Hair coloring according to the lunar calendar June. Hair coloring lunar calendar - which day to choose? Hair coloring according to the lunar calendar

Summer is the best time of the year to improve your health. This also applies to hair health: with a competent approach, you can significantly reduce their loss, increase density and give them a healthy shine.

Remember beauty too! Summer is the time for long-awaited vacations and hot romances. To make your hair look breathtaking, protect it from the scorching sun, make moisturizing masks and use the lunar haircut calendar for June.

The haircut lunar calendar for June 2017 will indicate favorable days for haircuts and hair coloring in June, and will also help you choose the best hairstyle of the day. The calendar contains information about the phases and critical points of the moon, which can have a tangible impact on female beauty.

06/01/17, Thursday. First quarter

  • Complex styling will attract the close attention of others to you. You will want to be the center of attention. Seize the chance to be the object of everyone's admiration.
  • To strengthen your hair, give it luxurious volume and intense color, use a combination of henna and basma.
  • It is best to cut hair in the afternoon. If you follow this advice, then your hair will "thank" you with its excellent appearance.

06/02/17, Friday. The moon is rising

  • Your desire to become the center of the universe is still relevant, support it with a defiant styling.
  • Today, the hair will be dyed evenly and will look stunning.

A haircut will emphasize the most noticeable flaws in your appearance and add age to you. Better give it up.

06/03/17, Saturday. The moon is rising

  • Hair should be styled in a high, but rather modest hairstyle.
  • Dyeing hair in intense colors will help constructive interaction with others.
  • Any haircut will contribute to a decisive attitude to overcome difficulties and strengthen business potential. Cut your hair for the growing moon if you dream of luxurious hair length and density.

06/04/17, Sunday. The moon is rising

  • The hairstyle should not have details that interfere with you. Make the most comfortable styling for yourself. Today is a day of energy surge: you don't have to worry about the perfect look of your hair.
  • Radical repainting is not recommended. Refresh the existing color with soft dyes.

One of the most favorable days in June for a haircut. The new image will inspire inner changes: it will add insight to the mind, and sensory perception will make it more subtle and conscious.

06/05/17, Monday. The moon is rising

  • Laying should be complex, the use of decor and overhead elements is allowed.
  • Dyeing your hair in natural tones will help improve the working atmosphere.

This day is characterized by a high risk of injury. Complete refusal to cut hair is one way to avoid an accident.

06/06/17, Tuesday. The moon is rising

  • Attract the admiring gaze of the male representatives with intricate styling.
  • Strong decoctions of herbs, lemon juice, infusion of oak bark - prefer exclusively herbal ingredients to give your hair shine and shine.
  • This June day is perfect for a haircut. In addition to finding a beautiful hairstyle, you will attract happiness like a magnet.

06/07/17, Wednesday. The moon is rising

  • The most natural styling will help build relationships with family members.
  • Today, only salon hair coloring is possible. If you decide to perform this procedure at home, you will get an unpleasant “surprise”.
  • A haircut will attract new business partners and help build positive working relationships.

06/08/17, Thursday. The moon is rising

The haircut lunar calendar for June 2017 claims that:

  • Straighten, stretch curls, strive for perfect hair smoothness.
  • And again, prefer herbal infusions and decoctions for a subtle shade in the hair and spectacular shine.
  • If you are hypertensive, refuse a haircut on this day. Pressure surges today can be even in healthy people.

06/09/17, Friday. Full moon

  • The hairstyle should not have curls and waviness. Straight loose hair is the most “correct” styling of the day.
  • To protect your aura from the invasion of "dark forces", use only dark or black shades of hair dye.

Unacceptable day for a haircut: you may suffer from the actions of scammers and other intruders.

06/10/17, Saturday. The moon is waning

  • Style your hair in a high bun for a more effective interaction with the energy of the cosmos.
  • Coloring agents applied to the hair on this day will quickly fade or wash off instantly.
  • To avoid exacerbation of chronic ailments, do not cut your hair on this day.

