How to make the skin on the heels tender. How to make the skin of the feet soft and maintain a pedicure at home. Basic principles of care

How to make heels smooth and soft? This issue is considered by some women to be secondary, and only before the "going out" they remember to take care of their feet. Unfortunately, disguising unkempt heels is quite difficult. Hardened areas, cracks of different depths do not harmonize with elegant open shoes.

Rough, cracked skin is an open gate for bacterial and fungal infections. How to properly care for your heels so that they are always smooth and healthy? Listen to the advice of beauticians.

Causes of rough skin

Feet are a part of the body that is constantly subjected to high loads. Provoking factors cause exfoliation of particles of dead epidermis.

The main causes of excessive keratinization:

  • uncomfortable shoes made of poor quality materials;
  • prolonged walking in high heels;
  • congenital in combination with the first two reasons;
  • improper foot care (or its almost complete absence);
  • walking barefoot on uneven, rough surfaces (this factor is often found in rural areas);
  • skin diseases, including;
  • diabetes mellitus, obesity;
  • helminthic invasions;
  • fungal skin lesions (feet);
  • work in hazardous production;
  • lack of vitamins, starvation, diet abuse.

Note! Often there is a combination of several harmful factors. The longer you have not devoted time to your feet, the more difficult it is to get rid of the stratum corneum and secondary infections that have penetrated the cracks in the heels.


  • a conversation with the patient to identify factors that could cause poor condition of the epidermis on the feet;
  • scraping to confirm or refute mycosis of the feet;
  • study of the clinical picture to exclude dyshidrotic eczema, psoriasis, and other skin diseases; (Read about eczema on the legs; a page is written about eczema on the hands);
  • examination by an endocrinologist for hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus;
  • checking body mass index to determine the degree of obesity (if necessary).

Further therapy depends on the results of tests, confirmation or exclusion of skin, endocrine diseases. Treatment is designed for each patient. Without an individual approach, high-quality therapy cannot be achieved.

Helpful Hints:

  • follow the recommendations of a specialist. Home methods will not be effective if fungi or pathogenic bacteria are the cause of cracks or rough skin;
  • in some cases, antimycotic ointments or bactericidal formulations cannot be dispensed with;
  • be sure to treat chronic diseases. The exacerbation of neglected pathologies is reflected in the state of the epidermis;
  • Is excessive thickening of the skin on the heels caused by improperly selected shoes, poor hygiene, high heels? Change your habits, take care of your feet regularly, stop wearing stilettos all the time.

Traditional medicine recipes

Masks, baths, compresses with natural products, medicinal herbs, bee products will relieve dryness, cracks, soreness, ugly thickening.

All funds are divided into several categories. You will quickly put together a "set" of several effective ways to care for your feet.

Important! Talk to a dermatologist about which methods are right for you. The opinion of a specialist will give confidence.

Monitor the health of your heels, pay attention to small cracks and slight thickenings in time. To prevent unpleasant phenomena on the feet will help the observance of simple rules.

  • wear comfortable shoes made of quality materials. Wrinkled insoles, sweaty feet, uncomfortable shoe - a direct path to thickening of the epidermis, calluses and cracks;
  • remember that high heels, especially when combined with being overweight, put a lot of stress on your feet. Painful corns can be avoided by alternating between wearing stiletto heels and 3–4 cm high heels;
  • take good care of your feet. Pamper your heels with a nourishing cream daily in the evenings. Wear cotton socks to enhance the effect of the emollient;
  • monitor the quality of nutrition, consume enough vitamins. The condition of the epidermis, dryness, peeling, the appearance of cracks is especially affected by a deficiency of vitamins A, B, E;
  • two or three times a week, treat your feet with homemade scrubs, make masks, baths with nourishing or softening compounds;
  • remove thickening with a special brush or pumice stone. Never use a blade or sharp knife. It is easy to get hurt or get an infection;
  • do not wear someone else's shoes. So you prevent the penetration of fungi on the skin of the legs;
  • take care of your feet without fanaticism. Do not scrub your heels with a pumice stone too hard, refuse to use caustic compounds that dry out the skin. The thinned epidermis with microcracks, wounds is an ideal soil for fungi and ubiquitous bacteria;
  • after walking barefoot or in open shoes, be sure to take a bath with an emollient, treat the skin with a nourishing cream;
  • prevent serious relapses of chronic diseases, control the hormonal background together with the endocrinologist;
  • Get rid of extra pounds as much as possible. High load on the legs is one of the causes of thickening of the epidermis.

