How to calculate the energy of a person by date of birth. "Energy Vampires" Test. Human aura by date of birth

Most of the existing ones are energy vampires by date of birth. Such people from an early age are able to feed on your emotions and feelings. To calculate them, to protect yourself, you need to conduct a simple test.

Energy Vampires - Date of Birth Test

The presence of such a gift as energy vampirism can be determined by the date of birth. Write down all the numbers and add the numbers. For instance:


If it turns out two-digit - you should add it again (3 + 0 = 3).

Three is the result of the test, the interpretation of which is presented below. It distinguishes five types of people:

  • energy vampires;
  • victims (donors);
  • neutral persons;
  • white magicians;
  • black sorcerers.

After passing the test, you received the number 1 or 2 - in front of you is an energy vampire.

It is possible that the person knows about the gift. If you don't want to get rid of your abilities, you shouldn't be afraid, it's not fatal.

You can protect yourself and your loved ones. Most of the techniques involve the construction of blocks, barriers that will help protect yourself.

It is useful to purchase a talisman that will protect you from strong attacks. If the person is too aggressive and pulls all the juices out of you, if possible, break off the communication.

Result 5 or 7 - the person is a victim, a donor. He unconsciously gives up his powers at the slightest impact. Such individuals are highly susceptible to magical attacks.

It is necessary to wear a talisman that will help repel the attack of evil spirits. A person will not be able to constantly build energy blocks, he will not have enough strength - he should regularly go to magical places.

Important: these should not be burial places, where the energy is negative, heavy and there is a chance of meeting a magical entity that will completely devastate.

It is better to choose churches or temples, where it is good, calm and you can draw energy from nature.

If, when conducting a test to determine an energy vampire by date of birth, you received one of these numbers, then fortune is on your side.

Nature has not endowed such a gift, but you cannot become a victim of a vampire either. You are too tough for him.

The owner of these numbers has a very strong energy, clean, light. Thanks to her, an impenetrable barrier is automatically created that cannot be overcome by evil spirits.

The person who scores 9 has a supernatural gift, but this is not vampirism. The figure speaks of a strong positive energy inherent even to white magicians.

If you learn to manage energy, power, then incredible things will be possible. You have immense potential from birth. You can become a good kind wizard, provided that you make every effort to achieve your dreams.

Nature has also bestowed unusual abilities on those born under such a number. They are often called black magicians. An individual can feed on others, but only if his life resources are running out.

Vampire / black magician and white magician
- a wonderful tandem, there will always be an energy balance in a relationship.

Vampire / black magician and donor- if the victim can accumulate a lot of energy, the relationship is successful.

Neutral and white magician- absolute harmony, but rather a platonic relationship, not romantic.

White magician and donor- people will voluntarily exchange energy, a great union.

Donor / neutral and sacrifice- strong bond, the donor can protect the partner from attacks.

Vampire and black magician- a good combination if the second agrees to share energy with the first.

Vampire / black magician and neutral- a couple will live in harmony if the first manages to suppress force or absorb energy from other sources.

Vampire and vampire- an eternal lack of strength, a lot of conflict situations.

All people are different, some are energetically strong, others are weak. Some
you really need to feed on emotions, feelings, energy. This can be in the family, among friends. In fact, there are many of them.

Such representatives cannot be attributed to any category of evil. These are people with a non-standard supernatural gift.

Calculating by date of birth is easy. The method will help if it is impossible to understand by the behavior of an individual whether he is endowed with an ability or is simply over-emotional. At times it is aggressive or not too sensitive.

Even you may be found in the study. Often, a person does not assume that he is the owner of a unique gift and is inadvertently capable of causing damage to others.

Each person is endowed with his own energy. It can be congenital and received during life. There is a weak energy, there is a strong energy. From her, according to experts in the field of esotericism, personal development and success of a person in life depend. How do you define your energy field?

There are no definite ways to test a person for his energetic power. Energy cannot be measured with instruments. But you can feel it. As a rule, an active, purposeful and energetic person has a large supply of vitality. And the one who constantly complains about the lack of energy is a person with a low energy level.

