Social pension for combatants. How to apply for a WBD grant. Where to apply and what to do to receive a pension

According to the law, various allowances for pensions are relied upon. Their value depends on the length of service, age and state of health. In order to receive additional payments, it is necessary to meet a number of criteria provided for by the Law of the Russian Federation No. 4468-I of February 12, 1993 and the Federal Law “On Veterans”.

Supplements to the basic pension for combat veterans begin to accrue from the moment the PFR makes a positive decision on the appointment of pensions, and their amount is regulated by Law No. 4468-I.

If a veteran dies in the line of duty, family members may receive additional payments. If they applied out of time, a recalculation is made, and deductions are transferred in any case without time limits.

To apply for an allowance, you must have with you documents confirming participation in battles or business trips to hot spots: they will be needed when applying to the Pension Fund for the first time.

The persons listed in Law No. 4468-I have the right to issue allowances: military personnel of the Army, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation, institutions of the criminal correctional system, drug control services, the National Guard of the Russian Federation.

To receive military pensions and benefits, combat veterans must meet the following criteria:

  • have at least 20 years of service;
  • suitable for age - 45 years and at least 25 years of mixed service, if of them from 12.5 years were spent in the service.

Persons who served in areas where military operations were carried out and who have a BD veteran's certificate, according to the law, also receive an insurance pension. It is appointed under the following conditions:

  • Reaching the minimum age: men - 60 years, women - 55 years.
  • Insurance experience - from 8 years and more.
  • IPK - from 11.4 points for 2017. It is planned to gradually increase the coefficient to 30 points by 2025.

Important! Previously, the concept of "work experience" was used to calculate pensions, now it has been replaced by insurance. It is calculated not only on the number of years worked, but also on the amount of insurance premiums that employers make for their employees. Increasing the rate of insurance experience for retirement is also established by law, and by 2024 its minimum duration will be 15 years.

What else affects the receipt of the allowance and its amount:

  • State of health: if during the period of service an employee of a law enforcement agency was injured and was recognized as disabled, he is entitled to an appropriate pension and monthly supplements if he has reached the required age and his length of service meets the general requirements.
  • The presence of disabled dependents: an additional payment is transferred to the pension for the length of service for war veterans.
  • The territory of military operations in which the veteran participated.

How to get a veterans allowance

The procedure for applying for a pension to a participant in hostilities is quite simple. What is needed for this:

  • apply to the military registration and enlistment office for registration, obtain certificates confirming the status of the WBD;
  • visit the territorial office of the PFR and provide a list of documents approved by law.

If the pension has already been issued, but additional payments were not accrued for some reason, the procedure is somewhat simplified: it is enough to contact the Pension Fund with an application and documents confirming the status of the WBD.

In order for supplements to be transferred to military pensioners, 30 days before the date of entry into a well-deserved rest, the following documents must be brought to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation:

  • application in the prescribed form. It can be taken in person at the Pension Fund or downloaded from the official website;
  • copies of the passport and photo size 3x4;
  • work book;
  • certificates and awards for participation in military operations;
  • veteran's certificate;
  • papers confirming the presence of a disability.

Employees of the Pension Fund are given 10 days to consider applications, after which they are required to notify the citizen in writing of the decision. If there are comments on the submitted documents, additional time is allotted for their elimination.

The procedure for calculating WBD benefits is carried out on a general basis, with each veteran being assigned personal bonuses depending on length of service, disability, dependents and specific military operations in which they participated.

What additional payments are due to WBD in case of disability:

  • If, after receiving an injury in the service, 1 disability group was assigned, 300% of the calculated amount is paid to the pension. With disability as a result of illness, the size is reduced to 250%.
  • With disability of the 2nd group due to injury - 200%, due to illness - 150%.
  • If group 3 was assigned due to injury, 150% is paid extra, due to illness - 100%.

Also, according to Presidential Decree No. 610, military pensioners whose pensions have not been revised since January 1, 2012 receive monthly payments in the amount of 4,900 rubles. for 2017.

What is the amount of seniority bonuses?

  • Veterans who are 80 years of age or older or have 1 disability group - 100% of the estimated pension.
  • Non-working citizens with dependent relatives recognized as disabled - 32% for one, 64% for two, 100% for three.

Citizens who are during the hostilities in the conflict zone and have received the status of veterans are entitled to a 32% increase in the amount of pensions. In 2017, this amount is 1,678 rubles.

There are separate categories of veterans who are entitled to additional payments depending on the territory of the country where they were sent at the direction of their leaders to carry out or ensure the conduct of military operations. For example, database participants in Ukraine, Afghanistan, the Chechen Republic. Officers, soldiers, business travelers who have certificates and served in the territories of these countries receive an increased pension and are entitled to a single tax-free cash remuneration.

If the amount of pension supplements was incorrectly determined or denied, veterans can file a claim with the PFR management for a written explanation of the reasons. If this has not had an effect, recalculation is made only on the basis of a court decision.

Important! In addition to additional payments to pensions, WBD is entitled to benefits in several areas:

  • Payment for housing maintenance services.
  • Transport tax.
  • Travel by public transport.
  • Provision of medical care.
  • Housing allowance.
  • Advantages when joining non-profit organizations and partnerships.

A specific list of benefits is established by the regions individually, but it cannot contradict the provisions of the Federal Law “On Veterans”.

If you have any problems when receiving allowances or applying for a veteran's pension, you can discuss it in our comment block and get expert advice on your issue.

