Muslim conspiracies to get the job you want. For career success. Effective conspiracy from trouble at work

A woman is the keeper of the hearth and the shore of the family in all nations and at all times. The desire for prosperity and confidence in the future among the representatives of the fair half cannot be called mercantile. To have no need for money, to give an education and a good foundation for your children is a natural desire.

It is quite difficult to look at a man who is tormented by unfulfilled ambitions and plans. Especially if you love him and want only the best. If a streak of failures and career troubles befell a husband or son, a woman can try to help him. "Household magic" will strengthen spiritual strength, give a special energy message and support prayer conspiracies at the level. It is not in vain that they say that the person for whom they are praying grows wings behind his back and the hand of the Lord is over him in all his affairs.

Important to remember! Carrying out ceremonies and rituals to strengthen the male spirit, do not forget about your peace of mind. Support the earner in all his undertakings, pray for him. Despite disagreements and quarrels in the family, always bless him before going to work simply by crossing him.

All rituals must be carried out with some preparation. You can’t tell anyone that you have plans to make a strong conspiracy so that your son finds a good job. Even domestic magic requires discipline and observance of the sacrament.

Briefly about the rules

  1. A conspiracy so that the husband finds a high-paying job is recommended to be carried out at the very beginning of the working week.
  2. It is advisable to read all conspiracies and rituals on the growing moon. Otherwise, you can get the opposite result.
  3. While reading, try to think positively.
  4. With all your heart and soul you need to believe that good luck will come and fortune will smile at your family. No doubts are allowed.

A shawl conspiracy for the success of your beloved

To carry out a ritual conspiracy, a woman will need a new white handkerchief (you can buy it the day before or take one already in the house). People say that this conspiracy passed to people from Vanga herself. Above the scarf you need to say the following words:

“I whisper, I whisper. I'm talking about a conspiracy. With the servant of God (the name of the husband or son), luck will come in all his ways and achievements in work. Wherever he goes, he will find work everywhere. Do not hear him renunciations and no words. 3 times Amen.

After reading the prayer over the handkerchief, put it in your husband's pocket. This month he will be promoted to the desired position or offered a new job.

Asking for help from the moon

On the young moon, get a new wallet, which you then need to give to your husband. Put 3 banknotes of any denomination in your wallet. At night, when the moon has risen, stand at the window, press the wallet to your lips and say the following words:

“Let there always be money in the wallet, the servant of God (husband's name) lives in abundance. Let him be valued and honored at work, I conjure God's word, no one will unlock it. Amen!"

The following ritual can be done to the wife for the husband or to the husband himself. You need to put a change in your pocket, go out onto the porch of your house at exactly midnight and look at the young moon. Slowly cast the spell 3 times, sorting through the coins that are in your pocket. Spell text:

“Grow up for a month, grow up, and give the servant (slave) of God (name) a job and money. May it be so. Amen".

Conspiracy on the office chair

If you need to overcome one of the steps of the career ladder, then before you sit down at your workplace, you can say in a whisper:

“Your house, your roof, and I am higher!”

After a short time, a person will move to a more suitable position. The conspiracy will be more effective if some time before that, the husband drinks holy water.

Helping our man

To carry out the ritual, you will need a candle, a blank sheet of paper and a regular pencil. We write our cherished desire (“to help my husband find a job”, “so that my son stops being unemployed”) on paper. Remember: the more specifically you describe the desired result, the more accurately it will come true.

Then you need to set fire to the leaf. At this time, we whisper what is written on it (we repeat the desire aloud). We collect the ashes and scatter them in the wind. It is advisable to spend late at night on the growing moon.

“I’ll get up in the morning and braid my braids. I’ll make a prayer to God and say to the Mother of God: Mother, don’t you know how I love (my name) (husband’s name) and only wish good. Give me the scroll that says everything about him. I will burn him and write again - who he is and that his wealth is innumerable. Whatever work he wishes, such is destined. Amen"

We read a plot over candles

Mother's prayers are the most powerful energy shields and blocks that protect a person from evil. The text is strong and you need to carry it out only with good thoughts and not being angry with your child. Light a candle and read the words:

“May my son, the servant of the Lord (the name of the son) not hear refusal and renunciation. Neither today nor tomorrow. No day, no year. Wherever his foot goes, praise and honor are everywhere. Amen"

Ritual for a highly paid job: real experience

When the crisis began, my husband lost his job. He is an educated person and understands the matter, but it is painfully not punchy. Very bound. And he began to fade before our eyes, so worried about his unemployment. I am a believer and I am afraid to get into rituals, but to deal with candles. Although my friend has long advised me one way. When things got really bad, I made up my mind.

