A story about four births. A story about four births Condition of the anterior abdominal muscles

Until recently, it was fashionable in a Russian family to have 1-2 children. Parents decided to have a maximum of two children for various reasons: the unstable situation in the country, low standard of living, unemployment. Now, thanks to all sorts of benefits for large families, parents want to have more than 3-4 children. For such families, first places in line for kindergarten, preferential tuition, lower rent are now provided... As a rule, the fourth pregnancy is an important event; this is the time when a woman is already over thirty and she looks at the whole situation differently. Pregnancy with the fourth baby of a mother with many children also has its own characteristics, the knowledge of which will not hurt every woman.

The course of the fourth pregnancy

As mentioned above, mothers of four children are most often women over thirty, or even forty years old. And this fact can be called one of the problems of pregnancy. Why? This is explained by the fact that by this age, most women have all kinds of chronic diseases of the heart, gastrointestinal tract, thyroid gland and genital organs. Of course, one cannot say that all this will negatively affect the course of pregnancy and the normal growth and development of the baby. To be sure of a favorable pregnancy, you should undergo a comprehensive examination in advance and make sure that not a single “sore” will bother either the mother or the baby.

Possible problems

The next problem that can take a future “quad” mother by surprise is the possibility of congenital malformations in the child. Therefore, when planning a fourth child, you should consult with a geneticist about future plans, and do not forget to undergo all routine screening examinations during pregnancy.

Also, with age, a woman’s venous system suffers. Changes in this area can provoke the appearance of hemorrhoids and varicose veins. Moreover, these “pleasures” can also affect those ladies who could never even imagine what all this means. To prevent such diseases during planning and already during pregnancy, you should constantly check the level of hemoglobin in the blood and the amount of iron it contains.

By the fourth pregnancy, the abdominal and pelvic muscles already lose their “girlish” appearance. Therefore, in order to avoid problems with the lower back and prevent the appearance of stretch marks, you should stock up on a bandage for pregnant women. It will help reduce the load on the lower back and alleviate the woman’s condition.

Another feature of the fourth pregnancy is that in most of these cases the placenta is located close to the pharynx, sometimes even blocking it. This happens due to the depletion of the uterine mucosa. If you are promptly observed by an obstetrician and follow his recommendations, this situation will not turn out to be anything bad. Sometimes this kind of phenomenon is an indication for cesarean section. Sometimes artificial delivery is prescribed because of the expected large fetus compared to previous pregnancies.

Harbingers of the fourth birth:

  • Shortly before childbirth, “abdominal prolapse” occurs. If the baby's head is directed downward, then during this process it is fixed, or, in medical terms, inserted into the small pelvis. The top of the uterus also moves downwards and no longer puts as much pressure on the lungs and stomach. At this time, many women notice changes in their breathing: it is much easier for them to absorb air! For some pregnant women, the navel may begin to protrude at this time.
  • Vaginal discharge may increase slightly. Some mothers are concerned that it may be amniotic fluid leaking. Special tests will help clarify the situation.
  • Changes also occur in the cervix. Only an obstetrician-gynecologist can diagnose the impending birth based on this sign.
  • A sharp weight loss also promises an early birth. This happens due to a decrease in swelling. So, if a couple of days ago the elastic band of your socks left a mark on your foot, but now it’s gone, you should prepare bags for the maternity hospital: meeting your fourth baby is just around the corner!
  • The removal of the mucus plug is a sign of impending labor. In some women in labor, it comes out only during delivery, so even mothers of three children can be surprised by the mucus they see on their underwear.
  • Changes in a woman's posture and gait. A pregnant woman, roughly speaking, begins to walk like a duck, waddling from side to side.
  • Frequent urination and loose stools are usually signs of self-cleansing of the body. This happens already 1-2 days before birth.

Features of the fourth births

As a rule, the fourth birth is much easier and faster than the previous births. This is explained by the fact that the body, which has already gone through several births, is able to quickly adapt to the birth of a newborn. In such cases, the pelvic muscles have a more elastic appearance, and the birth canal opens more easily. This situation has a beneficial effect on both mother and child. It is worth noting that it is the third, fourth and subsequent children in the family who are more protected from the fate of injury during childbirth.

