Is there calcium in milk and how much is there in the product? Myths about dairy products through the eyes of a doctor Why milk removes calcium from the body

There is now quite a lot of information about the dangers of milk, but people continue to consume it. Moreover, some raw foodists drink it! And then when health problems begin, they naturally blame the raw food diet for everything. It’s trite, but “money rules the world,” and the dairy industry is a lot of money. So while it will be profitable, no one will ever declare the true state of affairs. And although plenty of facts have already been collected, most evaluate the information presented below from a “believe/don’t believe” standpoint.

As in most cases, with milk there is an elementary substitution of concepts. We are all fed with mother's milk. So why not continue to consume this product throughout your life? Just not maternal, but let’s say cow’s? It seems to be also white and has the same name... But that’s if you don’t delve into the essence of things.

Let's take a look at all the components of cow's milk and their effect on the human body. Let me just say that milk is: lactose (milk sugar), proteins, fats and of course calcium.

The harm of milk lies in the fact that lactose, which is part of it, due to the absence in the body of the enzyme responsible for its digestion, enters the small intestine and becomes food for bacteria, and their waste products cause poisoning or death. But this is the worst case. Everything here is individual and depends on the bacterial flora of each individual person. Yandex.Direct All advertisements Food for raw foodists and vegans In our store you can purchase rare raw products. Address and telephone number Those people who drink milk constantly produce an enzyme in their bodies Latase. A special gene is responsible for the synthesis of this enzyme. It disappears as soon as a person switches to another type of food. It would seem that everything is fine - the gene is there, lactose is broken down, but! It consists of glucose and galactose. Everything is clear with glucose, but galactose is not absorbed by the body at all. But it is not completely eliminated from the body, but is deposited on the joints, under the skin, on the lens of the eye and in the reproductive system.

Milk protein and fats

This protein consists mainly of casein - a paste. The calf's body produces the enzyme renin. Renin breaks down casein; humans do not have such an enzyme. Casein is completely absorbed into the blood and causes allergies, autoimmune diseases and diabetes. But this does not mean that our body does not try to digest milk protein! He's still trying. As a result, a huge amount of acid is produced, which in turn damages our kidneys.
With fats, perhaps everything would be smooth if milk did not tend to oxidize. How many times will milk be poured from one container to another until it reaches the consumer? In nature, milk is consumed directly - without coming into contact with air. We get not just cholesterol, but oxidized cholesterol, which is even more harmful!

Well, finally, let's move on to the most popular misconception that cow's milk is a source of calcium, which is so necessary for our bones. That's right, there is a lot of calcium in it, even too much. But who told you that this calcium will be absorbed by the body? Here it is worth making a reservation and clarifying that calcium is a very active element, much more active than potassium and magnesium. At any opportunity, it forces them out of connections. The resulting calcium salts are very poorly soluble in water. As a result, they settle on the walls of blood vessels, forming plaques. Calcium salts are also part of kidney stones.

The body knows about these properties of calcium and tries to prevent its absorption. This is an interesting picture. There is so much calcium in milk that the body begins to excrete it intensively. But as we remember, milk also contains milk protein, and it requires a large amount of acid to break down. As a result, the pH of the blood shifts to the acidic side; to compensate, the body uses calcium from our bones!

So those who claim that milk literally washes calcium out of the bones are right... And where are the promised benefits? Total harm. But this is all true for natural milk, so to speak, recently from under the cow... And where in the city can you get this? No, only pasteurized is available here.

Pasteurization is the process of heating milk for the sole purpose of keeping it from souring longer. But during the heating process, calcium in milk, due to its high activity, turns into calcium phosphate. It precipitates and forms phosphate stones in the pancreas and kidneys...

Pasteurization kills lactic acid bacteria, but leaves putrefactive ones. Such milk will rot faster than it will sour. So it rots inside us, day after day, poisoning our body with poisons. There is a lot more that can be said about the dangers of milk. But the most offensive thing is that few people believe in it. After all, the processes in the body described above are not visible to the eye, and illness and early death have long become the norm in our world.


An extremely acute problem that doctors are already seriously concerned about is the widespread lack of calcium. As a result, many diseases have become significantly “rejuvenated.” With a lack of calcium, a growing body develops problems with bone tissue; the spine and teeth are the first to suffer.

What are the symptoms of this phenomenon?

Oddly enough, a craving for sweets. When our body needs calcium, we crave sweets. Calcium is consumed in the process of digesting sweet carbohydrates. If it is not supplied enough from food, the body uses up the calcium accumulated in the bones. Pure calcium has a sweetish taste, and this is where the circle closes. If you constantly crave sweets, it means that the level of calcium in your body is very low! People whose calcium levels are normal do not crave sweet foods at all!

How to provide the body with calcium?

To do this, you need to eat foods rich in calcium. But it's not that simple. The products that are offered to us every day from TV screens cannot always be a solution to the problem. It is not enough to supply the body with calcium; it is much more important to know whether the body can absorb this calcium.

For example, a person can eat 1 kg of any artificial product, but absorb no more than 5% of the calcium it contains. And another person can eat 100 g of a natural product and absorb 100% of the calcium it contains.

How to make your nutrition effective?

To do this, you need to know the basic rules for calcium absorption:

1) Calcium is fully absorbed by the body only from food products that are not subjected to heat treatment above 40-60 ºС! When heated, protein complexes and complex compounds are destroyed. The process has not been fully studied, but we can rely on experimental data. So the Lancet magazine wrote about some experiments of an English doctor who fed kittens and puppies with boiled, pasteurized milk. Both of them died. And kittens and puppies that received raw milk lived well. Patterns can also be observed with infants. A baby is more active and develops faster when fed raw milk.

During pasteurization, milk is heated to 63-65°C and kept at this temperature for half an hour or more. The active substances are destroyed.

One of the main functions of calcium in the human body is to neutralize acid. Pasteurized dairy products (milk, cheese, cottage cheese, butter) form a lot of acid in the body. Therefore, when consuming dairy products, calcium is used to neutralize it. In a lecture in Pittsburgh, Dr. McCollum stated that since the city of Baltimore passed an ordinance requiring the sale of only pasteurized milk there, the incidence of rickets in children has increased by 100%. This increase is a natural consequence of the destruction of vitamins in pasteurized milk and the precipitation of calcium salts, making calcium indigestible. The content of animal proteins in milk binds the calcium contained in the tissues and removes it out instead of enriching the human body with this element. The trend is that developed Western countries occupy a leading place in the world in the number of cases of osteoporosis. While countries where milk is practically not used, such as China and Japan, are practically unfamiliar with this disease.

But the authors of the portal still agree with doctors and do not recommend raw milk, due to the state of modern ecology and the lack of proper control over animals! Only if you are confident in the quality of homemade milk can you safely give it to your baby.

2) Calcium is not absorbed without phosphorus, magnesium, vitamin C, D (calciferol). Vitamin C is necessary for maintaining a strong immune system, tissue respiration, amino acid metabolism, etc.). Vitamin D enhances the absorption of calcium and phosphorus in the intestines. Phosphorus, like calcium, is an integral part of bone tissue. You need slightly more phosphorus than calcium. It is necessary to constantly maintain the ratio of these two minerals.

Products that contain the optimal ratio of these substances are sesame, poppy seeds, flax, sunflower seeds, hard cheeses, yoghurts, kefir, cottage cheese, as well as walnuts and pumpkin seeds.

It is worth saying that the technology is developing and takes into account the shortcomings of existing processing methods. Some manufacturers of pasteurized milk and fermented milk products claim that the use of flash (or shock) pasteurization preserves beneficial substances. Whether this is actually true will be shown by further laboratory studies.

In any case, now you know which foods will keep your teeth and bones strong.

Calcium during pregnancy: truth and dangerous misconceptions

Dear mothers!

This is an unusual article. You are unlikely to find something like this on the Internet, on pregnancy forums, in magazines, because writing such an article is a huge job.

The article is divided into two parts: the first part is called “Calcium during pregnancy” about what functions in the body take place with the participation of calcium, whether it is worth drinking milk, eating cheese, sour cream to replenish calcium.

And the second part is called “Calcium of plant origin during pregnancy”, in which I will present all possible sources of calcium in plants, and also share delicious and simple recipes from them.

I’ll say right away that in order to write something like this, I, a doctor, had to reconsider my medical knowledge. It wasn’t easy for me - for about a month I collected information bit by bit from research, experiences and experiments, the work of real doctors in Russia and in the states.

This work simply opened up a new world for me, where they do not treat, but restore health. A world of doctors who deeply understand the biochemical processes of the body, a world where for the first time the real causes of disorder in the body, which we call disease, become clear.

Both articles are large, but if you read them carefully once, questions like: “is calcium really needed”, “why do cramps happen”, “is there calcium in milk”, “where can you get it”, “why is it not absorbed?” what’s stopping you”, “how to make it up” - you won’t have any left.

So, let's begin!

Stock up on calcium for two!

Very often during pregnancy, a woman experiences such unpleasant symptoms as pain in the bones, joints, and teeth.

All this, of course, does not happen easily, and due to the lack of calcium in the mother’s body, too much goes to the baby and little is left for the mother.

Why this happens, in general, is also understandable: before pregnancy, you supplied only yourself with calcium through food, and now also your baby.

Moreover, the mother’s entire body, again through hormones (in this case prolactin), is adjusted so as to absorb as much calcium as possible from food.