For the ceremony, it was necessary to take a seedling and plant it. During landing, think of nothing but a new job and the success of your son. Yes, I did. I carefully looked after the new tree and prayed near it. As soon as the tree was strong, the son brought the good news to the house. And everything went well for him. The stronger the tree became, the higher the financial condition of my husband.

Help of prayer

Not every person feels the strength and ability to practice magic and apply conspiracies. In this case, you can simply pray, sending the necessary emotions. The chosen prayer must be read every day, directing all your thoughts to the only desire - for the husband to work and have a good income.

Prayer should always be read with faith in the heart, without extraneous thoughts and desires. It is necessary that no one interferes or distracts during the process. You need to pray quietly, without fuss and haste. You need to repeat this ritual for several months. Sometimes, the result appears after a week, but it can come in a few months. Strengthen your spirit, believe in your man and wait for the good news.

A good job is, first of all, a favorite job, that is, a business that not only brings a significant income, but also gives pleasure. Unfortunately, life is not so simple and often things do not go the way you want. But it often happens like this: a favorite job, but does not bring income, or, on the contrary, a well-paid place, but constant conflicts with the boss and the eternal struggle for one's place in the sun.

And all this, in the best traditions of the law of coincidence of probabilities, is happening in our time of cuts and unemployment, when work is generally considered a holy place. In order to add a little luck to yourself in your career plan, and attract a good place, you can use an excellent conspiracy to attract work.

Popular conspiracies for work

Ritual for good

Suspicious people may say that the payback for the use of magic will be much greater than the benefits that the conspiracy will bring. But it's not.

These rituals do not have any negative effects on others, plus they belong to white magic, therefore there can be no consequences other than positive ones.

The main thing is to do everything with good intentions. And also - to believe in the power of the word.

Some Useful Rituals

It happens that you are pathologically unlucky in your job search: you were late for one interview, overslept for another, and the third turned out to be irrelevant. In this case, the conspiracy will help the dream come true and get a decent job: You need to say the magic words before entering the employer's office.

Conspiracy "For successful employment"

“My angel, my guardian, save and protect my soul from all enemies, visible and invisible adversaries. Take me to all 4 directions: south, north, west and east. Amen."

If even suitable vacancies do not come across, then in order to find a profitable job, say a simple conspiracy to find a good job three times in a row. And after that, in the near future you will certainly be lucky.

Conspiracy "For a profitable job"

“I go to the boyars to plow for nothing, I go to contract, to fall in love with the owner. Everything so that they would touch me, the owners smiled affectionately, fed heartily, paid well, did not scold in vain and did not beat me. The Lord God is my King, my supreme Sovereign. Lord, help me. God help me. God bless. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen."

A conspiracy on a handkerchief is very effective.

On the day before the full moon, buy a handkerchief and read the plot on it 7 times.

Conspiracy "To work" on a scarf

“It will be for me, the servant of God (name), prosperity on the road-road. Wherever I go, I find a job, I won’t get a refusal.”

After reading, the charmed handkerchief should be carefully folded and taken with you when you go to the interview. This handkerchief cannot be used for its intended purpose, they need to discreetly wipe the door handle to the office where the potential employer is sitting or, holding it to their palms, open the door. It is desirable that these manipulations go unnoticed.

Extremely good and fast plot for cream for success in finding a job. The ritual is done on cream, as it is truly considered the best part of milk, the most expensive and useful. But in the case of this conspiracy, store cream will not work, you must definitely get fresh, fat homemade cream, pour it into a white bowl and read the magic words three times.

Conspiracy "To find a job" for cream

“I will go out, the servant of God (name), from the house - not from the house, by the door - not by the door, by the gate - not by the gate, by the road - not by the road, by the road - not by the road, by the country - not by the country. And I'll go look for lobes in a damp forest, in a clean field. I'll take a step, and I'll find a ruble, and I'll take another step, and I'll find a chervonchik, I’ll take the third step, but I’ll find fifty. Cream to drink, and I get rich. So that I can live and live and not know grief. Amen."

After what has been said, you need to take three large sips from the bowl. Leftovers can be refrigerated and used as needed, but never thrown away. Before going to bed, do not forget to say the following words: “Mother cow, you gave me cream, give me a new job, profitable and good”, cross yourself three times and read the prayer “Our Father” nine times.

As a result of the conspiracy, a good job will find you in the near future, but still take the first step and start looking for a worthy place.

There are times when a job to your liking has already been found, but there’s no way to please the boss, and he pulls you with or without reason. In this case, a conspiracy against quarrels with the boss is ideal. To do this, you need to speak at exactly 00:00 a spoonful of sugar, saying the necessary words to it. The next morning, sprinkle the charmed sugar under the boss's threshold.

