your legs wide to relax the muscles that bring your hips together;

Put the shins in such a way that any tension disappears in them;

Place the forearms on the thighs so that the hands gently bend around the thighs and do not touch;

Close your eyes.

Pose in a chair with a low back.

In order to take this pose, you should:

Sit on the entire seat so that your hunched back rests against the back of the chair;

Spread your legs wide to relax the muscles that bring your hips together;

Put your shins perpendicular to the floor. If after that tension remains in the shins, move the feet forward 3-4 centimeters until the tension disappears;

Lower your head forward so that it hangs on the ligaments, and hunch your back;

While swaying back and forth, make sure the posture is stable due to the balance between the lowered head and the hunched back;

Place your forearms on your thighs so that your hands gently curve around your thighs and do not touch, but do not rest your forearms on your thighs;

Close your eyes.

Lying position with a pillow under the head.

The pose is convenient for practicing in bed before going to bed and in the morning immediately after sleep, and for many people this is generally the most comfortable pose, and in order to take it correctly, you should do this:

Lie on your back in bed, on a couch, sofa, put a low pillow under your head;

Place your feet shoulder-width apart, relax your legs. In this case, the socks will disperse to the sides;

Bend your arms slightly at the elbows, place your palms down; the hands do not touch the body.

Lying position without pillow.

Many people prefer this particular position, which differs from the previous one not only in the absence of a pillow under the head (and therefore in the position of the head), but also in the position of the hands. If possible, ask someone to remove and then put the pillow under your head again and you will feel that changing the position of the head requires a change in the position of the hands due to discomfort in the shoulder joints. Therefore, to correctly assume a lying position without a pillow, do the following:

Lie on your back in bed, on the couch, sofa;

Position the straightened legs so that the distance between the feet is 15-18 cm;

Place your outstretched arms at an acute angle to your body, palms up.

Be mindful of the symmetry of the posture.

Master the postures for practice and whenever possible, try to stay in the pose for at least a few minutes. While in the pose, try to relax as much as possible. If you feel discomfort in any part of the body, try to correct the defect in your posture that is causing it. If you want, you can try all the listed poses one by one in order to choose the most suitable for you. Don't worry about not choosing the most comfortable position - you can always switch to another position at any stage.

After you have chosen the most suitable posture for training, you can move on to relaxing the muscles and eliminating clamps. To do this, go through your inner gaze throughout your body, starting from the top of your head to the tips of your toes, or in reverse order, and find the places of greatest tension. Often these are the mouth, lips, jaws, neck, back of the head, shoulders, stomach. Try to tighten the clamps even more (until the muscles tremble), do it while inhaling. Feel the tension. Release tension abruptly, do it on the exhale. Do this several times. In a well-relaxed muscle, you will feel the appearance of warmth and pleasant heaviness.

Having mastered the process of relaxation, you can proceed to the systematic relaxation of the whole body, observing the following rules:

Be aware of and remember the feeling of a relaxed muscle in contrast to overexertion;

Each exercise consists of three phases: "strain - feel - relax";

Inhalation corresponds to tension, exhalation corresponds to relaxation.

You can work with the following muscle groups:

Face (forehead, eyelids, lips, teeth);

Nape, shoulders;


thighs and abdomen;


The bottom of the legs.

It is desirable to achieve complete relaxation of the whole body, since each tense muscle has a stimulating effect on the brain and this prevents the necessary state from arising. If you can’t remove any clamp in the body, try to smooth it out with a light self-massage in a circular motion with your fingers. Usually, the muscles of the hands, and almost all other muscles, are quite easy to relax, but you have to work with the muscles of the face separately, since the muscles of the facial group have the greatest influence on the brain.

To relax the masticatory muscles with the head upright, silently say the sound “Y” and let your jaw drop. Sit like this for a while and watch how, with the relaxation of the masticatory muscles, a wave of relaxation passes throughout the body, how the muscles of the face relax, the eyelids become heavier, the gaze stops, the surroundings become blurred due to the relaxation of the muscles that focus the lens. At first, you can watch your face in the mirror.

