Be stylish after 40. Nutrition is the basis of youth. Buy only quality clothes

As the heroes of the famous film said: “At 40, life is just beginning!” The children grew up, got their own families, and the parents are still full of strength and energy, it is time to live for your own pleasure. Every woman at this age is faced with the question of how to look stylish and beautiful in 40 years. And there are some universal tips, following which you can easily create the image of a modern lady.

The age of a woman, first of all, gives out the skin of the face and neck. Age spots, senile purple, wrinkles and dry skin appear. Important factors influencing the state of the epidermis are heredity, diet, ecology, and bad habits.

Looking younger, more beautiful will help special skin care, taking into account age-related changes in the body.

  1. Cleansing. In the arsenal of a woman, there must be a cosmetic milk, with which you should daily clean your face and neck from makeup residues and dust. The product is selected according to age and performs additional functions of nourishing and moisturizing the skin.
  2. Basic care. Choose a cream for your age category that contains vitamins E and B. Apply a product with ceramides and peptides to the area around the eyes twice a day. Start using collagen boosting serums and nourishing face masks.

  1. Protection. To prevent skin from aging under the influence of sunlight or frost, use protective creams regularly. Remember, with age, smoking has a serious impact on the complexion and condition of the epidermis, it is advisable to give up this habit altogether.

Do not neglect salon procedures, cosmetologists know the secret: how to look younger than your age.

After 40 years, the following procedures are suitable:

  • mesotherapy;
  • deep peeling;
  • radiofrequency lifting;
  • injections of hyaluronic acid and Botox;
  • laser resurfacing.

After 50 years, you can think about contouring. Each procedure has a number of contraindications, and before starting rejuvenation, consult a specialist. And do not abuse and suspenders, this can lead to the opposite result.

  • The problem of drooping eyebrows with age is especially relevant. Clearly mark the line of the eyebrows and give them the desired shape. A thin thread is not appropriate. Eyebrows should be optically raised at the corners with a black or brown pencil.
  • Discard colored shadows, they will emphasize hanging eyelids. Highlight the corners of the eyes and make adjustments with a liner. Lips should be bright to brighten up the skin tone.

  • Highlighters, illuminating and whitening powders will help you always look beautiful after 50 years. Avoid foundation completely, they will only accentuate wrinkles. To optically tighten the face, apply blush.

We select a stylish image: look matters!

In adulthood, a woman should look dignified and elegant. Forget about tiger and leopard prints - they are completely out of place after forty. Do not abuse gray and black colors - they can play a cruel joke and age for several years. Give preference to pastel colors that always look expensive, rich terracotta, blue, purple, turquoise hues. and cherry are very suitable for a stylish lady.

If you are thinking about how to look slimmer, choose classic or safari dresses. These styles will hide figure flaws. The length of the outfit can be slightly above the knee or slightly below.

Topical blouses of complex cut with decorative details. A classic blouse will also be quite appropriate at this age.

In the wardrobe of a lady, there must be an exquisite coat of excellent cut. A variety of models will allow you to choose a thing that will successfully hide the flaws of the silhouette.

And don't forget about fashion accessories like.

The desire to look younger than her real age is present in every lady, regardless of how old she is. What woman does not want to be in the center of attention, feel admiring male and envious female gazes on herself, and daily enjoy her own reflection in the mirror?

Principles of healthy rejuvenation

Over the years, the influence of stress, natural processes occurring in the body, rhythm and lifestyle, leads to the fact that the female appearance changes, losing freshness and beauty. Maintaining the appearance in excellent condition, preventing age from gaining victory over spiritual sensations is within the power of everyone, most importantly, to pay attention to themselves. Our prepared 20 tips for maintaining youth and beauty.

You don't have to have a witch's potion to look younger Just follow simple tips:

  1. Do not be lazy to carry out caring procedures for the skin of the body, because aging will affect the face, so it is important to use products for cleansing, peeling, moisturizing and nourishing.
  2. Apply vitamins, selected individually by a specialist, they will help maintain the shine of hair, radiance of the skin and healthy nails.
  3. Do not abuse make-up products, trying to paint over all age-related changes. It is preferable to take special courses, having learned the basics of applying decorative cosmetics.
  4. Invest in the creation of a professional eyebrow shape suitable for the type of face, if necessary, get a tattoo (thin threads are not in fashion, they will emphasize the age of their owner).
  5. Try to choose discreet and elegant wardrobe items, because the desire to keep up with the times by purchasing youth clothes is not the best option, it will emphasize the flaws in the appearance and the age of its owner.
  6. Do not get carried away with high-heeled shoes, it is better to purchase a lower model, but more elegant and comfortable.
  7. Forget about haste and heavy steps. The gait of a young woman is always leisurely and graceful, it is necessary to bring it to life even after 40 years.
  8. Be sure to include in your daily routine. This approach will allow you to keep your muscles in good shape and enjoy a bright healthy blush on your face every day.
  9. Lead an active and healthy lifestyle: outings into nature should be regular, the route to work should include walking.
  10. Monitor the state of the figure, not allowing extra pounds to be deposited on the waist and buttocks.
  11. Do not forget about posture: a woman should have a straight back and a proudly raised head, otherwise, wrinkles will take place on the skin.
  12. Organize .
  13. Drink plenty and often, preferring clean water.
  14. Take care of your hair: do not forget about coloring, but you should beware of dark tones that visually age a woman and shades of unnatural colors.
  15. Choose a haircut that suits your age: short with perky bangs will be optimal, but it is better to refuse long and heavy hair.
  16. Be interested in the world around you, be active.
  17. Choose an exciting hobby that will not leave room for boredom and expand your social circle.
  18. To smile. Psychology says that sincere joy will erase despondency from the face and visually rejuvenate it.
  19. Change the expression of the eyes: it should not be tired and extinct, let the fire of life be reflected in it.
  20. Fall in love and love - a positive attitude lengthens life and preserves youth.