Conspiracy "On the boss" for sugar

“Bake, dry on my sugar, Like a fly sticks to sweet syrup: Heart, skeleton, brain, all organs, So you, servant of God (name), turn, loving, To me, servant of God (name). Take advice, in the absence of grief, Appreciate how they value the most valuable and expensive. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

The main thing is not to be seen in this case.

Siberian healer Natalya generously shares her recipes for a successful career in her books.

On the day of the Beheading of John the Baptist, they buy shoes, in which they then stand in the evening service in the church, and when they come home, they wash the sole in a basin and pour this water into a half-liter jar. On the first even day after that, they bring this water to their service, but in such a way that no one sees it. Pour from the street any corner of the building in which they work. The bank is left immediately. You will notice how a turning point for the better begins in your career.

Siberian healer Natalya claims that an effective conspiracy for a successful career has never let anyone down, and you need to read it 3 times when going to the employer.

Conspiracy "For a successful career"

I go to the bar, not young and not old. I'm going to contract, to take a look at the owner. My face is sweet to him, my soul is not ashamed. Everyone would be surprised at me, the owners would smile, be touched by my words. He would not drive away the baptized soul. Lord Jesus Christ. Our God, have mercy on us at every hour. Amen. Amen. Amen."

All these rites and rituals belong to white magic. Natalya Stepanovna reassures that these rituals do not have any negative consequences, they will only help you find a decent job, and your employer - to find a valuable employee.

Video: Conspiracy to work

A person spends most of his life in the service. The well-being and success of the individual depends on it. If the current place does not satisfy materially and psychologically, then you need to find yourself another occupation. Is there a proven rite of passage for finding a new job? Let's analyze the most popular options.

Preparing for rituals

Experienced magicians know that without preliminary action, any witchcraft will not function to its full potential. In order for the best conspiracies and prayers to achieve their goal, it is important to properly prepare. Cleansing rituals will not only get rid of negative energy, but also set you up for positive changes in life.

  1. Spring-cleaning. People do not pay attention to the fact that they are surrounded by a huge number of unnecessary things. We recommend clearing the blockages in the closets and on the balcony, as well as washing the floors and windows in all rooms.
  2. Get rid of negative thoughts. Lack of money leads to the fact that even the most positive person begins to envy others. The influence of destructive energy violates inner harmony and does not allow one to move on to the next step.
  3. Without a "monetary threshold". Often people put a limit on wealth at the mental level. You can’t “order” a certain amount from fate, otherwise, after receiving it, financial failures will come again. In extreme cases, it is easier to wish for a car or an apartment than to put a limit on your own capabilities.

Need to find a new job? Before an important interview, you need to calm down and tune in to a positive result. Remember that the procedure is carried out by experienced psychologists who quickly recognize an indecisive person. Rituals will make you feel more confident and “show” interviewers positive traits.

Classic conspiracy

For a proven ritual to find a position, you need coins and a new white handkerchief. Remember that the last component is purchased a day before the ceremony. In this case, you must not bargain with the seller and do not take the change.

Actions are carried out during the growing moon after sunset. The money is placed tails up in the fabric. Then the words of the conspiracy are repeated three times.

“As clear stars are always with the moon, so money luck will always be with me. I will not complain about my life and will find a good service for myself. In a new place, everything works out for me, and the coins in my wallet are added. May it be so. Amen".

After reading, the money is wrapped in a scarf, tied in a knot and hidden away from prying eyes. In the morning, you can start looking for a new job. To do this, they buy a newspaper with ads, post a resume or respond to vacancies of interest. The position given by higher powers will no longer slip out of hand.

Honey magnet

The rite to attract financial luck and to increase is carried out for seven days. A suitable period for action is the full phase of the moon. The thin horn of the month is already visible in the sky, so you can start the ritual.

To find a good job, you have to take a honey shower. To do this, they take natural raw materials and smear the body during the hygiene procedure. Performing a ritual, they imagine how troubles go away, and the best offers “stick” to a person.

Then the sweet product is washed off with warm water and regular soap or gel. The substance has long been used by magicians in attracting actions, therefore it is also used to improve financial well-being. Remember that the rite is contraindicated for people allergic to honey.

Ritual with candles

Fire is a very strong element that has a dual nature. On the one hand, it destroys everything it touches, and on the other hand, it is a powerful source of energy that preserves life. Our ancestors knew these features, so they often used flame in witchcraft.

Before the ritual, it is necessary to carry out a cycle of cleansing procedures. You need to wear light, loose clothing that will not hinder movement. Still need to take:

  • four candles of different colors (white, beige, green, black);
  • ground cinnamon;
  • patchouli essential oil;
  • towel made of natural fabric;
  • a small bowl;
  • clean water.

