What does dog lick mean. Reasons for frequent licking. Humans and dogs have different microorganisms in their mouths.

Article updated: January 28, 2016 at 10:36 am

Let's talk today about why a dog licks its owner?

Many (especially the owners of furry four-legged animals) are sure that this is a manifestation of love and devotion, and some believe that this is a purely biological phenomenon, laid down by nature.

Let's talk about the possible reasons why a dog licks its owner.

natural instincts

Probably everyone knows that a mother dog licks her puppies for a long time. In the first months of life, the immunity of babies is not yet formed, and it can easily catch some kind of infection. Licking the puppies, the mother-dog maintains the cleanliness of the coat, observes hygiene, thereby preventing the possibility of infection. This contributes to the normal growth and development of babies. Even when the puppies have already grown up, the dog still continues to lick them, reinforcing family feelings. Seeing this behavior of the mother, growing up, the puppies copy her behavior.

The dog licks the owner, demonstrating that you and her are members of the same pack.

The dog licks the owner, begging for attention, or if he is trying to say something. After all, when the dog approaches the owner, and begins to “appeal” to him in this way, this will certainly cause a smile, tenderness. Well, how can you not stroke your favorite four-legged in response and go to play with him?

Dating method

Probably, all pet owners noticed that when meeting a new person, the dog always sniffs, and sometimes even licks the people who came to visit you. Thus, the receptors located in the nose and tongue of the animal accumulate and store unique information about the stranger, and help to immediately recognize him at the next meeting.

There is also an assumption that animals like the taste and smell of the human (especially a little sweaty) body, the texture of the skin. Many are sure that four-legged animals lack some trace elements or salt that are excreted with sweat. It has not been scientifically proven, but it is likely that this is another reason why a dog licks its owner.

Ownership instinct

Very often, in the presence of strangers, the tailed defiantly begins to lick his master. And he does not "kiss" at all, as many people think. In this way, the quadruped declares its ownership of the person. By licking the owner's palms, face, the animal thereby demonstrates that only he can invade the owner's personal space, that only he is the closest being to the owner.

Expression of love and devotion

Some believe that the dog licks the owner in this way expressing his emotional state, love and devotion. Just like us, animals experience different emotions.

And if in an aggressive state a dog can growl and even bite, then in a state of good humor, licking you, your pet shows how happy and devoted he is to you.

By the way, you can see how to wean a dog from biting.

If your dog is constantly licking you

You can't completely stop your dog from licking you. This instinct is inherent in the four-legged nature. However, if the dog licks you constantly, this, of course, causes discomfort.

Try to identify the reasons why the animal does it. Maybe something is bothering him, or maybe by doing so it shows how devoted you are and how afraid that it will become unnecessary. Or maybe he just lacks your attention and affection.

What to do if the dog licks the owner constantly?

Try to make sure that your four-legged does not feel lonely. Take care of him, give him more time. Play various games with him. I talk about how to take your pet in the article.

Well, if the habit of licking the owner already passes into the status of "harmful", then try to wean the tailed one from it. Don't let your pet do it, don't encourage it. Try to make a sharp sound, clap your hands when your pet starts to pester you. Make this sound every time the furry tries to do this. Thus, you will accustom the dog to this sound, as a signal to stop such behavior.

And be sure to train your four-legged friend so that he unquestioningly follows all your commands. What you need to do for this you can read in the article.

Here is our Jackushka licks us exclusively in the following cases:

  • When I leave for work, he convulsively starts licking my husband Artyom. Apparently, Dzhekushka is afraid to be left alone, and thus he is trying to say: Well, at least you don’t leave!
  • When guests come to us, he begins to lick the guests, especially one of them - our friend from Moscow - Seryoga. Apparently, he shows him that he accepts him into our pack.
  • When Jack demands to be played with, he tries exclusively to lick my nose, lips. It's so ticklish and funny that I start to laugh, and he regards my laughter as a call to start the game, and immediately drags me all his favorite balls for me to throw them to him.
  • When Jackusik is in a relaxed, peaceful mood, and I start stroking him, he starts licking my hand out of gratitude.

Today we have discussed with you the possible reasons why a dog licks its owner.

Do your big asses lick you the same way?

What emotions do you think they experience?

I would appreciate all feedback and comments.