Important rules for maintaining youth

Some women think that being young at 40 or 50 is impossible without the help of a professional surgeon and fabulous money. This is fundamentally wrong: nothing will preserve the feeling of youth like your own desire to be young, to maintain a high level of your well-being, to be self-confident.

Youth is a phenomenon that is difficult to achieve when a valuable moment has already been lost and time has gone against it. Therefore, timely prevention is so important, already at the age of 30 you can change your attitude and take care of your appearance in order to look 25 at 50!

Remove age from eyes

It is known that the expression of the eyes gives out. In them you can see the depth of human experience, all the sadness and joy that a woman went through.

To maintain youth, it is important to monitor what the eyes reflect. Less likely to frown, think about the good (serious matters and problems to experience alone, so as not to embarrass others with a stern expression).

It will not be superfluous to train at home in front of a mirror, because you need to rehearse a look that is not burdened by problems and heavy thoughts, light and mysterious.

Skin care

The skin is a marker that reflects all the years a woman has lived. If in youth it is fresh and elastic, then gradually it loses these qualities, losing moisture and becoming covered with wrinkles.

A careless attitude towards her condition in her youth can result in the appearance of a time stamp that will lie on her face and signal the years she has lived.

To prevent this situation from developing, you should:

  • choose skin care products that are appropriate for its type and age;
  • be sure to use different types of scrubs, creams for day and night care, moisturizing milk and anti-aging serum;
  • remember about cosmetics for caring for the delicate area around the eyes;
  • use (after reaching the age of 30) anti-wrinkle products and even out the skin texture;
  • do not use a lot of care products so as not to overload the tissues and clog pores;
  • at least once every six months - a year to visit a professional cosmetologist for cleaning and receiving valuable recommendations and advice.

Maintaining normal weight

There is an opinion that every five kilograms that a woman adds visually age her by 2-4 years. As a rule, thin ladies always look younger than their years.

There are many ways to maintain normal body weight:

  • do your favorite sport;
  • do morning exercises;
  • maintain a proper diet;
  • walk more often (including the stairs);
  • swim in swimming pool.
  • keep the intestines clean (for example,)

These simple guidelines will help keep your body toned, which guarantees youthfulness and the ability to look young. You should not, in an attempt to keep up with thinness, expose yourself to exhausting diets, a constant restriction in the use of high-calorie foods and regular fasting days work more productively.

Rapid weight loss can produce the opposite of what is expected. The skin will stretch, acquiring unpleasant wrinkles.

The destructive rays of the sun

Ultraviolet radiation has a detrimental effect on the condition of the skin, thereby accelerating their aging and worsening their appearance. To prevent harmful effects, you need:

  • limit the time spent under the open rays of the sun during the hours when it is especially active (from 11 to 16);
  • while getting a tan or simply being outside in the spring and summer, apply special creams to the skin containing filters to protect against ultraviolet radiation;
  • carry out subsequent face and body care, using cosmetics that have a moisturizing effect;
  • protect your hair from sun exposure by wearing a panama hat, wide-brimmed hats or headscarves.

Ultraviolet and skin epidermis

Rest is the key to youth

It is difficult to maintain youth and beauty, constantly being under the influence of stress, chronic lack of sleep and fatigue. All these factors worsen the appearance of a woman several times (dark circles appear under the eyes, the complexion deteriorates). But there is a nice feature - with sufficient rest, the negative points are leveled.

Rest rules:

  • frequent walks in nature;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • maintaining a calm lifestyle (dismissal from work associated with frequent stressful situations).

Makeup is a skillful disguise

Perhaps, The most common mistake of a young lady is the active use of decorative cosmetics.. If a woman uses bright shadows, lipstick, thick foundation and thickly painted eyelashes, she herself gives out the true values ​​\u200b\u200bof her own age. This technique does not allow you to hide wrinkles and other defects, on the contrary, it emphasizes them even more, exposing them to the public.

The basics of proper makeup for women over 30-40 years old:

  • pastel shades;
  • unobtrusive selection of only one element on the face (eyes or lips);
  • light powder texture;
  • rejection of dense, dark colors of foundation;
  • the use of lipstick that matches the type of appearance, eyes, hair;
  • the use of a lip pencil as close as possible to the tone of lipstick (it should not stand out);
  • selection of the shape of the eyebrows by a professional, this part of the face cannot be too dark or thin, such shades will make the look heavy, and very pale ones will emphasize visible flaws.