06/11/17, Sunday. The moon is waning

  • "Sunny" accessories in your hair will not only add a great mood to you, but also attract the energy of the heavenly body.
  • Dyeing your hair in rich "sunny" tones will help build trust between you and those around you.
An extremely negative day for a haircut in June according to the lunar calendar: shortening your hair can provoke the theft of property or damage to it, and you yourself can suffer at the hands of offenders.

06/12/17, Monday. The moon is waning

  • Highlight bangs in your hair - this will bring the energy of change to life.
  • Dye your hair in the color that you had in the most memorable and happy period of your life.
  • A haircut made by a professional master of the opposite sex can add charm and charm.

06/13/17, Tuesday. The moon is waning

  • On this day, the most natural styling is preferred. It is desirable that the hair falls freely over the shoulders. Brush them more often.
  • And again, remember the gifts of nature: dye your hair exclusively with natural ingredients.
  • In order to avoid unplanned expenses, refuse a haircut.

06/14/17, Wednesday. The moon is waning

  • Day of introspection, relaxation, meditation. Try to match your hairstyle to your inner mood.
  • Hair coloring will be able to spoil the mood and cause a headache.
  • To avoid large sudden expenses, postpone the haircut for a more suitable time.

06/15/17, Thursday. The moon is waning

  • To create a hairstyle, use metal elements: hairpins, "invisibles", hairpins, hoops.

One of the most favorable days for cutting and coloring hair in June according to the lunar calendar. Your image will be perfect. A well-made haircut will hide visible flaws and emphasize advantages. Hair coloring will pass with the best result even if you decide to transform from a brunette to a blonde.

06/16/17, Friday. The moon is waning

  • Comb your hair as simply as possible. Today you should not draw close attention to yourself.
  • Hair coloring with natural ingredients will help strengthen the family budget.
  • Any haircut will help to settle material issues, you can just trim the tips a little.

06/17/17, Saturday. third quarter

  • Curl the curls in your favorite way. Today is the day for a burst of creative energy: your hairstyle should be free, voluminous and wavy.
  • Involve a friend, sister or mother to color your hair. This will strengthen your relationship.
  • Entrust your hair exclusively to a first-class specialist. A technically ideal haircut will make facial features more expressive.

06/18/17, Sunday. The moon is waning

  • Use a firm hold when creating hairstyles. It is good if the hair is carefully styled in a strict hairstyle.
  • Choose dark colors for dyeing your hair: this trick will help you win the favor of your superiors.

Haircut can cause illness, accident or serious injury.

06/19/17, Monday. The moon is waning

  • On this day, you should protect your inner self from negativity. The best thing for this purpose is a headdress.
  • One of the most unfavorable lunar days for cutting and coloring hair. Radical manipulations with hair can weaken the body's defenses, "dull" the senses.

06/20/17, Tuesday. The moon is waning

  • Style your hair in a high updo. The main condition is that it should look natural.
  • Radical hair coloring will be bad for your communication skills and can cause conflicts with colleagues.
  • Fate will give you a pleasant surprise if you entrust your haircut to a highly qualified specialist. Cut your hair on the waning moon only if you want the hairstyle to keep its shape longer.

06/21/17, Wednesday. The moon is waning

  • A laconic, restrained hairstyle will best suit the mood of the day.
  • A wonderful day for a total change in hair color.
  • Self-confidence, quick resolution of pressing problems will be provided to you if you cut your hair today.

06/22/17, Thursday. The moon is waning

  • Do not resort to the help of elastic bands and hairpins in creating hairstyles. Hair should have maximum freedom.
  • A barely noticeable change in the tone of the hair will have a positive effect on your image.
  • One of the best days for a haircut in June. You will attract the “right” people like a magnet. Your attractiveness will increase a hundredfold, especially if the master of the opposite sex takes care of your image.

06/23/17, Friday. The moon is waning

What has the lunar calendar of haircuts prepared for June 2017 on Friday 23?

  • A little carelessness in the hairstyle today would be quite appropriate. Let your hair look free and relaxed.
  • Hair coloring can interfere with business relationships.

A haircut today will bring nothing but trouble.

06/24/17, Saturday. New moon

  • Create the most comfortable hairstyle for you. Today, everything around should contribute to rest and relaxation.
  • Do not dye your hair on this day. If absolutely necessary, resort to the help of natural dyes.

