How to remove the smell from the elderly. The smell of old age: a disease or a hygiene issue? Cleaning of upholstered furniture

Unfortunately, people are not eternal and sooner or later a period comes when an elderly person dies. Often, in memory of themselves, they leave apartments and houses to their relatives.

It is impossible to live there from the first days, because the air is saturated with old age. This raises the question of how to get rid of the smell of old age in the room?

Preparatory activities

Before removing the smell in an old apartment, you need to understand how strongly the unpleasant aroma has eaten into the surrounding space.

First of all, in the house of the old person, conduct. If the weather is warm outside, you can open the windows. Put outerwear, bedspreads, towels, chairs on the balcony.

To make the solution you will need:

  • 20 milliliters of liquid soap and dishwashing gel;
  • 2 cups of water;
  • a spoonful of citric acid and vinegar.

Mix everything and shake until foam appears. Take a clean sponge and pour the product on it, clean sofas, armchairs and mattress.

Smell disappears due to the thick foam. For best results, leave the foam on the furniture for one to two hours. Use a brush to remove residue.

Other techniques for treating stench

It's hard to live in an apartment where there is a stench from old age. Smells eat into everything around.

To get rid of the stench from things, you can use:

  • peel or zest from citrus fruits. Place them on the shelves in the closet, window sills, boxes;
  • ground or whole-grain coffee. Arrange it in plates and place it throughout the apartment;
  • scented soap. It needs to be cut into small pieces and spread around the room;
  • citric acid, soda or activated carbon. These products are considered good adsorbents that absorb any odor.

But these methods do not always help create conditions for fragrance.

Some housewives claim that they got rid of mustiness with the help of:

  • wax candles. Light a candle and walk with it in all corners. It is best if the candles smell like fragrances. Then it is enough to put them in those places where the unpleasant aroma is most felt;
  • burning paper. Smoke drowns out other scents. To do this, take paper or newspaper, crumple it and set it on fire;
  • special devices. At the present time, there are aroma lamps, ionizers and humidifiers, quartz lamps and ozonizers. They quickly change the atmosphere in the apartment.

Any method removes mustiness and stench from old age. But which one will be effective depends on the individual characteristics of the room.

When elderly people live in the same walls for a long time, an unpleasant smell cannot be avoided. Unfortunately, not in all cases it is possible to cope with the problem.

If all else fails, then it is best to make a major overhaul in the apartment. Experts say that the stench accumulates in the wallpaper and floors. Therefore, it is worth opening the floors and laying a new covering.

To make the result happy for a long time, follow some tips:

  1. Ventilate the room regularly. If this is an opportunity, then leave the windows ajar all night and for the time when all household members will be at work or school.
  2. Keep your home tidy. Don't bring in new things right away. The apartment needs some rest and refreshment.
  3. Increased moisture leads to mold in the home. Therefore, do general cleaning as often as possible.
  4. Use natural flavors.

The old smell in the apartment is one of the common problems that affects young families. But getting rid of the stench is possible if you resort to using various methods.

On weekends, I took out winter clothes from the closets, sent some to the wash, ventilated others, threw others in the trash, and thought that the smell of old age, in fact, sometimes happens to young people as well. Well, yes, how many times in the subway I felt quite an old man's stench from young people and even girls. Most disgusting is when this musty smell is mixed with cheap perfume. They smell of decay, mustiness, dirty linen, in general, some kind of nightmare: as Gogol delicately writes about the lackey Petrushka, "always carries with him some kind of special smell." Something seems to me that the gentlemen did not smell very well then, but maybe I am mistaken.

She began to suffer especially terribly from an exacerbation of her sense of smell two months after she quit smoking.
And how awful hungover people stink, oh, as I remember now - and what a happiness that I don't drink anymore.

I got nervous from the memories, smelled all my things, just in case, washed everything and again, already pleased, smelled.

I noticed that the last thing in the closet smelled like things that were hanging, and not lying on the shelves, and sat on the Internet, looking for where the old people and even young people generally get such an unpleasant smell and whether it can be avoided.

I have been very interested in this topic of senile smell since childhood, because I will never forget how I suffered when I forced myself to kiss my great-grandmother Dunya, who smelled awful. Until his death, Baba Dunya knitted hats, scarves, mittens, socks for the whole family, and I wore her vest until adolescence: she made grooves that could be embroidered. Granny, as I called her, was so kind, quiet, sweet that at night I cried bitterly into my pillow, because I loved her very much, but with horror I thought that I would have to kiss her again tomorrow. Shame and disgust, I will never forget them, not just love.

