Transfer of the funded part of the pension to the NPF. Where to transfer pension savings

  • If desired, in the future you can refuse from directing insurance premiums to funded pensions, the accumulated funds will continue to be invested and will be paid out upon the appointment of pension provision, and insurance transfers will go only to the insurance pension.
  • The procedure for the formation of a funded pension

    The funded pension is formed from citizens, born in 1967 and later whose employment (with insurance payments) began before January 1, 2014 and who until December 31, 2015 made their choice in her favor. Citizens older than 1967 can also form pension savings, but only through voluntary contributions.

    The right to make a decision on the formation of pension savings is currently reserved only for persons born in 1967 and later, within five years after the first insurance contributions to the Pension Fund.

    For such citizens, the legislation provides for some points:

    • to implement their choice, they are given from the moment of the first deductions no more than five years;
    • if the insured person has not reached the age of 23 years old, then the selection period is extended until the end of the year when he reaches that age.

    Pension provision is financed by the transfer by the employer of insurance premiums in the amount of 22% from wages. When choosing the option with a funded pension - 6% from contributions goes to the accumulation of funds, 16% - for an insurance pension (10%) and solidarity tariff (6%). In addition to mandatory insurance transfers, a funded pension can be formed at the expense of:

    • additional insurance premiums;
    • employer's contributions, transferred at his request in favor of the insured person;
    • amounts contributed to co-finance the formation of savings;
    • maternity capital funds fully or partially directed to the formation of a pension;
    • results of investment of accumulated funds.

    How to choose an NPF: profitability and reliability ratings

    To place pension savings, a citizen must choose a management company (MC) or a non-state pension fund (NPF).

    Once every five years NPF can be exchanged for another, or the formation of funds can be transferred to the UK. It is possible to do this earlier (early) - once a year, which may result in loss of investment income.

    • Contact the NPF and conclude an agreement on compulsory pension insurance with it.
    • Submit an application to the territorial FIU for transfer to the NPF.

    After considering the application, the pension fund sends a notification to the insured person. If the non-state pension fund complies with the legal requirements, the PFR will notify of a positive decision, if the fund's license is revoked, the reasons for the refusal will be reported in the notification.

    The amount of pension savings of the insured person

    The amount of the funded pension of the insured person is affected by the amount of funds contributed to its formation and accounted for on his individual personal account (ILS) in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation or on his pension account in the NPF.

    The size of pension savings is adjusted annually on August 1 based on the amounts of funds received for its financing, which were not taken into account in the calculation at the time of appointment or in the previous adjustment.

    The calculation of the funded payment is made according to the formula:

    NP = PN / T,

    • NP- the size of the funded pension;
    • Mon - the amount of the recipient's pension savings on the day the payment is made;
    • T- expected period of payment of the pension (number of months). It is established annually by law and in 2018 is 246 months.

    In the case of applying for a funded pension later than the date when the recipient became entitled to it, the expected period of payment is reduced for each whole year of delay in its allocation by 12 months, but cannot be less than 168 months.

    How to find out the amount of the funded part of the pension (via the Internet, according to SNILS, in the Pension Fund)

    Until 2013, information on the state of the ILS, including the amount of pension savings, was sent out annually by the PFR to insured persons by mail in letters. Currently, depending on where the funded pension is formed in the PFR or NPF, this information can be obtained in different ways:

    • Via the Internet on the website of the PFR or NPF using a personal account.
    • In the territorial pension fund with the provision of a passport and SNILS.
    • When contacting the branch of the NPF, which the citizen has chosen to form savings.
    • Through the bank in which the citizen has an account, if this bank provides such a service.

    How to get the funded part of the pension?

    If a citizen has a funded pension, he can apply for its appointment at any time after becoming eligible for an insurance pension old age (including early).

    A funded pension is established regardless of whether or not a citizen receives another pension or a lifetime monthly allowance.

    The appointment and payment of savings, as well as the organization of delivery, is carried out by the fund to which the citizen has entrusted their formation, in this regard, he should apply for a funded allowance:

    • to the branch of the NPF, in which pension savings were formed;
    • or to the territorial FIU, if the funds were transferred to the Criminal Code.