Last updated March 2019

Due to ignorance of the laws, combat veterans miss the opportunity to enjoy certain benefits that can save their budget from unnecessary spending. Therefore, taking into account the latest news, we will consider in detail what benefits for war veterans in 2019 will be valid on the territory of the Russian Federation and whether they will differ from the benefits in 2018.

Combat Veteran Benefits 2019

Next year, as well as this year, benefits for combat veterans will be provided both at the federal and regional levels.

At the federal level, their provision is regulated by the following regulatory legal acts:

  1. Federal Law No. 5-FZ of January 12, 1995 (as amended on October 30, 2017) "On Veterans".
  2. Tax Code of the Russian Federation.
  3. Law of the Russian Federation of February 12, 1993 N 4468-I "On the provision of pensions for persons who have completed military service ...".

No changes were made to the procedure and nature of their provision in 2019, which means that the “preferential” set will remain unchanged. Only the EDV, which veterans can receive instead of the social package, will traditionally be subject to indexation by a total of 4%.

Despite the fact that the decisions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation are not legal acts, today one of them - the Resolution of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation of April 13, 2016 N 11-P - still regulates the procedure for granting tax benefits. According to his position:

Monthly payments to war veterans should not be subject to personal income tax!

Tax legislation has not yet been brought into line with this decision of the Constitutional Court, however, its norms, recognized as unconstitutional, cannot be applied. It is expected that in 2018 the relevant changes will still be made to the Tax Code.

In the regions, additional preferences may be introduced at the level of local legislation. For more information on what regional benefits are currently in effect and whether they will be in effect next year, we will consider in a separate section below.

Retirement Benefits

They appear in:

  1. Increased (compared to a regular pension) amount. For each veteran, it is calculated individually and will depend on:
    • work experience;
    • Territories of warfare;
    • Presence of injuries, disability.

    On average in Russia in 2017, it is 22,000 - 30,000 rubles.

  2. A 32% supplement to the veteran's basic pension. In some regions, there are special multiplying factors, so the pension becomes even larger.
  3. Receipt of one-time cash assistance (LFA). Its size, while maintaining the NSU, is 1731.76 rubles in 2017, and 2780.74 rubles if the NSU is abandoned.

Housing Benefits

Combat veterans may qualify for improved housing by obtaining a housing certificate.

Previously, until 2005, housing was allocated from the housing stock of the municipality. Now this benefit is enshrined at the federal level, so the provision of this type of assistance is sponsored from the state budget, and WBDs receive cash certificates instead of housing in kind.

To qualify for the benefit, you must meet two criteria:

  1. Go through the procedure for obtaining a WBD certificate in order to be able to document your status.
  2. Correspond to the "need" parameter, that is:
    • Do not own real estate;
    • Own real estate that does not meet residential standards;
    • To live in a room under a social lease agreement that does not meet residential standards.

A step-by-step algorithm will help you figure out how to use the housing benefit.

STEP 1. We apply to the housing department of the local administration for registration with an application. How to make it - you can see here Or ask the administration staff.

Attached to the application are the following documents:

  • Original and copy of the WBD passport and all family members (for children - birth certificates);
  • Original and copy of WBD certificate;
  • EGNR certificate (extract from Rosreestr);
  • Extract from home book;
  • Documents for housing (if the property has real estate, but it does not meet the standards);
  • The conclusion of the interdepartmental commission / court decision, by which the housing is recognized as unfit for habitation (if in an emergency / dilapidated house)
  • Social lease agreement (if the applicant is a tenant);
  • Marriage or divorce certificate;
  • Copy of personal account;
  • Original and copy of SNILS of the applicant and family members.

After verification with copies, the original documents are returned.

STEP 2. We expect a response from the administration within 30 days from the date of application. If you have received a refusal to register, you can appeal it in court within 3 years from the date of receipt of the notification.

STEP 3. We follow the progress of the queue. Since the queue is all-Russian, the application is assigned two numbers: one for the all-Russian queue, the second for the regional one. Using them, you can monitor the speed of the queue - this data should be publicly available on the administration website.

STEP 4. After the receipt of funds from the state budget to the regional one and the turn of the applicant, the administration notifies him of this. Within six months from this moment, the combat veteran must use the certificate - find suitable housing and conclude a contract of sale.

The certificate is not issued in hand, but is provided to the seller of housing during the transaction. The certificate cannot be redeemed in any way.

STEP 5. After the conclusion of the transaction, it is necessary to register the ownership of the acquired property in Rosreestr. You can make a personal visit to the service, use the online registration service on the official website, or entrust this matter to a representative.

P=C*H, where:

  • R- the amount of the subsidy, expressed in rubles;
  • FROM- the size of the average market value of 1 square. m. of the total area of ​​housing (established for each region);
  • H- social norm of housing area (for WBD is 18 sq. m).

The social norm for the total area of ​​a dwelling is set at 33 sq. meters - for single citizens, 42 sq. meters - for a family of 2 people and 18 square meters. meters for each family member with a family of 3 people or more. Officers with the rank of colonel and above, as well as those with an academic degree, are entitled to 15 additional meters.

WBD is given the right to choose in purchasing housing: it can buy an apartment both in a new building and a "secondary", and even more - to purchase an object at the construction stage.

The certificate is issued for a certain amount. If it is not enough to pay for the housing you like, the war veteran can pay the difference from his own funds. In turn, if the cost of the apartment is less, the balance will be returned to the budget after payment.

