Pathological secretion during gestation. Why light brown discharge appears in early pregnancy

Pregnancy is a period during which a global restructuring takes place in the female body. All systems, from the digestive to the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, work in a completely new mode for them. But the most basic changes affect, of course, the endocrine and reproductive systems.

Any of the girls who have reached the age of puberty, is faced with a variety of vaginal discharge. Allocations can be plentiful and scanty, light yellow, white or transparent, depending on the phase of the menstrual and ovulatory cycles. All these are normal phenomena, evidence of the correct functioning of the hormonal systems of the body.

However, during pregnancy, especially in the early stages, even the usual discharge can frighten a woman and seem pathological to her, bearing signs that the process is going wrong. In addition, everyone knows that the best adviser to every pregnant woman and puerperal woman is the women's forum. It is also known that the information offered to the attention of readers can be somewhat distorted, and often has nothing to do with reality at all. If a woman sees light or dark brown discharge on underwear or a pad, this is certainly not the norm. But you should not give in to panic: a timely appeal to an obstetrician-gynecologist will allow you to save the pregnancy. But why do brown discharge appear?

No reason to worry

Normally, in the early stages of pregnancy, the volume and "variety" of secretions increase. Information about changes in the work of the endocrine and reproductive systems is provided by an obstetrician-gynecologist when she diagnoses pregnancy in a woman, any women's forum is also replete with stories from women about how the nature of discharge changes during pregnancy.

During the period of bearing a baby, the mother's body tries by all means to protect the fetus growing in the uterus. One of the main defense mechanisms is the increased several times the level of the main pregnancy hormone - progesterone. Due to the influence of this active substance, a volumetric plug of viscous light milky mucus is formed in the cervix, which delimits the uterine cavity from harmful microorganisms that the non-sterile vagina teems with. This protective barrier is “built” by the female body already at the very early stage of pregnancy (21-28 days), and abundant light yellow, straw, orange, whitish, milky or transparent discharge in the early stages is an indicator of a completely correct pregnancy.

Brown discharge may also not be an indicator of the presence of pathology.

In the very early stages of pregnancy, literally in the first few days after the egg has been fertilized, it must be introduced - implanted - into the wall of the uterus. Most often, this process is accompanied by small brown, dark red or rich bloody discharge caused by a slight detachment of uterine endothelial cells. Usually these discharges are not accompanied by any sensations, the appearance of mild spasms is a variant of the norm. At this time, the woman does not yet know that she is pregnant.

If the discharges that appear are small in volume, appear around the time when menstruation should begin and are not accompanied by any sensations that disturb the pregnant woman, then there is most likely nothing serious: these are signals of hormonal disruptions in the body. However, the forum - one of the largest sites where pregnant women and women who have already become mothers exchange experiences - advises: if brown discharge appears, you should not delay making an appointment with a gynecologist. With early appeals, the percentage of preservation of pregnancy is several times higher than among women who applied late.

During pregnancy, especially in its early stages, the well-being of a woman is of great importance. If brown discharge does not accompany other disturbing symptoms, there is a minimum of cause for concern.

Smearing brownish discharge

Repeating brown smears on underwear in the early stages of pregnancy for some time is a symptom that inspires concern for the health of a pregnant woman.

Whatever the reason for their appearance, red blood cells give them a brown tint. In other words, brown discharge is the same blood, which is in a small ratio with other elements. The secretions also contain mucus, epithelial cells, and pathogenic (capable of causing intrauterine infectious disease) microorganisms may be present.

The forum presents to the attention of readers an article by N.V. Konovalenko, an obstetrician-gynecologist, an experienced doctor, where she names the reasons why spotting brown discharge may appear in early pregnancy:

Detachment of the fetal egg

A fairly common pathology that develops in the early stages of pregnancy. The forum explains in detail and in an accessible way why and how this process takes place. Chorion - the fetal part of the future placenta - for some reason rejects the fetal egg. There is a violation of the integrity of the vessels, blood accumulates behind the chorion (in clinical practice, this is called a retrochorial hematoma). These processes contribute to even greater rejection of the fetal egg and, in the end, it exfoliates completely, a spontaneous miscarriage occurs. Of course, if the fetal egg is rejected to the end, full bleeding occurs. However, during the course of the pathological processes described above, brown discharge may appear.

Ectopic pregnancy

This is a serious problem, which is characterized by the fact that the fertilized egg - the zygote - is attached not to the uterus, which implies the physiological process of implantation, but to another organ - the fallopian tube (and then the diagnosis is "tubal pregnancy"), ovary, etc. This pathology is a life-threatening condition that requires not just medical, but surgical intervention. Treatment should be carried out as early as possible in pregnancy to avoid serious complications.