An example of good makeup on actress Reese Witherspoon

Hairstyle says a lot

Hair color and length are very important for maintaining the youthful appearance of a woman. The main mistake of ladies over 40 years old is trying to make their own dark hair light. Such experiments, in principle, are not suitable for this stage, moreover, they worsen the condition of the hair, making it weak, split and brittle.

Wanting to look younger, it is preferable to dye only in natural colors, slightly changing the tone of the hair.

If a woman drastically alters her own image, it always attracts prying eyes, paying close attention to her. That is why, even the global lightening of the strands should be carried out in stages.

An excellent option for making changes to your own appearance can be the use of staining techniques such as:

  • coloring;
  • booking;
  • highlighting;
  • balayazh.

Such techniques do not radically change the appearance, protect the health of the hair and emphasize the female natural beauty.

An important point is the length of the hair: there is an opinion that long strands are not an option for women over 35 years old. However, a lady who always wore curls and suddenly removed them is unlikely to look younger. Rather, on the contrary, she will expose her neck to the public, which will easily betray the secret of her age or her chin, which is not distinguished by the purity of its lines.

In general, women of any age can have long hair. the main thing is to be able to wear them, not leaving curls fluttering in the wind, but braiding them into intricate pigtails.

Attention to appearance

A woman who has reached a certain age may begin to feel embarrassed about some parts of her own body, which makes her want to hide them from prying eyes under her clothes.

Common women's mistakes in choosing a wardrobe:

  • shapeless objects that not only do not hide, but clearly highlight the features of the figure;
  • overly open outfits, too tight to the body, making their owner vulgar.

  • rejection of black colors, as well as other gloomy shades, not only not slimming the figure, but also not reducing the year;
  • the choice of light colors, without overly bright prints that catch the eye;
  • moderate use of accessories (graceful brooches, scarves and belts), focusing on details, but not attracting extra looks;
  • a ban on too much jewelry;
  • the use of shoes that match the style of the overall image, but at the same time have a narrow toe and a stable heel of medium height.

The fragrance of youth

A lot about a woman can say the aroma emanating from her. It would be fundamentally wrong to choose a heavy smell, with a long train, especially if you use it in everyday life.

Rules for the selection of perfumes and toilet water:

  • perfume should be of high quality, for a good brand, the aroma of which will last not for 30 minutes, but throughout the day, constantly changing notes, it’s not a pity for impressive money;
  • do not use perfumes flavored with spicy, sweetish notes;
  • it is preferable to choose light citrus aromas, with a hint of fruit or herbal infusion;
  • you should not pour perfume on your own body abundantly, it is enough to apply 1 drop behind each ear. So, the fragrance will invisibly pursue a woman, attracting the attention of only those who are next to her;
  • choose a new perfume should be carefully, not in a hurry. It is better to apply the perfume you like on your wrist and walk around with it for a while to feel how the aroma mixes with the smell of the body.

Fresh air and nature

The preservation of youth depends on the climatic features and the nature of the region in which the woman lives.

Not the best way for beauty is affected by the following:

  • frequent and sharp changes in air temperature;
  • strong winds;
  • constant changes in humidity levels;
  • severe frosts (as a result - a long stay in rooms with air dried under the influence of central heating, which negatively affects the condition of the skin).

It is unlikely that it will be possible to change the natural features, sometimes it is easier to change the place of residence, so that after that you do not suffer from a deterioration in the condition of the skin.

In order to preserve youth, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • do not spend much time in regions whose climate is very different from the area of ​​\u200b\u200bpermanent residence;
  • leave the city more often, visiting forests, parks and protected areas with clean air saturated with oxygen;
  • to set the “internal” clock, it would not be superfluous to leave the urban environment for 2-3 weeks a year and plunge into the pristine purity of nature, abandoning modern gadgets.

Being outdoors and having a positive attitude can help with rejuvenation

Inner mood

The internal state of a woman determines her appearance and how many years she can be given.

What makes a person younger?

  1. Pleasant memories (for example, about the first love).
  2. Good mood.
  3. Rejection of painful thoughts and experiences.
  4. Caring for a pet.
  5. Games with children.

To relax, you should adhere to the following algorithm:

  • sit down in a convenient place;
  • close your eyes and evoke pleasant thoughts;
  • inhale deeply, hold your breath for a moment, and exhale slowly;
  • remember pleasant moments, trying to fix as many details as possible and remember your own feelings, transferring them to reality.

sexual activity

According to American sexologists, the sexual energy emitted by a woman, after a recent act of love, gives an incomparable radiance. Regular sexual relations bring the following benefits:

  • strengthening of the vascular walls;
  • increased blood circulation;
  • improved nutrition of the skin;
  • enrichment of cells with oxygen.

Regular intimate life can reduce the biological age of both men and women by at least 8 years.

Additional energy sources

What can make outsiders not pay attention to the biological age of a woman? Her energetic gait, clear movements and sparkling eyes.

