DIY fruit bouquet: how to make for beginners. Ideas for original bouquets of vegetables

On the eve of the New Year, each of us thinks about gifts: unusual and useful. Why not give a bouquet? Do you disapprove? But the bouquet can be not only from flowers, but also from sweets, soft toys, balloons, diapers, banknotes and even socks! How about a bouquet of garlic, carrots and pomegranate? Olga Fedoseeva was one of the first in Belarus to start creating fashionable bouquets of vegetables and fruits. Instead of roses and tulips - beans, eggplant, lettuce, potatoes, garlic, chili peppers... Fruit and vegetable masterpieces come out from under her hands, which are both pleasant to give and receive. But the main advantage of such a gift is that it will not wither - it can be easily eaten.

If Olga had been told a couple of years ago that she would make bouquets of fruits, she would have twisted her finger at her temple and called it a crazy idea. At that time, she taught at the Belarusian State Technological University, was going to enter graduate school in the direction of "informatics, computer technology and control systems" and did not think about any applied art. But by chance I saw a fantastically beautiful vegetable bouquet on the Internet. And my first thought: I want to do the same!

As the girl admits, she always liked to create something with her own hands. She gave her mother-in-law the first creation. It was a bouquet of garlic, pomegranate, red onion, red and green chili peppers, broccoli, parsley and rosemary. My mother's approval also gave me confidence... And while I was carrying a bouquet through the whole city, now and then I caught the surprised and enthusiastic glances of passers-by. And someone came up and asked for the phone of the master. So life itself and suggested what to do.

But the girl could not even think that she would get so sick with fruit and vegetable floristry. She enjoys both the search for suitable ingredients and the creation and delivery of bouquets. Here is a combination of pleasant and useful. It is not for nothing that Olgino's favorite pastime since childhood is the choice of products. And now walking around the market is not work, but sheer relaxation. Olga is so immersed in fruit and vegetable floristry that now she looks at seemingly ordinary fruits in a different way: they are no longer food, but an object of creativity. For example, you can add more cabbage to the bouquet for the boss, hinting at financial well-being. Against the background of brides' wedding dresses, a pepper towering above the bouquet looks great. But a pure pepper bouquet, in Olga's opinion, is a gift exclusively for men: dynamic and sexy. Bouquets are also good for a specific dish: cabbage soup, borscht, hodgepodge, potatoes with mushrooms ...

The girl also experimented with other products. For her husband's birthday, for example, she created a bouquet of various types of sausage and cheese. To tinker, admits, it was necessary a lot. But the result exceeded all expectations! Now the master dreams of making a creative vegetable bouquet for the bride. There are already a lot of ideas for implementation. But an apple (as many thought), although Eve Adam was tempted by it, is hardly suitable: it’s hard. Most likely, it will be cauliflower, champignons, garlic, which, together with cotton, will create a delicate color scheme. As accents, you can use blueberries, as well as sprigs of rosemary and eucalyptus. Olga admits that she likes to work with vegetables most of all:

I really want to show their beauty. After all, fruits are almost always round in shape, and bouquets from them, it seems to me, are not so interesting. Whether business vegetables! They are so diverse - fantasize and fantasize with them! Sometimes I add flowers, spices to the composition. I like to experiment, making unusual combinations. Everything depends on the season.

The main thing, the florist emphasizes, when choosing components, pay attention first of all to the freshness and quality of the products. Both the attractiveness of the bouquet and its durability depend on this. The choice of products is not limited to anything: they would be fresh, not overripe and preferably strong. These fruits are much easier to work with. Too juicy berries and fruits flow, spoiling the whole composition. A banana will not look very aesthetically pleasing in a bouquet: it quickly turns black.

Luxurious bouquets are obtained from potatoes. Especially with onions and mushrooms. Garlic goes great with eggplant as a companion.

Do not take a lot of multi-colored fruits at once. As in the outfit, there should not be more than two or three colors. Otherwise, the bouquet will turn out to be colorful and clumsy. One color - green - is always there. And already another color scheme is selected for it. And one more thing: each fruit needs a pair so that it does not look lonely and forlorn.

Today, under the guidance of Olga Fedoseeva, we will try to collect our own edible bouquet. Believe me, everyone can do it.

First you need to understand what fruits and vegetables you want to use. It all depends on the imagination. Olga decided to make a New Year's bouquet of sweet peppers, Brussels sprouts, lime, lemon and tangerines. A sort of sunny yellow-orange miracle.