In addition, the content of vitamin D in the blood doubles, which also helps to increase the absorption of calcium in the intestines and the absorption of calcium by the placenta.

In the third trimester, the baby receives 19 grams (or 260 milligrams) of calcium and 10 grams (140 milligrams) of phosphorus per day (!) from the mother.

This is why a woman should double her calcium intake during pregnancy (but not by taking pills, which are completely useless in this case) so that there is enough for two.

If by the third trimester or even earlier you experience symptoms such as:

  • pain in bones and joints,
  • demineralization of tooth enamel, when the enamel becomes very sensitive;
  • leg cramps at night,

This means you are consuming too little calcium in your diet. Or the amount you consume is not absorbed properly.

It would seem that why bones and teeth hurt is understandable, but what do muscles and cramps have to do with it?

Convulsions can be caused by many factors: deficiency of microelements, vitamins D and B6; iron deficiency anemia is often a predisposing factor for their occurrence.

But the leading cause is calcium deficiency.

Calcium is responsible for 179 processes in the body

Calcium in the body is not only the material that makes up human bone tissue - skeleton, teeth, bones, etc. Calcium is involved in a huge number of processes in the body; more than 179 body functions are known for which calcium is responsible, in particular:

  • Calcium is one of the main signaling components that regulate intracellular processes.
  • A cell cannot exist without calcium. Penetrating into cells, calcium ions activate bioenergetic processes that ensure the implementation of the physiological functions of cells.
  • Calcium regulates cellular permeability.

That is why the required level of calcium is always maintained in the cells and, if necessary, replenished from the bones.

99% of all calcium is found in bone tissue and 1% in cells and blood plasma. But precisely, this 1% is of great importance for the entire body and the performance of all functions.

Interestingly, in an adult, the total amount of calcium in the body is approximately 1 kg and 200 grams.

  1. Calcium affects the functioning of all human muscles; without it, not a single muscle contracts.
  2. It also affects the functioning of the heart muscle and the regulation of heart rhythm.
  3. It is one of the blood clotting factors. Enhances the effect of vitamin K (prothrombin), which is the main factor in normal blood clotting.
  4. Participates in the formation of the body's antiallergic defense: calcium is part of immunoglobulins and specific cells that block histamine receptors.
  5. By inhibiting the release of histamine, calcium relieves pain and exhibits an anti-inflammatory effect. Affects immune processes (together with magnesium)
  6. Calcium normalizes the function of endocrine glands, which take part in food digestion, saliva synthesis, fat metabolism and energy metabolism.
  7. In a pregnant woman's body, a lack of calcium increases the risk of miscarriage and premature birth, hypertension and the development of other complications - eclampsia, postpartum hemorrhage, etc.
  8. Calcium is involved in the transmission of nerve impulses through the activation of enzymes involved in the synthesis of neurotransmitters (special substances without which the transmission of nerve impulses is impossible). Thus, calcium is a control element, “from the head to the body”; if control is disturbed, the coordinated work of the whole organism is disrupted.

Today we will look in detail at what calcium we need, which one will be absorbed, and which, contrary to popular belief, will even harm us.

Is there calcium in milk?

As soon as we start talking about calcium, everyone, from a doctor to a child, begins to say that there is a lot of calcium in milk, cottage cheese, cheese, kefir, sour cream and other dairy products.

Until recently, I myself thought the same thing, but, unfortunately, this has already been proven many times:

  1. Milk (cow or goat) – removes calcium
  2. Milk (cow or goat) is not good for humans
  3. Milk (cow or goat) is dangerous for a child of the first year of life
  4. Milk (cow or goat) is the cause of the development of certain diseases

Before making such statements, as I already said, I understood this issue in great detail, read a lot of studies, books, speeches by world scientists - representatives of traditional medicine, biochemists, naturopaths and even raw food doctors.

Understanding how revolutionary the conclusions presented here are, I support literally every word spoken with a reference to real research.

So, the first and, perhaps, most important thing is that we drink pasteurized milk, with full confidence that we are replenishing the calcium deficiency.

However, during pasteurization, organic calcium in milk and dairy products, and there is actually a lot of it, turns into inorganic calcium - lime.

Because pasteurization is nothing more than a one-time heating process of most often liquid products or substances at different temperatures:

  • 30 minutes at 62-65 degrees
  • 15 minutes at 75 degrees
  • 15 seconds at 72 degrees or more
  • 1-2 seconds at 120-150 degrees.

You can see what inorganic calcium looks like in your kettle - this is lime, a coating that covers the bottom of the kettle.

Inorganic calcium cannot be absorbed into the body, “come to life” and begin building your cells.

All it can do is be deposited in the joints (and then pain appears when walking or crunching); in the vessels, most often the vessels of the eye, and then cataracts may appear; precipitate and give rise to the formation of stones in the kidneys and pancreas.

When boiled, cow's milk changes its chemical properties - calcium phosphate is formed in it, which is practically insoluble and has an alkaline reaction.

Because of this, it precipitates in various parts of the body, but most often it forms phosphate stones in the kidneys and pancreas.

Academician N.G. Friend, the book “How to Extend a Fleeting Life”

Unfortunately, a person, receiving inorganic minerals, cannot transform them into organic ones with the help of water and solar energy, as plants do.

It is so conceived by nature that the plant, through the root system, together with water, receives minerals, salts and converts them into organic compounds during the process of photosynthesis; all this also happens with calcium.

“Green plants are autotrophs.

During the process of aerial nutrition, plants absorb inorganic substances and form organic substances with the help of light energy and chlorophyll.

Organisms that are capable of independently synthesizing organic substances from inorganic ones are called self-feeding.

autotrophic (from the Greek autos - “self”, trophe - “nutrition”).

All animals, fungi, most bacteria and humans are heterotrophs.

They feed on ready-made organic substances created by autotrophs - green plants.

That is why the process of photosynthesis is of great importance not only for plants, but for all life on Earth."

Biology Textbook

Calcium is almost never found in nature in its pure form, only in various compounds; most often it can be found in the form of limestone, marble, gypsum, and lime.

In addition, the cells of the plants themselves are made of it; without calcium, the plant dies very quickly. Of course, even for plants it is very important that there is calcium in the soil - so they can absorb it and process it into “living” organic calcium, which will go further - for the construction of animal and human cells.

[at the very bottom, in the final part of this article there are links confirming each conclusion, they are numbered, here I refer to links No. 2 and No. 3, then numbers and square links will simply be indicated]

Is there calcium in the water?

Calcium in our tap water is also inorganic calcium, and if the water is not purified, then inorganic calcium with other impurities, in particular iron, will enter the body and either settle there - creating limescale on the joint surfaces and walls of blood vessels, or will be excreted from the body through the kidneys.

Such iron is very harmful to the body, and, in particular, prevents the absorption of calcium from food.

Speaking about water, we cannot fail to mention that purifying water at a water distribution station is not so effective, because while the water passes through the pipes to our houses, it collects iron directly from the pipes themselves.

Our water supply system, at best, consists of stainless steel water pipes; more often, non-galvanized or chrome-plated pipes are used, which over time still corrode and inorganic iron gets into our water.

Therefore, it is important to purify water at home using tabletop filters or those connected to the water supply.

Recently, scientists have been proving the uselessness of using tablets containing calcium for the same reason - the tablets contain inorganic calcium, most of which is excreted through the intestines, and some is deposited in the urinary system.

“Given the low ability to absorb inorganic salts, only 10-15% of 1 tablet of inorganic calcium, for example, calcium carbonate, will be absorbed”

Gromova O. A., “Doctor” publication, July 2013

Thus, there can be only one conclusion - all products that have undergone heat treatment cannot contain “live” organic calcium, this applies primarily to milk, dairy products, as well as boiled, fried vegetables, and fried nuts.

And second, the soil contains inorganic calcium, which is not absorbed by humans, and, first of all, must be processed by plants; this is true for tablets, dietary supplements with calcium, as well as for water with calcium.

Let's talk about milk?

After reading about inorganic calcium in pasteurized milk, you may have a question: “What if you drink fresh milk, is there organic calcium?”

In principle, cow's milk contains organic calcium - the cow ate grass, collected calcium from it, absorbed some, and gave some into milk for her calf.

But the most important point here is that she “prepared” her milk specifically and only for her calf.

Cow's milk is primarily composed of protein (casein), sugar (lactose) and fat. Casein is a specific protein that, when it enters the calf’s stomach, is “digested” (or broken down) by the enzyme renin.

Once a calf stops drinking milk, its stomach stops producing renin. In general, everything is simple - if you don’t need anything anymore, then there’s no need to keep it.

In the human body, child or adult, renin is not produced. Therefore, there is simply nothing to digest casein.

Cow's milk is an ideal food, but only for calves.

Moreover, each type of animal has its own milk and its own casein, that is, cows have one casein in their milk, and kids have another.

Mother's breast milk immediately contains an enzyme that will help the baby's body “digest” it.

Thus, when drinking a glass of cow's milk, we receive a huge amount of protein - alien to our body and we simply cannot digest it and absorb it efficiently.

Milk removes calcium from bones

In addition, milk protein creates an acidic balance in the blood, and in order to neutralize this and bring the body to balance, calcium is forced out of the bones (alkali). This is such a paradox.

And the more dairy we eat, the more calcium we lose from our bones.

Scientists have proven that any food that requires a highly acidic environment in the stomach will be “quenched” (neutralized) by calcium.

