Interesting ideas for teacher's day. Ideas for the script for the day of the teacher. We decorate the classroom and assembly hall

How to prepare for Teacher's Day and how to decorate the classroom and school?

We decorate the classroom and assembly hall

To create a festive atmosphere, it is worth decorating the office with a themed decor. It can be:

  • foil balloons in the form of numbers and letters;
  • holiday posters;
  • figurines of students made from helium balloons;
  • Natural flowers.

A great way to decorate a school for Teacher's Day is to decorate with balloons. With their help, you can decorate:

  • facade and main entrance;
  • stairs, corridors, vestibule;
  • classrooms;
  • teacher's;
  • auditorium and stage.

For registration, you can use:

  • arches and garlands;
  • congratulatory inscriptions;
  • flowers and bouquets;
  • various figures;
  • gel balls.

To demonstrate the possibilities of aero design for decorating a school, we have made a selection of photos.

An unusual decoration will be a wall newspaper with photographs of teachers and students. Turn everyone into fairy-tale heroes or movie characters using Photoshop - and the delight of others is guaranteed!

The school wall newspaper will be especially large and festive. It may contain headings: "We are proud of them" (teachers - about school graduates); "The history of the school in photographs and memoirs of teachers and graduates"; "People's Teacher" (about retired teachers); "Beloved teacher" (children's notes about what their favorite teacher is dear to them, what role he played in their life, in what way I would like to be like him); "Great teachers joke."

You can also publish such a newspaper: on a piece of drawing paper, children circle their palms with felt-tip pens, put their photographs inside at the most tender age (1-2 years) and write short congratulations and wishes. If the palms are made multi-colored, the newspaper turns out to be elegant and festive. You can announce a competition for the most unusual title.

It is appropriate to issue small posters with poems, songs, stories dedicated by students to teachers, with the obligatory indication of the authors; comic poster like "Favorite words of teachers."

The walls of the school can be decorated with posters with the statements of great people about the role of upbringing, education, the relationship between teacher and students.

On this day, as a rule, the school holds ceremonial events in the assembly hall, which means that it also needs decorations. A simple and effective way to make the room beautiful is to order helium balloons. Of these, arches, chains, columns and fountains are assembled on the spot.

How to prepare for the celebration and what to give to your favorite mentors?

Preparing entertainment events

Not a single Teacher's Day is complete without a festive concert. But ordinary songs, dances and poems for many years can already bother teachers. Therefore, students should come up with something original - funny sketches from school life, parodies of colorful mentors.

An unusual solution would be to organize teams of teachers and schoolchildren, come up with fun and funny tasks. Do not think that school teachers are serious and strict people who do not know how to have fun. Most of them retain enthusiasm and creativity until old age - it is very difficult for people with a different character to work with children.

self-government day

A thoughtful organization of the holiday will provide an opportunity for teachers not only to relax and forget about daily plans and responsibilities, but also to get a charge of excellent mood.

This is a rare opportunity to switch bodies like in a movie and find yourself in the teacher's room as its inhabitants, but for teachers it is a unique opportunity to become a spy and watch from the sidelines. Perhaps this will change the attitude of both students and teachers towards each other. Just do not be too strict teachers, because then you have to return to your place.


At the biggest break in the school yard, arrange a real flash mob. Break into pairs and walk with textbooks. And then put on a show. At the same time, start dancing to a famous school song (school anthem, if available). Movements should not be difficult and memorable.

How are you preparing for Teacher's Day?

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Teacher's Day is a celebration of educators and mentors celebrated in more than 100 countries. For about half a century, Russian teachers have received congratulations on October 5th. On this day, everyone expresses their gratitude to teachers: from students and their parents to local officials.

Often in schools, Teacher's Day is declared the day of self-government. High school students give teachers the opportunity to relax and take on their worries: they conduct lessons and even run the school.

To make Teacher's Day at your school especially fun this year, use our tips!

Teacher's Day is a great occasion to make relationships in a large school family even warmer. Here are some ideas that will rally the teaching staff and help teachers achieve student acceptance.

Idea 1. Morning greetings

Come early as a class and gather in the lobby to meet your favorite teachers. Prepare wishes in advance. Show your imagination: prepare poems, songs, whatever. Your goal is to amuse the teachers and give them a morning smile.

Tip: use small thank you cards. We have prepared postcards that you can print and present to your teachers.

