Monograms on nails: description of decorative elements for nail design. Monograms on nails - drawing schemes for beginners. How beautiful and easy to draw monograms on nails, video

An unusual, stylish manicure becomes a harmonious addition to the female image. Despite the abundance of design styles, you always want to learn new techniques, master the art of nail art to perfection. A very interesting topic is monograms on nails. They look very feminine, sophisticated and unusual. In our article you will find basic lessons on how to do this. We will consider several options step by step, we will give detailed diagrams, so you can easily draw exquisite monograms on your nails. At the end of the article, you will find a collection of photos of the most successful nail art with monograms.

Monogram brush and first design

Drawing fancy swirls of monograms is not so difficult, but for this you need the right tool. You can only complete this nail art if you have a thin one. Such brushes are sold in specialized stores, but if desired, it can be made at home. Let's look at the method of making such a brush and the technique of performing a manicure with monograms.

  1. Let's start by preparing the brush. Take small scissors and carefully start cutting along the contour of the hairs from the brush, leaving only a thin strand in the middle. Make sure that there are no extra hairs sticking out anywhere. The thinner the brush, the more elegant line you can draw with it. After you have cut off all unnecessary, put a little top on the tip of your finger, lightly rub it and gently apply it to the brush. This will make her obedient and will not allow fluff. It is better to take a tool made of synthetic material - it is more elastic and easy to use.
  2. Next you will need white acrylic paint. Dip the very tip of the brush into the paint, trying to capture just a drop.
  3. Gently remove this droplet on the nail with a light touch and after that, from the received point, begin to draw a line in the direction you need. The drawing is done arbitrarily, as fantasy tells you. But if you don’t have interesting ideas in your head, then you can peep ready-made schemes.

With this simple technique, you can create an incredible design in its sophistication - sophisticated, elegant and unusual. And to make the execution technique more understandable to you, we bring to your attention a very interesting and useful video lesson.

Delicate nail design with swirls

We invite you to try to perform another magnificent manicure, which is perfect for a wedding dress and just fills your look with incredible tenderness. Let's look at its implementation step by step.

  1. Cover your nails with translucent white or pearl polish. Let it dry completely.
  2. Now apply a layer of clear coat and, without allowing it to dry completely, pat on the tip of the nail mother-of-pearl shadows.
  3. Cover with one dry coat.
  4. Then, using the thinnest brush, start designing - you can draw curls, smooth lines. Everything is done arbitrarily, the main thing is that the curls develop into a harmonious ornament. If you still feel insecure, then you can use training cards - special sheets of paper with drawings printed on them.
  5. Be sure to protect the finished manicure with a top coat.

As a result of these simple manipulations, we get a very beautiful nail design that will not go unnoticed. A detailed video with step-by-step instructions will help you better imagine the execution technique.

At first, it may seem to you that the design with monograms is very difficult to perform, but after practicing, you will realize that you were wrong. You will quickly learn how to draw even complex ornaments. And now we want to give you some tips that may be useful during the learning phase.

  • To get started, try to perform a manicure using ordinary gel polishes. If you decide that you want to continue drawing monograms on your nails, you can purchase special acrylic, gel or watercolor paints to make the drawing more saturated and voluminous.
  • Get training cards and arrange drawing lessons for yourself. They can be bought or ordered in specialized stores. They are paper with examples of ornaments and drawings applied to it. By repeating them, you will fill your hand and feel more confident. Training cards are the best assistant for those who are just mastering the art of nail painting.
  • Stock up on brushes that are comfortable for you to work with - purchase them in specialized stores or make them yourself, as demonstrated in the first lesson.

Monogram Manicure Ideas

This is a design that will never be the same. Whether you use diagrams or take a picture from your head, there is always room for creativity in front of you. We invite you to get some inspiration by looking at photos with options for luxurious ornate nail art.

Basic lessons, detailed videos and photos with examples will help you master the new nail design technique. With just a little effort, you can create a manicure that will attract the eyes of others. And two great videos will help you with this, in which you will find very detailed monogram drawing lessons.

When the romantic mood is combined with creative energy, you can try your hand at nail design. For example, depict a monogram on the nails. They are drawn step by step very simply, and the photos show how elegant any manicure turns out with them.

