Pedagogical council "creation of conditions for preserving and strengthening the health of children and physical culture and health-improving work in the preschool educational institution". Creating conditions for preserving the psychological health of preschoolers

Protocol No. 2

pedagogical council

MBDOU VMR "Fetininsky kindergarten of general developmental type"

Topic: "Creation of conditions for preserving and strengthening the health of children, physical culture and health-improving work in preschool educational institutions" 12/22/2016

Present: Pavlova S.I.,

Petrova A.A., Shapenkova N.V., Shevyrkova M.N.,

Ordina S.V. Vasilieva, Budanova A.B.

Form of conducting :
traditional, using game techniques.
Target: search for ways to optimize the creation of conditions for improving physical culture and health-improving work in a preschool educational institution.
1. To systematize health and fitness work in a preschool educational institution.
2. To expand the knowledge of teachers, taking into account modern requirements and social changes in the formation of the foundations of physical education and a healthy lifestyle.
3. To develop the creative potential of teachers.
4. Search for effective forms, the use of innovative approaches and new technologies in the organization of health and fitness work in a preschool educational institution.
Preliminary work:
1. Preparation of an information stand about the planned pedagogical council.
2. Selection and study of literature on the issue of health and fitness work.
3. Consultations for teachers on this issue, according to the annual work plan.
4. Open events on the topic of the pedagogical council.
5. Thematic control “Creation of conditions for preserving and strengthening the health of children in preschool educational institutions. Organization and efficiency of work on the development of physical activity in children during the day. "
6. Work with parents: design of stands, questionnaires of parents.
7. Development of the scenario for the pedagogical council.
8. Preparation of a draft decision of the pedagogical council.
9. Homework for educators:
** teachers of each group should be ready to analyze the solutions, their methods, pluses - minuses in the work on the topic of the teacher's council (the first annual task).
** be ready to conduct an (interesting, "unbeatable") outdoor game, introduce you to the hardening procedure, conduct a finger game.

1. On the execution of the decision of the previous teachers' council, - head of Krasikova V.V.

2. Introductory remarks on the subject of the teachers' council - head Krasikova V.V.

3. "Analysis of the health status of pupils of the MDOU, recreational activities carried out at the preschool educational institution", nurse S.A. Lavrinenko ..
4. Results of the thematic check - head Krasikova V.V.

5. Business game. - head Krasikova V.V.
6. Draft decision of the pedagogical council.
7. Organizational issues.

Pedagogical council progress:

1. On the execution of the decision of the previous teachers' council , (report) -head

2. Introductory remarks on the topic of the teachers' council - head

There is no task more important and at the same time more difficult than raising a healthy person.
At the preschool age, the foundation of health is laid, the vital systems and functions of the body mature and improve, movements, posture are formed, physical qualities are acquired, initial hygiene and self-service skills are developed. Habits, ideas, character traits are acquired, without which it is impossible healthy image life.
All that I have listed is the content of our work with you on the organization of physical culture and health-improving activities with children.
And the main purpose of this work:
* preservation and strengthening of the psychophysical health of children.

In our kindergarten, active work is being carried out to preserve health, physical development of children, and increase physical activity. This is facilitated by the accessible and safe subject-development environment created at the preschool educational institution: a music - sports hall with appropriate equipment, physical education corners in group rooms with equipment for sports games, a medical block, a speech therapist's office, a sports ground.
This is the model for organizing physical culture and health-improving activities.
Planning of physical culture and health improvement work is carried out within the framework of the educational program of preschool education MBDOU VMR "Fetininsky kindergarten of general developmental type". In this direction, plans have been developed for physical culture and health improvement, treatment and prevention, sanitary and educational work. Block complex-thematic planning for all age groups, long-term plans have been developed, protocols of medical and pedagogical control of physical culture and health-improving work are being conducted, where nutrition, hardening, and independent physical activity are controlled.
Also, work on health preservation is carried out through physical education, daily routine, education of cultural and hygienic skills, sports activities, walks, various gymnastics and much more.
Of no small importance is the fact that we involve parents in solving physical culture and health problems. And this gives a great positive result ...
It is possible to assess the effectiveness of this work based on the analysis of the results of an objective study of the state of health, physical development, physical fitness of children using monitoring technology, as well as questioning parents (read the conclusion on the slide).
The effectiveness of physical culture and health improvement work in our preschool educational institution directly depends on the interaction and mutual understanding of teachers - specialists, medical workers, parents of pupils and the entire team. Only through joint efforts we solve the tasks and achieve positive results.
I spoke about the positive aspects of the aspect. Now I would like to listen to you: do we have any shortcomings in our work on this issue, what prevents us from performing work at a high level, what are the "pluses", what are the "minuses"
3. "Analysis of the state of health of pupils of the MDOU VMR" Fetininsky kindergarten of general developmental type "", recreational activities carried out at the preschool educational institution ", nurse Lavrinenko S.A.
One of the main tasks of the team of our preschool institution is to strengthen the health of children through the organization of hardening, fostering the habit of daily physical activity, and a healthy lifestyle.
And this is not accidental, since there is no task more important and at the same time more difficult than raising a healthy child.
Indeed, it is at the preschool age that the foundation of health is laid, movements, posture are formed, physical qualities are acquired, initial hygiene and self-service skills are developed, habits, ideas, character traits are acquired, without which a healthy lifestyle is impossible.
This work is carried out in our institution in a comprehensive manner: it includes the prevention of morbidity, injuries, hardening of children, compliance with the San Pina rules, medical examinations are timely organized, and preventive vaccinations are monitored.
At the beginning of each academic year, all pupils are divided into health groups:
Analyzing the distribution of pupils by health groups, we can conclude that in comparison over three years the number of pupils with 1 health group increased, and with 3 group - decreased. This is a positive trend.
Medical control over the state of health is carried out by specialist doctors once a year. Monitoring of the organization of optimal sanitary and hygienic conditions is regularly carried out: ensuring wet daily cleaning of group rooms, adherence to the air-thermal regime, physical activity during physical training.
During the year, an analysis of the incidence and attendance is carried out on a monthly basis for all groups and for the general kindergarten, so in 2015 it was 81.5%.
There are no cases of injury.
Comparative analysis of sick leave by one child revealed that the level of health status is consistently optimal, which indicates the satisfactory work of the team to preserve the health of children.
The preschool educational institution has developed a system of hardening activities that are carried out all year round, their type and methodology change depending on the season and weather (daily walks, walking barefoot, waking up minutes, and others).
It has become a tradition to hold "Days of Health" for children, the organization of which is actively supported by parents. In the kindergarten, fortified food is provided, the presence of vegetables and fruits, the use of phytoncides (onion, garlic, lemon).
Teachers daily conduct morning exercises, finger exercises, invigorating exercises after sleep, physical education in the classroom, in order to prevent overwork, dynamic hours for a walk.
In the kindergarten, conditions are created for protecting and strengthening the health of children, improving their physical health. Each group has sports corners with non-standard sports equipment.
On the territory of the kindergarten there is a sports ground with gymnastic equipment.
Educators use a variety of forms and methods of organizing physical activity.
Every month, the head of the institution conducts an analysis of the attendance and morbidity of kindergarten children.
The physical development of children was assessed. On the basis of anthropometric data, a conclusion was made about the state of physical development. On average, during the school year, children grew by 3-4 cm and gained 2.5-3.0 kg in weight.
To reduce the incidence of the disease, the prevention of influenza and colds was carried out seasonally: children were vaccinated against influenza, this year many children from our kindergarten were vaccinated, 46 children out of 65 and 9 adults out of 19 people, and the quartzing of the young age group and other groups is also carried out every day. necessary, research for enterrebiosis and other diseases.
For the purpose of sanitary educational work with parents to preserve and strengthen the health of children at the Health stand, materials are monthly updated, the newspaper "Zdorovyachok" is published for parents
Conclusion: Teachers, administration and a nurse are further searching for effective ways to preserve and strengthen the health of preschoolers, which include increasing the role of parents in improving the health of children, introducing them to a healthy lifestyle. It is also planned to strengthen preventive work among the parents of pupils and the teaching staff.