Idea 2. Hold elections

This is a great way to show the best teachers that they are loved and respected. Prepare Ballot Papers with the list of teachers and hand them out to the students at the school. Each student must put a cross in front of the name of their favorite teacher and throw a ballot into the ballot box (it can be replaced by a regular cardboard box).

Tip: You can hold elections for several "positions" by inviting the children to vote separately for the most beloved, most cheerful, most principled teacher, etc.

Idea 3. Gift for your favorite teacher

If you decide to give a teacher a gift, be responsible for his choice. Vases, plush toys and other cute trinkets are, of course, great, but most likely your teacher already has enough of this stuff.

Be practical. Buy some office supplies or computer accessories. And if you want to be original, prepare an unusual and individual gift.

For example, a chemistry teacher can buy a poster with a periodic table of chemical elements, but instead of the strict face of Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev, stick a smiling chemistry teacher. He will definitely like it.

Literature teacher - a set of cards with portraits and sayings of great writers. Have you already guessed that on one of the cards there will be a portrait and a quote from the teacher?

And most importantly, be smart throughout the day! We believe in you.

Topic to talk: How do you usually spend Teacher's Day at your school? Share with us?

Self-government day at school: interesting ideas for holding Teacher's Day

The most long-awaited day in the life of every student is Self-Government Day, when teachers give their reins to students in grades 10-11. This event is most often held either on Teacher's Day or March 8, due to the fact that most teachers are still women. Whatever the student is - a loser or an excellent student - on this day he finds his subject for self-realization.

To spend Self-Government Day at school, graduates must discuss interesting ideas for organizing this day with teachers and school administration.

Do not forget that, although on a holiday a frigate called "School" is run by graduates, teachers need to keep their ears open. After all, no one is immune from unforeseen situations, and every graduate should know where to turn for help.

Preparation for Self-Government Day

Preparation for Self-Government Day usually falls on the shoulders of high school students. It depends on them how festive the Self-Government Day at school will be. Everyone can offer interesting ideas, but only the best and most original ones will be brought to life. Only the cohesive work of high school students can be the key to a successful holiday.

When you are preparing Self-Government Day at school, ideas for holding can be as follows:

    Shortened lessons and increased recess. At breaks, you can show pre-prepared art numbers.

    Organize teachers' rest by inviting them to sit back at school desks for one day.

    In the concert program dedicated to Teacher's Day, include numbers with the participation of teachers. You just need to remember that they should not be offensive.

Being engaged in the organization of the holiday, it is necessary for each high school student to give his own assignment, for the implementation of which he will bear full responsibility. Difficult tasks must be taken seriously, it is possible that in order to solve them it will be necessary to work with the whole class team. These include, for example, the organization and holding of a festive concert.

Preparing lessons for Self-Government Day

Of course, holding the Day of Self-Government does not exclude the educational process. Lessons must be held in accordance with the timetable established for that day. Most often, there are no more than four of them, due to the fact that it is difficult for a high school student to prepare lessons in a quality manner in the full scope of the work of a replaced teacher.

In addition, if the understudy teacher fell ill that day, then the lessons are not removed from the schedule and take place in the planned order, only the real teacher will have to teach them.

Classes taught by high school students on Self-Government Day should be held in accordance with the thematic planning of the teacher. Each understudy teacher should have a summary of the lesson; the teacher's help is necessarily provided for in compiling it.

On Self-Government Day at school, interesting ideas for conducting classes should be welcome. If the subject being studied allows, then these can be all kinds of game lessons, travel lessons, research lessons ... In general, there is a place for the most daring ideas, for the implementation of which the teacher does not have enough time.

Lessons for children

Do not forget that Self-Government Day is not only a holiday for teachers and graduates, it is a holiday for all students of the school. And for this it is necessary that the lessons be as interesting as possible and leave only positive memories in the memory of children.

On Self-Government Day at school, the ideas of art lessons can be very diverse:

    Conduct outdoor activities, weather permitting.

    You can invite children to draw a teacher of the future with the help of those educational supplies (pencil, paint, ink) that are planned according to the thematic planning of the teacher.

Ideas can be completely diverse on Self-Government Day at school. The Russian language as a lesson can also be taught outside the box, it is best to build it in the form of an intellectual game. Which game to choose, everyone decides. Most popular:

    "What? Where? When?";

    "Who want to be a millionaire?";

    "Clever and clever";

    "One against all".

Whatever method of conducting the lesson the graduate chooses, it must be remembered that careful preparation is needed everywhere.