Bizarre features of monogram nail design

In general, the concept of "monogram" means a combination of initials in the form of a ligature. You have seen them many times on jewelry, expensive dishes and clothes. And monograms, indeed, can be reflected on the nails. True, in manicure this concept has been revealed much more widely and has come to mean any beautiful interweaving of lines and patterns that can turn even an initially boring monophonic manicure into a sophisticated and stylish one.

Since the patterns have already become nail classics, it is logical that they are performed in several styles, these are:


Make a jacket, and then draw curls on the sides of the plate. Follow fashion trends and paint on short nails. The Internet is littered with photographs of a jacket with patterns on long square plates. Today it is totally out of fashion and in addition ugly! But the monogram will only decorate neat little nails.


The same pattern decorates all nails. Of course, it is very difficult to print absolutely identical calligraphic miracles by hand, so stamping comes to the rescue.


It implies the rejection of all rules. You can paint all the nails with different patterns, and highlight them with a single finger. Weave the entire plate or just its edge, combine monograms with any shade and design you like!

In fairness, it should be noted that today the most original and trendy drawings are made in a modern style. This is very convenient, because you have to rely solely on your own imagination, which means that the result will be different from others!

For the lazy and fans of calligraphy - ways to apply monograms

The choice of the method is extremely simple and depends on how friendly you are with the brush and your imagination and how much time you agree to spend on drawing curls.

  • Stamping. There are a lot of metal plates with ready-made drawings of everything and everything. Find a disk with a suitable pattern and transfer it to your nails.

  • Stickers. There are adhesive-based decals, they are glued to the surface and covered with a top coat, there are thermal stickers that will take a little longer to work with. But most importantly, a rich assortment of various stickers boasts the most beautiful monograms.

  • Painting by hand. Like everything that falls under the definition of “hand made”, it is highly valued. Do not be lazy, learn how to draw monograms on nails and become the proud owner of a unique nail art!

Repetition is the mother of learning! What are training cards

Before plunging headlong into calligraphic experiments, it does not hurt, so to speak, to fill your hand, and then draw monograms on your nails in stages. For this, special cards for training will come in handy. Download them to your computer, print them out, and first move the paint brush over them. Hands will remember, and things will go easier on the nail plate. Well, the second plus is that you will have ready-made ideas for patterns - from simple to super intricate - which you can then beat with your own hands.

Crazy hands: how to draw monograms on nails step by step

For beginners, the photo example shows the stages of drawing, but this is not enough. You need to have an understanding of the technique and special tools.

You will need:

  • Top and base for gel polish.
  • Mint shellac.
  • Black gel paint (beneficial in that it does not spread).
  • Gold gel paste.
  • Ultraviolet lamp.
  • Lint-free wipes.
  • Thin brush-columns No. 00.

And do not even think about crazy ideas to draw with a needle or a toothpick. For a neat monogram, you need to adjust the amount of paint on the instrument, and this is convenient only with a brush.

Master class "golden monograms"

So, you have drawn patterns on the training cards several times, your hands are no longer shaking, your eyes are not flooded with sweat, you can try to put your ideas into practice already on your nails. The proposed example is quite simple, but it looks very noble and impressive, which means it is ideal for a beginner.

  1. First, get your hands and nails in order. Make a European or cut manicure, polish and shorten the plate well, remove nail dust.
  2. Apply base and dry.
  3. Background turn - paint nails with mint varnish. If necessary, in several layers.
  4. Dry and top coat. Send to the lamp.
  5. Remove the sticky layer.
  6. The creative phase begins. Dip the brush into the gel paint so that there is a drop on its tip.
  7. Put a dot on the plate and output a neat comma. Try to repeat the curls in the photo. Semicolon. In that order.
  8. Send your nails into the UV lamp for 3-4 minutes. Gel paint is thicker than varnish and dries accordingly longer.
    Wipe off the brush and scoop up the gold pigment with it, decorate the curls with it. Dry.
  9. Now cover your creation with a top coat, hold it in a lamp and admire the beauty!

Royal gold patterns look great on any background. For example, beige lacquer will make such a design more gentle and noble.

To see in detail how to draw simple monograms on nails, a video tutorial will help.

Intricate combinations of nail trends: manicure ideas with monograms

You can’t spoil a manicure with a monogram, now you will see that this statement is true. Many popular trends go great with nail designs.