But everything is not always so perfect during repeated births. Strained muscles may contribute to postpartum bleeding lasting longer than in first-time mothers. But under no circumstances should you set yourself up for a bad set of circumstances. All modern maternity hospitals in the country are equipped with high-quality equipment and the required tools to eliminate possible complications and conduct a successful birth without injury to the baby and mother.

In some cases, a woman who is giving birth for the fourth time may be prescribed stimulation. Why is it necessary? Often, during the third and subsequent births, there may be a lack of proper contractions and pushing, which are so important for a quick delivery. The absence of contractions can cause a lack of oxygen for the baby: after all, it is time for him to be born, but labor is still not progressing. Therefore, stimulation is prescribed to eliminate complications. Of course, these are all just possible courses of labor and it is not a fact that such a situation will repeat itself in a particular case. You need to go into childbirth with full confidence in yourself and the successful course of labor, and experienced specialists will do everything to ease the labor of the woman in labor and provide proper care.

After the fourth birth

In women who have given birth several times, the uterus contracts more slowly. Therefore, frequent visits to a gynecologist are required to avoid the development of bleeding and inflammation. Sometimes “multi-mothers” are prescribed special medications to improve uterine contractions.

The best news for a woman in labor is that milk from a woman who has become a mother for the fourth time often arrives already on the first day after the baby is born.

Any pregnancy is a great happiness for the family. Whatever it is, we must rejoice at such a gift and accept it properly.

This was back in 2005, I gave birth in the maternity hospital at City Clinical Hospital No. 29. On the night of September 1, some mild contractions began, they did not go away until the morning, so at 7 am we called an ambulance and went to the maternity hospital, contractions occurred every 20 minutes, there was no pain, I was glad that the process was going so well.. But then there was a bummer, in the maternity hospital they said that it was not clear at all whether I was giving birth, but they decided to take me to the maternity hospital. And there it was already fun, the contractions were still very weak, the doctors kept coming up with constant hints that I had been occupying the ward for a long time and it would be nice to stimulate me, I couldn’t give birth for more than a day, the baby would have problems. I wrote refusals to intervene, the doctors cursed and said that I would give birth to a dead child... Meanwhile, the contractions began to intensify, I remembered about breathing and postures, which is why the contractions intensified even more and by one o'clock in the afternoon they became real. At the same time, the dilation was only 3 cm. And from 1 pm to 4 pm it became full, at 4 o’clock I learned what it was like to stop the tank at full speed: I had to breathe through contractions for 15 minutes, and at 4.15 I was transferred to a chair and told to push , and my blood pressure, while I was breathing for 15 minutes, dropped to 80 to 50, what a push. The doctors started shouting that they would now take out forceps or put pressure on the stomach, but then an idea occurred to me, I simply gave birth vertically, without permission, amid screams that they did not practice vertical childbirth... I explained something that I can’t do it any other way, they said that they would force me out, I again talked about refusals, they called me the head of the department and, lo and behold, she gave the go-ahead. In three vertical attempts, my 4-kilogram elephant was in my arms, without a single break.

And then there was the postpartum, where they told me that while there was no milk, I had to feed with formula, where they refused to show me how to feed the baby, where they tore up my care receipt and did not let me go home until I had honestly served 4 days... But that's another story.


1. We only had to go to the maternity hospital around one o’clock in the afternoon, and before that we had to sit quietly at home. That is, the real birth lasted only 5 hours, although the chart says that I was in labor for almost 24 hours.

2. You have to take food with you, it’s very difficult to be hungry for a day, but they didn’t want to feed me after giving birth, since they transferred me to the ward at 7.03, and their canteen is open until 7.

