Thank you mom and dad that I was born. Wonderful words of gratitude in prose to parents from the newlyweds at the wedding. Touching words of gratitude to mom and dad from daughter

Almost every company has a toast to their parents at least once a night. Usually children do this, the form is not important, congratulations can be in poetry or prose, the main thing is that what is said is in the subject, beautiful and memorable. This collection contains the best words for the closest people.

Toast for both parents

I propose a toast to the parents of our dear N. They are the creators and "culprits" of her wonderful qualities, her mind. Let us proclaim good health to them and wish them many years of a happy life!

Our life is full of achievements and adversities, ups and downs. But we always do not forget to count on the support of our parents. We hold on to their hands, taking the first steps. Parents come to our aid when even hope is gone. Let's drink to the unchanging reliability of maternal and paternal hands!

Mothers give our spirit warmth, fathers - light. We will drink for this warmth and light!

“Raising is the most difficult thing. You think: well, everything is over now! It was not so: it is just beginning! " - this is how Lermontov spoke about all the vicissitudes of upbringing. We will recall the popular wisdom, which says: “Little children are little troubles. Big kids are serious problems. " So, my dears, you are in trouble: children are for life. I want to drink to my parents and for their hard life-long work to bring wonderful fruits and gratitude!

Pouring a glass (which one is there?),
I ask you to put off the devices
And remember about caring for parents,
About everything that they have experienced.
You know raising children is not easy
And life to pass is not a field to cross,
And your children, even though they are already adults,
But the main thing is still - ahead.
So let's raise our glasses
We are for those who raised this lovely couple!
Best regards to you, thank you very much
Because they knew neither sleep nor rest.

Whatever event in life happens, there are invariably two who will share both joy and sorrow with you. They will listen to success without envy, and sincerely support in case of failure. We turn to them for advice and support, for an affectionate look and warm hugs. For the parents!

I want to raise my glasses for mom and dad!
Let time multiply your strength!
So that music sounds more often in your house
And the years carried away all the bad things!

As long as our parents live, we remain children. For the long life of our parents!

There is such a proverb: why know if you do not know how. Why be able to, if not do. So let's drink to those who knew, knew how, did! For the parents!

Growing up was a difficult stage
But childhood has rushed away - call do not call.
I propose a toast to mom and dad
As a sign of respect and eternal love.
For your support and kind looks,
For your lessons and your warmth!
I don't need to wish the best parents:
I am with you, relatives, and so lucky!

For the birthday girl, it seems
We have already drunk ...
The second toast will be for whom,
To make it easier and brighter for the soul?
Nature pours the bud -
There is color in front of the fruit.
Who gave the world that wonderful daughter
What is the best in the world?
They alone are happy
Always, "from a young age" to yours!
Parents! Our reward is
Words of love, just for you two!
Forget problems, troubles, pain
Warmth, bring comfort, light,
Love and be loved
God willing, dozens of years more!

The movement of planets and stars -
Wonderful game.
Any time is a bridge
From tomorrow to yesterday.
My toast is now extremely simple:
Parents, for you!
The path will be joyful your path
And stellar - every hour!

Well we live
Or we live badly, -
There is one thing that always
And caresses and warms.
And of course it is -
Parent House:
Nothing is sweeter
Nothing is dearer.
And, having gathered today
At this table,
We will raise our toast
For the parental home!

I want to raise my glass to those who gave us life. For those whose meaning of life we ​​are. For whom our happiness is more important than our own. For those who will always protect, help, regret and warm with love. For you, dear parents! Live happily ever after!

Dad mom! I want that if the wind came to your destinies and it started to rain, then it was a wind of good luck and a shower of positive emotions! Good weather to you in the house and on the street.

Let there be no sorrow
May trouble not meet
Stay that way
As it is, forever.
Joy in the house and happiness
Gave the year.
May the father be strong
And the mother is young!

To make the star shine for you brighter, the sun is warmer! Well, and we, your children, will just try to create comfort in your lives! For you, dad and mom!

