Competitive entertainment program for the day of laughter. Away from smiles and laughter


Host: Good evening, our beloved irresistible guests! We are very glad that you came to our cafe to celebrate the holiday and just sit with the company, surrounded by interesting people and in a good festive mood. But, unfortunately, we have to disappoint you: the event is postponed, or rather, it all depends on us! Was it supposed to happen today? My co-host was not able to get to our cafe in time due to a strange illness unknown to medicine. She inspired herself that she was the Princess, and besides, Nesmeyana! And, now, as 5 hours in a row crying! What to do? I don't pretend...

But we have to accept her for who she really is. I propose not to succumb to this terrible temptation - the disease of "boredom" - and take the first drop of the elixir of laughter and cheerfulness, humor and good mood, which our wonderful assistants will treat to all those present in the hall.

So, in order not to infect yourself
The disease of "boring things"
picture something here
You'll have to be cleaner.

Joke, of course. And what about today without good jokes?!

I want to warn you right away so that you tune in to the most humorous wave that is about to overwhelm our cafe with perky laughter! So that our acquaintance does not drag on and you immediately understand why everyone gathered here, I hasten to inform you that on the Day of Humor and Laughter we opened a night humor cafe.

We are looking for a talented, humorous staff to work in our fun, cozy and quirky establishment, to be found among you. The first position on the list is a super-humorous administrator. As you know, an administrator must have a good sense of humor, erudition and intuition, and most importantly, what is valued in a real administrator is improvisation. Everyone sitting at the table must turn on their imagination and complete the first task. Imagine that you, sitting at the first table, are walking through the desert. Heat, hot sun, drought, a mirage showed you a jug of water. Your actions?

Host: We figured out the mirage and the jug, and not bad at all. We go further and, suddenly, in the middle of the desert, a wall appeared right in front of us. Your actions?

(Each table shows its own humorous sketch on this topic.)

(Each table shows its own humorous sketch on this topic.) Moderator: And finally, the sea. Beach, beautiful girls, muscular guys, seagulls scream. Your actions? (Each table shows its own humorous sketch on this topic.)

Host: And now, let's sum up the results of our qualifying round. With your applause, we will determine the best miniature and find out the name of the winner, who will be appointed to the role of administrator of the humor cafe.

(Applause determines the winner. Awarding ceremony. The winner is awarded the medal "Administrator of the humor-cafe".)

Moderator: Yes, young people are proactive! Still, I think it's high time my co-host came along. Where's she? It's unclear... Okay, let's wait! And we continue to recruit staff for the humor cafe. Tell me, please, who is next in the cafe after the administrator on the career ladder? Yes, of course, the waiters! It is known that the waiter is very busy, he never has enough hands for anything. That is why he must have extraordinary abilities. What, you ask? And I will answer you - dexterity, skill and intelligence!

We begin the second qualifying round. Task for the participants at the tables: please demonstrate to us the behavior of the waiter in the following situations:
- the waiter brings the dish to the table, he is thanked and given a tip;
- the waiter brings the dish to the table, accidentally drops the dish on the head of the cafe visitor;
- the waiter brings the dish to the table, the cafe visitor puts the bandwagon to the waiter.

You need to show a mini-sketch with humor and laughter!

(Each table shows its own humorous sketch on this topic.)

Host: I have just been informed that our princess herself, Nesmeyana, has arrived to please us on the Day of Laughter and Humor. Meet dear friends!

(The Princess enters the stage in a mini-skirt, top, with a dancing pole in her hands.)

Oh, I am miserable grief,
My situation is critical!
Sobbed, gentlemen,
There are two buckets along the streams.
They say the king's daughter
Everything cries day and night.

Oh, my God, where does so much water come from in me? Ah-ah-ah! This Ivan Tsarevich is to blame for everything! He says: drink "Sprite" - do not let yourself dry out! So I don't dry out! And my kingdom is all wet! Oh, stupid, I'm stupid!

Host: Hello! I'm Alexander, nice to meet you!

(The princess looks contemptuously at the leader and sings a song.)

Nesmeyana's song (to the motive "Help me" from the film "Diamond Arm")

Cafe lights are lit furtively
bright dawn,
And the whole image creates an interesting atmosphere.
And I was in a hurry to visit you -
To all friends, gentlemen,
To stay in the establishment with you for the night here.

Laugh, make laugh
Tell me a joke.
Show me, hold on to you
Let me have a sandwich.

Maybe I'll stop crying
Give me half a banana.
Can I have a glass of wine
I have to drink here to the bottom.

I'm on stage - it's a miracle
How amazingly beautiful I am.
And clothes and perfume
Do not get into the hold at night.

True, empty chests
Fathers of our Tsar,
Yes, and 33 heroes
They wanted to marry me.

I quickly got tired of everything!
Vanka got married
I don't want to go for-so.

Overseas Shah came,
Fly away on balloons
Just saw me...
Oh, the Tsar father offended ....

A-A-A! Made me like this
I'm crying, it's all for nothing.
Who would make me laugh
I would put you on a horse!

I wouldn't resist
Three decades alone.
Hey Host, where's the decree?
I will punish you now!

Well, better, on the holiday of Laughter
I'll make some fun!
And you, guests, turn on,
Better get out.

After all, today is the Day of all vytvoryashek. Ah-ah-ah!
I forgot! I forgot!
I can't, I can't!
Raise your foot on a pole
Oh, I'm crying, make me laugh
Maybe you make some noise?

Yes, something is quiet here with us?! It seems b, the evening is just class! I invite guests to help our crybaby wax! Oh what am I saying? To our dear beauty Nesmeyana laugh! And for this we need to make some noise all together, together. Moreover, there are no musicians in the staff of our humor cafe. It's time to change the situation radically. Noise band, get ready!

(The presenter distributes to everyone the instruments for the noise orchestra (a judge's whistle, wooden spoons, a saucepan with a ladle, a tambourine, a drum. Each musician will perform at Nesmeyana's gesture signal. When all the details are discussed, the soundtrack of Elena Kukarskaya's song "Little!", Noise the orchestra starts up.)