Example #1. Savchenko L.L. is a WBD and lives in St. Petersburg with his wife. He went to the housing department to get registered. When submitting an application, he clarified with the employees in what amount he was entitled to a certificate. The average market value of a square meter of housing in St. Petersburg is 62,228 rubles, which means that the size of the certificate will be:

62 228 * 42 \u003d 2 613 573 (p)

Average market value of 1 sq m of total housing area for the 3rd quarter of 2017

Benefits for housing and communal services

At the federal level, communal benefits for war veterans are provided in the form of:

  • Compensation in the amount of 50% for the payment of rent (for both owners and tenants under a rental agreement);
  • Compensation in the amount of 50% for the payment of the capital repair fee (but not more than 50% of the fee).

Compensation is a return of funds already paid for a communal apartment, and this is its main difference from a subsidy, which is paid before bills need to be paid.

The amount of 50% of the monthly rent is transferred to the account specified by the veteran.

note that benefits for paying bills for electricity, water, gas for WBD have not been introduced by federal law! However, they can be additionally introduced by regional authorities, so their effect does not apply to all regions of the Russian Federation.

tax incentives

There are a number of tax incentives for WBD. Let's consider each of them in detail.

Personal income tax

According to paragraph 1 of paragraph 2 of Art. 218 of the Tax Code, when calculating the tax on the income of a combat veteran, a tax deduction of 500 r is applied for each tax period.

You can take advantage of this benefit in 2 ways:

  1. Directly at work, then the tax will be withheld monthly in a smaller amount;
  2. At the tax office at the end of the year, then you will be refunded the overpaid money for the whole year.

This tax deduction applies to all types of income:

  • Salary;
  • Income from the sale of property (apartment, car);
  • Income from the rental of property;
  • Income from contracts, etc.

Example #2. Zubchenko I.G. is not a combat veteran. Despite the fact that he meets the criteria for this category, he did not properly issue a WBD certificate. His salary is 40,000 rubles. The income tax rate is 13%. Every month he pays a tax in the amount of 40,000 X 13% = 5,200 rubles.

If he receives this certificate, then after contacting the tax office with the necessary documents and submitting a corresponding application to the employer, the accounting department will apply a tax deduction in the amount of 500 r when calculating the tax:

(40,000 - 500) * 13% \u003d 5135 (p).

Savings per month will be 65 rubles, and per year - 780 rubles.

To qualify for this tax deduction, you must:

Where do you want to receive? Action algorithm Required documents
By place of work
  • Contact the tax authorities with an application for a tax deduction and wait for a notification from them.
  • When you receive a notice, write an application to the employer. Give it to him along with the notice and other documents or to the accounting department (if any).
  • Receive monthly salary including tax deduction.
  • Statement
  • Notification from the tax
  • Copy of WBD certificate
  • Copy of the passport
  • Copy of TIN
At the tax office
  • At the end of the year, file a 3-NDFL tax return, write an application for a tax refund and provide copies of documents confirming copies of your WBD status.
  • Expect a refund to the account you specified within 4 months.
  • Help in the form 3-NDFL.
  • Certificate from the accounting department at the place of work on the amounts of accrued and withheld taxes for the corresponding year in the form 2-NDFL.
  • Statement
  • Passport copies
  • Copies of TIN
  • Copies of WBD certificate

Combat veterans who have received disability groups 1,2,3 while performing combat missions, enjoy an increased tax deduction in the amount of 3000 rubles.

Please note that social benefits paid to this category of persons are not subject to personal income tax. This position was taken by the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation in its Resolution of April 13, 2016 N 11-P.

Transport tax

At the federal level, there are no transport tax benefits for war veterans. However, a regional law may introduce them - the benefits are valid within the veteran's region of residence (the place of registration of the vehicle does not matter).

The table will help you understand in which regions and in what amounts transport tax benefits for WBD are provided.

Region The size The mode of transport covered by the exemption
Moscow 100% Ground vehicle (except snowmobiles and snowmobiles) up to 200 hp
Moscow region 50% - WBD;
100% - WWII veterans.
Passenger car (up to 150 hp) or motorcycle (up to 50 hp)
St. Petersburg 100% Vehicles older than 15 years or less than 150 hp
Leningrad region. 100% Passenger car (up to 150 hp)
Rostov region 100% Passenger car (up to 150 hp)
Voronezh region 100% Vehicle (up to 200 hp)
Novosibirsk region 100% Passenger car (up to 150 hp), motorcycle and other self-propelled vehicles
Orenburg region 50% (only for UBD) For 1 vehicle of the highest capacity without restrictions
Saratov region 100% Passenger car or motorcycle (up to 150 hp)
Volgograd region 100% TS (up to 100 hp)
Stavropol region 100% Any
Krasnodar region 100% Passenger car (up to 150 hp), motorcycle (up to 35 hp), boat (up to 20 hp) - the benefit is provided for 1 vehicle with the highest power
Property tax

tax code completely exempt from paying property tax combat veterans, namely:

  1. Who served more than 20 years and were fired:
    • Upon reaching the age limit;
    • For health;
    • In connection with organizational and staff activities.
  2. Dismissed from military service or called up for military training, internationalist soldiers who performed duty in countries where hostilities were fought.