“Every person is always someone's child,” Beaumarchais said. This is a truth that no one will argue with.
I propose a toast to parents and children, to their mutual understanding.

Such dates are not often celebrated,
But if it's time to meet this day,
We sincerely wish you a lot of happiness,
And with him - health, vigor, goodness.
So be safe from fate in the future!
Your wedding day is golden
We wish you love and peace,
Eternally young soul!

Dear Parents!
May health, joy, happiness
They are friends with you every hour.
May the harsh storm
Bypasses you.
Let nothing grieve you
The trouble is not concerned.
May nature give you
Life for many years!

The girl asks the young man:
- Did you ask my dad for permission for our marriage?
- Yes. I called him on the phone and he said, "I don't know who is saying this, but I don't mind."
Let's drink to the parents who completely and completely trust their children!

Glory, praise and honor to parents!
I think the people will agree
What a toast should be raised to parents,
Wish you health and happiness from us!

Toasts for mom

The beloved loves most, the wife the best, the mother the longest. For the longest love - the love of our mothers - we will drink!

Among the lofty words
All of the above is the word "mother"!
Let me dear
To fall at your feet!
In difficult moments
You came to my aid
From various troubles
I saved it on the way.
Gave so much to me
Sincere warmth
That even the night is with you
As day, it was bright!
You are everyone in the world
Closer and closer!
I wish you
Many clear days.
Forget all the hardships
Like a bitter dream
And low, to the ground,
Take a bow!

One wise man was asked:
- What would you say if you met an intelligent, kind and attentive woman?
The sage replied:
- I would say: "Hello, mom!".
I propose to drink to smart, kind and attentive women, to our mothers!

I drink to MMM! For My Sweet Mom! For the most beautiful, kindest and gentlest woman in the world. I want to confess to you, dear mommy, in love, in love at first sight. Thank you for giving birth and raising me! Thank you very much for everything! For you, mmm!

You gave your family so many years!
I cooked, washed and baked,
She gave us the light of her smile
She carefully guarded the family hearth.
Answering caring for care,
We all idolize you for a long time.
Be healthy and happy, dear!
We sincerely thank you for everything!
We will glorify forever
The woman whose name is mother.

You give the mystery of the dawn
And kiss the warmth
Streams of sunlight
Your holy kindness!
Know, mommy, that you are priceless
Be cheerful and young!
Your smile is precious
And you do not care about the year!

Our dear mothers,
A toast to you - the most beloved ones,
Understanding, skillful,
Kind, affectionate and courageous,
And on all earthly paths
Forever close and dear ones!

Let's drink to FNM - the Figure of Our Mom, who managed to give birth and raise us without losing her harmony, her charming and captivating beauty, her femininity and tenderness. Dear mommy, may this day and all the days that follow it bring you a lot of joy, happiness and fun! Be as slim, as beautiful, as gentle and kind! All children drink to the bottom of you!

Our beloved mother!
Happy birthday to you! You are the best, you are a source of warmth and light for us, you bring so much sun, joy and hope into our life. Stay always the same cheerful, energetic, with a young soul. I wish you happiness, health and long life!

Congratulations on the holiday,
We wish you all the best in your life.
So that you never get sick
So that you never get old
To be forever young

Thank you, dear, that we have you,
That we see and hear you every hour.
For a kind soul and a warm word,
For not seeing bad things in life,
Thank you, our dear person!
We wish you health for a long time to come.

Many things are subject to women, not only because of the captivating male heart, beautiful and noble facial features, slim body and chiseled figure, but also thanks to their natural instinct that never fails them. In addition, a fleeting female gaze is able to see what even a hundred male eyes cannot see. So let's drink to our mothers, who are never wrong, and to their wonderful choice! Let their charming and all-seeing eyes always remain inviting and shining, like two moons in the night sky, surrounded by thick and long eyelashes, like light clouds!