To further relax the muscles of the face, again with the vertical position of the head, relax the chewing muscles with a silent "Y". Then, to relax the tongue, silently say the syllable "Te", while the relaxed tongue gently rests on the back of the lower teeth. Watch your condition. Let the heavy eyelids fall. End the exercise with an exit. Do this for at least a few minutes.

If, despite all the measures taken, it is not possible to remove the clamp of any facial muscle, try to gently smooth it out in a circular motion with your fingers. In addition to self-massage, you can make grimaces of surprise, joy or others.

After mastering the relaxation of the muscles of the face, connect the result achieved with the studied postures. If you intend to work with your subconscious reclining in a chair with a high back, then the relaxation of the muscles of the face is performed exactly as described above. In the “coachman on a droshky” pose and in a pose in a chair with a low back, when the head is lowered, the mouth passively closes, and in lying poses, when the masticatory muscles are relaxed, the jaw slides down.

By the way, facial muscle relaxation can also be used simply to reduce mental and physical stress.

When working on relaxing the muscles of the body, do not inspire yourself with any special calmness, but passively focus on what you have at this time. Even if you are nine tenths tense, focus on one tenth of relaxation. Practice only as much as you can passively. If you start to get distracted, you should make an exit.

The most common mistake in mastering relaxation is the inability to see the rudiments of the desired state and, as a result, the desire to inspire oneself with the “necessary” state. Such inner activity accelerates even those rudiments of a state that already exist. Further attempts to inspire oneself with something that is not yet there only intensify the internal struggle, turn such “relaxation” into torment. To avoid this situation, the duration of relaxation should be gradually increased starting from a few seconds, because even a very absent-minded person can focus on real calm for a few seconds.

Breathing exercises.

Relax completely and deeply, without opening your eyes, do the breathing exercise. Slightly open your teeth and completely relax your tongue, take a slow deep breath at the expense of 1-2-3-4 (while the stomach protrudes forward and the chest is motionless). Then, for the next four counts, the breath is held. And a smooth exhalation at the expense of 1-2-3-4-5-6. Again, hold before the next breath at the expense of 1-2-3-4. You have completed one breath cycle. Repeat it ten or twelve times. You need to breathe only through your nose. The pace of counting should not be too slow or too fast.

Ideally, the count should be based on heart rate (pulse): two heartbeats are counted as one. If you want to regulate your breathing in the best possible way, adapt to such a count by measuring your own pulse in advance, then start counting heartbeats: one, and two, and three, and four. In total, you should get eight heartbeats for four of your counts. The point here is to completely fill the lungs with air on the inhale and also completely empty them on the exhale.

The normalizing effect of breathing is based on the fact that inhalation excites, mobilizes, increases muscle tension and is accompanied by a feeling of coolness, and exhalation calms, dispels negative emotions, helps to relax muscles and is accompanied by a feeling of warmth, so inhale, saying the word "calm" to yourself, and exhale while saying the word "relaxed".

Sometimes it happens that during relaxation a person falls asleep. This means that sleep is the most important thing for his body now, and he will have to return to work with the subconscious later. If falling asleep occurs regularly, then it is necessary to correct your mood, for example, according to the Osho method: “Remain awake inside, remain conscious inside. Let the body be totally relaxed, more relaxed than usual during sleep. But inside, stay awake. Inside, let your consciousness burn like a lamp so that you do not fall asleep.

By relaxing your body and freeing your mind from unnecessary thoughts now, you will best set yourself up to establish contact with your subconscious.

We coordinate the signs of the signal system

To communicate with the subconscious, it is necessary first of all to develop the simplest signaling system for the exchange of information, which will allow feedback. Currently, there are many ways to create such signal systems, and most often the signal system is built on the basis of ideomotor reactions, which means any movement of any part of the body that is not controlled by consciousness.