When you draw curls, sprinkle the monograms on the nails with sparkles with a fan brush and dry. Shake off excess with a stiff brush. On gloss, the pattern will shimmer mysteriously. This is a great option for an evening manicure or a festive one. It is preferable to do it in winter, as the harmony with Christmas tree garlands, warm knitted things is amazing.

And you can do the opposite - make a shiny rub on the nails, on which you can already draw curls, as in this video:

Velvet sand

Exactly the same algorithm as with sparkles! If you buy a velvet sand with viscose in the composition, then it will also twinkle nicely. The design can be made homely or royally luxurious.

Video tutorial "How to make volumetric monograms":


Eternal companions of monograms as everything refined and stylish. A pebble can be the center of the composition, from which curls diverge, and a hole lined with rhinestones is logically complemented by elegant monograms. The only rule is no flashy tones. Delicate pastel colors or rich dark ones are best complemented by the sparkling of stones and exquisite knitting.

Monogram nail design for beginners:

soft negative

This nail art will fit perfectly into the image for brides and romantic beauties. Draw patterns on a layer of transparent top, and paint the rest with colored varnish. At the output, you get an incredibly refined, soft nail art that will delight even the most unbelieving in Beauty person.

Also, the monograms look great on a matte finish, on a varnish with a cat's eye effect, you can combine contrasting colors of the base and patterns, make the patterns gradient and completely dazzle from gel paint ... In a word, there are options for absolutely every taste and color!

Here they are - refined, delicate, stylish, spectacular monograms on the nails. It is not easy to learn how to draw them step by step, but it is possible, and photo examples are proof of this. If you feel like a calligraphy master and an enthusiastic artist have awakened in you, immediately arm yourself with a brush and bring some more beauty into the world!

Well-groomed nails with an impeccably manicure perfectly emphasize your feminine look, and for everyday style, a plain coat to match the wardrobe or the same classic jacket is quite suitable. But on the eve of a long-awaited holiday or some significant event, you want to decorate your fingers with an exquisite design to emphasize your unique individuality. And if quite recently a bright, catchy manicure with rich colors dominated, but now it is appropriate to choose discreet shades for nail design and add beautiful patterns as an original accent to the whole composition. On the pages of fashion magazines, there are more and more photos with great ideas from famous nail artists who draw luxurious monograms on nails, turning nail design into a real work of art. Simple curls and dots intertwine on the nails, turning into expressive patterns or lace from complex monograms.

I just want to reassure the readers for whom drawing and painting on nails has never been a skate. Now on sale there are whole sets of themed stencils with floral ornaments, graceful curls and intertwined ligature, monogram patterns with rounded and smooth lines. And if you don’t want to trace the contours of smooth lines using stencils, but prefer to create original patterns by hand, then use training monogram cards for painting on nails with a thin brush. In this material you will find simple master classes for beginners, with the help of which you will learn how to draw simple and complex monograms step by step, first on training cards () for painting, and then on your nails.

As a base for painting on nails, it is best to use gel polish, since after polymerizing the coating in a lamp and removing the sticky layer, you can immediately start creative work. Draw monograms on the hardened gel polish, preferably with acrylic paintsso that each curved line is as smooth and clearly defined as possible. First, learn how to adjust the amount of paint on the tip of the brush so that each line has distinct boundaries and does not spread. While practicing to draw curved lines on a painting card, move step by step from the top edge of the monogram to the bottom, trying to keep all the proportions of the pattern. Do not despair if you still cannot draw lines with a smooth transition on your nails. Even the most experienced nail artists began to master the technique of painting on nails with simple curls and honed their skills for weeks. If you need to make a fashionable design with monograms on nails very urgently, then use the prints from the stamping kit, the prints of which are easy to transfer from the plate to the gel polish using a silicone stamp. Instead of the stamping technique, you can use water sliders with a variety of patterns, which are securely fixed with a top gel on an even layer of colored gel polish.


This is the perfect tool for beginner nail artists to quickly learn how to draw neat, proportional patterns on your nails. Dots has a metal ball at the end and a comfortable handle to hold the tool. By changing the pressing force, you can adjust the thickness of the line with smooth curves. With the help of dots, you can make an original design on your nails, completely consisting of dots of different sizes;

Styper (liner).