Let the crystal of glasses ring
And the soul is filled
Love, daring joy:
We will have a drink with you slowly.
There are so many toasts in the world,
And I want to say: "For mom!"
It happens in our life it's not easy for us,
But the "shield of love" has been given to us since childhood.
Protect from misfortune
And a tear trembles in joy.
Patience to you, health, happiness
And let the soul not grow old!

The day before his birth, the child asked God:
“I don’t know why I am going into this world. What should I do?
God answered:
- I will give you an angel who will always be by your side. He will explain everything to you.
- But how can I understand him, because I do not know his language?
- The angel will teach you his language. He will protect you from all troubles.
- How and when should I return to you?
- Your angel will tell you everything.
- What is the name of my angel?
“It doesn't matter what his name is, he has many names. You will call him MOM! For my mom!

Peaceful sky, happiness, warmth,
So that you are always healthy.
Many years have passed already
How many wrinkles you have on your face.
How many sleepless nights have I spent
You raised all the children to their feet.
Low bow to you, kind mother,
We wish you long life.

I would like to congratulate my beloved mother with the words of a famous parable: Two children are talking in the belly of a pregnant woman. One of them says:
- Very soon we will see our mother, she will take care of us.
The second answers him:
- Do you believe in mom? Where is she?
- She is around us, she is always there, we can hear her voice, feel her touch, dissolve in her love and tenderness. Only mommy can make our life real.
I want to drink to you, for the fact that in your 50 years you were able to preserve your beauty and tenderness, boundless love for us and life. Thank you for being with us!

Many nights have passed without sleep,
Worries, worries for us are countless,
Bow to you, dear mother
For being in this world.

Come on for mom, for warmth,
For what led us in life,
For generosity, wisdom and goodness,
For evil to bypass us!

Parents unexpectedly returned home and found their son in bed with a girl. “Couldn't come a minute later,” the guy thought. "Well, now he will marry me!" - thought the girl. “But my son has grown up completely. It's time to buy him a motorcycle, ”thought his father. "My God, what kind of position is she - the boy is uncomfortable," thought the mother.
So let's drink to mothers, who are the most caring in the world!

Your kindness is endless
And care knows no weariness,
Maternal soul beauty
Not subject to adversity and old age.
Let the years go by
And the wrinkles lie stubbornly.
Be healthy You, mom, always
Be happy, dear mom!

Our dear mommy, beloved,
Glorious grandmother, irreplaceable!
Happy birthday to you,
We wish you all the best in your life,
So that you never get sick
So that you never get old
To be forever young
Cheerful, kind and gentle!
We kiss kind, glorious hands.
With love for you, your children and grandchildren.

Mother says to daughter:
- This admirer of yours is so disgusting to me that I will gladly become his mother-in-law!
I propose a toast to those wise women who, even from a nasty admirer of their daughter, can raise a loving son-in-law!

You gave us your mother's love
Like a bird, she covered her with a wing from troubles.
And now it's our turn
Help you, our mommy, in everything.
Happy birthday, dear, congratulations to you,
We wish you many happy days
May smiles and happiness warm you
Let the attention of children warm you!

Toasts for dad

Our dad is just a treasure
Everyone is happy to have one.
We tell you again
That we adore you!
We want to raise a glass for you,
I wish you health and happiness!

So let's drink to the most worthy of real men - to our fathers, who have successfully withstood all the hardships of life, made our mothers happy! They can be proud of their choice!

Dear Daddy! One man who had five children was asked what it meant to be a father. And he replied: "It means to be a sponsor, a security guard, an overseer, a mentor, a lecturer, a punisher, a praiser and sometimes a horse." I raise my glass so that your seriousness is always softened with a grain of humor!

I raise a glass to my father's pedagogical academy and wish you, father, longevity, good health and happiness!

There are lords, kings, generals and other great ranks, and there is a title that is more important than these fathers. Daddy, you are the most authoritative for me. Thank you for your always faithful advice. You are the best mentor. Happy Birthday to You! I wish you health and well-being!