Cervical erosion

This point requires special explanation, because the word "erosion" usually causes panic fear in women. Every second forum is replete with messages about the inextricable link between cervical erosion and cancer. It is generally accepted that erosion is a kind of violation, which, if it is not urgently “burned”, develops into cervical cancer in the shortest possible time. However, it is not.

Today, this term no longer exists in clinical obstetrics, but everyone is so used to it that it will not go out of circulation soon. Instead, the term "ectopia" is used and implies the migration of the cylindrical epithelium to the vaginal part of the cervix. There is indeed a danger of developing an oncological disease: with age, these areas are again replaced by stratified squamous epithelium, and malignancy is possible already in this zone. In the context of this article, we mean erosion in the truest sense of the word - a violation of the surface of something. Thus, if a woman has a violation of the mucous membrane of the vagina or cervix, then this "ulcer" can bleed, provoking a brownish discharge.

period of abundance

Most often, brown discharge, accompanied by painful spasms, a feeling of weakness, sweating, a feeling of nausea, are formidable signals of a threatened miscarriage. The reasons for the development of this condition can be completely different, but in any case, it requires mandatory and urgent hospitalization of the pregnant woman and a set of measures aimed at maintaining pregnancy:

  • progesterone preparations (Utrozhestan, Duphaston);
  • decrease in uterine tone (magnesium sulfate);
  • normalization of the condition, therapy of the disease, which led to the development of the threat of miscarriage.

Abundant discharge of a brown tint may also indicate that the infectious process has moved from a latent phase to an open, acute one. This is due to the fact that during the period of expectation of the baby, the woman's immune system is extremely inactive. The purpose of this phenomenon is to protect the tissues of the child's body that are alien to the mother's immune system. This, of course, opens the "gates" to harmful microbes.

Thus, brown vaginal discharge can be both a variant of the norm and signals of a serious pathology. It is important to remember that you cannot rely on the Internet. No forum can replace specialist advice, a set of analyzes and functional research methods. It is important to see a doctor in time, and then both the mother and the child will be fine.

From the moment the pregnancy begins, the female body begins to rebuild in order to bear the embryo. The changes are so extensive that they affect many organs - the mammary glands, the genitourinary system, the gastrointestinal tract and others. All these processes are natural and in most cases proceed normally and do not require intervention.

However, when during pregnancy, especially in the early stages, vaginal discharge is found, often brown, the woman begins to worry. There are many reasons for this, but quite often a woman takes the most common physiological processes for deviations. The norm is considered to be discharge that has a homogeneous structure, a light shade or colorless, odorless.

Allocations do not cause discomfort and do not irritate the mucous membrane. In some cases, a slight presence of brown or red shades is allowed, but such discharge should not be plentiful. If in any doubt, you should immediately consult a doctor.

When is brown discharge considered normal?

As a rule, discharge begins in the first week of pregnancy and is ignored, since many women take this process for premenstrual, not yet knowing about their situation. Attachment of the egg to the wall of the uterus in most cases is accompanied by small secretions with blood impurities.

In the future, for the rest of the month, there may be pulling pains in the lower abdomen, which are the norm and are accompanied by pink or brown discharge. So the uterus adapts to the implantation of the embryo, which can last more than a week.

When the implantation of the embryo in the uterus is completed, hormonal changes in the body begin. The blood circulation in the organ increases, as a result of which discharge, sometimes of a dark color, can be traced. Brown discharge may be present on days when menstruation is expected, and if they are not plentiful, then you should not worry.

Starting from 4-5 weeks of pregnancy, all discharge should be of a uniform consistency, odorless and light in color. Any slight deviation indicates pathology.

Physiological causes of discharge in the early stages

Allocations can have a different consistency and color. The production of mucus occurs by the cervix and has a protective function - it prevents pathogenic flora from entering the uterus. The signal for secretion is given by the hormones progesterone and estrogen. After fertilization of the egg, discharge that is brown, pink or red is allowed.

In general, discharge in early pregnancy is acceptable due to an increase in hormones, which contributes to the formation of the placenta and its attachment to the uterine wall. The secretions close the cervix, forming a mucous plug, the purpose of which is to protect the embryo from infection.

Pathological causes

Unfortunately, not always brown discharge can be safe during pregnancy. If there is an infection in the body or there are organ pathologies, chronic diseases - all this significantly changes the course of pregnancy and its manifestations, especially in the early stages.

The presence of an unpleasant odor, irritation and itching, green color of the discharge and other symptoms may indicate the pathological causes of discharge.

Common causes of pathologies are not only infectious diseases, but also cervical erosion, cervical canal polyps, uterine polyps and cervix. In this case, bleeding may be noticeable during or after intercourse. In some cases, the polyp may need to be removed.

