Scenarios of family New Year's cheerful entertainments. How to have fun in the New Year? Scenario for the New Year

The first cold days are coming, and everyone begins to think and dream about how to spend their favorite holiday - the New Year. But how fun to celebrate the New Year at home with children? This question is asked by almost all parents who plan to spend a holiday at home in the family circle. advises you not to postpone New Year's preparations for the event on the back burner and figure out in advance how best to celebrate the New Year with your child.

Everyone subconsciously believes that it is on New Year's Eve that all hardships leave our lives, and the most wonderful events magically replace boring and gray everyday life. To be sure of this completely, start preparing for the New Year with your child in advance. Better yet, do it all together! A creative approach to preparing the New Year's holiday, a little imagination and fiction - and your child will definitely appreciate parental efforts, happy to help you create a New Year's miracle with your own hands!

Preparations for a fun New Year with children: recommendations

“As you celebrate the New Year, so you will spend it!” says: “As you prepare the celebration of the New Year, so you will meet the New Year!” Therefore, start preparing for the New Year holidays with children in advance, having carefully thought through everything.

Why buy greeting cards and gifts when you can make them with your kids! Start preparing in advance - and there will be plenty of time to accurately complete all the tasks. And it will be possible to redo something, if suddenly it does not work out. Especially on this occasion, has prepared for you.

Make a list of guests, be sure to discuss with your child whether you will arrange a children's party at home. If the child already goes to kindergarten, then there will definitely be a matinee. But if the child has friends outside of kindergarten, then the New Year is a great opportunity for you to meet the parents of your child's friends and arrange a grand event together!

Invite the child's friends to your place, discuss in detail with the mothers the time of the event, costumes for the action, the culinary preferences of the children and the solution to unforeseen situations, such as food allergies or a small abrasion during the New Year's round dance.

Compose the text of the invitations to the holiday, and let your child prepare fun invitation cards with you, decorated, for example, with snowmen and snowflakes.

Together, think over the menu for the children's table: funny sandwiches and funny ones can be prepared together - let even the smallest ones show their imagination! Children's table should be light, simple and elegant at the same time. Beautifully decorated with a tablecloth and napkins, it should please the whole company!

Choose the most diverse costumes for the carnival - stargazers, court jesters, robbers, and princesses are waiting for a fun New Year's holiday for children! The most important condition for the carnival is the presence of a mask that the child can make on their own, but under your strict guidance. The mask can be decorated with sequins, lace, feathers - just like in the paintings of the great Italian masters!

Treats for carnival participants can be prepared in the most ordinary way. But if you include one or two Italian dishes in the menu, it will be just wonderful! One of these dishes can be a small portioned pizza and.

Children's New Year with an oriental accent
Decorate your living room in an oriental style. To do this, prepare red paper lanterns and bells with the children. Hang all this in the room where the holiday is supposed to be held. You can also attach Chinese fans to the walls, hieroglyphs cut out of colored paper and a snake from some oriental cartoon - funny and bright.

Costumes for the Chinese holiday, of course, are best prepared from silk. Girls will be happy to put on their mother's festive silk robes, and boys will look like real warriors and will be able to try themselves in a wooden sword competition or in a martial arts tournament.

The menu for the Eastern holiday is not limited in the choice of dishes. But the advice from is as follows: cut several dishes into cubes (for example, muffins) and prepare sticks for each little “Chinese”. Let the children try to eat in such an exotic way - they will love it! And if there is an opportunity to dip delicious pieces in a special "Chinese" sauce - in fact, it can be syrup or ordinary condensed milk - then there will be no limit to delight!

If there are teenagers among the guests, you can order sweet sushi or noodles with chicken or seafood.

Jack Sparrow and company
Decorate a room in pirate or nautical style, but don't use a Jolly Roger on every corner - get creative!

Stretch a few thick strings over the ceiling, reminiscent of sea ropes, put an old pirate chest in the corner (any decorated old suitcase or box from the dacha will do), and hang pictures of old barometers, spyglasses on the walls and look for a globe. Prepare dishes and table decorations in the same marine style - white and blue, napkins with the image of waves or anchors and, of course, a delicious hot fish dish.