Now you know how to make the skin on the heels soft and smooth. Regular care, pleasant procedures, the implementation of simple recommendations will keep your heels healthy and pleasant.

From the following video, you can find out another recipe for homemade ointment to soften rough skin on the heels:

The question of how to make the heels soft and pretty, without resorting to the help of specialists, becomes especially relevant in the spring and summer. After all, you really want to quickly change strict closed shoes for cheerful open sandals or shoes!

Unfortunately, in winter, without proper care, the delicate skin of the feet coarsens and cracks. Especially "gets" the heels. But, often, it is precisely from their appearance (and not at all from the beautiful, or the length of the legs themselves, as many ladies believe) that it depends on how impressive a girl in open shoes will look.

Incorrectly selected shoes spoil the appearance of the heels

To successfully deal with roughening of the skin on the heels, you need to approach the solution of the problem in a complex manner. First of all, it is necessary to identify its root cause. Most often, this is due to the following factors:

  • Systematic disregard for hygiene rules. During the period of cold weather and, accordingly, wearing closed shoes, many girls neglect pedicure (meaning the whole range of necessary procedures, and not just applying colored nail polish). The ladies are guided by simple considerations: why “bring beauty” where it is still not visible? This is their main mistake. Without proper care (regular water procedures, exfoliation of rough skin,) the delicate skin of the legs quickly coarsens and takes on an unpresentable appearance. To deal with the consequences of such a negligent attitude to their beauty, standard weekly care procedures will, alas, no longer be enough. To put your feet (and especially your heels) in order, you will have to devote a few minutes to them every day.
  • Illiterate shoes. Uncomfortable style or even too hard insoles can cause irreparable damage to the delicate skin of the feet. To avoid such a problem, when choosing shoes, give preference to products of well-known proven brands that value their reputation. Don't be stingy with spending money on a good pair of shoes or boots. Remember: saving on quality shoes has never done anyone any good!
  • Synthetic hosiery. It is no secret that nylon (or other synthetic) tights and socks do not allow the skin of the legs to breathe. As a result, the heels not only sweat, but also become an extremely favorable breeding ground for various pathogenic bacteria, and of course, you are unlikely to be able to completely abandon synthetic hosiery, but try to give preference to products made from natural materials (for example, cotton socks and tights) whenever possible.
  • Various diseases. We are talking here not only about problems, directly, with the skin, with which you can (and should!) Contact a dermatologist. The cause of coarsening of the skin on the heels can be vitamin deficiency, thyroid problems, diabetes mellitus, or even gastrointestinal diseases (for example, gastritis). In any of these cases, in order to give the legs a healthy look, you will first of all have to treat all concomitant diseases by contacting the appropriate specialists.

As a rule, the elimination of the main reason why the skin on the heels began to coarsen, as well as systematic care, by themselves, can return the “infantile” softness and tenderness to the skin of the feet.

How not to take care of your heels?

Pedicure - as a decoration of the legs

In an effort to make the heels soft, many ladies take very drastic measures. So, for example, many girls use such a procedure as cutting off rough skin with a blade or a razor. In fact, such radicalism not only does not benefit, but even harms the health of the legs.