Nesmeyana: How cool! Hello, great! Ha ha ha!

Leading: Well, Nesmeyana, now you, I think, will always be in a good mood and always smile!

Nesmeyana: I am no longer Nesmeyana! I am now the beautiful Elena, your co-host. Have you forgotten? And you're right. By the way, about the smile. It is not necessary to assume that a smile is so - he smiled, they say, blurred and that's it. No, friends, the matter is much more interesting. Laughter increases hemoglobin. Yes, you can imagine. If it rises, then it is good for him and for us. It’s nothing to us, he smiled and that’s it, but he’s pleased!

Moderator: So, a free humorous zone is being introduced in our humor cafe.

Nesmeyana: Let's joke and laugh, and the most perky, at the end of the evening, guest of the cafe, will be awarded the order of the smile "Damn it!" and a bonus of 22 kisses from the girls present here.

Host: Let's start our evening! Fun and fun! As few tears as possible, as many laughter as possible! I think that these words will become the motto of our unusual April Fool's program. We proceed to our immediate duties - the duties of the leaders.

Nesmeyana: Yes, we completely forgot about the chief official of the cafe, in order to protect me, to keep order in our institution, I want to invite the most courageous, persistent representatives of the stronger sex to the stage. You probably all love fishing very much. Imagine yourself in such a situation, beat it. You cast a fishing rod and sit on the shore, waiting for a bite. Suddenly a big fish caught on your hook. You pull the rod, it doesn't budge. You decide to go into the water, roll up your trousers. You go further and further into the river. Here, the fish broke and swam away. But you were satisfied, because it was you who have just become participants in the review - a competition for the most beautiful male legs! Girls, according to your reaction and applause, we will determine the winner of the competition, the owner of the most beautiful male legs!

(Selection of applicants.)

Leading: I propose to still choose one of the very best for the most masculine position of our cafe.

Nesmeyana: What is it? Interesting! Bouncer or what?

Presenter: Given your external data, I want to offer you a chic role - the role of a boyfriend, a symbol of our cafe.

Host: But, we have two contenders for one place! We will choose the best of the best.


The task of the participants is to carry the girl in their arms, overcoming an obstacle course: peas, a basin of water scattered on the floor, etc.

Nesmeyana: Listen, this is what they wrote in the latest issue of one of the newspapers: “The palms slowly move from the chest to the back, from the spine down to the waist, from the waist to the stomach, from the stomach to the hips and further, further ...”

Host: Listen, what are you reading?

Nesmeyana: And what? Instructions for customs inspection. And what, let's arrange an inspection for our guests, just as gentle and pleasant. The girls are looking for clothespins on the guys' clothes, then they change places and do all this with their eyes closed.

Host: Friends! On the Day of Laughter, we, in the humor cafe, held a public review of such human qualities as resourcefulness, wit, and the ability to laugh at ourselves. And so that April 1st gives a charge of vivacity, joy, let's take care of the most serious, most important thing - laughter.

Nesmeyana: In a word, laugh heartily not only once a year! Happy holiday of laughter and humor!

(The evening continues with the disco.)




We will open the holiday today

Wind and rain don't stop us.

1st child.

Congratulations on the holiday

Holiday-proc sign!

Nobody got bored

April Fool's jokes

And rather the opposite -

People are happy to laugh!

2nd child.

Celebrating Laughter Day

That's fun, that's fun!

Like a whole white light

Ate a mix for lunch!

3rd child.

It happens the other way around.

And the first of April

We don't trust anyone!

4th child.

We live the best

Because laughter is with us!

We never part with him.

Wherever we are, we laugh!

5th child.

Don't waste a minute

Laugh merrily, to tears.

In every joke - the share of a joke,

The rest is serious!

all are full of surprises!

Laughter is hidden in the red ball,

in blue - a song for everyone!

in green - miracles!

we can play pranks here until the morning!

In the yellow ball - riddles.

(cones do not grow on a birch)

What is a holiday without people?
What's a party without guests?
Anyone come in and try
Make your friends laugh!


Two Buffoons run in.

1st buffoon.

Hello kids,

Girls and boys!

2nd buffoon.

We have come to tell you:

“You can start the holiday!”

1st buffoon.

All of you without exception

Adventure awaits today!

2nd buffoon.

Let's play games

We will sing and dance.

1st buffoon.

We won't be here

Don't let in, don't let out!

2nd buffoon.

You make friends laugh -

Dance with us!


Seal Run game


Here they come at a fun hour -

Meet soon!!!

Children clap their hands


Here's a game for you

. Game "Sing a song"


"Me too".

I woke up early in the morning...

Washed with tap water...

I made the bed...

I like to sleep in the evening...

I ate porridge for breakfast...

Then I went for a walk...

I saw an elephant in the circus...

He looks like a pig...

I love eating pears...

I haven't cleaned my ears for a long time..


I will wait for a new meeting

And I wish you: do not be bored!

(The presenter removes the ball from the tree)


(Fairy tales)

(Handkerchief) .

(A pen) .


(package) — there is nothing else!


7.17. (pencil).



(The envelope).


Prepared by: music director of MBDOU Kulakovsky kindergarten "Rucheyek"

Purpose: to create a positive attitude for the whole day of being in kindergarten.
1. Rally the children's team.
2. Continue acquaintance with the group rooms of the kindergarten.
3. Develop a sense of humor in children.
4. Promote children's activity.
On the eve of the holiday, the presenter delivers invitations to groups - postcards with the inscription: “Come to the LAUGHTER holiday!”

To the cheerful music “What kind of people are these?” children of the senior group “Fidgets” enter the hall and line up in a semicircle near the central wall.


Today you have come to the Feast of Laughter.

People say: “The first of April—I don’t trust anyone! ”

Let's start our holiday with a cheerful song.

Children sing the song "Smile".


We will open the holiday today

Wind and rain don't stop us.

After all, we have been waiting for a long time, we will not hide,

Funny, fun April Fool's Day!

1st child.

Congratulations on the holiday

Holiday-proc sign!