4. Results of the thematic test “Creation of conditions for the preservation and strengthening of children's health in preschool educational institutions, organization of physical culture and health-improving work Krasikova V.V. .

Analytical reference
Duration: from 21.11.16 to 16.12.16

1. It is necessary to replenish every year, and preferably at the beginning of the year, the equipment in the "Sports corners".
Deadline: until May 2017
responsible: educators
2. Pay attention to keeping the walking schedule and enriching walks in the spring - autumn - winter period with external material for organizing the motor regime.
Deadline: from December 23, 2016 - permanently.
responsible: educators
3. Systematically update the information corner for parents "Non-traditional health methods of working with children."
Deadline: 1 time per quarter
responsible: educators
4. Update (who doesn't have to do it):
* Card index of walks;
* Card index of various games held in the group;
* Complexes: "Morning gymnastics", "Health-improving game hour", "Dynamic hour"

5. Exchange of views on mutual visit of walks. Instruction on labor protection during walks with children. Rules for walking with children - head of Krasikova V.V.
6. Business game. Conducted by the head Krasikova V.V.
The systematic motor activity of children filled with a variety of content plays an important role in their physical and mental development. Expanding and enriching the motor experience of children is one of the main tasks facing kindergarten teachers in terms of physical education.
The content of physical education in our preschool educational institution includes:
physical education, sports leisure and entertainment;
classes and activities on healthy lifestyle and valeology;
walks 2 times a day;
morning exercises and exercises after sleep;
physical education, dynamic hours;
musical and rhythmic lessons;
independent motor activity of children.
What is necessary for a full-fledged physical education?
First, specially created conditions, i.e. material base - premises, education, pedagogical work: the ability to organize the physical activity of children, teach children various outdoor games, physical exercises, etc., the educator must educate them in the need for cultural movement.
Secondly, we need a knowledge system based on the following principles:
1.continuity (from morning to evening);
2. voluntariness (arouse desire, not force);
3. availability of exercise;
4. alternation of organized forms with independent motor activity.
All this forms the physical culture of children.
And today we will check your knowledge base in this matter ...

Physical culture pedagogical workshop
(in the form of a business game).
1. All teachers are invited to write down the tasks of physical education on the prepared sheets of paper.

Physical education objectives:
Wellness: protecting the life and health of children, promoting the correct physical and mental development of the child's body, increasing mental and physical performance.
Developing: the development of movements, the formation of motor skills and physical qualities (dexterity, speed, strength, endurance), the formation of correct posture.
Educational: enriching children's knowledge about their body, health, about ways to strengthen it, preserve it, and take a responsible attitude ..
Educational: fostering positive character traits (courage, decisiveness, perseverance, mutual assistance), volitional qualities (willpower, the ability to win and lose), the formation of a habit of a healthy lifestyle, the desire to exercise (including not for the sake of achieving success as such, but for your own health).

2. Teachers are invited to remember 2 finger games and demonstrate them.

3. On the tables are cards with the sayings of wise people living at different times, but agreeing in one opinion. I invite you to read them and express your opinion about what is written on them. To say whether you agree with this aphorism or not. And why? How do you understand this aphorism?

Sayings of wise people living at different times:
* "One must certainly shake oneself physically in order to be morally healthy." L.N. Tolstoy
* "It is not yet clear whether there is a healthy mind in a healthy body, or vice versa - a high spirit gives rise to health." F. Abramov.
* "Health so disturbs all the other blessings of life that truly, a healthy beggar is happier than a sick king." A. Schopenhauer.
* "You cannot heal the body without healing the soul." Socrates.

5. Complete Proverbs about Health (Co-op Mission)
Cleanliness is a guarantee of health. Health is more expensive (gold). To live purely - (to be healthy).
Health is in order - (thanks to charging).
If you want to be healthy - (temper).
In a healthy body healthy mind).
Health for money (you can't buy it).
Take care of the dress with a new one (and health from a young age).
There will be health - (there will be everything).
6. And in conclusion - "Brain analysis" - Pedagogical situations

... The draft decision of the pedagogical council No. 2.

1. Continue to pay great attention to strengthening the health of pupils through the rational use of health-saving technologies and introduction to a healthy lifestyle.
Responsible: educators. Term: permanently.
2. In order to create an integrated system of physical culture and health-improving work, develop a program "Healthy preschooler".
Responsible: senior educator, creative group of educators, nurse.
Deadline: February 1, 2017

3. Supplement
- sports corners:
** interesting illustrative material to familiarize children with sports and other interesting information;
** regularly replenish the corners with non-traditional benefits, attributes for physical education and health-improving work with children.
- documentation:
** Card index of walks;
** Card index of various games carried out in a group during a walk;
** Complexes: "Morning gymnastics", "Health-improving game hour", "Dynamic hour"
Responsible: educators. Deadline: 1.02.2017

4. Continue to promote a healthy lifestyle among parents through various forms of work: parent meetings, health corners, information stands, brochures, memos, talks, consultations, entertainment with the participation of parents, etc.
Responsible: educators. Term: within a year

5. Plan and conduct a "Health Day" as a joint event with parents "Merry Starts" in all age groups
Responsible: educators.
Term: until from 09/01/2017 to 31/01/2017 (within the framework of the "Week of health" from 23/01/2017 to 27/01/2017
8. Organizational issues.

Elena Doinikova
Pedagogical Council "Creating conditions in preschool educational institutions to preserve and strengthen the health of pupils"

Pedagogical Council

"Creation of conditions in preschool educational institutions for the preservation and strengthening of the health of pupils"

Objectives of the pedagogical council:

Systematization of teachers' knowledge about the health improvement of preschool children.