An absolute contraindication for a haircut! The lunar calendar warns that a haircut on this day can affect the length of life. Don't tempt fate!

06/25/17, Sunday. The moon is rising

  • Bold, extravagant styling will bring inspiration, cause a surge of vitality.
  • It is possible to use only non-intense natural coloring agents to give the hair a light shade and dazzling shine.
  • A quarrel with dear people is not included in your plans? Reschedule your haircut.

06/26/17, Monday. The moon is rising

  • Leave your hair loose today. In the morning, you should comb them as many times as you are full years old. This will cleanse your aura of negativity.
  • You will win the favor of colleagues by resorting to coloring your hair in the most natural shades.
  • A haircut will encourage you to spend money insanely. If this is not in your plans, discard it.

06/27/17, Tuesday. The moon is rising

  • Today, you should not make significant efforts to create hairstyles. Style your hair simply and unpretentiously.

Auspicious day for hair coloring according to the calendar: a well-executed procedure will enhance your charisma and emphasize originality.

  • A haircut can cause unaccountable fear and inexplicable anxiety.

06/28/17, Wednesday. The moon is rising

  • Luxurious styling, made by the skillful hands of a professional master, will be the subject of admiration from others.
  • Good day for lightening hair. Do you dream about the image of a beautiful blonde? Today you can make your wish come true.
  • A haircut that you did not dare for a very long time, today will be more successful than ever.

06/29/17, Thursday. The moon is rising

  • The styling should be classic, but not too boring. Discreet decorative elements will be quite appropriate.
  • Any change in hair color can cause misunderstanding with others.
  • Do you want to avoid depression? Skip the haircut.

06/30/17, Friday. The moon is rising

  • "Light" curls will awaken your sensuality, help you get rid of excessive stiffness.
  • Hair coloring will exacerbate sexuality, will contribute to a stunning success in men.
  • A new haircut will attract energy vampires into your life. Today you should not even cut your bangs.

Interested in hairstyles? We have selected a few videos for you:

Hair coloring gives a lot of advantages to the fair sex. You can turn from a natural blonde into a brunette, become a redhead, make a fashionable amber, coloring and even tattoo on your hair! Thanks to a new hair color, you can easily change your image, improve your mood, fall in love with yourself, and even start life from scratch. To make everything work out for you at the highest level, plan your hair coloring procedure for an auspicious day, which you will find in the Lunar hair coloring calendar for June 2017, published for you by the experts of TM “Placent Formula” and “Lanier”.

The best days for coloringhair in June falls on numbers when the Moon is Growing -these are 1 to 9 and 24 to 30.

June 1-2, Moon in Virgo First Quarter- good days for hair coloring. The procedure will take place with minimal damage to the hair structure and you will get an excellent result.

June 3-4, Moon in the sign of Libra Growing- if you planned to radically change the color of your hair, hurry up to do it on these auspicious days.

June 5, Moon in Libra, Waxing- for this day, you can safely plan a full hair coloring or coloring of the roots. In any case, you will be satisfied with the result.

June 6, Moon in the sign of Scorpio, Waxing- hair coloring is recommended on this day - you will attract a flow of monetary energy.

June 7, Moon in the sign of Scorpio, Waxing- hair coloring on this day will not only be gentle for your hair, but will also have a positive effect on business.

June 8, Moon in Sagittarius, Waxing- boldly carry out the procedure for dyeing hair on the young moon. The result will please you and improve your mood.

June 9, Moon in Sagittarius, Full Moon- another positive day in June to change the hair color, tint the roots successfully, do highlighting, amber, coloring, balayazh ... The paint will not be washed off for a long time, the hair shine will remain for a long time.

June 10, Moon in Sagittarius, Waning - the coloring will fail on this day, the hair will quickly fade.

June 11-12, Moon in Capricorn, Waning- Schedule your hair coloring for a more auspicious day.

June 13-15, Moon in the sign of Aquarius, Waning- these days it is better not to experiment with hair color and not expose them to any chemical attack.