This primarily applies to animal proteins contained in milk, dairy products, meat, poultry, fish, and eggs.

All these foods, one way or another, will deprive us of calcium; if we simultaneously eat foods rich in calcium, the body will first take calcium from food, and then from our bone tissue.

Research and scientists that confirm this:
Walter Veith, professor of zoology
Yuri Frolov, biologist, raw foodist
Marva Ohanyan, general practitioner, candidate of biochemical sciences
Michael Gregor, general practitioner, professor

This is why milk is associated with such a dangerous disease as osteoporosis (decreased bone density).

Because when eating animal protein, in particular with milk and dairy products, calcium is washed out of the bones. Numerous studies prove that after eating meat, dairy, eggs, we simply lose calcium in the urine.

“Osteoporosis is a consequence of high levels of animal protein in the diet”

A study from the University of California found that “women who received protein from milk or animal protein had 3 times more cases of osteoporosis (shrinking bones) than those who received protein from plant foods.”

National Institute of Health, University of California, study results published in American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2001

It turns out that milk not only does not add calcium to those who lack it, but also washes it away from healthy people!

The sugars contained in milk are not digested by the human body.

As we said, milk, in addition to protein, contains sugar - lactose, and its digestion also has a lot of difficulties. Firstly, scientists have already proven that many peoples of the world simply do not have the enzyme “lactase” to break down lactose into glucose and galactose. Children under the age of 10-15 have it, and only representatives of northern peoples have it; our children also have it.

“The lactase enzyme is very high immediately after the birth of a child, after 3 years it is not bad, after 10-15 years it is not there at all.”

Academician Druzyak, book “How to extend a fleeting life”

90% of the population in Africa, Japan, and the Philippines do not have lactase even in childhood, that is, if they drink milk, they will very quickly experience abdominal pain and diarrhea (this is the so-called milk intolerance).

The lactase enzyme, if present, will break down the sugar in milk - lactose - into glucose and galactose. Glucose will be digested and absorbed immediately in the stomach (in children of northern peoples), but galactose will not be digested and will simply be deposited by the body. It is galactose that poses a rather serious danger.

In the human body, neither Europeans nor Africans have an enzyme that can break down galactose from cow's milk.

Galactose is simply deposited by the body where it is found and accumulates throughout a person’s life. This naturally leads to a host of different health problems.

Scientists associate problems with galactose deposition such as: visual impairment, a very serious disease - cataract, if galactose deposition occurs on the eye lens; The appearance of cellulite is also associated with galactose, if galactose is deposited by the body under the skin; galactose deposits on the joints, and it really “loves” to be deposited there - various forms of arthritis.

Source: Digestive Disease and Sciences 1982, Postgraduate Medicine, 1994

The body, of course, can cleanse the body of galactose, but only with proper nutrition, with certain types of fasting on herbs, juices, and water. In a word, only when he has both the strength and time for it. If he constantly deals with high acidity, then with indigestible casein, then with galactose, which is alien to us, then he does not have time to clean.

The most common thing for you and me is to eat different incompatible foods at once - we start with a salad with greens and cheese (protein), pour soup with potatoes (carbohydrate) and rice (carbohydrate) with sour cream (milk protein), with a cutlet on top (protein) with puree (carbohydrate) and compote with a bun (carbohydrate).

The body, when it senses that there is protein in the mouth (the same cheese), prepares a concentrated acid in order to somehow “destroy” (we call this digest) the casein, and then after a couple of minutes a soup of carbohydrates arrives. Firstly, the liquid in the soup dilutes the acid, lowers its concentration, making it no longer suitable for digesting casein, and secondly, with the water in the soup come carbohydrates that can only be digested in an alkaline environment, and then again: protein-carbohydrate, protein-carbohydrate. And what should the stomach do in the end? Think about it!

Gives acid - we demand alkali, gives alkali - and again we ask for acid. But one neutralizes the other. And it turns out that in one 15-minute meal, the body needs to produce several portions of acid and alkali in order to at least try to digest everything.

Why try? Because, you understand, it is impossible to completely digest this mixture; as it is, it goes further into the duodenum, where there are no acids at all, only alkali, then into the intestines and further on. In the intestines, everything should already be digested, broken down into small parts that can only be absorbed, assimilated, and that’s it. And then an Abra-Kadabra comes with some kind of debris, it’s not clear what to do with it.

This is usually where all the strength of our body is spent; it has no time to remove galactose. Because we’ve only eaten at one o’clock, the food has barely reached the intestines, and we throw a new portion after it, and so on endlessly.

Everything that is not digested must either be excreted or accumulated. Therefore, scientists and researchers constantly find “traces” of our diet, sometimes in osteoporosis, sometimes in arthritis, sometimes in headaches.

Cow's milk differs significantly in composition from human breast milk. They have different functions.

Cow's milk contains a lot of protein, almost 3 times more than human milk. This is dictated by the fact that the calf needs to quickly get on its feet, immediately after birth and double its weight very quickly in 1.5 months, and after a year even reach 500 kilograms or more.

Source: journal Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 1990, 193, 143

If a calf needs protein first, then a baby needs fats - because the baby’s brain and central nervous system develop first. And that is why mother's milk is rich in fats.

In nature, all “puzzles” fit into one logical and clear picture. Nature has provided for all the nuances - and everything that a child may need is in mother’s milk and exactly at the time when it is needed.

After all, breast milk differs in composition even during one feeding - early milk, which is more watery at the beginning of feeding, consists of proteins, sugars, vitamins, minerals, water; Late milk, at the end of feeding, consists mainly of fat. Even during the day, everything changes: in the morning and closer to lunch – there is a lot of fat in milk, 4-5 times higher than in evening and night milk.

In the same way, with animals, everything that is needed will come in sufficient quantities and when needed from a cow to a calf, from a cat to a kitten, from a goat to a kid.

Milk contains up to 49% oxidized saturated fat

Here it is important for you and me to understand that the numbers that are written on the packages (2-5% fat content) are a trick of the manufacturers. With these numbers they do not express the ratio of fat to the mass of milk (after all, this is the only thing we are interested in - how much fat is in 1 liter of milk), but the fat content in 1 liter of milk to the water content in 1 liter, so we get strange and ridiculous numbers, like 2 -5 %.

  • Milk contains fat content up to 49%
  • In cheeses – up to 65%
  • In ice cream and yoghurts – 50%
  • In kefir up to 20%"

Source: Research on Milk, Professor Walter White

In addition, milk and dairy products contain oxidized fat; oxidation occurs from mixing milk with oxygen molecules when a cow is milked, when milk is poured from one container to another, from a bag to a glass, and so on.

Oxidized fats are dangerous because they contain free radicals. (Free radicals are formed during various reactions, but in particular during irradiation, frying, cooking, smoking - during the oxidation of fats.)

Free radicals are molecules that lack 1 electron; being in an imbalance, they take 1 missing electron from other cells, and they, in turn, become free radicals.

These reactions can occur from a few minutes to (!) several years.

Antioxidants help us fight free radicals; donor molecules donate their radicals to damaged molecules and restore the balance of the entire system.

Strong antioxidants include pomegranate, pomegranate juice, grapes, grape seeds, prunes, broccoli and many other berries, fruits and vegetables.

Additionally, the fat in dairy products is “saturated.”

“Saturated fats are fats in which the molecules are supersaturated with hydrogen. Saturated fats are simple in structure and the most harmful to health.

In the blood, saturated fatty acids combine and form spherical fatty compounds, they are easily deposited in adipose tissue and cause a narrowing of the lumen of the arteries, which leads to diseases such as heart attack, stroke and others.”

Directory of Sports Medicine

Even after pasteurization, milk contains: feces, pus, pesticides, hormones, bacteria and animal viruses

It is no secret that cows that produce milk are not kept in sterile conditions; if we are talking about industrial production, then the cows stand most of the time, eat not so much grass as feed enriched with antibiotics, hormones, they are constantly injected with various drugs to prevent diseases and increase milk yield. American journalists show the most terrible, cynical things about the structure of animal husbandry in the famous documentary film “Food Corporation.”

Americans study the milk of their cows a lot and for quite a long time and publish frightening results over and over again, here are just a few of them:

“More than 59% of newborn calves are infected with the leukemia virus and this disease is transmitted to humans.”

“Sclerosis is associated with milk. Tuberculosis can be transmitted to humans with milk,

diphtheria, brucellosis, scarlet fever, plague, etc.”

Journal of Diary Science 1988

In addition, according to sanitary standards in each country, there is such an indicator as the permissible amount of pathogenic microflora in milk after pasteurization. That is, the manufacturer may not remove all the “dirt” from the milk.

German scientists under the leadership of Professor V. Veit conducted an experiment: they took ordinary fresh milk, checked its composition, and found out that it mainly contained only lactobacilli and very few pathogenic bacteria. This milk was pasteurized. And what happened?

All lactobacilli have died, only a few pathogenic ones remain and that’s it.

But (!) then scientists put milk in a bag in a store window and measured the number of pathogenic bacteria after a few days - their number increased millions of times. Because many bacteria multiply rapidly in a humid environment at room temperature, even without oxygen.

Have you noticed that lately store-bought milk does not turn sour, but goes rotten? At the same time, the appearance does not deteriorate at all, a terrible smell and bitter taste appear, this is precisely due to the fact that the milk rots.