Cutting off the keratinized epithelium can be severely cut. The wounds obtained in this way are usually painful and take a long time to heal. In addition, the epithelium that has recovered from damage is usually an order of magnitude thicker than the healthy one and looks completely different. So, to return the heels to a presentable appearance after the above procedure will cost a lot of effort.

Another controversial, but for some reason very popular heel skin care method is to take. Widely advertised, equipment for this procedure can now be purchased at any major pharmacy. In fact, hot tubs have a rather therapeutic effect on the skin of the feet, hardly completely healing it.

The fact is that for normal steaming of the legs (which, according to the statements of advertisers, helps to soften the heels), water is required at a temperature of at least the human body, and preferably even higher. The mentioned baths are usually heated only to the level of room temperature.

Thus, we can draw a fair conclusion: hot tubs are absolutely useless to combat such a phenomenon as rough skin on the heels and, therefore, do not fully pay off the money spent on them.

How to take care of your heels properly?

Heels need to be taken care of regularly!

The easiest way to make the skin of the heels soft and tender is to make a habit of regularly caring for it, as you are used to caring for the skin of your face or hands. Free up time in your schedule for daily skincare routines, such as foot baths.

Pamper your heels by bathing them in a decoction of plants (sage, chamomile or oak bark) with the addition of minerals (special or ordinary soda). Why you should use these components:

  • herbal oils nourish and moisturize the skin no worse than special creams, giving the epithelium a healthy, well-groomed appearance;
  • baking soda and rock salt have a softening effect, contributing to the easy and delicate exfoliation of dead skin cells.

About proper exfoliation of keratinized skin

Summer will have, who did not forget about their heels in winter!

For a good ten years now, pumice stone has been the main tool for foot skin care. It should be treated with heels, directly, in the process of taking a bath. More versatile tools are also available to modern fashionistas - special soft massage brushes with pumice stone inserts on the back or paper files of varying degrees of graininess that peel the skin.

For softer exfoliation of dead cells, it is also reasonable to use delicate scrubs with a peeling effect, which can be purchased at any pharmacy or cosmetic store.

If you do not want to spend money on expensive specialized skin exfoliation products, regular baking soda will come to your rescue. How to take soda foot baths?

  • find a convenient container (for example, a basin) and fill it with water at room temperature (5 liters);
  • dissolve 3 tablespoons of baking soda in water;
  • add a little to the container with a relaxing effect;
  • dip your feet in the water and keep them there for about 10 minutes;
  • dry your feet with a towel and apply any moisturizer on them, while gently massaging your feet.

If you carry out such a procedure every day for a week, the skin of your feet will take on a healthier look, and you can once and for all forget about sweating feet. However, be extremely careful!

Overdoing the legs in a soda solution, you run the risk of disturbing the acid-base balance of the skin, which will lead to unpleasant health consequences.

If your heels are cracked

Heel care procedures - baths

Glycerin will help you fight such, of course, an unpleasant phenomenon as cracked and rough skin on the heels. It is very easy to use it. Pour the apple cider vinegar into a half-filled bottle of glycerine until the liquid reaches the rim. Shake the mixture properly. The product thus obtained should be applied to the skin of the heels twice a day.

Why does this remedy work?

  • glycerin has an unsurpassed moisturizing effect due to its ability to attract and retain water molecules;
  • apple cider vinegar nourishes the skin due to the content in its composition of a huge amount of potassium, fluorine, pectin, as well as the whole complex.

Good to know: glycerin will not only significantly improve the quality of the skin of the feet, improving it at the cellular level. The tool will also work with your nails, making them strong and giving them a natural shine.

Folk remedies to help soften the skin on the heels

Soft heels are not only beautiful, but also pleasant!