School line on Self-Government Day

Traditionally, on a festive day, a solemn assembly takes place in the morning, at which newly-minted teachers and the school administration are introduced.

To make the line unforgettable on Self-Government Day at school, the director can offer interesting ideas in the form of a comic decree, where the following provisions can be written:

    Temporarily canceled penalties for being late.

    Playing on phones in silent mode is allowed.

    Lessons are 20 minutes long, the rest of the time everyone who does not want to study works for the benefit of the school.

You can also announce that today the principal will receive complaints about teachers during the day, and the school psychologist will work with them to eliminate the causes of behavior that do not suit students.

Photo and video reports

If the technical equipment of the school allows, then during the breaks you can invite schoolchildren and teachers to the assembly hall. Here, with the help of an interactive whiteboard and a computer, "School News" will be held.

What other interesting ideas are there on the day of self-government at school?

    Photos from the lessons.

    Video messages from students to teachers.

    Video congratulations on the holiday, which coincides with the Day of Self-Government, from school graduates.

Of course, there is room for fantasy to roam, the only thing is that you need to prepare for this in advance and carefully think over each type of activity.

Teacher's Day - Self-Government Day

Each school, of course, has its own day for the Day of Self-Government. You can consider different ideas for holding Self-Government Day at school. On Teacher's Day - the best option, because, in addition to the festive mood, children try themselves as a teacher. And if someone wants to change their plans for entering a pedagogical institute, then graduates will still have time to work on this issue.

Let good traditions live

In order to continue from year to year a good tradition - Self-Government Day at school, interesting ideas for improving the holiday can be written down on a special stand. Indeed, not only teachers and high school students should participate in the celebration, and besides, any event requires a detailed discussion after it is held.

Happy Self-Government Day!

In the store, they are probably already being studied and thought out by many schoolchildren and, of course, their moms and dads.

But for sure, many people want to make Teacher's Day a real holiday for their favorite teachers, to create a good mood for everyone. Which means you have to work hard! After all, the best congratulations and holidays are those that were invented and implemented by the guys themselves. We offer you some ideas for congratulating teachers. Perhaps they will only become the basis for the manifestation of your imagination and initiative!

1. Beginning of the school day

So where does the holiday start? Of course, since coming to school! A tradition has already developed in many schools: on this day, children meet teachers, and everyone at the entrance is given a flower, or a ball, or a small bouquet. And, of course, it's nice if good music sounds!

2. Class decoration

Each class, as a rule, decides on its own to congratulate the teachers who come to the lesson. If the school does not have a "cabinet" system, but the room is assigned to the class (for example, in elementary grades), you can decorate it before the start of the lessons. Here the range of possibilities is very wide - from a beautiful bouquet in a vase on the teacher's table and a poster on the wall to garlands and balloons throughout the classroom.

An interesting and fairly simple option is to draw a whole picture in advance with colored crayons on a blackboard.

3. Festive wall newspaper

Let's take a closer look at such a seemingly traditional congratulatory genre as a festive wall newspaper. Usually this means something like a huge hand-made holiday card. However, such a newspaper can be much more interesting!

For example, by placing a photo of your favorite teacher in the center of the sheet, you can surround it with petal leaves with good wishes from each of the students. Or you can add her favorite characteristic phrases - every teacher has such!

To view the photo in full size, click on the image

By the way, such photos and wishes can be collected in a kind of book giving it to the teacher as a gift. Or maybe the video archive of the class is enough for a whole movie about the teacher and students?

4. Calendar

A real calendar with photos of students and a teacher can be a good alternative to a newspaper: now it’s easy to order, and it’s up to the students to select and arrange the material. He will decorate the class for a whole year, every month helping everyone remember different episodes from the life of the class.

And now the teacher enters a smart class ...

5. Congratulations from the class

The choice of congratulations from the class is very large: from a simple welcoming speech (which, however, also needs to be thought out in advance and entrusted to someone!) To a whole “theatrical” performance. There would be a desire and time to prepare!

You can arrange a small flash mob within the same class: for example, each of the children gives the teacher a ball, inside of which there is a note with his wish. Balloons burst gradually, and kind words will be read for more than one day.