Nobody got bored

April Fool's jokes

And rather the opposite -

People are happy to laugh!

2nd child.

Celebrating Laughter Day

That's fun, that's fun!

Like a whole white light

Ate a mix for lunch!

3rd child.

Not every day but every year

It happens the other way around.

And the first of April

We don't trust anyone!

4th child.

We live the best

Because laughter is with us!

We never part with him.

Wherever we are, we laugh!

5th child.

Don't waste a minute

Laugh merrily, to tears.

In every joke - the share of a joke,

The rest is serious!

Host: Today an amazing tree has blossomed in our hall. Look! How many beautiful balls

all are full of surprises!

Laughter is hidden in the red ball,

in blue - a song for everyone!

In yellow - riddles - fun,

in green - miracles!

And there are countless games in the pink ball

we can play pranks here until the morning!

(The presenter removes the yellow ball and takes out the task)

In the yellow ball - riddles.Hooray!!! “bursts” a yellow balloon and collects one by one from the floor and makes riddles that fell out of the balloon)

1. What does Boris have in front, and what does Gleb have in the back? (letter "b")

2. A grandmother was carrying a hundred eggs to the market, one (and the bottom) fell. How many eggs are left in the basket?

(none because the bottom fell)

3. When is a person in a room without a head? (when sticking it out the window)

4. How do day and night end? (soft sign)

5. Which watch shows the exact time only twice a day? (who stopped)

6. Which is lighter: a kilogram of cotton wool or a kilogram of iron? (same)

7. Why do you go to bed when you want to sleep? (by gender)

8. What should be done to keep four guys in one boot? (remove one boot from each)

8. The crow sits, and the dog sits on the tail. Could it be? (the dog sits on its own tail)

9. When is the easiest time for a black cat to get into the house? (when the door is open)

10. In what month does chatty Masha speak the least? (in February, it is the shortest)

11. Two birches grow. Each birch has four cones. How many cones are there?

(cones do not grow on a birch)

12. What happens to a blue scarf if you put it in water for five minutes? (get wet)

What is a holiday without people?
What's a party without guests?
Anyone come in and try
Make your friends laugh!

(The presenter removes a ball from the tree - a red ball)

Carlson (adult) runs in - he runs around the hall, fussing.
How would you like to play? Do you like games? Let's find out now!
I ask those who love games and jokes to speak loudly-I!
So! - Who loves games? - Who likes cartoons? Chewing gum? Erasers? Baskets? Cake? Ice cream? Chocolate? Marmalade? Treasure? And the butt pads? Who loves to sunbathe? Who loves to yell? Swimming in a dirty puddle? Who doesn't wash their ears? Sing and dance? And how to fly? Well then, let's play kids.
The game “Fly on the ball
(It is necessary to run around the rack in pairs, holding the ball between them, hands are placed on each other's shoulders;.

(The presenter removes a ball from the tree - green)

Two Buffoons run in.

1st buffoon.

Hello kids,

Girls and boys!

2nd buffoon.

We have come to tell you:

“You can start the holiday!”

1st buffoon.

All of you without exception

Adventure awaits today!

2nd buffoon.

Let's play games

We will sing and dance.

1st buffoon.

We won't be here

Don't let in, don't let out!

2nd buffoon.

You make friends laugh -

Dance with us!

(Buffoons dance, gradually involving all the children in the dance. After the dance, the children sit down)

buffoon: But my "seals" Who is brave? (A game is being held)

Seal Run game

(seals are soft big bouncing balls Children sit on top and "ride". Whoever is faster wins.)

Two clowns run to the music.

(The presenter removes the ball from the tree)


Hello, fun and rascals!

Here they come at a fun hour -

Meet soon!!!

Children clap their hands


Here's a game for you

. Game "Sing a song"

(Clowns show pictures of animals. Children respectively sing a song to the tune “A grasshopper was sitting in the grass.” The clown quickly turns the pictures over)

Clown : I have another game, it's called

"Me too".

I woke up early in the morning...

Washed with tap water...

I made the bed...

I like to sleep in the evening...

I ate porridge for breakfast...

He sang songs loudly in falsetto...

Then I went for a walk...

I started throwing stones at the dogs...

I saw an elephant in the circus...

He looks like a pig...

I love eating pears...

I haven't cleaned my ears for a long time..

Clown: And again a fun game - “Who will leave faster on an ice rink”


Your holiday will not be forgotten!

I will wait for a new meeting

And I wish you: do not be bored!

(The presenter removes the ball from the tree)

(The Old Woman Shapoklyak enters to the music of “Who Helps People”)

Shapoklyak: Great, guys - bugs! You didn’t recognize me at all, a cheerful old young woman named Shapoklyak. In honor of the "Funny Get-Togethers", I decided to become a kind grandmother and do little nasty things to everyone ... oh, little joys.

I additionally know that a priceless treasure is hidden under one of the chairs in this hall. In fact, that's why I came here. Let's find him! (To the cheerful music, the children, together with Shapoklyak, are looking for a "treasure"

Shapoklyak: Ha-ha! Here you are! It wasn't a hoax, it was an April Fool's joke! And the priceless treasure that one of you can find is friendship, courage and dexterity .. And which of you wants to become dexterous and courageous?

Leading: And now, for your efforts, we will give each of you gifts, but you still have to choose and guess them.

Comic win-win lottery:

1, 10. A souvenir for your affectionate eyes - read ...(Fairy tales)

2.11. Here's a ticket, so a ticket, don't rummage in the rooms,

Consider that there is no gain - cry and calm down.(Handkerchief) .

3.13. Having received this gift, think a little, maybe you have forgotten your friends, write to them a little.(A pen) .

4.14. Get your toy, close your eyes and dream, if you buy this thing, you will ride me on it.(Machine).

5.,15. Moths ate the tulle yesterday, torn to the point of pain, we give in return(package) — there is nothing else!

6..16. This ball will stop a baby from crying.(Balloon).

7.17. Yes, your lucky ticket, keep it up(pencil).

8.18. This book is not more important, Only you are a writer in it.(Notebook).

9.,19. Oh, what a fine fellow you are, get it(lollipop,).