Inflammatory processes in the body will also not go unnoticed. The presence of such is indicated by discharge of a yellow or brown hue.

A woman may often not be aware of such diseases, but the hormonal changes caused by pregnancy will show them in all their glory. If the disease proceeded hidden against the background of taking antibacterial drugs, then in any case it will manifest itself in the early stages of pregnancy.

This will significantly reduce complications during gestation, and reduce the risk of miscarriage or abnormal fetal development. Often, pathological causes of discharge are accompanied by discomfort or pain in the lower abdomen. There can be many reasons for this.

Hormonal disruptions

If there is an insufficient level of hormones, this may be the cause of brown discharge in early pregnancy. The optimal level of progesterone and estrogen ensures the normal development and maintenance of pregnancy. If the level of any of these hormones is low, it can lead to various discharges.

They are caused by endometrial detachment, since the hormone oxytocin, which is responsible for uterine tone, is in insufficient quantities. Hormonal disruptions at the beginning of pregnancy can cause pain, unpleasant discharge, and even lead to the threat of miscarriage. If there is not enough hormones, this can lead to improper development of the fetus, and if too much, to a miscarriage.

A blood test for them, prescribed by a doctor, will help to establish the level of hormones. If deviations from the norm are observed, the doctor will prescribe the necessary drugs that do not pose a danger to the body of the pregnant woman or the fetus. You also need to adjust your diet and stick to a healthy, varied diet.

Discharge as a sign of ectopic pregnancy

Often, pain and brown discharge indicate an ectopic pregnancy - when the egg was fertilized in the early stages, but it did not take its place in the uterus. In this case, the egg is attached to the wall of the ovary, fallopian tube or other place and begins to increase in size.

Developing in this form, the embryo leaves no chance for life, and besides, it endangers the health of the woman herself. That is why, in early pregnancy, doctors prescribe an ultrasound to make sure that the embryo develops normally.

However, sometimes there is a pathology in which one embryo develops in the uterus, and the other in the fallopian tube. Late detection of this pathology can lead to internal bleeding and death of the patient.

From the moment when a woman found out about her pregnancy, it is necessary to carefully monitor her health. It is recommended to adhere to a diet and not to use tobacco and alcohol products, as well as certain medications.

Embryo implantation

Once the egg is fertilized, it becomes an embryo. She begins to move towards the uterus, which is accompanied by many difficulties. The fact is that for the female body, the embryo is perceived as a foreign body until its implantation occurs. Genes derived from sperm, that is, from another person, are to blame for this.

The embryo makes its way to the woman's uterus in 1-2 weeks. If this path is completed successfully, it attaches to the wall of the uterus and from that moment pregnancy begins. The attachment process is called embryo implantation, and it does not happen instantly. It usually takes up to two days, after which the embryo begins to develop.

If he fails to make his way to the uterus, the embryo dies.

From this moment and during the first 8 weeks, this period of pregnancy is called embryonic. It may be accompanied by various vaginal discharge, as well as pain symptoms in the lower abdomen. Most often, all these processes are quite normal and do not pose a danger. Discharge of a brown or pink hue is allowed at the beginning of pregnancy.

This is the so-called implantation bleeding. They occur as a result of damage to the blood vessels due to the implantation of the embryo against the wall of the uterus. Their color and quantity directly depends on the structure of the organ and other individual characteristics.

The feeling of discomfort can be expressed in a feeling of heaviness, pulling pain or tingling in the lower abdomen. In some cases, there is an increase in temperature and mild dizziness. All of these symptoms are not dangerous, so you do not need to worry about them.

bubble skid

Sometimes brown discharge during early pregnancy often indicates an abnormal development of the egg, which indicates a rare pathology - blistering drift. In this case, the fertilized egg develops incorrectly, forming a tumor. Most often, it turns out to be benign, but this does not save the embryo and it is subject to curettage.

Types of cystic drift:

  • Full. The changes affect the entire chorion.
  • Partial. Changes are visible on some part of the chorion.
  • Destructive. Changes affect the walls of the uterus and other organs.

Depending on the type of hydatidiform mole, the egg may contain an incorrect set of chromosomes with the dominance of female or male chromosomes.

While in a normal egg, paternal and maternal chromosomes contain the same number - 23.

This pathology develops in the first three months of pregnancy and can be manifested by profuse blood discharge, purulent discharge, pain localized in the abdomen, as well as headaches, frequent strong gag reflexes.

On examination, the doctor may not detect a heartbeat in the embryo, and on ultrasound, an increase in the uterus and the absence of parts of the embryo are noticeable. In this case, the tumor will continue to grow in size. The sooner it is discovered, the better for the woman.

Ultimately, it can lead to a malignant tumor that will metastasize to other organs and lead to death. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to resort to the methods of treatment in a timely manner.