3. Diapers and wipes should be taken directly to the birthing center so that you have them with you.

4. I also regretted that I didn’t have a camera, at least on my phone.

5. You need to choose a maternity hospital, and not go at random.

Second birth

Taking into account all the peculiarities of being in the maternity hospital, I was well prepared for the second birth: I packed a camera, food, drink, several diapers, wet wipes, panties and several pads, a player with music and aromatic oils for all occasions in my bag. I chose a maternity hospital with vertical childbirth. There was only one thing left to consider: not to give birth on New Year's Day, there are too many horror stories about drunk doctors... But, if you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans... On the first of January, contractions began. I was in no hurry to run to the maternity hospital, I went to the store, bought food, talked to my adult one-year-old son and went to give birth (by car, my husband’s grandfather was driving me). Already in the car, I realized that I could have left earlier, contractions were happening every minute, I didn’t show it, so as not to scare my grandfather. By the time I arrived at the maternity hospital and examined, the dilation was 7 cm, while they did an enema and shaved, while they lifted me to the delivery room, it was 9 cm, so in the delivery room I didn’t even have time to lay out my things, during the examination the amniotic sac burst, and after another 5 minutes I They invited me to a chair, I said that I would give birth vertically, there were no objections... three attempts and I had my son in my hands, at the moment of his first cry, fireworks began in the street... It is clear that this is just a coincidence, but it added solemnity , I lay and roared with happiness, and our delivery room was illuminated by bright flashes of fireworks, 2007 began beautifully and joyfully.

And then pleasant surprises began: they fed me right in the delivery room, the baby was put to the breast without my reminders, the umbilical cord was allowed to pulsate... In the postpartum room, they explained everything in detail and taught me how to really feed correctly. In general, I promised to return to them at maternity hospital 4 for my daughter.


1. Repeated births can be very fast, so if the first one lasted a long time, this is not a reason to slow down sending you to the maternity hospital for the second birth.

2. Good attitude of the staff is not the main thing, professionalism is more important, but when doctors and professionals treat you well, it is doubly pleasant.

3. Giving birth on holidays is not scary, the doctors are all sober and adequate (or am I just that lucky?), and they also congratulate everyone.

Third birth

The third son turned out to be stubborn even before birth: he lay crookedly in the womb, wrapped himself in the umbilical cord three times and gained 4 kg of weight. Therefore, this time I had to go to the maternity hospital early to decide on the method of delivery. At the maternity hospital they decided that they could try to give birth on their own, but without stimulation and pain relief; if something was wrong, then immediately have a caesarean section. But the son continued to be stubborn, he was not born by 41 weeks, at the 42nd week it became clear that it was dangerous to delay further, the uteroplacental blood flow began to deteriorate.... on Friday they decided to give time until next Thursday, and if there were no changes, then at 9 am schedule a planned caesarean section. For the weekend, I took time off from the maternity hospital and went for a walk with the older boys, walking up the stairs and cleaning the apartment... Zero changes. On Monday morning I returned to the maternity hospital with two bottles of castor oil and orange juice, for lunch I got drunk... castor oil and... an hour later I started having contractions, it was 4 o'clock in the afternoon, at 4.15 I was convinced that they were real, I ran to the post, at 4.25 they took me down to the delivery room and stated that I was fully dilated (in the meantime they were still thinking about the topic of a caesarean section, but it was too late for a caesarean section, they didn’t have time)... and then the most interesting thing awaited me, since the child was not lying correctly, then he could strangle himself with the umbilical cord, so it had to be untangled in the uterus, during contractions... you absolutely cannot push, so as not to press the head to the pelvis, they are reaching into the uterus with their hands to the living thing... At that moment I realized that giving birth is nonsense , contractions don’t hurt, but when they crawl into the uterus... The only thought was that I would never, never, never give birth again, 10 minutes seemed like an eternity. Finally, at 4.35, I was told to roll over vertically and... not to push, so that the child would walk smoothly and his arm would not be damaged, he would throw it over his head. But there were no problems here, I breathed out the contraction, and during one contraction the baby himself came down and stuck out his head and one arm, at the next contraction I was told to push slightly and they gave me my son in my arms. Within a minute, I forgot that I promised never to give birth again and told the doctors that I would return to them for my daughter.


1. When childbirth goes without problems, you notice all sorts of little things, but if there are problems, then everything else is no longer important, it is only important that the doctors carry out the birth in such a way as to preserve the health of mother and baby. By the way, despite the fact that the child walked with a handle, I didn’t have a single break! And the child was born without the slightest hypoxia!