And I began to look for how to get rid of this nightmare. It's time to search - I can use the Internet, a lot of grandchildren, and old age can only be avoided by those who die young.

All more or less serious articles on senile odor boil down to the fact that it cannot be destroyed at all, because the day is clear, the body in old age functions differently than in youth, and the patient differently than healthy. And the old man cannot not be ill.
But in general, scientists still cannot really say anything, which they honestly admit: a human being is an animal and cannot smell at all, and indeed even an iron robot smells, even if it is iron and lubricating oil, even though it is a machine! Everyone smells.

This is on the one hand. On the other hand, many wealthy foreign old people practically do not smell unpleasant, unlike the poor and lonely old people and, unfortunately, many old people in Russia, whom no one cares about.

But no matter how much I wanted to live with someone, so as not to smell. Although I read how the forums are pounding in hysterics that old children need to be helped. No, I don’t need such happiness! It's one thing to go to visit, another - to live with relatives.

On the third hand, maybe many people don't give a damn if they smell or not, right? And they also have the right, this is their life, and if someone doesn't like sniffing them, no one forces them to communicate.

But, if you still don’t give a damn about the smell, then let’s consider, let’s not get rid of the smell of old age at all, as some researchers write, then at least what components does this stink of old age consist of and how to minimize it.
What exactly gives an unpleasant smell?


1. Take a shower twice a day, and not when the old man thinks that he needs to put himself in order.

2. Wipe off only with a clean towel that does not smell of anything. Change the towel every day. sending the used one for washing.

3. After washing, use a deodorant and skin cream.

4. Brush your teeth in the morning, evening and after meals.

5. Watch your fingernails and toenails.


4. Wear only clean underwear. In the evening, send all underwear to the wash without hesitation - whether it is dirty or not. Throw away old linen, do not fix it.

5. Make sure your clothes are clean so that they don't smell.

6. As you buy new clothes, remember to throw away the old ones.

7. All clothes should hang in the closet, not lie. Never hang worn clothes in a closet with clean clothes.

8. Do not buy expensive clothes, so that it would be a pity to wash them or throw them away.

9. The closet should always be half empty so that things in it were free.

10. Ventilate things regularly outdoors or in the room with an open window in winter or in the sun in summer.

11. Bed linen is changed once a week.

12. At home, all things should be in closets, nothing on the surface, so that dust can be easily removed. All things and souvenirs absorb the smell.

13. No carpets for easy vacuuming and mopping. Carpets absorb odor.

14. Eat healthy food: a minimum of sweet, starchy foods, nothing fried, salty, a minimum of spices, and so on. And generally limit yourself to food.

15. Take a minimum of medication.

16. Do not drink alcohol or smoke.


17. Maximum movement, walking, and a minimum of sitting in front of the TV, at the computer, with a book on the couch.

I myself have lived like this for several years, but still, having quit smoking, I smelled a nasty smell from my own winter sweaters lying in the closet. Well, I washed it and hung it on hangers. I won't put them down anymore.

Here I show it.

Well, so far everything that I have read and figured out how to deal with the smell of old age, musty, disease.

If you add to my list, I will be very grateful!

From today on, I have taken it as a rule regarding shopping: if you buy a thing, throw out the same old one. For example, I bought one blouse, threw out another similar old one, hanging a new one in its place.
You look, and I will buy less. May be.

It is interesting to conduct a survey, because many did not smell the old people, as I read on the Internet. With what it can be connected?

But for myself, I found out this: the smell of old age is a complex phenomenon, where the smell of an aging body is mixed with the smell of poorly washed clothes, poorly cleaned home, poor diet and lifestyle.
Therefore, it is necessary to establish a way of life so that in old age it is convenient to take care of oneself. That is, boldly throw away old things and in general - down with plushkinism!
What do you think, friends?

There is such a thing as the smell of old age. It is this aroma that cannot be confused with anything.

Who does not dream, having arrived in a small village to his grandmother or grandfather, go into a small house and feel the presence of old tired people.

This is what appears when you talk about this topic. But if we ignore the lyrical digressions and look deeper, then with age, each elderly organism undergoes changes that can be reflected in the persistent human odor.

