Types of body scrubs and recipes for making them yourself. Body scrubs can be easily made at home

Standard products that almost everyone buys not only nourish the body from the inside, but can also make it more beautiful on the outside. Skin care helps to stay young and beautiful for a long time. One of the important procedures is scrubbing, i.e. exfoliation of dead particles of the epidermis. At home, it is easy to make a natural composition for this purpose.

Coffee scrub at home

Natural raw coffee is rich in potassium, phosphorus, iron and other minerals. Interacting with the skin, the product gently removes dead skin cells and penetrates into the deep layers of the dermis. Coffee grounds are also effective, but slightly inferior to raw beans. After regular use of the product, the skin becomes smooth, toned, the first manifestations of the “orange peel” disappear.

Coffee body scrub at home has the following variations:

  1. For dry type. You will need the same amount of coffee grounds and honey. Mix the ingredients, add the same amount of coconut or almond oil to them. Treat the whole body well with the resulting composition, leave for a quarter of an hour, and then rinse.
  2. For the fatty type. The easiest recipe is to mix ground coffee beans with shower gel. Second option: 1 tbsp. l. Pour grounds into 1 cup of yogurt. Pour in 1 tsp. olive oil and 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice.
  3. Anti-cellulite body scrub. Coffee with salt (2 tablespoons each) are great helpers. They rely on 1 tbsp. l. olive oil and 4 drops of essential oil extract of grapefruit, orange, lemon.

Cellulite scrub at home

Body scrubs at home can defeat the “orange peel” at the initial stage. The following mixtures are effective:

Lemon. Components:

  • juice of half a lemon;
  • zest of 1 lemon;
  • honey - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • sea ​​salt - 5 tbsp. l.;
  • essential oil extract of grapefruit or mandarin - 5 drops;
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Combine olive oil, sea salt, essential oil extract.
  2. Add honey, lemon juice, zest dissolved in a water bath to the mass. The mixture removes fluid from the upper layers of the dermis and smoothes its surface.
  3. If you are the owner of sensitive skin, you have a vascular network or a predisposition to varicose veins, then make a homemade body scrub without honey.

Another remedy. Components:

  • grated carrots - ½ pcs.;
  • oatmeal - 5 tbsp. l.;
  • almond/olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix the products, you can add 2 more tbsp. l. sour cream.

Firming body peel

Elasticity to the face and body will be returned by such combinations of products:

  1. Brew oatmeal, add a spoonful of honey there, treat problem areas with a mixture. Holding time - 30 minutes.
  2. Combine sea salt with shower gel twice a week. It is actual to use this recipe when losing weight and after.
  3. Gentle body scrub at home. Measure out 5 drops of vitamin E, ½ tsp. ground cinnamon, the same amount of pumpkin pulp, 1 cup brown sugar. The mixture gently exfoliates dead cells and tightens the skin well.
  4. Stretch mark remedy. Take 1 cup of table salt and sugar. Pour them into 0.5 cups of vegetable oil or sour cream (yogurt). Once every 7 days, actively rub this composition into stretch marks.

Moisturizing scrub

Owners of dry skin can also exfoliate from time to time, but they need to prepare mixtures that, in addition to removing dead particles of the epidermis, also provide good hydration. Popular recipes:

  1. Grind one tablespoon of almonds and the same amount of Hercules in a powerful blender or coffee grinder. To them add 2 tbsp. l. fat sour cream or cream. Apply to a damp body, leave for a couple of minutes, then rinse without gel.
  2. Mix ½ cup of unsweetened yogurt (sour cream) and the same amount of coconut, add 1 tbsp. l. Sahara. Use the mixture for the face, arms, legs, buttocks, abdomen. After application, keep peeling for 5 minutes.
  3. From aloe juice and cornmeal, get a porridge-like mixture. Apply after epilation, massage until the skin turns red. Leave for 2 minutes, then remove the remaining mixture with warm water.

Relaxing body peel

This homemade body scrub will gently cleanse the skin and calm the nervous system before bed. Do it once every 7-14 days after a hard day at work. Mix the following ingredients together until smooth:

  • brown / white sugar - 1 cup;
  • fine sea salt - 1/3 cup;
  • coconut oil - ½ cup;
  • almond oil - 2-3 tablespoons;
  • tocopherol capsules - 1 tablespoon;
  • essential oil extract of lavender - 2-3 drops.