Every boy dreams of becoming a pirate, and a girl - his lady. Therefore, prepare an appropriate costume with your child. For boys - vests or striped T-shirts, mesh capes, bandanas with "skulls". Use toy swords, binoculars, fake mustaches and beards as accessories. For girls, pick up denim vests, fluffy skirts, striped knee-highs or tights, wigs and hats with feathers.

What to treat little pirates? You can cook pilaf in a common pot, kebabs laid out on a large dish and decorated with greens. As desserts, prepare milkshakes and come up with “pirate” names for them: “Barracuda” or, for example, “Thunderstorm of the South Seas”.

You can come up with a very interesting entertainment if you arrange a “pirate” holiday in the style of the Treasure Hunt game. Hide in advance somewhere in a secret place a treasure - a bag of sweets, chocolates, a box with gifts. To find it, you need to go through several tests-competitions and solve a number of riddles. You do not hold back your imagination when preparing the New Year's holiday - let the children have fun!

New Year's fireworks

Favorite entertainment for all children is fireworks. Do not forget the rules that must be observed when launching fireworks: in any case, do not put them in the hands of children, follow the instructions on the package, make sure that the distance from residential buildings is at least that indicated on the package of pyrotechnics as safe. All spectators must keep a sufficient distance downwind of the fireworks.

By following these rules, you will not only save yourself, but also get the most out of the show, which will be the best end to any New Year's holiday for children!

If you decide to celebrate the New Year 2019 at home, this does not mean at all that you should sit in front of the TV with a glass of champagne in your hands all evening.

We invite you to celebrate the New Year 2019 of the Yellow Earth Pig with fun, having fun according to the scenario.

The scenario of the New Year 2019 for the home suggests fun entertainment for any company that prefers to celebrate the holiday in the family circle.

This funny and interesting scenario with contests and games will help you have a great time, laugh and remember this New Year's Eve at home forever.

Well, let's start thinking about how to celebrate and spend the New Year 2019 at home.

Have you already sat down at the table and started tasting delicious food from the New Year's table? Now you can play.

And for the first competition, you don’t even have to get up, because they exist.

And we propose to hold a competition for the new year such that you will further warm up your appetite.

The essence of the competition is to name as many dishes as possible, where greens are necessarily present.

Everyone names one dish in turn. Who could not name the dish in turn, he leaves.

For this competition, you will need banknotes of various denominations: dollars, euros and rubles, and it is desirable that they be of different denominations.

Pull a rope from wall to wall at home, hang a lot of ropes on this rope that hang down, and tie clothespins to these ropes.

And hang your banknotes on clothespins.

Blindfold each participant and give scissors in their hands. You spin it and let it go in the direction of money. He must cut the rope. And take your gift.

To make it more interesting, let there be 10 rubles and 10 euros hanging there. True, this may offend someone, but here how luck will turn to someone.

Do it yourself or buy task cards, put in a hat or box, and then each participant pulls out one forfeit and completes the task.

For example:

Have your guests already had enough to drink and want even more fun? Then the comic nominations are the very thing!

Nomination examples:

  • Miss Pig - the most beautiful hairstyle
  • mr boar is the coolest outfit
  • Naked Pig - the most revealing outfit for the holiday
  • voice of the year - who grunts the best and loudest

The essence of the game is simple, the first participant answers the question of what he managed to do or what to learn in the past year.

And the second also answers this question, but, just without hesitation, and the last letter from the answer of the first.

And the third is already on the last letter from the answer of the second, and so on.

By its rules, the game is similar to the game of cities. And since time is limited, and what could be learned is also limited by words, it will be insanely interesting and funny.

For example:

In the past year, I have learned...
- drive
- drive a tractor
- Change bed linen
- Yo-my, play a prefix
- I got carried away swimming

The New Year is already very close. What do you associate it with? Tangerines - they are always on the table for everyone. So let's play with tangerines.

Divide into teams and line up. There are tangerines near the first participant, and he must take one, hold it with his chin and pass it on to the second.