The benefit can be used for:

  • Apartments, rooms in it or a communal apartment;
  • Houses;
  • Commercial premises used in professional creative activities;
  • Buildings (no more than 50 sq.
  • garage.

Only one property is not taxed. If a veteran has several of them, he has the right to choose for himself which of them to use the tax benefit.

Land tax

WBDs are not fully exempted from paying land tax. They can take advantage of the $10,000 tax deduction. It is by this amount that the cadastral value of the site is reduced before the calculation of the tax amount begins.

Example #3. Kupriyanova V.I. owns a plot in Moscow, the cadastral value of which is 47,000 rubles. The land tax rate is 0.3%. The amount of tax that she will have to pay:

(47,000 - 10,000) * 0.3% \u003d 111 (p)

You can use the exemption only if you pay tax for 1 plot within the same region. But at the same time, if there are several sites, and they are located in different regions, you can use the exemption for one site for each region.

Example #4. Kupriyanova V.I. owns one land plot in Moscow, the second - in St. Petersburg. The cost of one of them is 120,500 rubles, the second - 136,000 rubles. Calculate the tax taking into account the deduction:

(120,500 + 136,000 - 10,000) * 0.3% = 739.5 (p)

If the cadastral value of the land is less than 10,000 rubles, the land tax is not levied from the WBD.

Relief on payment of state duty

When applying for the protection of their rights, enshrined in the Federal Law "On Veterans", to a justice of the peace or to a civil court, a combat veteran is exempt from paying state duty.

Exceptions are claims with a declared price of more than 1 million rubles. Then the state duty is paid, but in a reduced amount. The amount is calculated according to the following formula: 13,200 rubles plus 0.5 percent of the amount exceeding 1,000,000 rubles, minus the amount of the state duty payable if the claim value is 1,000,000 rubles.

Other federal benefits

In addition to the benefits listed above, combat veterans are entitled to:

  • Installing a telephone in an apartment without waiting in line;
  • Free prosthetics (the money is returned later in the form of compensation);
  • Purchase of tickets for any transport without a queue;
  • Preferential use of all types of services of communication institutions, cultural and educational and sports and recreational institutions;
  • Professional training at the expense of the employer.
WBD category Privileges
Persons (including members of the flight crews of civil aviation aircraft that flew to Afghanistan during the period of hostilities there), who served military units of the Armed Forces of the USSR and the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, who were on the territories of other states during the period of hostilities there, received in connection with with this, wounds, concussions or injuries or awarded orders or medals of the USSR or the Russian Federation for participation in the provision of these hostilities
  • Receipt of medical care in medical organizations to which they were attached while working until retirement;
  • Extraordinary provision of medical care under the program of state guarantees of free provision of medical care to citizens in medical organizations (including hospitals for war veterans) subordinate to federal executive authorities;
  • The use of annual leave at a convenient time for them and the provision of free leave for up to 35 calendar days a year;
  • Advantage when joining housing, housing construction, garage cooperatives, horticultural, horticultural and dacha non-profit associations of citizens;
  • Professional training at the expense of the employer;
  • Provision of housing in the event of eviction from their official living quarters.
  • Persons who were sent to work in Afghanistan in the period from December 1979 to December 1989, who worked out the term established when they were sent or seconded ahead of schedule for good reasons.
  • Persons sent to work to ensure the fulfillment of special tasks in the territory of the Syrian Arab Republic from September 30, 2015, who have worked the term established upon assignment or seconded ahead of schedule for good reasons
  • Preferential provision of vouchers to sanatorium organizations;
  • The use of annual leave at a convenient time for them;
  • Advantage in admission to horticultural, horticultural and dacha non-profit associations of citizens;
  • Installation of an apartment telephone without a queue.

In addition, each veteran can use a set of social services (NSO), which includes:

  • Free provision of medicines and products (by prescription);
  • The right to free travel to the place of treatment and back on passenger transport of suburban and intercity traffic;
  • Provision of sanatorium-resort treatment, if necessary.

You can refuse to provide NSO until October 30 of each year. Then it will be replaced by the UDV in the amount increased accordingly by the cost of the NSO, which the recipient refused.

What is the difference between a combatant and a veteran?

Legislatively, the concepts of "participant" and "veteran" are not defined.

However, Article 3 of the Federal Law "On Veterans" lists those persons who are combat veterans:

  1. Serving in the automobile battalions and military personnel of the aircrew on the territory of Afghanistan at the time when the hostilities were taking place there;
  2. Sent to work in Afghanistan from December 1979 to December 1989;
  3. Employees in the Syrian Arab Republic since September 30, 2015;
  4. Engaged in demining the territory of the USSR and adjacent states in the period from 1945 to 1951;
  5. Engaged in combat trawling operations from 1945 to 1957;
  6. Performed official duties during the hostilities on the territory of the Russian Federation, the USSR, as well as other states
    • Algeria;
    • Egypt;
    • Angola;
    • Yemeni People's Republic;
    • Vietnam;
    • Syria;
    • Ethiopia;
    • Afghanistan;
    • Cambodia;
    • Mozambique;
    • Laos;
    • Bangladesh;
    • Lebanon;
    • Tajikistan;
    • Chechnya;
    • North Caucasian region;
    • South Ossetia and Abkhazia.

Thus, the participants in the hostilities in Afghanistan and the hostilities in Chechnya are labor veterans.

If a veteran wishes to take advantage of benefits, then his status must be confirmed by an appropriate certificate.. If there is none, you will have to go through the procedure to obtain it.