What could be the reason for the persistent senile scent? Consider all possible options, as well as how to change the flow of time and preserve its former freshness and prolong the youth of the body.

Causes of senile odor

The existing causes of senile odor have been explained by scientists:

  1. Scientists have proven that over time, the human body releases chemicals that are responsible for the presence of senile odor. They are called nonenals. These are volatile substances that are released through the skin. The older the person, the more of them. In fact, it is a pheromone-like substance that reminds of the onset of old age.
  2. Over time, old people experience a weakening of the muscles of the bladder, so it happens, which can also cause odor from a person. This is, in addition, accompanied by a decrease in olfactory function. Old people do not feel that an unpleasant aroma comes from them, therefore they pay less attention to this fact.
  3. ... During a strong release of sugar into the blood, the immune system suffers. The body weakens and cannot cope with infections and bacteria that multiply on human skin. As a result, with active reproduction, microorganisms begin to secrete peculiar substances, which also give odors to a person.
  4. With age, some people become weak, they are simply not recommended to take a bath for medical reasons. They cannot clean the apartment, change the linen and make the bed. Personal hygiene suffers, and specific "stenchs" emanate from the body.
  5. Slagging of the body, the use of medicines that evaporate through the skin pores.
  6. The fear of catching a cold prevents the elderly from regularly ventilating the room, and wrapping themselves in a large number of things gives them the smell of sweat and originality.
  7. Lack of the use of deodorants and perfume.
  8. Eating fatty foods, fruits and vegetables. The digestive system of the elderly works less actively and during digestion, some of the products simply rot in the intestines, which is expressed by an unpleasant odor from a person.

In addition to the human body, the smell of old age can come from the house, from every object in it.

It will be felt even in the house of a young family, if there is a lying sick old man in it.

Bondage to bed causes many skin problems, and with inappropriate care this scent only intensifies.

A sweetish luscious smell is also felt in large gatherings of the elderly: in hospitals, homes for the elderly and the disabled.

It exists and it is not a myth. We will talk about how to get rid of the smell of an elderly person below.

How to eliminate unpleasant odor?

Avoiding fatty foods

Having studied the factors influencing the occurrence of the problem, you can follow in the opposite position.

For example, if the smell occurs when eating fruits and vegetables, then they should be discarded. The same can be done with fatty, high-calorie foods.

Old people lead a sedentary lifestyle, spend little energy, so they do not need such food.

The diet should be dominated by steamed, boiled, baked, stewed foods.

They are more useful in old age, are quickly absorbed by the body and are also quickly eliminated from it.

Chemicals (nonenals) cannot be eliminated, since they are produced by the body.

This is a natural physiological process that can be hidden by using perfume compositions with citrus notes.

Regular hygiene procedures

Urinary incontinence can also be managed. But if age allows it.

At a more advanced age, people find it difficult to serve themselves, this should be done by close relatives.

Buy special ones at the pharmacy or, they will prevent the smell from escaping.

Herbal decoctions and infusions can be used to strengthen the bladder.

Old people are afraid to take baths, to go to the bathhouse. They are afraid of slipping, falling, injuring themselves.

In some patients, over time, the skin becomes thinner, less fatty substances are released. It becomes painful for them to rub their skin with a washcloth.

Such procedures can be replaced with a shower. Take it at least once a day, using modern scented shower gels, shampoos, creams, etc. that will reduce the body's production of unpleasant odors.

In the bathroom, it is necessary to install handrails, a rubber anti-slip mat so that the elderly person does not get hurt.

Force yourself to brush your teeth and disinfect your mouth every morning. It can also cause a strong, unpleasant odor.

Important! If the patient is lying, then hygiene procedures are required regularly. The body of old people is wiped daily with soapy water, bedding and underwear are changed. In order not to get the mattress on which it lies, you can lay a glue pad, which must also be processed.

How to remove the unpleasant smell of old age from an apartment

What needs to be done so that this smell disappears not only from the body of an elderly person, but also in his house?