And the second one takes the mandarin also with his chin and passes it on. And so on until all the tangerines are transferred. You can’t help with your hands, only with your chin and that’s it.

All guests carefully listen to the melody of a New Year's or just a winter song and try to remember the words.

The one who guesses and sings the most songs wins.

You should look not only for the most popular, but also rarely performed compositions, then the competition will be trickier and more interesting.

When the New Year holiday is already in full swing, everyone needs to give sheets of paper and pencils.

The task is to draw a portrait of any of the guests, while not voicing who it is.

All guests are then shown drawings one by one and they try to guess who is drawn on the canvas.

The victory goes to the most realistic portraits.

As you can see, meeting and spending the New Year at home can also be interesting and fun.

Use our tips and add your ideas, then the holiday will be a success.

Celebrating the New Year with your family at home is your best idea for the upcoming holiday. A joint celebration, no doubt, will bring that same warmth to relationships in your little home world. In addition, the coming year is the best time for change. New Year's Eve with the family will be surrounded by a fairy tale, and for this you will not need to spend a lot of effort.

Start, for example, with the surroundings. It is impossible to imagine a holiday without the spicy aroma of mulled wine, the delicate smell of pine needles, the impatient hiss of champagne in elegant glasses ... The second important point is gifts. Let them be made from the heart. Don't buy things you're not sure about. The third component of success, if you decide to spend the New Year at home with friends, is the image. Take care of the aesthetics in detail: let the reflection in the mirror be a happy revelation for you. And of course, the entertainment part of the evening. In this review, we have selected for you a number of games that will delight all family members, regardless of age.

1. "What's in the box?"

All participants sit in a circle. The main object that needs to be prepared for the game in advance is a beautifully decorated box with all sorts of things: funny items of clothing and accessories (large flowered family shorts, a Papuan bag skirt, funny glasses with a nose, etc.). The box to the music is passed in a circle. Whoever has it in their hands, when the music stops, will have to pull out their “fashionable little thing” and walk around in it all evening, amusing the guests.

2. "Apple"

The competition is ideal for holiday guests of all ages. Guests stand in a circle, tightly pressing their shoulders and sides to each other. The leader in the center of the circle watches the participants, and they, in turn, pass an apple behind their backs. For the entourage, you can turn on the music. When she stops, you need to ask the host: “Who has the apple now?” If he guessed wrong, the process continues. And if you guessed right, the presenter and the one who had the apple change places.

3. "Fairy tale"

A calm but extremely funny game that is perfect for New Year's Eve or any family evening. The essence of the competition is to compose a fairy tale. The facilitator can set the topic and the main characters, and the participants in turn must write several sentences on a piece of paper that develop the plot of the story. Each new sentence is folded so that it is not seen by the subsequent narrator. After everyone has contributed (even several times, if there are few people), the leaf is unfolded and read aloud what happened. As a rule, incredibly funny fairy tales come out.

4. "Wish"

A very good family game for the New Year holidays. Participants sit in a circle (it is possible at the table), and each in turn (clockwise) tells the neighbor on the left some pleasant or funny wishes for the next year.

It is better to seat the participants so that the children sit next to the grandparents, and the spouses sit in different places. In the wishes, you can take into account the profession or type of activity of the addressee, so that the wishes are relevant and funny.

5. Caterpillar

A mobile game for a large company. The caterpillar is all participants who hold each other by the belt and squat down. The host announces what the caterpillar should do: “The caterpillar woke up, stretched, went to eat, dances, climbs a tree (sofa, stairs) ...”

In order for the caterpillar to be good at following commands, it is important to act in a coordinated manner and listen to each other. Therefore, to add a spark to the game, the caterpillar must have a naughty tail that interferes with everyone. Usually the youngest in the family is appointed to this role.

6. “In a large family, they don’t click their beaks”

The game is a synthesis of the "Box" and the competition with chairs. You will need all sorts of funny New Year's attributes, which will be one less than the participants. All items are laid out on the table, music begins to play, the participants dance. When the music stops, players must run to the table as quickly as possible, grab one attribute, and put it on. Those who did not have enough things are eliminated from the game, taking with them any of the items.