Analyze the state of health of pupils for 2013 - 2015,

Analyze the satisfaction of parents with the work of the kindergarten to improve the health of preschoolers,

Develop a system of measures to promote the activation of ped. team in this area

Preliminary work:

1. Parents' questionnaire "About the health of your child"

2. Analysis of the state of health for 2013 - 2015.

3. Thematic control "Use of health-saving technologies in the daily routine"

4. Open views of regime moments and classes on the use of health-saving technologies.

5. Making manuals, attributes for the prevention of flat feet in preschoolers


1. Opening remarks by the manager.

2. Analysis of the state of health of pupils for 2013 - 2015, analysis of morbidity for 3 months (November - December - January). Head nurse speaking.

3. "Modern health-preserving technologies in the joint activities of the teacher and children in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of DO". Senior teacher's speech. Results of thematic control.

4. "Self-massage for preschoolers". From the work experience of a senior group teacher

5. "Prevention of flat feet and posture disorders." Physical education instructor's speech.

6. Interaction of the preschool educational institution with the family on the protection and promotion of children's health.

7. The decision of the teachers' council.

Pedagogical council progress

1. Introductory remarks.

Currently, one of the most important and global problems is the state of children's health. At all times, the health of children was considered as a priority value, goal, necessary condition and result of a successful pedagogical process.

Raising a healthy child is the most important thing that needs to be done by us, teachers of preschool institutions. Full physical development and health of a child is the basis for personality formation.

Health, as defined by the World Health Organization, is a state of complete physical, spiritual and social well-being, and not just the absence of disease and physical defects.

In modern conditions, the social and pedagogical importance of preserving the health of the child is increasing. Research in recent years has indicated that the health of the Russian population is deteriorating. Negative tendencies have an acute impact on the health of the younger generation. The number of healthy children and adolescents barely reaches one fifth of their total; about a third of children who enter school already have chronic pathology.

Preschool age is decisive in the formation of the foundation of physical and mental health. Until the age of 7, a person goes through a huge path of development, unrepeatable throughout his subsequent life. It is during this period that there is an intensive development of organs and the formation of functional systems of the body, the main personality traits are laid, the character, attitude towards oneself and others is formed. It is very important at this stage to form in children a knowledge base and practical skills of a healthy lifestyle, a conscious need for systematic physical education and sports. The preschool educational institution should be imbued with care for the physical health of the child.

It is necessary to create special pedagogical conditions for health preservation and health strengthening, the main goals of which are:

Ensure the maintenance, preservation and strengthening of physical health;

To form the necessary skills and abilities of a healthy lifestyle in the child;

Teach the child to use the knowledge gained in everyday life.

In the kindergarten, a system of measures should be developed to preserve and strengthen the health of preschoolers. This work should be carried out in three directions:

teachers - parents - doctors.

Only through joint efforts is a positive result possible.

2. Analysis of morbidity. Speech by Art. nurses

3. Health-saving technologies (presentation)

There are various forms and types of activities aimed at maintaining and improving the health of pupils. Their complex has now received the general name "health-preserving technologies".

The main purpose of such new technologies is to unite teachers, psychologists, doctors, parents and, most importantly, the children themselves for the preservation, strengthening and development of health.

So what is health-preserving technology?

Health-preserving technology is an integral system of educational and health-improving, corrective and preventive measures that are carried out in the process of interaction between a child and a teacher, a child and parents, a child and a doctor.

The goal of health-saving educational technologies is to provide a preschooler with the opportunity to maintain health, to form in him the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities for a healthy lifestyle, to teach him how to use the knowledge gained in everyday life.

Health-saving technology is:

Conditions of a child's stay in kindergarten (absence of stress, adequacy of requirements, adequacy of teaching and upbringing methods);

Rational organization of the educational process (in accordance with age, gender, individual characteristics and hygiene requirements); organization of various types of activities for children in a playful way;

Correspondence of the educational and physical load to the age-related capabilities of the child;

Necessary, sufficient and rationally organized motor regime.

All this work should be carried out comprehensively, throughout the day and with the participation of medical and pedagogical workers: educator, music director, speech therapist, psychologist, honey. workers. It is necessary to pay special attention to teaching preschoolers the basic movements and skills of a healthy lifestyle, applying in practice the introduction of various methods and techniques to create an environment for a health-preserving process.

In the intervals between classes, especially in older groups, motor warm-ups are carried out. Its goal is to prevent the development of fatigue in children, to relieve emotional stress in the process of training with mental stress, which contributes to a faster perception of the program material. A motor warm-up allows you to actively rest after a forced static posture, mental stress.

Dynamic pauses are held during classes, 2-5 minutes, as children get tired. During their implementation, elements of gymnastics for the eyes, breathing, finger gymnastics, physical exercises and others are included, depending on the type of activity.

Physical education increases the general tone, motor skills, promotes the development of attention, memory, creates a positive emotional mood and relieves psycho-emotional stress.

(video "Fizkultminutki", groups No. 4, No. 10)

Finger gymnastics is carried out individually or with a subgroup of children daily. Trains fine motor skills, stimulates speech, spatial thinking, attention, blood circulation, imagination, speed of reaction. Useful for all children, especially those with speech problems. Held at any convenient time.

Gymnastics for the eyes is carried out daily for 3-5 minutes. At any free time, depending on the intensity of the visual load, it helps to relieve the static tension of the muscles of the eyes, blood circulation. During its implementation, visual material is used (butterflies on sticks, a magic wand, stickers on windows, pendants, eye simulators, a teacher's show.

(video "Gymnastics for the eyes" gr № 7)

Respiratory gymnastics is carried out in various forms of physical culture and health improvement work. In children, oxygen metabolism is activated in all tissues of the body, which contributes to the normalization and optimization of its work in general. Ensure ventilation of the room, the teacher give the children instructions on the obligatory hygiene of the nasal cavity before the procedure

Articulation gymnastics - exercises for training the organs of articulation (lips, tongue, lower jaw, necessary for correct sound pronunciation, help to quickly "put" the correct sound pronunciation, to overcome the already existing violations of sound pronunciation. Classes on the prevention and correction of speech disorders with children are conducted by a speech therapist.

Outdoor and sports games contribute to the consolidation and improvement of motor skills and abilities, develop cognitive interest, form the ability to navigate in the surrounding reality, which is so important for a child to acquire life experience. Outdoor games are held every day as part of physical education, for a walk, in a group room - small, with an average degree of mobility. Games are selected in accordance with the age of the child, the place and time of its holding.

(video "Outdoor game" gr № 3)

Invigorating gymnastics is carried out daily after a nap of 5-10 minutes. Its complex includes exercises on awakening beds, exercises for correcting flat feet, fostering correct posture, and extensive washing.

(video "Gymnastics after sleep" gr № 6)

For preventive purposes, you can use the ribbed track. Children walk on it with pleasure after a nap. The path perfectly massages the baby's feet, strengthens the muscles and ligaments of the foot, protecting the body as a whole.