    By agreement with the employee, the employer is also entitled to apply for the appointment of a funded pension.

    Conditions of appointment and necessary documents for registration

    The appointment of a funded pension is possible if the insured person has pension savings. You can apply for the establishment and delivery of funded payments:

    • during a personal visit to the FIU or NPF;
    • via the Internet on the PFR website or the state portal. services, or on the NPF website.

    All required documents must be attached to the application for the appointment of a funded pension:

    1. a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or a residence permit (for foreign persons and stateless persons);
    2. certificate of compulsory pension insurance (SNILS);
    3. certificate from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation on the acquisition of the right to an old-age insurance pension (for submission to the NPF);
    4. documents that can confirm the insurance experience and the periods included in it;
    5. additional information may be required.

    The application will be accepted for consideration if everything required is submitted on time. up to 5 working days from the date of its submission.

    If the application for the funded payment goes through a representative, it is necessary to provide a power of attorney and a document proving his identity, if the power of attorney is not notarized.

    Can I withdraw before retirement?

    Get your retirement savings before your retirement it is forbidden. The right to the appointment of funded payments for a citizen arises simultaneously with the right to an old-age insurance pension, while:

    • The payment of pension savings can be established to a citizen before he reaches retirement age, but only if he has earned an early appointment of an old-age insurance pension.
    • Depending on how much savings were formed by the time the payments were made, and also from what funds they were financed, there are various types of funded payments.

    Types of payments of pension savings

    Types of payments provided for by the law of December 28, 2013 N 424-FZ "About funded pension", at the expense of pension savings:

    • Payment of pension savings in the event of the death of their recipient to his heirs.

    With a lump-sum payment, all pension savings are paid out in one lump sum. It is assigned if the recipient has not been installed funded pension.

    The following may be eligible for a lump sum payment:

    • insured persons who have pension savings, the amount of which is equal to 5% or less from the amount of the size of the old-age insurance pension, taking into account the fixed payment and the funded pension as of the day the funded payments are assigned;
    • beneficiaries who receive a disability or survivor's insurance pension, or a state pension benefit who are not eligible for an insurance old-age pension due to the lack of the required insurance period or the number of individual pension points.

    Citizens who have formed their pension savings at the expense of:

    • additional contributions, funds directed under the Pension Co-financing Program, including contributions received for this purpose from the employer, from the state, income from their investment.
    • funds (or part thereof) of maternity capital, which were used to form a funded pension and income from their investment.

    Part of the savings, consisting of these funds, is paid monthly within a period determined by the recipient themselves, but at least 10 years. The funded pension is paid monthly and for life.

    Inheritance of the pension of a deceased pensioner

    In the event of the death of a citizen, the means of his pension savings may be transferred to his heirs. This happens under certain conditions:

    1. If the recipient's death is prior to their appointment, pension savings funds are paid to his successors, except for maternity capital funds aimed at forming a funded pension.
    2. If the insured person has passed away after establishing funded pension, the payment of funds by inheritance is not provided for by law.
    3. In the event of the recipient's death after the appointment of an urgent payment, the heirs are paid the balance of unpaid funds, except for maternity capital. The rest of the maternity capital is paid to the child's father or children.

    Assignees of pension savings are the persons whom the citizen indicated in the application for the distribution of his savings in the event of his death or in the contract for compulsory pension insurance. Such an application can be submitted to the savings fund during life at any time.

    If there is no information about the heirs, then the succession is established in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

    The procedure for making payments

    The payment of funded pension funds is established after applying for it to the fund in which it was formed. An application with documents for the appointment of a funded pension or an urgent payment is considered by the Fund from the moment they are received within 10 working days, an application for a lump-sum payment - within one month from the date of submission of the last required document, if it was submitted within the prescribed period.

    Based on the results of consideration of the documents, the recipient is notified of the purpose of the payment or refusal, indicating the reasons. Lump-sum payment of pension savings funds is carried out on time no more than two months from the date of its establishment. The funded pension and the urgent payment are made simultaneously with the insurance pension for the current month.