There is nothing better than spending the New Year holidays with your family. But not just lie down on the sofa and watch TV, but celebrate this holiday noisily and cheerfully. Especially if you have small children. Therefore, you need to think in advance about how fun it is to celebrate the New Year at home with your family.

Prepare a festive atmosphere among the household

The holiday will be fun and relaxed only if all family members are in a good mood. And for this to be so, you need to set the right tone for him in advance. And collective preparation for the upcoming event will help in this. Involve everyone and give them assignments to the best of their ability:

  1. Together with the children, write a letter to Santa Claus, but do not do it for the child, let him create on his own, but under your clear guidance. Those who do not yet know how to write can express their wishes in the form of pictures.
  2. Buying gifts for relatives should also be done together, and what could be better than going to shopping centers during this period?
  3. For grandparents, make New Year's crafts - a garland, a Christmas tree toy or an angel.
  4. Home decoration should be festive and fun - a lot of garlands, a big Christmas tree, a lot of themed toys, painting on the windows.
  5. Entrust the children to prepare some dish for the New Year's table.

Table setting is festive and solemn.

Perhaps you will introduce some kind of tradition that will be a joy from year to year, it may be a trip somewhere, or maybe you will collectively cook a New Year's cake according to the same recipe. By the way, the cake is also important in this festival, especially for children. Therefore, if you do not bake it together, take care to buy it in advance or bake it yourself. Next year is the Fire Rooster, so you can make a cake in the shape of this bird or decorate it with cockerel figurines. And of course, New Year's decor - snowball, snowmen, etc.

Games and contests to celebrate the new year

If adults can spend the whole holiday at the festive table (and even then not always), then this is absolutely not suitable for children. After all, their active nature expects something more noisy and festive. Here it is worth considering the entertainment program of the evening.

You can make the holiday themed - pirate, carnival or masquerade. Let you have at hand a sufficient amount of New Year's tinsel - serpentine, sparklers, crackers and small gifts to reward the winners in the competitions. By the way, about competitions and entertainment: If you have a financial opportunity and a free room, you can buy artificial snow and arrange a snow battle or collective snowman modeling there.

Collect the snowflake game

It will be no less interesting to play “Collect a Snowflake” - fix the snowflakes cut in advance on a thread under the ceiling at different heights and compete for a while in who cuts or breaks the snowflakes more.

Christmas tree decorating contest

"Decorate the tree." Here you need to prepare a couple of Christmas tree models and appliqués of toys on it, which are attached with double-sided tape. Blindfold the participants and for a while let them hang the toys as beautifully and quickly as possible. Or you can not make toys in advance, but draw them for speed, developing into different teams. Or play for more painted Christmas balls.

fairytale game

"Continue the story." The host will begin to tell a fairy tale, and the participants must come up with a continuation of the story, but not like this in the book, but completely different. For example, so that in the "little red riding hood" the hat, and not the wolf, becomes a bad hero.

New Year's guessing game

"Guess what?". Put an object in a large box, close it. Participants need to guess what is hidden there, with leading questions about the subject.

new year goal

"My goal". After the chimes have sounded, the whole family needs to draw two of their goals that everyone is going to achieve. On the next holiday, you will need to get it and check whether the participants have achieved their goals.

Competition with balls

"Race on the balls." Here to help you, big dense balls, a couple of obstacles in the form of chairs or stools, fun music and a big clock with a timer.


"Guess who?" Here you need to show with facial expressions or gestures the distinctive features of the behavior of someone from the family, or your favorite cartoon character or other characters.


And, of course, fireworks. This will be the culmination of the holiday, after which the children will go to bed satisfied and happy. Do not save on this entertainment, because often cheap fireworks can turn out to be fake, and this is already dangerous. Do not forget about safety measures when launching fireworks.

Handing out New Year's gifts

Of course, you have already bought a gift "from Santa Claus", but this is only half the battle, because you need to give it beautifully. For kids, this will not be too difficult. You will need to discreetly put them under a fluffy Christmas tree or dress up dad in that same grandfather and present gifts to the child. But the older the kids, the faster they understand what's what. This is where professional help comes in handy. Order them to come to your house. Children especially like it when they are not only given a gift, but also laugh and have fun. It will cost you a little more than the usual arrival of Santa Claus, but don't your children's happy eyes deserve it!