Not always a large amount of energy can be drawn only from the internal resources of the body; for this purpose, external replenishment may be needed:

  • eleutherococcus extract: it is necessary to take 6 g daily, three times a day (if tincture is used, the use of 20 drops per day is indicated);
  • mate tea: this drink enriches the body with vitamin B6, relieving a woman of stress (you can drink it with the addition of cinnamon, milk and);
  • dry red wine: contains a large amount of antioxidants that increase the elasticity of the vascular walls, improve blood circulation and skin nutrition. Drinking half a glass of this drink daily helps in rejuvenating the body;
  • Walking: Walking just 5 km in a day doubles your energy reserves.

Nutrition is the basis of youth

To maintain health and youth, it is very important to strive for the organization of proper nutrition. Some products contain useful trace elements and valuable substances that have a beneficial effect on the body.

What foods should be included in the diet?

  1. Oranges, cabbage, lemons, peppers, rose hips and strawberries: a large amount of vitamin C in their composition activates the production of collagen cells, which increases the elasticity of the skin and keeps it fresh.
  2. Fish, pork tenderloin, beef, nuts, beans, dairy products with a minimum amount of fat, chicken breast: they contain a lot of protein, an element that ensures the smooth functioning of the whole organism. It is also involved in the synthesis of collagen and restores the cellular composition.
  3. A vegetable oil that should replace industrial mayonnaise on a woman's table. The latter has a high calorie content, a lot of preservatives, stabilizers and dyes in its composition, which negatively affects the state of the gastrointestinal tract. Vegetable salad seasoned with sunflower or olive oil will give the body a lot of vitamins and allow the skin to shine. We recommend paying attention to.

It is very important to refuse food containing a lot of fats and "fast" carbohydrates. Nothing ages a woman like being overweight.. It is impossible to achieve its reduction without regular physical activity, active movement and revision of one's own diet.

Of considerable importance is the amount of fluid in the body. A woman who wants to look younger than usual tomorrow can purchase medicinal herbs that have a diuretic effect (or horsetail) . They need to be drunk three times a day, according to the attached instructions, which should be carefully studied, having read the contraindications to the use of this remedy.

Limiting sweets will get rid of sagging, dryness and reduced elasticity of the skin, which are signs of old age. The fact is that the glucose found in such products reacts with protein cells, causing skin deterioration. With each passing year, the body can resist this process less and less. It is in the power of any woman to come to the aid of her own body by giving up sweets, cakes and chocolate.

Appearance at 30 years old

A kind of boundary between the end of youth and the onset of maturity is the age of 30 years. If experiments with bright shades in makeup and wardrobe are still allowed during this period, as well as the use of neutral tones of lipstick or shadows, then caution should be exercised when working with foundation creams. An improperly selected remedy can only exacerbate appearance problems, emphasizing, for example, enlarged pores.

  • for toning a face with a tendency to the appearance of red spots, use cosmetic substances that have a yellow pigment in their composition;
  • in the presence of wide pores, mimic wrinkles, use a liquid tonal foundation, which, due to the lightness of the texture, lays down perfectly evenly;
  • to get rid of the first signs of aging (loss of elasticity, the appearance of folds and wrinkles, other cosmetic defects), use products containing vitamins A and C 2 times a day;
  • use products that care for the delicate skin around the eyes (serums, gels, creams containing collagen and hyaluron);
  • to eliminate traces of sleepless nights, use pre-frozen green tea cubes with the addition of mint decoction or special cosmetic preparations applied to the face with a massage roller;
  • pay attention to the condition of the hairline: regularly remove split ends, tint emerging gray hair (if any) and make homemade masks to moisturize hair, for example with.

As for cosmetic procedures, the 30-year milestone is the time when you can not carry out a serious impact on the skin. But, you can try massage, deep peeling, dermabrasion or other hardware techniques.

A 30-year-old woman should be able to emphasize her own dignity, and skillfully hide minor flaws in her appearance.

Appearance at 40 years old

By the age of 40, the fair sex has already studied all the features of their body, learned how to use them and correct them if necessary.

Some make-up artist tips to help a woman look younger than her age:

  • maintain the shape of the eyebrows: by the age of forty, they lose their clarity, due to sagging of the skin and lowering of the superciliary arches, which makes the lady look tired and distressed. To level this fact, you should use a pencil of black or brown shades, which will visually raise the eyebrow. It is important to abandon the explicit plucking of hairs, which has long been out of fashion and brings all skin defects to the public;
  • do not use bright shadows: it is preferable to paint over the corners of the eyes with a light liner, correcting the shape of the eyelids with liquid eyeliner;
  • exclude from everyday use lipsticks with pastel shades, which will only emphasize all the flaws and give the face a painful look. It is better to use bright shades, but without too much shine.