An energetically strong person, as a rule, is always in a good mood. He knows how to manage his emotions, knows what he is capable of and boldly goes to the goal. He is not afraid of difficulties, since he feels a strength in himself that will help in a difficult period.

People with strong energies are more successful in life. They are cheerful and positive. Their attitude and good health make it easy to achieve their goals. Energetic people can manipulate others, defend their point of view and gain attention to their person.

However, those with high energy potential should be able to control their strength. It is better to direct energy for the benefit of yourself and those around you. If you have a strong energy, then there is a possibility that you can jinx a person and harm his biofield.

An energetically weak person is often sick. If he has good ideas, then he is in no hurry to implement them. People with low energy get tired quickly. They are easily offended or influenced by them.

The energy level can be more accurately determined by dreams. What do you dream about most often?

If in a dream you often walk into rivers, forests, thickets, then this is a sign of an excess of energy. Also, this may be indicated by music in a dream or a belt that tightly tightens your waist. In this case, everything is in order with the energy. True, it happens that excessive energy does not lead to good. If your powers are directed towards good, they will be of real benefit. But if you waste it on trifles, then you will not get anything good from your inner strength.

If you constantly dream of ruins, old houses, abyss, emptiness, hunger, thirst, quarrels, fights, narrow roads and corridors, then you are lacking vitality. This is a sign that you urgently need to change your life and restore energy.

Do not rush to despair if you suddenly realize that you are not strong energetically. It is believed that human energy is constantly changing... It can be congenital, hereditary (its level depends on many factors, such as place of birth, energy of birth, circumstances of birth, etc.) and acquired.

The acquired energy can change depending on what kind of life a person leads, what he does, where he lives and with whom he communicates. Based on this, you can easily increase your energy level. There are many ways to do this.

  • First, you need to eat well and establish a daily routine.
  • Secondly, you need to be more often alone with yourself and your thoughts in order to better understand yourself and your desires.
  • Thirdly, you need to give preference to the work that brings moral satisfaction.
  • Fourth, you should communicate more with people who set you up for positive emotions.

Knowing your energy potential, you can independently strengthen it (if it is weak), or direct it in the right direction to achieve goals. With inner strength, you can achieve whatever you want. The main thing is to constantly work on energy, not to give it a failure and be able to control it when necessary.

23.10.2013 16:31

Most people start their day quite early - some get up to school, some go to work. Some ...

I got a curious ... Another entertaining toy, as I thought at first ...

What you need:
Date of Birth

Step 1
We take the calculator. We remember the date of our birth. For example, the date of birth is March 21, 1952.

We write the first number - year of birth - 1952
The second consists of the ordinal number of the month of birth and the day -0321.
Note: If the birthday consists of a single-digit number (for example 9), then the second number should be written in this form - 809.

Step 2
We multiply the first and second numbers - 1952 * 321 = 626592.

Step 3
Let's sum up all the numbers of this large number 626592:
Step 4
We got the number 30
The resulting two-digit number is called the bioenergetic potential of a person (E) and shows how much strength (more precisely, energy) is released to him by God for this life

By the presence of energy potential - (E), individuals are classified into:
1.vampires - energy potential - E<20;
2. normal people - energy potential - E = from 20 to 30;
3. donors - energy potential - E = 30 and more;

If a person is energetically weakened, he involuntarily "sucks" energy from those around him.
In the presence of "not robbed" potential, normal people and donors feel normal ... If a vampire took their energy from them, they feel "discomfort".
Donors with a potential of E = 33 and higher have the ability to "charge" from space or from "their" tree and generously donate energy, many people cling to them, trying to recharge.