June 16-17, Moon in the sign of Pisces, Waning- Hair coloring will negatively affect the condition of the hair, leading to split ends, dryness and brittle strands.

June 18-19, Moon in Aries, Waning- these days it is better to give your hair a break from all hairdressing procedures, including hair coloring or toning.

June 20-21, Moon in the sign of Taurus, Waning- coloring should be postponed until a more favorable day, so as not to be at risk of losing vitality.

June 22-23, Moon in the sign of Gemini, Waning- hair coloring will provoke conflicts with others and money problems.

June 24-25, Moon in Cancer, New Moon- coloring with natural dyes is advised, so you protect yourself from negative energy and maintain good relations with loved ones and people around you.

June 26-27, Moon in Leo, Growing - the coloring procedure will bring you success at work and open the chakras to nourish positive energy.

June 28-29, Moon in the sign of Virgo, Growing- whether it is painting over gray hair or toning, in any case, the result will please you for a long time.

June 30, Moon in Libra, Waxing- Feel free to dye your hair! The procedure will go great. The strands will be saturated with positive energy, the ends of the hair will not split.

Hair coloring is stressful for hair, in order to keep it healthy, silky, shiny, try to use special restorative and protective products during dyeing, such as Silk Formula based on liquid keratin or Silk Botanica Formula with vegetable protein. Such preparations provide not only protection of hair from exposure to chemicals, but also a long-lasting effect. You will be pleased that for a long time the rich color and healthy shine will remain on the hair.

Take care of your hair, include trichological unisex products of TM “Placent Formula” and “Lanier” in your care!

Now healthy and luxurious hair has a name! ТМ “Placent Formula” and “Lanier”

In June, the lunar disk will wither and gain weight in accordance with cosmic laws.

And we will continue to take care of curls and strands, not at all thinking about the fact that it is the Moon that influences the results of salon procedures and home care.

The growth of the lunar disk in the first summer month will be from the 1st to the 9th, and then from the 26th to the 30th.

On June 10, the full moon will come, and on the 25th the disk will practically disappear from the sky - the new moon will come. The waning moon reigns in the night sky from June 11th to 24th.

Haircut lunar calendar for June 2017 – hair curling

Salon waving, made with strong chemicals, is harmful to the health of the hair, no matter how gentle the composition. Therefore, after aggressive exposure, curls can become lifeless, dull, ugly. The moon will help you choose the best days for the procedure. Curling during this period will maximize the health and beauty of curls.

The most favorable period comes during the meeting of the Moon with Virgo. When the lunar disk is in this sign of the Zodiac, you can safely plan a perm in the salon - the result will please, and the hair will suffer minimally. Virgo rules the sky at the beginning and end of June: from the first to the third number, and then the 30th and 31st.

An unpredictable result can both upset and please in the days of Leo. It is possible that the perm will turn out to be too strong on June 27 or 28. But if not a single “khimki” takes hair, does not rest on them, then it should be curled precisely on the “lion's” days.

But in the period of Scorpio, Aquarius, Cancer and Pisces, you should not curl. Hair protection these days is minimal, so the chemical components are especially destructive to the hair's keratin protection.

Do not plan a "chemo":

6th to 8th (Scorpio);

14th and 15th (Aquarius);

16th and 17th (Pisces);

25th and 27th (Cancer).

Advice: tight curls are obtained on hair cut in “steps”. If you want to get graceful waves, you need to cut your hair straight so that the curls are the same in length.

Haircut lunar calendar for June 2017 - hair coloring

While the moon is growing, coloring is quite safe for curls and gives a predictable result. In June, there are many opportunities to change the natural color or renew already applied: fashionistas have 14 days at the beginning and end of the month.

It is better to refuse staining on the thirteenth lunar day - this day in June 2017 falls on June 7th. The color will turn out either too intense, or not at all what you wanted.

A change in hair tone will positively affect mood and fate on such days:

1st: make it especially charming, restore self-confidence;

3rd: natural color will improve mood;

4th, 5th, 14th, 19th: natural dyes will help establish friendly contacts with the boss, help in solving business issues;

6th: will attract monetary energy;

9th: dark curls will help to avoid trouble;

11th: red tones should be chosen by those who need to improve relations with relatives and colleagues;

12th and 13th: days of magic. You can again attract luck to yourself if you paint in the color that you wore in moments of complete happiness and success;

16th: light colors will attract the right people into life;

22nd: A complete change of image is good for health and finances.