Thus, we can confidently say that pasteurization does not solve the problem of killing bacteria. This is also confirmed by American scientists in studies published in journals such as New England Journal of Medicine 1985, 312 (7) 439, 404 and Lancet 2004.

And here are the conclusions of American scientists:

“In addition to calcium, milk contains a lot of unpleasant “bonuses”: saturated fats, cholesterol, lactose, antibiotics, pesticides, pus, and manure. All this is also in pasteurized milk.”

Confirmed by research, published in the Journal of Dairy Science 2006

“In the USA, milk after pasteurization can contain up to 300 million pus cells in 1 glass. Industrialists often say that it doesn’t matter how sick the cow is and whether there is any inflammation - pasteurization will destroy everything, but this is not true!”

Professor Michael Gregor, lecture “Harmful, Harmless, Helpless”

“Source: J. L. W. Rademaker, M. M. M. Vissers, and M. C. T. Giffel. Effective heat inactivation of mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis in raw milk contaminated with naturally infected feces.

Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 73 (13):4185-4190, 2007."

"Source: P. C. B. Vianna, G. Mazal, M. V. Santos, H. M. A. Bolini, and M. L. Gigante. Microbial and sensory changes throughout the ripening of prato cheese made

from milk with different levels of somatic cells. J

Dairy Sci., 91(5):1743-1750, 2008."

Below is a list of health problems that scientists have closely linked to milk consumption:

  • chronic fatigue
  • headache
  • muscle pain and cramps (due to lack of calcium in the muscles)
  • hyperactivity in children
  • diarrhea in children (due to difficulties digesting lactose, casein)
  • all kinds of allergies (in America, the consumption of dairy products is named the first cause of various allergies)
  • asthma and respiratory diseases
  • early atherosclerosis (due to galactose deposition in blood vessels)
  • early diabetes types 1.2 (the casein molecule is very similar to the “native” molecules of our body - the cells of the pancreas that produce insulin. As a result of a constant reaction to destroy foreign casein proteins, the body suddenly begins to attack similar, but its own cells and then an autoimmune disease develops Type 1 diabetes)
  • acne (American researchers associate the appearance of acne or acne in adolescents due to the fact that milk contains a large amount of cow hormones, often from pregnant cows)
  • arthritis
  • nervous diseases
  • sclerosis
  • reduced intelligence
  • prostate, rectal, breast, ovarian cancer
  • kidney and pancreatic stones (inorganic calcium in pasteurized “boiled” dairy products, water, tablets, when excreted from the body in the kidneys, forms phosphate, carbonate and oxalate calcium salts, from which kidney stones are formed)

So, from all of the above it is clear that milk and dairy products are a poor source of calcium, we cannot absorb it (scientists say that only 25% of calcium can be absorbed maximum and only from fresh milk) and at the same time we get a bunch of problems, starting from internal attacks by free radicals and ending with banal infections.

What else prevents you from absorbing calcium?

Now you and I already understand that even if you eat chalk, calcium gluconate, whole shells, drink water with calcium, drink other people’s milk - all this will not add calcium to you and me!

Additionally, there are a number of foods/drinks that will also prevent the body from absorbing calcium.

In first place, and we have already discussed this, are foods rich in animal protein.

Every time we eat meat, poultry, fish, eggs, cheeses, milk, we remove calcium from bones and teeth to restore the acid-base environment of the body.

In addition to proteins of animal origin, the body is “acidified” by such food additives as orthophosphoric acid, or “acidity regulator E338”.

Phosphoric acid is very widely used in the food industry, in almost every product. Especially in carbonated drinks, particularly Coca-Cola. It is added in the production of raw smoked sausages, ham, canned food, cheeses, processed cheeses, and leavening powders for the confectionery industry; therefore, it also ends up in the cakes, cookies, and pies themselves. Used in the production of sugar, in the production of vegetable juices - to preserve color, dry vegetables are blanched with it, which are used in seasonings, quick - soups; It is used to treat fish to increase shelf life and eliminate fishy smell; for the same reason it is added to breading and spices for frying fish.

The mechanism of calcium excretion is exactly the same - acidity in the stomach increases - calcium is excreted for neutralization.

Removes calcium and the salt we eat (table salt or sodium chloride)

“Researchers from the University of Alberta in Canada conducted laboratory experiments and found that the human body regulates salt (sodium chloride) and calcium using the same mechanism. Therefore, if a person consumes a lot of salt, his body is forced to excrete it through the kidneys through urine,

and with it calcium.

The physiological norm for one person is 5 grams of salt per day. »

Sea salt can be an excellent substitute for table salt. In addition to calcium, it contains more than 50 microelements, including zinc, without which insulin loses its activity. Sea salt also contains chromium, without which glucose cannot be absorbed and high blood sugar levels remain. There is also magnesium, copper, potassium and other elements.

Removes calcium and sugar

You've probably heard since childhood that sugar harms teeth and removes calcium from teeth. Teeth are essentially the same bone tissue. And there are several reactions here that are important for us to know about.

When we eat sweets, candies, chocolates, which contain simply prohibitive amounts of sugar (1 chocolate candy in terms of sugar content is equal to 1.5 kilograms of apples, while apples contain natural sugars, but candies do not).

Sugar is deposited on the teeth, creating plaque, getting into micro-cracks in the enamel of the teeth and creating a very favorable environment for the growth of bacteria, simply a “sweet life”. Bacteria, like you and me, love sugar.

To stop this reaction, you need to eat less sugar or brush your teeth immediately after eating sweets. Even if you have eaten natural “correct” sugars: marshmallows, dried fruits - dates, dried apricots, etc., you must immediately remove the sweet sticky plaque from your teeth. But this is a simple and, let’s say, superficial reaction, but there is a deep internal mechanism due to which calcium is not absorbed by our body along with sugar.

Dietary sugar affects changes in the ratio of phosphorus and calcium in the blood, most often the calcium level increases, while the phosphorus level decreases. The balance is disrupted and the ratio between calcium and phosphorus continues to be incorrect for more than 48 hours. Because of this, calcium cannot be absorbed, because the ratio of calcium to phosphorus must be strictly 2.5:1; if the content is noticeably higher than these “doses,” then the additional calcium simply will not be used and absorbed by the body.

Calcium will again be excreted either in the urine, or calcium forms rather dense deposits in any soft tissues.
The intake of calcium into the body may be quite sufficient, but if calcium comes with sugar, it will be useless.

I emphasize that we are talking about table sugar sold in stores, that is, processed sugar. All sugars contained in fruits and some vegetables are certainly beneficial and do not cause imbalance within the body.

The sugar that we eat, and which is added to all products from confectionery to ketchup and canned food, is a harmful artificial product.

Judge for yourself - here is the scheme for producing sugar from sugar beets, which was used in the USSR:

Our main source is sugar beets, which contain an average of 17.5% sucrose (sugar cane mainly comes to us from Cuba);

The beets are washed, peeled, then the beet roots are processed into small chips;

The shavings are sent to diffusion devices, where all natural organic sucrose passes into hot water;

The root cake is used as animal feed, and hot water with sucrose (a kind of syrup) is further processed;

First of all, the syrup is purified from organic minerals;

The juice is heated to 88 degrees, lime milk is added to it;

Under the influence of lime, the protein coagulates, the salts of calcium, oxalic, phosphoric and other acids formed (during heating) are precipitated;

Then, in order to extract the remaining lime from the syrup, it is treated with carbon dioxide, and the lime precipitates;

The syrup is again heated to 90 degrees, filtered, again treated with lime, purified by passing carbon dioxide;

The syrup is then decolorized with sulfur dioxide, the syrup eventually becoming light yellow in color;

After which the liquid syrup is sent for evaporation at 126 degrees;

When the excess water is boiled out of the syrup and the dry matter in it is 60-65%, it is again treated with sulfur dioxide for bleaching;

It is filtered again and sent for boiling, which is carried out according to a scheme with double or triple sequential crystallization;

Silin P.M., Sugar technology, 2nd ed., [M., 1967]; Demchinsky F.A., Refined sugar production, 2nd ed., M., 1974.

Vitamin D deficiency

A prerequisite for the absorption of calcium is the presence of vitamin D in the body. If the concentration of calcium in the blood falls, then a small amount of parathyroid hormone enters it, stimulating the production of vitamin D in the kidneys, and this in turn stimulates the cells of the intestinal mucosa to absorb more calcium and phosphates into the blood. On the other hand, the kidneys begin to intensively retain calcium and do not excrete it in the urine.

In order to always have enough vitamin D, it is important to spend 15-20 minutes in the sun every day. The data from immunologists makes you think - the fact is that, according to the latest research, St. Petersburg has only 3 sunny months a year. It is too little!

If there is also little sun in your city, you need to get out somewhere every summer. Especially during pregnancy, try spending weekends outside the city, in another city. Even if you can’t constantly travel to “warm countries,” you can find a sunny meadow at home. This is critical and very important for you and your baby.

Iron interferes with calcium absorption

This is why it is very important that the water you drink is purified. It is important not to take iron-rich foods with calcium-containing foods.

