A compliment for a beautiful decent girl. Compliments to a beautiful girl in verse

Many men and guys have difficulty communicating with the opposite sex. Especially when it comes to beautiful girls, such representatives of the stronger half are especially afraid to approach and even more so talk to them.

As they say, the devil is not as scary as he is painted. In this article, we are going to give a couple of tips on how to please a girl or woman, what beautiful words you can say to her, how to compliment and, in the end, how to confess your love.

There are many songs about love...

Of course, in each individual case, everything is individual and there is no universal approach to girls. But there are certain moments and actions that most of them like. For example, a very good tone, and sometimes the best way to win the heart of the most impregnable lady is a subtle compliment.

First of all, you need to improvise, notice some features and characteristics of this or that girl and talk about it, there is nothing complicated about it. The beauty and depth of meaning of such compliments is limited only by your vocabulary.

A simple compliment to a loved one is an art that can be learned.

Of course, we will offer you a list of original, unusual and pleasant compliments for every girl. But you also need to practice on your own. To do this, say nice words to girls and women as often as possible and watch their reaction. As they say, they will be pleased and you will practice.

Also, if you want to become a master of compliments, read more novels, better than classic ones, love poems, love parables and other works in one way or another related to love. This will help you learn some of the subtleties of the emotional component of this difficult task. It's no secret that women are more emotional than men.

Simple compliments are the best gift for a girl, as well as the perfect way to make amends or ask for forgiveness!

Based on the foregoing, the main features of the ideal compliment can be distinguished:

  • It is better to compliment the inner qualities of a person, the appearance must be beaten very subtly, for example: "You are so beautiful in this dress."
  • Try to be as sincere and honest as possible, believe it is noticeable.
  • Compliments about the girl's taste and preferences, for example: "You always dress so elegantly," will also be a win-win option.
  • If she is proud of something, praise her, for example, if she reads a lot, say: “You are so erudite,” after which you can discuss some book that you read together.
  • The main enemy of a compliment is ambiguity, you should avoid phrases like: “Your girlfriend is such a beautiful dog, she looks like you.”
  • If you borrowed a phrase for a compliment from a book, try to concretize it as much as possible and apply it to this particular case, use the names, the situation, the environment, bring in your vision.
  • Do not overpraise and do not go too far, otherwise you can ruin everything, and it will look like flattery.
  • Speak simply and clearly.
  • Well, you need to crush advice and teachings, state the facts.

And now we bring to your attention a list of compliments for any occasion:

“When I saw you, I forgot where I was going…”
“You are like a bright star in a clear night sky. I am attracted to you…"
“You are like a bouquet of spring flowers, your smell drives me crazy…”
“Your smile is so sincere and charming that I am ready to admire it forever…”
“When I look at you, I forget about all my problems, thanks for being you…”
"You know, looking at your legs, I'm starting to doubt that someone has a slimmer one."
"Your skin is so soft, I just calm down when I touch it."
“It’s hard to believe, but you cook even better than my grandmother!”
"Your earrings are as sparkling as your smile."
"I'm sorry, what modeling agency are you from?"
“In this elegant suit you look like a business lady!”
"I'm trying to understand why I can't take my eyes off you and can't even imagine"
“For a wife like you, I would fly from work like Superman in 5 minutes.”
"This suit perfectly emphasizes your athletic figure."
“If mother nature creates ideal forms, then these are yours!”
“You are not like everyone else, I like that you have your own opinion!”
"If I compared you to cars, you would be a Ferrari."
"You have a very beautiful voice, I can not hear enough, say something else."
“It seems to me that we have seen each other somewhere before, maybe in a dream?”
“If I were a girl, then as beautiful and smart as you!”
"What kind of dragon do you need to kill to become worthy of such a princess?"
“It seems to me that every day, I love you more and more.”
"I'm sure you'll be a good wife!"

Compliment more often, good luck! 🙂

Every lady dreams of being admired by gentlemen for her beauty. But it is better that such admiration be bright and poetic. Here, compliments to a girl about her beauty come to the rescue. With their help, you can express warm feelings in the best way. Words can hurt, or they can heal. But unfortunately, less and less often we use compliments with the fair sex.