The most convenient and acceptable for most people is the so-called finger method, repeatedly described by different authors, the essence of which is as follows.

Let us agree that the signal will be the movement (raising) of the index (or other) finger of the right hand or the index finger of the left hand. Having prepared for work with the subconscious mind as described earlier, turn as if inside yourself with approximately the following words:

“Dear subconscious! I want to receive signals from you in the form of the movement of the index fingers of my hands. Please give me a yes signal.

Now we need to be patient and just wait a while, because subconscious reactions are sometimes very slow. After a while, in one of the fingers you will feel warmth, itching, tingling, numbness, or another sensation will come, indicating that the muscles of this finger have received a signal from the subconscious and the finger begins to move. Quite often, subconscious movements occur unevenly, but as if in jerks, and this is quite normal. If the finger on the right hand began to move, then this means that for you the “Yes” signal is the movement of the index finger of the right hand. In this case, the finger may bend to a painful state, or it may only move slightly - this is not essential, because in any case you received the information.

Having received the answer of the subconscious, you should thank him: “Dear subconscious, I understood your answer and I thank you for your answer.”

After waiting for some time, you can repeat this exercise several more times in order to consolidate, however, it is very important that in addressing the subconscious mind this does not manifest itself as a doubt that you correctly understood his answer, therefore, in re-addressing the subconscious mind, you must use this formulation :

When carrying out this exercise, it is very important to discard any doubts in general and, in particular, doubts that the movement of the finger was carried out precisely by the subconscious and it is not the result of your conscious action. It is equally important to give the subconscious enough time, not to rush it and not think about anything else while waiting for a reaction. As practice shows, non-compliance with these conditions is often the only reason that someone did not perceive the response of the subconscious.

Milton Erickson, one of the most talented psychotherapists of the twentieth century, preferred to use his hands to communicate with the subconscious. This technique differs from the one described above only in that it uses the unconscious movement of the whole hand as an answer, and not just one finger. At the same time, the wording for dealing with the subconscious remains the same, only instead of the word "finger" the word "hand" is used. It is recommended to try this technique to determine which is more suitable for you.

Very effective, in our opinion, is the body pendulum method. In this case, you need to stand up straight, put your feet together and look straight ahead or close your eyes. In this technique, the signal will be the direction of your body swaying (forward or backward, right or left). To address the subconscious, the following formula is used:

“Dear subconscious! I want to receive signals from you in the form of the movement of my body. Please give me a yes signal.

After a few seconds, your body will involuntarily move forward (or backward, or to the right, or to the left). This will be your “Yes” signal. Having received the answer of the subconscious, you should thank him:

"Dear subconscious, I understand your answer and I thank you for your answer."

Repeat this exercise a few more times to consolidate, using the following wording:

“Dear subconscious! Please give me the “Yes” signal again so that I can remember it better.”

Having worked out the “Yes” signal sufficiently, work out the “No” signal in the same way.

This method is available to almost every person and it is so sensitive that it is necessary to take care in advance that you do not fall when using it. We find it very useful to have this method in our arsenal, so we highly recommend working it out carefully.

The listed ways of communicating with the subconscious, or at least one of them, are available to most people, and if you failed to establish contact with your subconscious on the first try, then you should return to this question later and repeat again, achieving a positive result. The vast majority of people communicate with their subconscious using these methods, and you should be persistent in mastering them. Persistence, but not pressure on the subconscious, because although rare, it still happens that, due to the individual characteristics of a person, the subconscious mind agrees to give out only some specific signals. In this case, give your subconscious the opportunity to choose the signals for communication. To do this, after carrying out the above preparation, contact your subconscious mind as follows:

“Dear subconscious! Please give me the "Yes" signal in a way that suits you."

After that, for some time you need to carefully listen to the signals of your body. Expected signals may be:

Movement in the soles of the feet or in the knees;

Shaking the head from side to side;

The head rises or falls slightly;

Movement of the arm at the elbow;

Involuntary trembling of an arm, leg, or other part of the body;

Eye movement left-right or up-down, etc.