Hmm ... I calculated the coefficient of my relatives and who was close to me ...
Everything is fine with my family, as expected ... Father is generally> 30, that is, he is a donor ... Well, I don’t know ... Our mother is more likely a donor, but her coefficient is from 20 to 30. Although for me she is still the most all-consuming person for me even now ...
The first husband belongs to the normal, it is so. Humanly, I was quite comfortable with him together, the problem was different ...
But the second husband ...
Well, you know ...
We had a passionate mutual love ... Until at some point it "started" - he really "ate" my brains, he periodically caused me an emotional outburst, bringing tantrums, far-fetched reproaches, and generally don’t understand why. I endured, tried to control myself, convinced him as calmly as possible that he was wrong, he needed to stop .. But he did not even try to restrain his tantrums ...
But when I could no longer stand it and exploded myself, he loved to fall on his knees in tears and ask me for forgiveness ...
In the end, I felt that he had brought me to the most terrible emotional exhaustion, and this was expressed in terrible insomnia. It was just scary ... As soon as I did not get treatment, that I just didn’t drink ...
I discussed this with him, I also defined him as an "energy vampire", he agreed with me, but before the next attack.
Of course, I could not stand this ... Basically, it was necessary to divorce fictitiously so that his mother would receive a subsidy, but I told him: "No, this is a real divorce ... I can't take it anymore ..." He was offended at me for that. ,like a child...
.. 2 weeks after the official divorce, my sleep began to recover. Although he never fully recovered from me ...
The coefficient of my second ex-husband is 17.
Here's a toy for you ... If I had> 30, I probably could live with an energy vampire ... Wow, I thought that I came up with such a definition, and that I might be slandering a guy, who was my second husband ... But it turned out that it looks like the truth .. In any case, it is the same ...
PS. I calculated the coefficient matter who ... but who is important to me, let's just say. I got scared - it turned out to be 18 ... And then I re-read the instructions on how to count.
Ahh !!! I made the wrong numbers for the day and month of birth. There the date of birth is one number, but I did not put "0".
immediately counted correctly: fuuuh, relieved. He got the odds of 27 ...

This interesting technique tells about a person's abilities and allows you to determine the level of his potential at the moment. For all its seeming unscientific nature, this technique is used even by the world's special services. It helps to compose a psychological portrait of a person, to discover his strengths and weaknesses, and reveals such a factor as “luck, luck”.

Bioenergy potential (BEP) it is calculated quite simply, and the results will surely surprise you. Calculate your BEP, and after that you will probably devote several hours calculating the BEP of your family and friends. For testing you will need:

  • pen,
  • paper,
  • calculator.

How to calculate BEP

Remember your date of birth (for example, March 13, 1975) and write it down in the following order:

Multiply these two numbers for a six-digit number 618175 (some will get seven digits). As a result, you get a picture of the six-year (seven-year) cycle of your life.

What does this mean?

This means that within six years your bioenergy potential develops according to the following schedule:

At the time of birth, your potential was at an average level (6). Then it dropped to one. In the third year, he grew up to eight - and so on. At about six years old, the cycle ended and started anew. And so many times at about 12, at about 18, at about 24 - it starts up again from the beginning.

In early childhood, these numbers, of course, do not play a big role, but already in adolescence, adolescence and especially adulthood, they inform you at what stage of your six-year (seven-year) cycle you are at the moment.

Pay attention to the meaning of the numbers that make up your BEP. If there are many zeros in it, this can be interpreted as "bad luck" in life. For example, the main loser of Russian policy, Grigory Yavlinsky, has a BEP of 800 320.

Total BEP

However, let's return to the number 618175 we received. It may give us another interesting reason to think about it.

Let's calculate the sum of all these numbers (6 + 1 + 8 + 1 + 7 +5). It turns out 28. Not a bad result, which speaks of the high creative potential of this young person. For people with powerful energy and bright personality, this amount sometimes goes off scale for 30. Such people seem to be led through life by a guiding star, they always achieve a lot.

And if this indicator is less than 20, this indicates a rather weak general energy level of the individual. But do not write him down as "weaklings." It's just that such personalities have less pronounced leadership qualities, there is no increased motivation to achieve the goal. They are rather individualists, do not have much influence on the masses, cannot influence events and do not strive for this. However, one must always remember that it is not only the total BEP that is important, but its current indicator for each specific year.

A strong biofield means good health, high self-esteem and developed bioenergy. It is these qualities that are sometimes not enough to achieve success. However, energy protection can be developed by focusing on the 7 signs of an ideal biofield.