Doctors use a surgical method in which the walls of the uterus are scraped from all contents. Another effective treatment is chemotherapy, which destroys cancer cells. Radiation therapy is also used, in which a suitable method of radiation is used.

Brown discharge signaling a threatened miscarriage

Discharge and gag reflex are not always normal companions of pregnancy.

In some cases, they indicate hidden diseases and other disorders that lead to abnormal development of the embryo.

If the hormonal background of a woman is violated, detachment of the amniotic egg may occur.

One of the signs of this is brown discharge.

The cause of the threat of miscarriage can be bad habits, a genetic factor, taking certain drugs, and others.

In the event of suspicious discharge, it is necessary to consult a doctor and, if necessary, take appropriate measures.

Polyps of the uterus

During pregnancy, the formation of polyps significantly complicates its course. They can affect the uterus, cervix, or vagina and are benign growths. The most common are cervical and decidual polyps. Their main cause of occurrence is a disturbed hormonal background.

A polyp diagnosed in time allows you to immediately take the necessary treatment and save the pregnancy. The polyp may be irregular in shape with a tendency to grow and also contribute to the spread of infection.

The presence of a polyp may be indicated by pulling pains in the lower abdomen, brown or red discharge with an unpleasant odor. But quite often the disease is hidden, so it can be diagnosed only when examined by a doctor and certain studies. If the polyp does not threaten pregnancy, then its removal is carried out after childbirth.

Polyps of the cervix

An equally serious problem during pregnancy is a cervical polyp, which can significantly complicate gestation. It is often observed in the early stages and is accompanied by brown spotting or copious discharge. This is a benign formation that appears from the surface tissue of the cervix.

Uterine polyps can cause brown discharge during early and late pregnancy

Education develops both in the form of a single polyp, and in the form of several separate ones, which can cause various problems during pregnancy. Often a woman does not know about the existence of her polyps and the problem is found only at a gynecologist's appointment. In this case, the doctor will recommend removing the growths to avoid further complications.

However, if a polyp is found during pregnancy, then its removal should be delayed. Pregnancy and a cervical polyp are quite compatible things, so its removal during gestation will have more negative effects than positive ones.

Common causes of polyps are:

  • Disturbed hormonal background.
  • An interrupted previous pregnancy or complications during childbirth.
  • hereditary factor.
  • Presence of infections.
  • thyroid disease, etc.

In the presence of a polyp, a woman may notice discharge from a brown to pink hue, often with an unpleasant odor. Sometimes there are pain during intercourse and in the lower abdomen. Most often, polyps do not affect pregnancy, but in some cases, the infection can affect the fetus itself, so the pregnant woman is prescribed antibiotics.

Sometimes polyps can cause miscarriage or premature birth. To avoid such complications, it is necessary to regularly see a gynecologist, undergo an examination and plan a pregnancy.

Infectious diseases

Infectious diseases during pregnancy can harm the health of a woman and her unborn child.

The most common of them:

The occurrence of the disease depends on the methods of infection. During pregnancy, the female body loses some of the immunity for the normal development of the fetus. Therefore, during this period it is very easy to catch an infection. Sometimes the course of the disease can be hidden and is revealed only when the woman is already in position.

Symptoms of the presence of an infection are: a general deterioration in the condition of the body, muscle pain, fever, rashes, itching, burning, spotting discharge of various consistency. Infections can cause abnormal development of the child, birth defects and pathologies, threatened miscarriage and premature birth.

When choosing a treatment, the doctor evaluates all the risks and benefits and prescribes the most effective treatment.

frozen fruit

The resulting pregnancy can sometimes stop developing in the early stages, which leads to the death of the fetus. The name of such a pathology is “frozen pregnancy”. Spotting discharge of brown or another color will tell about it. This phenomenon occurs at any stage of pregnancy, but most often occurs in the first trimester.

The main causes of frozen pregnancy are:

  • Genetic factor and incorrect number of chromosomes.
  • infectious diseases.
  • Problems with hormones.
  • Autoimmune diseases.
  • Pathological structure of spermatozoa.
  • Bad habits and malnutrition.

What can indicate the wrong course of pregnancy? Firstly, a woman may notice the absence of characteristic symptoms: nausea, swelling of the mammary glands and others. In studies, there is a lack of heartbeat in the fetus and the cessation of its movement.

The more the frozen fetus is in the woman's uterus, the greater the likelihood of intoxication. There are pains in the lower abdomen and spotting discharge of a predominantly dark shade. If a frozen pregnancy is detected, the fetal egg is removed by scraping or the vacuum method.