Universal Sugar Scrub

Do you want to get a product at home that will be suitable for lips, face and whole body? There is a universal low-cost recipe, the preparation of which does not take much time. Make a fresh batch each time. Take ¼ cup of olive oil, 2 tablespoons of sugar, 2-3 drops of chamomile essential oil extract. The last component perfectly soothes the skin, relieves irritation. You will receive a gentle scrub that can be applied several times a week.

Salt scrub

You can take any salt of different grinding. Sea water is healthier because it contains minerals. However, the cookbook exfoliates well. As a base at home, use any vegetable oil: olive, almond, rapeseed. Alternatively, massage oil. Additional ingredients: ground coffee, chopped almonds, corn grits, essential oils and others will provide nourishment and hydration to the skin. Take note of two effective recipes.

The abundance of cosmetics on store shelves can make even a sophisticated customer confused. Why, then, do women continue to experiment with homemade cosmetics? The answer is simple: I want to know what exactly we put on our skin, because not all manufacturers are honest with customers. If you are planning to start complex skin care, then you will need a recipe because it is with cleansing that the path to beauty begins.

Body scrub: benefits and pleasure

Is it possible to qualitatively cleanse the skin by ordinary washing? Any cleanser, from soap to expensive shower gel, works on the principle of forming an easy-to-rinse emulsion, which is formed from sebum, dirt and detergent composition. The recognizable soapy feeling is the emulsion. However, there are not only impurities on the skin, there are dead scales, peeling, and useful substances from masks, body wraps cannot be fully absorbed and benefit. To remove these particles, you will need a body scrub. At home, recipes for the preparation of any cosmetics, not only scrubs, include only natural ingredients.

After using the scrub, the skin becomes amazing: soft and supple. She readily accepts useful substances from creams and lotions, in addition, ingrown hairs after shaving or epilation are prevented. At the same time, scrubbing is recommended to be carried out no more than twice a week. You just have to choose a recipe for a body scrub, at home you can prepare a remedy from healthy ingredients, without preservatives and chemical flavors.

Contraindications and misconceptions

Before using the scrub, you should learn the simple rules of application.

  • Do not use a scrub immediately after depilation, the skin is already quite irritated, it is better to wait a couple of days.
  • Damaged skin is a definite contraindication. Burns (even light sunburns), scratches, abrasions, fungal infections and inflammatory processes should first be cured, and only then scrubbing should be done.
  • It is better not to touch moles and other neoplasms with a scrub, they are easier to injure than ordinary skin.
  • Skin sensitivity and spider veins are not a categorical contraindication, you can use a gentle remedy with small particles. Choose a homemade body scrub recipe that does not contain large, crystalline abrasives such as sea salt.
  • Despite the categorical prohibition of some experts, pregnant women can use a scrub. It is only recommended to avoid essential oils, during pregnancy the immune system is rebuilt and can even take the usual remedy for an allergen.

Neutral soothing body scrub

For those looking for a gentle composition with non-aggressive ingredients, an oatmeal body scrub recipe is great at home. Oats have healing properties, are suitable for all skin types, leave the thinnest layer of light powder, giving the skin a delicate silkiness.

Run a handful of quality oatmeal (about eight tablespoons) through a coffee grinder. considered the most delicate and gentle abrasive of all possible. Add to the flour two tablespoons of honey, two tablespoons of milk or cream if the skin is dry, and a spoonful of olive oil. All ingredients must be mixed until a uniform creamy texture, if too thick, you can add more milk. Such a scrub is applied to damp, clean skin, distributed with gentle massaging movements. Rinse off the composition, just do not make too hot water, then blot the body with a terry towel.

Thalassotherapy at home

The beneficial properties of seaweed are successfully used in such a popular practice as thalassotherapy. Algae are rich in active substances that have a beneficial effect not only on the skin, but also on the body as a whole. Here is the best recipe for a body scrub at home: any available abrasive and a small amount of hot water.

Dried algae are sold in stores and pharmacies: kelp, spirulina, fucus. A small amount of dried algae must be ground in a coffee grinder or crushed with a pestle and mortar. Fill with hot water so that the algae swells and softens slightly, while the volume increases, add an abrasive: rice or oat flour, sea salt. Stir, and when slightly cooled, you can use it for its intended purpose. After scrubbing, leave the product on the skin for a few minutes so that the beneficial substances penetrate the skin, rinse with warm water.

