Cool statuses dedicated to the best friend. Statuses about the best friend with meaning and depth. If you need to cry - you know where to find me

How much has already been said about friends. How many tears were shed into their shoulders, how many most cherished secrets were told to them. We broke up with a guy - we run to our friends, we liked some boy - we call them again. Sometimes you can talk to them for hours and still not tell everything. Install cool statuses about girlfriends, they will be pleased to read them. Share some good news with them and describe it in statuses. After all, friends are the best people in the world. They will support you in difficult moments of life, they will rejoice together when it is fun in their hearts, they will tell you about a new guy.

The best friend is the one in front of whom it is not a shame to appear without makeup.

A real friend is like a bra: close to the heart and always supportive -

I read the guy's correspondence with my -best- friend .. she is no longer a friend .. and far from the best!

The third girlfriend is always superfluous! Only two remain -. Here is such a friendship -

If my friend was a guy, I would marry her.

Best friends are those people who comment on all your photos.

The loneliest woman is the woman without a close friend.

For many women, experiencing love means discussing it with a friend.

Friendship between girls is just a non-aggression pact.

It is true that best friends can drive you crazy, but without them, our life is not so rich.

It has long been known: nothing paints a young girl so much and does not increase her self-esteem, like a girlfriend - a monster.

Yes, I have some real girlfriends, but we don’t really like each other.

Women's happiness is bald friends ...

A woman always needs a friend to show off to someone.

There are few joys in life, but it happens that a friend is not lucky.

Women's friendship exists as long as their interests do not intersect.

Women don't count their years. Their friends do it for them.

The friendship of two women is a conspiracy against a third.

The best girlfriend is the one who, having heard a call from you at 5 in the morning, picks up the phone and says: “Hello, Bunny, I’m listening!

Friendship between two women is impossible if one of them dresses very well.

Best girlfriends can betray, they can become bitter enemies. Believe in yourself...

I changed my girlfriends for guys, communication and friendship with them is much better.

A friend does not throw you, but is always there ..

A friend in trouble is known, and a friend is on vacation.

A good friend is a terrible friend

It's terribly annoying when skinny girlfriends start moaning that they are fat.

— Mom, can I go to the club today? - No. - Well, mom, please! - she said no! - Well, then I'll go to my friend to spend the night!

My friend is a true genie. Just open the bottle and it's already there.

There are two girlfriends: fat and thin. Tolstaya says: “You might think, looking at you, that there is a famine in our country!” Thin: “looking at you, you can understand that you are the reason for this ...”

I remember sitting and talking with my friend - damn it, I don’t feel my legs ... and she: - damn it, but I have a brain!

I don’t need the whole world to love me, those whom I myself have chosen are enough ...

I cook well, I don’t scandal, my head doesn’t hurt. Looking for a guy who has hot water)

Your best friend doesn't need your comments on pictures like -beautiful- or -supersuper!-.. She knows that you love her anyway =)

The best friend is an information bureau, a psychological center, and a distillery.

Only the best friend can come to your house, climb into the refrigerator, take a chocolate bar there and ask you: -Will you?

How to lose two loved ones at once? - Introduce your best friend to your boyfriend.

I don’t want to pre-register for hell or heaven: I have friends both there and there

With fear, I always expect a phrase from a friend: -take a camera, I want a new ava-

Nowadays, the word -fool- is a manifestation of friendly love :))))

A girl always has two opinions: one for her friend, and the second for herself)

When guys show up, girlfriends disappear - even the best ones -

The best friend does not need to be told anything, she herself understands what you - an idiot - have done.

Leave. One. For a long time. In order not to torment your friends with your despair. But they won't let you. They probably love it. Thank them.

A friend is when you call her at 4.30 in the morning and say - - I slept with your brother !!! - And she doesn’t scold you for waking you up and what you did, but simply yells into the phone: Get married and we'll be family!

