Happy birthday daughter. Best birthday wishes for daughter. Colorful congratulations on the birthday of your daughter

The sun illuminates the windows
Not a cloud in the sky
We all congratulate mom
Happy birthday daughter!
We wish you happy days
Joy for many years
Let on life traffic lights
There will be only green light!

We want to congratulate, period,
Mom, on my daughter's birthday,
Smart and capable, beautiful,
May her life be happy!

Happy birthday to your daughter
Let him be very happy
Every day and hour
Let her grow up as a beautiful lady
Most interesting of all
Smarter than everyone, like mom,
To expect success!

Here is a holiday in the house again,
Your daughter's birthday.
Congratulations mom and daughter
Be nicer every day.
Again joy and fun
For a year, the daughter became older.
We wish you good luck
In the life of your true friends.
Positive and happiness
The ocean of love is big.
Let all bad weather recede
Always be yourself everywhere!

Mom's daughter is the best
Loud laughter is heard throughout the house,
And children's eyes shine
And my mother is in tears!
Let happiness not leave the house!
This day was once a maternity hospital,
There was pain, but happiness shone
Mom gently swaddled her daughter ...
Let her grow as a beauty - all in her mother,
Children's eyes will shine
Grow in love and understanding
In joy, warmth and adoration!

Mom has the main holiday,
Just like many years ago!
Your daughter was born
The most important treasure in life.
Let it grow to the joy of mom
Shines with beauty, mind.
Never forgets
Your dear father's house.

We are happy to congratulate mom
Daughter is growing up fast.
Beauty, well, like a mother,
Gentle, playful, a little stubborn.
And on this new birthday
We want fun
Pleasant, joyful worries
Let this year give.
So that you love each other
Don't forget about your spouse.
And dad to love
He protected his beauties.

Happy birthday daughter, our dear,
Let it become smarter, more beautiful,
Let hundreds of talents develop
May he never know failure.
Let it be an example for others
Joy radiates to the fullest.

And the years don't stand still
Congratulations once again
With the birth of a wonderful daughter
And I wish you only happiness!
Let adversity pass by
So that peace and joy are in the house,
Always good weather
It stands in the family, as in nature.

Like mom's eyes
Like mom's cheeks:
Kind and affectionate
God bless my daughter.
With admiration and love
Arriving to the Lyalka,
Fairy godmother of health
Wish the whole family.
And this verse assures
Confidently, stubbornly
What will my daughter grow up
Beauty like mom.

Your daughter's birthday
This holiday is for you too.
Mom, daughter flourish
This cake is from us.

Your daughter is beautiful and beautiful,
You admire everyone around her,
We wish her to love and be loved,
And faithful, good friends to her.
And here's to you, prosperity and success,
Thank you for giving birth to such beauty,
Happy next birthday to my daughter,
Let your cherished dream come true.

Mom and daughter are very similar
Both beauties. And today my daughter
Another birthday has arrived.
Mom and daughter - on a pedestal!
We wish you, our girls, good luck,
Health, happiness, success in addition
In all undertakings and important matters.
Oh, how wonderful is the wave of your eyelashes!

You dreamed of a daughter, here she is:
So unusual, sweet and smart,
Like a mother, the daughter shines with positive,
Dreaming of a smart and handsome man!
May your common dreams come true
Health to you, prosperity, kindness,
Love to be happy
Life brought impressions and joy!

The birthday girl is so sweet and cheerful today,
Like mom once, carefree, young!
Your daughter looks so much like you, her eyes
Let only a single tear fill you with happiness.
Let the daughter know only joy in this life,
And let the most beautiful prince take her to a fairy tale.
Let anyone be subject to life's difficult lesson.
We know that her happiness is the guarantee of mommy's happiness!

Daughter is growing up fast
Giving joy to the soul;
Let the mother's heart melt
But don't be in a hurry to worry.
Her road is full of happiness
And joy from above is given to her;
You support her with participation
Though mentally, when alone.
Be afraid of desires, because they come true
They have an interest;
And it takes a lot of effort
So that the “plus” has an advantage.
Autumn day or spring day
Wishing my daughter only the best
You will have fun yourself
Because you were wise.