No, there are just a lot of beautiful girls. Only to hear Pushkin's "I remember a wonderful moment" or Petrarch's sonnet addressed to you - alas, not everyone can. And even if one in a thousand comes up and reads a couple of lines, then those around him will consider him crazy. Politeness and gallantry in our century is sheer madness.

Short compliments to a girl about her beauty in verse

Don't worry, a compliment doesn't always consist of a long text that needs to be memorized. You can give a compliment to a girl about her beauty with simple quatrains and phrases. Our selection of short compliments will help melt the heart of the “snow queen” in any situation and, possibly, win her love.

Short compliments to a girl about her beauty in quatrains

1. The best girl in the world,

I will dedicate words from my heart,

You are as beautiful as the sun at dawn

So light, beautiful and tender!

2. You are beautiful, like a rose,

unearthly charm,

I am in your dangerous eyes,

I'm drowning in my head.

3. Your hair is a warm waterfall

Eyes like blue seas

Lips are sweet like sweet chocolate

I loved you for a reason.

4. The fire in my soul sparkle

I'm burning all by myself

The lioness conquered me

All at your feet!

5. You are tender, like flowers,

You have fire and power!

You're the girl of my dream:

Slim, smart, beautiful!

6. Your tender lips are like a delight

Eyes like a lake of wondrous depths

Your smile is already like a reward

Just give me a passionate look alone.

Short compliments to a girl about her beauty in prose

It is not always necessary to be a poet to warmly beloved. Prose is also rich in vivid turns. You can try to use the following pleasant sayings in communication:

  • You are beautiful as well as smart.
  • I am in awe of your beauty.
  • Today the sun shines especially warmly, because I met you.
  • You are the brightest star in the entire galaxy.
  • Your daughter will be better than you.
  • I like everything about you: smile, walk, your beauty.
  • You are the dream of all guys. And she got me.
  • I am grateful to fate for having met you.
  • I found in you all the virtues that a girl should have: loyalty, hope and love.
  • My soul belongs to you, my most charming, gentle, kind.
  • I am ready to write poetry for you, because my love knows no bounds.

These are simple expressions. But in life, not everyone hears them. With their help, you can both earn forgiveness and confess your love or invite the "lady of the heart" on a first date.

Some more nice compliments

If you need a little more uncomplicated, but unusual turns, then the following list is exactly for you:

  • You have an angelic soul and a kind personality.
  • You are perfection itself.
  • When you smile, little angels sit on your shoulders. They are happy that you are happy.
  • You can drown in your eyes.
  • Your lips are sweeter than honey.
  • You found the keys to my heart.
  • Every day I lose my head more and more from you.
  • I'm ready to fall in love with you every day.
  • Your hair is soft like silk.
  • You are my joy, my universe.
  • You are an amazingly beautiful girl.

To come up with such statements, it is not necessary to have writing talent. Watch movies about love, listen to contemporary songs, or even pay attention to ads on TV. In our world, you can find a lot of inspiration for creating pleasant phrases and gentle poems.

And the last instruction, but very important. Any compliments to a girl about her beauty should come from a sincere heart and soul. Then they will be heard. Love each other and be loved!

“Let's exclaim, admire each other, do not be afraid of grandiloquent words. Let's compliment each other, After all, these are all happy moments of love ... ”Our portal is sure that such signs of attention are extremely flattering for girls. Compliments to a girl should be elegant and original, but the main thing is to come from the heart, be sincere, like . However, if you still have to become more adept at admiring girlish beauty and grandiloquent forms of expressing words of admiration, then relax.by offers you a ready-made compilation of beautiful compliments to a girl in verse and prose. Take note, develop a sense of beauty!


Your amazing features attract me like a magnet and give me hope for a wonderful continuation of our story. Your sincere kindness captivates and disarms, forcing me to open up to meet you. Your unusually rich inner world fascinates and conquers. An amazing, perfect combination of beauty, and it's all you...

Where can I find a miracle - paints,
To paint your portrait?
Your image is a mixture and fairy tales,
And neither add nor take away.

Everything is in you: and firmness of will,
Sincerity, humor, beauty,
Live, not play a role -
And life is full, and thought is pure!