A man is not to face regret, but to face pride and happiness. Dad! Look at the beautiful woman next to you, at your mother, who, throughout her life together, did not leave you a single step and did not leave you. This is your happiness. Now look at me, at your exact copy: in character and thoughts. This is your pride. Happy anniversary, dad! Let every day for the happiest man be special and bright.

I raise this glass to my father! And I want to say that for me he is and will be the person whom I will not tire of imitating and taking an example from him! If only because he chose my mother for me!

For the fact that I live in the world
Thank you mommy!
Other kids are jealous
I am always doubly for you.

You are so kind and constantly
Caring, wise, smart.
And I do not know anyone equal to you!
Such a mommy is alone!

My mommy love you
And thank you for my life!
You are my light and air and water.
Be with me, please, always!

I thank you
For kindness and attention
And for the fact that I live ...
For love and education.

God grant you forever
And health, and good luck,
You are my dear person.
Mom means a lot!

* * *

I want you, my dear,
I wish you happy years.
I bow down to you for life
Give me your long light!

I wish you my mommy
All the best in your life!
Let nothing disturb or gnaw
And the Lord will guide and help.

So that health does not leave,
And the dream has always inspired.
For my life as it is
I thank you to tell you - an honor!

Mommy, you are like my angel,
Always and everywhere behind the back.
You are my strong two wings.
Thank you for giving me life!

I love you mommy
Since the days that I live!
Hugs and kisses,
I always call tenderly ...

Let your eyes shine
And they never cry.
And let dreams inspire
Will not leave without a trace.

I wish you always
Was next to me
And spoiled sometimes
Your own dear child!

For seeing this light
And she was born beautiful.
I can tell one to you:
Thanks a lot!

I sincerely wish you
Health, happiness and goodness.
For my life, my dear
It's time for me to celebrate you!

Wise, gentle, kind,
Just an invaluable mommy!
I am sincerely proud of you
You are the best in the world!

Thank you mommy for life poems from daughter touching to tears

You gave me life
She brought up as she could ...
Pranks, any whim
Wisely blew it away from me ...

I thank you
I won't get tired, just know
But in return you live long
Promise me happy!

Mother's work is not appreciated
I approve as a daughter.
Let's be proud of him
And appreciate, of course, very much!

Mommy, I'm proud as a daughter
I am you very, very!
And in all my luck
Your personal contribution is unambiguous.

I was born into the world
So that you are always proud of me.
I will be your hope
Perspective and support!

Take from your daughter
A modest word: thank you!
Thanks! That I live now
I am healthy and beautiful!

Only daughters know for sure
How we get to the mother.
I want to say thank you
Your mommy is attentive!

In the life of every person there are times when he wants to express gratitude to either a specific person, or higher powers, or an occasion. This feeling is conveyed in various ways and is called gratitude. The word itself speaks for itself. After all, it was formed by combining the words "good" and "to give." At the same time, the expression of a feeling of gratitude occurs in different ways.

In this article, we will look at how words of gratitude are most often conveyed. And as the addressee we will choose the parents - the people closest to us.

What is gratitude?

This word speaks for itself. It means giving a good, which is expressed by a feeling of appreciation for the good done. For example, for support, service or even financial assistance.

Also, gratitude is expressed as a reward at work and is a cash bonus, diploma or even an increase. It all depends on the scale of the benefits received from the employee, as well as the attitude of the bosses to their subordinates.

We often feel feelings of gratitude towards higher powers. We thank them for our life, including for the trials that make us wiser and stronger.

This feeling is very significant for a person. He should be able to thank all those who do good for him. Thus, he shows that he values ​​what he receives and has. It is no coincidence that Cicero called this feeling "the mother of all other virtues." We must be able to express gratitude to parents, teachers, relatives, friends, colleagues, and higher powers for what they are doing for us. Their actions should not be unnoticed, so that they do not think that they are not appreciated, do not notice the efforts that they have put in.