It's my daughter's birthday - congratulations!
It's great that we're celebrating together.
It's so nice for all of us to see
For a girl that does not let you grow old.
May life give her both joy and success,
Let it be more fun and better than everyone
Will not be on the way with her, and no tears,
And there will be an area in millions of scarlet roses!

We want to congratulate mom
Not my own fault.
We give you flowers -
Daughter's birthday!
Let it grow up faster
And helps around the house.
To give her education
And I talked to my friends.

Daughter, you are my main joy and pride.
Today is the main holiday - your birthday.
And this day is marked not only for you alone,
He is immortalized in my heart now.
Let me kiss you, my beloved girl,
You have grown up with me, kind, beautiful.
I give you my mother's love,
I wish you happiness in life. I love you very much!

Today is a holiday at my delicate flower,
Happy birthday to you, daughter.
And on this bright day I wish you with love,
So that there is no happiness for you, there is no end to the edge.
So that your young heart beats with love,
So that you do not know disappointments and worries.
So that all friends and relatives respect you,
And the boys, carried on their hands, adored!

Daughter, you have already grown up and become a mother yourself,
And gone somewhere, your character is stubborn,
You became affectionate, now gentle,
But she remained young and cheerful, as before.
And today, on the bright holiday of the Birthday,
You can't avoid gifts and fun.
And accept warm, sincere words from your mother:
Let your head spin with joy and happiness!

Happy holiday to you, my beloved daughter,
You know that your mother loves you very much.
Therefore, I am the first to congratulate you today.
I wish you a bright path, and I wish you creativity.
So that all your desires come true in life,
So that the bitterness and troubles of your heart do not touch,
So that every day is filled with light,
So that you rejoice at all sunsets and sunrises.

You are not just a daughter, you are my hope and support,
And today together we will set the table,
After all, guests will gather in the house soon,
And I wish the main man would come.
I so want you to sow from love,
So that fate protects you from sorrows,
So that a happy occasion falls out as soon as possible,
And today do not be sad, and meet your dear guests.

Today is the most important holiday on earth,
The birth of a daughter, what a miracle
That glorious cry when the little one made herself known
You will remember this joyful moment all your life.
Now you have become a mother, congratulations,
I wish you health, happiness, peace and prosperity,
May everything you dream of come true
May all worries be forever forgotten.

A wonderful moment - the birth of a daughter,
A cherished dream came true
Everything is behind anxiety, pain, excitement,
Beautiful picture: mother and child.
We congratulate you on the birth of your daughter,
We wish you both a happy life
May the good angel protect you from troubles,
May the guiding star illuminate your path.

Mom's happiness knows no bounds
A crystal tear rolls from the eyes of joy,
Because today at dawn,
She gave birth to a beautiful daughter.
Congratulations on the birth of your daughter,
We wish you good luck, joy, fun,
Let the baby grow healthy and happy
And it will be like a mother - beautiful.

Always remember the happy moment
Daughters of the beloved birth,
Joy fills the soul
There is no event more important and better.
You have become a mother, congratulations,
Let your daughter give you admiration
May fate generously give you
May the Lord always keep from troubles.

Congratulations on the birth of your daughter
Let her grow healthy
May you always be happy with success,
May God grant you happiness, good luck and kindness.
Live in joy and happiness
Let anxiety and bad weather forget you,
May fate always smile at you
All the best to you, peace, prosperity and warmth.

The Lord sent you a daughter
May the moment of birth be glorious,
We wish you both good health,
Accept heartfelt congratulations.
Let the baby grow for joy
Let her be happy
Let the golden angel circle over her,
Let there be a favorable fate.

Today you gave birth to a daughter, what happiness,
You so wanted this, and now the dream has come true,
Let all bad weather fly by
We wish you both health and wellness.
Let the daughter grow up for joy,
Let love surround you
Let fate give her generously
May the Lord always keep.

You have the most important holiday today,
In the early morning she gave birth to a daughter,
Congratulations on the birth of the baby
We wish you peace, happiness and kindness.
May the Lord bless you
May luck always accompany
May happiness attract you like a magnet,
Let fate reward you in full.

Congratulations on the birth of your daughter,
May fate be kind to you
Let life bring you only inspiration,
Let it look like two drops on you.
Let the daughter grow up happy
May luck always smile on her
May she be tender and beautiful,
May the Lord always keep her.