(video "Health path" group No. 1)

Morning exercises are carried out daily for 6-8 minutes. with musical accompaniment. Music accompanies each exercise. At the same time, rhythmic skills and abilities are formed in children.

Morning exercises are desirable for children, they go to it with joy. The presence of musical accompaniment, the introduction of pictures and attributes have a positive effect both on the mood of children and on the assimilation of general developmental exercises. Introducing innovations, explaining what benefits general developmental exercises have, contributes to the correctness of their implementation.

(video "Morning gymnastics" group No. 2)

Physical education classes are held 3 times a week in accordance with the program (traditional, plot-play, integrated, health-improving). They are aimed at teaching motor skills and abilities. Regular physical education strengthens the body and improves immunity. And the presence of music in the classroom helps to improve the psychological and physiological state of the child's body.

Walking is one of the most effective hardening procedures in everyday life. The influence of fresh air, the sun, the physical activity of children - everything gives a positive result. In order for a walk to have an effect, the sequence of activities of children must change depending on the nature of the previous lesson and weather conditions. In cold weather and after classes, in which the children sat more, you can start a walk with a jog, with an active game, in a warm season and after a physical education, musical lesson, it is better to start a walk with observation, calm games.

(video "Walking gr. No. 8)

Express - survey of teachers "Questions - Answers"

(Questions are prepared on the cards, the teachers take turns answering them)

(See Appendix 3)

Active rest (physical culture leisure, physical culture holiday, musical leisure, "Day of health"). When spending leisure time and holidays, all children engage in direct participation in various competitions, competitions, perform motor tasks with enthusiasm, while children behave more relaxed than in physical education, and this allows them to move without much stress. At the same time, those motor skills and abilities that they have already firmly mastered are used, therefore, a kind of artistry, aesthetics in movements is manifested in children. Sports holidays and leisure activities are necessarily accompanied by music: this has a beneficial effect on the development of a sense of beauty in children, strengthens the ability to move to music, understand the nature of a piece of music, and develops ear for music and memory.

Musical impact technology. Music has a strong psychological effect on children. It affects the state of the nervous system (calms, relaxes or, conversely, excites, excites, causes various emotional states (from tranquility, peace and harmony to anxiety, depression or aggression). In this regard, it is important to pay attention to what kind of music we listen to we and our children. When using music, it is necessary to remember about the peculiarities of the influence of the nature of the melody, rhythm and volume on the mental state of children. Use as an aid as part of other technologies, to relieve tension, increase emotional mood. Use music to accompany the educational activities of preschoolers ( in classes on activity, construction, familiarization with the world around, etc.) Calm music, causing feelings of joy, peace, love, is able to harmonize the emotional state of the little listener, as well as develop concentration. Also, music can be used before bedtime to help with difficulty falling asleep for young children to calm down and relax. When the children go to bed, turn on calm, quiet, melodic, soft music and ask them to close their eyes and imagine themselves in the forest, on the seashore, in the garden or in any other place that causes them positive emotions. I draw the attention of children to how every part of their body relaxes and rests.

4. Results of thematic control.

5. "Self-massage". From the work experience of a senior group teacher

Self-massage is a massage performed by the child himself. It improves blood circulation, helps to normalize the functioning of internal organs, and improve posture. It contributes not only to the physical strengthening of a person, but also to the improvement of his psyche. For children, self-massage is the prevention of scoliosis, colds. It favors psycho-emotional resistance to physical health, increases the functional activity of the brain, tones the entire body.

Self-massage is carried out in a playful way every day in the form of a five-minute lesson or in the form of a dynamic pause in the classroom. Funny poems, vivid images that play up massage movements, their simplicity, accessibility, the ability to use in various settings and at any time contribute to a change in the child's position from an object to a subject of pedagogical influence, and this is a guarantee of the success of rehabilitation, correctional and developmental work.

6. "Prevention of flat feet and posture disorders." Physics instructor's speech

(video "Prevention of flat feet")

In what regime moments can you include exercises to prevent flat feet and posture disorders?

7. Presentation of benefits and attributes for the prevention of flat feet.

8. Interaction of the preschool educational institution with the family on the protection and promotion of children's health

The results of the questionnaire survey of parents.

Forms of interaction with the families of pupils.

Information boards for parents in every age group. Headings covering the issues of health improvement without drugs (sets of exercises for the prevention of disorders of the musculoskeletal system, organs of vision, for the development of general and fine motor skills, finger games;

Pay attention to the turnover of information (once a month)

Information stands of medical workers about medical preventive work with children in preschool educational institutions (consultations, memos, health bulletins, etc.);

Encouraging parents to participate in physical culture events of the preschool educational institution (competitions, sports events, Open Days, Health Weeks, etc.);

Consultations, conversations with parents on health preservation issues, parent-teacher meetings.

The decision of the teachers' council.

1. Create a creative group for the development of the Preschool Health Program.

Wed: March - May 2016

Responsible: Art. educator

2. Schedule and conduct health-promoting parenting meetings for all groups.

Deadline: March 2016

Responsible: educators

3. Select material and draw up a card index of gymnastics for the eyes in each age group

Deadline: March - April 2016

Responsible: educators

4. Every day, include self-massage, gymnastics for the eyes, exercises for the prevention of flat feet and posture disorders in the work on improving health.

Term: permanently

Responsible: educators

Annex 1

Ten golden rules for preserving health:

Observe the daily routine!

Pay more attention to food!

Move more!

Sleep in a cool room!

Do not extinguish your anger, let it break out!

Constantly engage in intellectual activity!

Drive away the despondency and blues!

React appropriately to all manifestations of your body!

Try to get as many positive emotions as possible!

Wish only good for yourself and others!

Appendix 2

Questionnaire for parents.

1. Does your child often get sick? (underline)

2. What is the cause of your child's illness, in your opinion?

A) Insufficient physical education in the family;

B) Insufficient physical education in kindergarten;

C) Heredity, predisposition;

D) Other ___

3. Does the child attend sports clubs?

4. What should be paid special attention to in the family, in kindergarten?

A) Compliance with the daily routine;

B) Rational and high-calorie nutrition;

C) Adequate sleep;

D) Adequate stay on fresh air;

E) Healthy hygienic environment;

G) Hardening measures;

H) Favorable psychological environment;

I) Physical education and sports;

K) Other.

5. What tempering activities are most appropriate for your child?

A) Lightweight clothing while walking, in a group;

B) Pouring cold water on the feet with a contrasting temperature;

C) Walking barefoot;

D) Walking in any weather;

E) Daily rinsing of the throat with water at room temperature;

E) Systematic ventilation;

G) Taking an oxygen cocktail;

H) Other.