It should be borne in mind that the most exotic combinations are possible. For example, some people prefer to answer "Yes" by raising a finger and answer "No" by raising their whole hand.

In addition to movements, other reactions can be used as signals, such as reddening of the skin as a “yes” signal and pallor as a “no” signal. Possible answers in the form of a visual image or picture. For example, the “Yes” signal in the form of sunrise and the “no” signal in the form of a barrier with the inscription “Stop”. And sometimes the responses of the subconscious can be received in the form of an “inner voice”, which, moreover, broadcasts in a language unknown to you. However, in practice it does not matter at all how this happens. The only important thing is that your choice satisfies you, because your subconscious mind knows more about you than anyone else. You should never consider what is happening as success or failure - be sure that the subconscious is talking to you and you will definitely hear it! Subconscious reactions, being completely meaningless, very often show a tendency to the most obvious expression, downright "scream" about themselves, but if you pay attention to only one part of the body, you can lose sight of them, and if so, you should return to the question of establishing contact with the subconscious again and again and in the end you will hear each other.

If your subconscious mind gives several signals at the same time, then you need to thank all the parts of the subconscious mind that answered you and ask them to form a "committee" and work out one signal in the form that is most convenient for you.

There is no "good" or "bad" subconscious and there are no "good" or "bad" signals! Subconscious signals are very individual and they are all absolutely equal. Whatever the signal, it is the signal of your subconscious, and if you confidently distinguish it, then it suits you and you can use it in your communication with the subconscious.

Although we have spent a lot of time on atypical cases, in fact, most people get into contact with their subconscious on the first try. If you had to select special “keys” to your subconscious, this does not mean at all that difficulties await you in the future. On the contrary, you have already got to know your subconscious quite closely and have already jointly solved one problem, so that in the future it will be easier and more interesting for you to communicate with it!

Having passed the stage of establishing contacts with your subconscious mind, communicate with it for practice at the “Yes - No” level.

To do this, prepare in advance a few topics for communication or a few specific questions. Since this is an educational communication, simple, low-emotional and obviously conflict-free questions related to the past or present, but not to the future, are more suitable. For example, these:

- “Dear subconscious, do you like to talk with me?”;

- “Dear subconscious, do you like autumn?”;

- "Dear subconscious, do you like the style of my clothes?".

After preparing to communicate with the subconscious mind in the manner described earlier, ask your subconscious mind questions and listen to its answers. Sometimes it happens that the subconscious does not give an answer to some questions. This is because you have asked a question that cannot be answered with "Yes" or "No", so try to avoid questions that do not have clear answers. Also, avoid promises from both sides.

The duration of the first dialogue should be no more than a few minutes, but as experience is gained, the dialogue can be quite long.

At the end of the dialogue, thank your subconscious mind for the communication.

Establishing a dialogue with the subconscious

After you have mastered the Yes-No signaling system - but only after that, not before! - you can move on to an expanded full-fledged dialogue with the subconscious.

To do this, you need to again prepare for working with the subconscious as described earlier, and then turn to the subconscious with the following question:

Wait for your subconscious to answer your question. The answer in the form of "Yes" or "No" will come to you in the way that you have chosen to communicate at the level of the signaling system.

In the vast majority of cases, the subconscious mind answers positively, but if you still get the answer "No", then thank your subconscious mind and postpone communication with it for another time. It doesn't matter why the subconscious mind said "No"! The subconscious knows you better than yourself, and if it now gave a negative answer, then it has every reason for this, but this does not mean refusing to communicate at all. Try to appeal to the subconscious with a proposal to communicate at another time and, in the end, you will get a positive answer.