Or the simplest: everyone takes turns standing up and saying a few kind words. By the way, the sequence is also not bad to think over - the neighbor’s getting up, “wave”, and, conversely, the rehearsed “chaotic” order also looks interesting. Quite suitable, especially for younger children, pre-prepared poetic lines.
But, of course, your words are no less valuable, even if they are quite simple and “in prose” ... And how funny (or, conversely, touching) songs-alterations performed in honor of the hero of the day can be!

6. Flashmob

Flash mobs, of course, can also be school-wide - this is a rather original and very cheerful way of congratulations, although it requires considerable preliminary work. We need organizers who think over the place of its holding, time (for example, a big break), negotiating with the participants.

It is not always possible to rehearse joint actions, so it is better to choose simple options - for example, at a certain signal, all schoolchildren “just walking by” clap their hands and chant: “Congratulations!”. The most interesting are the dance movements, which are gradually joined by all new participants (do not forget to take care of the music!), but they, of course, should be quite simple, and the leader (leader) showing the movements should be clearly visible to everyone.

And, finally, the most popular and grandiose point of the holiday, which most often ends this joyful day -

7. Festive concert

This is where you can show all kinds of talents and skills! Will definitely sound songs: famous, own composition or alteration; lyrical or cheerful, solo or in chorus. Dances, skits, even tricks or acrobatic numbers - everything is appropriate in such a concert! But in funny numbers it is better to be careful, because today the occasion is not at all suitable for satire on teachers.

Of course, as for any real concert, you will need poster. Well, or at least a beautiful ad in the most prominent place. And it would be nice to make invitation cards for each teacher - you can hand them in the morning, meeting the teachers at the entrance to the school.
During the concert, of course, there will also be an opportunity to say words of gratitude to the teachers. You can even come up with original nominations and reward each and every teacher!

If the format of a traditional concert is a little fed up, there are many ways to spend it in a new way. For example, make it thematic: in the "Indian" or "elven" style, or based on your favorite books: the "Moomin" or "Hobbit" concert will definitely be remembered by the whole school for a long time! Can you do it instead of a concert? KVN(it would be great if the team of teachers also took part in it!). Or put on a real performance - which, of course, requires quite a long preparation.

Let this wonderful holiday in every school be fun and interesting!


photos from sites,,,,,

On Teacher's Day, a real revolution takes place in every school: instead of strict and punctual teachers, cheerful men and women appear, quiet classes turn into noisy flower greenhouses, schoolchildren en masse start self-government, replacing teachers, head teachers and even the director himself. In addition to everything, instead of solving strict problems and grammar exercises, elementary school and high school students are actively rehearsing new interesting numbers of the congratulatory concert program for teachers. Indeed, on Teacher's Day, the scenario of the holiday should be the most unusual - funny, humorous, incendiary ... But carefully thought out. On the professional holiday of teachers, schoolchildren are allowed some pranks, but they should not cross the permissible limits. After Teacher's Day, a new school day will come and all the skits, parodies and comedy numbers of the script can turn into minor troubles for pranksters...

Keep in mind, when creating a cool scenario for a holiday, concert, feast, corporate party or congratulations to students on Teacher's Day, one should not forget about the rules of decency and moral principles of teachers. Any offensive "nicknames", offensive parodies, vulgar jokes and stupid contests with incomprehensible overtones are strictly prohibited! Only scenarios with funny scenes, beautiful songs and dances, funny lotteries, drawings, honorary titles, etc.

Concert script for Teacher's Day at school - interesting ideas

The classic scenario for Teacher's Day at school begins with dressed-up hosts and the sound of cheerful holiday cheers. The main part of the script can be organized as:

  • talent competition (vocal, acting, choreographic);
  • a round-the-world trip with performances by representatives of different countries (English humor, Spanish flamenco, Japanese fan dance, etc.);
  • developing quiz for the heroes of the occasion themselves.

An unusual idea for a script for a school concert for Teacher's Day is a "journey through the sciences." Thus, schoolchildren will have the opportunity to separately congratulate teachers of various subjects and give them due attention, timed to coincide with their sciences in various concert numbers. For example, magic experiments on the stage for teachers of chemistry and physics, humorous skits about math teachers, strength exercises and gymnastic tricks for physical education teachers and, of course, a lyrical song for the director as the "highlight" of the script.

Before the start of the festive concert, the text must be perfectly memorized, the assembly hall and the stage are decorated with flowers, balloons, posters, and all the characters, according to the script, are dressed in elegant costumes and made up for the desired images. Only if all the conditions are met, the concert on Teacher's Day will turn out to be truly unforgettable.

