Health wishes for your girlfriend. Wishes of a speedy recovery in verses to a woman

My kitten, don't be sick
Get well soon!
Don't put your hands down
And drive away the disease!

I love you alone
And in everything I will help.
Most importantly, do not be discouraged.
Give me a smile!

And even though you're sick now
There is no more beautiful than you!
I always love you
Get well soon, please!

I got sick, my joy,
Sad eyes at all
Weakness has taken possession of you
Do not drive her away with anything.

My little sun
Get well soon
Let your disease surrender
You get stronger.

My soul is deserted and anxious,
I want to help my beloved in some way.
To take over the disease? But this is unreal,
This night would have flown by.

You get well, darling, rather
Otherwise, know that I will get sick.
Together we will overcome pain, dear,
After all, you are my half.

You are my joy, my life,
Don't be sick, please!
I feel very bad, hard
Getting sick is never good!

Have a little more patience
And don't be discouraged.
Darling, forgive me for everything,
I will always be there!

You are my love and happiness
I will support you in everything.
You get well soon
And don't you dare hurt me anymore!

My bunny got sick,
I've been worrying all day
I can't find a place
And I want to see you soon!

Do you want me to come in an instant,
I'll bring you some broth
I'll make tea with lemon
I will fill the house with happiness in a moment!

And I'll straighten the blanket
And I will call a doctor
I'll feed you raspberries
I'll tell you a bedtime story!

Get well soon,
I want to hug you
I want to kiss everything
I love you very much!

How can I help you? ...
Darling, I don't know
But I'll tell you that very much
I worry.

I suffer from despair
Dispel my sadness -
Get well dear ...
Just hurry up.

My beloved is sick -
And the light fades in my eyes.
I want to hug her harder
Taking my own torment for myself.

Almighty, give her health,
Give life to the longest years
And help with your love
I have to save her from harm.

I know how bad you are, dear,
I want to support you
I love you, I adore you,
I want to wish you recovery!

You know I’m by your side
I can always go to the pharmacy,
I will buy not only pills, medicine,
But I'll bring you some tasty treats too.

I'll make tea, or maybe soup,
I'll do anything, trust for you
You smile, darling, better
And the disease will leave you!

I'm completely drooping today
I am broken to pieces today.
For you, my dear,
My heart hurts a lot.

Get well my love
Get well soon, my joy.
I hug, love and kiss.
Let your illness go away.

Do not hurt, my love,
You are very dear to me.
Be healthy, honey, always
So that there are no diseases for a day.
And wish you well
I want you, because you don't understand
Why is my love sick?
So I want to cure you.

My darling fell ill
I'll bring you a vitamin
I will hug you tenderly
I'll bring you some chocolate.

Get well soon
All the days are more fun with you,
I love you very much
I will give my smile.

Let it warm you
The disease will go away forever
Darling, do not you hurt
Get well soon!

- This hospital pajamas really suits you!

- Oh, you have such a charming cast on your leg that it is difficult to look away!

- Your melodious cough reminds of a fabulous melody!

Img by matsuyuki

A sick girl needs support, care and attention like no one else. Especially if it is a loved one. A compliment can help brighten up your recovery a bit and even give you strength.

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Let's imagine that the beloved girl is sick and is sitting at home. She is probably sad and dreary to watch life through the window. And then the doorbell rings - a beloved one with a bouquet of flowers and a string bag of oranges is on the doorstep. "Oh, today your smile is much closer to that unique one that I love so much and am used to seeing!"

Viktor Tsoi - When your girlfriend is sick (Dima Docent radio edit)

Agree, such kind words are very pleasant and set you up for an early amendment! Here is the answer to the question "How to support a girl?" A compliment to a sick girl may sound a bit exaggerated, but it's worth it. Of course, there is no need to say how beautiful she is today, sweet and beautiful - this can be regarded as a mockery. But if you make compliments from a slightly different angle, then they will only benefit.

Img by SodanieChea

Compliments to a girl when she is sick should be said no less than usual. And so that the words are not understood in two ways, you should know about this. It is best to give compliments to a recovering person by comparing his condition with the previous one. For example, not “Your eyes enchant me”, but “Today in your eyes I see the sparkles of an absolutely healthy beauty”. A few more examples of compliments to a sick girl:

- Every day the blush on your cheeks is getting brighter!

“Even though your eyes look a little tired, they are still special!

- You know, your charming smile is a real nuclear weapon against any disease!

Also you can not focus on the girl herself rather say what you like about it. By expressing your opinion, you thereby exclude the possibility of interpreting the compliment as flattery, lies or mockery.

- I really like your smile even when you are not well.

- I am surprised: you do not lose attractiveness even though you are sick!