Benefits for combatants are provided only if they have received a veteran's certificate in accordance with the procedure approved by the order of the Russian Ministry of Defense dated August 11, 2012 No. 2288. Then they will enjoy the benefits of a combat veteran. A separate category of benefits for "participants" is not provided by federal law.

Are there benefits for veteran families?

Some benefits also apply to family members of veterans. For example:

  1. Children of veterans can visit children's health camps once a year at half price.
  2. The child is assigned free two meals a day.

In addition, the family of the deceased/deceased veteran has the right to enjoy all of his benefits if they were on his payroll. Children are automatically considered dependents, but the widow will have to collect a package of documents to prove this fact.

The following are eligible for these benefits:

  • widow - until remarriage;
  • children up to the age of majority (or up to 23 years old if they are studying at a university full-time);
  • the parents of the deceased.

In addition, they are entitled to preferential admission to homes for the disabled, boarding schools, various boarding schools for the elderly, and social service centers.

Regional benefits for combat veterans

The list of benefits for WBD does not end there. In fact, they enjoy a much larger "package" of benefits, the standard (federal) volume of which is supplemented by regional preferences. The latter are introduced at the discretion of local authorities, depending on the filling of the budget.

In Moscow

  1. Free travel by any public transport in Moscow (except taxis and minibuses).
  2. Free production and repair of dentures.
  3. Monthly compensation for payment of telephone services in the amount of 345 r (annually indexed).
  4. Not subject to transport tax 1 land vehicle (except snowmobiles and snowmobiles) up to 200 hp
  5. Provision of sanatorium vouchers and free travel to and from the place of treatment.

Regulated by the Law of the City of Moscow dated November 3, 2004 N 70 "On measures of social support for certain categories of residents of the city of Moscow", Decree of the Government of Moscow dated August 11, 2009 N 755-PP "On the procedure for providing certain preferential categories of citizens ... sanatorium-resort treatment..."

In the Moscow region

Benefits for combat veterans in the Moscow region are slightly different from those in the capital:

  1. Free travel by bus, tram, trolleybus on the social card of a resident of the Moscow region.
  2. 50% discount for commuter inland water transport (upon presentation of a certificate).
  3. Tax deduction in the amount of 50% when paying transport tax for 1 vehicle (car up to 150 hp or motorcycle up to 50 hp).
  4. 50% discount on rent and utilities.

Regulated by the Law of the Moscow Region dated March 23, 2006 N 36 / 2006-OZ "On social support for certain categories of citizens in the Moscow region"

In the Rostov region

  1. Exemption from transport tax for 1 passenger car up to 150 hp
  2. Free travel in suburban road transport on certificates of entitlement to benefits.
  3. Use of unified social travel tickets worth 265.0 rubles. for preferential travel in urban and automobile intra-district transport.
  4. Receipt of a budget subsidy to pay part of the interest rate on a housing loan (9%) under the subprogram "Providing state support measures to improve housing conditions for certain categories of citizens"

In the Krasnodar Territory

  1. Exemption from transport tax for 1 vehicle with the highest power (car up to 150 hp or motorcycle up to 35 hp or boat up to 20 hp).
  2. Compensation for payment of utilities in the amount of 50% of their cost.
  3. Payment of compensation for the cost of paying for solid fuel in the amount of 50%.
  4. Acquisition of preferential travel passes for public transport at a reduced cost.

Regulated by the Law of the Krasnodar Territory of July 28, 2006 N 1070-KZ "On compensation to residents of the Krasnodar Territory for the cost of paying for housing and utilities", Resolution of the Head of the Administration of the Krasnodar Territory of November 30, 2005 N 1131 "ON ADDITIONAL MEASURES OF SOCIAL SUPPORT ON PAYMENT TRAFFIC OF CERTAIN CATEGORIES OF RESIDENTS OF THE KRASNODAR REGION IN 2006 - 2018.

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When it is possible to go on a well-deserved rest and how much payments persons with a special status can expect, you will learn from this article.

Who belongs to the WBD?

This status can be obtained by Russians, foreigners and stateless persons residing in our country on a permanent basis.

The WBD certificate is issued for service in the territory of military operations, as well as in case of receiving the appropriate state awards.

Based on Article 3 of the Federal Law No. 5 of 01/12/1995, this title can be obtained by:

  • persons who have served in the Syrian Arab Republic since autumn 2015;
  • military personnel from government agencies of the former Soviet Union;
  • employees who participated in the Afghan war;
  • persons in the service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other law enforcement agencies responsible for security in the country;
  • etc.

The title is assigned only for service during the hostilities carried out in certain years. To find out if you can count on receiving a special status, it is possible with the help of the Appendix to the Federal Law No. 5.

It is proposed to familiarize yourself with its text through the GARANT legal reference system. Access to information is provided online free of charge.

This appendix contains a list of cities and territories where military operations were carried out.

Participants of the actions listed in the text of the document have the right to apply for the assignment of the corresponding WBD status. The list is regularly supplemented and updated at the federal level.

Combat veterans' pension

According to Article 7 of the Law of the Russian Federation No. 4468-I of February 12, 1993, a citizen may, at his own discretion, choose the type of pension provision.

The status of the WBD is given to military personnel whose well-deserved rest is possible with length of service. The procedure for assigning a pension is enshrined in Article 13 of the above Federal Law.