Spontaneous abortion

A number of factors provoke a fairly common phenomenon - spontaneous abortion, which can happen for various reasons in a woman of any age. Most often, women who give birth after 35 years of age are subject to miscarriage. Among the risk factors are: heredity, chronic diseases, infections, blood diseases, the individual structure of the uterus, etc.

In the early stages, a woman practically does not feel any discomfort, however, she may be alerted by the onset of bleeding in the form of discharge from brown to red. Due to the development of preeclampsia, the placenta exfoliates, which leads to the appearance of bleeding.

Treatment consists in eliminating the causes of the threat of termination of pregnancy. To do this, stop bleeding and prescribe medications to maintain pregnancy. The earlier this threat is revealed, the more favorable will be its outcome for the woman and the unborn child.

Placental abruption

Placental abruption is a common complication during pregnancy that poses a threat to the life of the fetus. During this pathology, the placenta is completely or partially separated from the uterus. In places of detachment, blood is collected, which a woman can observe in the form of spotting.

Detachment of the placenta prevents the supply of oxygen to the fetus, which can provoke its abnormal development. The main causes of placental abruption are: high blood pressure, abdominal trauma, increased amniotic fluid, bad habits, late pregnancy, etc.

With placental abruption, a woman may feel pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. Seizures and severe weakness may be present, as well as brown or red discharge. Most often, placental abruption occurs in early pregnancy.

What to do if brown discharge appears

The appearance of any discharge during pregnancy is a reason to consult a doctor. What seems to be a common occurrence for a woman, in practice, is often the cause of serious pathologies that threaten the life and health of both the unborn child and the mother herself.

Less often, the reverse picture happens, when a woman worries about every little thing, thinking that she has a serious illness. In any case, bearing a child is a big responsibility, and in case of deviations from the norm, you should not look for solutions on your own and put your life and the unborn child at risk.

If the woman's condition is satisfactory, it is necessary to visit a gynecologist who will conduct an examination and, if necessary, prescribe additional tests.

If, in the presence of discharge during pregnancy, the woman’s condition is severe: there is severe weakness, fever and other symptoms, it is best to call an ambulance and conduct an examination and treatment in a hospital.

Video about brown discharge during pregnancy

The doctor will talk about brown discharge during menstruation. What provokes:

Allocations for 5 weeks of pregnancy:

When carrying a child, the presence of secretions is considered quite normal, but not all of them are the norm. Dark discharge during pregnancy is considered a fairly common occurrence, they may indicate natural processes or indicate the development of pathological conditions.

If you have any suspicious symptoms, immediately contact your gynecologist

When such secretions appear, one should not panic, because strong psychological overload can result in an abortion. With any problems, you need to contact a specialist who will determine the cause of the pathology and prescribe the necessary treatment to prolong the pregnancy.

By the nature of vaginal discharge, one can judge the sexual health of a girl, even if she has never had sexual intimacy. With normal health of the genital area, the discharge is pale yellow or transparent, mucous or liquid, without any smell. By the middle of the cycle, against the background of ovulatory hormonal changes, they become somewhat larger.

With unprotected sexual intercourse, there is also a sharp increase in mucous secretions. Also, an increase in the amount of mucus is observed immediately after it turned out to become pregnant, as well as before childbirth. In the process of bearing, women also often encounter dark secretions.

They occur for various reasons, but always require specialist advice. Mom categorically should not be nervous, in her position this can lead to negative consequences. To treat the situation more calmly, you need to at least superficially have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat can cause the appearance of dark secretions. It is also necessary to distinguish when such a daub is considered normal, and when it warns of the development of pathological conditions.

Normal dark or brown discharge

Dark brown discharge during pregnancy is not always evidence of a dangerous pathology. Normally, within 12 days after meeting with the sperm, the fertilized female cell moves into the uterine body and implants into its inner endometrial layer. This period is also called implantation. It is at this time that discharge during early pregnancy may appear.

Additional testing may be required

But it is necessary to pay special attention to the shade and duration of bleeding. A brown or pinkish daub of a creamy texture is considered normal. Many girls by mistake can even take such traces on linen for the beginning of the next menstruation. If the discharge is more abundant, prolonged and too dark in color, representing an almost black mess with a pronounced bloody odor, then an urgent need to contact a specialist.

Sometimes dark brown discharge in early pregnancy, especially in the first couple of months, occurs on the days when the girl should have had her period. In a similar situation, a woman observes brown marks on her underwear. In this case, the patient does not feel any pain or discomfort. But even if the pregnant woman is confident in the safety of such a daub, it is necessary to notify the doctor about the presence of such manifestations.

Common factors causing dark discharge

Experts identify several groups of provoking factors that cause dark spotting from the vagina in pregnant women.