So, my fruits and vegetables, put them on the table. After they dry, we string them on long wooden skewers, which are usually used for barbecue. If the fruit is heavy, like, for example, an orange or a lemon, then we plant it on 2-3 sticks. Why wood and not metal? When in contact with fruits, they do not oxidize. For light grapes or kumquats, cherry tomatoes, heavenly apples or champignons, just one skewer is enough. Small items are best used in groups. Then they are best "read". Grapes can be strung on one skewer, like beads, or you can collect several skewers with one grape together. Combined 3 - 4 mini Brussels sprouts from a distance resemble a rose.

Some fruits, such as kiwi or pomegranate, can be cut on a skewer: it is much more beautiful and luxurious. Sliced ​​apples should be dipped for a few seconds in water acidified with lemon or citric acid - this will protect them from darkening. You can also “undress” garlic: without the husk, it looks like a pale pink outlandish flower. We also clean the onion - so it is much brighter and more interesting. Mushrooms and peppers (both bitter and sweet) are strung on skewers on either side.

If, like us, you use Christmas balls in a bouquet, then fix them correctly. Remove the "cap" from the toy, wind the wire around the ledge, tighten it, and put the toy mount back on.

When all the components are strung, we proceed to assemble the bouquet. We press the skewers against each other, ignoring the floristic rules of “working in a spiral” (that is, crosswise): wooden sticks will break. We fasten each next skewer tightly with adhesive tape to the previous one. We start the assembly with large and heavy fruits, observing the "weight" categories. "Giants" will become the basis of the bouquet, its central part. It is important to maintain balance so that the bouquet does not heel in one direction or another. Then in a circle we add vegetables and fruits of a smaller size.

It is best to make a bouquet in front of a mirror in order to see the process and correct shortcomings in time. And the form, Olga suggests, will be better visible this way. Despite the unusual components, it should still be round.

When composing a bouquet, we evenly alternate different fruits, shapes and shades so that the bouquet looks harmonious. And to make the composition look more natural, we fill the gaps with greenery. We attach a sprig of rosemary or part of it to the wire with teip tape or electrical tape (by the way, it can also be green). Ruscus, eucalyptus, bay leaf, thyme, parsley, dill, basil also look good from greens. For winter bouquets, you can use fir, thuja, juniper. A combination of light greens with darker ones is very advantageous.

In the design of a bouquet, everything is important, including small details. A bouquet made up of large apples will look smaller if you add small fruits or vegetables. With each new fruit, the bouquet becomes heavier. Keeping food at a height while "twisting" them with tape is not an easy task. Therefore, you need to adapt, and it's okay if you don't succeed the first time.

After the bouquet is made, we pay attention to all the shortcomings. First of all, we cut off the wooden skewers sticking out at the bottom with secateurs or wire cutters. Then we wrap them well with tape so that the bouquet does not fall apart under its own weight. And its weight, depending on the selected products, can reach up to 5 kg! Tape align and the thickness of the handle. Initially, we have a triangular one, but we need to bring it to a rectangular shape: it will be more convenient to carry the bouquet so that it does not slip out of our hands.

After that, we begin to wrap the bouquet. You can take any paper or fabric. Olga stopped on baking paper. Its neutral-natural color will only emphasize the beauty of vegetables and fruits, without drawing too much attention to the wrapper. First, close the bouquet from all sides, overlapping the sheets. Then we wrap the “leg” with the same paper, closing the skewers and adhesive tape.

You can also use cabbage leaves instead of paper - white or red cabbage, Savoy and even decorative. The Savoy leaf is corrugated. And its color is unusual - from light, almost white, in the middle to dark green at the edges.

We tie a ribbon - and the bouquet is ready! Its general appearance should resemble a small tree with a straight trunk and a spherical neat crown.

You can combine any fruits and vegetables, Olga advises. - Do not limit yourself in creative flight. Feel free to use onions and potatoes, mushrooms and radishes, raspberries and strawberries, bunches of red and black currants... A fruit and vegetable bouquet is a wonderful gift. By experimenting with the height of the skewers, the shape of the base, the type of fruit and their design, you can create incomparable compositions that will certainly arouse admiration. Happy New Year!

P.S. More information about the technique of composing fruit and vegetable bouquets can be found on the website in the “Your Today” section in video blog No. 102 of the “Garden and Garden” issue.