2. The third birth lasted 45 minutes, it’s good that I was in the maternity hospital.

Fourth birth

Two years after the birth of my son, I kept my promise and returned to my beloved maternity hospital No. 4 again, this time for my daughter.

I didn’t want to give up on going to the maternity hospital, but given my past rapid labor, I decided to go, especially since I was already 41 weeks pregnant. I arrived, but I was ashamed: there was a rush there, and I came like such a simulator. I went into the waiting room, said that my stomach was pulling and I was in labor for the fourth time, they accepted me right away without any questions (like, if I give birth, then to the labor room, if not, then to pathology). We filled out the paperwork, did an enema, shaved, and took us to the labor room (there were no contractions yet, but dilatation was already underway; this happens in repeated births). And everyone around is giving birth. And, apparently, childbirth is contagious, the stomach really begins to sip, albeit weakly and without pain. They took me to the maternity room, warned the doctor that there were warning signs and asked me to examine and decide my fate. The doctor examined me and said that although there were no contractions yet, they were dilating, so I would give birth today. I connected the CTG and after about five minutes the recordings of the contractions somehow started at the same time. And I didn’t get enough sleep the night before, so I tell the doctor that maybe he can numb me and let me sleep, the contractions are just starting, the strength will come in handy. The doctor said, it will take 20 minutes for the CTG to be written, and while she draws up the card, and then, if it’s already 4 cm, then they’ll let me sleep, if not, then as soon as we wait for 4 cm, I’ll get my pain relief with sleep. While she was asking me questions about my husband, periods and pregnancy, 20 minutes and 4 contractions had passed. The doctor went to examine me for dilation, and I lay there, anticipating a sweet dream. Yeah, naive... The doctor climbs in to look... oppa, the dilation is complete, the little one is already ramming her way through with her head. Another minute they prepare a chair for vertical birth and a table for the baby, I am transferred to a chair, 2 more contractions, three attempts in each of them, and I am a mother.

Doctors' resume: “if you give birth to someone, it’s like going to the toilet, then you can give birth to a dozen.” It’s logical, there’s only one thing they didn’t take into account: it’s definitely impossible to raise, raise and educate a child in 20 minutes, but it would have been possible to do a dozen.


1. by the fourth birth, these same births become an everyday thing, much like washing dishes and walking with children.

And this is the result of all births:

Well, as a bonus for those who are interested in what they feed in maternity hospitals, I wrote down the menu for two days:

day 1:

breakfast: pearl barley porridge, cheese, butter, coffee drink, bread

11 am: rosehip decoction (you can take it to the ward in any quantity all day long)

lunch: borscht, potato casserole with meat, dried fruit compote, bread

afternoon snack: cottage cheese casserole, kefir

dinner: buckwheat with grated carrots and meat cutlet, tea with sugar, bread.

Those who have a separate table after a CS (1 table)

day 2:

breakfast: semolina porridge, butter, bread, boiled egg, coffee drink

11 o'clock: rosehip decoction

lunch: pearl barley soup with vegetables, meat goulash with carrots, rice, prune compote, bread

afternoon snack: fermented baked milk with bread

In our difficult times, a fourth pregnancy is not that common, especially when the previous three ended in the birth of a baby. Nevertheless, even today, such important events as the birth of a fourth child occur in the lives of some women. The main thing is that the family takes this step consciously and with full responsibility.

As a rule, experienced women in labor cope with bearing a child without much fuss. Most everyday situations related to pregnancy do not pose serious difficulties for them. However, it doesn’t always turn out that everything goes smoothly. Sometimes you have to seek professional medical help.

During the 4th pregnancy

Usually the fourth pregnancy proceeds quite favorably. The average age of women with many children expecting the next addition to the family is 35–37 years. At the same time, at this age, the risk of certain pathologies that may affect the period of bearing a child increases. What you should pay attention to first of all in order to avoid an unfavorable course of the fourth pregnancy:

  • Chronic diseases.
  • Phlebeurysm.
  • Anemia.
  • Condition of the anterior abdominal muscles.
  • Placenta previa.
  • Rhesus conflict.
  • Post-term pregnancy.