  • The cervical canal is characterized by high sensitivity of the tissues lining it, so their integrity is easily damaged. If there are erosive lesions on the neck, then the appearance of dark marks on the linen may occur during active sexual intimacy or after a gynecological examination.
  • Erosion is eliminated by cauterization, but only after delivery. But it needs to be treated, because it can provoke the development of oncological processes.
  • Also, dark leucorrhea may appear against the background of inflammatory lesions and infections, STDs. At the same time, the secreted mucus exudes a specific smell, there are uncomfortable sensations, cutting pains when emptying the bladder.
  • Infection can occur even before fertilization, the infection simply waits, and when the immune barrier weakens at the beginning of gestation, it activates and begins to show characteristic signs.

To avoid such surprises, you need to undergo an appropriate examination in advance, and only then plan a child. If it so happened that the pathology develops already during gestation, then the therapy should be as safe and gentle as possible so as not to harm the baby.

Causes of discharge before 12 weeks

At the beginning of the development of pregnancy, a change in whites is quite logical and understandable, and most often it does not have any threatening consequences or dangerous conditions. If a woman, when a dark daub appears, does not experience any discomfort, itching, soreness or burning, general malaise, then there should be no fear.

If pathological symptoms occur, then you need to urgently run to the gynecologist who observes the pregnancy. The cause of dark whiteness in the first trimester can be quite a variety of factors: egg implantation or hormonal disorders, the threat of miscarriage or ectopic, cystic drift, etc. Therefore, the intervention of a doctor is necessary at least to determine the exact cause of dark discharge.

Hormonal disruptions

Fatigue is a common occurrence

A fairly common phenomenon in the early stages are various kinds of hormonal disorders, against which a dark daub occurs. Quite often they manifest themselves in the form of progesterone deficiency. There can be many reasons for this condition: the threat of interruption, delayed fetal development, functional disorders in the corpus luteum or placenta.

With a progesterone deficiency, the mother's body does not perceive pregnancy as a fait accompli, and therefore dark whites are observed. Progesterone deficiency is especially dangerous before the twentieth week, because it threatens to interrupt gestation. It is in the first trimester that it is especially important to be examined regularly so that the doctor can timely detect a lack of progesterone hormone and prescribe therapy using Utrozhestan or Duphaston.

Brown leucorrhoea can also be caused by hormonal-reproductive memory, that is, the body, out of habit, secretes dark bloody leucorrhoea on the days of the expected menstruation. At the same time, mom does not have any pathological sensations such as pain or discomfort. The volumes of released bloody masses are scanty and short-term, lasting no more than two days. Sometimes such a daub occurs periodically in the first couple of months. Such leucorrhoea cannot pose a particular threat, but during these periods, gynecologists recommend that mothers treat themselves with more attention and spend these days in bed.

Sometimes such a daub is present in mothers until the end of gestation. But such whites should not cause concern, although you still need to consult a gynecologist. If a mother has borderline low progesterone for a long time, then inpatient treatment is necessary. Often, such low progesterone is usually accompanied by high testosterone, which affects gestation very negatively.

Implantation processes

Quite often, a dark brown daub occurs during the implantation process.

  1. Immediately after successful fertilization, the implantation period begins. During these processes, the cell moves along the fallopian tube to the uterine cavity, where it is introduced into the inner, endometrial layer that lines the walls of the organ.
  2. The duration of implantation is about 7-12 days from the moment the mature egg leaves the follicle.
  3. When the fetal egg reaches the uterus, it is introduced into the endometrium, which is accompanied by micro-ruptures of the uterine mucosa, which causes dark discharge.

Experts recommend that patients planning a pregnancy pay attention to the probable period of implantation. If they have signs of such a daub about a week after ovulation, then you need to limit psychological and physical stress for about a couple of days, then the fetal egg will be able to gain a foothold in the uterus more thoroughly.

Frozen pregnancy

All medical prescriptions must be strictly followed.

The cause of the discharge of a dark color can also be the fading of the fetus. This can happen in the first or second trimester of gestation. This condition is dangerous because in the first months a woman is not yet able to feel the movements of the crumbs, therefore she cannot notice the fading in time. There can be no talk of saving the child, he is already dying inside the mother's womb. If such a fetus stays inside the uterus for a long time, it can lead to intoxication of the body and the development of disseminated intravascular coagulation.

A sign of frozen gestation is frequent dark smearing mucous spots on linen, accompanied by hyperthermia, dizziness, vomiting, etc. An ultrasound examination reveals a discrepancy between the size of the fetus and the timing, and also reveals the absence of a fetal heartbeat. When a frozen fetus is detected, the patient is sent for inpatient treatment in order to artificially induce uterine contractions, then the body itself will get rid of the fetus. If rejection does not occur, then the patient is cleaned with a curette.