Have you ever wondered why dogs lick people? Some call it love, some consider it a purely biological phenomenon, and someone that it is inherent in nature. In fact, everything is a little more complicated.

Expression of love

Some dog owners believe that licking is an emotional expression of affection and love for a person. Because dogs can't say it directly, they get more creative by licking their favorite object. Often, when you are with guests, the dog will diligently lick the back of your hand, as if showing an inextricable bond with his owner. Some people think that the dog is just laying claim to you in this way. When asked what is the connection between ownership and licking, some note that dogs begin to lick their owners especially actively in crowded places or with guests.

Scientists who study animal behavior believe that through licking, a dog wants to show others that this person is busy. Just as humans express their emotions in a way that suits them, dogs have developed certain unique ways of communicating.

Habit from childhood

In order to understand the origins of dogs' habit of licking their owners, we need to pay attention to the conditions in which our pets spend the first weeks of their lives and how their parents communicate with them. Dogs constantly lick their puppies in an attempt to groom them. It is believed that this has a significant impact on the establishment of a bond between the puppy and his mother. The fact that an adult dog licks its puppies for the first few months, and sometimes years, is an important part of the normal growth of the baby.

Way to know a person

If you get very close to the dog, his first reaction will be to smell you. Often the dog may begin to lick your hands and face as if getting to know you. Based on this, it can be assumed that in this way she seeks to know a person. Smell, acting on receptors in the dog's nose and mouth, helps him learn unique information about a stranger. By familiarizing themselves with the smell of a person, dogs can better understand how they feel about him.

Some people honestly believe that dogs just love the taste of human sweat and the texture of human skin. This has not been scientifically proven, but may be one of several reasons why dogs enjoy licking humans so much.

What if your dog is constantly trying to lick you?

You can't completely stop your dog from licking you. This is inherent in its nature and is an innate feature. However, if the dog is constantly licking you, it may cause some discomfort. There are some steps you can take to prevent this behavior. When your pet starts acting like this, try to ignore it. Try to make some kind of sharp sound as soon as the dog starts pestering you. Try to accustom her to this sound as a signal to stop such behavior. Slowly and carefully, with proper training, you can limit the control of your pet's unwanted behavior. .

Wild animals that have to communicate with each other find dozens of methods to show their mood and emotions. Dogs have been living with people for more than 10 thousand years, for such a long period, the four-legged have learned to speak with the owners and show their experiences. It is generally accepted that the dog licks hands, showing devotion and trust, but something else may be hiding behind this gesture.

Animals have adapted to survive alongside humans for centuries. It so happened that the needs of the "crown of evolution" do not spare anyone. Dogs had to become helpful, accommodating and obedient otherwise they would not have found a place in the developing world.

Every gesture, posture and act of a quadruped in relation to a person has some meaning. Some postures indicate a positive disposition, others express fear or anxiety. In dog relationships, licking plays a communicative and broader role.

Newborn puppies have no sense of the world. They feel hungry and cold, breathe (because the process is an unconditioned reflex) and squeak to get the mother's attention. All that they can feel from the outside is the taste and dull smell of mother's milk, the warmth and licking of their mother's tongue.

The mother dog carefully licks each puppy immediately after birth. Stroking stimulation helps babies open their lungs and take their first breath. In addition, the dog licks amniotic fluid from babies. After, the puppies warm up and eat. Next comes another a licking ritual that stimulates the gastrointestinal tract.

This is interesting! The dog licks the crotch of each puppy until he goes to the toilet. This procedure has several functions at once: stimulation of the intestines and sphincters, keeping clean, eliminating odors that can attract predators.

Puppies standing on their paws actively communicate with each other, lick the muzzles of their brothers and sisters, continuing to suck their mother. Toddlers are constantly licking new objects and trying food. By three months, the dog moves to a new home, loses the usual company and mother's care. However, the skills instilled in a puppy from the first days do not disappear. A tailed animal instinctively seeks warmth, a source of nourishment, protection, and someone to fool around with.

Read also: Little Known Facts About Dogs

Grown up dogs often lick the palms and face of the owner. So the puppy strive approach the guardian and feel protected. When raising some dog breeds, experts recommend encouraging face licking as it brings the owner and pet closer.