Before the beauty of your face, even the features of the beautiful Cleopatra fade. You are like a fresh flower, created by nature at the moment when she was in the best mood. You have no flaws, you are an example of an ideal woman, in which beauty and kindness miraculously combined - the rarest cocktail.


The world is filled with your beauty
Your amazing charm
He is so gentle, airy, invisible.
I love admiring you!

Believe me, constantly ready
I give warm words charm,
A sea of ​​happiness and a sea of ​​flowers
Fulfilling any wish.

And do not meet me in my life
Women are brighter, nicer, kinder.
If you come from fairies,
Then I am ready to become a sorcerer.

I love you every day
Compared to you, the sun is a shadow!
You are always more tender than any flower,
The moons are always more mysterious, sweeter!

You will conquer the whole world with beauty,
You will always understand everything and forgive everything,
You with your tenderness and kindness
Cover the world from gray, dull everyday life!


It is not often that you meet an interesting person with whom it is pleasant to talk on any topic and who can find a common language with anyone. But you pleasantly surprised me, it is impossible not to listen when you speak. Interesting people are a rarity and a highlight of modern society, so they need to be valued and cherished.

You are the best girl in the world
All over the planet, all over the universe!
And I dedicate my lyre to you
The most extraordinary girl!

And if suddenly someone decides to argue,
What is even more beautiful and sweeter than you,
I will fight bravely like a knight!
When you are near, all life is brighter!

There are very few good people in the world who can selflessly come to the rescue, support and comfort. And it's great to know that you're that kind of person! Your hands give warmth, your eyes warm with kindness, and your voice consoles and sounds more melodious than classics. And the greatest happiness is to know you!

Everyone is happy to meet you
Tell you a couple of compliments
Your charm is starfall
Gives bright moments to everyone.

You are perfection one hundred percent,
Although an ordinary man
Everything around you is always light
And let it be so forever.

You are a symbol of happiness and kindness -
Nature is crazy about you!

You smile, and a torrential rain of positive emotions and vivid impressions begins! You smile, and this world is covered with a patchwork quilt of kindness and genuine happiness! It's getting warmer, the stars are lit up in the sky, a sweet haze is floating in the air... Smile more often, my love!

Oh, the purity of those bottomless eyes,
It would be a joy for everyone to drown in them,
I don't understand how I lived without you
I look at you, I need to see you next to me.

Your hostess is good for everyone -
Beautiful is her body, beautiful soul,
But you - her highlight is big -
You have sweetness, happiness and the road to Paradise.

In fact, complimenting your girlfriend - your beloved and dear person - is not so difficult. Develop observation, admire and simply voice the emotions that your soul mate evokes in you. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, just like love.

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Happiness is not just in you, you yourself are this long-awaited, intoxicating happiness. You are so beautiful that I can look at you for hours without looking away for a minute. You are extraordinary, magical, and most importantly mine. With you I feel warm, light and joyful. You are the reason for my smile, my stimulus, my soul, my peace and harmony. You are all the best that could happen to me, and I am grateful to you for being with me under any circumstances. You are my tenderness, my love, my certainty.

Beloved, you can be compared to a real holiday, because you always give so much positive and vivid emotions that it’s even difficult to describe in ordinary words what I feel when I’m next to you. I know that we can always find worthwhile options for spending time together, enjoying each other and the brightest, most wonderful feelings. We cannot be bored, bad with each other. We will definitely catch the buzz from life, enjoy every day. Of course, if necessary, we will also go through life's trials, holding hands, because such support for each other always turns out to be worthwhile. I dream of enjoying the journey of life with the best companion who can inspire and care, make you believe only in the best. Remember: I was created for you, I want and can only be with you. I love and adore, appreciate and cherish you!

My beloved girl, I greatly value what fate gives us. How I want to thank you for showing up so unexpectedly in my life when I was really trying to find an opportunity to recover from past failures. You allowed me to believe that we can be together and have the right to true happiness. I want to feel and enjoy bright, innermost emotions, breathe freely and create. Fate has prepared you for me, dear companion of my glorious life. I believe that each subsequent year of our relations will help strengthen what we have. Dear, let me always be only with you, and you with me? Let us give each other the opportunity of happiness and the fulfillment of our most secret wishes, the confidence that life will certainly develop with bright facets. I love you very much!