The beautician recommends maintaining beauty and youth in the following ways:

  1. Start using serums that have anti-aging characteristics. They stimulate the production of a sufficient amount of collagen and tighten the dermis.
  2. At night, apply a special nourishing cream containing vitamins and hyaluronic acid to the skin.
  3. Take care of the eyelids, twice a day, applying a layer of cream with peptides and ceramides.
  4. Apply masks made from natural ingredients.
  5. Visit a beauty parlor where you can undergo procedures such as mesotherapy, laser resurfacing, radiofrequency lifting. Some of these techniques have a number of contraindications that need to be carefully considered before they are carried out. Don't forget about .
  6. Take care of your hair by painting over gray strands and regularly visiting the salon to shape your haircut. If you are going to change the color of your hair, use slightly lighter shades than your natural color.

A woman over 40 can look impeccably beautiful and young if she adheres to a certain direction in choosing clothes:

  • classic style in warm colors;
  • rejection of brightness, gloom and flashy images;
  • the use of modern accessories that should look expensive and restrained.

Appearance at 50

The lady, who crossed the 50-year mark, has already learned to arouse the admiration of the people around her with her sophistication and chic. You can maintain youth by mastering modern makeup techniques:

  • do not use tonal products;
  • apply illuminating powder to the skin with a whitening effect;
  • use highlighters (they will perfectly hide imperfections and give the face a glow);
  • do not use bright colors of shadows, prefer shimmering shades with a touch of metallic sheen;
  • if you choose blush, then only in a cold range, they can highlight the cheekbones and tighten (visually) the oval of the face;
  • lipstick is better to prefer red, dark pink or raspberry (bronze and shades of brown will give fatigue, it is better to refuse them).

Cosmetologists offer 50-year-old ladies the following recommendations for maintaining youth and beauty:

  1. The use of creams with a lifting effect, which must be applied to the décolleté and neck area (on which age is most clearly visible).
  2. Passage of salon cosmetic procedures (laser rejuvenation and deep acid peeling, contouring and injection cosmetology). They should not be carried out too often, because active Botox or a facelift can cause an effect that is the opposite of what is desired.
  3. The use of anti-pigmentation products that worsen the appearance of the face and body, causing associations with old age. You can use both industrial products and homemade recipes.

In clothes for such a lady, it is preferable to choose elegant outfits in a minimalist style. Tones can be both beige and pale brown, chocolate. An exquisite scarf, scarf or bag will not interfere, which will give the image completeness. Black color should be discarded, it has the ability to highlight wrinkles.

A fifty-year-old woman is not in vain called a berry, she has already figured out herself and her appearance fully and completely reflects the rich inner content. The experience and wisdom acquired over the years of her life make her self-confident and increase her self-esteem. She is no longer afraid of the reaction of others and can stand up for herself.

All this combination of qualities gives a woman inner self-confidence, which is expressed by radiance and external beauty.

A representative of the fair sex, who at any age does not refuse adequate care for her own face and body, has a sense of style and a rich inner world, always younger than her age, attracting the views of surrounding men.

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At 40, life is just beginning, which means it’s too early to wrap yourself in a shawl and start saving for old age. Time to create! And it's not about art, but about yourself. Review your wardrobe, get rid of the trash and try to become a chic woman for a little... And in this material you will find 15 really working tips that will help you achieve your goal quickly and without mistakes. Impeccable style can be achieved at any age!

1. Don't go to extremes

The most important and important rule that many women break with sad regularity is to go to extremes. This means that one wears a crop top with a picture of Mickey Mouse, and the other wears a granny floor-length gray skirt. Know your limits: short shiny shorts will not make you younger, and an old lady's blouse will only aggravate the situation. The right decision is elegant silhouettes, classic styles and the absence of strange decorative elements.

2. Wear comfortable clothes

Still, it's time to forget about very tight skirts, 15 cm heels and slipping jeans. Wear what you feel comfortable in (this is not a tracksuit!). Clothing should not tighten, compress or restrict movement. Remember once and for all: the outfit should sit on the figure.

3. Be clear about what to show and what to hide

It is natural that your figure is no longer as toned as it was 20 years ago. There is no need to be afraid of this, because of this there is no need to be upset. Just learn to emphasize the advantages and hide the flaws. Do you have beautiful calves or an attractive décolleté? Wear knee-length skirts and V-neck blouses.

4. Wear pastel colors

First of all, you need to understand what colors suit you. Perhaps you have had enough time to figure it out. For example, pale blue instantly makes you younger and more attractive, while yellow is strictly prohibited. Take a break from this. Meanwhile, if you are a little over 40, stylists recommend paying attention to light pastel shades: beige, ivory, brown, white, gray.

5. Say a firm no to shapeless clothes

Returning to the question of a beautiful and elegant silhouette. Forget hoodies, weird stretchy sweaters, insanely wide trousers. Only the size in size and only semi-fitted things (but not tight!)

6. Choose prints with care

We are not saying that bright prints should not be worn after 40, but it is better to choose them with extreme caution. Pay attention to something muffled, unpretentious, non-flashy. It can be geometric shapes, and flowers, and abstraction, but with the condition that the print does not look too childish. Especially without funny kitties and red lips.

7. Don't Forget Your Heels

Shoes with heels lie in the closet and "walk" only on special occasions? This is the wrong approach to business. Just buy at least one pair of really comfortable and stable mid-heel pumps.