When you get a positive response from your subconscious mind, thank it and get ready to ask it a few questions. The most relevant are questions related to your acquaintance. For example, these:

You will receive an answer in the form of "Yes-No". If the answer is negative, you can only thank him, and if the answer is positive, you can turn to the subconscious with the following request:

“Dear subconscious, tell me your name! Give me your answer mentally or in the form of an image.

Now you need to fully focus on your feelings in much the same way as you did when establishing a Yes-No contact.

The answer comes in different ways. Most often, people hear an inner voice that pronounces this name. This voice sounds as if from nowhere, literally in your head. Sometimes there are images. For example, a poster with text. Or a stormy sky with an inscription in the form of lightning. Or neon advertising. Or an inscription on the side of a trolleybus. Or a bundle of wires turns into an inscription. Or you see a book page with a highlighted word. Images can be anything. The main thing is that they should be clear to you.

If the answer is delayed, repeat the question again (and again, if necessary), but do it very kindly - after all, you are communicating with yourself! Although you believe that you did not receive an answer from the subconscious, in fact you simply did not hear it or did not understand it, because the subconscious always gives an answer!

If you find it difficult to make out the answer, ask your subconscious mind to communicate the answer in another way. Cooperate with your subconscious, look for new ways, go towards each other!

If the subconscious mind has its own name and has told it to you, carefully remember it and do not tell anyone. The name can be very different - male, female, or even a neuter word, dry or tender, filled with meaning or completely conditional, and perhaps even in a foreign or completely unknown language. Remember this name and in the future refer to your subconscious by name.

Thank your subconscious mind for telling you its name. If necessary, you can ask your subconscious mind the question of whether you pronounce his name correctly.

Since personal communication is highly desirable for the development of acquaintance, turn to your subconscious with the following question:

As a rule, the answer comes in the form of a visual image, and the image can be both trivial (a figure) and completely unexpected. For example, in the form of a cloud, a berry, a tree, a bird, an animal, a car, etc. The subconscious of a woman is very often in the form of a man, and vice versa. And sometimes the subconscious appears even in the form of a sound ...

Thank your subconscious, remember its appearance and do not tell anyone.

Now, after completing the dating stage, you can just chat. As in the previous case, simple, low-emotional and obviously conflict-free questions and requests related to the past or present, but not to the future, are most suitable. For example, these:

“Dear (name), how are you feeling?” - Possible answers in the form of an inner voice: great, I'm tired, you drove me, I need rest, etc.

Chat with your subconscious for a while to consolidate the skills, using equally simple questions and not forgetting to thank him for each answer. If in any case there is no answer from the subconscious, do not step on it! If the subconscious does not show its appearance, also do not step on it!

For some people, it is most convenient to use the mental screen method to get answers, the essence of which is that the information of the subconscious is displayed on the mental screen in the form of images corresponding to the question asked or the problem under consideration. Having mastered this technique well, you simply close your eyes and, having asked a question, passively contemplate the pictures on the mental screen. Everything that appeared on the mental screen in response to your request, these are not random visions, but the most important information presented by the subconscious after careful analysis of the multitude of data it has.

To begin working with the mental screen, you must first do a few simple exercises to develop this ability, which it is advisable to perform several times a day for three to five days. In addition, each of the exercises consists of the following steps:

1. Prepare for classes as indicated earlier;

2. Close your eyes. Imagine a light screen of a silvery-white hue, then call on it the images of flat geometric shapes: a triangle, a circle, a square. Hold them on your mental screen for a while, then just let go.

Do the same with the letters, glories, and phrases you mentally write on this screen.

3. Choose a simple-shaped object from those that are at hand: a pencil, a key, a box of matches, or something like that. Consider it carefully for some time, and then, closing your eyes, mentally reproduce it on the inner screen. Try to keep the image of the subject as long as possible. Don't be discouraged if it doesn't work right away: with a little practice, you'll be able to do it freely.

4. Imagine how you return home, open the door of the apartment. Walk through the rooms. Relax in a chair. Mentally turn on the TV or flip through a book.