Decorate your home with an unusual autumn bouquet that combines flowers, vegetables and fruits. In most bouquets with vegetables and fruits, more than 3-4 shades are rarely used, keep this in mind when choosing it yourself.

1. A simple bouquet with apples

This is a simple composition in green tones. Take apples that are evenly green in color (Granny Smith is best, just choose smaller ones) and place them in a tall, straight glass vase.

They will support a bouquet of white lush flowers (such as hydrangeas) and green twigs (any ornamental green plants can be used; it will be especially good if there are several branches of hanging plants on one side of the bouquet).

Add five or six sprigs of fresh herbs on long stems - thyme and basil; try to combine light greens with darker ones. The general appearance of the bouquet should resemble a small green tree with a straight trunk and a neat spherical crown.

2. Asparagus and flowers

Asparagus stalks are suitable for imitating a vase. Take an ordinary jar or a low bowl (in general, the dishes should be about the same height as the stems), and with the help of a tape or a tourniquet, fasten the asparagus vertically on the outside of it, so that the glass is not visible. You can put any flowers in the jar itself, adding two or three sprigs of small berries to them.

Large flowers of dark red shades look especially unusual - firstly, because of the contrast with green asparagus, and secondly, because of the size specificity: we are all used to such large flowers standing on long stems, and for this composition they you will have to cut to 15-20 cm (the length of the asparagus stem and jar).

3. Savoy cabbage with gypsophila in a vase

Savoy cabbage looks like a head of cabbage, but differs from ordinary or red cabbage in that its leaves are wider apart, their surface is heterogeneous, as if corrugated, and the color goes through a very noticeable gradation (from light, almost white, in the middle to dark green along the edges ).

She looks large, but elegant in her own way. To emphasize this, choose a white vase with a narrow stem and a wide mouth, in a vintage garden style, preferably “aged”. Just put the head inside, it will be about half visible. Add a few sprigs of gypsophila to keep the vase white.

4. Minimalism

A popular style suitable for almost any occasion. Choose a small or very narrow vessel, preferably plain, without any decorations - for example, an elongated glass vase, a white porcelain bowl or a wooden pencil box.

Put or put a maximum of two or three items in it (if these are sprigs of herbs, then you can have a few pieces more, but do not get carried away) - for example, one pear and a cinnamon stick. One of the items may not be a flower, vegetable, or fruit (for example, a folded page from an old book).

If it seems to you that something is missing, it is better to repeat the entire design, placing next to it the same box, bowl, vase with the same items. Usually there are three such "repetitions", but if the object is small and one (for example, one apple wrapped half in a book page), you can build a whole line of as many pieces as you like - on a windowsill, shelf or coffee table.

5. Pomegranates, berries and succulents

On a two-story platform for fruit, lay out a few pomegranates (both above and below), and complement them with a lot of red currants (brushes of berries should be as long as possible, hanging from the edges of the platform and almost hiding the pomegranates from view). Add some greenery in the form of succulents (best dark shade).

Greetings! Today I have selected for you a lot of ideas on the theme of "Autumn". More precisely, we will figure out how to make autumn bouquets with our own hands. With the start of classes in schools and kindergartens, parents are often puzzled by what needs to be done. I think that in the presence of fruits, leaves and dried flowers, it is easiest to create a composition of flowers.

And they turn out so beautiful that they are suitable for a gift for a ball, for Teacher's Day and for the autumn holiday itself.

And in order to facilitate the search for parents, I decided to make a selection where I collected the most interesting ideas for bouquets using everything that is at hand: from paper to twigs and seeds. There will be simple ideas and more complex ones for those who feel a creative touch and want to create a masterpiece.

One of the most accessible autumn materials are leaves. They have already turned red and yellow. They are collected in beautiful compositions, make the basis for bouquets, or simply put in a vase without embellishment.

And we can roll a rose out of them. And already from such roses and buds to make a bouquet. This is done very easily and for 1 rose you will need from 5-7 leaves. It depends on the level of openness of your flower.

It is important to take those leaves that are still easy to bend and do not break. From dry things, unfortunately, nothing will come of it.

By the way, pick them up so that there is a long tail at the base. It will help to comfortably hold the workpiece and tie a “rose” with it will also be easier.

So let's take:

  • 5-7 leaves
  • threads.