8. Choose mid-length skirts and dresses

The ideal length is the middle of the knee. It's feminine, beautiful, stylish. A mini dress will look vulgar and vulgar, perhaps only Demi Moore can afford such outfits. In order not to be mistaken, we always choose something restrained and without busting.

9. Find a nice fitted coat

Have you bought a cool fitted coat in a delicate shade? Match it with ankle boots and consider that you are ready for spring and autumn. Forget about black or gray and don't be afraid to get dirty - a light coat will make your look great.

10. Add stylish details

If in clothes we advise you to stick to the classics, then when choosing accessories, you can turn on fantasy (in moderation, of course). For example, sometimes wear a beautiful hat or large jewelry, add an unusual brooch or bright shoes to the look. In general, be original, it will benefit your style.

11. Do not get carried away with jewelry

Another extreme, which sometimes women fall into age. Wear lots and lots of expensive jewelry at the same time and turn into a Christmas tree. We understand that jewelry is an indicator of wealth and luxury, but for everyday style it is better to stick to modest accessories. At least not without 20 carat diamonds.

12. Carry small neat handbags

Try to avoid large knapsacks that look more like shopping bags for groceries. Carry clutches or neat medium-sized handbags - they will never ruin your elegant look.

13. Buy only quality clothes

We think that you have already come to the realization that it is better to buy a few high-quality and expensive basic wardrobe items than to buy all the lurid blouses with protruding threads on sales. A woman over 40 cannot afford to wear low-quality clothes that will not last more than 1 season. An expensive bag, a good coat, cool shoes - we select the perfect option and enjoy it for several years.

14. Always stick to simplicity and elegance

Let's leave experiments with trends to young girls, okay? An eternal classic is what a beautiful woman needs after 40. Fitted trousers, a feminine blouse, a stylish jacket will never go out of fashion. As they say, simple and tasteful.

15. Be well-groomed and tidy

There are no ugly women. There are only those who do not want to take care of their skin, hair, nails, clothes. Of course, you can justify the lack of time, but this excuse will not work with us. We officially declare: women, love yourself, and then everyone around you will love you!

Be beautiful with

Responsible Vladimir Vissarionov, doctor of medical sciences, professor, famous plastic surgeon:

Much depends on genetics. It is no coincidence that they say: if you want to know what your wife will look like in 20 years, look at your mother-in-law.

However, genetics is not a reward or a sentence. Lifestyle and self-care are also important. A person who wants to look young until old age should lead a healthy lifestyle, give up bad habits (smoking and alcohol are detrimental to both the body as a whole and the skin in particular), maintain a constant weight (its fluctuations negatively affect the skin condition). ).

It is useful to listen to the advice given by "girls" aged 50+. They believe that moderation in food, mobility (movement stimulates metabolism, improves blood circulation, ventilation of the lungs and keeps bones strong) and an optimistic outlook on life help to maintain youthfulness.

At the age of 40, it is worth getting acquainted with a beautician. Regular skin care (home and professional) allows you to delay the appearance of the first signs of aging. It is desirable that one doctor takes care of your appearance. There are antagonist drugs, they work fine separately, but they cannot stand each other's neighborhood. And if in one clinic you were injected with one, and in another - with another, the effect may be the most unexpected.

But the laws of nature are inexorable - if there is excess skin, only the surgeon's scalpel can get rid of them. But plastic is not an automatic return to youth. The duration of the effect largely depends on the efforts of the person. Take good care of yourself after the operation: keep a stable weight, do not smoke, get enough sleep, do not abuse the sun exposure. If this is neglected, the result of plastic surgery will quickly come to naught.

Remember: the statement that everyone has the appearance they deserve is not far from the truth. It can be difficult for bitchy women to correct their appearance even with the help of plastic surgery. I know from experience that they have the most severe postoperative complications (keloid scars, long-lasting hematomas). For nice people, as a rule, everything goes off without a hitch - it's nice to look at them both before and after the operation.

  • © / Lera Kudryavtseva (May 19, 1971) - TV presenter, 44 years old.
  • © / Nonna Grishaeva (June 21, 1971) - actress, TV presenter, 44 years old.
  • © / Anastasia Zavorotnyuk (April 3, 1971) - actress, TV presenter, 44 years old.
  • © / Valeria (April 17, 1968) - singer, 47 years old.
  • © / Olga Kabo (April 28, 1968) - actress, 47 years old.
  • © / Oksana Fandera (November 7, 1967) - actress, 48 ​​years old.
  • © / Olga Drozdova (April 1, 1965) - actress, 50 years old.
  • © / Ilze Liepa (November 22, 1963) - ballerina, 52 years old.
  • © / Ekaterina Andreeva (November 27, 1961) - TV presenter, 54 years old.
  • © / Laima Vaikule (March 31, 1954) - singer, 61 years old.

Answers questions from readers Anna Stenko, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head of DepartmentBeauty Institute on the Arbat:

Gymnastics instead of braces?

I heard that there is a special gymnastics for the face. How to do it?