How is it expressed?

Good must be paid for with good. A pleasant word from a pure heart is one of the best ways to show appreciation. But there are other options for gratitude. This is a reciprocal act of kindness, the provision of a service, the donation of a souvenir or a monetary reward. (Believers can light a candle and pray for the one who helped them.)

To express gratitude, it is worth knowing well the person to whom you want to please. Otherwise, instead of a surprise, you may offend him. After all, not everyone will accept a gift or money. Therefore, the best way is to use kind words from a pure heart. For example, you want to express gratitude to your parents for the fact that they purchased something or allowed something. Surely parents will be very pleased to see the sincere joy of their children and to learn that they are grateful to them and consider them the best. It will be better than any other thanks.

But often, gratitude has to be expressed unmotivated, without a sincere desire. Moreover, from an early age. This is due to the prejudice and habit of adults to pay for everything. For example, gifts for educators, class teachers, teachers, teachers. Through them, they try to express gratitude for the work. But it also happens that not all are worthy of encouragement, so not all donors sincerely present gifts. In such cases, the word “gratitude” loses its positive connotation. It becomes something like a forced return of material goods, a bribe.

As we can see, gratitude is sometimes forced. But I want to believe that most often she is sincere and brings people positive emotions. For example, it is unlikely that gratitude to parents may not be from a pure heart. After all, we are most often grateful to close people - to all those who make our life better.

Expressing gratitude to parents

Our moms and dads invest more in us than everyone else. They educate us, raise us to our feet, help us study, feed and dress us, support us in everything, and guide us on the right path. How can you not express feelings of gratitude towards them?

Gratitude to parents is expressed not only in words. Grateful children, in order to show their ancestors that they tried for their sake not in vain, through their actions prove their love and a sense of recognition. They try to obey them, study well, not get into bad stories, be educated and polite. They respect their elders. And with their success in studies, sports, work they bring joy to their parents.

But actions are one thing. It is often necessary to express feelings of gratitude in public. For example, during the holidays. Whether it's a wedding or an anniversary. Here it is simply necessary to express gratitude to the parents out loud during the congratulations. In order to say something pleasant to them, sometimes you need to prepare. After all, not everyone is endowed with oratory. And in front of a large audience, many feel uncomfortable, get lost and do not know how to express everything that I would like to say in gratitude to their parents. Therefore, like congratulations, words of recognition must be prepared. They can be in poetry, in prose. You can use templates to express your appreciation. But it's best to say everything in your own words. Both parents and guests will certainly notice where your sincere words are and where someone else's text is.

Expression of gratitude in verse. Example

Poetry is like a song. It is euphonic and pleasant. Therefore, gratitude is often expressed to parents in verses that are either memorized or read from a piece of paper. If the last option is chosen, then you need to familiarize yourself with the text in advance, learn to read it without hesitation. Otherwise, both you and the guests will be embarrassed by poor reading. In addition, this may be considered a frivolous attitude towards parents.

Fortunately, there are quite a few poems now. They are composed for various moments in life. Therefore, it will not be difficult to find the right ones.

We are taught from childhood to be grateful. Therefore, from an early age, we memorize poetry to express gratitude to parents in kindergarten and school. As a rule, children read the works of various authors to their ancestors. But there are those who themselves compose poetry for their parents. Such a gift is undoubtedly one of the most pleasant. But if you are far from a poet, you can use the following example:

Dear Mom and Dad,

We want to say thank you

You healthy, happy kids

I managed to bring up the two together.

We brought home fun

But sometimes they created problems

Well, you scolded us a little,

They helped us to get up on our feet.

Nobody will support us the way you are

And no one can love like that.

Mom, dad, thanks for that

May you be all right!

Expression of gratitude in prose. Example

If you are not a fan of memorizing rhymes, let alone composing them, then you do not have to force yourself to do it. An expression of recognition in prose can also sound beautiful if it has sincere feelings embedded in it.