Let's start by choosing the smallest piece of paper available. Fold it in half horizontally.

And twist into a tube. This is what we got in the middle.

Hold the middle with one hand. And the second again fold the next sheet horizontally. We wrap it around the middle. We don't tighten it too much.

We wrap it in this way until the leaves run out. Not all of them can be used if you want to make a bud.

We open the "petals" and tie all the tails with a thread. To make it more convenient, ask for help from relatives.

This is how the blanks turned out. They can already make a bouquet.

I think that any student will be able to repeat these simple steps and create a bouquet of "roses" on their own.

And now we compose the composition. Indeed, in floristry, not a single bouquet is made without it. The idea always comes first.

You can combine such roses with fresh flowers, dried flowers or mountain ash.

The main thing is that there are no voids in the bouquet, otherwise there will be a feeling of incompleteness. Here is an example with the addition of ordinary leaves. After all, they are also beautiful in their own right.

And here the flowers lie on a beautiful substrate and the center is highlighted with a bright accent.

If you try, you can make roses of different shades, which will look very realistic in a bouquet.

It is not a shame to present such beauty at the Autumn Ball or on Teacher's Day.

It is very beautiful when leaves of different colors and shapes are combined. Nevertheless, our autumn is very diverse and plays with all the colors of the rainbow.

Another idea is when green plant branches are used.

I really liked how the leaves were beautifully wrapped in a tube in this photo. This immediately highlights the composition and makes it individual.

Here, in a composition with autumn fresh flowers, the leaves also actively draw attention to themselves. Agree, it turned out very original.

Another small composition on the theme "Autumn". Very cute and beautiful idea with an apple.

It is worth going into a park or a forest and you can immediately collect a whole bag of material. Twigs of birch, maple, mountain ash, apple tree - everything will suit us.

A variant of the autumn tree in the form. It can also replace the bouquet. All the gifts of trees are used: from leaves to berries and cones.

You can not fold the leaves, but simply collect them beautifully and tie them with a ribbon. You can keep the color style. For example, take only green or only red leaves.

But you can use the branches themselves! See how self-sufficient they look.

I think that any mother will be happy to help her child create such compositions. And the joint collection of leaves in the forest for a walk will only bring the family closer.

Autumn bouquets of vegetables and fruits

You can use autumn fruits. Bouquets with them are also very popular now and look rather unusual.

For creativity, you need to pick up beautiful, small fruits. No dark spots or wrinkled sides.

Let's start considering possible options for compositions from fruits and berries. And then we move on to vegetables.

Here is an idea with tangerines and rowan. Fruit strung on skewers. For strength, they are fixed with adhesive tape or a special floral tape.

Here you can see that the apples are strung on skewers. They are beautifully combined with asters and mountain ash and bird cherry. Parents made a very original coaster from birch bark.

Apples are combined with any leaves and berries.

Here the emphasis is on rowan. Sprigs of coniferous trees add splendor to the composition.

These bouquets are made to order. Here it is important to firmly connect all the workpieces to each other.

I was captivated by the idea of ​​coloring fruits. For example, such “golden” apples look very expensive. It won't take long to realize that they are real!

Variations with fruits, cones and berries in a pumpkin. A little later I will show how you can use this vegetable.

You can put the composition not in a pumpkin, but in a zucchini.

Apples go great with the "roses" we made earlier.

Step by step video on making fruit compositions.

Now I will show options for bouquets with vegetables. You can not collect all types. And turn on design fantasies and use only two types - pepper and garlic. See what came of it.

Small fruits make pretty compositions.

The entire space between the vegetables, where the junctions can shine through, was covered with rowan berries.

By sticking to a certain color scheme, you can create a very stylish bouquet. For example, using cabbage and succulents. After all, autumn is different.

In this photo, I was subdued by a substrate of rolled leaves. The composition is clearly visible here. A highlight in the form of earrings descending under their weight.

See how beautiful the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bpainting the ears looks. Very bright and lively.

Now let's move on to a very common idea to use a pumpkin as a vase for flowers and grass.

Bouquets with pumpkin

It is convenient to put bouquets in a pumpkin. But in order for them to stand and not wilted longer, all plants need water. How to place it in this large vegetable?

There are three most convenient options: using a floral sponge, using a tin can, or combining both of these options.

So, from the pumpkin we take out the middle with seeds. They can be dried and used for applications and panels. Below will be about this.

