How to get rid of colic faster. How can I get rid of colic in newborns? Effective and well-known drugs include

Colic is increased gas formation in the intestines as a result of imperfection of the nervous system of the stomach. Alternative methods and medications will be able to save the child from pain.

  • Colic in a baby is spasms of the intestines. They occur in every child in the first months of life and only 25% of all young children are able to experience them normally.
  • They arise due to the fact that the children's intestines learn to cope with food and the initial increased gas formation. The digestive system of a baby in the first year of his life is still being formed, and that is why colic can accompany his life up to the ninth month.
  • While in the womb, the child fed only through the umbilical cord tube, so he had not previously encountered such problems. Starting to eat through the mouth, he began to swallow air along with food, which then causes a small tummy to bloat.
  • That is why a joyful child in one second can change his good mood and start a violent tantrum, scream, kick his legs and ask his mother for help.
newborn baby

The most common causes of colic in newborns are:

  1. The work of the intestinal system in a child in the first months of life has not yet been established. It is this imperfection that leads to regular bloating. Gases accumulate in large quantities, exert pressure on the intestinal wall and thereby cause spasm in the muscles
  2. Another reason for increased gas formation may be imperfection of the neuromuscular apparatus. They are responsible for the smooth functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. In the baby's intestines not enough enzymes that help break down milk
  4. Habit swallow air while feeding promotes its accumulation and entry into the intestines
  5. Wrong breastfeeding mom diet, saturated with products with an increased degree of fermentation in the body and, as a result, gas formation

Rare cases of increased gas formation occur due to:

  • constipation in a child
  • due to improper preparation and storage of milk mixtures
  • weak abdominal muscles

Whatever the cause of colic, it is important and necessary to alleviate the painful condition of the baby. Strong experiences of the child about spasms can affect his well-being, mood and behavior.

Signs and symptoms of colic and gas in newborns

Children's pain that a child experiences during a tummy tuck can only be compared with attacks of appendicitis. It is not difficult to recognize colic, but it is important to know their symptoms, so you can confuse colic with other diseases of the abdominal cavity.

The main signs and symptoms of colic:

  • the baby begins to scream sharply, loudly and angrily
  • the baby raises the legs to the chest or knocks them
  • the child refuses to take any food, does not breastfeed
  • you can see how the baby's face turns red and takes on a burgundy look
  • the abdominal muscles are very tense and it hardens

colic in baby

Up to what age do newborns have colic?

Young parents who encounter this problem for the first time should remember that there is a so-called "rule of three":

  • painful colic overtakes the baby at about the third week of his life
  • having begun, colic lasts about three hours, during which it is necessary to alleviate the child's condition
  • colic may disappear or become less painful in the third month of life

The child experiences the strongest pain during the first two months of life, later he learns to control gas release, the intestines normalize work. In case of violations of the intestinal tract, colic can drag on up to nine to ten months.

baby has a stomachache

Dill water for colic in newborns?

dill water is an old proven way to deal with intestinal colic in a newborn. This is because the seeds of fragrant dill have anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and soothing effects. You can buy dill water at a pharmacy where pharmacists prepare it, or you can insist on it yourself.

In pharmacies, by the way, dill water is brewed from fennel seeds, which have a stronger effect. You can cook it yourself from dill seeds, pouring them for an hour with a glass of boiling water (one teaspoon).

baby drinking water from a bottle

It is useful to drink dill water not only for babies, but also for nursing mothers, as it improves lactation (milk flow) and reduces flatulence. It has a very repulsive pungent odor, but if you try to mix it with breast milk or formula, the taste becomes acceptable.

Massage for colic in a newborn video

With colic in a baby, you can fight both internally and externally. Some dip the young child into a warm bath, which has a relaxing effect, while others use massage effectively. Massage movements in a clockwise direction help the baby to release the intestines from excessive gas formation in a natural way.

clockwise massage

Doctors recommend such a massage regularly and preferably before each feeding. It should not be too long so as not to tire the baby and not too fast to be effective. The average execution time is seven minutes.

Before you start the massage, you need to warm up the tummy. This will relax the abdominal muscles. To do this, iron the diaper with a hot iron without the “steam” mode and fold it several times. A warm but not burning diaper is applied to the baby's tummy until it cools down.