So, dear mothers, I will briefly summarize everything that has been said:

  1. Inorganic calcium - is not absorbed by our body: in pasteurized milk, cheeses, cottage cheese, sour cream, water and tablets
  2. Milk is a very harmful product in itself, and at the same time it removes calcium:
    • Contains protein that humans cannot digest
    • Shifts the acid-base composition of the blood to the acidic side
    • Flushes out calcium to neutralize the acidification reaction
    • Contains saturated and oxidized fats
    • Contains indigestible sugars
    • Contains feces, bacteria, pus, infections
    • Causes a huge number of diseases
  1. Calcium is removed or interfered with absorption:
    • Animal proteins: milk and dairy products, meat, fish, chicken
    • Orthophosphoric acid
    • Iron

In the second part of the article, we will talk about the best sources of calcium, how to consume them, in what combinations, as well as what the daily intake of calcium during pregnancy is and what you need to eat to replenish it.

Materials and sources:

  1. Professor V.A. Dadali, Head of the Department of Biochemistry, St. Petersburg State Medical Academy named after. I.I. Mechnikova, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, acting. member of the Baltic Academy, member of the International Association of Micronutrition of the USA, member of the Scientific Council on Nutrition of the Institute of Nutrition of the Academy of Medical Sciences, honorary chairman of the scientific Society of Natural Medicine.
  2. Frolov Yuri Andreevich, biologist, raw foodist (personal blog -
  3. Walter Veit, professor of zoology, author of the program “Milk and its harm to humans”
  4. Gromova O. A. edition “Doctor”, July 2013
  5. Marva Ohanyan, general practitioner, candidate of biochemical sciences, naturopath, books “The Golden Rules of Natural Medicine”
  6. Michael Gregor, general practitioner, professor, materials from
  7. Nadezhda Semenova, Candidate of Biological Sciences, full member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, full member of the International Academy “On Nature and Society”, book “Kitchen of separate meals”
  8. Academician Alexander Mikhailovich Ugolev, Soviet scientist, specialist in the field of physiology, autonomic functions and their regulation, book “The Theory of Adequate Nutrition”
  9. “Research: M. M. Adeva, G. Souto. Diet-induced metabolic acidosis. Clin Nutr 2011 30 (4):416 - 421.
  10. M. P. Thorpe, E. M. Evans. Dietary protein and bone health: Harmonizing conflicting theories. Nutr. Rev. 2011 69 (4):215 - 230.
  11. A. L. Darling, D. J. Millward, D. J. Torgerson, C. E. Hewitt, S. A. Lanham-New. Dietary protein and bone health: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 2009 90 (6):1674 - 1692
  12. J. E. Kerstetter. Dietary protein and bone: A new approach to an old question. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 2009 90 (6):1451 - 1452
  13. N. M. Maalouf, O. W. Moe, B. Adams-Huet, K. Sakhaee. Hypercalciuria associated with high dietary protein intake is not due to acid load. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 2011 96 (12):3733 - 3740.
  14. J. Calvez, N. Poupin, C. Chesneau, C. Lassale, D. Tomé. Protein intake, calcium balance and health consequences. Eur J Clin Nutr 2012 66 (3):281 - 295.
  15. J. E. Kerstetter, K. O. O'Brien, D. M. Caseria, D. E. Wall, K. L. Insogna. The impact of dietary protein on calcium absorption and kinetic measures of bone turnover in women. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 2005 90 (1): 26 - 31.
  16. Dean Assimos. Re: Hypercalciuria associated with high dietary protein intake is not due to acid load. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 2011 96 (12):3733 - 3740
  17. J. J. Cao, L. K. Johnson, J. R. Hunt. A diet high in meat protein and potential renal acid load increases fractional calcium absorption and urinary calcium excretion without affecting markers of bone resorption or formation in postmenopausal women. J. Nutr. 2011 141 (3):391 - 397.
  18. L. M. Ausman, L. M. Oliver, B. R. Goldin, M. N. Woods, S. L. Gorbach, J. T. Dwyer. Estimated net acid excretion inversely correlates with urine pH in vegans, lacto-ovo vegetarians, and omnivores. J Ren Nutr 2008 18 (5):456 - 465.
  19. G. K. Schwalfenberg. The alkaline diet: Is there evidence that an alkaline pH diet benefits health? J Environ Public Health. 2012 2012:727630.
  20. B. Dawson-Hughes, S. S. Harris, L. Ceglia. Alkaline diets favor lean tissue mass in older adults. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. 2008 87 (3):662 - 665.
  21. P. Deriemaeker, D. Aerenhouts, M. Hebbelinck, P. Clarys. Nutrient based estimation of acid-base balance in vegetarians and non-vegetarians. Plant Foods Hum Nutr 2010 65 (1):77 - 82.”
  22. Source – research results published in the scientific journal Science 1986
  23. Source – research results published in the scientific journal American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 1974
  24. Source - research results published in the scientific journal Journal of Nutrition 1981. Science 1986
  25. National Institute of Health, University of California, study results published in American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2001
  26. Research J Am Colli Nutr, 2000 Vol. 19
  27. Source: journal Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 1990, 193, 143
  28. Kozlov Yu. P., Free radical processes in biological systems
  29. Biophysics, textbook, 1968
  30. Ingram D., Electron paramagnetic resonance in biology, trans. from English, M., 1972.
  31. Journal of Diary Science 1988
  32. Movie, Food Corporation
  33. J. L. W. Rademaker, M. M. M. Vissers, and M. C. T. Giffel. Effective heat inactivation of mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis in raw milk contaminated with naturally infected feces. Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 73 (13):4185-4190, 2007
  34. P. C. B. Vianna, G. Mazal, M. V. Santos, H. M. A. Bolini, and M. L. Gigante. Microbial and sensory changes throughout the ripening of prato cheese made from milk with different levels of somatic cells. J. Dairy Sci., 91(5):1743-1750, 2008.
  35. Academician Druzyak, book “How to extend a fleeting life”

What to eat cottage cheese with to absorb calcium

In order for calcium to be better absorbed in the body, fats, proteins and vitamin D are needed. The most suitable and most balanced product in this regard is cottage cheese. We will tell you what to eat cottage cheese with so that calcium is absorbed.

Let's start with the fact that calcium is best absorbed from cottage cheese with a fat content of 9%, since 100 g of such cottage cheese contains 9.5 g of fat necessary for further chemical transformations of a substance such as calcium. Let us consider further whether calcium is absorbed from low-fat cottage cheese.

Let us remind you that we previously wrote about how to properly take calcium so that it is absorbed.

The strength of bone and muscle tissue, which is formed during the period of their active growth, depends on whether you consume enough calcium. This is why calcium is so important in baby food and in the nutrition of women during pregnancy and breastfeeding (read more about the benefits of calcium).

One of the most popular products that helps replenish calcium deficiency is cottage cheese. What do you eat cottage cheese with to absorb calcium:

  • carrots;
  • radishes;
  • greens;
  • pumpkin;
  • beets;
  • cabbage;
  • baked apples and pears;
  • dried apricots and prunes;
  • honey (especially pay attention to acacia honey) and other beekeeping products;
  • berries;
  • nuts.

We noted what cottage cheese is eaten with so that calcium is absorbed, but it is worth pointing out foods that reduce the likelihood of its assimilation. The undesirable list includes coffee, alcohol, spinach, sorrel, and cereals. This is due to the presence in these products of substances that form insoluble salts with calcium and prevent its absorption.

  • Introduction
  • Why is dairy products considered the main source of calcium?
  • Calcium alone is not enough. What other substances are needed for its best absorption?
  • Calcium - a little theory.
  • Functions of calcium in the body
  • What is the risk of calcium deficiency and what causes it?
  • What foods contain calcium?
  • What do the statistics say based on the results of studies on calcium deficiency and the risk of osteoporosis in raw foodists?
  • Dietary supplements - as an alternative for poor nutrition.
Why does the body need calcium?

What foods contain it, besides milk and cottage cheese, and what to “snack” with so that calcium is absorbed by the body in full.

Everyone knows that calcium is found in milk, cottage cheese, and kefir. Another thing is that you need to eat these foods every day to have strong bones, teeth, nails and hair. I thought so too. But after switching to a new eating style, I stopped eating dairy products and meat. I learned that vegetarians and raw foodists get all the nutrients they need from greens.
Thus, I incurred the wrath of the public by not consuming dairy products, because the old prejudices are still alive that lack of milk = lack of calcium, and this leads to osteoporosis, okay, don’t feel sorry for yourself, but you need to think about your children.
This arrangement requires careful consideration. I decided to figure out what calcium is, what function it performs in my body, how much I need to get per day, and the main question! Where to get this treasure and how to absorb it in the best way to avoid calcium deficiency.

The fact is that the process of calcium absorption by the body depends on the presence of vitamin D and lactase, as in milk.
But vitamin D contain not only animal sources (butter, cheese and other dairy products, egg yolk, fish oil, caviar), but also plant sources (alfalfa, horsetail, nettle, parsley, mushrooms, sunflower seeds) and even sunlight (calcium absorption in the sun happens faster).

Recent studies now say the opposite - milk removes calcium...

It may not remove it, but it is known for sure that milk contains calcium, although it is not entirely suitable for humans, especially cow’s milk, and in order to assimilate it, you need to expend a lot of energy and, by the way, part of the already existing supply of calcium. Milk also produces mucus in the intestines and is generally useless, but this is a separate topic.
The most calcium is found in sesame and poppy seeds. These are record holders for calcium content: compared to cow's milk and cottage cheese, there is 10-12 times more of it in sesame and poppy seeds!!!
Interesting: The human body digests milk thanks to a special enzyme - lactase. Initially, it was produced only in the body of infants to drink mother's milk. However, some people had a “defect” that caused their intestines to produce the enzyme throughout their lives. It was the ability to drink milk that gave them a competitive advantage among northern Europeans who were deficient in calcium and vitamin D. Both they and their offspring were healthier. Gradually, this gene spread among all residents of Northern Europe. But the Chinese, the aborigines of America, Australia and South Africa, and the indigenous peoples of the North did not have this gene, so they do not drink milk.