Warming scrub for cellulite

Use in combination, so you can achieve noticeable results in a relatively short time. A warming ginger body scrub recipe at home is prepared from both fresh root and dried root. This is an active agent, so it is advisable to first conduct an allergy test. Apply a couple of drops of ginger juice to the thin skin in the crook of your elbow. If after 30-60 minutes this place does not turn red, then you can prepare a scrub.

Grate fresh ginger root on a fine grater or take ginger powder, add a couple of tablespoons of rice or oatmeal, a spoonful of olive oil, mix, add warm water to bring the composition to the desired consistency. Apply the product to clean, damp skin, massage and leave for five minutes to warm up. After that, repeat the massaging movements and rinse with cool water. Ginger scrub is best used on the thighs, then you can wash it off with a shower. If you use a scrub for the buttocks, abdomen and sides, it is better to first remove the composition with a damp cloth, and then rinse. So you exclude the ingress of burning particles on the genitals.

Toning scrub

It is used in scrubs as an abrasive, but it partially dissolves, which allows the skin to absorb beneficial substances. Salt improves blood circulation, the skin is better supplied with oxygen, so metabolic processes are spurred on. The universal recipe for a homemade body scrub with sea salt is based precisely on the fact that this is the main abrasive element.

Take three tablespoons of sea salt, preferably medium or fine grinding, add beaten egg yolk, a teaspoon of honey, dilute the mixture with milk to a creamy consistency. You need to use such a scrub immediately, until the water has turned your abrasive into a saline solution. However, you should be careful - salt crystals are not as soft and round as other abrasives, with such a scrub you need to massage the skin very delicately, without excessive pressure, so as not to injure the treatment sites.

Moisturizing and nourishing the skin like Cleopatra

The legendary Egyptian queen took milk baths to preserve her youth and beauty. Nowadays, Cleopatra's recipe is not economically viable, but it is not necessary to pour tens of liters of a valuable product in order to achieve a healing effect. Milk as part of masks, wraps and body scrubs has both a moisturizing and nourishing effect. We present you a milk recipe for a body scrub at home, on this basis you can prepare a variety of compositions.

Take three tablespoons of abrasive, a useful filler, but you need to dilute these ingredients with milk. A wonderful set is oatmeal, honey, egg yolk and milk. Thanks to this scrub, the skin receives a shock dose of the most useful substances, while being gently cleansed.

Skin rejuvenation

For cosmetic purposes, almonds are used in two forms: almond oil and ground almond kernels as an abrasive for scrub. Oil is a powerful antioxidant, rejuvenates the skin, smoothes unevenness, saturates with nutrients and microelements. The easiest almond body scrub recipe at home - a dozen drops of almond oil are added to any do-it-yourself composition.

To prepare an almond scrub abrasive, you need to dry the almond kernels in the oven, remove the brown skin from them, and grind the peeled kernels in a coffee grinder or grind in a mortar. It is important not to overdo it, otherwise it will not be a scrub, but a delicious preparation for marzipan. Add fatty natural cream to the resulting almond crumb to make a gruel, and the scrub is ready.

Chocolate Detox

How to find the most sophisticated and chic body scrub recipe at home? A chocolate cocktail is both skin cleansing, aromatherapy and a real elixir of happiness. You can use real chocolate or cocoa powder. When buying chocolate, read the composition, the content of cocoa beans should be at least 50%, and preferably as few flavors and confectionery additives as possible.

Melt the chocolate in a water bath, and add three tablespoons of natural ground coffee as an abrasive. It is important to cool the composition well so as not to burn the skin. If it's too thick, thin the mixture with milk.

Scrub cocoa powder should be brewed with a small amount of boiling milk, this will release valuable oils that soften the skin. You should get a gruel, in which add table grounds or regular ground coffee. The resulting scrub is washed off with moderately hot water.

Comprehensive skin care with scrub

A good recipe for a body scrub at home will help you quickly and effectively prepare for a body wrap, lotion or cream. If the scrub is used twice a week, the skin becomes dense, elastic, blood circulation improves - this is the healing effect of micromassage.