Do not press the diaper tightly against the tummy with your palms so that the baby does not throw it off. You can stroke it on the tummy over the fabric. It is also recommended to raise the baby's legs or press them with his knees to the tummy. so that he can fart more easily.

pressing the legs to the tummy

How to perform a massage:

  1. Fold your palms into a house, clasping your fingers. This "house" must be lowered onto the baby's tummy in the navel area. Make light strokes on the tummy in a clockwise direction. Be careful, you should press hard on the right side, where the baby has a liver
  2. Move your palms to the right and left at the level of the navel, it is in this part of the intestine that gases accumulate
  3. Place two palms on the baby's stomach parallel to each other, with stroking movements, point your hands in different directions: up and down
  4. You can try to move your hands in the shape of the letter "P", which will also contribute to the removal of gases from the intestines in a natural way.
  5. Performing circular movements, try to do them with increasing force and in no case do not put much pressure on the stomach.
  6. It is useful to put the baby on the tummy, this helps him release excess gas from the intestines.

Video: "Proper massage for colic"

Heating pad for colic in a newborn. What is the benefit of applying a heating pad?

Colic brings a lot of inconvenience: they disturb the baby’s sleep, cause anxiety for the mother, prevent the child from eating and bring pain. A special baby heating pad can alleviate the unpleasant pain from spasms. This method was used by our mothers and grandmothers, when modern drugs and medicines did not even exist.

modern colic heating pad

How does she help? Very simple: under the influence of heat, gas bubbles in the intestines burst and do not press on the walls. Moreover, the abdominal muscles relax and do not put pressure on the intestines. A diaper heated with an iron has the same properties, the only difference is that it cools faster than a heating pad.

Important: When using a heating pad, remember that you need to keep it on your tummy for no longer than five minutes.

Tea from colic for newborns with chamomile, lemon balm and fennel

Young children also require fluids, especially formula-fed ones. It is useful to replace the usual children's water with a special herbal tea. Tea from colic is sweetish and translucent, not saturated and fragrant. Herbal ingredients: chamomile fennel and lemon balm have beneficial properties:

  • remove excess gas in the intestines naturally
  • relax the abdominal muscles
  • normalize the work of the digestive tract
  • stimulate the digestive glands
  • stimulate the growth of bifidobacteria in the intestine

baby colic tea

Tea for babies is available in bags that are very easy to brew with boiled water. Tea has a long shelf life and if you teach a child to this drink, he will drink it with pleasure.

Diet for colic in newborns for nursing mothers

First of all, the mother herself, who feeds the child with breast milk, should clearly know that there are foods that provoke excessive gas formation in the intestines:

  • cabbage (especially sauerkraut) is able to ferment in the intestines, releasing a lot of gases
  • legumes: beans, peas, chickpeas
  • corn - provokes active gas emission
  • apples (if you really want to - bake an apple)
  • onions and garlic (coarse vegetable fiber promotes gas formation)
  • yeast baked goods (also a fermentation product)


Moms should avoid any sweet pastries with yeast, as it almost always provokes colic in babies. Also, you should not eat a large amount of fresh vegetables and fruits, it is advisable not to eat them at all for the first two months.

Breastfeeding women need to drink plenty of fluids: water, tea and milk. If the child is bottle-fed, make sure that enough water gets into his body: drink it from a spoon or bottle.

What drugs and medicines help with colic and swelling in newborns?

In modern pharmacies, there are many medications that can alleviate the condition of babies with the problem of colic. They are approved for use immediately after birth and have no contraindications. They are based on the substance simethicone, which has an antispasmodic effect and allows gas bubbles to be absorbed into the intestines, relieving pain and eliminating the problem.

most popular drug "EspumizanL"- an emulsion with a sweetish taste and a sweetish aroma. It is recommended to use this medicine for a month, 25 drops four times a day, after which you should change the drug for a month to avoid addiction and enhance its effect.


No less popular means "Bobotik", which is used to avoid problems of the gastrointestinal tract and colic in newborns.


Infacol - often referred to as a "miracle cure". Many young parents successfully relieve the baby of colic by giving him the drug before each feeding.


Plantex - treats even the most severe intestinal spasms and relieves the baby of colic. It is often prescribed to children who are bottle-fed.


Komarovsky colic in newborns, how to get rid of colic?

Dr. Komarovsky, a well-known presenter and pediatrician, says that colic is an inevitable part of infancy. He claims that colic is more characteristic of baby boys than girls, and pain intensifies in the evening compared to the morning.