The black candle is cut a few centimeters so that it is smaller than the rest of the lights. Gently lubricate the surface with an odorous liquid, light a flame. You need to look at the fire and mentally imagine how failures and lack of money burn in it. They put the element on the table, after which they thoroughly rinse their hands in a container of water.

The remaining candles are sprinkled with cinnamon powder. Lighting the green one, you need to think about a high salary at a new job, and the white one - how you will like the activity. The beige component is ignited last - the most important of all. It is a fixing element that gives energy for all previous actions.

After all the lights burn out, you can go to bed. In the morning, they begin an active search for a new place. The rules have been honed over the centuries, so it is important to adhere to the presented algorithm: in the coming days, get the desired position.

Ritual for a good job

Modern people often do not what they are interested in or like. Finding the best jobs that you like is not always a quick process, which is why many are afraid of running out of money. But there are conspiracies that contribute to undertakings.

Before the ritual, you need to start with cleansing, which is completed by reading any prayer. Then they take:

  • a new ceramic bowl;
  • Matchbox;
  • paper;
  • handle;
  • cinnamon;
  • crushed candied fruits;
  • long fig.

The ceremony is performed in the evening in complete solitude. They sit down at the table and write on the sheet all the requirements that they want from the desired position. It is important to think over the content of the text in advance so as not to forget anything. Then the paper is folded several times, put in a container. Sprinkle grains and spices on top, cover with palms and now you need to imagine yourself in detail at a new job.

In order for the magical actions to work, the procedure must be carried out during the period of the growing moon. The components are poured into boxes and left for three days on the windowsill. The rays of the night star will "charge" the amulet. The talisman is carried with them in a pocket or bag until they find a suitable place.


Ritual for getting a job.

Job search. Ritual of Svarog.

Before the interview

To obtain a highly paid position, they often negotiate with a future employer. If several candidates apply for one vacancy, then people will worry and can make many mistakes. The success of the business depends on inner peace and the help of higher powers.

In front of the building in which the interview is taking place, you need to stop and mentally imagine yourself in the desired position. Then they slowly walk to the door, pronouncing the words of the conspiracy to themselves.

“I am on my way to a new life. Let the owner like my face, character and performance. God, help me, give strength, and confidence, and good luck. Amen".

Now you don't have to worry about the interview. If the place is really good, then it will be yours. Fate will save you from a bad boss and low wages.

Rite on the pen

If instead of an interview they offer to fill out a questionnaire or take a test, then it is better to protect yourself in advance. Magic effects on objects is a proven technique that makes it easier to go to your goal. We offer to enchant an ordinary stationery item.

Actions are carried out on the growing moon. On Friday morning they go to the store, buy a pen and a red thread. Already at home, a church candle is lit, the twine is carefully wound around the body, trying to completely close the entire space.

At this point, you need to imagine how energy penetrates into the object. For three nights, the element of magic is left on the windowsill. Moonlight completes the ritual and "seals" the power within.

While filling out the document, use your stationery. The written text acquires for a short time witchcraft abilities. A person receives the location of the future leadership and the chance to enjoy the benefits of a good position. After being hired, we advise you not to be lazy and show your competence. Otherwise, the spell will dissipate, and with them a new place.

For promotion

What are the best magical conspiracies that can quickly affect career advancement? To make the dream accessible, we recommend trying a proven technique. The success of actions depends on the internal preparation of a person, so you need to carry out cleansing procedures and calm down.

Good luck will bring a piece of birch bark, which must be torn off on the way to work. They take a small bark with them, mentally representing it in the form of a shield. They hide it in the table and pick it up every day, repeating the visualization.

A week later, proceed to the next stage. You need to arrange a conversation with your boss. Before the interview, the words of the prayer to the guardian angel are said three times. Then they touch the birch bark and calmly go to an important meeting. Now you can not be afraid to apply for the best place.

Before taking action, you need to decide whether you need a raise or not. Often a person is not mentally prepared for other powers. We do not recommend engaging in witchcraft for the sake of experiment.

From ill-wishers

Sometimes career advancement is hindered by the intrigues of enemies. They do not allow to work normally and survive from a good position. Do not try to punish or destroy pests: black magic always returns to the original source. We advise you to create a reliable shield.

Within 12 days it is necessary to come to the temple to the image of the Virgin. They put a candle in front of the icon and mentally ask for protection from enemies. When the flame burns down to the middle, they leave the church, distribute alms to all the poor.

The ritual can be supplemented in another way. Candles are placed near faces:

  • guardian angel;
  • nominal saint;
  • Archangel Michael;
  • Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Before each image, they ask for protection from enemies and pests. At this point, you can not hate or get angry at people who want evil. Such humility reflects even the strongest dark magic.