- I am pleased to be next to you, to hold your hand and help to recover!

- I am sure that you have a strong body, you can easily cope with any disease!

Img by Joe St. Pierre //

In some mild cases of the disease you can and even need to joke, because laughter is a great medicine! Give a funny compliment to a girl when she is sick, it will certainly bring a smile on her pretty face.

There is nothing worse in the world than a time when the person who is dear to us is sick. At this time, I really want to support him, wish him a speedy recovery and be always there. If it is not possible to be present at the patient's bedside, you can cheer him or her up and convey your feelings with the help of poetry - get well. This section contains the best poems that combine the wish of a speedy recovery and good health, as well as pleasant words of support and warmth emanating from the heart.

The ability to hold a loved one in a difficult situation for him, to remain always close to his beloved, even if you are separated by hospital walls and to cheer up your beloved - all this is quite solvable with the verses presented in the "Get well" heading on our website. Here you can find the necessary words of support, wishes of good health and a speedy recovery for any person, be it a mother, wife, girlfriend, boyfriend or employee at work.

May health in the early morning
Dawn will bring you
May every minute
Heal you quickly.

Get well all the same
And do not try to get sick again!
May love help you
To overcome all diseases.

Get well soon
And watch me, don't hurt
Strengthen your immunity
And say no to the disease!

Eat ginger and drink raspberries
Drink tea, broths too,
Drive your cold away
Get well soon!

It hurts me to watch you sick
Kitty, get well soon!
May my love warm you
Never again will you be sick!
May health grow stronger every day
And the disease will disappear forever.
Get well, I beg you
Know how much I love you!

I wish you to get well quickly
Get on your feet fast.
I wish you to smile more often
Disease to frighten with a smile.

Think about good things more often
Illness is not forever.
We will support you, we will help you,
Your ailment will disappear then.

I wish you good health
You get better, do not hurt,
I send a ray of positive
Gather strength as soon as possible!

Sleep and rest more,
Drive away your disease,
Don't forget about tea with raspberries,
Don't let sadness bother you!

Get well soon, please
I'm looking forward to meeting you,
Drink a lot of vitamins,
And come on, don't hurt!

Brew hot tea,
And raspberries for a snack,
A spoonful of honey, preferably two,
I send you positive!

Smile! Do not give up the ailment
Get well, stay awake.
Vitamins and willpower
All ailments are a hundred times stronger.

Cheerfulness is much more useful
And all the potions and pills.
Defeat illness as soon as possible
Let smile and laughter help.

Don't be sad, everything will pass, of course,
Get well soon.
I wish you heartily -
Please don't be sick!

To beat the cold
Need to drink more tea
And a nasty potion
Do not forget about the lemon.

We need a warm blanket, raspberries,
You need to gargle your throat
You need to eat vitamins
Take ginger tea.

What I want to say in the end
Get well soon
Watch good cartoons
Get well, do not hurt!

I'm worried about you
Get well soon
I always miss you
So many gray days at once.

You are in pain, I ask you less often
Better not at all pain
I'm in a hurry to meet you
It will be more fun with me!

I know that now it is so difficult for you!
All your disease takes away strength.
All hands fall below,
Eyes damp from tears.

Only you are not overly sad
The stripe will turn white soon.
Suffer just a little more
Your eyes will light up again!

In life, you know, anything can happen
We will cope with any misfortune.
You just get well soon
Wave your hand to problems!

A cold does not suit you
Get well soon
Fun, adventure awaits
Drink more raspberries!

Also, you eat lemons
Chew oranges too
Don't forget about vitamins
Warm slippers!

Drink teas and vitamins
And try not to be sad
Get well, smile
Let's joke together!

total verses: 438

Get well clear sun
I agree and I will be with you
My heart is a cool girl
And I am forever, only yours.
Lie a little in the crib
And take the medicine soon
Let's play hide and seek with the disease
And then drive away your illness.
Do you want us to go out with you for a walk? -
You need to breathe fresh air
And drive the disease out of yourself,
And meet health with a smile.

Get well dear
Bring the light for us again.
We love you without an edge
Save us from sorrow.
With your tender laughter, sonorous,
Our Earthly bell,
Please us with brisk persistence
This life is not easy.
You are strong, I know
Our beautiful stalk
We adore you so much
Sweet nice Angel.

No need to be ill - this is a sad business!
At the same time, both heart and body suffer!
I especially miss you!
Get well and come to me soon!
Stop lying and get sick at the same time!
There is something to see in the world!
I especially miss without your glances!
Treat or divide the disease in two!

Do not be afraid, honey, I'm near!
And I will be there day and night!
Did they come to your house?
I will banish illnesses!