20., 21. A device for transmitting thoughts at a distance.(The envelope).

22.23. Don't be sad, don't be bored, it's better to get a doll.(Doll).

24. This is the best toy, here's a toy for you. (any toy)

Having received their winnings, the children go into groups, where the holiday continues with tea drinking.

Prepared by: music director of MBDOU Kulakovsky kindergarten "Rucheyek"

Purpose: to create a positive attitude for the whole day of being in kindergarten.
1. Rally the children's team.
2. Continue acquaintance with the group rooms of the kindergarten.
3. Develop a sense of humor in children.
4. Promote children's activity.
On the eve of the holiday, the presenter delivers invitations to groups - postcards with the inscription: “Come to the LAUGHTER holiday!”

To the cheerful music “What kind of people are these?” children of the senior group “Fidgets” enter the hall and line up in a semicircle near the central wall.


Today you have come to the Feast of Laughter.

People say: “The first of April—I don’t trust anyone! ”

Let's start our holiday with a cheerful song.

Children sing the song "Smile".


We will open the holiday today

Wind and rain don't stop us.

After all, we have been waiting for a long time, we will not hide,

Funny, fun April Fool's Day!

1st child.

Congratulations on the holiday

Holiday-proc sign!

Nobody got bored

April Fool's jokes

And rather the opposite -

People are happy to laugh!

2nd child.

Celebrating Laughter Day

That's fun, that's fun!

Like a whole white light

Ate a mix for lunch!

3rd child.

Not every day but every year

It happens the other way around.

And the first of April

We don't trust anyone!

4th child.

We live the best

Because laughter is with us!

We never part with him.

Wherever we are, we laugh!

5th child.

Don't waste a minute

Laugh merrily, to tears.

In every joke - the share of a joke,

The rest is serious!

Host: Today an amazing tree has blossomed in our hall. Look! How many beautiful balls

all are full of surprises!

Laughter is hidden in the red ball,

in blue - a song for everyone!

In yellow - riddles - fun,

in green - miracles!

And there are countless games in the pink ball

we can play pranks here until the morning!

(The presenter removes the yellow ball and takes out the task)

In the yellow ball - riddles.Hooray!!! “bursts” a yellow balloon and collects one by one from the floor and makes riddles that fell out of the balloon)

1. What does Boris have in front, and what does Gleb have in the back? (letter "b")

2. A grandmother was carrying a hundred eggs to the market, one (and the bottom) fell. How many eggs are left in the basket?

(none because the bottom fell)

3. When is a person in a room without a head? (when sticking it out the window)

4. How do day and night end? (soft sign)

5. Which watch shows the exact time only twice a day? (who stopped)

6. Which is lighter: a kilogram of cotton wool or a kilogram of iron? (same)

7. Why do you go to bed when you want to sleep? (by gender)

8. What should be done to keep four guys in one boot? (remove one boot from each)

8. The crow sits, and the dog sits on the tail. Could it be? (the dog sits on its own tail)

9. When is the easiest time for a black cat to get into the house? (when the door is open)

10. In what month does chatty Masha speak the least? (in February, it is the shortest)

11. Two birches grow. Each birch has four cones. How many cones are there?

(cones do not grow on a birch)

12. What happens to a blue scarf if you put it in water for five minutes? (get wet)

What is a holiday without people?
What's a party without guests?
Anyone come in and try
Make your friends laugh!

(The presenter removes a ball from the tree - a red ball)

Carlson (adult) runs in - he runs around the hall, fussing.
How would you like to play? Do you like games? Let's find out now!
I ask those who love games and jokes to speak loudly-I!
So! - Who loves games? - Who likes cartoons? Chewing gum? Erasers? Baskets? Cake? Ice cream? Chocolate? Marmalade? Treasure? And the butt pads? Who loves to sunbathe? Who loves to yell? Swimming in a dirty puddle? Who doesn't wash their ears? Sing and dance? And how to fly? Well then, let's play kids.
The game “Fly on the ball
(It is necessary to run around the rack in pairs, holding the ball between them, hands are placed on each other's shoulders;.

(The presenter removes a ball from the tree - green)

Two Buffoons run in.

1st buffoon.

Hello kids,

Girls and boys!

2nd buffoon.

We have come to tell you:

“You can start the holiday!”

1st buffoon.

All of you without exception

Adventure awaits today!

2nd buffoon.

Let's play games

We will sing and dance.

1st buffoon.

We won't be here

Don't let in, don't let out!

2nd buffoon.

You make friends laugh -

Dance with us!

(Buffoons dance, gradually involving all the children in the dance. After the dance, the children sit down)

buffoon: But my "seals" Who is brave? (A game is being held)

Seal Run game

(seals are soft big bouncing balls Children sit on top and "ride". Whoever is faster wins.)

Two clowns run to the music.

(The presenter removes the ball from the tree)


Hello, fun and rascals!

Here they come at a fun hour -

Meet soon!!!

Children clap their hands


Here's a game for you

. Game "Sing a song"

(Clowns show pictures of animals. Children respectively sing a song to the tune “A grasshopper was sitting in the grass.” The clown quickly turns the pictures over)

Clown : I have another game, it's called

"Me too".

I woke up early in the morning...

Washed with tap water...

I made the bed...

I like to sleep in the evening...

I ate porridge for breakfast...

He sang songs loudly in falsetto...

Then I went for a walk...

I started throwing stones at the dogs...

I saw an elephant in the circus...

He looks like a pig...

I love eating pears...

I haven't cleaned my ears for a long time..

Clown: And again a fun game - “Who will leave faster on an ice rink”


Your holiday will not be forgotten!

I will wait for a new meeting

And I wish you: do not be bored!

(The presenter removes the ball from the tree)

(The Old Woman Shapoklyak enters to the music of “Who Helps People”)

Shapoklyak: Great, guys - bugs! You didn’t recognize me at all, a cheerful old young woman named Shapoklyak. In honor of the "Funny Get-Togethers", I decided to become a kind grandmother and do little nasty things to everyone ... oh, little joys.