From vegetables and fruits, they can also be an excellent way to soften the skin of the feet:

  • Zucchini mask. Puree from a young vegetable is applied to the heels and fixed on them with the help of "bandages" made of any natural fabric. Such a “compress” is worn for no more than half an hour. After the procedure, the feet should be washed and lubricated with a special nourishing cream.
  • Lemon. Egg yolk is mixed with one teaspoon of starch and the same amount of lemon juice. The resulting product is applied to the heels pre-steamed in a hot bath. Keep the mask until completely dry. After - the remnants of the product are washed off with plain water, and the feet themselves are treated with a moisturizer.
  • Apricot mask. Grind three or four medium-sized fruits to a puree, then mix with two teaspoons of vegetable (or better - olive) oil. Before use, the product should be heated over low heat. It is more convenient to apply the mask with a makeup brush. Covered heels must be wrapped in polyethylene and kept warm for 20 minutes. The mask is washed off with plain water, and after its application it is desirable to treat the feet with a nourishing cream.

Well-known cosmetic brands

If independent fuss with a variety of baths and preparation of funds is not for you, take advantage of the benefits of civilization. Many modern cosmetic brands have entire product lines specifically designed to combat the problem of rough heel skin. The following tools are invariably popular with beautiful ladies:

  • foot cream called "K-9" produced by "Faberlik";
  • a tool called Foot Works from the notorious Avon;
  • our domestic creams from the line with the uncomplicated name "Healer".

Each of the above remedies has been tried by hundreds of women and received mostly positive feedback on effectiveness.

How to make heels smooth and tender? The answers are in the video:

In contact with

Autumn is coming and the ladies sigh with relief. After all, now closed shoes hide all the imperfections of the legs. They walk calmly all winter, and with the advent of spring they grab their heads. Soon you need to put on open sandals or sandals, and your heels look like a baked potato. Of course, you can go to the salon. But with the modern rhythm of life, then there is no time, then money, then opportunities.

How to soften heels at home? To do this is easy enough. The most ordinary baths, masks and pumice are always on guard for charming legs.

Those who say that they have tried many recipes to no avail, did not take into account one circumstance. Regularity. It is not enough to do one procedure a week and hope that the heels will become pink and soft. Foot care should be constant, all year round. Then you don’t have to rush about in the spring to find a miracle cure.


The principle of any bath is reduced to one. Certain substances are diluted in hot water. Then the feet are dipped for 30-40 minutes. At the end of the procedure, the legs are rubbed with a hard brush, a piece of pumice stone or a special file. Then rinse, wipe dry. And be sure to apply a rich nourishing cream.

There are a lot of compositions for such baths. The most effective and affordable are described below.

  1. Baking soda. 1 tbsp is enough for 1 liter of water. l. with a small top.
  2. Lemon and salt. For 3 liters of water 3 tbsp. l. sea ​​salt and the juice of one lemon.
  3. Blue clay. 100 g per 1 liter of water.
  4. Green tea and linden flowers. For 2 liters of water, 2 tbsp. l. raw materials.
  5. Milk and liquid soap. 200 ml per 2 liters of water.

For maximum effectiveness, every 10 minutes, the heels are lightly rubbed with a hard washcloth.

The apparent simplicity of recipes may seem inefficient. But if you apply them regularly, alternating with other procedures, the result will be noticeable in a week.

Some sources advise doing any baths twice a day, in the morning and in the evening. Well, if there is time for this. In the evening it is quite possible, especially after a hard day at work. But what about in the morning? You need to have time to get ready for work, cook breakfast at home, gather the children ... Don't be upset if you don't have the strength to get up an hour early to do your morning routine. The bath can be completely replaced by the use of scrub and cream. And in the evening before going to bed, you can enjoy a well-deserved bath with peace of mind.


In nature, there are many herbs, vegetables and fruits that perfectly soften rough skin on the heels. Each of them has its own exposure time. You don't need to increase it. Because instead of soft skin, you can get damage to the epidermis. It is better to do masks regularly and at the recommended time than once a month to try to soften the crust on the heels with a five-hour procedure.