You get well, dear
I will pray for you
I'll get to the bottom, I'll get to the bottom
I will save you, desperately loving!

If you're not feeling well
The mood does not go
Then get it from me (as usual)
A very kind poem.
It will break the sadness.
He will say: “Well, sing a song.
And get well soon, honey,
Give me your pain better. "

Get well soon, my love.
There is no need for us to waste so much time.
There is no need for us to be apart in vain!
So let's improve your health.

Maybe sometimes the rain is cold
It hinders us from partaking of joy.
Get well, what's the weather for
Should we give the reins of government?

Darling, I'm worried about you
I didn’t sleep midnight and reproached myself.

Preserve precious health.
Take pills and medicines,
And heed the wishes of medicine.
I will pray for you too,

I will come to you with medicine
From all your diseases,
So that the evening is not in vain
Passed for the two of us
So that you are healthy
You, my love!

You get well soon
I'm ready to sing songs for you!
Getting sick is not a good idea!
It is much better not to get sick!

When a loved one is sick -
Not a joy to smoke from cigarettes,
And the sun immediately warms less,
And the arrows of troubles are more violent.
I do not want such adversity.
You get well soon.
And do not judge my verse severely.
Read it, make it more fun.

You get well soon
Stop hurting again
I will warm your world with my warmth,
I will come into your eyes to look

Into the bottomless love of the well
Where fire burns with sparks
Where the sun plays like clouds
And tears drip into the palm ...

I will hug you playfully
I will take off your illness from your soul
And the heart will sing happily
Caressing the depths of the abyss ...

Beloved, dear, dear,

Darling, get well.
Health is given to us
Not in idleness, so that affectionately
The light met us in the morning.

Get well dear
Bring the light for us again.
We love you without an edge
Save us from sorrow.

With your tender laughter, sonorous,
Our Earthly bell,
Please us with brisk persistence
This life is not easy.

You are strong, I know
Our beautiful stalk
We adore you so much
Sweet nice Angel.

Wishes to your beloved girl, woman get well
Beloved, dear, dear,
May your body grow stronger by the day
Be healthier, get some vitamins,
I miss you and without the light of day.
Soon I will visit you to cure you,
As a prince I will fight the disease, let him know.
I will not give offense to anyone, my dear.
Get well, love, kiss, hug.

Everything went wrong this morning
You just got sick.
I smoke a cigarette on an empty stomach
I found out that you are sick.
I wish I could be with you
It is a pity that you are sick.
What should I bring you home?
The second day, how sick are you.
Please don't be sick.
It’s bad for me when you’re sick.
Get better soon,
I am happy when you are happy.

Get well soon!
It became so sad without you ...
You are like a bright ray of the sun!
Everything around is empty without you!

You are ill, and I have no rest
With my heart and thoughts next to you, I
Get well soon, I tearfully ask
Love, I bring you medicine.

Darling! You can't
And the temperature is storming
Take my soul
With warm skin
And apply where it hurts.
You will feel it will get better
And you will begin to recover,
And you won't be so bored
And we will no longer be alien.

Get well, dear,
Who needs you sick
With a sour face on my face
Like the embryo in the egg.
Clean the feathers soon
Your favorite sparrow.

Darling, let ailments
You are bypassed.
From now on we are servants of love.
You know that I am proud of you.
You know that I am driving doubt.
And if there is love in the world -
She is inspiration for us.
And I will say this again.

You don't let me near you
You say that you infect.
In earnest, honey, you caught a cold
And the potion came in handy right there.
Get well soon, darling,
And I ask you, dear, do not hurt!
I'm worried about you
Since you are my destiny!

Get well my love.
Until then, I'll be right next to you.
I'll get you some medicine and tea.
Together we will overcome everything faster.
Get well and we will be again
Eat ice cream goodies.

Honey, let the blush play
Your smile sparkles on your cheeks!
You are very, very healthy to be healthy
With a pure heart, I wish now!

While you are sick, I am quietly sad
I don’t want anything without you.
You lie there, you feel bad and cry secretly
You quietly wave your tears with a handkerchief.

I want to do everything for you now
And let the tears stop dripping from your eyes.
I'll be there and I'll do everything I can
I will take all your pains with me.

I'll throw them out on my way to the ravine
So that they do not interfere with you in any way.
I'll kiss you tenderly, like this,
Well, she smiled, already a good sign.

Darling, I'm worried about you
I didn’t sleep midnight and reproached myself.
I could not save you from illness,
Preserve precious health.
Take pills and medicines,
And heed the wishes of medicine.
I will pray for you too,
Hope you cure your cold quickly.