Colic occurs when the nervous system of the stomach is not yet perfect and properly formed. Komarovsky claims that the main causes of colic are overfeeding and overheating, which causes thirst.

Video: "Colic in babies"

Gastric colic is something that is an inevitable and necessary aspect of the formation of the gastrointestinal tract and intestinal microflora. Medicine has not yet been able to answer the question of why some children experience this more strongly, while others are easier. We can say with confidence that it depends on the individual characteristics of the body of a small person and the type of feeding.

In any case, every loving parent should try to cope with this problem by any means and use any methods:

  • baby heating pad
  • heated diaper
  • dill water
  • massage
  • medications

Video: Colic in newborns. How to help a child with colic?

The cry of a baby hurts a mother's heart. How to get rid of - the most common cause of crying in children in the first months of life? The methods are good if they are used in combination: mother's diet, thermal procedures, massage and gymnastics.

1 Mom's diet

In infants, the digestive system is very sensitive and vulnerable. The immature intestines cannot yet produce enough enzymes that will break down milk. A newborn is born with a sterile intestine, and it takes time for it to become populated with normal intestinal flora. After giving birth to a baby, mom needs to eat only the right and wholesome food.

Just one new product in the diet can provoke flatulence in the baby. Therefore, until he is six months old and if he is breastfed, the mother must adhere to several rules on how to get rid of colic:

  • drink clean water in sufficient quantities;
  • eat fractionally in small portions;
  • postpone your favorite delicacies and exotic fruits for six months;
  • meals should be simple, seasonal local products, freshly prepared;
  • from protein products, prefer lean meats, poultry, fish;
  • it is better to refuse whole milk, and drink more fermented milk products without sugar and synthetic fruit additives;
  • heat treatment of food is necessary by stewing, boiling, steaming or baking.

Colic in a newborn can be caused by carbonated drinks, legumes, fresh bread, cocoa-based desserts, cabbage, spicy snacks, smoked meats and pickled foods. When introducing a new product into your diet, mom should be careful. It should be quite a bit.

2 Warmth will help

To get rid of colic in newborns, simple rules that must be observed after each feeding will help.

After the child has eaten, it must be raised vertically, in a column. He will burp the extra air that got into the stomach along with the milk. Colic is the result of increased gas production. Therefore, you can eliminate spasm and pain by pressing the baby's tummy to your own stomach. Warmth, mother's belly, familiar and familiar smell will soothe the newborn.

You can get rid of colic with a baby heating pad, diaper or towel. Wrap a warm, but not hot heating pad with a thin diaper and attach to the tummy. You can take a diaper or towel, warm it up with an iron, fold it in several layers and attach it to the tummy. Disadvantage of the method: the diaper cools down quickly, and often you have to warm it up.

Better to use a heating pad. Only it will need to be filled not with water, but with salt or sand. They retain heat longer, and cooled down can be conveniently and quickly reheated in the microwave or oven.

From colic in a newborn, you can make or buy a special heating pad. It can be filled with cherry pits, buckwheat or barley husks. The top cover is made of wool. Wool keeps the heat of the heated filler well.

To make it easier for mom and she can easily get rid of, the night before going to bed, the tummy is covered with a terry sheet with a small pillow. For a nighttime spasm, a terry compress will keep you warm.

3 Gymnastics and massage

You can get rid of colic with massage. The baby needs to be put with the tummy down and walk along the back with light stroking movements.

You can perform a simple finger massage. The baby should be undressed and lie on his back. With the middle and index fingers, pressure is made below the navel on the right and left. After the fingers of both hands are located on one side of the navel. With light, circular motions, the fingers should move clockwise around the navel. The first circle is on a small radius, the second is on a larger one, etc.

Good gymnastics prevents colic. The child is laid on the back. Mom takes him by the legs and alternately, bending at the knees, presses the legs to the tummy. You can bend both legs, press them to the tummy and move in a semicircle to the sides.

Usually babies like this exercise. But if the baby begins to cry, it is better to postpone the procedure. In order for the baby to relax, it is useful to massage with stroking movements not only the tummy and back, but also the arms with legs. If you do gymnastics 3 times a day, the baby will become calmer and will fall asleep well.