Unfavorable for salon and home coloring June 24th-30th: conflicts and financial problems can be provoked.

Advice: in order for the paint to last longer on the hair, you need to apply a deeply moisturizing mask-conditioner to the hair for two to three days before dyeing. Moisturized hair retains color better.

Haircut lunar calendar for June 2017 - favorable days for haircuts

The ideal haircut will turn out during the entry of the Moon into the Zodiacs of Virgo (June 1 - 3), Capricorn (June 11 - 13), Taurus (June 21, 22), Gemini (June 23, 24). The hairstyle will turn out exactly the way you want: lush or smooth, strict or coquettishly disheveled. Hair will not lose shine, strength, beauty.

It is worth paying attention to the following June days:

1st: will strengthen the intuitive understanding of the situation in order to achieve their goals in the most optimal and fastest way;

5th: nourishes vital energy;

6th, 27th: will bring financial success, help to get a substantial profit;

7th: improve health and financial situation;

11th: good for those who need to completely change their lives. Everyone else should think: is it necessary to change what suits you?

12th, 13th, 16th, 17th: good for health, enhances attractiveness;

15th, 19th, 26th: will attract positive energy;

22nd: will give a sea of ​​​​charm, enhance charisma;

23rd: prolong life and physical strength;

24th: a short haircut can completely change your life;

29th: will give inspiration for creativity;

30th: will return health, attract financial energy.

Hair cut during the Leo period will be thick. Therefore, if the curls are very thin, cut them on the “lion's” lunar day. In June 2017, it is the 27th and 28th.

Haircut lunar calendar for June 2017 - unfavorable days for haircuts

It is worth abandoning the idea of ​​​​cutting hair during the period of Aries (June 18 - 20), Aquarius (June 14, 15), Scorpio (June 6 - 8), Sagittarius (June 9, 10). The haircut will turn out completely not what I wanted. Moreover, scissors can ruin your hair: curls will lose their strength and charm, begin to behave unpredictably, quickly get dirty and even break.

The consequences of a haircut on such days may be unfavorable:

2nd: will attract negative energy, destroy plans and harmony;

4th: will have a bad effect on well-being;

8th, 20th, 21st: threatened with depression;

9th, 10th, 14th, 25th: unhealthy;

18th: can provoke quarrels.

Advice: So that the summer sun does not harm your hair so much, you must definitely use air conditioners. Hair will become easier to comb, which will reduce their fragility.

Hair care should be not only daily, but also reasonable. Do not neglect the advice of the lunar calendar. They will help not only make your hair perfect, but also improve your mood, get rid of depression, restore physical and mental health, and attract good luck.

It is believed that hair coloring on a good day will not only retain the shade for a long time, but will also change a woman's life for the better. How to choose a good day to go to a beauty salon? Astrologers advise to be guided by the calendar of the lunar day. In their opinion, the nature of the day and its influence on a person largely depends on what phase the Moon is in and which one controls this day.

When is the best time to dye your hair?

The most favorable period for coloring is the days when the moon is in its growing phase. At this time, the night luminary is gaining strength, which means that any changes and experiments with appearance will benefit. Moreover, during this period, the body becomes stronger and more receptive, which means that the pigment is better absorbed and retains its original color for a long time.

Successful for dyeing hair are also periods when the moon is in the signs of the zodiac and Leo. Changing the image and hairstyle these days attracts luck in love and money.

It is not recommended to go to the hairdresser on the waning moon - the paint will quickly wash off, and the hair will become dull and brittle. On the full moon, any salon procedures can adversely affect health and emotional state. In the phase of the waning moon, it is also not recommended to change the image - changes in appearance will attract failures and empty chores.

Unlucky days are also considered the periods when the Moon is in Pisces and Cancer.- during this period, any manipulations with the hair will attract losses and unnecessary financial expenses.