Honey, it's so hard for me to find the words that would form a beautiful, original declaration of love. Do not think that these problems are caused by a lack of feelings for the girl that the Lord sent. There is only one reason: I have never even experienced similar feelings before, I don’t know how to express what God has given me, which fate itself contributes to, because nothing helps to move away from you, to forget our wonderful relationship. I wish you to see every day and know that we will be truly happy, understand that we will be able to maintain the relationship that began with such ease. I dream about you, fall asleep and wake up with thoughts only about the only girl who deserves attention and sincere love. I want to give you happiness and faith that everything will turn out as we wish it together. I need you, my dear, my love.

Honey, you remind me of a star that turned out to be a gift from the universe. You combine the most beautiful character traits, beautiful appearance and truly amazing potential. With you, you can experience wonderful moments of life and achieve happiness, make dreams and wishes come true, understand how close we are. Each of our meetings is a gift for us, right? We can understand that we do have a chance for happiness, the opportunity to give each other great love and the chance to fulfill our deepest dreams. You inspire me for further promotion and creative manifestations, you allow me to fully enjoy our relationship, amazing intimacy. Dear, you are the best girl with whom fate has brought me. I am extremely lucky that it was you who could become everything for me!

Honey, you remind me of a star and all the most beautiful corners of our planet. You have so many amazing facets and real beauty embodied in you that it is difficult to describe in words, because you need to see and feel, understand and realize it. With every second of communication, I am convinced that our relationship is truly a great opportunity to be together, no matter what. Beloved, I know how important it is to further develop relationships, to try to understand to what extent we can go, what we can give to each other. I really want to be alone with you, to know and understand that we will certainly find happiness in each other, we will be able to realize how wonderful life can be. Beloved, I dream of you and believe that we will keep what we have, find an opportunity to make dreams come true, take a step towards each other. Love very much!

My beloved girl, you know, I lived for a long, long time, tried to do something, but it looks so funny now, because I understand that then I was nothing, because only with you I took a step towards my happiness, managed to discover positive facets of the world and believe that the universe is able to truly please, to give what a person dreams of. Honey, I want to be with you always, appreciate the gifts of fate, enjoy life to the fullest. Let our relationship continue as long as possible, because we can still do so much for each other, give so many bright and special emotions that it is even difficult to describe. I love you very much. You know, even all the warmest and most affectionate words are not enough to describe the feelings that turned out to be presented by fate. Honey, I know that we will be together in the future, and I will try to make you the happiest.

My dear, please don't ever worry about anything. There is no need to think that something is missing in life, as I will try to make every effort so that you can experience real happiness, take a step towards embodied dreams. Beloved, I so want to protect you from many people and from the oddities of the world, to give you a piece of happiness that you already deserve. Honey, we can be together, and I want to know, to understand that this chance will certainly be used. Beloved, please tell me what is in your heart, what worries you, what you want and what you are afraid of, and I will certainly try to help, do everything possible so that life opens up only positive facets, gives hope, and doubts fail make excuses. I love you infinitely, I want to believe that we will certainly be together. You are the best girl for me, the most tender, dear and beloved.

From the very beginning of our amazing relationship, I have experienced amazing feelings that are not so easy to describe. You know, in order to understand what wonderful emotions were presented by fate, you need to experience them, you need to enjoy the company of your chosen one every day. Dear, do you feel that our relationship turned out to be amazing? Do you feel the same wonderful feelings that fate gave me? I know that you will answer positively, because I always feel tenderness in your voice and look, I feel support and care in actions. Romance and tenderness, brightness and passion are also successfully embodied in our relationship. I dream that every day we become closer to each other, to be able to find the numerous facets of our relationship, to understand how wonderful they are. I love you very much!

You so gently entered my heart, took possession of my soul. And you know, you will stay with me forever, because I am no longer able to imagine another girl next to me. Every day, every meeting with you contributes to the strengthening of relationships that have the opportunity to develop further, become stronger and happier. Honey, I know that we can be together at any time of the day and in any weather, give each other many opportunities to spend time charmingly and understand how wonderful the world can be when we are together. You know, at first I appreciated your visual beauty, but later I realized how wonderful your character is, how capable you are of being my companion, the most attractive girl. Now my feelings are getting stronger, and you know, my dear, I don’t want to fight it. I love!