Even if you have repeated experience of bearing a child, it is strictly not recommended to ignore scheduled consultations with medical specialists.

Chronic diseases

When a woman is over 35 years old, there is a high probability of developing various chronic diseases that can aggravate the course of pregnancy. With age, the risk of the following diseases of the female reproductive system increases:

  • Adnexitis.
  • Salpingitis.
  • Salpingo-oophoritis.
  • Endomitritis.
  • Endometriosis.
  • Uterine fibroids.

No less dangerous for the health of the mother and baby is the exacerbation of absolutely any chronic disease of the respiratory, cardiovascular, urinary, endocrine or other systems in the body. In order to prevent serious disruption of the functioning of organs, they need to be thoroughly examined and fully treated.

Many clinical studies show that chronic pathology can provoke late toxicosis and lead to the appearance of diseases during pregnancy such as pyelonephritis, hypertension, and diabetes mellitus.

It has been established that with the age of the parents (the mother is over 35 years old, the father is 45 or more), the risk of developmental defects in the child increases. To avoid such problems, you should undergo genetic counseling.


With each pregnancy, the chances of getting varicose veins increase significantly. Its first clinical sign is the appearance of a characteristic vascular pattern (mesh-like) on the lower extremities and swelling, which increases in the evening. This is due to the fact that during pregnancy there is a natural increase in the volume of circulating blood by approximately 30–40%.

The situation can be aggravated by excess body weight, endocrine disorders, increased blood clotting, etc. The walls of the veins cannot cope with the increased load, overstretch and expand, forming a tortuous vascular pattern on the surface of the legs. To prevent the appearance of varicose veins, most experts recommend:

  • Wear special compression stockings or wrap your legs with an elastic bandage.
  • Sleep with your lower limbs elevated.
  • Perform therapeutic exercises.
  • Follow a diet.

If you notice the first symptoms of varicose veins, you should consult a specialist and undergo a full course of therapy. This will help prevent the progression of the disease.


Almost every fifth woman faces a problem such as anemia. During pregnancy, this risk increases significantly. An insufficient level of hemoglobin in the blood leads to oxygen starvation, which negatively affects both the condition of the mother and the formation of the fetus.

With anemia, a woman will feel weakness, fatigue, dizziness, difficulty breathing, and palpitations. Under no circumstances should such symptoms be ignored. It is recommended to regularly do blood tests and monitor hemoglobin and iron levels. Also, eat a balanced diet.

Pregnant women should undergo mandatory therapeutic courses to eliminate and prevent anemia, which consist of taking medications containing iron. The duration and course of treatment is determined by the doctor supervising you.

Condition of the anterior abdominal muscles

Another pregnancy affects the condition of the anterior abdominal muscles.

With each new period of gestation, their overstretching occurs more and more pronounced. In addition, there is an increase in the fetus during repeated pregnancies, which leads to even greater stretching of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall. As a rule, multiparous women will more often experience unpleasant pain in the lumbar and sacral area than during their first pregnancy. Usually, the doctor advises wearing a special bandage that will support the abdomen and reduce the load on the lower parts of the spinal column. When a pregnant woman is lying down, the bandage can be removed.

In the absence of contraindications, it is recommended to perform certain physical exercises to strengthen the anterior and oblique abdominal muscles. You will not only ease the load on the spine, but also prevent the appearance of stretch marks (stretch marks) on the abdomen. In addition, it is necessary to strengthen the muscles and ligaments of the pelvic floor. Their weakening can lead to an inability to hold urine while the abdominal muscles are tense.

The incidence of urinary incontinence in multiparous women increases significantly with each subsequent pregnancy.

Placenta previa

Many obstetric problems are caused by placenta previa or low position of the placenta. If this situation occurs, the exit from the uterus will be partially or completely blocked by the placenta. The reason for this may be the “worn out” lining of the uterus due to previous births or premature terminations of pregnancy.

Placenta previa to one degree or another quite often provokes bleeding even before birth. However, as the pregnant uterus grows, the position of the placenta may change, helping to stop bleeding.