Remember: your girlfriend is much more dangerous than your husband's girlfriend.

I again have another depression - only a friend is nearby, who has been comforting me for more than a year and promises that -everything will be fine-

A friend came to visit, said: “Don’t be sad, I’ll sing now” ... And after all, I DRINKED! ... Infection!

There are normal, adequate people. And then there's me and my best friend!

Are you the only crazy one? - No, I have a girlfriend.

The best friend is an information bureau, a psychological center and, of course, a distillery.

How sometimes you want to drink and cry. But with my girlfriends it turns out only to get drunk and neighing.

Three friends run after a departing train. Two manage to jump, and the third remains and bursts into laughter. Station attendant: -Well, what's so funny??? Yes, these two, fools, saw me off!!!

The best friend is the one who several times a day says: You are a fool ..., and then adds: all in me!

A real friend is not the one who will give you a hand if you fall, but the one who will fall next to you and laugh like crazy!

She will forever be my best friend... she knows too much about me...

If you fall, your best friend will definitely pick you up ... as soon as she stops laughing.

The best friend is when you have such words, upon hearing which the two of you begin to laugh hysterically, and everyone else looks at you like you are an idiot ...

Only with a real girlfriend you can walk all day, say goodbye for half an hour, leaving to shout "so far the fool." And then talk on the phone all the way.

FRIENDSHIP is when stupid ideas come to two heads at the same time.

I want such a girlfriend so that in my old age I could call and say: “Well, why is the goat old, when will we go to spend our pension?”

She is such a friend… You look at her, and she answers: “Yeah, I thought so too.”

This best friend is the one who, having heard your call at 5 in the morning, swearing and freaking out, picks up the phone and says: “Yes, I’m listening to Bunny!”

And for me, this real friend is the one who first cracks, and then asks: “f*ck, doesn’t it hurt”?

Your best friend knows so much about you that you either need to kill her or befriend her to death.

The best friend is the person with whom you walk down the street and laugh at the whole area, and you don’t care about the opinions of others, you and the two of you feel good ...

Separately, we are smart, beautiful and completely adequate girls. But when we get together, we carry such nonsense !!!

A true friend is like a bra - close to your heart and always supportive!

If your girlfriend is as not normal as you are, it is priceless.

They say the best friend is mom .. yeah, tell her right now. The second girlfriend Papa will already know everything in the morning.

Only your best friend can come to your house, climb into your refrigerator, take a chocolate bar and ask - "Will you?"

How nice to have a best friend!

I was not surprised when one of my girlfriends asked another for a screwdriver. But when the second took it out of her purse ...

I came to my friend to cry for life ... We laughed until the morning ...

If my friend was a boy, I would marry her.

The best friend is the person who makes me laugh when I don't even want to smile.

My friend knows so much about me that I'll either have to kill her or befriend her to death.

The best friend is the one after correspondence with which you constantly have to delete your message history.

Everyone has it ... a friend who eats for days like a hippopotamus, and doesn't get fat at all.

I went to pick up a drunken friend from the guests ... Now we are sitting, waiting for us to be picked up.

Whatever you say, there will always be a friend who had more, longer, longer, higher, better, stronger, tastier, richer ...

Yesterday I took my soul with a girlfriend, today I can’t remember where ...

I was normal, really. Until I met them, who I call my girlfriends.

You sleep alone, a scary monster will come and eat you. sleeping with a friend is not scary until the monster eats her up, you have time to run away.

It didn't surprise me when one of my girlfriends asked the other for a screwdriver, but when the other took it out of her purse...

I'll give my girlfriend in marriage! Already health is not enough to walk with her so much!

The best friend is not the one that carries you out of the restaurant, but the one that crawls next to you.

A friend came to visit, said: “Don’t be sad, now I’ll sing!” And after all, the infection SPOILA!

How sometimes you want to drink and cry. But with my friends it turns out to get drunk and neigh.