6. Do you know how to improve your child's health? (underline)

Yes No Partially

7. Do you need help from a kindergarten? (underline)

Yes No Partially

8. Does the kindergarten pay enough attention to the issue of children's health improvement?

Yes No Partially

9. Your suggestions for physical education and health improvement of children

10. What help could you provide to the kindergarten in improving the health of children?

Appendix 3

Issues for discussion.

1. Why, when selecting a game, it is necessary to take into account the location of its holding.

(Protection of the health and life of the child).

2. How children should be placed on the playground when explaining the game. Graphically depict the location of children at the beginning of the game "Cats and Mice", "Geese and Swans". (The explanation is carried out in the play position, that is, the children stand where the play actions will begin: in games with dashes - at the edge of the playground, in games with building in a circle - in a circle).

3. Why it is impossible to start the explanation from the game with the distribution of roles.

(Children’s attention to the moment of explanation falls.)

4. In the choice of the driver we use. ...

(Counting, a reward for something, made the child good.)

5. Determine the sequence of guiding an outdoor game:

Preparing for the game, gathering children for the game, techniques for creating interest in the game, explaining the distribution of roles, guiding the course of the game, summing up the results.

6. How explanations of the game are constructed depending on age.

(In the younger group, explanations are carried out in stages during the game, in the older group - before the start of the game actions.)

7. During the game, the teacher must monitor ...

(For observance of the rules of the game, for the execution of movements, for the well-being of children, give signals - verbal, sound, visual.)

8. What is the teacher's participation in the game.

(In the first junior group, the direct participation of the educator, who most often plays the main role. In the second junior group, in familiar games, the main roles are assigned to children. In the middle and senior groups, the guidance of the game is indirect, but sometimes the educator is directly involved in the game.)

9. What is the purpose of physical education minutes.

(Provide active rest for children in class.)

10. How long does it take for children to get tired in class. What are the outward signs of fatigue.

(After 8 - 15 minutes of class. Children are distracted, make noise.)

11. In what form are the physical training sessions held.

(General developmental exercises, outdoor games, didactic games with movement, dance movements

Preservation and strengthening of children's health in preschool educational institutions

Raising a healthy child is one of the most important tasks of a family and a preschool institution.

Health is not only the absence of disease or physical defects, but also complete physical, mental and social well-being. It is the most important indicator reflecting the biological characteristics of a child, the conditions of upbringing, education of children, their life in the family, the quality of the environment, the degree of development of medical care, services for the protection of mothers and children, and, ultimately, the attitude of the state to health problems.

In a preschool educational institution, the primary task is to protect and strengthen the health of children. The work of teachers is aimed at maintaining a cheerful, cheerful mood in the child, preventing negative emotions and nervous breakdowns; improvement of all body functions, full-fledged physical development, nurturing interest in various available types of motor activity, the formation of the foundations of physical culture, the need for daily physical exercises, the upbringing of positive moral and volitional qualities.

Physical education in a preschool educational institution about c is established as on c special physical education, and in the game c ty and in pov c daily life of children, in various forms of organization of motor activity c ti.

In the kindergarten, favorable sanitary and hygienic conditions are created, the daily routine is observed, and caring care for each child is provided on the basis of a personality-oriented approach; full meals are organized, daily stay in the fresh air; tempering activities, morning exercises are regularly held at all seasons of the year, and children are taught to swim in the presence of appropriate conditions. In all age groups, great attention is paid to developing the correct posture in children.

The expansion of the child's individual motor experience, sequential learning of movements and motor actions: correct, rhythmic, light walking, running, the ability to jump from a place and with a run, various types of throwing, climbing, movements with balls are not ignored. Children learn clearly, rhythmically, at a certain pace to perform various physical exercise by demonstration and on the basis of a verbal description, learned movements are performed to the accompaniment of music.

Educators create an environment in the preschool institution that promotes the formation of personal hygiene skills. Children are taught to realize the value of a healthy lifestyle, take good care of their health, and are introduced to the elementary rules of safe behavior.

Various types of hardening procedures are systematically carried out under the guidance of a medical professional, taking into account the individual characteristics of children.

Held daily morning exercises in a ventilated area.

During organized educational activities that require a lot of mental stress, and in the intervals between them, physical education minutes lasting 1-3 minutes are held.

In a preschool institution, leading activities - playroom... In order to prevent overwork in a preschool educational institution, traditional classes have been replaced by complex ones, which are carried out in a playful way.

Teachers provide sufficient physical activity of children, corresponding to age-specific characteristics, throughout the day, using active, sports, folk games and physical exercises.

Every month held physical education before c Oogi and Holidays .

At the present stage, the task of our society is to educate healthy, harmoniously developed people with high mental and physical performance. For the successful solution of this problem, it is important, as they say, "to preserve health from a young age." This means that it is necessary to strengthen the health of the child from the first days of his life.

An effective means of improving health, reducing morbidity and increasing the level of performance in children is hardening the body. The sun, air and water are factors, which systematically increase the body's resistance to changing weather conditions.

Hardening - this is not only wiping or dousing, but also everyday routine procedures that do not require special organization, additional time: being indoors and outdoors in appropriate clothes, washing with cool water, sleeping with an open window, window, active physical education.

Air acts as a complex irritant, enhancing metabolic processes, increasing the amount of hemoglobin and red blood cells, strengthening the nervous system. Its beneficial effect is also manifested in the mood of the child - he becomes vigorous, cheerful. It is necessary to use fresh air for hardening constantly, at any time of the year. The cold winter air is especially beneficial when combined with vigorous exercise and play. For the correct development of the child, it is important that he is in the air for 4-5 hours in winter, and almost all day in summer. When organizing outdoor walks for children, adults should create conditions for their active activity.

A good health promotion is water hardening.

Children love to play with her; such activities improve the mood, evoke joyful emotions in the child. This should be used to improve the health of the body. It is better to start water procedures in the warm season. Washing the guys with cool water. First, wash your hands to your elbows, then your neck and face.

One of the most effective methods of hot watering is a contrast dousing of the feet: first with cold water - 24-25 degrees, then with warm water - 36 degrees and again with cold water.

The most powerful healing and hardening agent is swimming in a pond. For a healthy child, it is permissible from the age of 2 years at an air temperature of 25 - 28 degrees and a water temperature of at least 22 degrees.

It must be remembered that the hardening effect of the applied influences depends on the systematic, continuous use, gradually increasing intensity of the procedures, taking into account the individual sensitivity of the child.

When the child's health promotion measures in kindergarten are complemented by daily exercises and outdoor games in a family setting, he or she develops individual inclinations and interests. Children are especially susceptible to beliefs, positive behavior of the father, mother, and the way of life of the family. Therefore, the educator needs to improve the methods of pedagogical propaganda among parents, to involve them in an active pedagogical process, so that the knowledge they have gained is embodied in concrete work on raising children.

Of great importance in the process of developing good posture are a strictly observed daily routine, the size of furniture, the posture of children during organized educational activities, labor and other types of independent activities.