Finding a job

The best specialists often face a problem when it is difficult to find a position. Companies offer uncomfortable hours or low pay. What do you need to do to get the right job?

To find a job and a device in a good place, you need to conduct a simple ceremony. You will need seven shiny coins and two new white handkerchiefs. The fabric is washed, dried and ironed, after which it is laid out for three nights on the windowsill. In the phase of the growing moon, the rays will touch the surface of the element, charging it with cosmic energy.

On the fourth day, money is wrapped in one handkerchief, and seven pinches of consecrated salt are wrapped in another. As it gets dark, they leave the house, bury magic coins under any plant. Professionals advise choosing places where the performer rarely goes.

They return to the dwelling, take a bundle with spice and take it to the nearest crossroads. They tie them to a tree, say: “Paid” and quickly walk back. Then you have to go to bed without talking to anyone. The very next day, you can safely search for a job.

Spells with rituals to work are ancient knowledge that has come down to us from our ancestors. By following simple rules, you can easily find a good place and get it quickly taken. But if you do not fulfill your duties, then magic will not help in your future career.

You don't have a job? Already passed a huge number of interviews and still no luck? Then a job search plot will help you. Work is certainly good, but it is important that it brings you pleasure! It often happens that your favorite work, unfortunately, gives a small income. And they would have stayed on it, and continued to work like this all their lives, but they are forced to look for a new one in order to provide themselves with at least some profit! Or is it the other way around! And there is work and a good salary, but the soul does not lie. And every day is like hard labor! And then we go looking.

Strong conspiracies for finding work: for water and salt. Strong and reliable ways to get a new job!

But we see so many offers on the labor market that it is very difficult to navigate. How to find and not make a mistake, so that you are not deceived? Yes, and there are many who want to get settled too. Managers are sorting out, and it is very difficult to find a good job with such a huge competition!

If you have already tried a lot of ways, and nothing helps you, then you need to resort to the most powerful search conspiracies. help exactly what you need. Turning to the Higher Forces, you will find not only a decent job, but everything connected with it, namely success, respect from friends and colleagues, and of course financial security!

Option 1: "For salt"

One of the most powerful conspiracies for a new job

One of the most powerful is the conspiracy to salt! It is salt that has a certain structure of its crystals, that everything we say to it acquires tremendous power! To do this, we need to take a handful of salt, exactly as much as fits in your palm. This salt must be well heated in a hot frying pan. After that, pour the hot salt into a cloth bag, carefully, do not burn yourself. The salt is very hot. The bag must be tied with a red thread for 7 knots, and with each knot repeat:

As the heat goes away, so the work will come.

I'm ahead, I can't get around.

I take all the bestcottage in me!

When the bag of salt cools down, bury it in the ground. After you drip it, you cannot talk to anyone that day. Be careful! This is one of the most powerful and powerful conspiracies. It is very important to keep the whole ceremony in complete secrecy! The sacrament will give him even more magical power!

Option 2: "For approval of the vacancy"

If you already know exactly what kind of job you want to get. And already found it, this is not enough! The competition is great, and just luck has a place to be! Here the following conspiracy will help you.

Before you go for an interview at the company of your choice, read the phrase to yourself 3 times:

All doors open and everything works!

I take, I can, I want

I'll get a job!

These simple words must also be said before entering the employer's office. But know that if the results of the interview in this company turned out to be negative, then do not be discouraged! This higher power is protecting you! So in this workplace you would be disappointed. This conspiracy helps if the work is really good, and if not, then it protects you and takes you away from it.

Option 3 "Conspiracy for water"

An effective conspiracy for a new job

It works if you do not know at all in which direction to move. You have not decided on a profession, but you want to enjoy your work. In this case, it is necessary to send a request to the Higher Forces to guide you and open the way for you. This conspiracy takes place on the first day of the lunar calendar. We take a glass of water and speak it:

Voditsa, vodka,

How do you flow in streams

That's how you find my way.

Open the way, wash away the obstacles.

After we put a glass of water on the window for the night, let it be charged with lunar energy and gain strength! Drink this water in the morning.

Advice: At the same time, do not sit still and do not expect that the work will suddenly come by itself! You need to send out your resumes, write job advertisements, view vacancies and just ask your friends! Or maybe the work is already there, and waiting for you, and you do nothing to notice it!

It often happens that after regular failures in finding a vacant job, a person despairs, stops believing and gives up! And already agree to everything that will be offered! Never despair, whoever seeks will surely find! And with the help of the Higher Power, it will be much easier for you to do this! There is a good place for everyone in this world, you just need to find it!