  1. Apple. The most ordinary green apple should be eaten. Finely chop the core together with partitions and bones. Pour 250 ml of milk and boil for 7 minutes. Mash the resulting mixture with a fork and apply on the heels. Wash off after 15 minutes.
  2. Zucchini. Grate a young green vegetable on a fine grater. Add a teaspoon of any vegetable oil. Apply to the skin, cover with polyethylene. After half an hour, gently rinse with warm water.
  3. Onion. Cut a ripe onion in half, attach slices to the heels. Wrap with a bandage or cloth, then go to bed. In order not to smell the onion smell all night, you can wrap your feet with cling film. In the morning, be sure to scrub the skin, then smear with a moisturizer.
  4. Apricot. Mash the ripe pulp of two fruits with a fork and add 1 tbsp. l. rye flour. Spread the resulting slurry on the heels and leave for half an hour. Can be covered with foil. Rinse after.

In general, almost all fruits and vegetables that contain acid are very suitable for softening the skin of the heels. After such masks, it is good to use any soft scrub. For example, based on ground coffee or sugar. Scrubs of industrial production also cope with rough heels. And by all means use your favorite cream! Is always.


For lotions, it is not at all necessary to use completely natural products. Some chemicals also have a softening effect on the skin. The meaning of lotions is to apply the product to the skin several times in a row with a certain interval. Then rinse, clean the heels with a pumice stone and smear with cream.

  1. Glycerol. Sold in a pharmacy, it costs a penny. The bubble is not poured down the neck. Add apple cider vinegar to it to the top. Shake before use. Apply to the heels three times with an interval of 5 minutes. Then wash off. Get ready for the acetic ambergris. But you need to be patient, because the result is visible almost after the first application.
  2. Peppermint and cornflower flowers. Take 1 tbsp. l. each and steamed with 100 g of boiling water. Allow to cool slightly and apply to the heels. Close for 30 minutes with polyethylene or cling film. There is no need to rinse off this product.
  3. Corn oil. Applied to soften the skin of the heels all night. In order not to stain the bed, you can cover the legs with a film and put on socks. Rinse in the morning and apply a light moisturizer.
  4. Egg yolk and potato starch. Grind the yolk from a domestic egg with 1 tsp. starch. Apply the mixture on the heels, wait for it to dry. Then another layer and dry again. Repeat this until the mixture is finished. After rinsing, rub with a brush and apply a nourishing cream.

  1. Why is a pumice stone or a brush mentioned after each item? Why is it not written about cutting off a thick layer of dense skin? Never use a blade as is customary in pedicure salons. They need you as a regular customer. And cutting off the top layer of the epidermis, the growth of new cells is provoked. As a result, the skin on the heels thickens and coarsens even more.
  2. In the summer, when you come to sunbathe, you probably use sunscreen. But forget about the feet. Be sure to oil them. And of course, after sunbathing, apply a moisturizer.
  3. Now the industry offers special disposable socks. They are put on the feet, hold for a certain time. Then the legs are rinsed. After three days, the top layer of the skin begins to peel off and peel off in pieces, and under it remains smooth and soft. The action is due to the presence of lactic acid in the composition of the impregnation. Reviews are completely different, from the most enthusiastic to cursing to the seventh generation. Therefore, we will not recommend them, as well as name the manufacturer. If desired, all information can be freely found on the net.
  4. The only thing that should be mentioned is the impossibility of using such socks for any skin damage. Because wounds or cuts will corrode even more with acid.
  5. After achieving the desired results, you can not abandon the procedure at all. Their frequency can be reduced, and used more for preventive purposes. But be sure to do a light foot massage with a nourishing cream every day. This will keep your heels from getting rough.

How to soften heels at home? Don't forget to take care of them. Hands are always in sight, they are groomed and cherished. And they forget about the legs from time to time. Just regularly give them due attention, indulge in masks and baths. And then they will compose poems about your legs, as it was before.