This is a thin brush with long thin hair, with which it is very convenient to draw complex monograms with many small elements. With a liner brush, you can apply a long line of any shape with smooth curves. This tool is also used to stroke a picture along a path and to feather a gradient;

Column number 00.
This brush with thin and short hair, which is designed to draw individual small details, letters with monograms, thin curly lines, curls of various shapes;

A brush with a bevelled edge.
With this tool it is convenient to paint over individual elements of the pattern between the contour lines, as well as to change the thickness of the monogram without removing the top of the beam from the surface of the coating;

Medium brush.
This brush has a sharp tip, which is convenient to draw on the nails individual elements of the composition between the monograms.


▪ French.
If you prefer to wear a jacket or a solid pastel manicure, then this decor option will help diversify your everyday nail design. Ornate curls are applied to the side of the nail from the edge of the cuticle to the very tip of the nail (or up to the “smile line” of the jacket);

▪ Composite.
If you want to place a large decorative element in the central part of the nail, then you can complement the design with large monograms emanating from the substrate of this decor. For example, a design with liquid stones that border beautiful monograms and casting from manicure foil is now in fashion;

▪ Volumetric.

This option is more suitable for long or extended nails. Patterns of complex monograms cover the entire surface of the nail and are combined into the finest lace with perfect drawing;

▪ Modern.

A rather extravagant design option that will additionally emphasize your individual image. All nails are decorated with different patterns, made in the same style.


Tools and materials:

· UF-lamp for drying of a covering;

Manicure tools (nail files, buff, nippers);

Color gel polish (black, light gray, pale cornflower blue);

Base and top gel;

· Degreasing agent;

· Klinser;

· Lint-free wipes;

Dots (or brush liner for the more experienced).

Step by step design with monograms:

❶ We perform a hygienic manicure and prepare nails for coating: give the nails the desired shape (for example, oval or square with rounded corners), make a bath to soften the cuticle, remove the keratinized layer of the cuticle and pterygium, grind the surface of the nails with a nail file and polish with a buff, process the nail plates degreaser;

❷ Now we apply the base layer and seal the end of the free edge, keep the fingers in the UV lamp for about a minute;

❸ We apply black gel polish on those nails on which we will not draw monograms, and on the nails of the middle and ring fingers we apply light gray gel polish, dry the coating in the lamp;

❹ We apply a second layer of black gel polish on nails without a design, and on the rest we apply a layer of light gray gel polish and make a gradient (add a pale cornflower blue color and shade at the junction line with a brush), dry the coating in a lamp;

❺ Now we cover each nail with a thin layer of leveling top gel, do polymerization;

❻ Drawing patterns is easiest on a smooth matte finish. Therefore, we buff the surface of the coating with a gradient, removing the glossy layer of the top;

❼ First, practice drawing monograms on paper according to training cards. Now let's take dots, put a little black gel polish on the tip with a ball (can be replaced with acrylic paints);

❽ We put the dots ball on the nail and draw a line in the form of a comma from the bold point, which narrows at the end (reduce the pressure). At the narrowed tip of the line, we put another bold dot and continue the curl in the same technique. Thus, we form a monogram according to the chosen scheme. Don't forget to wipe the tip of the dots before dipping it into the gel polish again. We do polymerization;

❾ We cover the design with top gel, dry it in a lamp and add small rhinestones to the nodal points of the monogram (for a drop of top gel). Dry in a lamp and remove the dispersion sticky layer with a clinser;

❿ We soften the cuticle with special oil.


☛ Lesson for beginners: learning to draw individual elements of patterns (step by step with explanations):

- click on the photo and expand the cards with simple elements to paint

☛ From simple to complex. Cards with which you will quickly learn how to draw very beautiful monograms:

☛ We continue to master the skills of artistic painting. Learning to draw beautiful monograms, complex curls, lace for fashionable nail design:

- click on the photo and download training maps

☛ Simple and complex monograms:

The word "monogram" in the Explanatory Dictionary is explained as "bending, interlacing". In ancient times, dukes and nobles hid their names and surnames behind intricate patterns. They decorated the corners of handkerchiefs, the basis of seals. Today, monograms on nails are a trend of ideas in manicure art. Step by step for beginners, the article discusses the technique of applying them.

What types of monograms are used in manicure?

Based on this, we can distinguish several varieties of fancy patterns that masters use on manicure:

How can you draw monograms?

To decorate nails, you can use various techniques and techniques.