Poems of wishes for a beloved girl, a woman get well
Let diseases and ailments go away
Get on your feet soon
Even the dawns are displeasing to me without you,
The night is like hundreds of nights without you.
Get well, my dear angel,
Get well, my fairy tale,
The world looks frail without you
Without you, there is no fire in the heart.

Wish your beloved health
Not shameful at all, by God.
I wish her, let it again
Wake up, everything is illusory.
Let the illness recede in an instant.
Why do we need it on weekdays?
And we wish for girlfriends
Health, the world is so wonderful!

Beloved, dear, dear,
May your body grow stronger by the day
Be healthier, get some vitamins,
I miss you and without the light of day.

Soon I will visit you to cure you,
As a prince I will fight the disease, let him know.
I will not give offense to anyone, my dear.
Get well, love, kiss, hug.

The world is clearly not enough colors,
Describe my feelings for you.
Only you are sick for sure in vain,
Because I'm so bored!
Get well, I'm waiting for you to visit,
To paint the dawn together
Get well, it's late this hour
I want to see - the strength is gone ...

The weather has cleared up anywhere!
And you are sick, there is no mood.
Cheer up, it's not a problem.
I'll bring you some candy today.
And I will drink tea, I will give medicines.
The tram hurries to you faster, faster.
Darling, I'll give you everything
Please, you get well soon.

Girls are very difficult to tolerate diseases. At a time like this, they need the special care and support that they expect from their soulmates and friends. At such moments, you need to find exactly those words that will cheer up the girl and show how you support her and believe that she will recover very soon and will continue to delight you with her laughter and illuminate with a smile. Where can you find such wishes that will touch the soul of a girl in a difficult time of illness? Only on our page you can find all the best wishes for recovery for a girl. We have a wide variety of wishes: if you want to cheer up - some, if you just support - others, and so on. You just have to make a decision and choose a wish.

In prose, the sun is sad in the sky
Its light faded away,
Without your bright smile
And your happy eyes.
Let the diseases disappear
Drive them away quickly
Let the sadness go away
Be happier, more fun.

You are like spring, - smiling, bright,
Your eyes shine with joy
Today you have planted like a flower
After all, my dear little bit got sick.
Don't be sad, don't be discouraged baby
After all, everything will pass, all this is nonsense,
After all, girls and boys are waiting for you,
So that you come to them for a walk as soon as possible.

You are young, beautiful, cheerful,
Disease don't let yourself be broken
Let the soul not grieve,
After all, you need to enjoy life to keep up.
You need to learn, to achieve success,
And go to the goals that are planned,
Do not waste time on diseases and pharmacies,
After all, so much happiness lies ahead.

My dear girl,
How I want to help you
I miss you so much
I want to drive the disease away.
Warm up, lie down a bit
My soul is near you,
My gentle, sunny flower
I love, appreciate and wait for you.

I'm very sad without you, I'm not in the mood
I watch TV all day, to the point of stupor,
I caught a cold, my dear, an unpleasant incident,
Get well soon and don't torture me.
May your temperature drop in a day
And then all the ailment will leave without a trace,
We will meet again with you,
Walk in the evenings, kiss gently.

The weather is so bad outside
And you and I are walking under an umbrella,
I overlooked, it's my fault,
That you are sick, my beloved.
Get well soon, I'm worried about you,
Drink a potion and tea with lemon,
And you will quickly drive a cold from yourself,
Well, I'll wait for you at the same place with impatience.

I'm not in the mood today
My beloved girl fell ill
She has a sore throat, her throat hurts
And besides, my appetite was gone.
Get well soon, my girl,
I'm so bored living without you
I am very worried about you
You will recover, then I will calm down.

She didn't come to my date today,
Apparently my girl fell ill,
I call her on her mobile, I hear a hoarse voice,
An unpleasant case, so insulting.
Get well soon girl
And drink your medicines,
Tea with raspberries and viburnum, eat honey,
And your ailment will soon pass.

They say that nature has no bad nature,
But yesterday the weather was very let down,
The wind is strong and the frost is crackling,
You came on a date without a scarf.
And in the end, my throat ached
The temperature has risen high
The voice is hoarse, you can barely hear it,
The headache came from somewhere
I beg you, get well soon
My girlfriend is dear, and no more pain.

My girlfriend is not in the mood today,
Not joking and not at all funny,
Probably caught a cold, to great regret,
The infection picks up quickly, it is so weak.
Get well soon, my dear,
I sincerely wish to be healthy,
Eat more vitamins, do not get sick,
Follow the doctor's prescriptions.

We had such a great time yesterday
And all day we were with you,
In the cafe they ate ice cream, drank juice,
I called you my bride.
I gave you cold ice cream,
And I chilled your throat,
Get well and excuse me
In cold weather we will drink hot tea,
So that you don't have a cold.