The scrub does not have to be used on the whole body. Prepare a composition with sea salt for the feet, this allows you to quickly and accurately remove dead skin particles from the heels. For the delicate skin of the neck and chest, it is better to use an oatmeal scrub, and for the hips and abdomen - ginger.

Peeling at home is a simple and effective cosmetic procedure. Various abrasive particles exfoliate dead cells, and at the same time improve oxygen exchange and increase blood circulation. The skin is actively renewed and better absorbs the nutrients from your daily care cream. It is not always easy to allocate time for a visit to a beautician, and the search for your ideal “store” scrub can even take years. Therefore, we suggest that you try to make a scrub yourself - what if after that you don’t need a “purchased” option?

Sugar scrub: for lips - once a week

Sugar scrub will help your lips always be smooth, soft and look great. On well-groomed lips, makeup lasts longer, and they look better on their own. The only minus of such a scrub (but this can be rather considered a plus) is that you really want to eat it!

Mix in a small container a teaspoon of thick honey, the same amount of jojoba oil and a tablespoon of finely crystalline sugar. Keep an eye on the consistency of the mixture: sugar should not “float” in honey and butter; You need the mass to be thick. After that, apply a small amount of scrub on the lips, massage, rinse and apply a balm.


ADVICE Do not take such a sugar scrub with wet fingers - the remains of the mass in the jar can become sugary, then the scrub will no longer be suitable for use.

Rice scrub: for the face - once a week

For oily and problematic skin, rice scrub will be a panacea. Rice is a powerful absorbent and will literally pull all the dirt out of your skin, cleansing your pores as deeply as possible.

First, rinse 100 grams of rice and dry it well. After a few days, when the rice is perfectly dry and clean, grind it with a blender or coffee grinder almost to dust - very finely. It is better to apply rice scrub on well-steamed skin. Pre-mix rice particles with either plain water or cucumber or lemon juice.

ADVICE If you have dry skin, be careful with this scrub. Instead of water or juice, add olive oil or yogurt for something more nutritious.

Coffee scrub: for problem areas - 2 times a week

Caffeine has long been well established in dietetics and cosmetology. It is extremely effective for dealing with problem areas. Coffee scrub will help you remove the “orange peel”, as well as make the skin supple, smooth and toned.

Send 200 grams of coffee to the coffee grinder and grind. Add 5 drops of orange essential oil and a few tablespoons of olive oil to the resulting mass. The skin on which you will apply the scrub should be pre-cleansed, wet and steamed. Gently massage the problem areas for 15 minutes.

ADVICE Such a scrub can be made not only from freshly ground coffee, but also from coffee grounds.

Honey-salt: for the whole body - 1 time per week

Tandem of honey and salt has long become a classic: this mixture removes toxins from the skin so well! Mix 200 grams of salt and 100 grams of liquid honey - the scrub is ready! It's easier not to think of it.

Apply it evenly all over the body and start the massage. First make large circular movements, then small ones. Let the honey-salt mass stay a little on your body. Now pat yourself with your hands, as if pulling the scrub out of the skin. With patting movements, you stimulate the release of toxins from the skin and accelerate the absorption of beneficial substances from honey.

ADVICE Such a scrub is often applied after visiting the sauna. Try it too!

Text: Nastya Marzipan

A homemade body scrub has many benefits even when compared to the most expensive cosmetics. The scrub removes the layer of dead skin particles, leaving the skin softer and fresher, and contains oils that moisturize and nourish the skin. You can add any essential oils with aromatherapy properties to a homemade scrub. And its most important advantage is that it is extremely easy to make it.

Preparing a body scrub at home: the main ingredients

All body scrubs - both those that can be prepared at home and those produced by well-known cosmetic brands - necessarily contain only a few basic ingredients:

Exfoliating Ingredients

Any ingredient with a grainy texture is suitable for exfoliation. The most common ingredients in homemade scrubs are the usual sugar and salt, which dissolve easily in water without leaving a mess in the bathroom.

Salts, and especially Epsom or bitter salts, are great for relaxing muscles. To prepare the scrub, you can use any salt: ordinary table salt, sea salt, Epsom salt or Dead Sea salt. Regardless of what kind of salt you use, it must be carefully ground - so that the grains are the size of grains of ordinary table salt.