A serviceman can retire to a well-deserved rest in one of the following cases:

  • with more than twenty years of service;
  • with a service life in power structures of 12 and a half years, if the total length of service was 25 years.

Retirement of combat veterans in the latter case is permissible upon reaching the age of 45 years.

At the same time, military personnel can apply for disability pension payments that occurred due to injury or the development of a disease during service.

At the same time, citizens can also receive a pension upon reaching the appropriate age. At the moment, women go on a well-deserved rest at the age of 55, and men - after 60 years. In the near future, the age bar may be raised in connection with the planned pension reform.

There are many factors that influence the payout amount:

  • IPC value;
  • number of years of insurance experience;
  • the average wage received by a citizen;
  • availability of various benefits and allowances.

Only payments received by non-working pensioners are subject to indexation. The recalculation of the pension, taking into account rising prices and inflation, is possible after the dismissal and notification of the FIU about the termination of the employment contract.

Will the reform affect this category of people?

As mentioned above, obtaining the status of the WBD is available to military personnel and persons performing their duties in a certain territory of military operations.

At the same time, the retirement age for military personnel may be raised in connection with the planned pension reform.

The bill is currently under consideration in the State Duma. The changes will affect the length of service received by the military for the successful registration of pensions, as well as the age for entering a well-deserved retirement in old age.

In case of successful approval of the draft law, the following changes are expected, which may affect military personnel and other persons who have the status of a VBD and plan to retire:

  • increase in the preferential length of service for years of service for early retirement for a well-deserved rest for 5 years inclusive;
  • an increase in the age limit for receiving an old-age pension for the female half of the population by eight years, and for the male half by at least 5 years.

Due to the postponement of the possibility of retirement, citizens will be forced to continue working. Veterans in most cases are not in good health, so the reform can cause a lot of difficulties for them.

At the same time, the bill currently in the State Duma does not plan to affect the benefits available to citizens. Persons who have already retired are guaranteed timely indexation of the payments received and the corresponding allowances. Working pensioners will also be able to count on a slight change in pension provision.

It should be noted that the planned pension reform will inevitably lead to an increase in unemployment in the country, an increase in prices for various categories of goods, a decrease in consumer demand and a deterioration in the economic situation in Russia as a whole.

In turn, this will also have a negative impact on the financial situation of persons with the status of VBD.

Old-age pension payments are only a small part of the measures of state support existing in the Russian Federation, among them a special place is occupied by social pensions for combatants. From this article, the reader will be able to find out who is entitled to these payments, how to receive and calculate them on their own.

Who is meant by the term "combat veteran"

The concept of "combat veteran" includes various categories of military personnel. According to Art. 3 of Federal Law No. 5, these include:

  • Leadership and rank and file of various military structures.
  • Former military personnel who took part in mine clearance and combat minesweeping in the post-war years.
  • Veterans of Afghanistan, Chechnya, Syria.
  • Other categories of persons participating in hostilities on the territory of the country and abroad.

Military veterans are entitled to certain types of payments. They differ from civilians not only in size, but also in the procedure and terms of provision.

The provision of benefits and payments to military veterans is regulated on the basis of Federal Law No. 5 “On Veterans”, as well as various federal and regional regulations. The payment of a military pension is regulated by the Federal Law under the number 4468-I, insurance - by the Federal Law No. 400.

The Tax and Housing Codes also contain a list of benefits provided to military veterans. Taken together, the prescribed pensions and discounts will provide the former soldier with a good financial situation.
A civilian who, under the circumstances, became a direct participant in hostilities can also be recognized as a military veteran. In this case, it is possible to issue a civil pension with bonuses for the status received.

Retirement benefits for military veterans

Registration and payment of pensions to veterans is carried out by the pension service of the department in which the person served. If a civilian was recognized as a veteran, the PFR will pay him a pension.
A military veteran has the right to apply for a seniority pension.

The conditions for its provision are as follows:

  1. Minimum military experience. In 2018, it is 20 years old. The experience may be intermittent. Mandatory service is included in it.
  2. Reaching the retirement age. The military retires at the age of 45. In this case, the total work experience should be 25 years, of which 12.5 years is military service.

The size of the pension of combatants depends on the level of monetary allowance. The procedure for calculating payments and registration is quite specific. We'll talk about them a little later.
In addition to a military pension, a citizen has the right to apply for insurance. This right is granted in the event that the military, after dismissal from service, got a civilian job.

In this case, pension payments are provided on general terms:

  • Reaching retirement age. For a woman, it is 55 years, for men - 60 years.
  • The presence of a minimum work experience of at least 9 years.
  • Accumulation of a sufficient number of pension points - at least 13.8.

If a citizen is already receiving a military pension, while wishing to arrange insurance payments, a fixed premium will not be taken into account when calculating them. In this case, the amount of the pension depends only on the number of points and their monetary equivalent. In 2018, it is 81.49 rubles. However, such a calculation is individual. So, do not forget that a simple citizen who is entitled to insurance payments can be recognized as a veteran. In the process of their calculations, the surcharge will also be taken into account.

What is the amount of pension this year for war veterans

The average pension for combat veterans in 2019 is 16,000 rubles. Payments were indexed taking into account the level of inflation following the results of the previous year. The increase was 3.7%.
Since the level of monetary allowance is of great importance in the calculation of military pensions, the military is interested in increasing it. However, this has not happened for several years. Payments to war veterans are increasing simultaneously with other types of pensions and social benefits, i.е. recalculated taking into account inflation, which amounted to 3.2%.
The current government promises to increase the allowance by 4% in the near future. At the same time, when the increase will be carried out is unknown.