I additionally know that a priceless treasure is hidden under one of the chairs in this hall. In fact, that's why I came here. Let's find him! (To the cheerful music, the children, together with Shapoklyak, are looking for a "treasure"

Shapoklyak: Ha-ha! Here you are! It wasn't a hoax, it was an April Fool's joke! And the priceless treasure that one of you can find is friendship, courage and dexterity .. And which of you wants to become dexterous and courageous?

Leading: And now, for your efforts, we will give each of you gifts, but you still have to choose and guess them.

Comic win-win lottery:

1, 10. A souvenir for your affectionate eyes - read ...(Fairy tales)

2.11. Here's a ticket, so a ticket, don't rummage in the rooms,

Consider that there is no gain - cry and calm down.(Handkerchief) .

3.13. Having received this gift, think a little, maybe you have forgotten your friends, write to them a little.(A pen) .

4.14. Get your toy, close your eyes and dream, if you buy this thing, you will ride me on it.(Machine).

5.,15. Moths ate the tulle yesterday, torn to the point of pain, we give in return(package) — there is nothing else!

6..16. This ball will stop a baby from crying.(Balloon).

7.17. Yes, your lucky ticket, keep it up(pencil).

8.18. This book is not more important, Only you are a writer in it.(Notebook).

9.,19. Oh, what a fine fellow you are, get it(lollipop,).

20., 21. A device for transmitting thoughts at a distance.(The envelope).

22.23. Don't be sad, don't be bored, it's better to get a doll.(Doll).

24. This is the best toy, here's a toy for you. (any toy)

Having received their winnings, the children go into groups, where the holiday continues with tea drinking.

Prepared by Chelashova Svetlana Leonidovna, teacher-organizer, teacher of additional education, MBU DO SYUT No. 2, Taganrog.

Target: Organization of pupils' leisure.


  1. Enrich and develop children's knowledge about folk traditions and holidays.
  2. Cultivate a sense of respect, teach to play and act in a team.
  3. Organize free time.
  4. Learn to emotionally perceive and understand others, as well as express their own feelings.
  5. To form positive feelings and emotions through a smile.
  6. Encourage open expression of emotions in socially acceptable ways (verbal, creative, physical).

The need to develop a sense of humor is dictated by the results of the study of the social side of humor. They testify to the positive effect of humor, which reduces stress, strengthens human health, social ties, allows one to perceive emerging problems optimistically, and increases satisfaction with the activity and its effectiveness.

Duration: 1 hour.

Preliminary preparation:

1. Writing a script, ads.

2. Preparation of the presenter and child actors.

3. Preparation of equipment for competitions.

4. Preparation and decoration of the assembly hall.


  • musical equipment,
  • markers,
  • white paper packaging
  • 2 packages with costumes for competition No. 3,
  • 1 whistle
  • walnut bag,
  • two cardboard smiles for contest number 5.

Members: pupils of the institution.

This scenario can be used by teachers and educators during class hours, matinees and recreational activities.

Event progress.

Children's cheerful music sounds. The leader comes out.

Leading:“Everyone, everyone, everyone! We greet you!
Everything is ready for fun!
Dance, sing, have fun
And let laughter reign everywhere.”

Hello guys, today you came to Holiday of Laughter and Smiles. Look, I have in my hands images of various emoticons, sad and cheerful, capricious and happy. Come up to me in turn and mark with a felt-tip pen the emoticon that characterizes your mood now.

People say: “The first of April – I don’t trust anyone!” On this day, everyone jokes, has fun, kindly, laugh at each other! (crying is heard offstage)

Guys, who is crying there? (includes Cry-Vaksa)

Crybaby Waxa: Ah-ah-ah-ah! (crying)

Presenter: Girl, what's your name? Why are you crying so bitterly, someone offended you?

Crybaby Waxa: Ah-ah-ah-ah! Yes, yes, offended. They call me Crybaby-Vaxa, they decided to joke with me, the boys from my class, ah-ah-ah-ah-ah, think that it will be funny to me when they throw a mouse into my briefcase, then pour water over me, and then another and call names! Ah-ah-ah-ah!

Presenter: Yes, the holiday is merry, only from jokes everyone should be merry, you need to joke in a kind way so that no one is offended! And what is your real name?

Crybaby Waxa: Dasha!

presenter: You know what, Dasha, stay at our holiday, we have good guys and good jokes. Have fun with us, and maybe you will learn to joke yourself and not be offended by other people's jokes, especially on such a wonderful holiday.

Dasha: Okay I will try.

1 competition "Smile"

2 teams of 3 people are selected. For 1 minute, all participants draw smiles at the same time. The team that draws the most smiles wins. Children give drawings with smiles to Plaksa-Vaksa.

(cheerful music sounds, laughter enters)

Mix 1: Hello dear guys! Oh-she-she! And you all have white backs! Somewhere whitewashed! Disorder! Disorder!

(Children try to shake themselves off.)

Mix 2: Here you are! After all, today is a holiday of laughter and humor - April 1! April 1, I don't trust anyone! And we, Smeshinki, decided to have some fun with you!

Dasha: Ah-ah-ah-ah! (crying)

Smeshinka 1: And who is crying on such a merry holiday?

Dasha: Me too, hilarious. And your jokes are not funny.

Presenter: This is our guest Dasha, she learns to have fun and joke at our Laughter Festival.

Mix 2: That's it - the holiday of Laughter! So let's say hello in an unusual way!

All the girls after the word: "Hello!" they will say loudly: “Hee-hee-hee!”, and all the boys will say: “Ha-ha-ha!”. Well, adults will say: “Ho-ho-ho!” Three four! "Hello!"

Girls. Hee hee hee!

boys. Ha ha ha!

Adults. Ho-ho-ho!

Great hello everyone!

Mix 1: Do you know that this holiday is celebrated all over the world?

This is the most favorite holiday of the British! In this country, April 1st is known as All Fools' Day. From midnight to noon on April 1, everyone can play a joke on their friends, relatives and acquaintances. Anyone who falls for an April Fool's joke is greeted with loud laughter and cries of "April Fool!"