Adult dogs may act unexpectedly. In addition to the habitual licking of the hands, the pet may "addict" to the hair, legs, armpits or elbows of the owner. The reason is the smell of sweat (or other foreign smell), which the dog is trying to wash off or replace with his own. Tetrapods are characterized by a sharp reaction to the smells of personal care products. Spirits, according to dogs, are too dangerous (do not forget that the sense of smell of quadrupeds is many times sharper than yours), since they are "heard a mile away."

A special portion of saliva and caresses is intended for children. Even serious breeds of dogs, most often, distinguish adults from children, and they have tender feelings for the latter. The four-legged does not try to adopt a two-legged cub, but instinctively does what the parent should do - wash, pity, calm, etc.

Licking as a way to calm down

Dogs, like all living beings, have feelings and stress. Nature has taken care of the four-legged, endowing them with the ability to self-soothe. The entire body of dogs (even naked ones) is covered with hair follicles, which, in turn, are connected to nerve endings.

Read also: The dog sleeps on its back: the norm or pathology

When a dog is nervous, it stimulates the skin to calm down. Pets insistently demand to be stroked. If there is no owner nearby, the dog strokes itself on the end of the sofa or on the table top (if height allows). Stray animals scratch themselves on bushes and benches. Self-massage stimulates many nerve endings, the dog feels a pleasant tickle, the body responds with the release of endorphins, and they, in turn, reduce stress.

Licking is also a way of self-massage, but there is a nuance. If the dog is constantly stressed, he licks his front paws. A protracted situation leads to an obsessive state, that is, the pet licks the same place, no longer understanding why. This disorder ends with a licked granuloma - a wound of various depths, up to the "opening" of the bone.

An obsessive desire to lick the owner and do it regularly means that intuitively, the dog suspects problems. Perhaps you are not getting enough sleep or are sick, worried about something, or suffer from a psychosomatic disorder. If the functioning of the kidneys or liver is disturbed, a person's sweat changes the smell, which can also be the cause of the pet's obsessive state.

How to stop your dog from licking people

The owner of the dog does not always like slobbery caresses, and this is logical. When going to work or to visit, you don’t really want to stain your outfit with saliva or leave the house in wool. The task of the owner is to teach the dog to restrain his impulses, no matter if they concern licking or trying to jump on his hands.

The tradition of having dogs as pets arose many thousands of years ago, and the presence of love for dogs has never depended either on social status or on the region where people live - dogs lived both at the court of the great kings of the past and in the shacks of the poor. And over the centuries of existence side by side with dogs, people have learned not only perfectly, but also to understand them and even to translate from "dog language" into human.

On the net, you can find many books and articles written by experienced cynologists, which describe in detail what this or that dog behavior can mean, how to understand that the animal is scared / hurt / lonely, etc. But still, in good owners, the pet expresses positive emotions more often than negative ones, and one of the most striking ways of a dog's "self-expression" is licking the owner's hands and face. Consider why a dog licks a person and what she wants to convey to him with this gesture.

Licking as an expression of love and care is inherent in dogs by nature.

Observing the behavior of dogs, it is impossible not to notice that the mother dog often licks her little puppies, and puppies can lick their mother's nose during the game or to attract her attention. There is no unequivocal answer to the question why a dog licks its puppies, but most cynologists and zoologists agree that in this way she shows love and care for her children, and that such a manifestation of tenderness helps to establish an emotional connection between puppies and their mother.

Based on this, it can be assumed that for our four-legged barking friends, licking another living being is a manifestation of love and affection, as well as an attempt to attract attention. It is possible that a dog licks a person because it perceives him as his mother, because the owner takes care of the dog, feeds him, plays with him - that is, he does everything that a mother dog does for puppies. And vice versa, it is not uncommon for an adult dog (especially a female) to show almost maternal care to the small children of the owners - it looks after them, allows them to play with itself and licks them. In such a situation, perhaps the dog licks the children because he perceives them as puppies from his pack, which nature itself ordered to take care of.