How long did I gather the courage to admit to myself that I love one beautiful girl very much. I am in love with you and want to be with you all my life, the best and dearest for me. What a beautiful and wonderful image you possess, how you can charm with your charm, amazing tenderness and wisdom. It might seem to me that I'm just in love with the goddess, but I understand that I want to live with you all my life, to know that the Lord will allow us to fully enjoy each other, give us numerous days so that we can take steps towards, strengthen the created relationship. I love the most beautiful girl in the whole world and I want to know that she will definitely be with me. How I want to make her the happiest, to prove that the world is able to please with various facets. I cherish you, my chosen one, my soulmate.

Honey, what would I have to do if I hadn't met you? What would I do without you, my only one? How would I have to live? I don’t know the answers to these questions, but I hope that fate gave me the best girl forever, so that in the future I can enjoy happiness to the fullest, manage to gain an amazing faith that wishes and dreams will always come true. Honey, we meet every day, and you know how difficult it is to wait for our meeting when you want to get closer and closer. I want to go with you to Europe and enjoy walking along the old streets, taking a camera, go to a cafe and plunge into an easy conversation with a touch of flirting. How much we want to happen in our life, but it will certainly happen. For now, read my SMS and understand that fate brought us together not just like that, but so that happiness could always be celebrated.

Honey, I want to admit that during the time that we spend together along the path of life, I did not regret that I decided to be with you. About such miraculous love they sing songs and compose poems. You know, I could not believe before that such bright and special feelings exist, but fate proves otherwise. I believe that we will definitely be together, despite the many obstacles of fate, because we have already overcome so much and our feelings continue to become brighter, stronger and sincere. You know, I don’t want to live without such wonderful feelings, I want to understand that we will definitely save our relationship. Beloved, you can be my wife and life partner, the dearest girl ever. I dream that these words turn out to be not just chatter, but a kind of prophecy. I believe that fate will allow us to keep what she herself gave. I love!

My dear girl, we are getting closer to you, we have wonderful chances to maintain a bright relationship, use numerous opportunities for rapprochement and discovering the bright facets of fate together, together. I am happy when I am next to you, when I can fully enjoy what fate gives us. Every day, month and year my feelings become stronger. Honey, I'm so happy that you managed to become my chosen one and gave our relationship a chance to develop. You make me truly happy. I want to give you a great future, in which positive emotions, romance and tenderness, passion will reign. Darling, I so want to have a wonderful date that can emphasize the fact that we really have bright, real feelings for each other. I love!

There are various feelings in our world, but they all turn out to be beautiful. The most important thing is, of course, love. But how difficult it is to meet a loved one, a truly close person. Dear, thanks to the fact that you appeared in my life, I was able to find a beloved soul mate who can give real happiness. I want to say that you deserve only the warmest and brightest, sincere and tender words. It's so hard for me to live without you. I don’t know what to do, what to do and how to move forward so that everything turns out to be embodied the way I originally dreamed about it. I want to know that we will always be together, despite the many "buts" that could even arise unexpectedly. Honey, I want to always be only next to you, give vivid emotions and show that you are my chosen one, a real gift of fate, of the whole universe.

Confessions of a beloved girl on the phone

Read interesting news

Try to mentally return to those distant times when beautiful poems or prose about love were an indispensable attribute of courtship for almost all young people. Without them, melting the heart of a loved one was extremely difficult. Young men tormented by love suffering to express their feelings to a girl. And what are the romantic serenades sung, accompanied by hired musicians under the balconies of beautiful chosen ones! Words filled with tenderness and passion could not leave anyone indifferent! Yes, times are still changing, but today's guys do not want to lag behind their ancestors. I really want to impress the lady of my heart with something original. Your declaration of love to a girl, or a lyrical song in this case will be most welcome. However, not all representatives of the strong half of humanity were rewarded by fate with the ability to compose poetry. This means that the beloved, quite possibly, will be taken away by another, more eloquent gentleman. To do this, you should fight with your complexes and be able, if necessary, to overcome excessive shyness.