    Confidence in the future is necessary for every person. This also applies to prosperous old age, although, of course, few people think about it. But almost all of these people are faced with a choice where it is better to transfer their pension funds. Today, for this choice, a large list of NPFs advertising their services is presented, and it will be very difficult for an uninformed person to figure it out, and in view of the current situation with regard to funded pensions, everyone will have to take care of it on their own.

    To achieve this goal, it is necessary to understand such concepts as a company's rating, which carries information about its profitability, growth rates, the number of depositors, investment amounts, reviews about the company, etc. Which of the characteristics best describes the reliability of the Pension Fund? Financial experts believe that the main factors to be studied are profitability and reliability.

    Retirement alphabet

    Before explaining where it is better to transfer your funds, it is worth mentioning the existing organizations in general. First on the list is the Pension Fund of Russia - the main company that is authorized to manage pension savings and provide for citizens. Non-state pension funds are also widely represented, providing pensions and insurance that are not related to the state, under an agreement concluded with citizens.

    For every citizen, a pension is 22% of wages, which are deducted by the employer to the Pension Fund. This 22% is divided into 16%, which goes to the insurance part, and a fixed 6%, which goes to the basic part of the pension (it is not subject to change). But such a division is assumed for persons born before 1967.

    Assuming you were born after 1967, your retirement funds are split a little differently as a percentage. As mentioned above, 6% remain unchanged, and the remaining 16% is further divided into two parts: 10% is the insurance part, which the state guarantees to pay when you reach your pension, 6% is the funded pension, with respect to the latter you will decide where is the best place to put it?

    This choice to transfer funds to any organization must be made before the end of 2015 by writing a corresponding application to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, but having previously concluded an agreement with the company to which you entrust your savings. If no application is received by the FIU, from the beginning of 2016, the state automatically transfers these 6% to the insurance part, making the so-called zeroing of your funded pension.

    It should also be said that in 2014-2015, by decision of the government, there is a moratorium on the funded part of pension funds, and more recently, the state nevertheless made a decision and extended the freezing of funded pensions for 2016.

    Profitability and reliability

    The growth of your savings depends on the profitability. If we compare, we can imagine this process as the accrual of interest on a deposit. The higher the yield, the faster the amount of savings increases. But it is necessary to consider this factor not for a short period, but for the entire period of work as an average indicator. If an NPF is not ranked by average annual return, it should be treated with caution.

    The above ratings are assigned to NPFs by numerous rating agencies. The most professional is "Expert RA-rating". About 25 indicators of each of the funds fall under his analysis, which, in turn, are divided into five classes. The highest is class A. In it, the agency's experts correlate organizations according to three ratings:

    • class A ++ - the highest level of reliability;
    • class A + - very high;
    • class A - high.

    Using the analyzed data, you can find out about the level of reliability and profitability of the fund where you plan to transfer your funded pension. The most reliable are "Future", "National NPF", "KITFinance", "Sberbank NPF".

    The purpose of transferring the funded pension to the NPF

    With today's workload, lack of time, or simply unwillingness to understand something, at first glance, incomprehensible, many deprive themselves of the right to make choices that may determine the well-being of their future. To prevent this, you should decide on the purpose of transferring funds to NPFs.

    What will happen if you do not choose any organization, and your 6% funded pension remains in the Pension Fund? Under these conditions, from the beginning of 2016, the funded part of the pension, by decision of the state, is automatically reset to zero, in other words, nothing remains of 6% and everything goes into the insurance part. It follows from this that you do not receive any more interest, they go to pay off the PFR debt. And there are no guarantees that when you retire, you will receive your funds. The downside is that the insurance part of the pension is not inherited, and under appropriate circumstances, your relatives will not be paid anything.

    And now consider the option when you have decided where to transfer your funds and have chosen an NPF:

    • accruals in the amount of 6% remain in the funded part from the beginning of 2016 or earlier if you have already made a choice;
    • you have full control over these funds and can transfer them to another NPF at any time;
    • when the funded pension is in the NPF to which you decide to transfer it, the funds increase every year by a certain percentage, depending on the organization itself and its work. This percentage brings income, sometimes even covering inflation, and in a crisis, while the PFR incurs losses;
    • The advantage is the ability to transfer the funded pension by inheritance.