Dasha: I don’t see anything funny here, especially since today is a holiday, it’s customary to give gifts on holidays.

Presenter: Yes, they did that in France. Everyone knows that in 1564. King Charles IX issued a decree on the transfer of the beginning of the year from April 1 to January 1, according to the new European style. But many of his subjects, who did not agree with the highest command, on the first of April sent each other a traditional New Year's gift - fish. Gradually, they came to terms with the king's decree, but the day of the "April fish" remained. Today, April 1, children secretly hang adult paper fish on strings on their backs, and serious adults can be seen on the streets with paper fish fluttering behind their backs.

Dasha: No, I don’t understand, does everyone really think that when you are in a hurry to work, and some kind of fish is hanging on your back, is this funny?!

Smeshinka 2: Of course, because this is a day of laughter, and no one is offended by each other! For example, the Germans deceive each other by sending them to shops and pharmacies with impossible orders (for example, to buy mosquito oil).

Dasha (offended): Also a prank for me: buy mosquito fat! In our country, probably, no one joked like that.

Presenter: They joked differently. The first mass April Fool's drawing took place in Moscow in 1703. Heralds walked the streets and invited everyone to come to the "unheard-of performance." There was no end to the audience. And when the curtain opened at the appointed hour, everyone saw a banner on the stage with the inscription: “The first of April - do not trust anyone!” This "unheard of performance" ended. And notice, Dashenka, no one was offended and did not cry. Everyone had fun!

Mix 1: Alright guys, let's have some fun! (Let's)

We have a lot of fun and interesting stuff in our magic suitcase. Maybe you, Dasha, like it!

2 contest " magic whistle»

Mix 2: I want to play a game with you magic whistle". I whistle once - you need to raise your right hand up and say: “I hear!” I whistle twice - you need to stomp your feet. I whistle three times - silence should reign. Whoever makes a mistake goes to the center. At the end of the competition, the competition "The funniest dance" is announced. The task is not only to dance the best, but also the funniest of all.

3 contest " Fun trips on the road»

Mix 1: I want to play a relay game Fun trips on the road».

2 teams of 6-7 people are formed. Everyone in turn runs up to the package (suitcase), puts on 1 thing (the first thing that comes across: a bonnet, a glove, a mask, a panama hat, trousers, etc.), returns, slaps the next participant on the shoulder, etc. Whichever team runs forward is the winner.

Presenter: And I have some funny questions for you:

1. What does Boris have in front, and what does Gleb have in the back? (letter "b")

2. A grandmother was carrying 100 eggs to the market, and the bottom (one) fell. How many eggs are left in the basket? (No one.)

3. Why do you go to bed when you want to sleep? (By gender)

4. What tree does the crow sit on after the rain? (on wet)

5. Can an ostrich call itself a bird? (No, he can't speak.)

6. What kind of fabric cannot be used to sew a shirt? (Railway.)

7. What can you see with your eyes closed? (Dream.)

4 competition"Psychic"

Presenter: Participants are called one by one, they need to sit on a chair on which nuts lie under a napkin, and determine their number.

Presenter:(5 contest)

Relay race with a cardboard smile.

Two teams of 6 people. Taking a "smile", the first participant runs around the obstacle and passes the smile to the next player from his team. The team whose players finish the match first wins.

Presenter: And now we have a very interesting task. On our holiday we had fun, danced, laughed, and I think we were very happy. Guys, please think about what makes a person happy. Draw or write your opinion on pieces of paper. And the guests present at our holiday will also write an answer to this question. And then we compare the answers of adults and children.

Presenter: Our holiday is coming to an end, Dashenka, you have become more fun, you liked our good jokes.

Dasha: Yes, I liked your holiday very much, I understood and I no longer take offense at jokes.

Presenter: Has your mood changed?

Dasha: Yes.

Presenter: Then put a mark on our mood map and you guys will too.

Mix 1:

Laughter is better for a person
What a good drug.
Who laughs, he is in the pharmacy,
Less frequent, they say.

Mix 2:

A joke is appreciated for a reason,
A good one is doubly so.
More, more every year
Laughter, jokes every day.

Presenter: Good joke
Start the day friends!
Wise joke, sensitive joke,
Without which you can not live!

Look for a smile, appreciate a smile
Give a smile to your friends.
Love a smile, keep a smile
We can't live without a smile!

So, dear friends! During our holiday, we saw dazzling smiles, laughter was heard: perky, contagious, joyful. Until we meet again!

Other scripts by Svetlana Leonidovna:

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The evening is held in a spacious hall, where it is possible to arrange round tables, leaving a platform for competitions and dances. The hall is decorated with all sorts of smiling emoticons. A set is made on one of the walls or a curtain: “April 1 is the day of laughter!”, “Laughing is allowed!”. On each table, there is also a round, cut out of cardboard or other material, painted smiley, you can arrange other items accordingly: napkins, chairs, vases.

- Hello, our dear guests, today you have gathered here to celebrate the most interesting and most fun holiday of the year - April Fool's Day! Did you know that when a person laughs, air flies out of the lungs at a speed of about 100 km/h. At the same time, 17 muscles of his face work. If you laugh just 15 minutes a day, your life will last. Happy people have a 40% lower risk of heart disease. A child at the age of 6 laughs 300 times a day, while adults - only 15, maximum 100 times. It has been noticed that smiling waiters receive a tip one and a half times more than their serious counterparts. So let's extend our lives today, train our muscles and get a tip for all this. Laughing is allowed!

(A person reading a humorous monologue approaches the microphone. You can take a monologue for a woman or a dialogue between two people.)

- Everyone has a different sense of humor, some are highly developed, some are not important. But most importantly, everyone has this feeling.
On the first of April, trusting no one,
I made my way to work I don't like this day of the week
My friends get me.

Finally got there and quietly
Feeling the near chair with your hands
It seems everything is fine and sat down
Relieved, he sighed.

Here is the boss, be he wrong
Calls urgently on the carpet
I rushed from the place at the parade
Chair with me together, I roared.