Supplement to departmental pension

According to the current legislation, the departmental pension of military veterans is subject to an increase of 32%. In this case, the registration of increased civil payments is implied. This is relevant for individuals with mixed work experience, the minimum amount of which is 25 years.
The amount of payments will depend on the minimum amount of the social pension, taking into account the allowance of thirty-two percent. In addition, funds are subject to mandatory indexation, carried out once a year. If a veteran is entitled to several allowances at the same time, he must choose the most advantageous of them. Thus, it is impossible to simultaneously assign a pension for years of service and disability.

Retirement payments to veterans of Afghanistan

Participants in military operations in Afghanistan have the right to apply for a military pension, while one length of service is equivalent to three years. In addition to the basic payment, a supplement of 32% of the minimum social pension will be provided as a UST.
Afghan veterans can receive additional payments in cash or in kind. The size of the first will be 3696.40 rubles. If the recipient refuses the money, he will be provided with medicines for this amount, paid for treatment in a sanatorium, medical institutions.
Disabled people occupy a special place among veterans of Afghanistan.

Pension payments for them are subject to increase:

  1. For disabled people of the 1st group - three times.
  2. For disabled people of the 2nd group - twice.

If, after retirement, an Afghan veteran decides to continue working in a civilian job, having reached retirement age, he will be able to apply for insurance payments. Their average value across the country is 9 thousand rubles, the total amount of pensions of former Afghans is 20 thousand rubles.

Pension payments to veterans of Chechnya

Servicemen participating in hostilities on the territory of Chechnya are also entitled to receive military pensions and UDV.

Upon receipt of the status of a disabled person, payments increase by:

  • 3138 rubles for 1 disability group.
  • 2241 rubles for the 2nd disability group.
  • 1794 rubles for the 3rd disability group.

EDV for veterans, in this case, is 2781 rubles. In addition, it is planned to receive a social package in the amount of 1053 rubles. It includes payment for medicines, travel and spa treatment. The total amount of pension payments will depend not only on the required allowances, but also on the length of service and the amount of military allowance.

Pension payments to Syrian veterans

Syrian veterans are entitled to receive:

  1. Social and insurance payments.
  2. Disability allowance.
  3. Monthly EDV.
  4. Discounts on utility bills.
  5. Priority and free care in medical institutions.
  6. tax incentives.

The supplement to the social pension of combatants in Syria is:

  • 3088 rub. - Persons with a disability status.
  • 1699 rub. - persons seconded from service due to the performance of a combat mission.
  • 927 rub. - persons performing auxiliary functions, but not participating in hostilities.

The average pension for Syrian veterans is 20,000 rubles in Russia. In Moscow, this figure is 30 thousand rubles.

The subtleties of calculating the pension of a combat veteran

The pension of military veterans is calculated taking into account individual factors:

  1. Seniority payments are provided in the amount of half of the monetary allowance with a surcharge of three percent for each year of processing.
  2. Payments for a mixed type, which implies a total length of service of 25 years, are calculated in the amount of half of the monetary allowance and a one percent surcharge for each year of processing.

Do not forget about the required allowances, which were discussed in the previous sections of our article. These include additional payments for the disabled and monthly allowances.
If a civilian who took a direct part in hostilities or performed an auxiliary function was recognized as a veteran, payments will be calculated taking into account:

  • Fixed amount.
  • Retirement points.
  • increasing factor.
  • The cash equivalent of one point.

Also, persons can count on the provision of a UDV, the amount of which is about three thousand rubles. It has already been said above that these benefits are provided in kind or in cash. The choice depends on the wishes of the recipient. UDV, like other payments, is subject to annual indexation. In 2019, the increase was 3.2%.

Registration of a pension for a combatant

A combat veteran can apply for a pension at the commissariat of the organization in which he served. If, in addition to military payments, a citizen wants to receive civilian payments, he will need to contact the Pension Fund.
Whatever organization the veteran applies to, he needs to write an application for a pension.

If registration takes place in the PF, you will need to provide:

  1. The passport.
  2. SNILS.
  3. A copy of the work book.

To apply for a pension at the military commissariat, you will need to provide the following list of documents:

  • The passport.
  • Photo 3*4.
  • Awards documents.
  • Employment book and other documents confirming military service.
  • A document confirming the assignment of a disability.

The list of required documentation can be expanded, depending on individual circumstances. In this regard, it is worth visiting the pension service in advance and find out the exact list.

Standard payment procedure

Before applying for a pension, a veteran should familiarize himself in advance with an approximate sequence of actions:

  1. Registration in the military registration and enlistment office is being carried out.
  2. Documents confirming the right to receive payments are drawn up.
  3. A bank account is opened or an extract with details is taken.
  4. A complete package of documents is collected, which is subsequently transferred to the pension service.

After receiving the documents, the employees of the pension service check them for authenticity. This procedure is carried out within 10 days, then a decision is made on the appointment or refusal to apply for a pension.
If a positive decision is made, the first funds will be credited to the owner's account no later than the end of the third month after the receipt of documents.
Note that the veteran will be able to receive a pension not only to a bank account, but also in the post office or in the hands of a postman. It all depends on the wishes of the citizen. So, it will be convenient for one pensioner to receive payments on a bank card, for another - at the cash desk of the post office.