New interesting and funny holiday scenarios for Teacher's Day

If the classic scenarios for Teacher's Day for school and college are already boring for you, we suggest using fantasy and creative thinking. It is easy to compose a new interesting holiday scenario for teachers on Teacher's Day by yourself, taking a little time. But it's even easier to look at our hints and use one of the suggested script options.

- Oscar Awards

Such an unusual holiday will allow teachers not only to have fun, but also to feel like real Hollywood stars. An integral part of the scenario is: prize figurines, solemn music for the nominees' exit, many nominations such as "Darwin's Mission", "Cybermaster", "Accuracy is the courtesy of kings", "Caravan of stories", etc. The main rule is that all teachers without exception should receive the award. On a professional holiday, not a single teacher, head teacher, director, methodologist, social worker should be offended.

New and An interesting script for Teacher's Day -Journey through the planet of knowledge

This is an unusual and very useful script for the holiday. The main acting characters are 2 curious first-graders and the presenter - a guide on the planet of knowledge. He will tell the little heroes about the importance of each school subject. All the heroes of the occasion will feel needed, and their work will be difficult and irreplaceable. At the end of the holiday, teachers can be congratulated with beautiful bouquets and colored diplomas "For hard work and unlimited patience."

Funnyscript for teacher's dayKVN

To make the script for the holiday for Teacher's Day really funny, you can make it in the form of a game in KVN. Teacher's Day is a great theme for such an event. Teachers will surely laugh at funny jokes and skits and, of course, will rejoice at the talents of their wards.

new unusual script for teacher's dayTheatrical evening

The main idea of ​​such a scenario is a virtual tour of the theater corridors in the company of an experienced guide. Instead of celebrity portraits on the walls, you can use slideshows with portraits of teachers. And instead of biographies of great actors - positive characteristics for each teacher. Mandatory attributes are theatrical bells, a decorative wardrobe and theatrical wall decoration (with a monitor instead of portraits), lyrical musical accompaniment and subdued lighting.

A cool script for congratulations on Teacher's Day from elementary school students

A cool script for congratulating a teacher on Teacher's Day from an elementary school will have to be prepared by high school students or parents. Toddlers are unlikely to cope on their own with such an important task. After all, it is necessary to do so much important and necessary:

  • buy flowers and a gift
  • hand out congratulatory verses to the kids and help them learn
  • draw a bright wall newspaper
  • choose and rehearse a short funny scene
  • put on a funny dance
  • organize entourage and musical accompaniment

If the chosen organizer has extra time and inspiration, the scenario of congratulations on Teacher's Day from elementary school students can be put on the plot of a good old Soviet fairy tale. For example - the Golden Key, Thumbelina, the Bremen Town Musicians, etc. So the plot of a small holiday will be even more saturated with vivid impressions for the hero of the occasion.

Funny script for a corporate party and a feast for Teacher's Day 2016

A corporate party on Teacher's Day is perhaps the only reason for strict and highly moral teachers to relax in a work team. Therefore, the script for such an event should be as rich, fun, and humorous as possible. In such an environment, all kinds of drawings, lotteries, contests, interviews, games are welcome.

  1. Gypsy fortune-telling. A comic attraction will help to amuse the team, defuse the atmosphere and find out a funny forecast for the whole next academic year. One of the teachers can play a gypsy according to the scenario if she prepares an outfit and horoscopes for each person present in advance.
  2. A new interpretation of an old ballad. For such a number, a high school student or a literature teacher can remake one of the well-known ballads in advance, replacing the traditional text with a funny story from school life, and the characters with teachers.
  3. Distribution of titles. Each of the guests of the corporate party can prepare a funny title in advance and write it on a diploma, diploma or medal, in order to hand it over according to the script to thunderous applause. Examples of titles: "strict but fair", "the most patient teacher", "harmful but beloved teacher", "Russian hero", "master of equations", "Mr punctuality".
  4. Flash mob for teachers. One of the types of entertainment for a professional holiday for the whole team. The flash mob will not only cheer you up, but also allow you to save an unusual and very funny video to the school archive.

Preparing a holiday script for Teacher's Day for a school or college is a long and laborious task. Don't leave it to the last minute. Choose a script for Teacher's Day in advance in order to have time to organize, prepare, learn and rehearse everything in a timely manner. Otherwise, a new interesting concert, a fun corporate party or a feast on Teacher's Day runs the risk of failing without even starting...