  1. When a person is alone in an apartment and it is difficult for him to do a wet spring cleaning, then in advance get rid of bulky old things that have ceased to serve a person. Carpets and rugs, as well as woolen things, strongly absorb the senile smell. Remove books from the shelves (give, give), newspapers and other waste paper also exude a long-standing aroma that mixes with dust.
  2. The use of aromatherapy. Light scented candles, sticks, use essential oils that purify the air. Aromatic sachets can be placed in closets with things, which will make bed and linen smell fragrant. You can hang bunches of dry aromatic herbs in the kitchen.
  3. Add fabric softener during washing.
  4. Make natural odor absorbers. It can be activated charcoal wrapped in a light cotton cloth, dried or fresh citrus peel spread around the house. Clove sticks, cinnamon sticks also minimize unpleasant odors in the house.
  5. Get a room air freshener.

When the odors are too persistent and emanate from the walls, floor, and the listed procedures do not cope with them, then it is necessary to radically approach the problem.

Make cosmetic repairs in the house or apartment of your old parents, while leaving only the most necessary household items so that the smell has no place to absorb.


Before you deny something to an old man, remember that the same problem can happen to you.

Show patience and respect to your family and friends who are at the end of your life.

Help them in every way. Take an interest in their life, take part in it. Then it will be easier for them to cope with unpleasant odors.

Video: Senile smell

The smell of old age

Probably everyone noticed that at a certain age people get the smell of old age from the body. Sometimes this is simply a lack of adherence to the rules of personal hygiene, sometimes it is a sign of chronic diseases, disruption of the sweat glands and fatty glands, slagging of the body.

Indeed, with age, all human physiological processes undergo changes. The older a person is, the more problems with metabolic processes appear, the enzymatic activity of digestion is disrupted ...

And if a person does not take this into account and continues to abuse meat, fried food, which the body is no longer able to process and the decay of which begins already in the stomach, then the intensity of unpleasant odors emanating from the body only increases. Often, an old person is followed by a train of medications being taken.

What are the reasons for these smells?

Scientists make another assumptions about the appearance of an unpleasant odor in the age category of people. They associate it with reproductive loss. The physiological processes of animals and humans are very similar, and observing animals, scientists have concluded that males choose a female for mating by the smell that sex hormones synthesize. In the aging body of animals, the synthesis of sex hormones that attract males stops.

In the human body, at a certain age, a restructuring of the hormonal background also begins, when the production of some hormones dies out and completely different substances are synthesized.

Nonenaly - the cause of senile smell

When studying problems, scientists do not rely on sensations, but on scientific research and facts, giving each phenomenon an objective basis. The fact of the smell of old age was also given such a conclusion.

Scientists in Japan have discovered nonenals - unusual chemicals that begin to be produced in the human body as it ages, especially after 60 years. Moreover, the older a person becomes, the more he synthesizes these substances with a characteristic odor that we associate with old age.

Nonenaly - the cause of senile smell

Alas, science cannot yet influence or reduce the synthesis of nonenals, as well as establish a specific reason for their formation.

Small but useful nuance: Scientists believe that perfumes help to disguise the smell of old age that nonenals create. This is how nature arranged our sense of smell. Often, not hearing our own smell, we are acutely aware of the smells emanating from other people.

But men, at some subconscious level, are able to determine the age of a woman by her perfume .. incomprehensible, but it is! They associate the smell of flowers with the smell of an elderly woman, especially the smell of a rose!

And fruity notes of perfume - with youth! It is believed that the smell of grape fruit rejuvenates a woman in the eyes of men for almost 10 years !!!

Why shouldn't you eat fatty and fried foods?

Some scientists have suggested, based on their research on sweat samples taken from old people, that the production of lactic acid bacteria and glucose increases over the years. The result of their activity is carbon dioxide (CO2), which has a pungent aroma.

Scientists have come to the conclusion that the repulsive aroma that appears in the elderly is a consequence of the consumption of high-calorie fatty foods.

In addition, it was noted that fresh fruits and vegetables at this age also do not benefit and form, with frequent use, an unpleasant amber. This is explained by the fact that the digestive system of the elderly works sluggishly, not like in a young body, therefore, the rotting of fresh natural gifts begins already in the stomach.

Important tip: In order for the body of an elderly person not to exude unpleasant odors, you need to eat low-calorie food, and eat fruits and vegetables thermally processed (baked, stewed, boiled). Fried food must be completely eliminated.

How to get rid of the unpleasant odor?

Russian scientists look at the problem of unpleasant odors emanating from the elderly in a more mundane way, in contrast to their foreign colleagues.