Polina Surina, Tomsk

Facial muscles work very rarely - only during facial expressions and in the process of chewing. Due to lack of training, with age, facial muscles sag, a second chin appears, skin sagging, cheeks sag, and the corners of the mouth drop. Facebuilding allows you to relax tense muscles - thanks to this, mimic wrinkles are smoothed out (eyebrow and nasolabial folds, crow's feet around the eyes). Regular exercise can even increase the volume of the lips. Training should be daily (10-15 minutes a day) and systematic - the muscles of the face, like any other, lose their tone without load. But do not expect the first results earlier than in 1-1.5 months.

Facebook building is a kind of strength gymnastics. It is important to remember that all exercises should be performed through light resistance.

The older, the angrier?

People say that in old age the soul of a person "comes out on the face." Therefore, with age, kind people become more beautiful, while evil people's faces become like a twisted mask. Is it true?

Elena Makholtseva, Ukhta

The face is formed by 57 muscles. His features largely depend on their tone, and already in his youth, often experienced emotions are imprinted on his face. And with age, even those emotions that a person tries to hide appear on the face, since facial expressions are not subject to willpower and consciousness. When a person thinks about something, the corresponding facial muscles involuntarily tighten. Therefore, both anger and joy are literally “imprinted” to the face. Anger, anger require tension of almost all facial muscles, distort the face. And joy is the most burdensome emotion. A smile is provided by the tension of one muscle. And even wrinkles of joy - crow's feet - do not spoil, but make you younger.

Face or figure?

They say that a woman with age should choose - a face or a figure. Why?

Svetlana Smetnik, Novorossiysk

At the age of 42-55 years (on the eve of menopause) in women, due to a sharp decrease in the level of estrogen (hormone of femininity) in the blood, a sharp aging of the body occurs.

On the appearance of women who are overweight, this is not so critical, since adipose tissue not only stores estrogen, but is also able to synthesize these hormones itself. The lack of fatty tissue on the face of a woman over 35 gives it a haggard look.

Three-day diet instead of plastic surgery?

“Pretty woman” Julia Roberts admitted that she does not use cream, but follows a special diet “for wrinkles”. What is her secret?

Irina Semina, Zhukovsky

Elena Tereshina, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Head of the Laboratory of the Russian Gerontological Research and Clinical Center, comments:

The basis of the nutrition system developed at the Yale University Medical School, which is called the “facelift diet”, is the use of fatty fish (salmon, tuna or mackerel) and the ban on starchy foods (potatoes, rice, pasta, bananas) . Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish provide vitamins and minerals to the body, improve blood circulation and give the skin elasticity. And the rejection of starch, which gives the skin friability, quickly revives even very tired skin. Therefore, the results of such a diet can be seen after 3 days.

How to rejuvenate?

They say that there are workouts that help keep you young. What sports are rejuvenating?

Olga Maltseva, Tula

Responsible Roza Tsallagova, Professor, Head of the Department of Preventive Medicine and Fundamentals of Health, Novosibirsk State University. Lesgaft:

Preservation of youth is unthinkable without physical activity. The minimum dose of exercise that allows a person to stay healthy is 10 thousand steps per day (at an average walking pace, a person usually takes 5-6 thousand steps per hour). 2-3 times a week more intensive classes are desirable (hiking, swimming pool, gym class). There are moderate physical activities that not only heal, but also rejuvenate. They are aimed at developing flexibility (it is the first to be lost with age) and coordination (it has a beneficial effect on the deep structures of the brain), and allow you to use the maximum number of muscles. Ideally, classes are held outdoors.

6 exercises to smooth wrinkles

For eyes. Press your middle fingers lightly against the outer edges of the eye sockets. Close your eyes so that your fingers feel the contraction of the muscles.

For forehead. Place your fingers on your forehead: index fingers near the hairline, ring fingers on the upper eyebrow lines. Raise your eyebrows, holding them with your ring fingers, and pull the skin of your forehead forward and down with your thumbs and forefingers so that wrinkles do not appear.

For the chin. Place clenched fists under your chin. Open your mouth against the resistance of your hands.

For lips. Press your lips together tightly. Press the folds formed in the corners of the lips with your index fingers.

For cheeks. Place your index fingers on the places where wrinkles form when you smile. Stretch the corners of the lips as if smiling, with your fingers slightly pressing and preventing their movement.

For the neck. Pull your lower lip down with force so that your lower teeth are exposed. If you perform the exercise correctly, the muscles in the neck should protrude.

What to eat to get better?

advises Boris Sukhanov, professor of the Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and the 1st Moscow State Medical University. I. M. Sechenova:

The key to beauty has always been considered a balanced diet, that is, a diet that contains all the elements necessary for the body.

However, there are products that a woman who cares about her appearance should pay special attention to. Some cosmetologists strongly recommend including dishes in your diet that will help maintain beauty, as they say, from the inside.

Buckwheat, oatmeal, lean meats, and other foods high in zinc and iron. Zinc is involved in all the main processes of the formation of new cells, and when paired with iron, it forms hair follicles and nails. Legumes are also recommended for women, which are rich in isoflavones - substances that provide effects similar to the action of female sex hormones.