Morning exercises are one of the most important components of the motor regime of children. It is aimed at improving, strengthening, increasing the functional level of body systems, developing the physical qualities and abilities of children, strengthening motor skills. The need to start doing morning exercises after waking up fosters the child's volitional qualities: will, perseverance, discipline, perseverance, independence.

Morning exercises are also valuable in that children develop the habit of doing various exercises every day in the morning. Over time, this useful habit turns into a need and remains with a person for life.

After intense physical exertion, breathing exercises are necessary to restore breathing. In preschool children, the respiratory muscles are weak, so breathing exercises are very beneficial. They contribute to the full-fledged physical development, are the prevention of diseases of the respiratory system.

Early childhood is a period of intense physical and mental development. It is at this age that the mental and moral development of the child especially depends on his physical condition and mood.

Preschool education plays a significant role in creating conditions for harmonious human development, which is impossible without physical education.

For this purpose, so that physical culture lessons are interesting for children, fascinating, teachers develop various elements of an entertaining nature, aimed at enhancing the physical activity of children, developing dexterity and coordination.

The great value of every person is health.

Raising a child strong, strong, healthy is the desire of parents and one of the leading tasks facing a preschool institution.

The joint activity of teachers - children - parents allows:

    to increase the efficiency of work on improving the health of children;

    get the necessary knowledge about the physical development of the child;

    form the need for a healthy lifestyle in your family;

    to reduce the "deficit" of positive emotions in children, to create a festive atmosphere with joint sports activities;

    see, learn the work of a kindergarten on the physical development of children;

    to ensure the continuity of the methods and techniques of raising children in the family and in kindergarten.

Many years of experience in this kind of work shows that the result of physical education and sports is high when there is an interaction between the family and the kindergarten.

Joint work contributes to the strengthening and preservation of the child's health, the development of his strength and endurance, physical abilities, and an increase in his body's resistance to diseases.

It is necessary to teach children from an early age:

    home safety;

    the ability and desire to be neat, tidy;

    to acquaint with the rules of communication with animals;

    to form skills of behavior on the road;

    cultivate caution in communication;

    to consolidate the rules of behavior on the water, on the people;

    develop aesthetic taste.

Only the professional competence of teachers of a preschool educational institution, love for their profession and, of course, for children, contribute to the preservation and strengthening of children's health. Children are the future of our society. And, therefore, their well-being depends on us.

Since psychological health is a condition for success in life and a guarantee of a person's well-being in life, it is obvious that neither parents nor teachers should save energy on its formation in childhood. Today, concern for the psychological safety and health of children is becoming a mandatory target in the work of every educational institution and teacher, an indicator of their achievement of the modern quality of education.



Creation of conditions for the preservation and strengthening of the psychological health of children

Psychological health is a prerequisite for the full development of a child in the process of his life. The term "psychological health" was introduced into the scientific lexicon not so long ago by the author Dubrovina, who believes that psychological health is a necessary condition for the full functioning and development of a person in the process of his life.

The problem of preventing and correcting psychoemotional stress in children has become especially acute at the present time, since psychoemotional stress is one of the characteristics of a person's mental state.

Emotional discomfort is understood as a mental state that is characterized by subjective feelings of tension, anxiety, anxiety, gloomy forebodings, or simply unpleasant emotional sensations.

The most important condition for full-fledged mental development is the creation of an educational environment that is developing and emotionally comfortable for the child. Kindergarten should be fun and educational situations should be fun.

The most important educational landmarks:

  • ensuring the emotional well-being of children;
  • creating conditions for the formation of a benevolent and attentive attitude of children towards other people;
  • development of children's independence (initiative, autonomy and responsibility);
  • development of children's abilities that are formed in different types of activities.

To achieve these goals, teachers are encouraged to:

  • show respect for the personality of the child and develop a democratic style of interaction with him and with other educators;
  • create conditions for the child to take responsibility and show empathy for other people;
  • discuss emerging conflicts with children, help solve them, develop common rules, teach to show respect for each other;
  • discuss important life issues with children, stimulate the manifestation of the child's position;
  • draw the attention of children to the fact that people differ in their beliefs and values, discuss how this affects their behavior;
  • discuss with parents (legal representatives) the targets to be achieved by the activities of preschool teachers, and include family members in joint interaction to achieve these goals.

To ensure emotional well-being in the group, the teacher must:

  • communicate with children kindly, without accusations and threats;
  • listen carefully to children, show that he understands their feelings, help share their experiences and thoughts;
  • help children discover constructive behaviors;
  • create situations in which children, using different cultural means (play, drawing, movement, etc.), can express their attitude to personally significant events and phenomena for them, including those taking place in kindergarten;
  • provide alternating situations throughout the day in which children play together and can be alone or with a small group of children if desired.

It is very important for the teacher to be able to determine the mental state of the child, to clearly distinguish between personality traits, that is, inherent in the child and the characteristics of the mental state of the child.

The main signs of discomfort in children are:

  • Difficulty falling asleep, restless sleep;
  • Fatigue of the child after exertion, which recently came to him very easily;
  • Increased frequency of unreasonable resentment, tearfulness, or, conversely, the manifestation of aggression (complaints, name-calling, fights, etc.);
  • More frequent cases of inattention, absent-mindedness;
  • Anxiety, restlessness;
  • Frequent manifestation of stubbornness, whims;
  • Obsessive habits - thumb sucking, nail biting, hair curling around the finger, playing with the genitals.
  • Persistent violation of appetite or, conversely, overeating;
  • The pursuit of solitude;
  • Neurotic manifestations - blinking eyes, twitching shoulders, trembling hands, etc.;
  • Absent-mindedness, forgetfulness, lack of self-confidence, lack of self-confidence, restless restlessness also speak of an uncomfortable psychological state. A child in this state is more likely to seek approval and support from adults, "clinging" to them.

All of the above signs can tell us that the child is under stress only if they have not been observed before. It should also be noted that not all of these signs can be clearly expressed. But one should worry even when only a few of them have appeared.

Portrait of a psychologically healthy child:

  • Age-related "crises" are natural, painless, regular age-related problems are solved.
  • The child experiences feelings of affection, tenderness, and love in response to similar feelings from the parents.
  • The child realizes his need for authority and respect, understanding on the part of those close and significant to him.
  • Has a stable sense of "I", adequate self-esteem, confident and active, has an age-appropriate level of claims and opportunities.
  • Capable of empathy.
  • Does not show pronounced feelings of jealousy and envy in the presence of a leading feeling - goodwill towards people.
  • Contact and sociable, seeks to interact with peers on an equal footing.

Psychological support for children in preschool

Tasks of psychological support for children:

  1. Teaching positive self-attitudes and acceptance of others.
  2. Teaching reflexive skills (the ability to be aware of one's feelings, the reasons for behavior).
  3. Formation of the need for self-development (the ability to find strength within oneself in difficult situations).

These tasks can be realized in group lessons with children.