Game - search for a gift

It will be very interesting to go in search of gifts, especially if you live in your home. Hide gifts in advance, and go looking for them with a flashlight. This trip itself will be joyful for the baby, and when at the end a treasured gift awaits him, even more so. And if you have several older children, draw a map for them and let them search for clues that you leave in the right places. Usually such searches are noisy and fun, giving joy to both kids and adults. But do not overdo it and think about the safety of such a trip so as not to end the holiday in the hospital.

New Year's contests

Game - Mandarin

After a new year spent in this way, your children will go to bed happy and contented. And you will be immensely happy for them, and for the fact that you managed to please your loved ones and relatives. With such a plan, you will no longer need to think about how to have fun in the new year at home with your family, but simply bring it to life.

Scenario of the family New Year

Holidays are supposed to be fun.
Let the faces bloom with a smile
The songs are upbeat.
Who knows how to have fun
He knows how not to get bored.

Warm up
(small prizes are awarded for correct answers, for example, sweets, Christmas decorations)
Where do Siberian cats come from? (From South Asia)
It starts with a bird, ends with a beast, what is the name of the city? (Raven hedgehog)
Who has the longest tongue? (At the anteater)
Santa's snitch. (Staff)
An object of artistic creativity of Santa Claus? (Window)
Nickname of Santa Claus? (Frost-Red Nose)
Supposed historical name of Santa Claus? (Nikolai)
Competition "Take a Prize!"
A package with a prize is placed on the chair. Around the chair are the contestants. The host reads the poem "One, two, three!". Those who do not try to grab the prize in a timely manner are eliminated from the competition.

I will tell you a story
In half a dozen phrases.
I'll just say the word "three"
Get your prize now!
Once we caught a pike
Gutted, but inside
Small fish counted
And not one, but TWO.
Dreaming boy hardened
Become an Olympic champion
Look, do not be cunning at the start,
And wait for the command one, two, SEVEN.
When you want to remember poetry
They do not bison until late at night,
And repeat them to yourself
One, another, and better FIVE!
Newly train at the station
I had to wait THREE hours.
But why didn’t you take the prize, friends,
When was the opportunity to take?

Competition "Theatrical"
Wishing contestants are given cards with a task that they perform without preparation. The prize is fruit. You need to walk in front of the tables like:

a woman with heavy bags;
a girl in a tight skirt with high heels;
sentry guarding the food warehouse;
an infant who has just learned to walk;
Alla Pugacheva during the performance of the song.
"Funny nonsense"
The host has two sets of strips of paper. Questions in the left hand, answers in the right. The host goes around the tables, playing alternately “blindly” pull out either the question (read aloud) or the answer. It turns out to be a funny joke.

Sample questions:

do you read other people's emails?
do you sleep well?
do you listen to other people's conversations?
Do you break dishes out of anger?
can you put a pig on a buddy?
do you write anonymously?
do you spread gossip?
do you have a habit of promising more than you can?
would you like to get married?
Are you obsessive and rude in your actions?
Sample answers:

this is my favorite activity;
occasionally, for fun;
only on summer nights;
when the wallet is empty;
only without witnesses;
only if it is not related to material costs;
especially in a strange house;
this is my old dream;
no, I am a very shy person;
I never turn down an opportunity like this.
Christmas tree jokes
All participants take off “their” pieces of paper (painted in certain colors) from the Christmas tree. Jokes can be taken as a prediction or as a joke.