We look at the lunar calendar (instruction)

When choosing a good day, it is recommended to pay attention to the nature of the lunar day. There are days when it is absolutely impossible to dye your hair - on such days your health may worsen. On what days, coloring will not harm health and hair, but, on the contrary, will attract and make the image bright and stylish?

First you need to see what lunar day is now. To do this, you need to open any lunar calendar, for example on this site. Please note that the time there is indicated Moscow!

  • 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 lunar days considered good for hair coloring. The hair will be more supple and obedient, which will allow any manipulations with them. In addition, going to the hairdresser these days will enhance personal energy, add self-confidence and attract good luck.
  • 9 lunar day not suitable for hair coloring. The complex energy of this day will attract failures, and you will not be satisfied with your new image.
  • 10 and 11 days of the lunar calendar unfavorable for staining. During this period, a decrease in energy levels is likely, which can lead to ailments and migraines.
  • 12, 13, 14 and 15 days of the lunar calendar are considered successful. The only rule is that it is not recommended to lighten these days.
  • 16 and 17 lunar days you can safely go to the hairdresser. This period of time will not bring anything bad. These are neutral days for hair coloring.
  • At 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22 lunar days health may be a little off. So visit beauty salons at this time is not worth it.
  • 23 lunar day does not portend anything dangerous. You can carry out any salon procedures.
  • 24, 25, 26 and 27 lunar days unfavorable for hair coloring. Due to a trip to the hairdresser, hair problems can arise - they will become brittle, dry and begin to fall out.
  • On 28, 29 and 30 lunar days it is also recommended to avoid any hair treatments. It is best to restore the hair structure or make a wellness mask.

Choosing a good day for dyeing according to the lunar calendar will help you not only save your hair, but also enhance the positive qualities of character, and also attract good luck in business.

There are many by which you can choose the right day to visit the stylist. It is best to change your hairstyle and dye your hair in a good mood. You should not contact a specialist if you feel unwell or feel negative emotions. It is believed that along with the dye, your negative energy will also be absorbed into your hair.

During pregnancy, you can not dye your hair, otherwise you can harm the baby. This sign has its own scientific justification. Paint chemicals can cause allergies in a child. However, experts say that it is not recommended to dye your hair only in the first trimester, since the baby’s organs are formed at this time.

Do not dye your hair during your period. Firstly, the paint may not take root on the hair. Secondly, the result of staining can be completely different. During the period of menstruation, a lot of processes take place in the body of a woman, which prevent the paint from gaining a foothold.

Notes by day of the week

It is believed that the result of dyeing and the health of the hair depends on the day of the week, as well as on the lunar phase.. Each day of the week is influenced by a certain planet, which sets the nature of the day.

  • Monday is a hard day, but not for going to a beauty salon. Do you want to get rid of bad thoughts, bad mood and annoying problems? Go for coloring. This day is ruled by the Moon, which will sweep away all your hardships like a hand! It’s just that you need to paint yourself either on your own, or ask a loved one to do the coloring, since the hairdresser’s energy can harm your emotional state.
  • Tuesday is ruled by Mars. The result of staining may not suit you on this day. In addition, along with a new image from a beauty salon, you will take away a bad mood and an aggressive attitude that will last for a long time.
  • is the day of Mercury. Nice day for hair coloring. You will be able to attract new interesting people into your life, as well as learn a lot of new things. Also, dyeing your hair in the middle of the week will make you a more positive and sociable person.
  • Thursday is ruled by Jupiter. Dyeing your hair on this day will help to enlist the support of the cosmos in your career, as well as help solve pressing problems and help improve your financial situation.
  • Friday is the day of Venus, the planet of beauty and love. Perhaps this is the most suitable day for a change of image. Going to the salon will change your life for the better, make you even more feminine, attractive to men and give you positive emotions.
  • On Saturday, you should not dye your hair, as Saturn patronizes this day. is a complex and controversial planet. Coloring will attract new problems, bad moods and make you closed.
  • Sunday is ruled by the sun. Salon procedures on the last day of the week are unfavorable in all aspects. You can scare away luck and luck.