If you are not a master of words, you can ask for help from those who are good at it, or you can use ready-made texts. After all, many words of gratitude to parents are similar to each other - this is, as a rule, gratitude for the fact that they gave life, brought up and "raised to their feet", did not sleep at night, supported, instructed on the right path.

Gratitude to parents at a wedding is a special topic. Usually they are grateful to them for giving such a beautiful daughter or such a wonderful son. Such gratitude is difficult to imagine in verse. Therefore, prose is the most versatile way to express recognition. For clarity, let's give an example.

"Dear and beloved mom and dad! On this day, first of all, I would like to express my gratitude to you for being near, for being with us. You, like no one else, are able to love us disinterestedly, support us in everything, continue to take care of us, even when we have already matured.For you we always remain children, and for us you are always parents, mentors and friends.Thank you for giving us life, for bringing up, caring for, supporting us, helping in difficult moments and rejoiced at our successes. We appreciate it, we remember all your efforts and we will never forget it! "

Gratitude to parents in their own words

Expressing a sense of recognition to ancestors on holidays has long been a tradition. Therefore, for all the time, many texts have been invented and written for congratulations and expressions of gratitude. But nevertheless, it is still preferable to express recognition in your own words. Then they will sound more sincere, be more meaningful and believable.

If it is difficult for you to prepare such a text, try to remember all the qualities of your parents, everything they did for you. Write it down by adding “thank you for the fact that you…” at the beginning and you're done.

You can do the same when expressing gratitude to your parents at a wedding. Instead of formulaic expressions, use the text that you yourself have prepared, putting true love in it for those who gave life.

The article contains beautiful words for parents, warm quotes and poems about parents and family.

The only place where you are expected, believed, loved and forgiven is the house where your parents live.

Parental love is the only selfless feeling in the world. William Somerset Maugham - Burden of Human Passion.

Appreciate your parents - they are the only ones who will not leave you in any given situation. Omar Khayyam

There is no privilege and responsibility in life higher than the upbringing of the next generation. Everett Koop

Remember parents, share
With your youthful strength, love them, strive to prolong them
A series of happy, clear days! Jealousy, resentment and doubt
Do not let it stand between you, Do not let the aspiration cool down
For each other to live and conquer - To conquer problems and routine,
Life, fatigue, long load of winter, The main thing is that you are loved,
So that each other needs you!

We received from our parents
The greatest and invaluable gift is life.
They nourished and raised us
Sparing neither strength nor love.
And now that they are old and sick,
It is our duty to heal them and get them out. Leonardo da Vinci

Dad and mom, how to pay back
For everything that you have done?
How to measure, how to count,
How much love did you give?
You nurtured, you cherished
From evil, misfortune and resentment.
You always did the best you could,
How can I thank you?
You showed me a good example
Honesty and kindness.
Everywhere and everywhere, then and now

For the sunlight, for the murmur of the stream,
For the birds chime at dawn
I want to tell my parents again
These words of gratitude.
Thank you for everything, my dears,
A priceless gift for life,
For having happy childhood days
Flowed without any special blots.
Thank you for being a family fire
Always keeps on burning.
Let the heavenly carpet give you warmth ...
Thank you for being there!

I remember my dear features.
You gave me so much warmth
That you can warm the whole world.
Your care and tenderness was
Only stronger with the passage of the years.
Neither moms nor dads have days off
No holidays, vacations.
You can always disturb your family
And you will not hear evil words.
I will always be grateful
To you, dear ones, to bring.
Dad and Mom, I love you so much,
May God always keep you.

We should value more those who raise and bring up children well than those who give birth to them. Aristotle

As a child, we love our parents. As adults, we judge them. And it happens that we forgive them. Oscar Wilde. Portrait of Dorian Gray.

You will have to let her find her way - the best that goes to the parents, unfortunately. Lie To Me - Lie To Me

As we grow up, we begin to understand the value of parenting advice.