Threat of interruption

The condition is considered extremely dangerous when dark discharge occurs against the background of the threat of interruption. Usually the cause is the processes of detachment of the fetal egg. At the site of its connection with the uterine wall, the vessels are damaged, which causes bleeding. Usually, a factor leading to a miscarriage is an acute shortage of progesterone hormone, which is responsible for the successful development of pregnancy in the first weeks.

How is it shown? Progesterone affects the full maturation of the endometrial layer so that its thickness is sufficient for implantation of the egg. Also, a sufficient level of this hormonal substance is necessary for the full maturation of the placenta. With progesterone deficiency, the embryo is rejected. In this case, the patient feels painful symptoms in the uterus, nausea and even vomiting reactions, there are noticeable mucous impurities in the secretions.

Such symptoms should be the reason for calling an ambulance, while mom needs to calm down and lie down before the doctor arrives. Any emotional unrest and physical activity can only aggravate the situation. If measures are taken in a timely manner, then it is quite possible to save the pregnancy, but for this the woman is placed in a hospital, the strictest bed rest and progesterone therapy are prescribed.

bubble skid

According to statistics, in one case out of a thousand, the appearance of dark brown discharge is due to a hydatidiform mole, which is a very dangerous anomaly. The prerequisites for its occurrence are two clinical situations:

  • When a female cell is fertilized by two sperm at the same time, then a cell with an excess chromosome set is obtained;
  • When an egg is fertilized with a defect in the form of a lack of chromosomes.
  • As a result, instead of placental tissues, a tumor formation of predominantly benign origin begins to develop inside the uterus on the endometrium, although malignant ones are rare.
  • Usually, a mole consists of many cystic structures filled with liquid contents.

Typical symptomatic of this pathology are headaches, dark brown daub, emetic reactions, elevated blood pressure and nausea. Treatment involves surgical removal of the problem. With a successful solution to the problem, the patient can become pregnant again a year or two after cleaning.

Ectopic pregnancy

Self-medication is very dangerous

Due to certain factors, implantation is not carried out in the uterine endometrium, but in the tubal wall, ovary, or somewhere else outside the uterus. Such a condition entails very unfavorable consequences, since as the embryo grows, it stretches the tube, and then breaks it, which is accompanied by profuse blood loss.

The main signs of this condition are pulling pain in the area of ​​​​implantation of the egg, dark spotting. An ectopic pregnancy threatens the life of the mother herself; in this case, the child cannot be saved from the outset. If the pipe breaks, it cannot be restored, so the organ is removed, which disrupts the patient's reproductive functions. Treatment of an ectopic involves surgery.

Causes of dark discharge in the second trimester

Dark discharge in the second trimester of gestation, regardless of the reasons, should be considered as an alarming symptom that threatens the life of the baby. Therefore, any appearance of a dark daub at this time requires an urgent appeal to a specialist.

The appearance of dark bloody marks on the linen may indicate an incipient placental abruption, in the future the bleeding will only increase, which will lead to profuse blood loss of the patient herself, and hypoxia and nutritional deficiencies are dangerous for the fetus. It's just that the placenta, during the processes of detachment, loses its life-support functions for the little man.

Particularly susceptible to detachment are patients suffering from high blood pressure, smokers, having scars on the uterine body after operations, or who have received abdominal injuries during gestation. An umbilical cord that is too short can also lead to placental abruption. The first signs of such a condition are strong, cutting pains and tension in the lower abdomen, dark spotting of any intensity - from daubing to heavy bleeding.

Also, a dark daub can provoke placental presentation. In such a situation, placental tissues overlap the uterine os. The embryo presses on the placenta, which damages its tissues and blood vessels, causing bleeding. The pressure on the placenta increases, provoking its detachment, but with a timely visit to the doctor, everything can be corrected and the pregnancy can be saved. But the only way of delivery will be caesarean, and the period remaining before childbirth, the woman will have to spend under the strictest medical supervision.

Why dark discharge appears in the third trimester

In the last trimester, some of the factors described above that provoke the appearance of dark discharge persist.

  • The etiology can be supplemented by the rejection of the mucous cervical plug, which closes the cervical lumen from the penetration of external aggressors.
  • Such a dark daub occurs a few days before childbirth, and does not pose any threat to mom and baby.
  • Also, the cause of dark bloody leucorrhoea can be too active sexual intercourse or an intravaginal ultrasound examination. Just in the process of these events, trauma to the uterine cervix can occur, which causes dark brown marks on the linen.

If any, and not just dark discharge, appears, a woman should consult a specialist. If at the same time there is a pulling pain or discomfort in the uterus and abdomen, then a visit to the gynecologist should be immediate. You also need to follow the instructions of the doctor, take tests. Don't risk your baby's health.