Rhesus conflict

Pregnancy is a potential risk of Rh conflict between mother and fetus. This situation can develop when the pregnant woman’s blood is Rh-negative, and the fetus’s blood is Rh-positive. Fetal red blood cells enter the mother's bloodstream, leading to the formation of antibodies, which are returned to the child's body through the placenta. The fetus has a specific reaction to the mother’s antibodies, which contributes to the destruction of its red blood cells. The so-called hemolytic disease of the fetus develops, manifested by jaundice.

If all necessary therapeutic measures are not taken, hemolytic disease can cause irreparable harm to the health of the fetus.

Post-term pregnancy

According to clinical statistics, during the fourth pregnancy the risk of getting a large fetus increases by 20–30%. Several factors may influence this. Experts consider the following to be some of the most important factors that provoke a large fetus:

  • Psychological aspect. Mothers who have at least three children experience pregnancy and childbirth more calmly, which creates a favorable environment for the growth and development of the fetus.
  • Well-functioning circulatory system between mother and fetus. This ensures a significantly better supply of nutrients to the child.

A large fetus plays an important role in the fact that the gestation period of a child is prolonged and lasts more than 42 weeks. For example, a decrease in the volume of amniotic fluid or a decrease in the baby’s activity may indicate a post-term pregnancy.

As clinical experience shows, if a comprehensive examination has been completed and negative factors have been eliminated in a timely manner, then pregnancy and childbirth proceed quite favorably.

Management of 4 births

If there were no serious obstetric problems and the pregnancy proceeded normally, then the fourth birth is much easier compared to the previous births of babies. However, some complications are possible. Features of managing the fourth birth:

  • Contractility of the uterus.
  • Speed ​​of birth.
  • Fetal position.
  • Perineal lacerations.

Delivery rate

A woman who is preparing to become a mother for the fourth time will experience rapid labor. This is due to a more rapid dilation of the cervix. As a rule, the entire birth process takes approximately 4 hours. The supervising doctor should warn that at the first signs the woman should be immediately sent to a maternity hospital. Due to the rapid birth, the option of giving birth to a child outside of a medical institution (in an apartment, car, country house, etc.) cannot be ruled out.

There is no need to be afraid of sudden contractions, but it is advisable to stay as close as possible to the maternity hospital as the due date approaches.

Perineal lacerations

Based on clinical practice, we can confidently state that if there were no ruptures or episiotomy (an incision in the perineum and posterior vaginal wall) during previous births, then there is a high probability that this will not happen now. However, even if such a situation occurred, such complications and surgical intervention can be quite successfully avoided.

What preventive measures need to be taken? It is recommended to prepare the perineum for labor. From about 28 weeks of pregnancy, areas of previous ruptures should be lubricated with the drug Contratubex, which will make the scars more elastic and stretchable.

Some women in labor use folk remedies to prepare the perineum (for example, peach oil). However, it is better to obtain professional advice from your supervising physician in advance to prevent the development of unwanted side effects.

Uterine contractility

Previous births could not but affect the general tone of the uterus. Frequent stretching causes the muscles to become flabby and not contract sufficiently during childbirth. The so-called weakness of labor occurs. What a woman can do to try to prevent this:

  • Strengthen your abdominal muscles.
  • Consume vegetable oils in sufficient quantities.
  • Control your weight.
  • If necessary, use a special support bandage.
  • Do a contrast shower on the abdominal area in the last weeks of pregnancy.

With severe weakness of labor, they may resort to the use of medications that will increase the contractility of the uterus.

Fetal position

Overstretching of the uterus and abdominal muscles leads to the fact that during the fourth birth the baby in the womb may not occupy the correct position for a long time. Naturally, this causes some concern. However, in most cases, the fetus still makes the necessary turns and takes the optimal position for birth.

Sometimes it may be necessary to use a special technique to rotate the fetus. But they resort to it from about 36 weeks of pregnancy. At the same time, it happens that the baby turns around literally on the day of birth and takes the correct position.