Video: how to care for the heels of the feet

Heel care is an essential beauty ritual for every woman. With the approach of spring and summer, baths, easy-to-prepare masks, compresses, creams and ointments will help soften the heels of the feet at home. You need some free time and a desire to keep your legs healthy and beautiful.

Dry, unaesthetic-looking feet can be put in order with the help of a pedicure master and a series of procedures in the beauty salon. Uncomfortable shoes, synthetic clothing, poor-quality shoes treated with chemicals, beriberi, internal diseases, standing work are factors that affect the appearance of corns, corns, and cracks on the legs.

There are many ways to make your heels smooth and soft at home. Folk remedies will help:

  • overcome excessive sweating of the lower extremities;
  • remove an unpleasant odor;
  • get rid of dryness, coarsening of the dermis;
  • heal cracks;
  • moisturize the feet, give softness, smoothness to the skin;
  • remove the stratum corneum;
  • remove roughness from the surface.

The skin becomes stiff, rough, cracked, and the legs smell bad, begin to itch due to the fungus. The disease must be treated immediately.


To soften and make the skin on the heels smooth at home, an integrated approach to solving the problem is needed. Evening exercise for the feet should go like this:

  1. Bath.
  2. Scrubbing.
  3. mask or compress.
  4. Cream or ointment.

Folk methods are good because the components for home procedures are the simplest. The ingredients of the baths heal, soothe the skin, steam out rough areas well.

To soften the heels will help:

  • add hydrogen peroxide to hot water: 4-5 tablespoons per 2 liters of water. After 10 minutes, wipe the legs dry, treat the heels, other keratinized areas with pumice. In addition to peroxide, you can add 3 tablespoons of salt (regular table or sea). When the salt has dissolved, the legs are lowered into the bath. After 10 minutes, 4-5 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide are added there;

Hydrogen peroxide is a potent drug, you need to be extremely careful when using it externally. The soles should be soaked no more than 2 times a week, alternating the component with decoctions of herbs or sea salt.

  • decoction of herbs for foot baths has a beneficial effect on the skin. You can use chamomile, nettle, sage, rosemary, oak bark, mint. They have healing, soothing, other healing properties;
  • baking soda is a popular and effective ingredient. It perfectly softens, soothes the skin, makes it tender, can relieve an allergic reaction in the form of redness. After the skin has been steamed, the keratinized layers are removed with a foot file or pumice stone;
  • milk is added to steam the skin of the legs. It is rich in vitamins and microelements. The procedure soaks the dermis and nourishes with beneficial substances. In 2 liters of water, add 1 liter of milk, liquid or grated soap with a neutral pH level, stir until smooth. The duration of one session is 15-20 minutes. After steaming, treat the heels with a pumice stone;
  • Glycerin is known for its moisturizing properties. Dilute 1 tablespoon of glycerin in 2 liters of water. After 15 minutes, rub the heels with a pumice stone;
  • apple cider vinegar in the amount of 4 tablespoons diluted in 2 liters of water. Do not use table vinegar or apple essence. Substances are aggressive and can injure the dermis of the feet.

After softening the skin in the bath, it is advisable to use scrubs to easily cleanse the feet of dead skin. After steaming, cleaning with a pumice stone or a file, be sure to lubricate the feet with a fat, nourishing, moisturizing cream.


The use of baths is part of the evening procedure. After the heels are soaked, the rough skin is removed with a pumice stone, it is necessary to moisturize and nourish the dermis with a mask.