Congratulations! Here's a miracle lump:
He then exudes crying, then laughter!
On the art of giving birth to daughters
You have surpassed all your friends at once.
What pens! And the legs! And the eyes!
Here Merlin is resting Monroe!
Will grow up and a princess from a fairy tale
Come out! Will act in films!
Only, mother, you are this little one,
No matter how hard it is at times,
At least five years do not put on a diet
Give me more milk!

At the request of our readers, we have placed on the site page the best, most memorable happy birthday poems for daughter. How can you congratulate your already grown daughter and your very tiny, beloved baby?
Replenishment in the family is a real miracle, and the birth of a tiny girl, a small, tender and touching princess, is a true happiness for parents. They will take care of the baby, raise her, pamper her a little, rejoice at every success of the girl. And of course, from year to year, in honor of the daughter’s birthday, a grandiose holiday is arranged, which will be remembered by all guests, and most importantly, by the birthday girl, and all congratulations will be the warmest and most sincere!

On this day, relatives and friends remember what happened a couple of years ago, when the baby graced the world with her appearance. Parents experience especially vivid emotions on this day: the mother, who carried the girl under her heart, was constantly worried about her comfort; a father who treats his daughter with such trepidation from the first days to this hour. Congratulations to the daughter on her birthday are saturated with special tenderness, which makes the hero of the occasion's heart beat faster from them.

A daughter's birthday should always be unforgettable, bring back fond memories. Everything on this day is bright, fun, with incendiary dances. Another integral attribute of such a holiday is long conversations at the set table. And what is a birthday without congratulations?

In any case, parents know their daughter better than all the other guests. Mom and dad did not sleep at night, taking care of the newborn baby; they held her hand tightly as she tentatively took her first steps; parents also taught the girl to read, write, count, solve mathematical and life problems; they helped to overcome the first difficulties. To love your daughter with all your heart, to wish her the best is natural. On the eve of the princess's birthday, you are very worried, and you want everything to be at the highest level for your beloved daughter. Warm words spoken from a pure heart, which will sound sincere and not banal - the best congratulations to your daughter.

Each family has its own traditions and preferences. Some parents pick up birthday greetings that describe the customs that came into the house with the advent of their daughter. Others will consider it necessary to clarify that the daughter is pride for her relatives, a beauty, a smart girl, and the best girl in the world. No matter how you congratulate your princess, remember that the words should sound beautiful and sensual, so that the soul of the birthday girl trembles.

A bright holiday should be supported by a spectacular congratulation, which contains parental love, kindness and a desire to help all the dreams of the birthday girl come true. You will find many such congratulations in verse and prose on our website and you can congratulate your daughter on time using an SMS message or by sending a greeting card.

Beautiful Congratulations to your daughter on her birthday in verse

Dear daughter, happy birthday,
What would I wish you:
Probably joy, good luck and luck,
And also to be able to be happy!

And if you're sad, then I'm always ready,
To listen to you and help from the bottom of my heart,
And there is nothing dearer and more beloved to me,
Than you are my own, my daughter!

Dear daughter, smile
Today is a holiday, today is a birthday,
Let your mood soar
Let the holiday give love and inspiration!

Today all the gifts are for you
Yes, and all the warmest confessions,
Oh, how is my daughter, you are good,
Blossom and continue so without wilting!

All loving parents try to congratulate their daughter on her birthday in a beautiful and original way. After all, not only long-awaited gifts can please the daughter on this bright holiday. Beautiful and graceful, well-chosen words in poems that we write in a postcard or in a short SMS message for a girl or an already mature girl, our daughter, can not only improve her mood on a holiday, but also raise her self-esteem! Below you will find the best insightful poems for your beloved daughter that you can send by SMS message

You grew up quickly, dear,
But, as before, our daughter,
We love you very much
We live day and night.

Happy birthday to you today
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts.
May your life be happy
There will be no grief, no big troubles.

Your family will surround you
With your love and warmth.
You only deserve the best
We are so lucky to have you!

Our daughter, happy birthday,
You've been an adult for a long time
We wish you a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bhappiness
Great joy in the soul
Although you have not lived with us for a long time,
And you have your own family
For us, you are the dearest,
May your life be long!

Today is a big holiday, no doubt.
I want to congratulate my daughter as soon as possible
After all, she is celebrating her birthday.
With many true reliable friends.