I would like to acquaint you with the opinion of Yuri Konev, Doctor of Medical Sciences, who notes that the causes of odor in people of delicate age come from the body. Based on the facts, he explains that a characteristic, heavy spirit always appears in the wards where heavy immobilized patients lie, regardless of age.

But in nursing homes with proper care for the elderly, there is no such smell. Therefore, in any case, it is important to care for the elderly and the elderly, to observe their hygiene.

The aromas of purity are important

Life tells us that in old age people do not like to take a bath. Fears of slipping affect. There are other reasons as well:

Psychological, which are explained by loneliness, lack of incentive, sometimes just laziness.

The aromas of purity are important

With age, people's skin becomes thinner, grease decreases, it becomes dry and sensitive, so washing causes unpleasant sensations.

After taking a bath or shower, the lipid film is completely washed off and the skin tightens and causes painful sensations.

At this age, ichthyosis often develops - increased peeling of the skin (especially in men). In the area of ​​the genitals and anus, itching appears, called senile. These sensations, as a rule, often intensify after taking a shower.

But it is still necessary to observe the hygiene of your body at any age. In old age, water procedures should be carried out much more often than at a young age.

  1. Replace your bath with a shower that you take daily or every other day, as the sweat glands gradually lose their activity with age.
  2. Replace the soap with a cream-gel with a neutral pH, which is more gentle, which will preserve the lipid layer. After showering, apply a moisturizing gel or cream to your skin.
  3. If you are taking a bath, then it should be with handrails so that you can hold onto them with your hands. Be sure to place a non-slip rubber mat on the bottom of the tub. If it is impossible to comply with these rules, relatives are obliged to help their elderly parents in taking water procedures.
  4. Make the water temperature comfortable for the body. Not hot or cool, so as not to irritate the skin again.
  5. If it is impossible to take a bath, the skin must be wiped with sanitary napkins. Wipes can be impregnated with herbal extracts with anti-inflammatory properties, natural emollients. Or for these purposes, you can purchase baby care wipes.
  6. Dry skin requires additional intake of B vitamins contained in meat, whole grain cereals; vitamins D, A, E, which must be prescribed by a doctor. After all, it is known that not only a deficiency of vitamins is dangerous for the body, but also an excess of them.
  7. It is important to follow the rules of personal hygiene, starting with oral hygiene: brushing your teeth, using dental floss ...

Delicate issues require special attention

Often, unpleasant odors provoke chronic diseases of people, such as gastrointestinal diseases, diabetes mellitus.

Important tip: Control your blood glucose level yourself. A device for measuring sugar levels - a glucometer, can be purchased at any pharmacy.

The appearance of an unpleasant odor in old people is sometimes associated with a violation of physiological functions. Women and men of age have problems with urinary and fecal incontinence. With age, the sense of smell of older people also dulls and sometimes, they simply do not notice the smells emanating from their bodies.

Serious and unpleasant diseases associated with urinary incontinence occur in 40% of women of advanced age, in men they are less common. But nevertheless, they are amenable to treatment and correction. The most effective way to get rid of urinary incontinence, nevertheless, is considered to be surgery (the use of TVT tape), special exercises also help ... And of course, in extreme cases, you can always use diapers or absorbent pads that neutralize the odor.

How to get rid of the smell of old age in an apartment

Unpleasant odors can come not only from people, but also from unventilated things, furniture around them. Sometimes a lot of dust accumulates in the apartment. And we must not forget that almost half of the dust consists of dead particles of the epidermis, constantly exfoliating from the human skin.

Dead skin particles, being torn away from the body, settle in the folds of people's clothes, get stuck on the fibers of soft bedspreads and furniture, in carpets, rugs and rugs, accumulate along with dust in the corners of the room.

smell in the apartment

Elderly people find it difficult to wet clean, change bedding, wash and iron it and their clothes. Therefore, undergoing a process of decomposition, dead skin particles create a characteristic amber, which we call a stale, musty odor.

Perform a general cleaning of the apartment

♦ You should not use air fresheners, they do not eliminate odors, but only mask them. But moreover, they bring great harm to human health. The pleasant smells of the air fresheners hide toxic chemicals that are easily breathed into the body and absorbed through the skin.