5. Go back in time. Imagine on your mental screen that you have become a schoolboy again and are in a hurry to get to class. Feel the weight of the school bag in your hand. Remember what lessons today and in what lesson you may be asked. Here you run into the school locker room: who did you meet? What are you talking about? Enter the class, sit at the desk. Here is the call, the lesson begins.

After some time, you will be quite capable of evoking and holding any images on your mental screen - from simple geometric shapes to events unfolding in space and time, after which you can use the mental screen to communicate with your subconscious mind, which occurs similarly to that described earlier, namely :

Prepare to work with the subconscious in the same way as you did before, then address the subconscious with the following question:

“Dear subconscious mind, are you ready to communicate with me on a conscious level?”

Wait for your subconscious to answer your question. The answer in the form of "Yes" or "No" will come to you in the way that you have previously chosen to communicate at this level.

When you receive a positive response from your subconscious mind, thank it for the response. If your acquaintance with the subconscious according to the scheme described earlier for any reason did not take place, get acquainted with it now by asking it the following question:

“Dear subconscious! Tell me, do you have a name?"

You will receive an answer in the form of "Yes-No". With a positive answer, you can turn to the subconscious with a request:

“Dear subconscious, tell me your name! Give me your answer in the form of an image."

Now create a mental screen and wait for the images to appear on it, which will not be slow to appear. At the same time, you are completely passively contemplating the images that come, because now you are only an indicator of the subconscious process. Do not try to analyze the visions that come, just calmly fix them. No matter how strange the images may seem to you, accept them with gratitude, realizing that there are no trifles and accidents in this information. Every detail is important and has a certain meaning.

When the formation of the image is completed, calmly examine it and try to understand. If the information came in the form of an inscription, but not all letters are present in it, ask your subconscious mind what other letters are in this word. If the information came in the form of an image, look at what object this image looks like, and if necessary, check with the subconscious mind whether you understood it correctly.

It also happens that you have built a mental screen, and the information came to you through an inner voice. This means that the subconscious is now more comfortable, so thank your subconscious anyway for telling you its name. If necessary, you can ask your subconscious mind the question of whether you pronounce it correctly.

The next question to the subconscious might be:

“Dear (name), can you show me your appearance (how you look, your image, etc.).”

The answer will come to you in the form of "Yes-No". Thank your subconscious. With a positive answer, you can turn to the subconscious with the following request:

"Dear (name), show me your appearance (show me)."

Again create a mental screen and expect the image of your subconscious to appear on it, and having received this image, remember it.

After completing the dating stage, you can simply communicate with your subconscious. For this, simple, low-emotional and obviously conflict-free questions and requests related to the past or present, but not to the future, are best suited. For example, these:

- “Dear (name), what type of recreation do you like?”;

- “Dear (name), what computer games do you like?”;

- “Dear (name), what kind of music do you like?”.

Communicate with your subconscious mind for a while, giving pleasure to each other. When formulating questions, do not go into details, because you are communicating with an interlocutor who understands you perfectly and knows everything about you! At the same time, do not forget to thank the subconscious mind for each answer. If in any case there is no answer from the subconscious, do not step on it! If the subconscious does not show its appearance, also do not step on it!

And do not try to immediately move on to solving problems - you will do this later, and at this stage the most important thing is to master and consolidate the skills of communicating with your subconscious.

After completing the session with the subconscious mind, perform the correct exit procedure to eliminate the possibility of unpleasant sensations.

We complete communication with the subconscious

Exit from communication with your subconscious is made in the following cases:

You have exhausted the topic of communication;

You feel tired;

Interference in passive concentration announced that the time of passive concentration was over.

The following simple technique will allow you to effectively move from deep relaxation to wakefulness in a short time and become as active as possible.