Experienced masters, taking a manicure brush, turn into real artists, drawing original patterns, twisted curls, which their imagination suggests. It is difficult for novice masters to paint with a brush, because the varnish flows down from the brush, drips onto the nail plate, and spreads.

You have to wipe the drawing and start over, reproducing the conceived pattern in memory. Drawing a picture by hand is the pinnacle of nail art creativity.

Plates with patterns

Simplify the process of creativity ready-made plates with patterns that can be purchased in unlimited quantities. The master copies the pattern, focusing on the execution technique.


Using various combinations of stencils, apply perfect lines, perform the same painting on all nails.
With the help of stencils it is convenient to perform a manicure on your own nails. Stencils are convenient in that they can be cut independently according to the pattern itself drawn.


A variety of stencils are metal plates with a pattern - stamping. The advantages of technology include the durability of stencils, the disadvantages are the performance of work according to a standard sample. The master does not need to have imagination, it is important to master only the technique.

Tassels: types, selection rules

Nail design is done with different brushes made of natural or artificial pile. Brushes with natural bristles are suitable for applying acrylic monograms. The pile absorbs paint well, does not dry out for a long time, which allows you to calmly display the elements of the pattern, distributing the paint in a thin smooth line.

A brush with artificial bristles is taken to cover the nail plate with gel, gel paint or gel polish. Materials do not clog pile, do not stick to it.

To create monograms, the master needs to have thin and thick brushes with different lengths of pile.

The rules for using brushes will be as follows:

  1. To draw an exclusive pattern (spirals, frequent curls, small elements) you will need a thin brush No. 1. To highlight the base of the pattern, you can draw a brush several times.
  2. Brush #2 is suitable for voluminous patterns (broad leaves, round flower petals, large swirls).


Dots (dotter) - 2-sided manicure tool, reminiscent of a pen with a feather. At the ends of the device are metal balls. With balls of different sizes, you can perform a point manicure or a military-style manicure.

Monograms on nails step by step (for beginners it will become clear how to apply a pattern using a dotter):

The device can be replaced by alternative objects with sharp edges - toothpicks, hairpins, knitting needles.

Finished plates with patterns

Stamping - applying a pattern using a plate - a new unique technique that allows you to quickly create a beautiful nail design.

To create a nail pattern using stamping, you need to prepare the following accessories:

  • plates of various shapes made of different materials (it is preferable to purchase metal stencils);
  • stamp;
  • varnish of different colors - one is used for the base coat of the nail, the other for drawing a pattern;
  • scraper.

Monograms on nails step by step for beginners, experienced masters tell how to do it:

  1. On the surface of the nail, apply the varnish selected as the base; on top of it - a thin layer for the background. It is better to use acrylic varnish, because it has a thick consistency and rich color. These two layers should be perfectly even. It takes a few minutes for the varnish to dry.
  2. All prepared tools and accessories should be treated with nail polish remover.
  3. A stencil plate is selected, which is covered with a thin layer of varnish, excess varnish is removed with a scraper - “away from you”.
  4. The stamp is pressed against the varnished plate so that the pattern is clearly printed.
  5. With a rolling motion, the drawing from the stamp is transferred to the nail. The applied pattern is covered with a transparent layer.


To create a unique pattern on your own nails, you can use stencils (a small blank with a specific pattern), which come in two variants:

Stencils for manicure can be made independently.

You can use the following tips:

  • you need to present the drawing so that it looks proportional;
  • for French manicure, arcuate strips are taken; lace, wedge-shaped stencils will look interesting;
  • to perform the lunar design, round blanks are needed that can be applied to the nail plate in segments.


Sliders are very popular for creating a manicure. The choice of sticky pictures is diverse, it is only important to understand how to attach them.

Under gel polish

Under gel polish, you can use transfer stickers, sliders, film with a photo print.

Drawing, covered with gel polish, is firmly fixed on the surface of the nail and is not erased for a long time.

under the water base

Water-based stickers are easy to work with. It is necessary to separate the workpiece you like from the top layer and stick it to the nails.

Under the hair dryer

For this purpose, metallized stickers are taken, which are heated with a hairdryer.

Collections of stickers are constantly updated with new products:

  • lacquer stickers made from ordinary lacquer;
  • silicone lace patterns;
  • options from Faberlic, representing a transparent film with applied openwork patterns;
  • thin slides, the picture on which is printed;
  • 3D stickers with 3D graphics and raised details.