♦ It is better to carry out a general cleaning, which should be done by the relatives of the elderly. Clean upholstered furniture, sort through all the clothes and empty the closet of all things that have not been worn for a long time. Wash the rest of the clothes using the conditioner, iron and put on the shelves. Place bags with dry herbs, orange peels, fragrant bars of soap in the cabinets.

♦ It is better to get rid of carpets and rugs completely, these are real dust collectors that require constant cleaning.

♦ If animals live in the house, they intensify these odors. After all, if an elderly person cannot take care of himself, he, of course, does not at all monitor the cleanliness of his pet.

Removing the smell in the apartment with dry fog

The Americans invented a special generator that sprays dry fog in the apartment. The smallest mist particles are produced by a unique liquid formulation. Dry fog does not settle on the surface, its particles penetrate into all hard-to-reach places: gaps between cabinets, cracks, irregularities, fabrics (even into their deep layers).
Microparticles of fog completely neutralize the unpleasant odor of the apartment, and the formed film of them prevents it from appearing again for a long time.

Unfortunately, science has not yet invented ways of eternal youth and old age in everyone's life - an inevitable natural process. Try to be more tolerant of your aging relatives and help them cope with the unpleasant symptoms of old age.

I wish you health and longevity!

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Over the years, it becomes more difficult for a person not only to cope with daily affairs, but also to monitor his own body. It starts to function worse: old sores are aggravated, joints ache, metabolism slows down ...

In addition to visual changes, aging of the body is clearly noticeable by a specific senile smell, which may be invisible to the owner himself, but unbearable for others. And if with regular hygiene human body odor weak, sour-cloying, then in a slovenly old man it can be quite heavy.

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Unpleasant body odor

The senile smell usually appears at the age of 70–75 years, and only gets stronger over the years. One of the reasons Japanese scientists call the chemical 2-nonenal, the concentration of which in old age increases at least 3 times. 2-nonenal is a breakdown product of unsaturated fatty acids in the skin, and this natural process cannot be influenced.

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Aged people less carefully monitor the cleanliness of the body and clothing, as a result of which an unpleasant mixed smell of sweat and other body secretions is created. In addition, in old age, gastrointestinal problems are aggravated, diseases of the teeth and gums progress, which only intensifies the "amber".

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When the senile scent becomes too perceptible, it becomes impossible to stay close to its owner. Therefore, senile odor should be fought as far as possible.

How to deal with bad odor

  • Home cleaning
    You can neutralize unwanted odors with regular wet cleaning with deodorant agents. Although such a measure helps only for a while, hardly anyone has the opportunity to clean up every day. However, weekly cleaning is worth doing.

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  • Odor neutralizer
    You can use deodorants for the home, and detergents for cleaning the floor or dishes, and aromatic oils, and even lemon juice. You can use dried wormwood, burnt laurel or eucalyptus leaves to give your home a pleasant smell. We must not forget about regular ventilation.
  • Washing
    Regular washing of clothes will save you from persistent old age smell. But when using scented detergents, you should take into account possible contraindications (allergies, asthma). In addition, due to inattention or absent-mindedness, older people may confuse dirty laundry with clean ones. This needs to be monitored.

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  • In old age, every day is hard for a person, because by the age of 70, the body wears out in order. Therefore, it is difficult for old people to perform even basic hygiene procedures. Because of this, it is hard for them both physically and mentally. Therefore, any help must be correct, not affecting a person's pride.

    Reprimands and attempts to shame are completely inappropriate. Only after reaching old age, everyone will be able to understand and feel how hard it is when you are already half a century if not 20 years old. Better take care that your loved one elderly person the necessary hygiene products were always at hand.

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    It is also important to note that bathing in old age often turns into torture due to dry skin. Therefore, you should use a liquid soap, and preferably a pH-neutral shower cream-gel. According to doctors, old people should wash themselves every 2-3 days. Bed linen should be changed weekly and underwear every 2-3 days.

    In the home of an elderly person, sources of a pleasant aroma are needed: a bouquet of flowers, scented candles. They will not only hide an unpleasant smell, but also give pleasant emotions. It is better to buy air fresheners with herbal, woody, tea or citrus aromas. Then senile body odor will be almost elusive.

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    Earlier we discussed whether we can send a loved one to a nursing home, as is often done in the developed countries of the world. And they also found out what determines the rate of aging of a person, because on this occasion, scientists have managed to obtain interesting results.

    What do you think about this? Share your opinion in the comments.