Website visitor comments

    I worked for a very long time as an accountant in a railway organization. From such a boring, tedious, paper and painstaking work, I came home nothing, like a squeezed lemon, as they usually say. I already wanted something else, but in fact there was no time to look for another job. I started reading various information on the Internet. And then I saw this wonderful article. She helped me a lot to change my life. When I made this conspiracy, everything in my life changed for the better. I got a good job - creative, now it's not work - but paradise =)

    My grandmother told me about the ritual with water a long time ago. I didn't really listen to her then. She was young and did not believe in anything.))) But everything happens in life. So I had to remember my grandmother. My only regret is that I didn't think of this earlier. This ritual is so powerful that even my skepticism at that moment could not spoil it. This story was two years ago. I don't work anymore because I'm on maternity leave. Since with a new interesting job, I also found the man of my dreams, who was the head of this company. So good luck everyone, let some magic into your life

    I made this conspiracy, as I was on the verge. I lost my favorite job because my "colleague" set me up. Our boss did not even begin to understand - he fired. Because it was a terrible injustice, I lost heart and stopped believing in myself. On nervous grounds, my sleep was disturbed and I began to spend nights on the Internet. But I was lucky and I came across an article about a conspiracy to get a new job and decided that it couldn’t get any worse. Made a conspiracy for fun and voila! Now I am more successful than my boss (and fairer than him).

    Somehow I accidentally saw this site, and I really liked these conspiracies. The main thing is that everything is very simple and easy. I was more attracted by the method: Conspiracy for a new job “on the water”. I am already 35 years old, I have changed a lot of jobs, but I have never felt pleasure from any kind of work .. Either they cheated somewhere, or the authorities didn’t suit me and there were constant unfriendly relations, or something didn’t work out with colleagues .. In general, there has always been discomfort, and now it’s the same .. And what can really this conspiracy on the water help me? So I’ll set myself up and tomorrow I’ll definitely do all this, and check whether something changes or not. Maybe I'll finally find a new job!

    My grandmother has been telling me for a long time that before any undertaking you need to read a conspiracy and then everything will work out for sure. I did not believe her all these years, until I decided to randomly test it for myself. I found the job of my dreams, but the competition was very big. Mom helped find a conspiracy and explained what and how to do. As a result, I got a place, now I'm going for a promotion!!!

    In our time it is very difficult to find a decent job, sometimes without experience they don’t take it, sometimes only through connections, and unfortunately I don’t have such. I had to get out myself, I use conspiracies. And do not believe it! After this conspiracy, I finally found a very decent job for myself, the whole family is proud of me. I advise!

A conspiracy to find a good money job is one of the most interesting methods of practical magic, which makes it possible to radically change your own life. With the help of such rituals, you can not only find an interesting and profitable occupation, but also reap the benefits of such changes in life - good prosperity, respect for others, and much more. In addition, only doing what you love can a person be truly happy, only such work can bring moral satisfaction. If you still don’t have such an activity, you can try using special magical rituals.

Prayers spoken just before going to the interview are especially effective. Their strength will provide a favorable situation, and communication with a potential boss will go well, you just won’t meet people who don’t like you.

I’ll tell you about what home conspiracies you need to read when looking for a new job and how to properly use the power of magic for your own good. Magic can help in solving social issues. After reviewing this material, you will understand that magical help in finding a job can be very simple, and at the same time effective. And the first example: a plot to be read when going to an interview.

It is worth saying in advance that magical rites really help to attract good luck and make it possible to get an interesting job, however, they do not guarantee that you will stay in a new place. Therefore, you need to give all your best at work, show yourself from the best side and prove to everyone that this is your place and you deserve it.

Conspiracy for money work

In the morning or at most until the end of the first half of the day, make a plot for bread, then cut it lengthwise: feed one part to the birds, eat the other at dinner. So, say out loud on a loaf of bread:

“Bread-bread, you are the head of everything, everyone reveres you, bows in the belt, joyfully greets you. So where do I go - they joyfully meet me, welcome me, accept me, invite me to work, reward me with big money, but they say thank you, and even tell me to come.

Plots for a job that you like

Having in mind a suitable monetary job, but at the same time, doubting the likelihood of employment for her, perform a magical conspiracy. To make sure you are hired, light a candle closer to noon and, without taking your eyes off the flame, say the following text aloud non-stop, repeating it until the candle burns out.

“I’m riding on a forged chariot, on a golden mare. Wherever I go, they are waiting for me, they love and respect me, they don’t offend me with a refusal. There is no refusal for me either today, or tomorrow, or the day before yesterday, or the day after tomorrow, on any day, month or year, glory and honor always awaits me. No one will say a word against me, no one will refuse anything, open doors will meet me, everyone loves me, everyone believes me. Cross cross, business with a good end! Amen."