    As conceived by the reformers, NPFs and MCs should invest the received deductions in profitable projects, which will then bring profit. Typically, the rates for these deductions are higher due to rising inflation rates. This should allow not only to save the deducted funds, but also, through their profitable investment, to get a significant profit on them.

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    A little about the reforms

    Pension reform started in 2002. A whole package of documents on reforming the Russian pension system was adopted, which was then repeatedly supplemented and changed. It was then that the term “contributory pension” appeared. Until the beginning of 2008, the contribution rate was 20% and was divided into three parts: 6% - basic, 10% - insurance and 4% - funded. From 01.01.2008. Insurance - 8 and 6% - cumulative.

    Private entrepreneurs pay 10% insurance and 4% accumulative.

    • Basic part over time, it became known as a fixed part of the insurance - these are guaranteed payments, a kind of social standard, the obligation of the state to socially unprotected segments of the population. Every citizen who has reached retirement age and has a work experience of more than 5 years can apply for this part of the pension.
    • insurance pension- this is that part of the deductions for the entire period of employment, which is summed up and forms the pension capital of each worker. It is indexed annually by the state, which allows you to save pension capital. This money is used to pay today's pensioners. The redirection in 2010 of the basic part allowed the state then to fulfill its obligations to citizens in full without attracting additional funds. Today, the amounts paid by employers do not allow to provide it in full. And additional money from the federal budget is sent to make payments. This is due to the difficult demographic situation, which assumes that for 1 working person - 1 pensioner. The reformers saw a way out of a difficult situation in the transformation of the insurance company into a funded insurance system.
    • At the same time, such a thing as the funded part of the pension appeared. In contrast to the insurance part, which can be considered cumulative conditionally. The accumulative part represents "live money" that can be invested in a non-state pension fund or in a management company.

    Do I need to transfer the funded part

    The payer himself controls the investment of NPF or MC of deducted funds- these can be electronic reports, or in paper form sent once a year. Having decided to change the management company, it will be necessary to apply to the pension fund of Russia, which will become the basis for transferring to another management company.

    But there is one nuance here, for insurance contributions, the state annually conducts indexation, focused on inflation growth, but there is no such indexation for insurance deposits.

    And yet - in the event of bankruptcy of an NPF or a management company, the state guarantees the return of only the invested amount. Here the risk is assumed by the payer. He may gain more, or he may lose.

    You can receive the entire accumulated amount both at once and in parts. So, after reaching retirement age, you can write an appropriate application and receive the entire amount within 90 days or receive it in several installments over a certain period. If, for example, the insurance pension is small, you can receive it as an additional payment to the main one.

    The funded part of the pension is personal funds and in the event of the death of the payer, it passes to his heirs.

    To receive funds, it is enough to provide the necessary documents.

    Many workers did not dare or did not want to choose. Their funded part is in the FIU. The opportunity to choose independently where to invest the funded part of the pension is valid until the end of 2015. After that, by default, all funds will be sent to the Pension Fund of Russia. In addition, funds from the Criminal Code will also be redirected to the FIU. However, it is difficult to say what this will result in for those citizens who have concluded such agreements.

    Translation methods

    In the meantime, there are three options for investing the funded part of the pension:

    1. Leave deductible amounts in the Pension Fund of Russia, for this you do not need to go anywhere and write anything. True, there will be no information about where and how these amounts were invested, but there is hope that they will be saved by retirement, because the state is the guarantor of their safety.
    2. Not a public pension fund. The person who signed the contract with him transfers his savings to his property, and will be able to keep the sum insured. These are reliable funds that operate with low risk, since the NPF can only invest in government and mortgage-backed securities, it is unlikely that it will be possible to significantly increase savings. At the same time, it must be remembered that the state does not guarantee the return of this money in the event of bankruptcy of the NPF.
    3. The most profitable, but also the most risky, is to entrust your deductions to the Management Company, which invests them in potentially high-yielding stock market instruments. And, although, here is the highest risk of non-return of funds, the state acts as a guarantor of the principal amount.