What can a dog want to "say" when licking a person

Cynologists who have been working with dogs of various breeds for a long time and observing the behavior of these animals believe that dogs can lick a person for 4 reasons. These reasons are:

What to do if the dog tries to lick the owner too often

Many people do not like it when their hands and face are licked, and they think about how to wean the dog from this habit that is not entirely hygienic from a human point of view. Cynologists believe that it is impossible to teach a dog not to lick the hands or face of the owner and other family members at all, since this is an innate reaction of the dog. However, in the process of training, you can accustom the animal to a command, upon hearing which the dog will stop licking the person. To do this, it is recommended that every time the dog gets too "carried away" by licking, gently push him away and pronounce the command word. And then over time the dog will learn to stop licking the owner on command. But still, there is no need to be offended by your pet for licking hands or face, because this is a natural way for him to express his love for the owner and feel an emotional connection with him.

27.07.2017 15:14

Every owner of a four-legged friend knows that dogs love to lick their owner very much. Face, arms and legs - usually these parts of the body are the objects of "kisses" of a loving pet.

Let's see - why do dogs lick their owner so often?

Love and tenderness is understandable. But maybe there are other reasons? Moreover, sometimes this licking can even be obsessive and cause some inconvenience to the owner.

The women's site "100 Worlds" will tell you about the reasons why a dog licks its owner.


As we noted, the first and most logical explanation for this behavior of the dog is love for the owner. Licking is a way of expressing the love and joy of a dog that is happy to see its owner. People kiss, dogs lick. There is a resemblance!

This becomes especially obvious if, along with licking, your pet wags its tail, gently whines and jumps merrily. This means that he is happy, and he is overwhelmed with tender emotions towards you.

However, it is not always the dog's need to drawattentionand show love indicates that the pet is in a good mood. If the dog licks the owner, this may indicate that she wants to tell him something, relieve her own anxiety and receive tenderness in return. Therefore, if a dog licks you under strange circumstances - for example, waking you up in this way in the middle of the night - this gives reason to think that the dog lacks your attention, and he is nervous.

Often the reason that the dog licks the owner is not the dog's anxiety, but the owner's anxiety. As you know, dogs are sensitive and gentle friends who are not indifferent to the mood of the owner. Therefore, the dog may begin to lick you when he sees that you are worried or upset. In this way, she wants to reassure you and demonstrate that she is there, that you are not alone.

It also happens that the reason for licking the owner of the dog is fear. In nature, pack animals "serve" the one who is stronger, who is the leader. By licking the stronger one, the animal demonstrates that it recognizes its right to leadership and shows respect. Accordingly, if, while licking the owner, the dog clings to the floor, tucks its tail in and, in principle, looks frightened, this means that it is afraid of its owner. In this case, the owner should think about the fact that, probably, he is often aggressive and shows emotional incontinence - for example, he screams and swears. In this case, a loving owner clearly needs to reconsider his behavior.


Probably, many have heard that dog saliva has healing properties. Therefore, dogs tend to lick wounds and cuts - and not only their own. Therefore, dogs often strive to carefully lick the sores, scratches and calluses of their owner - they are probably attracted by the smell of blood, but meanwhile these tendernesses have a healing effect.

Of course, the issue of hygiene is ambiguous here, but still ...

Sign of "own"

All animals in one way or another tend to be guided by smells. And this means that it is important for them to feel the smell of “their own” from the object and the friend and leave “their own” smell on it.

Thus, licking a person, the dog smells him and leaves his own on him.

Perception of smells

Each person wears a whole range of smells. The smell of leather, deodorant, shower gel, body cream - the list goes on. And dogs, of course, have a sensitive nose that can catch all these smells.

Thus, if the smell seems attractive to the dog, it can lick the owner for pleasure, and if unpleasant, to get rid of the smell.


Every domestic dog has a wild animal that can adapt to survive in nature. And in nature, the sharp and unusual smells of an animal can attract an enemy to it and provoke an attack.

Accordingly, if when a dog licks the owner's legs or hands, it probably smells sweat and makes sure that he does not attract the enemy to his beloved owner.

So we looked at the common reasons why a dog often licks its owner. However, one should not forget that each animal has its own character - which means it can have personal motives for such behavior. If your dog feels dominant and thinks that you belong to him, then by jumping on you and licking you, he may let you know that you did something wrong - for example, petting someone else's dog or eating something tasty alone. If your pet is a professional manipulator, he can lick your face and make charming eyes in order to get treats or affection from you. Or it may be that your pet has a good-natured and playful disposition - therefore, jumping up to you with kisses, he plays and sincerely expresses his love for you and his good mood.

Your Anastasia Cherkasova

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