Another ritual can be performed just before leaving home, going to an interview. Touching your lips to the bread like a kiss, say:

“Just as from year to year the bread of God is revered, served and accepted with a low bow, so would I, the servant of God (my name), be accepted everywhere with great joy, hired for honorable work. Amen."

Entering the office to the authorities, squeeze your thumb into a fist and overcoming the threshold from your left foot, say to yourself:

“My angel, my guardian, save and protect my soul from all enemies, visible and invisible adversaries. Take me to all 4 directions: south, north, west and east. Amen."

Classic plot for a new job

To conduct a magical ritual, you will need a new scarf and a coin. The ceremony is held in the evening, after sunset. The coin must be put on a scarf tails up and pronounce the words of the conspiracy:

“As the stars are always with the moon, so luck will be with me forever. I don’t complain about my luck, with its help I will find a good place for myself. I’m a nice fellow, I’m efficient in myself and in any business, I’ll get used to any task, I’ll come in handy in any business. As the clear sun rises in the sky after a night, so a new work will come to me. In a new place, everything will work out for me, and coins will be added to my wallet. As it is said, so it will come true. Amen".

Women can also use this magical rite, in which case “well done” should be replaced with “beautiful girl”.
After reading the words of the conspiracy, you need to wrap the coin in a scarf, tie it in a knot and hide it in a secluded place where the bundle will not catch the eye of anyone. In the morning you need to buy a fresh newspaper with ads and boldly respond to any vacancies that interest you.

Rite of the job search

This magical ritual is best used if you know exactly which place you want to get. The rite can be performed before an interview or before your first response to a vacancy. Before entering the building where the interview will take place, or before your call, you need to whisper the words:

“As I enter this door, so I will find luck and a place for myself. I will definitely get the job I want. As it is said, so it will come true. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Conspiracy for a profitable client

If your work is connected with working with clients and your earnings depend on them, you can use a special magical rite that attracts and allows you to keep such a buyer. To do this, before negotiating, you need to light a simple match and, looking at the fire, read the words of the conspiracy:

“In an open field, in a dark forest, in a heavy fog, a light burned, and smoke curled from that light. Go to the servant of God (client's name) to that light, and to a thin smoke, but not to get lost, but not to get lost, but not to go astray, but just get up on it and not leave. Amen. Amen. Amen".

What is a powerful conspiracy to get your favorite job

There is strength in the magic of the nauzes. This ancient magic will help in finding a new job, as well as help you return to your old one, if necessary. And here is an example of a strong conspiracy to take on the same job, or to find a new one. When getting a job, tie a thread with the witching words of the spell to get a good job:

“How tightly this knot is tied, so it would be for me, the servant of God (name), the matter quickly and firmly developed, but they took me to work.”

Tie 3 knots, repeating the plot for each. Put the thread on the threshold, step over, close the door, and go to find a job in full confidence in your rightness, and in the success of the magic you have created.

To sign a successful contract

To sign a profitable contract, you need to take two rowan berries, wrap them in a small clean cloth and slander the bundle:

“Just as you can’t lead a sparrow on the chaff, so you can’t get around me, a servant of God (name), on this mountain ash. As the berries will be with me, so the money will be with me. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After that, put the berries in a bag into your wallet and go to sign the contract.

Strong conspiracy on icons

Get in the church dungeons the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, as well as Christ the Savior, a couple of thick candles and collect holy water there. When going to bed, place icons on the table, arrange candles in front of them, set fire to the wicks. Between the candles, place a cup (clay or ceramic) with prepared holy water. Crossing the water three times, say:

“Batiushka, the breadwinner, mother gave birth, Bless us for good work.”

Now drink three sips of the holy liquid, and wash the rest. Such a ritual must be performed three days in a row.

A powerful conspiracy for a piece of incense and a candle

Bring home from church a small piece of incense, a candle. At night, close to midnight, place incense on a white piece of paper, light a candle. Read the plot:

“There is a church in an open field. In that church stands the Most Holy Mother of God behind the throne of the Lord, embroidering the church robe. I’ll come closer (name) of the servant, lean lower: “Most Holy Mother of God, bless me on this day of the Lord, but for honest work, cover me with a church veil, the servant of God (name).” Lord, I'm following your path, Jesus Christ is in front, the Mother of God is behind, angels are on the sides, the Holy Spirit is above my head, the heavenly powers are with me. Help, Lord."

After reading the text of the conspiracy, wrap the incense in paper and carry it with you for nine days. Then burn them in such a way that the smoke goes out the window.

The simplest conspiracies for a good job

The following texts read at dawn have great power:

“Work, work, be to me, the servant of God (name), in the hunt. Ever-Virgin Mary, give me strength for every harvest. Forever and ever. Amen."