Calcium alone is not enough. What other substances are needed for its absorption in the best way?

  1. Vitamin D - regulates the absorption of calcium and phosphorus minerals, their level in the blood and their entry into bone tissue and teeth.
Together with vitamin A and calcium or phosphorus, it protects the body from colds, diabetes, eye and skin diseases. It also helps prevent dental caries and gum pathologies, helps fight osteoporosis and accelerates the healing of fractures.
  1. Vitamin C
  2. Vitamin A
  3. Vitamin E
  4. The entire group of B vitamins
  • Magnesium - Among all the factors that ensure skeletal strength, the ratio of calcium and magnesium occupies a central place.

  • When the amount of magnesium in the blood drops, the kidneys restore balance by retaining less calcium. When magnesium concentrations increase, the kidneys excrete less calcium. For this reason, the body primarily needs magnesium and vitamin B6, which helps retain magnesium in the cell.
  1. Phosphorus - Phosphorus in the body should be in a ratio of 1:2. If there is more phosphorus, then the level of calcium in the blood may decrease: it stimulates the formation of calcium phosphate salts, which are deposited to build bones.
Animal foods contain approximately 10 times more phosphorus than plant foods. A direct correlation has been established between the loss of calcium from bones and excessive consumption of phosphorus.

About acid-base balance. Or an example of what happens in the body when phosphorus gets there:

Now imagine that a large amount of phosphorus has entered the blood. It shifts the acid-base balance (ABC) to the acidic side. The body tries to compensate for this by releasing calcium from its buffer reserves - from the bones. Calcium binds phosphorus, the balance is restored.
Chlorine and sulfur give the same effect as phosphorus.
Potassium, magnesium and sodium have the same effect as calcium, but magnesium and sodium are not present in the body in the required quantities. Potassium cannot act as a buffer, because its lack in cells will dramatically affect the viability of the body. That's why calcium is used. Interestingly, the same mechanism blocks the excretion of calcium through the kidneys; the body tries to preserve buffer elements, and, as a result, calcium salts settle in the kidneys.

Eating food of animal origin without appropriate compensation with greens, it definitely contributes to the leaching of calcium from the bones. As for supplemental calcium intake, its absorption into the body is limited and inhibited as soon as a large amount of it is detected at the entrance. Therefore, taking all kinds of gluconates and dairy products will lead to the opposite effect - everything that was taken will go into urine and stones, and what you tried to compensate for by taking it will be compensated by calcium from the bones. This is such a paradox.

  1. Fat and protein - their excess in the diet greatly reduces calcium absorption.
  • Acidic environment - A sufficient amount of acid must be present in the stomach for the normal absorption of certain calcium compounds, especially carbonate.

Low acidity. Hypoacidity is a condition that occurs when the body is unable to produce adequate amounts of stomach acid. Low acidity has an inevitable destructive effect on digestion and interferes with the absorption of nutrients necessary for health. Most minerals, including important ones such as iron, zinc, calcium and B-complex vitamins (folic acid and others), require a certain amount of hydrochloric acid to be absorbed. This phenomenon can be caused by taking large doses of drugs that reduce the acidity of gastric juice, relieve heartburn, and are used in the treatment of stomach and duodenal ulcers.

  1. fatty, amino and organic acids - omega-3 fatty acids, which are contained in flaxseed oil, have a good effect on joints.
All this in combination can be obtained only in natural products of plant origin. For normal absorption of calcium The body requires vitamins and various microelements.
They are found in: carrots, potatoes, cabbage, blueberries, gooseberries, rose hips, black currants.

It is useful to drink herbal teas and vitamin medicinal mixtures, but be careful.

Calcium - a little theory

Due to its high chemical activity, calcium does not occur in free form in nature.

Calcium compounds are found in almost all animal and plant tissues. A significant amount of calcium is found in living organisms.

Calcium, which is used in medicine to compensate for calcium deficiency.

Calcium chloride(CaCl 2) is a drug that replenishes the deficiency of Ca 2+, which is necessary for the transmission of nerve impulses, contraction of skeletal and smooth muscles, myocardial activity, bone tissue formation, and blood clotting.
Reduces the permeability of cells and the vascular wall, prevents the development of inflammatory reactions, increases the body's resistance to infections and can significantly enhance phagocytosis (phagocytosis, which decreases after taking NaCl, increases after taking Ca2+). When administered intravenously, it stimulates the sympathetic part of the autonomic nervous system, enhances the secretion of adrenaline by the adrenal glands, and has a moderate diuretic effect.

Calcium gluconate- a chemical compound, calcium salt of gluconic acid, in medicine mainly used as a mineral supplement for hypocalcemia.

Calcium glycerophosphate(lat. calcium glycerophosphate) - calcium salt of 1,2,3-propanetriol monohydrogen phosphate or dihydrogen phosphate.

Pharmacological action: replenishes calcium deficiency, tonic. Restores calcium levels in the body, stimulates anabolic processes.

Used in the food industry as a food additive E383.

Functions of calcium in the body

So, calcium is a mineral substance. One of the elements that make up the human body. The skeleton and teeth contain 99% calcium. The daily requirement of calcium for an adult is 800 mg, for a child 1000 mg. When there is insufficient calcium intake, it tends to be released from the bones and thus maintains balance in the blood and accordingly weakens the bones.

  1. Promotes the flow of nutrients into the cell.
  2. It is a building material for all connective tissue of the body, which includes muscles, fascia (muscle membranes), tendons, skin and bones.
  3. Regulates blood clotting processes.
  4. Necessary for contraction and relaxation of muscles, including the heart muscle
  5. Participates in the regulation of enzyme activity.
  6. Affects insulin release
  7. Possesses weakening properties for allergic conditions.
  8. Plays an important role in transmission of nerve impulses(calcium deficiency leads to increased excitability)
  9. It promotes fertilization by the fact that the sperm have a calcium formation in the front in the form of an arrow, with which the sperm pierces the membrane of the egg.
With a lack of calcium, the sperm cannot break through the membrane, as a result of which fertilization does not occur, which is one of the causes of male infertility.
  1. Helps rejuvenate the body, giving elasticity to the skin, shine to the hair and beauty to the nails.
  2. Together with other substances, it connects and binds cells and affects the density of the intercellular fluid, which makes the cells active.
  3. Boosts immunity, shifting the body's PH to the alkaline side

What is the risk of calcium deficiency and what causes it?

With age, bones thin out and become less strong and elastic.
This is partly explained by the fact that after about 35 years of age, the leaching of calcium from bones occurs more rapidly than its deposition in bone tissue. This is common to everyone, but in some people it is especially pronounced and leads to osteoporosis - a disease associated with damage (thinning) of bone tissue, leading to fractures and bone deformation.

Calcium in the body is reduced by alcohol, smoking, coffee, sugar, carbonated drinks, cocoa, soybeans and foods high in phosphates, including carbonated drinks, excessive salt intake, and daily long-term work at the computer. Coffee increases the excretion of calcium by the kidneys.

Stress and injury can reduce the ability to absorb calcium from the gastrointestinal tract.

Maintain bone strength A balanced diet rich in natural vitamins, minerals (especially calcium) and fiber, as well as regular physical activity, help.

The positive effect of regular physical activity on bone density is also evidenced by the scientifically established fact that bone density“impact (throwing) arm” and “push leg” are always significantly higher among professional athletes.

What foods contain calcium?

The table clearly shows that dairy products are not the main source of calcium.
And these are poppy and sesame seeds, also nettles and sunflower seeds. It is recommended to make milk from sesame and poppy seeds.
By eating a variety of foods from this list and listening to your body, you will receive the necessary microelements, including calcium.


plum core600
Large plantain412
sunflower seed367
soybean, grain348
cherry core309
Dog rose257
Lanceolate plantain248
Amaranth seed214
Feed cabbage (kale)212
Dry soybeans201
White bread170
Sheep milk170
Cow's milk120
Black bread100
Cottage cheese80
Orange medium70
Brussels sprouts42
It’s still not clear how all this exists.
Organization of a complete diet.

So, we can summarize.

The daily calcium requirement of a healthy adult is about 1 g.

Calcium must be supplied to the body in a certain ratio with phosphorus. The optimal ratio of these elements is considered to be 1: 1.5 (Ca: P).

Phosphorus found in all parts of green plants, even more in fruits and seeds.

VitaminD alfalfa, horsetail, nettle, parsley, mushrooms, sunflower seeds

To food rich in magnesium, include: sesame, bran, nuts. There is very little magnesium in bread, dairy, and meat products.

In general, if the diet consists of vegetables, fruits, a variety of greens and nuts, the daily requirement for calcium will be met.
If you drink green smoothies and teas, you will also satisfy the deficiency of other equally important substances.

We need vitamins and minerals every day. Our body is very complex, and all the substances in it are interconnected, you cannot isolate just one, for example calcium, and consume foods rich in calcium, complex processes occur in the body to maintain balance and it would be better to give nature the opportunity to take care of your health, you need to be careful here . The main thing is to provide on time those products that the body requires, and it will ask for it itself; it is important to be able to hear and recognize its voice.