Well, tell me, who did it?
Who smeared this glue on the chair?
Everyone walks with innocent eyes
Even if you take them and kill them.

And the boss seems to be wound up
Everything is in a hurry, come on quickly.
I'm a little skewed
I was walking with a chair, as soon as the door closed ...

I sat down, chief eyes roll out
Freestyle poses will not understand mine
Suddenly blackmail is conceived, or drunk?
Or worse, invited the authorities.

And quietly, without angering fate
Changing tone drastically
My boss bleated politely
- My dear, an important conversation.

I tensed, quietly moved my eyebrows
It can be seen that the grumbler decided to slap a fine
Throwing a leg indifferently
I lowered my eyes and sat in silence.

And the boss from such an undertaking
Stretched out at the table
- We managed to raise your salary
Thousand ninety, and hiccupped slightly.

I got cold inside
And the tongue is frozen to the teeth
I barely managed to squeeze out
Just asking: Is that all?

Chief: - Another business trip,
You need to go to the Maldives
You have such a necessary skill
You should be in charge of the department.

I'm so overwhelmed
Pants peeled off from the water
I went crazy from the boss
And friends stood like pillars.

I have lived since then guys
So everyone is jealous friends
And now I love this date
I believe in the first of April!
Ladies and gentlemen white dance!

(The musical composition of Zhanna Aguzarova “I Believe” sounds. During the sound of the composition, the presenter walks between the tables and distributes balloons of different colors to men.)

- Allow me to invite us here, men with red balloons.

The competition "Sit Longer" is held.
Chairs are placed according to the number of participants, balls are on them. Whoever manages to sit on the ball the longest wins. The competition can be held with several colors of balloons, both men and women can participate.

- They spin in the rhythm of the dance,
The dress is fluttering
All of us will be friends
On "Laughing is allowed."

(Three dance compositions sound in a row.)

- danced, danced,
Legs seem to be tired
Let's sit and rest
And then let's go play.
Who wants to sit and relax, who is the most daring, come out.

A chair is placed, a participant or participant sits on it. Next to put a chair with clothes (bib, bow, tie, sleeveless jacket, shawl, watch, etc.). The second participant is called, who must put all this on the seated one. A third participant is called, who must remove all this from the seated person, blindfolded.

- The prize is awarded to the most patient participant (to the one who was dressed, undressed). to the most skillful (to the one who wears) and the sharpest (to the one who undressed).
There is a song for you.

(Any song performed by a soloist or duet or group.)

- We all know jokes, they are so firmly ingrained in our lives that we hear them almost daily at work, at home, on television. Especially appreciated are jokes with subtle humor, without expressions, causing a storm of laughter. A competition is announced for the funniest joke, taking into account the above prohibitions. And all those present must vote on a five-point scale, the funniest joke will receive the most valuable prize.

The host alternately approaches with a microphone to those who want to tell a joke, asks for a name and gives them the opportunity to tell. The rest vote by throwing one or another assessment into a box with a certain name. Upon completion, the result is calculated, who scored the highest score, and a gift is presented in the form of a bottle of cognac or vintage wine.

(Dance break.)

- I need nimble and fast women, six people, please come out. What is your name?

The participants take turns calling names, and the leader puts hats on them with ears. And he says, you are the squirrel Tanya, you are the squirrel Ira, etc. Then five chairs are placed in a circle with a decent radius, men sit on them, these are oaks. The goal is to have the squirrels jump on the oaks when the music stops. Each time the number of oaks and naturally protein decreases. At the end, a prize is awarded to the most nimble squirrel and the most resistant oak.

(Dance break.)

- We laughed and sang here
April Fools jokes.
Smiled with all their mouths
The people were so happy.
It's a pity it all ends
But laughing is allowed!

\ Scenarios of school holidays

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VISIT AT THE SMILE AND LAUGHTER. Competitive entertainment humorous program

Hall decoration: an exhibition of children's creativity - crafts on the themes "Masks" and "Jokes-fables".
The song “Smile” sounds (lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky, music by V. Shainsky) from the cartoon “Little Raccoon”. The guys enter the room. They are met by clowns Laughter and Smile.

Hurry up, welcome guests,
Drop all your worries at the entrance!
Let happy faces flash everywhere
Let everyone have fun today.
Come in, hurry up
Our lovely friends!
Relax, have fun
You can't get bored here.
Forgive all mistakes today
But not the lack of a smile.
A face without a smile is a mistake.
Laughter and Smile (together): Long live Laughter and Smile!
Smile: Hello adults!
Laugh: Hello children!
Smile: Let's get to know each other. My name is Smile.
Laugh: And me - Laughter. And what is your name?
The guys alternately represent their teams: "Chepushinki", "Veselinki", "Smeshinki", "Humorinki".

Smile: Today we will have a competition of teams, and we will also recognize the guys who will receive the titles "Grustinka" and "Laugher".
To become a laugher
Believe me, you need very little -
Be cheerful, don't yawn
Songs to sing and dance.
Smile: We have three girlfriends.
Laugh: Let's try to guess the host.
Sounds of music performed by the instruments of the symphony orchestra - "Three girlfriends" from the program of D. Kabalevsky "Music". According to the intonation-expressive elements of the musical language, the guys determine their girlfriends:

violins, pauses - sighs, complaints - "Cry-baby";
brass-wind - sharp chords, evil - "Angry";
woodwind - the music is fast, cheerful - "Rezvushka".
After guessing, each guest, according to the image, appears in the hall. Smile and Laughter seat them in seats marked "Jury".

Smile: I think it's time to start our competition program.
Knock on the door.
Laugh: Haha! This is probably the Teardrop team?
Two boys appear: one in short pants, "Humor" is written on his chest, the other in long pants, with a beard, "Anecdote" is written on his chest, walks, leaning on the first.

Humor: Such a holiday, and without us?
Joke: And we have prepared tasks for you. Two points will be given to the one who correctly answers the first question: “What is our full name?”

(Correct answer: "Humor in short pants and a Joke with a beard.")