To get promoted

If you plan to go to your superiors to get a promotion, you need to perform a special ritual for good luck the night before. To do this, you need to say the words on a small piece of rope:

“God's son Jesus Christ, your protection and your help is with me. Most Holy Theotokos, without you nothing will start and be born, help me, bless my honest work. The servant of God (name) asks for help and intercession. Amen. Amen. Amen".
After that, you need to raise your hands up and continue to read: “The left hand is my bold business, the right hand is my honest, correct business. The Lord is my only defense, I defend myself with the Lord, I tie up with a robe. Amen".

When it will be necessary to go to the authorities, we gird ourselves with a charmed rope, and negotiations will certainly give only a positive result.
To further increase your chances of a raise, you can use an additional conspiracy on a handkerchief. The words:

“As Tsar Constantine and Tsaritsa Elena affirmed the will of Christ, and drove demons and wickedness from the earth. How people listened to you, but they could not disobey. How you were praised and honored. How everyone worked for you and carried their labors to you, but they carried awards and gifts. So you help me too. The true Lord God, the King of Heaven, I am an insignificant slave (name), I rely on your strength, I hope for your help, I glorify the true Christ. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Before entering the boss, you need to wipe yourself with a charmed handkerchief, and holding the handle of his office, read to yourself three times:

“The bracket sticks out, the bracket is silent, so my opponent will be silent and will not say anything against me. Amen. Amen. Amen".

A strong conspiracy before going to the boss

This is a very strong magical conspiracy that will allow you to completely change the attitude of your superiors towards you.
Read Before Visiting Your Boss:

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I will become a servant of God (name) in the morning, blessed, I will go far, crossing myself, in a clean field. Blessed from his father and mother, forgiven from his parents, from the whole family of the tribe, from the family of all near and far. In the field I will become a clean face to the East, to the West a ridge. Mother Earth is under my feet, Heavenly Father is above my head, you are the dawn, Mary, you are the dawn, the sun is red, bright. I will put that light into my eyes, I will cover myself with the robe of the Lord, incorruptible. All earthly rulers look, all Orthodox Christians look at the power of the Lord God, at his cherubim, angels and archangels, seraphim and apostles, at the cover and his witnesses. And no one thinks evil and dashing against them. So no one will think of me as a servant of God (name) of evil and dashing, I will appear red to the authorities with this sun, the month is brighter, more honest than the stars in the sky. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Conspiracy on the pen

This ceremony is carried out on an ordinary pen, with which you will fill out questionnaires - answers to the vacancies you are interested in. We wrap the pen with a red thread and say the words:

“A pen to the hand, order to the head, money to the purse, and luck to me. As I said, so be it. Amen".

Forbes magazine has published a new list of the highest paid people in the country. As it turns out, on a salary it is quite possible to live well in our country even in a crisis. It all depends on the size of this very salary. And I suggest you use magical conspiracies, and who knows, maybe your work will bring you more money.

Conspiracy to get a job

This magic works if done early in the morning, at dawn.
You know, "he who gets up early, God himself gives to him"?
Hardworking people usually start their activities at dawn and stop at night. This is what the ritual is for.
For a ritual to be hired for a good job, buy a beautiful candle, symbolizing the work that you ideally would like to do.
If you want to sit in the office - find a candle in the form of a table (armchair, computer, pen).
If your dream is trading, then the choice is even wider. Buy a candle in the form of a camel (money).
Light it up and read on the light:

“My work is fastened with flame, the road winds with smoke. There are no fences, no ravines, no holes, no bends on my way. As the flame is straight, so my path is right, it will not turn, it will not betray. As the light flickers, so luck is on my doorstep! It is said - do not turn, only my way to work! Amen!"

Vanga's conspiracies for work

It is believed that the seer helped many ordinary people. Times were hard then, not like now. Without income, one could die of hunger. So she taught unfortunate people a small conspiracy. He helped people find a place for themselves that not only could feed themselves, but the family had enough. This does not mean that now he will only allow you to find money for food. If you consider that times are different now, then good luck will definitely attract into your life. And the one that is assigned to you by the Higher Forces. That is, Vanga's conspiracy helps to remove the obstacles that people arrange for themselves with the wrong thoughts and attitudes. And also protect yourself from enemies and envious people. They are talking about a new thing that should be carried with you. It can be some kind of nonsense like a handkerchief or a cheap bracelet. And the words are:

"Oh my God. I stand before You! I beg you to save me, to protect me from enemies. I pray to the Holy whole army to help and protect. Ivan the Theologian and John the Long-suffering, John the Headless and Ivan the Postile, Michael the Archangel and Nicholas the Wonderworker. And Praskovya the Great Martyr, Faith, Love and Hope with their mother Sophia. I, the Lord's servant (name), stand under your holy shield. Let me protect and keep! Amen!"