Postpartum period

One of the main problems in the postpartum period is the increased risk of bleeding due to the reduced ability of the uterus to contract. It is immediately worth noting that normal separation of the placenta significantly reduces the likelihood of this pathological complication occurring. What else can be done to improve uterine contractions in the postpartum period:

  • Place the newborn to the breast as early as possible. The first feeding, which is very important for both mother and baby, should last approximately 2 hours.
  • Feed the baby according to his every need. During the process of breastfeeding, active contraction of the uterus occurs. The more often you feed, the faster the uterus will recover.
  • Go to the toilet regularly.
  • In the first days after the birth of your baby, plant foods should predominate in your diet.
  • Do not limit yourself to drinking regular clean water. The optimal drinking regime is at least 2 liters per day.
  • It is better to lie on your stomach, especially when sleeping.
  • Don't forget about the motor mode. The more you move, the faster the uterus contracts.

In addition, another problem may arise during the postpartum period. For some multiparous mothers, the process of uterine contraction is quite painful, especially while feeding the baby. If the pain is very noticeable, you can do the following:

  • Take the painkiller prescribed by your doctor about half an hour before feeding. It has been noted that intense contractions of the uterus are observed precisely when you are breastfeeding your baby.
  • If there are no contraindications, during feeding it is recommended to place a warm heating pad on the abdominal area, which will help reduce pain.
  • Feeding position also matters. It is best to feed lying on your side with your legs tucked towards you. At the same time, you seem to take the “fetal position” yourself. This position can be used at any time when there is an increase in pain in the abdominal area.
  • Emptying your bladder or bowels at the wrong time can increase pain, so going to the toilet regularly is important.

Do not forget that it is strictly not recommended to take any medications or use folk remedies during pregnancy and the postpartum period without the permission of the supervising physician.

Proper management of the fourth pregnancy significantly reduces the risk of possible complications and gives a good chance of having a healthy baby. Experienced women in labor who do not ignore scheduled consultations successfully cope with childbirth and recover fairly quickly in the postpartum period.


My husband went to bed with some disappointment, saying that I was in such a frenzy with my preparations that he was sure that the day would end with a trip to the maternity hospital, and I...

At one o'clock in the morning I woke up as if from the howling of a siren somewhere in my brain, with a clear understanding - I was in labor!The house was quiet, everyone was sleeping. I realized that my stomach hurt, as if I was very upset. I tried to realize the periodicity of contractions, but did not find it in my half-asleep state - the pain was constant, sometimes stronger, sometimes weaker.

A unique feeling, of course. Anticipation of the incredible and supernatural - HIS or SHE just hasn’t happened yet, and will appear very soon. Necessarily. Son or daughter. We didn’t find out the gender, there is a charm in this ignorance, intrigue and mystery.

I was suddenly overcome by a strange feeling, everything was mixed into one heap: both joy that the ending was near, and fear - you’ve already been through this, you know, What waiting in labor. And also, of course, you won’t say it out loud, but you’re very afraid, “what if something goes wrong!?” Lord, don’t let me lose him, please, as long as he’s alive and well.

I got up, went to the toilet, took a shower, woke up my freaking husband, “Ahhh!” You knew!!! Fromkuuuuda???".

Good question.

For some reason, we couldn’t get through to the service recommended for transporting women in labor, which took us with the wind and flashing lights a year and a half ago to pick up Lerochka. And then I remembered that my friend Olya (who has five!) offered to give birth to me at home in the event of force majeure, if I started giving birth during the day alone with Lera and quickly, if anything happens, seek any help - look after the children or take me to maternity hospital... Olya, thank you!

And off we went. By that time, the restless and cheerful jitters had completely left me. But I couldn’t leave the thought of how I looked in the front seat of the car. I was afraid that if someone looked out the window, they would think that I was going through drug withdrawal: I seemed to be sitting normally, then... bam! She made such a face! Creepy.

The contractions came at intervals of a minute. As far as I remembered from previous births, when I was fitted with CTG sensors, the baby’s heartbeat increased during contractions, and therefore I breathed as if there were bellows in my lungs - I was afraid that the baby did not have enough air.

The lower abdomen was unbearably tight, it was rapidly filling with lead, it became heavy and painful to the point of nausea, to the point of ringing in my ears, and I began to quickly count to myself up to 20 (the peak of pain) and back to 20, when this monstrous sensation with retreated with a rumble.