And inside lay out a floral sponge. It is sold in many flower shops, as well as in the departments for creativity.

Then water it with water and insert flowers. Most often, this option is needed when you create a bouquet of fresh flowers. The sponge also helps keep the shape of the composition when the stems are stuck into it.

You can also put a tin can inside. In this case, it is not necessary to remove all the pulp. The main thing is that the jar is not visible. We use canned pineapple containers. You can also pour water into it, or you can not do this if you are using dried flowers.

For these purposes, it is better to take a wide pumpkin.

You can use a glass instead of a jar. Its upper side indicates the diameter that needs to be cut out so that the glass fits. For fresh flowers, put a floral sponge inside and saturate it with moisture.

Ideas for compositions in a pumpkin are in front of you.

A vegetable vase can be decorated with ribbons or braid.

There are only fresh flowers here.

And here we see the use of spruce branches, bunches of bird cherry and mountain ash.

A whole composition on the theme "Autumn".

Such crafts will appeal to both schoolchildren and children of the older group of kindergarten.

The main thing is not to be afraid to use the materials that are at hand. Making a bouquet is a very entertaining and creative process.

How to make paper compositions on the theme "Golden Autumn"

I have an idea to make autumn paper bouquets. Initially, flowers are harvested from which the composition is created.

It turns out very beautifully using the origami technique.

With a splash.

Let's add leaves in autumn shades to them.

This master class describes the detailed process of creating leaflets.

The ends of the sheet folded with an accordion are smeared with glue and connected.

Maple leaves can also be made using the origami technique.

Here is a detailed tutorial.

If it is not clear from the photo, then I attach the video.

Everything is described in detail here. I think that you can definitely create a craft from the video, repeating all the steps in stages.

Master classes and ideas from natural material in kindergarten

For little kids, you need something simpler. Therefore, I suggest using natural material for bouquets. We will look at ideas from cones, peanut and pistachio shells, pumpkin seeds, dried flowers.

From cones

It turns out that the cones are very similar to flowers. Especially if they ate unopened things put in water. They absorb moisture and open up. My child, when he saw these metamorphoses, was simply delighted.

The cones can also be attached to skewers, sushi sticks, or toothpicks. To create a round composition, use round floristic foam balls. I made them from ordinary polyurethane foam.

They come in different diameters. All kinds of plants and materials are stuck into them. You can use both fresh flowers and branches, and any other materials.

A beautiful bouquet when the buds are turned tip first. It turns out a very neat composition. The tips themselves are decorated with beads, ribbons, rhinestones and flowers. They adhere well to hot glue.

How do you like this autumn composition. I think it's very original.

Also, the cone lends itself perfectly to painting. They can be painted with gouache or spray paints. The intensity of the color depends on the number of layers.

dense gouache will also be able to cover the natural brown shade of the cones.

If you remove the inner branches, then the flowers will turn out to be more open.

And you can take only one thing and make it the center of the composition.

Another idea from the gifts of the forest. Everything that lies at the trunks and under our feet is used.

Agree, cones are an excellent material for creating an autumn bouquet for children in kindergarten.

From pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds also make great flower petals.

There are two options for buds. The first is to stick seeds on paper in several rows. Here is a detailed tutorial.

The middle can be painted or covered with a piece of colored cotton wool.

With the use of plasticine, you can make such daisies.

Or those flowers.

Let's take a closer look at how this is done. Pumpkin seeds are inserted into the plasticine ball in rows. You can form different buds and variants of inflorescences.

It's also very interesting, don't you agree?

From peanut shells

We rarely buy peanuts, but we often take the shells from friends after the men's get-togethers. To once a year in the kindergarten to make such bouquets for educators.

Whole “hydrangeas” are obtained from pistachios.

It is convenient to attach them to plasticine.

It will be easy for kids to make such daisies. Younger children can insert shell petals into plasticine. And the elders connect them with hot glue.

Using floristic balls (I wrote about them a little higher), you can create the correct spherical shape of a sunflower. See how organic coffee beans look. After all, these are all the gifts of autumn.

Whole pistachios and peanuts can be presented as a gift. To do this, connect them into bags and decorate with corrugated paper.

With walnuts

Of course, walnuts are not bypassed. From the shells you can make an autumn topiary.

Walnut bouquets with whole fruits look very presentable.

You can close the gaps with pieces of napkins.