Dear parents! Do you want grandchildren?
“Closer to the mother-in-law - the stomach is fuller, further from the mother-in-law - love for her is stronger ...”
There can only be 2 opinions in a family: one is the wife, the other is wrong!
It is best to give useful gifts. Wife to her husband - handkerchiefs, and he gave her a mink coat.
A compliment doubles a woman's performance.
I will take on a difficult task
I will spend the family budget economically.
There are no secrets from me in cooking, I will cook both dinner and lunch!
Between worries, between chores.
I will try my best to lie on the couch.
We all, sometimes, go somewhere,
We go, we swim, we fly like birds,
Where there is an unfamiliar shore ...
The road to the border awaits you.
And this month you will devote to art -
Go to the theatre, ballet and opera!
To be a beauty for you tomorrow morning, an asterisk, a berry, a kitty, a fish, but as soon as you give beer, you will become a wife again.
"Candies" on a string
A thread with “sweets” hanging on it is stretched across the whole room. Each blindfolded participant cuts off five "candies" for himself. If the gifts got "to the wrong address", then it is possible, with the consent of both participants, to exchange.

Should be happy in abundance
From the lottery you are now -
Three wonderful postcards
Prolottery for you.
To always be beautiful, hurry up to get the cream.
You listen to the advice: fruits are the best diet.
And here is an elegant, fragrant, delicious, chocolate cheese.
If suddenly the child cries, you must (you must) appease him. With a rattle you will jump and make you shut up.
To always be neat toothpaste, hurry up to get it.
Your winnings are a little original - you got a baby nipple.
If you suddenly ask what year has now come, we will not answer you a word and give you a rooster.
You got the main prize, get and share (chocolate).
Every day you look younger, so you look in the mirror more often.
Never be discouraged with such a companion, and wipe any place with a washcloth in a hot bath.
On the ticket, by chance, you got this tea.
To keep your face and your sock clean, a piece of fragrant soap got on the ticket.
Get a balloon, fly into space to the stars.
You look great: both clothes and hairstyle, and as a reward, your prize did not fall in vain - a comb.
Dishwasher. (Mesh for washing, dishes)
Mercedes car. (Children's car)
The garbage collector is cotton. (Handkerchief)
Your win is quite rare, you got a spruce branch; she will make you, no doubt, participate in gardening.
Get it, hurry up, you have a notebook: write poetry.
Guess the proverb
The facilitator reads out a simple explanation of the proverb and offers to name it herself.

They don’t discuss a gift, they accept what they give ... (They don’t look a gift horse in the mouth.)
You need to learn throughout your life, every day brings new knowledge, knowledge is endless. (Live and learn!)
If you have started something, bring it to the end, even if it is difficult to do it! (I took hold of the tug, don't say that it's not hefty!)
Trouble, misfortune usually happen where something is unreliable, fragile. (Where it is thin, it breaks there.)
How you treat others is how you will be treated. (As it comes around, it will respond.)
Don't take on things you don't know. (Not knowing the ford, do not poke your head into the water.)
What's this?
The same but with animals.

"Repetition is the mother of learning!" - parrot
"Hold your pocket wider!" – kangaroo
"Tears of sorrow will not help!" - crocodile
"There is safety in numbers!" – locust
"Toe to toe" - caterpillar
"Field of Dreams"
The facilitator reads the question and names the number of letters in the word. For each word guessed, players receive a prize (a small answer symbol).

Name and surname of an elderly man. Ladies' man, dressed in Winter 2005 fashion (8 letters). Answer: Santa Claus.
A dairy product that maintains the temperature in winter, but is more often consumed in summer (9 letters). Answer: ice cream.
A tree whose absence of leaves speaks of its special purpose (4 letters). Answer: tree.
Fashion model with a blond braid, always participating in the winter holidays. Appears always accompanied by an elderly sponsor (10 letters). Answer: Snow Maiden.
The location of the long-awaited joy for people who survived until winter. It has always been a symbol under a tree without leaves (5 letters). Answer: bag.
A liquid that is taken internally with great joy (10 letters). Answer: champagne.
And finally...
A poster is posted with phrases that must be continued. Everyone participates.

Santa Claus would have no price if ... (he came every day)
That snowdrift is bad, which does not dream of becoming ... (ice cream)
A real tree about an artificial one ... (“Solid silicone, and nothing more.”)
If Santa Claus is on fire at work, then ... (it means the Snow Maiden is on maternity leave.)
Do not close your mouth to those who ... (do not deserve this.)
In terms of the amount of paper per capita, we occupy one of the last places in the world and the first ... (in terms of the number of brilliant literary works.)