Thank you for shedding tears
During the nights that you sat awake,
Protecting our peace and dreams
Above the baby's cradle until late.
For the first breath, for the first smile,
For the first step we went through.
For birthdays, for the first mistake
For all the surprises that were presented.
For helping us rise

And find the connecting thread.
And in a difficult hour from life you can't break,
That the question was not: "How to live further?"
You helped gnaw the granite of science,
We were guided with a firm hand.
Thank you for everything: for the pain, for the torment,
For our happiness, peace over our heads.
We are here today with you in this hall
Gathered for the birth of a family,
And, as they once promised in childhood
We bring our bow to the ground.

You devoted your years to me
You always forgot about yourself
Always at work, be it day or night
I wanted to raise a daughter worthy
I was always there, helped to rise,
When I fell, I began to give up
There were mistakes, you knew how to forgive me everything,
Thank you, dear, for me you are the most precious thing

Thank you, parents!
I come with a bow,
We have seen so much happiness ...
I value you!
From the cradle to you are tied
Love and warmth
And we owe to God
To our cozy home!
The Lord gave us parents
So that they grow in God,
So that we, earthly inhabitants,
They brought praise to the Creator!
Lord! Give obedience
To parents - love
To make you in the promised
Blessed us again!

Parents are not just a word
This is love, ready for anything
This is a lifelong calling
These are the ones we hold dear.
Parents are the ones who raised us
Who sometimes endured our whims,
Who was ready to both understand and forgive,
Who did not give sadness without reason.
Parents taught us everything
They were true to their duty.
They helped more than once or twice,
Always choosing the right words.
Parents are those who have always been there,
Who shared joy and sorrow with us,
Who was our support, support always,
Who will never leave us anywhere.
Parents are those whose work is invaluable,
Their contribution to our lives is important, although invisible,
We will keep our parents in our hearts
And sincerely thank you every day!

I propose a toast to the parents who gave birth to these two adorable children. You have already done a lot in your life for them, and there is still a lot to be done. I'm not talking about material costs, this is a profitable business. Support is much more important. I wish you health and strength, dear parents!

We owe our parents a great deal of our life choices, success and self-realization. They are our faithful and reliable guides along the difficult everyday paths, support and support in the difficult periods of our existence.
For beloved parents!

There are times when we quarrel with our parents, get offended, even threaten to leave home. But then everyone sits on a high chair, thinks, and realizes that there is no one more dear than mom and dad on the whole Earth. Let's drink to the most precious thing in our life. Appreciate your parents!

Parents are a more important and more important title than any general, because you stand, loving, caring and protecting, to protect us - your children 24 hours a day all our life. And my toast to you, dearest ones, health and happiness to you! Let that warmth and kindness that you radiate return to you three times.

At birth, the angel hands us into the hands of parents, leaves us in their care. Some are not very lucky, or the angel confuses something when he chooses the unlucky dad and mom for them. But this daddy and mommy are just wonderful. Thank you for raising your children in love and care. I raise a glass to my parents.

They say that there are seconds in life, for which it is not a pity to give even years of your life. I want to raise this glass to the parents who gave their best years to raise their children!

They say that when something collapses in your life, you need to think that you can build on the vacant place. I want to raise this glass to my parents. Whose place is in our hearts will never be occupied by anything!

It is so good when family and friends get together. There is nothing better than a feast in a pleasant company. Let's drink to the people who made us all here. For our parents, those wonderful and loving, caring and believing in our success.

The sage was asked which mineral is the most valuable in the world. The old man did not think for a long time and his answer was unexpected for the questioners - water. "But why water, because it is full around?" - people asked the question again. He said: "Only water gives us life." Let's raise our glasses to our parents, the most valuable people in the world who give us life.

I drink to those who gave us life,
Who gives understanding, love,
To always be healthy,
I'll drink to this again and again!

To live in abundance, in happiness,
And we will always help you with this,
Parents, you are the dearest,
I wish you never grow old!