Girlfriends are people who don't like people you don't like, even if they've never even seen them.

I have beautiful friends. To save this world, it is enough for us to come together.

I will give my girlfriend only to those hands that will love her more than me.

God!!! If you can't make me lose weight, make my friends get better.

Only a true friend can be said to her face: "You piss me off." And at the same time, do not be afraid that she will be offended.

A friend always finds free time from work to meet with you, and the best friend will forget that she even has a job.


Active sections:

A friend is a person who is reliable and necessary for every normal girl. Since childhood, the girls have been friends with each other, and from year to year their friendship grows stronger and acquires moments, the memories of which delight both of them throughout their lives. Finding a person with whom you can go from beginning to end is certainly a great gift. After all, you can trust a friend with all your secrets, tell stories of your adventures and have fun together. It so happened that girlfriends are sometimes very cool and funny, and this is actually the case. Have you ever managed to meet a slightly "turned" girlfriend on her head? Yes, yes, exactly like that. In general, as a person, she is cool and kind, sympathetic. But, when it comes to fun, then "Mom don't cry!". Funny statuses about a girlfriend will reveal the topic of what girlfriends can be and what to expect from them. We wish you pleasant reading.

  • Funny quotes and statuses about girlfriends - The best friend is when you have such words, when you hear that the two of you start laughing hysterically, and everyone else looks at you like an idiot.
  • The best friend will never ask - why? She just goes to the store, buys, brings, opens and pours.
  • Only the best friend, on "give gum" gives the whole bag.
  • A real friend is not the one who will give you a hand if you fall. And the one that will fall next to you and will laugh like crazy!
  • How sometimes you want to drink and cry, but with my friends it turns out to get drunk and neighing.
  • Yesterday I took my soul with a girlfriend, today I can’t remember where ...
  • I was not surprised when one of my friends asked the other for a screwdriver, but when the second took it out of her purse...
  • A best friend is like a bra... Close to my heart and always supportive.
  • The best friend is the one who says several times a day: “You are a fool ...”, and then adds: “All in me!” :)
  • That's how it always is. You call a friend and ask: "Are you going?", She says: "Yes, yes, I'm ready." And then you come to her, and she still runs around the house in shorts, drying her head.
  • Friendship is not 538 friends on the site, but one friend in life, which you won’t send in figs, because you have to go there with her so as not to worry about how she gets there!
  • Drinking alone is alcoholism, and drinking with friends is already PSYCHOTHERAPY!
  • A true friend won't let you do stupid things alone!
  • An ex-girlfriend spreads obscene gossip about me, and some of them are not even true.
  • Your girlfriends got boyfriends and they forgot about you? Set the status to “Damn! I think I'm in love with my best friend's boyfriend...
  • A friend is a friend. You call her at night, tell her that you fell in love. And she just says in a hoarse voice "Sleep!" and hangs up. Then he will call back and say: “Open the door for me. Just be quiet, I'm with a bottle.
  • A friend is not the one who jumps out of the window after you, but the one who says that the exit from the apartment is on the other side.
  • I went to pick up a drunken friend from the guests ... Now we are sitting, waiting for us to be picked up.
  • She is such a friend… You look at her, and she answered: “Yeah, I thought so too.”
  • My business? For all "norms", for him - "best of all". And only for the best friends: "Devkii ... this is fucked up ..."
  • Only my friend can climb into my refrigerator, bite off a chocolate bar and ask: “Will you?”
  • I will marry my friend! Already health is not enough to walk with her so much!
  • I wanted to cry to my friend, how poor I am ... As a result, it turned out - I snickered.
  • If you fall, your best friend will definitely pick you up... As soon as she stops laughing.
  • I always get very upset when my friend doesn't pick up the phone. Suddenly she was kidnapped and raped... But not me.

Darling, are you with your friends for a long time? No. Quickly get drunk and back.