    About choosing a fund

    The so-called “silent people” can still place their part of the funded pension in a non-state pension fund, they are given this opportunity until the end of 2015. But here you need to think about where it is better to invest money.

    When choosing a non-state fund, several indicators must be taken into account at once. Such funds, as a rule, post information about their activities in the public domain and this is the first indicator of reliability.

    Others to be considered include:

    • Average retirement income over several years. The indicator for one year may differ significantly from its predecessor, but the average, say for 5 years, will be an indicator of successful investment.
    • The reliability indicator has been calculated for more than one year. And although this is a very relative quality for people, NPFs have their own reliability rating. The highest score is A++. Considering the applicants, this rating is definitely worth a look.
    • One of the important criteria is the duration of the existence of the fund in the service market. Everything is clear here: the longer the fund exists, the more reliable it is.
    • It is also important to consider the amount of money at the disposal of the fund. So, one of the methods of not very honest funds is a statement of high profitability, but at the same time, only 40 clients have savings at their disposal. The more clients have already entrusted their funds to this fund, the more likely it can be trusted.

    Translation algorithm

    There is very little time left to transfer the funded part of the pension, and therefore you need to hurry in order to be in time before December 31, 2015. After this date, all the savings of the "silent" will be added to the insurance part of the pension.

    In order to still bring funds to a non-budgetary fund or a management company, you must do the following:

    1. View the necessary information and choose where to invest your savings.
    2. He will contact the selected NPF first for a consultation, and having received all the necessary information, think it over, carefully study the draft agreement, check the availability of the necessary documentation and licenses.
    3. Conclude an agreement with an NPF or a management company for maintenance or compulsory pension insurance.
    4. Contact the client service of the Pension Fund of Russia at the place of residence to apply for the choice of an NPF or a management company.

    You can refuse the funded part by default if you have not written an application for transferring it to the NPF or the Criminal Code before. In this case, it will be attached to the insurance.

    If the application for transfer to the NPF was written at least once. You need to come and write a statement about the refusal of such a transfer. And the funded part will also be attached to the insurance.

    Only persons born after 1967 can use the funded system, citizens who were born earlier are deprived of such an opportunity.

    By remaining "silent" and allowing the transfer of the funded part of the pension to the insurance one, you can simply work longer with higher wages - this will make it possible to receive a pension about 45% higher when you leave five years later. At the same time, the size of the insurance pension will also increase, because the funded contributions will be transferred here.

    During the excitement at the end of last year, the “silent ones” urgently rushed to transfer the funded part of the pension to non-state pension funds (NPFs). Why did it have to be done, was it necessary at all, and what, in fact, has changed since January 1, 2016 for future Russian pensioners.

    To understand how the pension system works in Russia, we created a visual infographic and interviewed experts. Why is the funded part of the pension needed, what to do if you have not transferred money from the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR) before January 1, 2016, will it be possible to transfer the funded pension in 2016-2017 and how much will the services of NPFs and private management companies cost you .

    What kind of pension you have and how it is calculated depends on what year you were born, how many years you have been working and whether you transferred the funded part of the pension somewhere before January 1, 2016. The latter makes it possible to independently form a part of the future pension (part of will continue to accumulate the state). Below we will tell you what a Russian from each group can count on: older than 1966, younger, “silent”, those who keep money in private pension funds and those who have just started working.

    Russian pension system (infographic)

    For those born in 1966 or earlier

    They were not initially offered the opportunity to choose a pension with or without a funded component. All their payments - 22% of the salary - go to the FIU.

    For those born in 1967 and later

    Until the end of 2015, Russians of this age had the right to choose whether to receive in the future only an insurance pension paid by the state, or payments that would consist of two parts - insurance and funded. From January 1, the “silent ones” - those who did not choose either another management company or NPF for the funded part of the pension, in a word, did nothing with their contributions, automatically lost the funded part. This means that now all the contributions that the employer will pay for them will go only to the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR).