Spot application technique

The most popular and simple manicure is drawing with dots. For this purpose, you need a dots stick or any improvised tool that can make small dots.

Using the dot technique, you can create unique flower arrangements according to the following principle: a large dot is the core of a flower, petals are small dots arranged in a circle.

Another option: dotsom a flower consisting of 4-5 petals. To make the image three-dimensional, you should stretch the lines of the flower, using a wooden stick for this purpose. This pattern is done on 2 nails. On the rest, thin dots follow the contours of the nail. To implement the idea, you need to take 2 varnishes of a contrasting color.

Brush painting technique

The master who paints with a brush on the nails creates a design in a single copy. The pattern is applied on a plain basis.

To work, you need several varieties of brushes:

  1. A thin artistic brush or a special brush for painting nails, made of nylon fibers, allows you to draw thin lines of the most twisted monograms.
  2. To create artistic painting, brushes of different thicknesses are used, as well as a “petal” - a flat-shaped brush, but with a very thin tip. With such a brush, you can pick up varnishes of different colors and perform the most complex patterns.
  3. To make abstract drawings, you will need fan brushes. Another - a dagger-shaped brush with a beveled edge will allow you to apply wide lines.
  4. A wide brush allows you to mix up to four shades of varnish at the same time.
  5. A brush with a short pile is needed in order to repeat wide leaves.
  6. A thin brush resembling a hair, the length of which is about 2 cm. You can draw a small pattern with it.

Drawing details with a needle, toothpick

To decorate your nails with an intricate pattern, you can use a needle or a toothpick.

Needle drawing rules:

  1. Can be used on wet or dry base. For beginners, it is better to try the first option, which does not require extreme accuracy, but forces you to draw quickly. Unintentional mixing of varnishes will give the composition a special chic - color overflows.
  2. To make it easier to hold the needle, it can be placed in an automatic pencil.
  3. The needle must be held at a right angle to the surface of the nail.
  4. You should work without pressure, otherwise the nail plates will be scratched.

The technique of decorating nails with a toothpick requires maximum patience. It is difficult to draw a complete pattern with one toothpick, as its surface absorbs a large amount of varnish. Rolling down, it interferes with clean work. It is better to make large elements of the pattern with a toothpick, and draw curls with the thinnest brush or needle. It is convenient to paint stencils with a toothpick.

How to draw monograms on nails: step by step instructions for beginners with a photo

Monograms on the nails (step by step for beginners, the technique is described below) will help you complete the following instructions:

  1. Nails should be prepared. The manicure will be neat if you cut the cuticle, to achieve the same shape of the nails. In order for the painting to lay flat, the nail plates should be degreased.
  2. With a brush with a drop of acrylic paint on it, a round spiral is drawn with one curl from one side of the nail. The next rounding, smaller in size, departs from the curl of the spiral.
  3. To make the pattern voluminous, you should finish a few more elements.
  4. A symmetrical monogram is made on the finger of the second hand.

It remains to dry the completed patterns and start processing the remaining fingers.

Simple and beautiful monograms: application technique

The most suitable way to create simple but beautiful monograms is stamping, which includes 2 main procedures:

When decorating a monogram with several elements, the work will look delicate. Monograms on nails can give a velvety effect to a manicure.

Step by step instructions for beginners:

  • prepared nails are covered with 2 layers of gel polish, harmonizing in shade;
  • the selected pattern is drawn with a thin brush with gel paint, which gives volume to the monogram;
  • acrylic powder is applied over the paint, it is polemized, its remnants are shaken off.

Nails covered with a velvet layer are ideal for an evening dress. Stylish looks manicure with monograms made in black.

It is better to take factory blanks:

  • the desired pattern is attached to the surface of the nail, covered with ordinary transparent varnish, which provides good adhesion;
  • the glued base should be covered with a fixative.

Monograms with rhinestones

A manicure with rhinestones will decorate an evening outfit, give an image of elegance. Professional masters advise to combine sparkling rhinestones with a uniform background, the options for the location of decor elements can be different - in the center of the nail, on the sides of the nail plate.


It is best to attach decor elements with special glue.

Volumetric monograms

Volumetric monograms (curls that combine thin lines with convex ones) are extremely popular.