The energy of any person can be programmed for success. By examining your biofield more closely, you will determine in which direction you should work on yourself, and whether you need to work on the biofield at all. Perhaps you already have strong protection?

There are only 7 main signs of an energetically strong personality. If in this description you do not recognize yourself, but it reminds you of a colleague or TV star, focus on such people. From them you can recharge with the positive energy that they receive through the communication channel from the Universe. Your chances of finding success in any area of ​​life will be slightly higher if strong people appear in your environment.

What is energy and how to increase it

Absolutely any living organism has its own special aura. In humans, it is the strongest, because we are intelligent beings and capable of changing the world around us. We can know the world and are the crown of the creation of the Universe. Eastern philosophy even believes that a person has as many as 7 energy centers, called chakras.

The Universe helps us to go towards our dreams, to do what we want and know how, even better. If your body is not tuned in to this, then luck can leave you for good. The best way to increase energy is to merge with this world by accepting its rules. The main laws of the Universe will help you with this. By following them, you will quickly achieve your cherished goals. For example, if you more often imagine the end result of your work, then the chances of achieving it are much greater. The more you think about the good, the more often you will experience satisfaction in life.

What raises and strengthens the energy:

  • Healthy lifestyle. Smoking, alcohol, and overwork not only impairs your connection to the source of abundance, but it also destroys your consciousness, dulling your ability to effectively perceive the world.
  • Affirmations. Some of these can be divided by day of the week to enhance the effect by referring to these settings over and over again. They will help you believe in yourself and tune your brain to the right wavelength, like a radio receiver.
  • Rituals and ceremonies. Energy is a product of nature, so communicate with it in its own language. Use the correct rituals and ceremonies for this on different days and holidays in order to activate the necessary energy zones.
  • Follow the signs. People didn't just come up with the idea that you can't cross the road for a black cat or you can't put a broom down at home with the part that is being swept. Our ancestors noticed long ago that some actions can have negative coloration. Use this gift of your ancestors to always know that good luck is with you.
  • Follow your horoscopes. In the universe for people, the stars are of great importance, as well as the planets of the solar system. Follow the advice of astrologers to adjust to the mood of the stars and planets.

These tips will help you transform your life and improve your body's energy aura.

7 signs of a strong biofield

How do you know if you have become stronger or not? Or maybe you want to analyze your colleague or business partner, boyfriend or girlfriend? 7 signs of a strong aura will help you:

The first sign: if the aura is pure and strong, the person hardly gets sick. When the aura is meager, a person is overworked, he has frequent headaches, chronic diseases appear, he easily catches a cold. Sometimes it goes further - there are signs of more serious diseases.

The second symptom: a strong biofield gives its wearer incredible luck in all matters. Roughly speaking, people with a strong energy are always more likely to achieve success without noticeable effort.

The third sign: a strong aura is felt if a person exudes optimism. When you stand next to such a person, you want to act, you want to conquer the world, and you see everything in a pleasant light. If this person is of the opposite sex, then it is very easy to fall in love with him.

The fourth sign: people with a high level of energy do not have problems. This does not mean that such people have no problems at all, they just do not give him such discomfort. There are almost no chances that life will change dramatically and become much worse.

The fifth sign: if a person has a high level of energy, then he is most likely a leader. Leading others and being weak are two things that are absolutely incomparable with each other.

Sixth sign: strong aura - strong body. When a person is strong mentally, he is strong also physically. He is hardy, gets tired slowly and is always ready to conquer new heights.

Seventh sign: his mind is open. These people are not afraid to experiment, expand the scope, look beyond the horizon. Strong energy allows you not to be afraid of changes, and absolutely any. This proves once again that life is a dynamic. Life is about changes and constant, permanent transformations.

It is impossible to have only two traits, and not all of the family. It's just that they are developed in different ways. There are small deviations or anomalies, but in general, each of the points rises with an increase in the biofield. You just need to work on your thoughts and views on the world - then everything will work out.

The energy of a person can be determined even by handwriting. But most importantly, it can be strengthened and strengthened by continuously interacting with the Universe. We wish you well and do not forget to press the buttons and