Black discharge in early pregnancy can be a warning sign. The initial period of pregnancy is the time when the risk of losing the fetus is extremely high. At this stage of development of the unborn child, a woman should be extremely attentive and monitor her well-being, and if unnatural secretions appear, she must consult a doctor without fail. It is worth remembering that in the early period of pregnancy, fluids of a different nature, color and consistency can be released. Some secretions can be natural and acceptable, while others can be dangerous for both the health of the mother and her baby. Thus, the question of whether there is a discharge in the early stages of pregnancy can be answered with a firm yes.

Characteristics and types of secretions

In the first part of pregnancy, up to 7-10 weeks after fertilization, discharge can be quite natural and at the same time, depending on their characteristics, can be an alarming bell. Thus, the discharge in the first stages of pregnancy is pathological and natural, which will not affect the health of the mother or the development of the baby.

In order to understand whether it is worth panicking in certain situations, you need to pay attention to the nature of the discharge in the early stages of pregnancy, namely:

  • color of the selected liquid;
  • consistency;
  • discomfort that occurs when mucus is secreted;
  • smell.

Almost colorless and watery discharge during pregnancy for more than 12 weeks is normal, they occur due to the work of hormones that are responsible for the safety of the pregnancy.

When these liquids appear in a small amount, you should not panic. If during their release there are aching pains in the lower abdomen, it is advisable to visit a gynecologist. Up to 12 weeks, under the influence of progesterone, a cork (a kind of damper) is formed in the body. The cork is formed from a stretching white liquid that helps protect the tiny embryo from environmental influences, such as pathogens or irritants. Thus, in the period up to 12 weeks, whitish stretching discharge will indicate the normal course of cork formation.

In what cases are early discharges the norm?

The secretion of mucus or fluid during the early development of the embryo is quite normal, which is caused by changes in the body of a healthy woman. Up to 12 weeks, the mucus may be stringy and whitish in color. After 12 weeks, more liquid mixtures may begin to be released under the influence of estrogen. If discomfort, itching, burning, cutting pains during urination, pulling sensations in the lower abdomen appear during the release of mucous masses, you need to visit a gynecologist.

You can determine pathological discharge or normal by their smell. If you notice any unnatural smell, you should immediately consult a doctor. If unnatural fluids are caused by any disease, this may affect the development of the fetus.

Pathological discharge - what can they be?

Before contacting a doctor, it is necessary to determine whether certain discharges are abnormal? Abnormal discharges include:

  • have an unusual texture;
  • have an unpleasant or pungent odor;
  • painted in any shade, for example, green, brown;
  • have an admixture of blood.

The presence of at least one sign may indicate the occurrence of a pathological process during the development of the embryo.

Unnatural white highlights

It is worth remembering that white discharge can also be considered pathological if they:

  • have a curd texture;
  • cause itching and burning while taking a shower or before going to bed;
  • have an unpleasant, sour smell.

Such characteristics have candidiasis or thrush. In the normal state, Candida fungi are found in the vagina and do not cause discomfort. After fertilization, when the hormonal background changes, an ideal environment is created for the development of this fungus. Also, such a fungus can begin to act after an uncontrolled intake of antibiotics.

It is simply impossible to treat candidiasis in the early period with the help of any drugs, as this can lead to undesirable consequences, for example, spontaneous miscarriage or abnormal development of the embryo. That is why, if you suspect or detect thrush, consult a doctor immediately. It is worth remembering that the lack of effective treatment of candidiasis in pregnant women can also lead to miscarriage.

Yellow or green discharge during pregnancy

Yellow or green color may indicate the presence of staphylococcus aureus, an inflammatory process, or E. coli. In this case, yellow discharge is accompanied by:

  • heat;
  • unpleasant pungent odor;
  • pain in the lower abdomen.

Yellow-green discharge that has foamy vesicles may indicate the presence of pathogens in the woman's vagina, which are transmitted only through sexual contact. One such disease is gonorrhea.

Gonorrhea or any other disease of this type can occur long before pregnancy. Most often, they are activated after fertilization against the background of a decrease in the woman's immunity. Thus, it is possible to be a carrier of the infection long before conception, but learn about it in the early stages.

What to do to make the discharge disappear?

Women who know how to take care of their health during pregnancy do not know if there are discharges in the early stages of pregnancy. During this period, it is necessary to avoid sexual intercourse, monitor your well-being, eat right, not strain and rest more.

As for hygiene, during this period it is better not to use panty liners, as this can contribute to the introduction of pathogens into the vagina. In addition, it is necessary to regularly carry out hygiene of the genital organs, but not more than 2 times a day. Frequent use of soap products can affect the amount of microflora in the vagina, which can lead to even worse consequences.