For the prevention of colic, an inflatable fitness ball will help. The child is laid on the ball with his stomach. Mom, supporting the baby, swings the ball to the right and left, back and forth. The elastic surface of the ball easily presses on the stomach and massages well.

4 Drugs that bring results

The modern pharmaceutical market produces enough funds to stop or prevent colic in a newborn. Simethicone-based preparations:

  1. Espumizan in the form of an emulsion. Recommended by the manufacturer for children from the first day of life. The emulsion should be taken before or after feeding. The drug has no side effects.
  2. Sub Simplex in the form of a suspension. From . Give the drug before or after feeding. You can add the suspension to the adapted mixture.
  3. Bobotik in the form of drops. Recommended for children from 1 month old.

Simethicone-based preparations have a flavor additive. Babies generally tolerate these medications well. But parents should be careful and observe the reaction of the body. If there are the slightest signs of an allergic reaction, the drug is canceled.

From prophylactic agents are used:

  1. Plantex. The main active ingredient is fennel seed extract. Available as a dry powder in sachets. Diluted with boiled water.
  2. Dill water or dill tea.
  3. Baby Calm. Natural based product. Ingredients: dill seed oil, mint, anise.

Mom can prepare dill water for her baby on her own. In boiling water specially designed for babies, put a few dill seeds, boil for a couple of minutes, remove from heat, let it brew and cool. Strained dill water at room temperature is ready for use.

In order for the intestines to function well, in addition to mother's milk or mixtures, the baby must drink water. Start with 1 tbsp. l., gradually adding. In addition to regular water for colic, you can give a soothing weak chamomile tea.

5 Prevention is very important

Every baby is unique. And each child's body has its own individual characteristics. Therefore, no one can definitely recommend with confidence what is best suited. Parents should try, search and select something of their own. One tool does not work, you need to use another. And so on until the most suitable option is found.

Only an integrated approach works. It is necessary to make every effort to ensure that the baby's daily routine is organized and clear: feeding, walking, sleeping at the same time. Usually, intestinal colic begins in a newborn at a certain time of the day. But when the attacks become more frequent, there is diarrhea or constipation, the appetite is gone and there is no weight gain, it is better not to postpone and make an appointment with the local pediatrician. Perhaps a special examination is required.

This is a hereditary pathology. And if there is someone in the family with such a diagnosis, the likelihood that the baby will manifest it is high. Infants suffering from lactose deficiency, milk is contraindicated. It is replaced by mixtures based on soy with fermented milk products.

In this article:

Colic in newborns requires competent treatment, because this problem prevents the baby from growing and developing calmly. There is discomfort in the tummy for no apparent reason and makes the baby cry uncontrollably and writhe in pain. Parents are often ready to do anything to save their child from suffering and sleep peacefully.

Colic and gas in newborns are frequent companions of the first three months of life, symptomatic treatment will help to cope with abdominal pain and make it easier to endure this difficult period.

How can a mother help a child?

No one knows the needs of the baby better than his mother, therefore, she usually has to deal with the treatment of colic in newborns on her own. To help your own child and calm down, you have to use not only medications to improve the discharge of gases. Often, maternal tenderness and warmth allow the baby to relax in their own arms and fall asleep, forgetting about the pain in the abdomen.

Tips to help your baby feel better:

  1. A good way to help the baby get rid of not only the pain, but also the stress that it causes, is to lay the baby on the mother's stomach. In this case, close contact between the bodies should be ensured by removing clothing and a diaper. The warmth of the mother's breast, native breathing over the ear and pressure on the tummy will soothe the baby and ensure the passage of gases.
  2. Massage the anterior abdominal wall in a clockwise motion with moderate pressure on the loops of the colon, which will increase peristalsis and ensure the removal of stool and excess air.
  3. Gymnastic exercises are a good way not only to strengthen the child's muscle corset, but also to save him from digestive problems. Take the child's legs with your palms and alternately press one or the other to the stomach, as if riding a bicycle.
  4. Another simple exercise option is the “fold” exercise. Raise the straight lower limbs of the baby so that his hips rest against the stomach. This light pressure will stimulate the intestines and increase their motility.
  5. Another affordable option for saving a child from colic is a joint dance. Take it on the handles and, holding it tightly to you, make swaying movements from side to side. This method has a calming effect and allows the baby to fall asleep.

To cope with colic in a newborn, one should adhere to the tactics of complex treatment, because medicine still does not know the exact causes that cause abdominal discomfort in infants.