    According to Sergei Khestanov, adviser to the general director of the Otkritie brokerage house on macroeconomics, it is quite simple to understand whether the funded part of the pension should be transferred to an NPF or to a private management company: it all depends on how your salary compares with the average salary in Russia (32 thousand rubles). rubles excluding taxes according to Rosstat in 2015). “If you earn less than the average, then it is most profitable for you to choose the PFR, since the PFR pays at the average rate. If you earn above average, then it is more profitable to keep pension savings in the NPF, where the funded part of the pension is formed individually,” the expert explains. As Veronika Ivanova, director of corporate ratings at RAEX (“Expert RA”), recalls, the funded part of the pension, unlike the insurance part, is formed in rubles, and not in points, in addition, the accumulated savings can be inherited.

    Recall that in 2015 the government introduced a new formula for calculating pensions: now they are calculated not in rubles, but in points. The key factors are the salary, length of service and the age at which the employee will retire.

    Voluntary insurance

    In addition to compulsory pension insurance, there is a voluntary one. This is an opportunity to save for your pension on your own: through an insurance company or an NPF. The amount of contributions, their frequency and how the amount will be paid subsequently is decided by the client. An important difference is more opportunities for inheritance (see infographic - Voluntary pension insurance). Information about voluntary insurance programs, as a rule, is published on the website of an NPF or an insurance company, and all additional questions can be asked to their employees either in person, by making an appointment, or by phone.

    Do you have doubts about where it is better to transfer the funded part of the pension? What rules have been approved and are in effect in 2019?

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    A modern person is constantly busy and cannot always allocate time to find out information about pension payments in the future.

    So you can deprive yourself of the opportunity to choose the option that will provide old age. It is important to understand what is the purpose of transferring funds from the funded part of the pension to the pension fund.

    Basic moments

    Let's define what is meant by insurance and funded pensions and how, where it is transferred.

    What it is

    Pension contributions have an insurance and funded component. Insurance funds are transferred to the state PF of the Russian Federation and spent on payments to pensioners.

    The part that remains is considered accumulative, and it is fixed on personal personal accounts in the fund, which the citizen chooses himself.

    The funded part is the second pension, and it can increase if the income of the managing organization increases.

    This part of the pension is formed from contributions that employers pay, as well as insurance transfers.

    To receive such a pension, it is worth preparing an application and submitting it to a representative of a state or commercial fund.

    Pension contributions amount to 22% of earnings and are made by the management of the company in which the person works. 16% go to the insurance pension, the rest is a funded part.

    The amount of the accumulative part of pension accruals is established taking into account the amount that is on the citizen's account and the period during which the payment is expected.

    The increase in the funded part is carried out when making a voluntary contribution.

    If you yourself replenish the account, government agencies will transfer the same amount to the account, but within the limits of 12 thousand rubles a year. That is, we will talk about the co-financing program.

    Withdrawal of money from savings accounts is possible:

    • if the owner of the accounts dies;
    • if a person receives the status of a disabled person;
    • if the family loses a breadwinner.

    Urgent payments can be made if there are additional transfers. The funded system is available only to those citizens who were born not earlier than 1967.

    If a person does not take care of the transfer of funds, they will automatically be transferred to the insurance part, as a result of which the size of pension payments will increase in the future.

    What are the funds (types)

    There are such funds:

    • state - budgetary, extrabudgetary;
    • non-state.

    Extrabudgetary funds:

    • PF of Russia;

    Legal regulation

    Information on non-state pension funds is contained in the Federal Law of May 7, 1998 No. 75.

    There are a number of other regulations that need to be considered:

    Where can I transfer the funded part of the pension

    Anyone can entrust their savings to pension funds.

    The procedure is as follows:

    You can change the organization annually if you send a corresponding request to the Pension Fund branch.

    List of available options

    How to invest the funded part of the pension:

    Don't act at all The money will remain in the state fund, and Vneshkonombank will manage it. Plus - the funds are guaranteed to be returned. But only the state will not promise that old age will be secured
    Transfer the funded part to a private company The funds will remain in state structures, but the management is taken over by the organization that invests the pension. The amounts of money will be in securities, bonds, etc., as a result of which the owner of the account will receive a profit
    Prefer one of the non-state pension funds In this case, the funded part is sent to the NPF, which will accumulate financial assets

    Which fund to choose is up to you. But you should know - if you do not apply to the Pension Fund, then you can not count on a 6 percent amount of deductions to the funded part.