Let, daughter, protect you
An angel with its snow-white wing.
Let troubles melt away with a light haze.
There will always be joy and love in the heart.

Happiness to you and, of course, health,
The biggest and most beautiful love.
May heaven save you from pain
Life will be full of good luck, kindness.

Today is the brightest holiday on earth,
My beloved daughter has a birthday
Let there be only happiness in fate
And always in a great mood.
We wish you joy, good luck,
And independence in everything in addition,
May the constellation of love shine above you,
Be loved and desired.

Happy birsday, my dear
My daughter is grown up.
You're already completely different
You are beautiful and wise.

Let life be happy
No offense and no loss.
Let them appreciate and love you.
Most importantly, believe in luck.

Let dreams come true
Let the career go up
Your beauty does not fade
Brings joy every day.

Dear daughter,
Happy holiday to you.
Let beautiful and happy
Your life will be!

Do only what you want:
Rejoice, love...
May your birthday be bright
Dreams will come true

Troubles, sorrows, anxieties
Will go to the past
Only happiness, laughter, fun
Let, dear, wait!

How quickly my daughter grew up
And it seems like yesterday
You played in the yard with a doll,
Now you have a family too.

And on this day I wish you
Health, joy, kindness,
I love you, you know it
Such an adult, but my baby!

Beautiful birthday greetings for an adult daughter

What can you wish for your adult daughter?
There was grace in my soul,
So that the heart beats to the beat of love,
Your eyes did not know tears!

Always be cheerful, dear.
Live, never knowing problems.
Be the most beautiful in the world, you
May your dreams come true!

Of course, my daughter
Let the family be happy
Healthy and strong - kids,
Excellent - all your affairs!

Happy birthday daughter
I congratulate you
somehow imperceptibly
You have become an adult.

Already become less
You ask for advice
And with your mind
You try to live.

You make mistakes yourself
You fix them yourself
About our tips
Sometimes you forget.

I wish you love
Joy, kindness,
I ask fate that my daughter
I was happy.

elegant, good
Like a heavenly creation.
I am you, my soul
Happy Birthday.

Daughter, in honor of such a day
I give you flowers.
congratulations, love,
I write rhyming lines.

May good luck and success
The century does not leave you.
Your cheerful ringing laugh
Let it sound without stopping!

You have become an adult, dear daughter,
You try to solve all the questions yourself,
Today is the brightest holiday, our sun,
Congratulations on your coming of age.
May all dreams become reality
Let luck not pass by
Be smart, kind and beautiful you,
And most importantly: healthy and happy.

Happy birthday my daughter
Pride, happiness and joy.
To see you happy -
Do not need anything else.

I want you to laugh
Loudly, as if in childhood, you,
To always be carried out
All cherished dreams.

You're not so naive anymore
You know the price - what's the price.
Be wise, my dear.
Know that my shoulder is with you.

May your eyes always sparkle
And life will be beautiful, like paradise!
Let all sorrows fly by
Let the smile on your face bloom!

I want you to flourish
Love and be loved always!
Let everything that you have long dreamed of
Easy and hassle free!

From the bottom of my heart, happy birthday!
I wish you more joy and love
May life be full of goodness and pleasure,
My dear, always live happily!

Let in the family, with friends and with a career -
May you be lucky all around, daughter!
You walk diligently towards all your goals,
May life bring you only joy!

Dear daughter, happy birthday!
This is my holiday, no doubt about it!
Thanks for the gift of life
You were born, I love you so much!

I wish you happiness, good luck in fate,
Patience to endure the difficult struggle,
Health, luck in any business,
Only good friends around!

Like a scarlet rose you bloomed
I became an adult, our daughter,
May fate always protect you
May today and yesterday be better.
On your birthday, smile, do not be sad,
Let the green light burn on your way
May you be lucky in everything, always
May your life be happy.

I wish you, daughter
Be radiant and beautiful
lucky in your destiny
As a woman, wise and happy.

Let there be a family for you
An oasis of love and light
So that you are in it all the time
Warmed by an affectionate smile.

So that flying years into the distance
Your beauty was not taken
The anguish and boredom of the cold
Your soul was not approached!