The fight against colic includes the following methods:

  • psychological - bodily contact and closeness of the mother allow the baby to calm down and forget about the pain;
  • medication - taking herbal preparations and drugs that have a carminative effect;
  • physiotherapy - dry heat on the stomach;
  • mechanical - massage of the abdominal wall and gymnastics;
  • nutrition correction - elimination from the menu of a nursing mother of products that cause fermentation in the intestines;
  • folk medicine - decoctions of herbs and plants.


In such a situation, a woman needs to reconsider her diet and limit foods that cause increased gas formation:

  • peas, beans and lentils;
  • Rye bread;
  • yeast baking;
  • pears, grapes;
  • kvass and carbonated drinks;
  • cabbage.

But often the food that a woman consumes plays a minor role in the occurrence of colic, so the cause may lie in something else.


The best way to eliminate colic in an infant with physical therapy is to apply dry heat to the abdomen.

Take a piece of thick flannel and fold it into a small square pillow. Iron it with an iron to make the diaper warm, put it on the newborn's stomach and hold it until it cools down. Heat relieves spasms well and allows you to relax the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall.

Clinical methods of physiotherapy can also be used, among which:

  • ozokerite treatment;
  • magnetotherapy;
  • SMT therapy (sinusoidally modulated current).

Medical treatment

There is an opinion among the people that colic in newborn boys is much more pronounced, which is why drug treatment is more often used in them, although this is not a completely true statement, because this disease can appear in absolutely any child.

Treatment of colic in newborns can be carried out with the help of drugs , the action of which is aimed at combating increased gas formation:

  1. - the powder is based on fennel fruits; to obtain a solution, it must be diluted with water. During the day, the child is allowed to drink about 100 ml of the resulting drink.
  2. Baby Calm is a medicine consisting of a mixture of dill, fennel and peppermint oils. Measure the required amount of solution and dilute with water.
  3. - an emulsion preparation based on Simethicone. During an attack, pour 25 drops and give to the baby.
  4. Bobotik is a milky white viscous liquid containing simethicone. Can be used from the second month of a baby's life, 8 drops after feeding.
  5. Bebinos is a herbal remedy based on chamomile, coriander and fennel. Dissolve 20 drops in a glass of water and let your baby drink.

Folk methods

In many cases, in order to eliminate colic in newborns, it is not necessary to give the child medicine for treatment, because pain can be reduced at home using "grandmother's" methods.

However, before engaging in self-help, it is better to show the baby to the pediatrician so that he examines him and confirms that discomfort in the tummy is the cause of the restless behavior.

Folk recipes to relieve colic in newborns:

  1. After feeding, let your child drink dill water. This tool can be bought at a pharmacy, but not in every one, but only where there is a prescription department, because the solution is prepared on the spot and has a short shelf life. You can also prepare a decoction of dill at home. To do this, take the seeds of the plant, wipe in a mortar or grind in a coffee grinder, pour the resulting powder into 300 ml of hot water and place in a dark place so that the broth is infused. After cooling to room temperature, strain the liquid through cheesecloth and invite the child to drink, starting with 10-15 ml, gradually increasing the amount.
  2. Carrot seeds are an alternative. Pour 2 tablespoons into a thermos and pour 500 ml of boiling water. After insisting for about 40 minutes and removing the impurities, let the baby drink the resulting tea.
  3. A decoction of pharmacy chamomile has a good calming effect, so it is better to offer it before bedtime. Place 1 sachet in a cup and pour boiling water over it. After cooling, the drink can be consumed.


It is not always easy to cope with intestinal colic in newborns, as well as to treat them, it is much easier to organize the care of the baby and his feeding in such a way as to prevent their occurrence. A special condition called colic is not an independent disease. It is rather a symptom indicating that the digestive system is not yet fully functioning due to a lack of necessary enzymes that speed up the digestion of baby food.

One of the main tasks of parents is to help the baby in such a difficult life period and alleviate his suffering.