Based on the tasks system of work on the formation of psychological healthwill consist of the following steps:

  1. Diagnostics of anxiety and adaptation of children to kindergarten and family, observation of pupils and subsequent determination of their level of psychological health.
  2. Inclusion of children referred to the second level of psychological health in weekly group preventive activities.
  3. Involvement of children referred to the third level of psychological health to correctional work with the involvement of parents in individual counseling.

The fact of the influence of the teacher on his pupils in the process of pedagogical communication and activity is well known. The nature of this influence depends on many reasons: on the characteristics, properties and qualities of the individual, professional competence, etc., which are closely interconnected with each other, as well as with the emotional state of the teacher.

What children learn, what their emotional state will be, depends on your mood, on your ability to manage yourself, on your ability to solve personal problems. Thus, in order not to have a detrimental effect on children, you must first of all deal with yourself, with your emotional problems, the reasons that cause them, find a way out of stressful situations, and only then - with the causes of children's emotional problems and ways to correct them.

Let's start with ourselves:

Self-regulation exercises for teachers

1. Express technique for relieving emotional stress: breathing yoga

An effective way to relieve tension is relaxation against the background of yoga breathing: sit freely in a chair, close your eyes and listen to your breathing: calm, even. Breathe in a 4 + 4 + 4 pattern: four seconds for inhalation, four seconds for holding the breath, four seconds for exhalation. Do this three times, listening to the breath, feeling how the air fills the lungs, spreads over the body to the tips of the fingers, releases the lungs. There should be no other thoughts. The pause is over. You are calm. Smile.

2. Express reception to remove negative voltage through voltage

  • Clench your hands into fists as tightly as possible. Stretch your arms. Unclench your fists and wiggle your fingers. Shake them up. Experience a sense of relaxation. Negative feelings live on the back of the neck, so it's important to relax your shoulders.
  • Raise your shoulders with tension, then lower them. Repeat 3 times, then lift each shoulder several times. Place your chin on your chest. Rotate your chin and neck to the right, then to the left. Repeat 3 times, rotate your neck. Sit upright and comfortable. Feel the neck relax.
  • Fold your arms in front of you. Stretch, straining your arms and shoulders. Relax. Shake your brushes.

3. Transverse relaxation and tension

  • Sit or lie down comfortably. Take a few deep breaths in and out and feel your body relax and feel pleasantly heavy. Now try to tense every muscle ... Tense all muscles ...
  • Relax now. Release all tension. Notice the feeling of relief ... Repeat all over again. Tighten every muscle ... Keep the tension ... Relax, rest and feel relief ... Take a deep breath and hold your breath ... Breathe in very deeply and exhale, exhale all the air to the end. Feel the tension leave your body ... Now breathe normally, inhale and exhale. Each time you exhale, pay attention to how the tension leaves your body.
  • Relax your whole body, but clench your jaws and close your eyes very tightly. The jaws are tense. The eyes are tightly closed. Let the rest of the body remain relaxed, pay attention to the feeling of tension in the jaws, eyes and face ... Relax the jaws and eyelids. Let them relax like your whole body ... Enjoy the contrast ... Now tilt your head back and feel the tension in your neck ... Shrug your shoulders and lift them. Keep your neck, shoulders, and upper back tense. The rest of the body remains relaxed. Notice the difference between tension in the neck and back and tension in the rest of the body ... Now relax your shoulders, gently lower them and return your head to a comfortable position. Enjoy the free feeling, relax even more fully ... Relaxing your whole body, clench your fists and tighten your stomach ... Hold your attention on this tension.
  • Release the tension. Relax and unwind ... Now tighten your glutes and thighs, lower your toes down to tighten your calves. Feel the tension in your thighs, buttocks, and calves. Let the rest of the body remain relaxed ... Everything above the hips is relaxed, the tension remains only in the hips and below ... Now stop tense, relax and let the feeling of peace flow through your body. Relax completely. Inhaling, say the word "inhale" to yourself, and exhaling - "exhale". Continue to relax as much as you like, breathing in and out gently and easily.

4. Diaphragmatic gymnastics

It can be done while sitting, standing, or even while walking (the main thing is that the body is straightened):

  • Inhale through your nose and blow the air into your abdomen, inflating it slightly as you do so. Your breath should be as long as possible, but natural.
  • After inhaling, hold your breath for a few seconds and then exhale slowly. Breathe out as slowly as possible, starting from the lower abdomen through the upper abdomen, chest and nose. As you exhale, remember to pull in your stomach a little more than usual.
  • After exhaling through your nose, hold your breath a little. Repeat a new breathing cycle. Do this exercise for 15 minutes.

Another variant:

  • Lie on your back and place the book on your stomach. Breathe so that the book rises from your breath.
  • Sit down and place your right hand on your stomach and your left hand on your chest. Breathe so that only your right arm goes up.
  • Breathe in to a count of 5: five seconds for inhalation and five for exhalation.
  • Repeat the words in sync with the breathing rhythm: "With every breath I relax, with every breath I smile."

5. Micropause of active rest.

It is very important to give yourself the opportunity to regularly release from the gradually accumulated stress, maintaining micro-pauses of active rest. Do the following exercise several times a day:

  • Start by rolling your eyes smoothly - first in one direction, then in the other. Fix your gaze on a separate subject. And then switch it to an item located nearby.
  • After that, work your jaw and yawn widely several times.
  • Relax your neck by first shaking your head, then rolling it from side to side.
  • Raise your shoulders and lower slowly.
  • Relax your wrists and move them.
  • Clench and unclench your fists, relaxing your hands.
  • Now turn to the torso. Take a few deep breaths.
  • Then gently bend your spine back and forth and side to side.
  • Tighten and relax your glutes and then your calves.
  • Roll your feet to loosen your ankles. Squeeze and straighten your toes.

The main ways of correcting emotional disorders in children

In domestic and foreign psychology, various methods are used to help correct emotional disturbances in children. These methods can be roughly divided into two main groups: group and individual.

Play therapy - this is the use of the game to correct certain expressions of "I". In preschool age, this direction is one of the leading means, since play at this age is the leading type of activity.

Body-oriented therapy and dance therapy- methods of working with the psyche, through the body.

Fairytale therapy Is the most ancient psychological and pedagogical method. It turns out to be effective in working not only with young children, but also with adults. Fairy tales describe the foundations of a safe and creative life. Even a simple reading of a fairy tale has an amazing effect and helps to overcome life's difficulties. its essence is in the process of forming connections between fairytale events, heroes and behavior in real life, i.e. it is the process of transferring fabulous meanings into reality. In fairy tales, you can find a complete list of all life problems and situations that the child learns. Listening to fairy tales, the child accumulates in his subconscious, forming stereotypes of behavior

Art therapy - art treatment. Art has always been a source of pleasure and pleasure for people. Art therapy is based on persuasion. That the inner "I" of a person is reflected in his drawings whenever he does not think about it, that is, draws spontaneously. The images of artistic creation reflect all types of subconscious processes: fears, internal conflicts, dreams, etc.