Sincere congratulations on the birthday of an adult daughter

Daughter, let life be hard
But I want you to resist.
Do not be upset because of a trifle,
Worthy of a challenge in life to accept.

Be strong, steadfast, dear, brave.
And know that success will come to you.
May your fate be as it should be.
May you become happier and more successful than everyone!

You grew up so fast
On your birthday, I
I wish the sea happiness
And health, as yourself.

And mutual love
beauty and kindness,
Let them come true in life
All cherished dreams.

Well, if you suddenly feel sad,
I keep the door open
Hugs and kisses
I will listen and advise.

You were very small once,
Our beloved and dear daughter!
Now you have grown up, you have become a bride,
You can help around the house without any problems.

On your birthday you radiate joy,
Eat, dance and fool around again
We want everything you dream of to come true!
And everything you can wish for!

There is no more beautiful and better than you in the world,
You are kind, affectionate, it's not a secret,
They don't call you princess for nothing.
You are already an adult, my daughter.
May your personal holiday bring you good luck
Let the dream come true in addition
May your fate be bright
May you be lucky in everything, always.

You are already an adult, my daughter,
I remember all our days, even nights,
How did you grow, how did you study, how did you grow up,
How beautiful before my eyes!

I congratulate you on your birthday
I want to be the best in the world
The most successful and most beautiful,
The most joyful and the happiest!

To never be lonely
Life has gone very smoothly,
Children and husband loved you very much,
For a long time you lived together and in joy!

Happy birthday, I congratulate you
Have fun on this day, do not be bored!
I wish my daughter happiness
For it to spill over.
Let all good things be remembered
All plans will come true
Let your eyes shine with happiness
Let good people meet!

My dear daughter,
I love you so much.
You're already big
But for me always a child,
May good luck accompany
Peace, happiness and kindness.
My sweet daughter
Happy Birthday to You.

You, daughter, are worthy of admiration,
You are beautiful, gentle and sweet,
Somehow, imperceptibly, you grew up,
You try to solve all the questions of life yourself.
Congratulations for you today
Sea of ​​compliments, gifts and flowers,
Let there be many bright impressions
Always be confident in yourself.

Happy birthday, dear daughter,
You are our extraordinary, golden.
Congratulations and peace wishes
Good, good luck, a lot of positive.

May miracles happen more often
Your life will be much sweeter.
More joy, smiles and fun,
Wonderful discoveries, inspiration.

In the family love reciprocal shines,
Prosperity, friendship, fidelity abides,
Happiness lives next to you
Everything turns out and everything around blooms.

Your daughter is just amazing!
Let her eyes shine
Gives every minute
Only rainbow colors!

Her life will be beautiful
May there be no end to happiness
To smile often
Your daughter is dear!

happy birthday
Both your daughter and you.
I wish you joy
In honor of the holiday.

Let everything go well
May you be lucky in life.
Don't let your daughter worry.
Everything will come true, it will come.

Congratulations, friend, happy birthday to your daughter. I wish your girl great success, bright joy and great happiness on her life path. May you always have mutual understanding, trust, support, care, respect and strong love in your relationship.

You, girlfriend, have a holiday -
Daughter's birthday.
I sincerely wish you
On a holiday of mood!

Let everything be with you
Everything is always great
After all, the Lord gave you
Each other is not in vain!

May always be between you
Love reigns -
You are one forever
You are native blood!

I want to say a few words
For a great woman
That gave birth to a daughter
So pretty.

Under mother's wing
The little bird grows
Let the chick with age
Find happiness in life.

And I'll tell you friend:
Don't always be stubborn.
There is no more happiness in the world
How caring to be a mom.

I am my friend's sweet daughter
I want to wish you bright, joyful days.
All difficulties are easily overcome,
To be smart, beautiful, to match mommy.

And do not lose heart, bloom every year,
And in life you can only find such friends,
With whom you can always be yourself
So that friendship was like that of my mother with me.

Your daughter has become more beautiful today,
May fate prepare a lot of happiness for her.
I didn’t make bitter mistakes,
Successful so that she was in love.

Let good nature not leave her,
Let her not shed tears from illnesses.
Let there be a lot of wealth in life
And let wisdom come to her over the years.

My friend has a daughter
Just a peek
Congratulations angel
Happy birthday.