And now you must tell the beginning of the anecdote. If no one knows him, then you get two points, and if he turns out to be famous, old, then you will grow a beard. Do you agree to this condition? (Yes!)

One representative from each team is called. If a viewer from the audience continues his anecdote, then a beard is attached to the player.

The one who is cheerful and healthy
The whole world is ready to embrace
For him warmer and brighter
The day is normal.
We must be friends with humor
Have fun and joke.
Everything will be fine, everything will be fine
Everything is great!
A soloist dressed as Charlie Chaplin performs a song.

Sl. Y. Chichkova, music. M. Protasova

I want to be Charlie Chaplin
So that you do not wither from sadness.

And I will dip a little for you.

Chorus: Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, sad, funny,
Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, you are my hero.
I sing my song about you
Charlie, Charlie, you are always with me.

Hat, mustache and cane...
A handful of unshed tears...

And I will dip a little for you.

From relatives, I will secretly give you a word,
That I'll be a fun clown.
Friends, laugh, friends, hope
And I will dip a little for you.

If life goes like this,
Laughter does not increase happiness
Friends, do not cry, hide sorrow,
And I will dip a little for you.

During the performance of the song, the jury sums up the results of the first competition and announces the results. The leader writes them down on the scoreboard.

In the hall from different sides appear - Oh and Oh. Ah - the image of an optimist, pink and blue tones predominate in the suit. Oh - the image of a pessimist, the suit is dominated by gray tones.

Oh: Where am I? Oh, how fun it is here! Oh, how many guys! Oh, how interesting it is here! .. (Continues to look at the hall, guys and move towards another.)
Oh: Where I am? Oh, I don't know anyone! Oh, all the new faces! Oh, at least to meet someone you know! (Continues to look at the hall, the guys and move towards another.)
Without noticing each other, Ah and Oh collide.

Oh: Ah, how interesting! Who are you?
Oh: Oh! How painful! And who are you?
Smile: Guys! Have you guessed who came to us? What are the names of our guests? (Children answer.)
Laughter: They have prepared riddle surprises for you: Ah - funny, Oh - sad. For each guess, the team gets a point.
Buy, do not regret -
It will be more fun to drive.

Our guests visit us every year:
One gray-haired, the other young,
The third jumps, and the fourth cries.

Along our village
Joyful horse runs
At the end of the tail
A purse full of oats hangs,
Runs and shakes.
(Snowstorm, blizzard)

Crying in the swamp
But it does not come from the swamp.

Cheerful in the spring
It's cold in summer
Feeds in autumn
Warms in winter.
The grandfather is sitting
He is wearing a hundred fur coats.
Who undresses him
He sheds tears.

Uncle laughs
His fur coat is shaking.

They beat Ermilka
What is the strength on the back of the head,
And he doesn't cry
Just hides the leg.

The horses are laid up
Don't drink, don't eat
And the funny ones are standing.
Grew up in the forest
Hanging on the wall
Crying in your arms
Who listens - jumps.

Musical pause. At this time, the jury sums up the results of the second competition, then announces the result.

Smile: The next competition is proverbs on the topic "Laughter-Joke-Fun".
I will start and you continue. For each correct answer, the team receives one point.

Whoever lives in joy, that one ... (grit is dumb).
There is nothing to live, but to live ... (fun).
Joy is not eternal, sadness ... (not endless).
Interfere with idleness, spend time ... (with fun).
To joke a joke, ... (to amuse everyone).
Who amuses people, ... (for that the whole world is worth it).
The boyar is happy with the jester ... (yes, he doesn’t go in line with him).
Who is cheerful, and who is the nose ... (hung).
She cries bitterly, but squats ... (dances).
Do not be angry for a joke, but offended ... (do not give in).
The heart rejoices, and the face ... (blooms).
Beautiful for sin, but bad ... (for laughter).

Smile: Let's all sing a fun Japanese game song together.

If the birds sing here and there
If the butterflies settled in the bushes,

(After the first, second, fourth lines - two clap each.)

If you learned your lesson by heart,
And besides, he helped a friend,
Teach us how to have fun, show us how to frolic
And we will do the same as you.

(After the first, second, fourth lines - two clicks of the fingers.)

If it hurts you hurt yourself on the joint,
If the bump on top is like a fist,
Teach us not to cry, teach us how not to gasp
And we will do the same as you.

(After the first, second, fourth lines - two stomps each.)

If mom washed all the dishes
And I didn't break any cups or plates,
Teach us to have fun, have fun and be proud
And we will do the same as you.

(After the first, second, fourth lines - two claps with both hands on the knees.)

If you went into space in a dream,
If you ran skipping along the moon,
Show me how you frolicked, how you frolicked, had fun

And we will do the same as you.
(After the first and second lines, two claps each, at the end of singing - a repetition of clicks in a row, joyful exclamations of “Ai, ai!”, stamping feet and clapping hands on knees.)

After the song-game, the jury announces the results of the previous competition.

Laugh: I announce a new competition "Patters". I invite two representatives from the team. (Children are invited to choose a tongue twister by lot.)

He joked, joked, and joked.
Sharpen balls, sharpen balusters, belentryas.
To joke, to make people laugh.
You will not serve, so you will joke.
Jokes go in fur coats.
The jester is not a jester, but a good bastard.
Do not joke with a jester: he will pierce with a probe.
Laughter is good, but there will be some kind of ridicule.
Crested laughers laughed with laughter: ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!
Jester striped, eversion, pea, Podnovinsky.
Dance, soul, without kuntush, look for a pan without a zhupan.

Smile: While the jury is summing up the results of the competition, I invite everyone to play the game "Good mood". Starting from the neighbor on the right, we say a compliment along the chain, always with a smile, and especially cheerful ones can make attractive faces.

The jury announces the results of the previous competition. The dance group performs a comic dance "Clownies". During this time, the jury summarizes the entire program. He calls the Smekhodar, notes that there are no sad people among those present in the hall.

Be cheerful to be happier
The one you make friends with.


So that everyone in life has enough
Great human kindness.
Laughter and Smile sing the song.


Competitive entertainment humorous program

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