Vegetable oil. Natural antioxidant, neutralizes free radicals and protects against aging. Contains vitamin E for skin elasticity.

Dairy and dairy products. It is a source of calcium that strengthens hair, nails and teeth. One of the reasons for an unhealthy complexion and rashes on the skin is an insufficiently active work of the gastrointestinal tract. To activate the work of a lazy intestine, you need to regularly include fermented milk products (kefir, yogurt, etc.) in your diet.

Fish. Contains omega-3 fatty acids, phosphorus and fluorine, potassium and vitamin D, which gives strength to bones.

Fruits and vegetables. Responsible for smooth and supple skin. They are rich in vitamin C, which stimulates the production of new cells, as well as cells that produce collagen. There are many other vitamins in plant foods that have antioxidant properties, that is, they fight free radicals. Green tea, sunflower seeds and dark chocolate can also be called a storehouse of antioxidants.

Balzac's age starts at 40. Therefore, many people think that these are women sitting at home in warm blankets, knitting socks for future grandchildren, taking care of the house and family, they stopped taking care of themselves and their appearance. So to speak "young grandmothers". It's not like that at all! This article will talk about how a woman looks at 40 years old. So what does a woman in her 40s really look like? First, it's appearance. At this age, a woman dresses elegantly, restrainedly, beautifully. She emphasizes all her beautiful places of the figure and hides wrinkles. For so many years of life, ladies know all their shortcomings and advantages, and most importantly, how to eliminate them, or emphasize them. In particular, women of this age prefer the classic style of clothing.

Classic never goes out of fashion, it is always appropriate and preferred. Consequently, the shoes will also be in a classic style, which means that they will be on a medium stable heel made of natural materials. Why natural materials? The answer is simple for the convenience and comfort of the feet. Women have to walk a lot of distances in a day, while she must constantly look elegant and beautiful, and not like a paralyzed grasshopper. Yes, here is another detail - the heel makes the figure and legs slimmer and more elegant. Secondly, there are accessories. What kind of accessories you will not find in our stores. But, unfortunately, they are only suitable for teenagers who want to stand out from the crowd and girls in their twenties. But wise women have found suitable accessories for themselves.

Ladies sometimes prefer discreet, elegant, cultural things that suit their style of clothing. In particular, these are natural stones and precious metals, but sometimes they allow themselves some beautiful and not very eye-catching jewelry. Women also prefer to wear not a scarf, but handkerchiefs that they tie around their necks. Looks very nice. To such an established image, women choose a bag that suits the season and style. Nowadays, where you rarely see women without a bag, this is the main attribute of every woman. Thirdly, it is the woman's face and make-up. Yes, naturally, by the age of forty, the face of women loses its former beauty, but they do not despair, but find different ways to either hide these shortcomings or turn them into virtues. Makeup will be discreet to mask all your imperfections, such as wrinkles.

Women in their forties prefer only cosmetics made from natural ingredients. Because it does not damage the skin. Girls need to learn from women. But there are such "instances" who do not want to leave the age of twenty and they begin to use such means as "anti-aging". These are botox, mesotherapy, peeling, facelifts and more. And after these procedures, only an artificial face is obtained, which is unlikely to please anyone. Due to these terrible procedures, it is better to go to the SPA and bring natural and natural beauty. So, we have to figure out how a woman should look like at 40. There is such a myth that women in their forties should only have a short haircut and no long hair.

Especially wearing short haircuts is stupid. Why if a woman has long, thick, silky and beautiful hair and she is 40 years old that she is obliged to cut them? No, of course, on the contrary, she will show all their beauty to other people. But nowadays, many women prefer short haircuts. You rarely see a woman with long hair. And this is very bad. It's good that those strong and courageous women who are not afraid to show their hair in all its glory remain! Also, older ladies go in for fitness, train in gyms, go to the pool and yoga. They support their body because it is good for health! Many young girls should learn from older ladies. And now the most important thing is health. Of course, 40 is not yet an old age, but still a rather big age.

At this age, various unpleasant diseases begin to appear. That is why ladies go in for sports and strengthen their health and please themselves. It is also proper nutrition, without it, nowhere. Even older women devote more time to sleep. And it is right. Because lack of sleep shows the true age of women! ! ! It is unlikely that anyone will like to see their age in the mirror. Many women at this age already have careers and families. Therefore, it is sometimes very difficult for them. They spin like a squirrel in a wheel. They go to work, just like their husbands, help their children with their problems, maybe even babysit their grandchildren. They often go to their parents and husband's parents, and most importantly they look after their home! But they do not despair and overcome all the problems that arise in life!

No wonder ladies of Balzac's age are called wise women! ! ! They try to help all their loved ones. They do so much that it's hard to imagine how they cope with such a load and at the same time look very good. I want to say that women at the age of forty are very strong-willed, strong, smart and purposeful. In conclusion, I want to answer the question that would have been posed at the beginning of the article. What does a woman look like at 40? I answer: these are wise and strong-willed women who look after themselves and their large family. At the same time, they dress elegantly at the same time, unabashedly preferring naturalness in their appearance! ! !