More happiness for years
Laughter and luck
And so that always joyful
There was a mood!

Beautiful and smart, you all went to your mother.
Let the whole world worry about how you are doing.
Let all handsome men look after you
And they will say that there is no one like you in the whole Universe.

Be happy, lucky, loved and tender.
May life bestow affection and warmth in full.
Let friends be faithful, and let time be golden.
You be bright, like the sun, to the delight of all your relatives!

With your mom friend
We've been for a long time, for many years,
I remember that day when you
Came into being.

And today I congratulate
Happy Birthday to You,
After all, it has long been dear
Your family has become me.

For me, you are also a daughter,
You take my love
I wish you in life
Happiness, joy, love.

Happy birthday dear!
The whole world shines for you.
Fireworks of admiration
Your bright path is illuminated.

Compliments bring joy
So that you have more fun.
So that everything that I guessed
Definitely got it!

Happy birthday, my little star, my sweet girl. Daughter, the day you appeared in my life will forever remain in my memory as the most joyful holiday. My dear, today I wish you the fulfillment of all your dreams. May you manage to achieve your goal, may your perseverance and your perseverance always lead you to victory, to the pinnacle of success. And I will always help you, I will always listen to you and support you. Know that I am happy to be your mother, know that I love you very, very much. My joy, be healthy, beautiful, loved and irresistible.

I wish my daughter
Only clear, good days.
Do not know sadness, tears, troubles,
So that all dreams come true.

To be beautiful and not grow old
And get better every year!
Always be successful in life
Beloved, affectionate and tender.

Merry meetings, flower bouquets,
Travel around the world.
Live a very long time, do not get sick,
And have no regrets.

So that happiness is over the edge.
And you, my dear, know
How grateful I am to God
For giving me you!

Daughter, for mom this holiday is the most important and wonderful, because I will always remember how I first took you in my arms, how I kissed your little hands. Happy birthday my sunshine. I wish you that in your life there will always be a good "yesterday", a happy "today" and a promising "tomorrow". Daughter, be happy, loved and good-looking. May my love and faith in you help you overcome any fears, may luck and luck help you fulfill any of your dreams.

Happy birthday, daughter
I congratulate you
Mother's heart
I wish you happiness.

Your female share
Good to be
For love to give you
Strong two wings.

The house was a full bowl
Children's laughter rang
To offend anyone
Daughter did not dare.

Troubles and sorrows
I'll take myself
And the God of happiness
I'll ask you.

Dear daughter,
Dear, dear,
Happy Birthday to You
Mom congratulates,
I wish to be you
bright, beautiful,
So that adversity passes by,
You were happy!
Be always healthy
Loving, beloved,
And for all the people around
Be unique!
For the sun to warm
Summer and winter
You are in my heart, daughter
I am always with you!

Dear daughter, dear sun,
Thank you so much for being you!
You brought joy and happiness to our house,
May your birthday bestow in full:
Health, luck, love everywhere,
And I will always take care of you!

My daughter, my dear girl,
Happy birthday, sun, you!
You, already so grown up,
For me - still a child.

Always be cheerful, dear,
Whatever you want, conquer the masters,
Do not be sad, live without despondency
Just beware of evil people.

I wish you much happiness
Don't worry and take care of yourself.
Let all bad weather bypass you
There will be a bright, joyful fate.

My smart girl, my beauty
May your paths be easy
Every dream always comes true
Be loved and love yourself!

Daughter, sun, dear cat,
My golden ray of joy.
On this wonderful, best of days
Accept congratulations from your mother.

With all my loving heart I wish you:
Let life be bright - from edge to edge.
May life be kind, cheerful, happy,
And you stay as beautiful.

And you stay healthy and strong
Then all misfortunes will be powerless.
And you stay cute, simple.
Just as good. The same family...

Dear daughter,
Congratulations, honey!
Always be my dear
The happiest.

May you be lucky in everything
Let life flow smoothly
No offense and no sorrow
No sadness and no worries.

I will always be with you
In word, deed and soul.
Happy Birthday,
My baby dear!

My daughter, dear,
Your birthday
With all my heart I wish:
Be happier than me.

Be prettier, wiser
Better, brighter and brighter
To make dreams come true soon
And less sad days.

Have patience for everything
And appreciate yourself
So that every moment
There were only friends around!