What do the statistics from a study of raw foodists and vegetarians say about calcium deficiency and the risk of osteoporosis?

I came across quite a lot of references to scientific research, which overwhelmingly confirm that raw foodists should not worry about this at all, which is good news.

Here's an example: scientists from Australia and Vietnam compared the health of the osseous apparatus of 105 Buddhist monks adhering to a strict vegetarian diet and the same number of non-vegetarian women. It turned out that the bone density of vegetarian women was no different from the bone density of ordinary women :-) The results of the study were published in the online edition of the journal Osteoporosis International.

I also found criticism, although the study was conducted more than 10 years ago, so it does not inspire much confidence in me, I am publishing it, and what to trust, let everyone decide for themselves, for me personally it is more convenient to believe in what is more convenient for me to believe:

Nutritional deficiency

In Germany, from 1996 to 1998, under the leadership of Claus Leitzmann, the University of Giessen (Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen) conducted a large study of raw foodists.
During the study, it was revealed that a third of the examined women under the age of 45 suffered from amenorrhea, 45% of all examined men and 15% of women were found to have iron deficiency anemia, and the more often, the longer the experience of a raw food diet.

In the blood of all those examined, it was detected calcium deficiency, iron, magnesium, iodine, zinc, vitamins E, D and B12, and the amount of magnesium, iron and vitamin E supplied with food was sufficient, which indicates that these substances were poorly absorbed.
The amount of beta-carotene ingested from food was greater than recommended, and a lack of vitamin A was found in the blood of the subjects, from which it can be concluded that beta-carotene was also poorly absorbed. In 57% of those examined, body weight was significantly below normal.

In a 1999 study of raw foodists, 30% of participants were amenorrheic. Another study the same year found that raw foodists had significantly stronger erosion of tooth enamel. A 1995 Finnish study found that raw foodists low omega-3 levels. Several studies (1982, 1995, 2000) have shown that raw foodists have very low levels of B12 in the blood (one study found that participants subsequently took vitamin supplements).

Here's a study that's a little reassuring:

Dr. Luigi Fontana from the University of Washington, having examined 18 raw foodists aged from 33 to 85 years old, announced that of the 5 symptoms that accompany osteoporosis, only one was found in raw foodists - light bones.

Regarding bone turnover, vitamin levelsD in the blood and other markers, they are no worse in raw foodists than in the average person, and in terms of vitaminD is better, although the scientist himself suggested that raw foodists with vitaminD there will be problems.

Therefore, Fontana concludes, raw foodists do not fall into risk group for osteoporosis. The lightness of the bones, the doctor suggests, is explained in raw foodists by the absence of a polluting factor present in a meat eater. What is it about? Any raw foodist understands how his diet differs from the standard - it is non-toxic! It does not create a large concentration of free radicals in the body!

Dietary supplements - as an alternative for poor nutrition.

The pharmacy sells vitamins with calcium. But I'm afraid to use them. Such drugs can cause side effects, such as kidney stones, and also have contraindications. And the most popular drug in our country, according to rumors, is generally banned in the world, as it causes great harm. So, if you are not able to read the instructions and ingredients like a pharmacist, then for prevention and more, it is better to choose folk remedies, since a doctor’s prescription or advice from a pharmacist in a pharmacy does not guarantee the quality of the product, unfortunately.

I must also say about dietary supplements, because they are very popular now. Chinese bioengineers have advanced the furthest in solving the problem of supplying the body with calcium when it is deficient. And it all started like this:
In the 70s, people learned to pasteurize milk, and vitamin-depleted foods caused the problem of osteoporosis throughout the world.
And the world WHO announced a tender for the invention of a calcium formula that will be absorbed by the human body to the maximum, 90%.
The tender was won by the Chinese Academy of Sciences as soon as it invented ionic formula of calcium.

They created calcium fortified product. They used fresh cattle bones as a basis and turned them into easily digestible form of calcium.
The main merit of scientists in creating a group of dietary supplements enriched with calcium is that, thanks to modern biotechnologies, it was possible to convert the calcium ion into compounds that are absorbed by the body by 95-98%!!!
Sounds good! Get the whole list: calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, iron, copper, and 17 names of other microelements, also vitamins (B1, B2, B5, B12, A, E, K, D, C), proteins, amino acids and a number of other substances.

Subsequently, KAN sold this formula to a large Chinese company for subsequent production. Today this company is an exclusive manufacturer and supplier of ionic calcium Worldwide.

You can buy this drug in Russia, the prices are quite affordable.
For example here: 8-964-366-85-65.

Milk and dairy products are those components of our diet whose benefits we have heard since childhood. One of the main reasons why milk and its derivatives should be constantly present in our diet is their high calcium content.

Importance for the body

Calcium is one of the main building materials for our body - with its deficiency there can be no question of strong bones and joints. It is also important for the invisible components of the human body, since calcium is present in cell membranes, where it is responsible for the proper absorption of nutrients by the cell. Some hormones and enzymes will also not be produced without calcium - in a word, without this microelement we would be very ill.

Naturally, calcium, like most other microelements, is found in varying proportions in many foods. Among everyday products, milk and its derivatives contain the most amount of it. Scientists have calculated that with an average balanced diet without special indications, the human body receives more than half of its calcium from dairy products.

Features of dairy products

Calcium is guaranteed to be contained in milk of any fat content, and in approximately the same proportions, which means that, not being an easily disintegrating complex substance, it remains in dairy products, easily withstanding even heat treatment. Moreover, in many milk products it is present in even higher concentrations than in milk itself, the reason for which is the typical decrease in the amount of liquid in dairy products compared to the original raw material with an increase in the concentration of dry matter.

Ordinary cow's milk, which is the most popular in our country, contains approximately 118-122 mg per 100 g of product, and fat content, as already mentioned, has practically no effect on this indicator. In childhood, the daily calcium requirement ranges from 400 mg for an infant to 1200 mg for a teenager; in adults, this figure ranges from 800-1200 mg, and for a pregnant woman, whose body is rapidly creating a new musculoskeletal system, the need may increase up to 2000 mg. In short, if you are not a pregnant woman, a liter of milk per day is enough to cover your calcium needs. However, recent studies show that excessive consumption of anything is harmful, even if we mean ordinary milk.

Despite the fact that calcium could be quite easily obtained from milk, nutritionists advise diversifying the sources of calcium with other dairy products, otherwise, according to experts, the likelihood of developing cancer will greatly increase. For this reason, it is worth paying attention to the calcium content of other related products.

Thus, in kefir or yogurt the calcium content is approximately equal to that in milk, with the only difference that in the described products there are often inclusions in the form of pieces of fruit and other aromatic and flavoring additives, which, naturally, dilute the concentration somewhat. On average, every 100 grams of such a product contains 116-139 mg of calcium, which often even exceeds the same percentage in milk due to the increased density of the fermented milk product. Cottage cheese is one of the few dairy products in which the concentration of calcium is noticeably lower than in the original raw materials - this useful microelement contains only 70 mg per 100 grams.

If you want to receive calcium in large doses, without risking the development of cancer from milk abuse, you should turn your attention to cheeses. Even a small piece of such a product can eliminate calcium deficiency, because even soft cheeses like Camembert, Brie, feta or mozzarella contain approximately 400 mg per 100 grams. Cream cheese in this sense is even healthier, since there are 600 mg of calcium per 100 grams, and at the top are hard cheeses of the Parmesan, Cheddar and Emmental varieties, in which the amount of calcium reaches 800 mg for the same volume of product. In fact, just 100 grams of such cheese can provide the daily calcium requirement, especially since the benefits of such food are not limited to calcium alone.

If milk, what kind?

It is logical to assume that milk differs in composition in different species of mammals, so it is possible that in some places there may be more calcium, and in others less. If a person has access to an alternative to cow's milk, then of the relatively available options, preference should be given to a goat product - although there is not much calcium here (13-25%), but still more. At the same time, it is somewhat more difficult for a person to digest goat’s milk than cow’s milk, but the beneficial substances from it are absorbed much better.

Some people do not consume either cow's or goat's milk - some are lactose intolerant, and some are vegan. Instead of milk, such people drink a relatively similar product made from plant materials, which is also called milk. Calcium is usually also present in such substitutes, but it is relatively small. Of all the substitutes, oat, rice and soy milk are the poorest in calcium - they contain, respectively, 8, 11 and 13 mg of this microelement per 100 grams.

It turns out that in terms of the content of such an important element, these substitutes are about ten times worse than the original. The situation with coconut milk looks a little better, which in terms of fat content and calcium content (27 mg) is already noticeably closer to cow's drink, but still falls far short of it.

Among substitutes, almond milk holds the palm, but it is also three times inferior to the traditional product from burenka - calcium here is only 45 mg per 100 grams. That is why vegetarians are precisely those people who have to create a special diet with a high content of this mineral, obtained from greens, nuts and seeds.

Features of assimilation

The high calcium content in the product itself does not mean that this microelement will be absorbed by the body in full - for example, it was already said above that goat’s milk is more useful in this regard, since it involves a more efficient use of milk resources. It’s not for nothing that cow’s milk is considered a good source of this element - calcium also enters the body from it in a fairly high concentration.