For interest, you can combine all of the listed natural materials and fruits.

from dried flowers

Dried flowers are very suitable for our autumn theme. They look noble, they can be painted. They will complement any composition.

Everything will do - dry herbs, cereals, leaves.

And here the spikelets were painted.

Cotton flowers want the composition to be very delicate and airy.

A beautiful bouquet of dried flowers in a stand decorated with branches.

More ideas for you.

An interesting frame for a bouquet of branches.

We mix dried flowers and roses from leaves.

Golden ears have a very presentable appearance. It’s just that you have to go far for the material - on the field. Look for unharvested wheat.

Dry grass with leaves are combined harmoniously.

Many of the ideas I just love.

Applications with flowers on the theme of autumn in the middle group

For the older group, you can offer ideas for applications or panels. They are made from leaves, dried flowers, cereals and seeds.

Idea with a vase in which twigs are inserted. Only the sides and bottom are glued. The top is left free so that the material can be inserted.

Use the candy box as a base and frame for the panel.

Leaves, cones and coffee beans create such an autumnal bouquet.

Different types of flowers from pumpkin seeds for application.

Use coniferous branches.

All bones, seeds and cereals hold well on hot glue.

Leaves and flowers made of paper are no worse than natural material.

You can take the usual frame for the base.

You can make applications in the form of bouquets simpler, or more complicated.

Autumn ideas for candy and crepe paper bouquets

Corrugated paper flowers look incredibly realistic and beautiful. For Teacher's Day, there is an idea for a small bouquet with sweets.

Or a gift idea.

Flowers for a gift can be packed in autumn leaves.

You can use these flowers without sweets.

Let's combine sweets with natural materials: dried flowers, cones and leaves.

Composition with sweets in a basket.

And now a detailed master class on creating roses from corrugated paper. It is easy to stretch and bend and can imitate real leaves.

The colors of autumn are very cheerful and any yellow, orange and red flowers are suitable for them.

I am attaching a video on how you can make several types of flowers.

Corrugated paper is sold in book and stationery stores, in places for floristry, creativity and holidays.

Ideas how to arrange a bouquet

And now you have already decided what your autumn bouquet will be made of, even blanks are made. But you need to arrange it somehow so that it has a more marketable and presentable appearance!

So I offer a few ideas.

For example, take the now popular craft paper. Or packing dense mesh or fabric.

From the same corrugated paper you can make a beautiful envelope. With such a design, it is not a shame to present your craft.

Insert the craft into a paper bag. It can even be folded from scrapbooking sheets.

Mounting foam, foam rubber, floral sponge or polystyrene are inserted inside.

Ideas from reed napkins are beautifully obtained.

You will need:

  • napkin,
  • can,
  • cardboard,
  • pencil,
  • hot glue (glue gun).

We put a jar on cardboard and circle the bottom. We cut it out and stick it on a tin. We also glue the sides with cardboard.

We measure the height of the walls of the tin and cut off its size on a napkin. We wrap the sides and fix with hot glue.

That's it.

The bouquet can be placed in hat boxes or shoe boxes. To do this, they are pasted over with a cloth or special paper. The bottom is lined with a film on which we put a floral sponge. We fill it with moisture and begin to form a composition.

There is a fun idea for decorating jars with plastic straws for cocktails. The main thing here is to cut them neatly and evenly.

Insert dried flowers or paper flowers into paper boxes. Here is one of the ideas. By the way, in this article I described very much, suddenly you will like something.

Cardboard fits very harmoniously into this composition. Original and beautiful.

To congratulate teachers, you can decorate the packaging with letters.

Or just put the bouquet in the basket. They are now made not only from vines, but also from newspaper tubes, paper and canton.

Thank you for your attention and wish you fruitful joint creativity. I'm just sure that you can find an idea for yourself and create such a composition that you are not ashamed to give to the teacher and send to the exhibition!

All lovers of flower arrangements and not only are inspired by bright and unusual bouquets made up of various flowers. What do you say about a bouquet of vegetables and berries with their own hands? All the ingredients and components of this bouquet can be picked up at the local market or at the nearest grocery store. Unusual bouquet, right? This composition of vegetables and berries with the addition of your favorite flowers will be a wonderful decoration for your kitchen. I like red tulips because they were added to my edible bouquet. The choice of its components is entirely up to you, but it is better to choose bright and contrasting colors. From this, a bouquet of vegetables and berries with your own hands will become even more attractive. Go to the nearest store or market and buy fresh berries and vegetables. You can also take fruits and everything that you find appropriate for this bouquet.