In this situation, the authors of our site decided to come to the aid of young men tormented by romantic feelings. They will help you choose the right recognition with all responsibility. In our specially created section, you can find the most beautiful phrases, clothed not only in poetic form, but also in prose. Surprise your imagination with your favorite rhyme and just a warm word! Hearing such congratulations, it is simply impossible not to respond!

Do you love seeing a smile on your girlfriend's face? Do you like the positive and the embarrassment that overcomes her when she hears nice words from you? Do you want to give her joy and happiness, embrace her and show your love again and again? Of course you do, otherwise you wouldn't be here right now. We are ready to help you achieve the above goals, and for this you only need a girl in your own words in prose.

Prose in your own words. Hard to believe. Nevertheless, we managed to collect in this section the works of the best authors from around the world. You just have to find one of them, which you consider the most successful, rewrite it on a piece of paper, and read it, looking into the eyes of your chosen one. Please your soulmate and strengthen your relationship. Make them perfect, full of joy and positive. Believe me, any girl will be delighted with such a surprise.

All compliments to the girl and in prose that you can see here are in the public domain. You can easily view all the available options and select the most attractive ones for yourself. We give you this opportunity and encourage you to take advantage of it right now!

Beloved, you deserve the most beautiful compliments and admiration. I fell in love with you from the first time. You are just the girl of my dreams. Your angelic character, your gentle smile, and your passionate kiss enchant me. You are perfection itself. I can’t even imagine how I would live without you, my sunshine. Honey, you made me the happiest person, and for that I am grateful to you, my joy. I am ready to carry you in my arms all my life, if only you were with me. I love you my dear.

Congratulations on mobile

Beloved and the only, the best girl in the world. You entered my life and made it a blooming paradise. My love for you is so strong that it can overcome all obstacles on the way, no matter how big they are. Only with you next to me I am insanely happy, only you alone I need in the world. Next to you I feel light and warm. I love you, my sun, and I will try to make you the happiest in the world. You have become the most important in the world, and I always look forward to meeting you, my beloved.

Darling, I fall in love with you every time more and more. You fill my life with warmth and comfort. I need you like air, my love always follows you like a shadow. Honey, you found the key to my heart, you gave me happiness. I want to be with you all my life, fulfill all your desires, just love you, my joy. You deserve all the compliments and admiration. May you be lucky in everything, may luck never leave you, and may my love be a reliable talisman for you.

You are like a fabulous flower, tender, beautiful. You are just charming. I admire you, I adore you. Every minute spent with you is a reward for me. The best compliments to you, my love. I want to always be by your side, listen to your sonorous voice, admire your gentle smile, enjoy gentle kisses. May the stream of my love swirl you, may all your dreams come true, may your life be sweet and fabulous. Be always kept by fate. May my love be your guardian.

You are half of my heart, my destiny. I am so happy that I have you, my beautiful, tender and affectionate. Only with you I feel happy. I so want to live with you for many years, my joy, to love and be always loved. I offer the ocean to my love, in which you can swim at any time of the year. I will do my best to make all your dreams come true. I love you more and more every day. You are my most important person in the world. May joy always shine in your eyes.

My sunshine, you are the most precious thing I have. You give me warmth, hope and love. Only with you I feel the happiest person. Every day spent with you is a reward for me. You deserve only admiration and the warmest compliments. I am incredibly lucky that fate gave you. Let your life flow like a full river, not knowing obstacles in the way, let all sorrows and worries bypass you. May your sweet eyes always shine with joy, and do not know what tears are.

My beloved, my glorious, I call you the mistress of my heart. I just adore you. I am without you, like the sun without heat, like a river without water. You are my dream, my ideal. When we are apart from you, I look forward to our meeting, I miss your smile, your beauty. I just madly adore you, my joy. Let my love be the most reliable amulet. Be always loved and desired. You are my soulmate, and I want to make you the happiest. All the best to you, good luck and the best mood.

Love decorates our life, makes it complete. How nice it is when next to you there is a loved one for whom you live. Better and kinder than my girlfriend, there is no one in the world. I'm just inspired with happiness, I'm all dissolved in you, my treasure. You completely changed my life for the better. Now all thoughts are only about you, my dear. I enjoy your presence every minute. I love you, and I promise to carry my feelings through my whole life. You are the most precious thing in my life.