The girl dived into the water of the pool, suddenly a shark emerges from the depths. The girl froze in place in fear. It was a friend who washed off her make-up.

I was not surprised when one of my friends asked the other for a screwdriver, but when the second took it out of her purse...

There are normal people, and there is me... and my girlfriends...

The dream of every girl is bald friends.

You're my friend... you and I are friends... you're so stupid, straight, just like me.

I put my friend on the bus. Well, I wave to her, I send kisses, I smile. I look, some guy from the minibus is waving to me. I almost fell.

Lord, if you can't make me lose weight, make all my friends get fat!

We stand with a friend at the bus stop, for a long time, we froze to the state of snow maidens. Finally, our trolleybus pulls up, all painted. And then a friend says a phrase for which I could kill: "He's kind of ugly, let's wait for another one!"

Statuses hilarious about girlfriends - Girlfriend alienated. She came to her ex-boyfriend on February 23 and in front of his parents, gave him a mop and a bag of potatoes.

I need a best friend if only to remind me of my phone number.

A real friend will always scratch your nose or head when you have painted nails!

He introduced a friend to his parents ... gave out: “You look like your dad, and your mom is beautiful!”

Correspondence of girlfriends in ICQ. Katya: "Hmm, what happened?" Victoria: "That's right! Nothing! Nothing's happening!" Katya: "Forest fires, inflation, mortgages, apocalypse in 2012... Look, you're hard to please!"

Are your friends too busy or have they forgotten about you? Set the status "I think I fell in love with a friend's boyfriend"!

My girlfriend and I are so similar, one is sick, the other is shell-shocked.

I love my girlfriend, if I hit, then only with a pillow.

Girlfriend, I'm not talking to you! I just wrote to brag.

With the right girlfriends and a milk campaign - a blockbuster!

A conversation between two girlfriends: - And I also feel that wings are growing in me ... - It's good that it's not horns!

Dear, I am a woman. I do not have to be strong and decide everything for two. If you are not capable of this, then let's remain friends and find men for ourselves.

"Be aware of dogs!" - everyone met this name. He climbed to his girlfriend's house, when it got dark, she called for a visit. I saw a sign, such as an angry dog, grinned, I know that it is attached. Climbed over the fence... Damn! Well, why wasn't there a sign: "Caution, dad with a shovel"?

I'm waiting for my friends for tea ... I'm wiping glasses.

There are two girlfriends chatting: - Do you have perfume, or something new? What makes you smell so good? - Chicken...

A friend of her husband's laptop broke a week ago. I was afraid to speak, I decided to prepare it! Every breakfast, lunch and dinner, she mixed a sedative into his food. Now she said ... He didn’t even yell, he sits smiling! He promised to buy a new one!

There are normal, adequate people, but there is me and my girlfriend.

My girlfriend is a true genie. It is worth opening a bottle - it is right there.

From best friend to nemesis, there's only one handsome guy...

I'm walking down the street with a friend. Towards us - a guy. Me: “What a handsome young man. She: "Actually, this is my boyfriend." I bit my tongue.

A friend is not the one who picks you up from the tavern, but the one who crawls next to you ...

Personally, it worries me when my girlfriend puts a status, I think ... she is blonde ...

A friend put a hickey and now figs prove to the guy that this is REALLY a girlfriend!

True friendship is when the message "I got sick" in response to you comes "Are you OHRINELA ??"!

You're crazy! - Oh, you haven't seen my friends yet.

Girls, if you don't have a scary girlfriend, think about it...

A friend presented a book with sentences, conspiracies (such as black and white magic) for her birthday. And there is a conspiracy for good grades. "Conspiracy: LEARN! LEARN AND ANSWER!!!" ABOUT…

You are my best friend forever - you know too much.

My girlfriend loves orange juice and I love pineapple, but when we get together we drink vodka.

They say the best friend is Mom... yeah right now, tell her. Everything, in the morning the second girlfriend will already know - Dad.