To exit communication with the subconscious mind, do the following:

Thank your subconscious mind for communicating with you and for helping you;

Say goodbye to the subconscious in the way you have adopted;

Concentrate your attention on the fact that the session of communication with the subconscious has ended and now you will come out of a relaxed state;

Slowly clench your fists, feel strength in your arms and throughout your body, but otherwise do not change your posture;

Without unclenching your fists, stretch your arms towards your knees;

Wait for the end of the next exhalation;

Take a deep breath, while inhaling, raise your arms up, arch your back, turn your face up;

Pause for 1-2 seconds to prepare for the precise execution of the last phase of the exit;

Arouse a feeling of joy in yourself;

At the same time, exhale sharply through your mouth, open your fists and open your eyes, then calmly lower your hands and look around.

Those who tend to have high blood pressure should focus on the calm, peaceful strength that has accumulated during the exit, and people who are prone to low blood pressure should focus on alertness, energizing, feeling chills along the spine, running "goosebumps" along the body.

Insufficiently precise implementation of the technique for exiting communication with the subconscious leads to some lethargy, which, however, resolves on its own over time.

It should be noted that the techniques and methods of relaxation used in preparation for communication with the subconscious are primarily aimed at establishing primary contact with the subconscious and at strengthening the ability to conduct a dialogue with it. As you gain skills, these techniques can be gradually abandoned, omitting individual procedures, and, accordingly, simplifying the procedure for exiting the dialogue with the subconscious. If you liked any preparatory techniques, then you can leave them in your practice. You can also combine different methods. For example, I prefer to establish a dialogue while sitting in a deep chair or standing with the help of the pendulum of the body, and I prefer to conduct an extended dialogue while lying down, but if at some point in time I don’t have such conditions, then I communicate with the subconscious based on the available opportunities and do this is both in public places and on the street, including during a slow walk, and once, due to the exclusivity of the situation, I had to work with my subconscious even while driving a car when it was moving along a country road, although I categorically do this for you I do not recommend.


Anyone can develop psychic abilities. We want to bring to your attention one simple technique that helps to understand that each of us has a sixth sense. The technique allows you to apply this ability in everyday life and ask absolutely any questions that can be answered with “yes” or “no”. How to get a response from the subconscious?

Become a wizard

With the help of this technique, work is underway with the subconscious mind, which will answer your questions “yes” or “no”. The range of applications for this technique is simply limitless. For example, using this technique, you can successfully pass any tests at work or school. Understand whether to trust your colleagues or business partners. The choice will be much easier.

Everything ingenious always lies on the surface. After a little training, each person will be able to use it in practice. It is based on the principle of the pendulum, but without using it. The human body itself is a big pendulum. We cannot directly communicate with our subconscious, but we can do it through reflex phenomena.

simple technique

How to get an answer from the subconscious quickly, without a shaman's tambourine, a dinosaur's eye and a peacock's feather? This method is based on muscle contraction with the involvement of the vestibular apparatus to communicate with the subconscious.

Step-by-step instructions for calibrating the subconscious:

  1. Stand up straight. Straighten your shoulders and back. Place your feet shoulder-width apart.
  2. Close eyes.
  3. Silently or out loud ask your subconscious: “What does yes mean to you?”
  4. Relax your leg muscles and try not to keep your balance.
  5. Within a few seconds, the body should lean back or forward.
  6. Your individual deflection angle will be the answer "yes" to your question.
  7. Stand up straight again and ask, "What does 'no' mean to you?"
  8. Relax the body.
  9. For some time, your body will deviate forward or backward (for each individual).
  10. If this does not happen, then you need to try to repeat the question again and again until the subconscious mind tells you where is “yes” and where is “no”.

This calibration must be carried out before each session. One day the movements can be one, and the next completely different.

To test your subconscious mind, you can ask it those questions that you know the answer to for sure. If the subconscious mind answers “yes” to the necessary and well-known question with the movement of the body, then another question can be asked.

There is only one downside to this technique. The subconscious needs to be offered a huge number of options, constantly sorting through them. But the accuracy of the answers is quite high. And each time it will only increase.

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