Sugar acts on the skin a little softer than salt. To make a scrub at home, you can use both regular white and brown sugar (the latter goes especially well with vanilla essential oil).

Ground coffee beans are another great ingredient: not only do they smell good, but they are also very good for the skin. Caffeine constricts blood vessels, helping to get rid of spider veins and rosacea.

Oatmeal is the mildest of all possible exfoliating ingredients with crab: it softens and moisturizes the skin. For decades, oatmeal has been used to make homemade cosmetics, especially for dry or very sensitive skin. Unlike salt and sugar, you can make an oatmeal scrub using plain water instead of base oil.

Other ingredients - ground almonds, ground flax seeds, bran, ground nutshells.

base oil

The so-called base oil is an ingredient that “holds” together all the other ingredients in the scrub and at the same time moisturizes the skin. It is necessary to add oil to the scrub mixture at the rate of a third of a glass of oil for every glass of exfoliate (exfoliating agent).

A variety of oils are suitable for making a body scrub with your own hands, but it is better to choose an oil that is not too thick, easily washed off with water.

Sunflower oil

One of the most popular ingredients for making a scrub: it is not too thick and is well absorbed by the skin. In addition, sunflower oil, unlike other oils, is cheap, and its shelf life is about a year. Sunflower oil is also included in some body scrubs produced by well-known cosmetic brands.

Sweet almond oil

It has a pleasant sweetish-nutty aroma, is absorbed very quickly and, like sunflower oil, is stored for a very long time. But sweet almond oil is thicker than sunflower oil.

Grape seed oil

It has a very subtle, barely perceptible sweet smell, the least dense and leaves a thin film on the skin. The shelf life of this oil is 6 to 12 months.

hazelnut oil

Like grape seed oil, it has a low density and leaves a thin film on the skin. Shelf life is about 12 months.

Neither hazelnut oil nor sweet almond oil should be used in case of nut allergy.


The easiest way to make sure that the scrub not only effectively cleanses the skin, but also smells good is to add essential oils to the mixture. Of course, different oils are suitable for different skin types:

  • For normal skin: 10 drops of lavender oil, 6 drops of geranium oil, 4 drops of ylang-ylang oil.
  • For oily skin: 8 drops of sandalwood oil, 6 drops of lemon oil, 6 drops of lavender oil.
  • For dry skin: 8 drops of sandalwood oil, 6 drops of geranium oil, 6 drops of rose oil.
  • For sensitive skin: 6 drops of chamomile oil, 4 drops of rose oil, 2 drops of neroli oil.
  • For dehydrated skin: 10 drops of rose oil, 8 drops of sandalwood oil, 2 drops of patchouli oil.
  • For aging skin: 8 drops neroli oil, 6 drops frankincense oil, 6 drops ylang ylang oil.
  • For acne treatment: 10 drops of lemon oil, 10 drops of cypress oil, 5 drops of lavender oil.
  • To strengthen weak blood vessels: 8 drops of rose oil, 6 drops of chamomile oil, 6 drops of cypress oil.

Essential oils in their pure form, not diluted, should not be applied to the skin - they are very concentrated and can cause irritation. If the skin is very sensitive, it is better to stop using basil, clove, lemon, tea tree and cumin oils.

Homemade body scrub recipes

Vanilla body scrub

In a ceramic or glass bowl, mix the sugar with the essential oil. Add the base oil, mixing the ingredients until the mixture has the consistency of wet sand.

Salt toning scrub

Salt scrub should not be used after shaving - a burning sensation will appear. It is best to apply the scrub immediately before shaving - the oil remaining on the skin will serve as a natural lubricant and make the shave smoother.

Coffee body scrub

Mix coffee, salt and essential oils in a glass or ceramic bowl. Whisking constantly, pour in the base oil and stir until the mixture has the consistency of wet sand.

Soft oatmeal body scrub

Pour the oatmeal into a glass or ceramic bowl and add the essential oils drop by drop, stirring constantly to avoid lumps. You can store the resulting mixture in the refrigerator for a very long time - up to a year.

To use, add a little water to 1 tablespoon of the mixture to form a thick paste, then gently massage into skin.