For complete absorption of calcium, not only a well-digestible healthy product is required, but also a certain state of the body, which consists in the presence of all the necessary chemical reagents. For example, without a sufficient concentration of vitamin D3, most calcium from milk or cheese will simply pass by your body, and this substance is produced during sun exposure - which is why experts advise walking more often.

Especially for the conditions of regions that usually only dream of sunny weather, in recent years they have begun to produce milk with vitamin D present in the composition - this ensures that all the beneficial components of the drink will be absorbed, although this vitamin, of course, can also be obtained from other sources. sources. However, even a sufficient amount of vitamin D in the body will not help absorb calcium if there is not enough magnesium.

A separate paradox is that cow’s milk, which is so rich in calcium, not only does not bring the expected benefits for children aged three years, but can also cause harm, since this same calcium is washed out of the young body. The fact is that, compared to mother's milk, cow's milk contains too much phosphorus, and to remove this substance from the body, again, calcium is needed. As a result, parents who feed their children cow's milk should not relax - on the contrary, they need to think carefully about how to cover the resulting deficiency.

With age, this problem is solved due to the body's growing need for phosphorus, therefore for children aged three years and older, cow's milk is as valuable a source of calcium as for adults.

From the video below you will find out whether there is calcium in milk.

Milk The secretion of the mammary gland of female mammals, necessary for the nutrition of the fetus that has left the mother’s womb.

Mammalian milk has a different composition due to the species characteristics of the organism for which it is intended. That is, cow's milk has a different composition in relation to goat, sheep, camel and even more so to human milk.

It is worth noting that in nature a newborn consumes milk for a certain period of time, after which it never returns to this type of nutrition. If we draw an analogy (since a person also belongs to the class of mammals), he also should not drink milk as an adult.

As you can see, even with a superficial, logical analysis, the scales tip towards the fact that a person should not continue to drink milk after finishing breastfeeding by his mother, but in order for the information to be as objective as possible, let’s analyze the pros and cons a little deeper.


Casein harm

One of the most harmful substances in milk is casein, a milk protein that differs in its structure in each species of mammal. To digest this protein, animals produce a special enzyme called renin in their stomach. Humans do not have such an enzyme. When a newborn receives milk, it absorbs it thanks to a special bacillus produced in the mother’s mammary glands and entering the baby’s body along with the milk.

Milk leaches calcium

This probably sounds strange, since the main argument in favor of drinking milk is precisely the high calcium content in this product. In fact, in addition to calcium, casein, which is a strong oxidizing agent, enters the human body (and the human body does not have an enzyme that breaks down this protein). To bring the body into acid-base balance, the body neutralizes the increased acidity in the stomach with calcium (alkali).

Very often, all the calcium supplied with milk is spent on homeostasis (constancy of the internal environment), but if this amount is not enough, then calcium supplied with other food is used, if this is not available, then the internal reserves of the body, that is, bone tissue, are used. It is this process that explains the complete absorption of calcium, which is actually spent on maintaining the acid-base balance. If internal calcium reserves are constantly used up, this can lead to osteoporosis (calcium deficiency).

Since the human body is not able to absorb casein, it will enter our kidneys in its pure form, as a result of which phosphate kidney stones can form in people with a genetic predisposition.

Milk can cause diabetes

Long-term, regular consumption of milk (most often from early childhood through adulthood) can cause type 1 diabetes. This is not type 2 diabetes, which develops as a result of excessive sugar consumption. Very often, people develop type 1 diabetes due to the same casein, which, like all proteins, consists of amino acids arranged in a certain sequence. The amino acids of our pancreatic beta cells, which are responsible for the synthesis of the hormone insulin, which breaks down sugars, are located in almost the same sequence.

As soon as casein enters our body, and as we remember, our body has no way to break it down, it is immediately perceived by our immune system as an antigen from the outside. As a result of neutralization of a foreign gene, the immune system can switch to its own cells, which are similar in the structure of amino acid units to casein protein. In other words, the antibodies that are supposed to fight antigens begin to attack our own body cells, and this is how an autoimmune disease occurs - type 1 diabetes.

Harm from lactose

The so-called milk sugar (lactose) is also harmful to health. Lactose, entering our body, is broken down into two components:

  1. Glucose is the main source of energy for the body and is completely absorbed.
  2. Galactose is not absorbed by the human body at all, since after the child is no longer breastfed, the gene responsible for the processing and absorption of galactose is turned off.

Once in the stomach, galactose is not excreted and is deposited on the joints, causing various forms of arthritis. On the lens of the eye, forming a cataract. Galactose is also deposited in skin cells and under the skin, which leads to cellulite, which women hate, etc.

Harm of milk fats

Free radicals contained in milk have a negative effect on the body. They are formed as a result of the oxidation of fats under the influence of air. Free radicals interfere with the structure of fats, proteins, and cell DNA, changing and destroying it. When fat molecules are destroyed by free radicals, a chain reaction can begin, which most often leads to the destruction of the cell membrane, and, consequently, to cell death. Free radicals can cause mutations in DNA, which lead to various diseases and many types of cancer.

Oxidized fats themselves pose no less danger than free radicals. The fact is that oxygen dissolves in fats eight times faster than in water. This happens during the milking process, if we are talking about home consumption, or during processing in industrial production. In nature, milk never comes into contact with air, since all mammals receive it only through contact with the mother's breast.

Oxidized fats, entering the human body, under the influence of heat, iron, copper and a number of other enzymes, are converted into hydroxyl radicals, destroying dozens of cells at a time. Hydroxyl radical contributes to the appearance of plaques and blockages in the circulatory system, accelerates the aging process and leads to premature death.

Milk is one of the most dangerous products, since cows can be carriers of viruses that, when entering the human body, can cause diseases such as:

  • Tuberculosis
  • Diphtheria
  • Brucellosis
  • Scarlet fever

Milk fats are an excellent protection against stomach acid and microflora for infectious agents. Even sterilization of milk does not guarantee its safety from pathogens such as staphylococcus and salmonella.

Radionuclides in milk

Milk can cause no less harm to the body if it contains radionuclides. Today their presence can be found in many products - meat, fish, plant foods, but they can be removed at least partially, and they are not removed from milk at all. Harm to the body is caused not so much by the activity of radionuclides, but rather by active strontium and its analogues - promoting the replacement of silicon with calcium, as a result of which the soft walls of blood vessels, joints, cartilage discs become rigid, causing polyarthritis, atherosclerosis, rheumatism, etc.

Milk can cause prostate cancer in men if the milk contains hormones added to cows' food to speed up growth and increase milk production.


Milk heals

Despite all the above-mentioned harmful effects of milk on the body, it also has beneficial properties. Milk is rich in vitamins, has a calming effect, is a natural anabolic and can treat many diseases.

It is useful for hypertensive patients to consume milk periodically, as it has a mild diuretic property, thereby reducing blood pressure.

If you suffer from heartburn, a glass of milk can help you by reducing the acidity of the stomach juice.

For those suffering from vitamin deficiency, drinking milk will help compensate for the deficiency of more than 20 vitamins, especially vitamin B2.

Milk can help cope with insomnia due to its tryptophan and phenylalanine content, which calm the nervous system and have a mild sleep-inducing effect.

When you have a cold, milk will also come to the rescue. The high content of easily digestible protein will help the body quickly produce immunoglobulins to fight infection.

Many diseases are treated with the milk of different mammals. For example, Hippocrates cured many patients from consumption with goat milk. Kumis (mare's milk) treats gastrointestinal diseases and increases hemoglobin levels. Allergies are treated with camel milk. Moose milk helps with immune diseases. Sheep milk is used for liver diseases. Buffalo milk cures diseases of the skin and respiratory tract.

Milk is a dual product that can cause both harm and benefit to your body, so it is still worth considering milk as a medicine and using it if necessary for treatment. If you feel the need to drink milk, then do it, but at regular intervals.

Which milk is better to buy?

Fresh milk is considered the most valuable milk. It contains the maximum amount of nutrients and has all the healing properties of natural milk. Before drinking such milk, you need to be sure that the milking animal is absolutely healthy.

If you buy milk in a store, it is best to choose a pasteurized product, since during heat treatment of the product (pasteurization), the temperature does not rise above 60-70 degrees. This allows you to preserve not only vitamins, but also most of the beneficial microorganisms and at the same time stop the process of souring milk, which has a shelf life of 36 hours.

You shouldn't buy sterilized milk. During processing, it is heated to 135 degrees and then quickly cooled. This technology can significantly increase the shelf life of milk, but at temperatures above 70 degrees, complete and irreversible denaturation of proteins occurs - destruction of the primary structure of the protein and melting of DNA. All useful enzymes are destroyed from 43 to 70 degrees. Such milk, entering the human digestive system, does not benefit him, but only serves as food for pathogenic microorganisms (viruses, bacteria, fungi). As a result of the activity of which toxins and wastes are formed, and as a result, diseases develop.

Do not buy a product in a store that says it is a milk drink. This is the so-called reconstituted milk. It is produced from milk powder. There are practically no vitamins and microelements in this milk.

There is also “homogenized”, that is, homogeneous milk. The fat in such milk is distributed throughout the entire volume of the product, and does not collect on the surface in the form of cream. This milk is safe to consume, but there are opinions that the processing process itself destroys some substances, making it less healthy than pasteurized milk.

In order not to harm your health, you should refrain from purchasing milk in unverified places, such as: free markets, along highways, or from private individuals. If you decide to purchase homemade milk, make sure that the seller has veterinary certificates that his product is absolutely safe for consumption.