The lunar hair coloring calendar allows you to determine the most favorable days for this procedure in order to injure our hair as little as possible. At the same time, there are also unfavorable days that you also need to know. See when to dye your hair in May.

People urge to value in those around them moral values, adherence to principles and a rich spiritual world. This is an important content, but stereotypes associated with appearance are fixed in the minds of the majority. We tend to get to know a person much faster if he has a fashionable, modern, successful and bright image. The ability to take care of oneself, namely the hairstyle, plays an important role in the process of socialization.

Like it or not, but first look at the cover. The first impression allows you to form a certain opinion about the person and understand whether it suits you for further communication or not. The correct color of the curls and a good day for the procedure are of great importance.

Hair coloring, auspicious days in April and May 2019

In April

22-24, 29 and 30- favorable numbers of the spring month of April for hair coloring

Lunar calendar for haircuts and hair coloring for April 2019

It is better to refuse haircuts and coloring.

In May

  • Favorable days for hair coloring: 4, 8, 11, 13, 14, 16, 17, 21, 22, 23, 27, 31 May.
  • Unfavorable days for hair coloring: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 15, 18, 19, 20, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30 May.

Lunar calendar for haircuts and hair coloring for May 2019

Auspicious day for cutting and coloring hair. You will find warmth. A radical change in the shade of your hair will bring you health and profit.

Auspicious day for haircut. People around you will like you. You don't have to dye your hair.

An unfavorable day for cutting and coloring hair, you can lose positive energy, face financial problems.

An unfavorable day for cutting and coloring hair, you can lose positive energy, face financial problems. Fix financial problems by coloring hair with a tint balm or foam.

An unfavorable day for cutting and bleaching hair. Haircut will lead to waste. Coloring with natural dyes will help in career growth.

An unfavorable day for cutting and coloring hair. You can be influenced by bad thoughts

Auspicious day for cutting and coloring hair. Haircut promotes acquisitions and wealth. Good day for lightening hair.

A haircut on this day helps to improve the body, get rid of negativity. It is better to refuse coloring, you can bring conflicts in the team.

An extremely unfavorable day for cutting and coloring hair. There may be health problems at work.

A very auspicious day for cutting and coloring hair. Gain health and longevity.

The 9th lunar day is considered satanic. Haircuts, coloring and other hair manipulations are undesirable. You can attract illness.

Unfavorable day for cutting hair. Health may deteriorate. It will be useful to dye your hair with henna, this will increase your credibility at work and strengthen your immune system.

Auspicious day for cutting and coloring hair. A haircut will enhance the sharpness of the mind and intuition. Coloring in gold or copper color can bring you profit.

Unfavorable day for cutting and coloring hair. Misfortune is attracted. Only dyeing with natural dyes is allowed, this will increase your status.

Auspicious day for haircut. Haircut will attract happiness, improve appearance. But it is better to refuse staining.

Auspicious day for cutting and coloring hair. Your financial condition will improve. Coloring with soft dyes is recommended.

Unfavorable day for cutting and coloring hair. Health problems may arise. This day is successful only for those who dye their hair in dark shades with natural dyes.

Unfavorable day for cutting hair. Get mental discomfort. Dye your hair only in dark colors.

Unfavorable day for cutting hair. There may be obstacles in business. Hair coloring in light or red shades will be successful.

It is better to refuse a haircut. There will be trouble. Dye your hair in the color that brings you luck and confidence.

It is better to refuse a haircut. There will be trouble. Dye your hair in the color that brings you luck and confidence.

Auspicious day for cutting and coloring hair. Haircut will prolong life. Coloring with natural dyes will enhance business success.

Not exactly a good day for cutting and coloring hair. You may not like the result.

Auspicious day for cutting and coloring hair. A haircut will give beauty and well-being. Good shades for coloring will be light and red.

Neutral day for cutting and coloring hair. Haircut promotes acquisitions. However, there is a chance of gaining excess weight. For coloring, choose natural shades.

Haircuts and coloring can be troublesome.

A very bad day for cutting and coloring. Health problems may arise. For coloring, you can choose natural dark shades, this will attract success at work.

A very bad day for a haircut. Health problems may arise. Coloring can provoke conflicts.

A haircut can attract depression.