  1. Airy, marshmallow monograms are the trend of the summer season of 2018. The lines are drawn over the top coat with a non-sticky gel polish. The pattern element is drawn with a thick brush and dried immediately. The next curl emerges from the previous one. This is how the delicacy of the pattern is achieved.
  2. To make 2-color volumetric monograms, thick curls are first applied, along which thinner lines of a contrasting shade are drawn.
  3. Iridescent colors are distinguished by a colored pattern, made on a matte background, covered with glossy varnish.
  4. A manicure sprinkled with micro-sequins will be beautiful. In this embodiment, rhinestones are appropriate.

Monogram with French

Every season, a lot of new products appear in manicure, but the classic white jacket never goes out of style. It impresses with its perfection and aristocracy. The white pattern looks elegant on any hands, suits nails of different shapes and lengths, combined with everyday clothes and evening attire.

It is enough to dilute the classic jacket with monograms, which will be located along the lower edge of the nail near the cuticle.

Monograms with acrylic powder, with sand

The easiest in terms of execution technique is a manicure made of acrylic powder, sand. To decorate nails, you do not need to have professional skills. The surface of the plate is covered with sticky varnish, covered with powder. The manicure should be dried and shake off excess sand. A combination of bright varnish, decorative sand or powder will be catchy.

Glitter monograms

When a pattern is displayed on a glossy surface, it can be sprinkled with sparkles that will fill the manicure with shimmer. A monogram decorated with separate sparkles, which are applied along the contour with a wet toothpick, will look spectacular.

This option is suitable for New Year and Christmas holidays. It is combined with shiny Christmas decorations and tinsel, with warm knitted sweaters, scarves.

Monograms and curls

A curl is the basis of monogram painting in manicure. To master it, you need to learn how to draw curls, so the first stage of mastery is training exercises on special cards that can be copied on the Internet and printed on glossy paper so that paint and varnish do not roll.

The image on the cards should not exceed the size of the nail. First you need to master the basic elements - strokes and lines, curls that are drawn brightly, then complex patterns. For exercise, it is better to buy simple varnishes on acetone. It is important to choose a brush that will be comfortable to work with.

Monograms and openwork

Openwork monograms - the novelty of the season. If before, exquisite lace on nails was painted only for brides, today there are no such restrictions. Openwork manicure combines sophistication and romance, tenderness and beauty.

There are a lot of ideas for the execution of lace design:

  • thin lines of openwork mesh;
  • lace ribbon that runs diagonally across the nail;
  • intricate lace pattern, like real guipure.

What video tutorials will help you learn the technique of drawing monograms

Video tutorials with step-by-step instructions that can be found on the Internet pages will help you master the technique of drawing monograms:

  • "How to draw monograms on nails step by step: photo and video lessons" - detailed lessons that teach the technique of drawing monograms;

  • "Learning to draw monograms on nails": video tutorials on how to prepare nails for manicure, showing how to apply monograms, starting with simple curls;
  • video "Draw monograms" - a step-by-step master class that tells how to work with training cards.

Having listened to the advice, you can step by step master the technique of creating monograms on nails. Even beginners can try to make a simple pattern to practice the skill in order to create unique drawings in the future.

Article formatting: Vladimir the Great

Video lesson: Draw a monogram with a toothpick

Beautiful painting of nails with a toothpick:

One of the most popular and beautiful drawings in nail design can be called a monogram. But not all novice masters know how to draw them. This review is just for those who want to learn how to draw these beautiful decorative elements. It contains step-by-step photo and video tutorials, training cards and photos with design ideas.

Monograms on nails are rarely seen in their pure form; this pattern is combined with various manicure techniques, as well as nail accessories. The result is a very beautiful combined manicure.

Monograms on nails: design features

To learn how to draw beautiful monograms on nails, first of all you need to stock up on the necessary tools and materials: manicure brushes, gel paint or gel polish, training tips, stencils and training cards.

  • Brush for monograms on nails

To draw small drawings on nails, including monograms, brushes with a thin short pile are used. Good reviews on the Internet can be found about the brush InGarden, Global Nail, as well as some brushes from Aliexpress, for example, MAKARTT, BQAN, Monja, KASAKO, etc. But no matter how good the brush is, many masters cut “brushes for themselves ” to make the finest hair possible. The brush is cut off at the base in a circle, one hair at a time. For long curls, it is better to use brushes with longer hair.