To prepare this unusual bouquet, you will need the following materials:

Three echeveria flowers in pots

For a whole package of radishes, raspberries, blackberries. For such a composition, clusters of red and black currants are also suitable - they need to be inserted into the central parts of the bouquet so that they do not hang from the edges. Strawberries, broccoli, grapes, etc. will also look beautiful.

two green tomatoes

Three green habanero peppers

mustard leaves

One red cabbage, however, only a few large outer leaves

One bunch of red lettuce leaves

A bouquet of red tulips, you can also use yellow tulips or parrot tulips, their bright color will perfectly complement the overall color background of the bouquet

Hair wires and pins

Floral ribbon for wrapping the wires and a wide ribbon for wrapping the bottom of the bouquet. I had a cream color.

A bouquet of flowers, even a very large one, will surprise few people. Therefore, craftswomen come up with how to compose a composition from unusual objects. We offer you a master class on a bouquet of vegetables with your own hands. Both beautiful and useful.

Easy option

We will need:

  • vegetables;
  • wooden skewers;
  • green floral tape
  • wrapping paper, ribbon or twine.

Everything is very simple. Thread each vegetable onto a skewer.

The skewer must be wooden, as the material does not allow the product used to oxidize.

We collect in a bouquet. In this case, you can leave the skewers undecorated, or you can close them with floral tape.

If necessary, trim the ends of the skewers.

We can decorate the bouquet with lettuce leaves and fasten with twine, but then such a bouquet should be given quickly, because the salad can wither. And you can classically pack a bouquet in paper by tying a ribbon.

A bouquet can consist not only of vegetables, but also, for example, of fragrant herbs.

You can add mushrooms to such a vitamin complex.

Such a variety of colors is certainly pleasing to the eye. But a bouquet in two or three harmonizing shades looks very elegant.

You can include fruits in the vegetable composition, for example, lime, avocado, kiwi, etc., as shown in the photo. Also add a bunch of cinnamon sticks.

The video master class below describes step by step the entire process of creating a bouquet, in which red hot pepper plays the main violin.

Bouquet with pomegranate

Material and tools:

  • hard vegetables of your choice. This master class uses garlic, beets, onions, bell peppers, and, of course, pomegranate;
  • live flowers: white roses, dahlias, branches of leukodendron and eucalyptus, you can take green lettuce leaves;
  • floral or teip tape;
  • wrapping paper;
  • wooden skewers;
  • secateurs;
  • scissors.

It is necessary to wash and string vegetables on skewers, as described in the first example. Let's decorate the pomegranate a little unusually. Cut off the top and open it slightly so that it resembles a blossoming bud.

If for you the composition of the bouquet will take place for the first time, then in the florist's shop you can purchase a frame that facilitates the work. Lay the lettuce on the inside.

The gaps in the frame will allow you to insert skewers with vegetables very easily, but at the same time fix the element.

In order for the bouquet to look harmonious, use the rule of a triangle, that is, each type of vegetable or decor should make up this very figure.

We attach fresh flowers and sprigs of greens to vegetables. Wrapped in wrapping paper. At the base we will tie a ribbon.

Composition in carving technique

Carving is the art of artistic cutting of vegetables and fruits. This technique requires skill, but with practice you can master the basic knowledge. You don't even need to buy special tools for a trial run.

We will need:

  • vegetables (onions, carrots, zucchini, beets, pumpkin, bell peppers);
  • skewers;
  • foam base;
  • twigs with leaves, both live and artificial;
  • sharp knife.

We take a pumpkin, cut off the top from it and take out the pulp of the stone. At the bottom we place the base of the foam. If you feel sorry for the vegetable, then you can take a basket. We begin to cut flowers from the onion. We cut it into thin slices, not reaching the base. Slightly open the "petals".

We cut thin circles from carrots, you can use a vegetable peeler or a food processor with the appropriate nozzle. We connect the circles into a rose, as shown in the photo below.

We form a flower from beets in the same way.

Cut lilies out of zucchini. To do this, we divide the vegetable in half and cut it from the sides, imitating the petals.

We collect a bouquet. We can decorate with greenery. From red pepper, for example, by analogy with zucchini, you can cut bells and hang them on the handle of the basket.