My doctor, whom I traditionally woke up and pulled out of the house with a sudden call at night, and with whom I gave birth to all my older children, was already waiting for us at the entrance. "Ready?" - she asked me. “Always,” I reported, and I was sent to check in at the emergency room. Like the last time, the dilation was already almost complete; we just had to push. Before going up to the maternity ward, I looked at myself in the mirror and was pleased with what I saw: my hair was clean, all in white - solemnly, as if I was being born again.

About an hour passed, which became a real delirium for me, a struggle for life and death. The whole body switched to hard and monotonous work: exhale-inhale, exhale-inhale. I felt that my strength was leaving me, although I tried to relax as much as possible between contractions so as not to interfere with the birth of the little man.

Many people write that it’s easier to endure contractions while standing, but I’ll tell you about myself - I couldn’t stand at all, it was so painful, and my head was spinning. I lay down on the bed on my side. My husband came, by that time I was barely able to understand anything, during the next contraction, and there were practically no breaks between them, I simply went into the astral plane. I constantly wanted him to press on my back with his knee, but we limited ourselves to a furious massage of the lower back and sacrum - just with his fist to rub as hard as he could. The midwife looked in, chuckled and brought a massager. But the fist turned out to be better.

My doctor also came up to me every now and then, stroked my head, said that I was doing well, that I was strong, that very soon everything would be over. From my own experience, I know that during contractions you should never scream, because once you open your mouth, it is very difficult to stop, and you completely lose control. For example, during contractions I concentrated on them and imagined how the child was moving forward. This greatly relieves the pain.

Meanwhile, the contractions became more and more violent. Another one rolled in like a tsunami. I grabbed my husband’s hand and screamed. Although, initially she had absolutely no intention of screaming, and, in general, behaved very well. Fight. Yes, so strong that I didn’t even expect it: I froze all over, I can’t breathe, I’m sweating like a stream, and it’s like I’m being twisted all over. I can describe this pain as a severe cramp that cramps the entire lower part of the body, you feel as if the muscles are being squeezed out like a towel, you are shaking all over, sometimes large, sometimes small, and you can’t control this process at all. And between contractions the cramp goes away, but the pain remains as it was just recently, when you could still restrain yourself and not scream...

And suddenly, during the contraction, the water broke, and strong pushing immediately began.

I stood up, took 4 of the hardest steps in my life and finally climbed onto the chair.

And this is where the work began. Correct pushing also means a non-traumatic birth for the baby.

Pushing is no easier than contractions, but the realization that you are giving birth to a baby, and now the most important moment of its birth, which depends entirely on you alone, gives indescribable strength, and you push with all your might, try to follow every instruction of the midwife, and endure it that is simply impossible to tolerate. You release all this pain from yourself, which, having succumbed, at first timidly, and then, inflaming more and more, grows like torture, filling you from the inside, seizing your throat and blocking access to oxygen.

Time lay waiting. Not for long at all. The last superhuman effort and the long-awaited cry. And the world exploded, just crumbled into pieces! This time literally - for several moments I lost consciousness. They patted me on the cheeks, I opened my eyes, raised my head, which had fallen to the side, onto my shoulder.

They put the baby on my chest. We are still connected by the umbilical cord, but there are already two of us. We made it, we met!

Wet, warm, sneezing, meowing, all smeared with vernix, similar to processed cheese. Alive! Real! Tiny!

It was scary to disturb the fragility of the air...

A huge wave of tenderness covers me, I hug my fourth baby with my palms, stroke his head, his wet and warm back, and his bottom. I whisper to him: “Well, hello!”

And he lies there, studying me with his Martian gaze and making dissatisfied faces.

“Oh!” I came to my senses, “Is it a boy or a girl?” The husband laughs: “Boy!”

The boy, meanwhile, became quiet, continuing to look at me skeptically. God, I have never seen anything more beautiful than these eyes, absolute angelic purity. We've known each other for a few seconds, and I'm ready to die here and now, just to be sure that everything in his life will be fine... Andany pain seems like a ridiculous price to pay for these feelings whenbaby clings to your chest for the first time. Only mothers can understand this storm of emotions...