In order to reduce the likelihood of intestinal colic, you should follow certain recommendations:

  1. Before each feeding, lay the baby on your stomach and leave it to lie down for 15 minutes.
  2. After the baby has drunk the formula, or after applying to the breast, hold it in an upright position. This is necessary so that the air that has entered the stomach with food comes out naturally by regurgitation, and does not penetrate further into the intestines and lead to cutting pains in the abdomen.
  3. If the baby is breastfed, then pay attention to how he takes the breast. With a proper grip, not only the nipple should be in the baby’s mouth, but also the dark circle that surrounds it, called the areola. The nose fits snugly against the skin of the mother's breast, and the lips are turned out. Listen to the sounds your baby makes while suckling. With proper application, you will not hear any extraneous clicks or smacks. If the technique of grasping the nipple is violated, air enters the mouth and penetrates further into the gastrointestinal tract, which can lead to the development of colic.
  4. When feeding a newborn from a bottle, use specially designed anti-colic nipples, and also ensure that air accumulates at the bottom of the container.
  5. When the baby is breastfed naturally, the mother will have to reconsider her eating habits and eliminate from the daily menu those foods that can lead to increased gas formation in the intestines of the child. Increased gas formation is observed after the mother eats something from legumes, as well as certain types of fruits or confectionery.

The treatment of colic in newborns occupies an important place in modern pediatrics, but not only doctors should be aware of effective therapeutic methods for getting rid of this condition in infants. Knowledge about elementary methods of abdominal massage, gymnastics, as well as approved medications will help a young mother relieve her baby from abdominal pain and give good nights not only to herself and her child, but also to other family members.

Useful video on how to alleviate the condition of a newborn with colic

Intestinal colic is the cause of suffering in most babies and is usually associated with adaptation to extrauterine existence. Colic usually appears by 2-4 weeks after birth and disappears by 3 months.

Intestinal spasms cause pain, increased gas formation, the child becomes restless, he may experience regurgitation, belching, and even sometimes vomiting. What can be done to help a child in such a situation?

Safe ways to get rid of colic

Massage of the baby's abdomen is able to remove excess gases and significantly reduce the amount of gases formed. How to do a massage? Massage movements should be soft, fan-shaped and directed strictly clockwise (in the direction of intestinal motility). It is also recommended to alternate massage movements with dynamic gymnastics. The exercise of bending the legs at the knees and pressing them to the tummy helps well. Such a combined massage for 5-10 minutes should calm the baby.

After feeding, be sure to hold the baby upright for 10-15 minutes. In this position, the baby will get rid of the air that has entered the digestive system along with food.

This procedure should become regular. However, it is important to remember that it is impossible to spread on the tummy immediately after feeding, as this can provoke regurgitation or vomiting. If the baby does not like to lie on his tummy, you can roll him on the ball, hold him vertically, pressing his tummy to you, just hang him over his knee.

4. Convenient feeding

Find a comfortable position for feeding your baby. This is necessary, first of all, in order for the child to capture the areola of the nipple as much as possible. In this case, air will not enter the baby's digestive tract. If the baby is bottle-fed, you must carefully monitor the correct angle of the bottle. It is best to bottle feed with your baby on a pillow (not soft).

5. Drink

The water that the baby receives on artificial feeding can be replaced with dill water, chamomile tea or fennel. If the child is breastfed, then the mother can drink such herbs. Active substances that relieve spasms, the child will receive with breast milk.

6. Maternal nutrition

The probable cause of colic in a baby may be the mother's diet. Fresh vegetables and fruits should be excluded from her diet as much as possible, replacing them with boiled, stewed ones. It is best to temporarily avoid foods such as cabbage, beans, grapes, corn, nuts, tomatoes, onions, hot spices, cow's milk products.

If the listed products became the cause of colic, then the baby will stop showing signs of anxiety already 1-2 days after the revision of the mother's diet.

7. Warmth

Another saving way to help the baby will be dry heat. The diaper should be heated with a warm iron or, having previously placed it on a hot battery, and then applied to the baby's tummy. This old and proven method is great for acute colic. It is only important that the diaper is not hot, but moderately warm, otherwise, instead of helping, you can harm the baby.

A warm bath will help to quickly relieve the baby of spasmodic pain and gas in the intestines. After the procedure, the child usually calms down.

9. Special bottle

The anti-colic bottle, which has a curved shape and a special valve system, will help the baby not swallow air during feeding, which is most often the main cause of colic. This option for getting rid of colic is especially relevant for artificial babies.

10. Gas tube

A sterile gas outlet tube will help to rid the baby of excess gases in the intestines, which can be made independently from the set of enema No. 1. Be sure to grease the tip of the tube with vaseline oil.