  • Gel paint

Some masters manage to draw monograms on nails with ordinary gel polish of a thick consistency, but it is much more convenient to use products specially designed for this, namely gel paint or gel paste. Of the gel paints, E.mi, NeoNail, InGarden, UNO, Nail Passion, Maranda, Patrisa nail, etc. are praised.

Drawing monograms on nails: schemes and training cards

There are a lot of photo tutorials on the Internet that show how to draw monograms on nails for beginners. It can be quite difficult for inexperienced masters to depict these beautiful patterns and curls, it is recommended to think over the composition in advance, draw it on a stencil, and only then on the nails. For training, special training cards are used.

Photo: training cards for painting monogram nails

Monograms consist mainly of curls and commas located in different directions. Having mastered the basic elements, you can make any monogram nail design.

First stage with training - drawing not on nails, but on a training card or sheet of paper. Each element is worked out 50-80 times. For beginners, you can work out the element with a pen for the first 10 times, and then with a brush. In the photo below there are several examples of training cards with simple elements and monogram patterns.

Such cards for drawing on nails can be bought or downloaded for free on the Internet.

To begin with, it is better to work out the simplest elements, and then move on to more complex “royal” monograms.

Training cards and monogram stencils for nails

How to draw monograms on nails: photo step by step

Second phase learning the art of drawing monograms on nails - training on tips. You need to buy tips in advance and try to work out a few simple ornaments. First, learn how to draw the simplest monograms on your nails, and only then move on to complex ornaments and patterns. Below are several options for step-by-step photo lessons on decorating nails with simple but beautiful drawings from Ksenia Krupina.

Important rule! To prevent the gel paint from creeping over the surface, it is recommended to remove the sticky layer from the gel polish.

Photo lesson number 1: Monograms on nails step by step for beginners

The pattern can be placed on the nail in different ways: fill the entire surface of the nail with them, draw diagonally, in one corner, at opposite edges of the nail, in the center in the form of a vertical strip, etc.

Photo of the finished drawing with monograms

Gel paint is typed on a brush, a dot is placed at the beginning of the monogram and then gently pulled in a circle or down. You don't need to press hard on the brush. The separation of the brush from the nail should also be smooth.

The second step duplicates the line.

Then the same element is drawn mirrored.

The pattern is filled diagonally.

To make the monogram more openwork, the tips of the drops are slightly stretched.

If you can’t draw quickly, and the paint spreads during the drawing process, then you can do intermediate drying.


Photo lesson number 2: Painting “Monogram” nails step by step

The second design involves placing a pattern in the corner of the nail. To give the drawing additional volume, it can be sprinkled with sand or acrylic powder before drying. Now it has become fashionable to use a transparent shimmering powder, it gives a very beautiful glow.

Photo of the finished drawing

First, the patterns are all done in one direction.

Then you need to step back a little and start drawing the elements in the opposite direction.

If necessary, during the drawing process, small elements or droplets can be added to empty spaces.

The tips can also be pulled out a little to give the pattern an openwork.

Photo Lesson #3: Gel Monograms on Nails

The following design involves the location of the pattern on one side of the nail plate. If you do not have gel paint in your arsenal, then you can use gel polish only with a thick consistency. To add volume, you can draw all the elements twice.

Photo from the finished design “Monogram on nails with gel polish”

Drawing starts from the center to the edges.

First fill one side, and then the other. Symmetry is not required.

As in the previous ornaments, we stretch the edges of the droplets a little.

Use these basic monogram nail art tutorials to practice, and then invent your own unique designs.

Video master class on manicure with monograms in the form of a heart for beginners

Monogram Nail Design Ideas

Openwork drawings are used to create wedding designs, to perform winter and New Year's manicure in the form of a frozen window, as well as to decorate nails for some special occasions. One of the most popular designs in recent times can be called a monophonic manicure with monograms sprinkled with transparent or colored powder to match the gel polish. Such a manicure can be used as an everyday one. Nails with monograms can often be found as part of a combined manicure. This pattern is combined with rubs, rhinestones, rhombuses and broken glass, kamifubuki and other decorative elements. We are going to design with simple and beautiful drawings, see a small selection of fresh photos.

Single color design with sand

Colored sand

Monograms with a gradient

Manicure with rhombuses

Design with kamifubuki

Nails with broken glass