There are two directions of art therapy. First, the perception of the finished work of art. It is important here to encourage the child to express their feelings that have arisen during the examination. This gives the development and enrichment of the emotional world of the child. Secondly, independent drawing, in which the child expresses his attitude and emotions.

Music therapy is a special form of work with children using music in any form. Studies of the impact of music have revealed that classical, jazz, folk music increases the vitality of a person, activates his creative abilities and, in general, has a beneficial effect on the psyche.


Type of teachers' council: thematic

Form of organization of teachers' council: round table

Target: analysis of the conditions necessary for carrying out health-improving work in a preschool educational institution


    To consolidate the concept of "pedagogy of health improvement".

    To study the influence of factors of the educational environment on the preservation of the health of children.

    Analyze the level of valeologization in each group of preschool educational institutions.

    Carry out a self-assessment by teachers of the process of education and training.

    Conduct an analysis of teachers on the problem: "Taking into account the individual characteristics of children when organizing work with them."

Preparing for the teacher's council:

1. Using the proposed literature, familiarize yourself and consolidate the concept of "pedagogy of health improvement". Isp. Preschool teachers

2. Think over and highlight the factors of the educational environment that affect the preservation of children's health. Isp. Preschool teachers

3. Prepare a questionnaire for the group educators "The level of valeologization in the group." Isp. Deputy head by BMP

4. Prepare and conduct a survey of teachers "Self-assessment of the process of education and training." Isp. Deputy head by BMP

5. Preparation of a report by teachers: "Taking into account the individual characteristics of children when organizing work with them." Isp. Teachers.

Pedagogical council progress:

1. Introductory word.

Childhood has one important advantage: it has no age strata, it has informative purity, freedom and readiness to learn about the world. This advantage could grow into wonderful fruit if creatively used by adults. Unfortunately, we - adults, often gravitate towards excessively stable principles and criteria, patterns that impede the flexible, free development of the child. Therefore, children often grow up "not thanks", but "in spite of", gaining experience through severe mental suffering.

2. Conversation with teachers.

Target: develop teachers' ability to reason;

Today we are going to discuss such a concept as “pedagogy of health improvement”. Try to explain this concept in your own words before we derive a specific formula. (Note: it is very important to teach teachers to reason, to comprehend what they are talking about. It is necessary to give the majority an opportunity to express themselves. The leader should track the level of knowledge of teachers in this matter, since this will facilitate or complicate the further course of the round table).

And now, from what you said, let's formulate the main task of health improvement pedagogy.

The main task of health improvement pedagogy is to preserve and strengthen the health of children. (Note: Teachers are encouraged to write down all concepts in self-education notebooks.)

It is known that the educational environment is important for the preservation of the health of children, since its construction is an important condition in the upbringing and teaching of a preschooler. Let's try to identify and highlight the factors of the educational environment that have an impact on the health of the child. (Note: you can use the "brainstorming" technique, when teachers offer many options for answers to a given question, and then the most appropriate are selected). Of the answer options proposed by teachers, it is necessary to single out as the most significant:

3. Practical assignment with teachers.

Target: development of teachers' ability to analyze;

Of course, we, teachers, support the above factors at a certain level. This is our main task. Something we do better, something worse. And now we have to analyze and calculate the level of valeologization (preservation and promotion of health) in your group.

Assignment: Try to analyze and evaluate each of the listed activities on a 5-point scale. There are 7 directions in total, the maximum score is 35 points. Your task is to correlate and evaluate your participation, your personal contribution. (Note: Teachers are assessed in the above areas, see Appendix 1. Each teacher should have questionnaires).

After completing the task, it is necessary to analyze this work. Teachers are asked to answer the question: which line of activity you rated high and which one with a low score. It is important to justify the answers.

4. Analysis of the results of the survey.

The nature of the interaction between the teacher and the child has a great influence on the child and on the level of satisfaction from working with children. By the nature of the impact of the teacher and the child, four models can be presented, of which two are polar and two are intermediate.

The purpose of the technique: to assist in the professional development of the teacher.

It is proposed to conduct a survey of teachers at the preschool educational institution. The Self-Assessment Questionnaire of the Upbringing and Learning Process can be used. It is important to analyze the results of the questionnaire in order to assist in the professional development of the teacher.

(See Appendix 2.)

5. Outcome of the pedagogical meeting. This is the final part to build on the lessons learned throughout the session. Based on the findings, you can build a decision of the pedagogical council. (Note: the decision should be related to improving the professional level of teachers: these can be refresher courses, various trainings, etc.)

Annex 1

    Organization of the upbringing and education process (duration of classes and breaks)

    Methods and forms of teaching that motivate cognitive activity

    Psychological background of classes (benevolence, wisdom of the teacher)

    Sanitary and hygienic conditions (room ventilation, temperature compliance, cleanliness, etc.)

    The motor regime of children (taking into account their age dynamics)

    Rational nutrition (menu and diet)

    Medical support and wellness procedures

Appendix 2



Dear teacher!

If you completely agree with this or that statement, put “5” against it. If you agree more than disagree, score "4". If agree or disagree equally - score "3". If you disagree to a greater extent than agree, score "2". If you completely disagree with the given given statement, give a point "1". After evaluating the above judgments, add your scores.

1.Strict teacher is better than lax __________

    The teacher is the main figure, the success and effectiveness of educational work depends on him _____________________

    In the classroom, during the regime moments, the child must do what is planned by the teacher ___________________________

    The obedience of children is the merit of the teacher _______________________

    A child is like "clay", you can sculpt anything from it _____________________

    The child must fulfill all the requirements of the teacher ________________________

    The main goal of the teacher is to implement the requirements of the upbringing and education program for children _______________________________

    The central task of educational work is equipping children with knowledge, skills and abilities ______________________________

    The main thing in the work of a teacher is to achieve diligence in children _______________________

    Upbringing, first of all, is demanding on children __________________________

    Only those desires and initiatives of children should be encouraged that correspond to the tasks set by the teacher ______________________________

    Good discipline is the key to success in raising and educating children.

    Punishment is not the best form of education, but it is necessary ________________________

    Children's activities need constant monitoring ____________________

The sum of points is:

Interpretation of results:

48 points and above - pronounced focus on the educational and disciplinary model(model D)

47-42 points - moderate focus on the educational and disciplinary model with partial personal realization(DL model)

41-38 points - moderate focus on the personal model of interaction with partial disciplinary implementation(model LD)

37 points or less - pronounced focus on the personal model of interaction with children(model L)

Recommended reading: I.V. Chapukha, E.Z. Puzhaeva, I.Yu.Sokolova. Health-saving technologies in the educational process. Scientific and practical collection of innovative experience. M .: Ileksa, Stavropol: Stavropolservice school, 2001 .-- 400 p.