Combat veterans deservedly receive the benefits provided to them by the state. They risked their lives and health in peacetime, fulfilling their international duty. Veterans of the BD performed their civil duties to the fatherland, protecting its interests on the territory of the Federation.

Required Aspects

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The Russian state singled out citizens who participated in hostilities as a separate category. They have the right to receive an increased pension and use social benefits. The norm is enshrined in Federal Act No. 5-FZ.

Payments to veterans of the database are provided on the basis of a certificate, which is a personal document. It is included in the category of documents of strict reporting. The registration book contains the personal data of WBD, its postal address, series and number of the document.

Basic terms

Who is awarded the title

According to the standards of the above-mentioned act, the category of "combat veteran" includes employees:

Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Office of the Federal Penitentiary Service and other state bodies By virtue of their direct duties, they were responsible for the security of the Russian state of the Russian Federation, being in the combat zone that took place on its territory or in foreign states.
Armed Forces, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of State Security and military sailors of the former state - the USSR Which directly participated in the state program of demining objects. It operated from 1945 to 1957
Performing international duty in Afghanistan Including persons who were engaged in the transportation of goods for various purposes
Performed assignments and combat missions on the territory of the Syrian Arab Republic From the end of September 2015

Legal framework

The regulation of issues regarding the assignment of the status of "combat veteran", registration and issuance of a certificate, the provision of social benefits and cash payments to the WBD is carried out by the standards of a number of legislative and by-laws.

These include:

  • Federal Law "On Veterans". The act was issued on January 12, 1995 under the number 5-FZ;
  • Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation No. 282 dated May 7, 2004;
  • Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation of August 11, 2012.

In the 90s of the last century, the status of "combat veteran" began to be awarded to Russian citizens who became participants in hostilities in Chechnya at the direction of the state. In addition to pensions, the legislator provides for allowances and social benefits for them.

Taking them into account, the amount of pension provision is 15,000 rubles. The amount of the allowance for disability received in the Chechen war, depending on its group, ranges from 1,700-3,500 rubles.

Basic moments

In accordance with the provisions of Article 23.1 of Federal Law No. 5-FZ, a BD veteran is granted tax benefits. The conditions for granting WBD tax benefits vary by region.

Their list is provided for by the provisions of articles 218-224 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. They noted the exemption from payment of property, including land and transport tax in the amount of 50% of the total amount.

In addition, interest accruals are not withheld from them from a lump sum cash payment provided by the Pension Fund of Russia.

List of compensations for citizens of this category

WBD is entitled to the following social benefits and guarantees:

Housing subsidy that is targeted It should be spent only on the purchase of housing or its construction, including joining a gardening partnership out of turn. Its size is determined by the norm of living space per person, established in the region of residence of WBD and the market value of real estate
Provision of vouchers to sanitary-resort institutions Out of line free of charge
Set of social services in kind From which WBD has the right to refuse it in order to receive it in proportion to its value in monetary terms
Financial compensation For reimbursement of utility bills
Medical services Departmental medical institutions, including subsidies for the manufacture of dentures
Training for new specialties At the expense of the employer's own funds
Service out of turn At the box office selling tickets for various types of transport

In addition to the above benefits of federal significance to the WBD, local subjects of the Federation provide certain types of social benefits.


To apply for a monthly allowance, the WBD must contact the PFR office at the place of residence, where the application and the required documents are submitted. They can be submitted both by the veteran himself and by a third party, but a notarized power of attorney must be drawn up for him.

WBD is paid a monthly payment in the amount of 2,780.74 rubles, which next year, taking into account indexation, will be 2,869.72 rubles.

Required documents include:

  • a general passport that allows you to verify the identity of the applicant;

The refusal must be justified by the relevant norms of legislative acts. If the WBD does not agree with the refusal, then it can apply to a higher authority, which makes a final decision.

Upon his death, his relatives can receive a monthly allowance. They must present to the FIU documents confirming blood relationship with the deceased veteran of the database, his personal documents - a passport, a veteran's certificate.


WBD is provided with a one-time payment, the amount of which is 5,000 rubles. Its main purpose is to compensate for the money lost by pensioners due to the abolition of indexation of the insurance part of pension provision in 2016. As a rule, it is made in proportion to the rate of inflation.

UDV is paid only to those persons who, as of December 31 of the year before last, were recipients of a pension. The norm applies to pensioners of the armed forces of the Russian Federation and other law enforcement agencies.

How to receive

In order to receive social benefits, WBD must acquire the appropriate right, which is confirmed by an official document. It is issued by the body of social protection of the population on the basis of an application and documents attached to it. Their list is approved at the legislative level.

These include:

  • a general passport identifying the identity of the applicant;
  • combat veteran's certificate;
  • official paper confirming the fact of registration at the place of residence.

As a rule, the social monthly allowance is calculated and paid together with the pension provision. The method of making payments is indicated by WBD in the application submitted to the FIU.

Wears to them:

  • transferring payments through Russian post;
  • crediting the payment to a bank deposit account or to a bank card.

What is more profitable for NSO in rubles or services

Most combat veterans are faced with a choice in what form to receive a set of social services. They are provided in kind, at the same time they are subject to monetization, that is, they can be expressed in monetary terms. As practice shows, many database veterans prefer the second option.

In accordance with the innovations, the set of social services consists of:

WBD has the right to receive NSO in monetary terms in full or in part. He can personally choose the items of expenditure required for his life.