Homemade foot scrubs

Foot Scrub with Peppermint and Lavender

  • 1 cup fine salt
  • 10 drops peppermint essential oil, 5 drops lavender oil

Foot scrub with ginger

  • 1 cup brown sugar
  • 1/3 cup sweet almond oil or any other carrier oil
  • 12 drops of orange essential oil
  • 3 drops ginger essential oil or 1 teaspoon ground ginger

How to use a homemade body scrub

A homemade body scrub is best used once, maximum twice a week. Before use, the scrub must be mixed, and then applied to the skin with soft circular movements and thoroughly rinsed off with water.

Body scrubs are easy and simple to make at home. The effectiveness of home remedies is no lower than that of professional cosmetics, and preparation does not take much time. There are thousands of peeling recipes, each of them works in its own way.

The visible effect of peeling will appear only with regular use. The scrub should be used weekly if the skin is dry and twice as often if the skin is oily.

The product is always applied to clean, warm skin. Rub it in with gentle movements so as not to injure it with abrasive particles.

To avoid negative consequences from the use of prepared products, it is advisable to check the sensitivity of the skin to the composition. To do this, a little prepared mixture is applied to a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. If after a while irritation does not appear, this remedy is used without any fear.

Sweet peels

Sugar body scrub at home is a very simple and popular remedy. Dissolving, it gently removes dead cells and activates the renewal process of the dermis.

To make a sugar body scrub with your own hands, you need to mix:

  • 100 g of granulated sugar;
  • 50 ml vegetable oil (for example, corn or olive).

It is permissible to use any sugar: both ordinary white and still quite brown cane. Before you make a sugar scrub, you should remember that sugar dissolves quickly when stirred, peeling should be applied immediately after production.

Interesting! With brown sugar, peeling will be softer.

This body peeling recipe is universal, it can be safely used regardless of skin type. However, it is easy to make a sugar scrub at home by adding other ingredients.


Coffee, thanks to the antioxidants it contains, quickly tones the skin and helps eliminate wrinkles, fights puffiness. Sugar-coffee scrub with regular use makes the skin texture more even, moisturizes it. To prepare peeling you will need:

  • 60 g ground coffee beans;
  • 75 g sugar (white or cane);
  • 20 ml olive oil.

All components must be mixed and immediately applied to problem areas. Beauticians advise massaging the skin with light movements for about a quarter of an hour, after which the scrub is washed off. The water must be warm.

With green tea

Green tea is widely known for its pronounced tonic effect on the skin. To prepare such a tool you will need:

  • 150 g of sugar;
  • 3-5 g of dry green tea;
  • 50 ml olive oil.

Leaves of green tea need to be filled in with oil, then add sugar. Start peeling immediately after a hot shower, since the beneficial substances are absorbed deep into the skin only through fully open pores.

From sour cream with cocoa

Sweet scrub with sour cream not only cleanses the skin well, but also serves as a source of additional nutrition for it. In addition, with regular use, the skin noticeably improves its color, and the pleasant aroma of cocoa during the procedure helps to relax. You can make a sugar body scrub from the following ingredients:

  • 50 g of granulated sugar;
  • 25 g cocoa;
  • 50 g sour cream.

You need to apply the product with light movements, lightly massaging the skin, and it is recommended to wash off the composition a quarter after application.

With oatmeal

  • 150 g of oatmeal;
  • 5 g sugar.

Scrub well removes dead cells of the epidermis and nourishes the deep layers of the skin.

Advice! Owners of dry skin after peeling are better to use a moisturizer or nourishing milk.

With lemon

This version of the sweet scrub is designed to even out skin tone, for example, in the case of age spots. To prepare you will need to take:

  • 75 g of granulated sugar;
  • 5 ml lemon juice.

Mix the components, apply the resulting product to cleansed skin. It is strictly forbidden to use such a scrub in the presence of irritation symptoms.

With sea salt

Sea salt is rich in minerals and trace elements, thanks to which the skin quickly comes into tone. Sea salt scrub is effective against cellulite and stretch marks. To prepare it you will need to take:

  • 50 g of granulated sugar;
  • 50 g fine sea salt;
  • 75 ml vegetable oil.

It is necessary to mix salt and sugar thoroughly, add any vegetable oil. You need to massage the skin with this remedy for a quarter of an hour, paying special attention to problem areas. Apply the stretch mark remedy once or twice a week for three to six months.