    When choosing an organization, you should pay attention to its profitability and reliability.

    Where is the best way to transfer money?

    Where to transfer your funded part of the pension? Leaving the funded part of the pension in the state pension fund is advisable if you have less than 10 years left until your pension.

    In other cases, it is better to choose a non-state fund. Check out these points:

    • Does the company have a license?
    • review financial statements;
    • how many insurers;
    • investment result.

    First, they study the history of the fund and are interested in what conditions are offered. No one, of course, will give a guarantee that the pension will be increased in the future, but the risks of losing savings should not be allowed.

    So, pay attention to the type of fund:

    captive Engaged in the promotion of corporate pension programs of firms. The pension reserve is more savings. These are Welfare, Transneft, Neftegarant, etc.
    Corporate Serving the pension programs of the founder. The share of savings increases every year thanks to customers. This is, for example, Norilsk Nickel
    Universal Does not depend on the financial group. Both citizens and companies are served. More retirement savings. This is the European PF, Keith Finance
    Territorial Operates in one or more areas. Support is provided by the local government. This is, for example, the Khanty-Mansiysk NPF

    The main indicators include assets, reserves, savings, the number of people who are insured, the pension reserve, the date the fund was founded, etc.

    Consider the following points when choosing:

    But not all such organizations are trustworthy, because some offer unfavorable conditions, delay payments, etc.

    A number of such inconveniences creates a risk for the insured that they turn to a non-state firm. Therefore, study the rating of each organization, the level of reliability, reviews of people.

    The funded part of the pension can be returned to the state pension fund:

    • if there is such a desire;
    • in the event that an event has occurred in which it became necessary to return funds.

    But it remains possible, if desired, to redirect funds again to one of the management companies or NPFs. To transfer to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, you need to write an application. But this should not be done more than once a year.

    You will need the following documents:

    • identification;
    • SNILS;
    • other papers that were issued in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

    The transfer of the funded part of the pension from the NPF to the PFR is mandatory in such cases:

    • NPF is deprived of a license;
    • the face is dead;
    • the term of the contract was terminated, which was concluded under compulsory plan insurance programs;
    • NPF is insolvent and bankruptcy proceedings are open.

    Which place is more reliable

    You can rely on the following table:

    If a person does not make a choice in favor of any organization, 6% of the funded part remains in the pension fund of the Russian Federation. And such funds will be reset to zero from 2019, that is, they will be transferred to the insurance part.

    Video: where to transfer the funded part of the pension?

    In this case, a person cannot receive any interest, since this money repays the debt of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. A big disadvantage of the insurance pension is that it cannot be inherited.

    If you decide that you will transfer funds to NPF:

    How to find out where the amount was transferred

    In some organizations, an employer that receives agency from insurers may offer employees more than one option for insurance companies.

    In these situations, the transfer of the funded part of the pension to a non-state fund is centralized.

    The employee must write an application to a specific fund (for example, to the Gazfond) and prepare a sample for authorized persons who will be involved in the transfer of funds.

    Employers themselves carry out the registration procedure. In addition, they can receive interest from insurers for each attracted client.

    The employees themselves do not always even remember which fund they applied to.

    Or they simply want to make sure that the funded part has arrived within the agreed time frame and personal accounts have been created.

    Another situation may also arise when a person does not know his NPF, where insurance was carried out. For example, a notice from the organization with which the contract was concluded did not come.

    How to find out NPF:

    Contact the regional branch of the State Pension Fund of the Russian Federation After all, when making an application, it was also submitted to this fund. So, there you can be provided with information about the transfer of the funded part of the pension
    If you cannot come to the branch of the state body Then act like this - contact the accountant of the company where you work. The accounting department makes transfers for compulsory insurance, which means that they have a constant connection with the PF
    Go to the website of the State Service and with the introduction of SNILS you can find out the information of interest To do this, you need to register on the portal, confirm the electronic signature, UEC (if any). Then you can go to your personal account and use the services
    Contact the bank with which the state PF entered into an agreement This could be Sberbank, UralSib, GazpromBank, etc.