"Salty" recipes

Salt scrubs are the most popular of all types of peeling products. After such a procedure, local blood flow improves, and large abrasive particles easily exfoliate the upper layer of the epidermis. Salt body scrub is suitable for fighting stretch marks and cellulite, as well as for supporting courses.
Salt scrub consists of 3 main components:

  • 300 g of salt;
  • 200 ml of any vegetable oil;
  • two drops of essential oil.

It is better to choose medium grinding salt, since small particles will not have the desired effect, and crystals that are too large can injure the skin.

It should be remembered that salt has an irritating effect on small wounds and cracks. Therefore, if there are abrasions or scratches on the body, it is better to refuse to use salt exfoliators at home.

There are various recipes for making a salt body scrub:

  1. You can add oatmeal. They will help to avoid irritation on delicate and sensitive skin.
  2. To improve the anti-cellulite effect of a salt scrub, you should add finely ground coffee or coffee grounds.
  3. You can also include glycerin soap in the components, it will make the texture of the product more delicate.
  4. Shower gel will also help soften the product.

It is not necessary to make a choice in favor of any one version of a sea salt scrub, you can always experiment with the composition.

What scrubs are best done in the bath?

Bath significantly increases the effect of peeling. In heated skin, the pores are open, harmful substances are removed from the body through them, and beneficial compounds are absorbed into the deeper layers of the skin. You can make various scrubs for the bath at home.

It is important to follow one rule: after the first visit to the steam room, toxins come out through the open pores, so they must be washed off in the shower, the scrub should be applied after the second entry into the steam room.

Advice! Before applying the peeling composition, it is better to warm it up.

Honey with cinnamon

Do-it-yourself bath scrubs can be prepared with honey and cinnamon. The components of the composition enhance local blood circulation and help remove toxic compounds from the skin. To make peeling, you need to mix two parts of honey with one part of cinnamon.

You need to apply the product with careful massaging movements, and to enhance the effect, you can leave the scrub for a couple of minutes. But since cinnamon and honey can provoke an allergic reaction, a skin sensitivity test is needed before the procedure.

Advice! For honey peels, cosmetologists advise choosing thick candied honey.

Honey with coffee

This composition has a pronounced anti-cellulite effect. You will need to mix two parts of honey and one part of coffee, you can add a little olive oil. With regular use of such a scrub, the skin will even out and acquire an even tone.

Honey with salt

Scrub with the addition of honey and salt actively helps oily skin, the result is noticeable after the first application. Honey and salt are mixed in equal proportions and then applied with massage movements. Salt should be medium grind.


To moisturize dry skin, a scrub based on grape seeds is suitable. You need to combine them with butter in equal proportions and mix.
Apply the bath scrub prepared with your own hands on the heated skin with massaging movements. You can leave the product for a quarter of an hour, then rinse with warm water.

Soap scrub

Scrub soap gently removes impurities and exfoliates dead cells of the epidermis. And the advantage of this type of peeling is extremely simple: the product does not need to be prepared immediately before use, it has a long shelf life. But how do you make scrub soap?

For reference! Scrub-soap for oily skin can be used every other day, for dry skin - weekly.

When making soap, you can gradually pour different layers into the mold. For example, one side of the soap will contain abrasive particles, the other side will contain more nutrients. To make a soap scrub with your own hands at home with your own hands, you will need the following components:

  1. Basis for soap. It is better to take baby soap that does not contain any impurities. Or you can use a ready-made soap base.
  2. Filler. Poppy seeds and ground coffee beans, grape seeds and nuts are perfect.
  3. Oil. This is one of the basic components that is necessary for the restoration of the skin. You can take both sunflower or olive oil, and essential extracts.
  4. Additionally - cocoa beans and chocolate, sour cream and green tea.
    Natural dye.

It is better to use these components in the following proportions: add a tablespoon of filler and about 30 ml of vegetable oil per hundred grams of baby soap or soap base.

First you need to melt the soap base in a water bath. Soap should dissolve to a homogeneous mass, but do not boil! Next, add the rest of the ingredients, mix well and pour into molds. It is best to use silicone. Wait until the prepared mass hardens, and remove it from the molds. You can wash with prepared soap both the whole body and exclusively problem areas.

Advice! Cream soap is much easier to remove from the mold if you first place it in the refrigerator for 15 minutes.