There are many folk recipes, effective and easy to prepare:

  1. Egg yolk, 1 tsp lemon juice and 1 tsp. starch - after stirring into a homogeneous mass, cover the foot with a mask. When the mixture turns into a crust, rinse with running warm water.
  2. Honey and any vegetable oil, olive oil is better - mix the ingredients in equal proportions, apply to the skin. Wash off after 30 minutes.
  3. Glycerin and ammonia - the components are taken in equal proportions, mixed well, applied to the feet. Can be left overnight.
  4. Chopped banana and honey - for the mask, take the components in equal amounts, grease the feet with the mixture, cover with a natural cloth on top. You can first distribute the mask on a wide bandage or gauze, attach to the soles. Wash off with running water after half an hour.
  5. Aloe leaf - grind in a blender, apply the resulting slurry to the feet. Wrap your legs in clingfilm, put on socks on top. Leave on your feet overnight.
  6. From a young zucchini, you can make a mask, after grinding it to a state of porridge. Apply the mixture on the feet for 30 minutes, then rinse. A compress of chopped slices can be left overnight. Fix the circles of vegetable on the feet with a film and put on socks on top.
  7. Chopped strawberries - apply the resulting mass to the soles, wrap the legs with a film. Wash off with warm water after 30 minutes.
  8. Grate raw potatoes or chop in a blender. Add honey and vegetable oil to the resulting porridge. Keep the mask on the feet for 30 minutes, then rinse off.
  9. Compress of vodka and aspirin. Add 10 crushed tablets to 250 ml of vodka. The agent is applied to gauze or cloth, and then applied to the foot. Leave for the night, in the morning remove the keratinized areas with a grater and lubricate the legs with cream.

Creams and ointments

Pharmacies offer a large number of inexpensive ointments, creams for healing, moisturizing, softening, nourishing the skin of the legs. Preparations for cracks, fungal diseases are offered. All of them are effective: Bepanten, calendula ointment, salicylic ointment, Balzamed, Radevit, Lamisil.

Emollient, nourishing ointments can be made independently at home.

  • dry skin indicates a lack of vitamin A. It is found in carrots, cabbage, liver, onions. In addition to changing the diet, to improve the condition of the skin, you can prepare a cream from calendula ointment and 20 ml of pharmacy vitamin A. Mix the ingredients well and apply on the feet at night. Vitamin affects the skin directly, a positive result will be visible after 2-3 applications;
  • cream with a decoction of nettle or oak bark. Take 50 g of any foot cream, add 50 ml of nettle decoction or oak bark. Drip 10 drops of essential oil. Suitable oil from grape seeds, lemon, cinnamon, coconut milk. Stir the mixture and apply on the feet before going to bed.


To make it easier to remove dead skin from the feet after steaming the feet, it will be right to use a scrub. A gentle remedy helps to get rid of keratinization. The skin is not injured, in the process of massaging the means, dead particles of the cover come off the soles.

You can prepare a scrub from improvised products that are in the kitchen.

  1. Coffee scrub - 1 tbsp. spoon of coffee medium grinding, 2 tbsp. spoons of sea salt, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil. Rub the mixture into the problem areas of the feet with massage movements.
  2. Honey scrub - 1 tbsp. spoon of honey, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sea salt. After peeling with the composition, exfoliation occurs, inflammation of the skin of the feet is removed.
  3. Citrus scrub. Dilute the dried orange peel passed through a blender with vegetable oil to a thick porridge. Massage the mixture into the soles of your feet.
  4. Sugar scrub. The basis of the mixture is sugar, to which vegetable oil can be added in a ratio of 1: 2. Another scrub option: 1 tbsp. spoonful of sugar, 1 tbsp. spoon of cocoa powder, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of milk. Both products perfectly exfoliate the keratinized particles of the dermis.

Rules for cleansing heels at home

To properly soften the skin on the heels at home and clean the skin, you need to use the tips.

Before the procedure, the feet must be thoroughly washed.

Do not cut the skin with scissors, a blade or a razor. Without professional knowledge, skills of a pedicure master, women injure the skin of their feet. Through the cuts of the infection, the fungus enters the tissues and begins to multiply. As a result - rapid keratinization of the cut areas, the appearance of an unpleasant odor, itching, heel disease.

If there are painful cracks on the heels, masks, compresses are contraindicated. With a problem, you need to contact a dermatologist or therapist. There are many drugs that can overcome the disease.

Procedures for moisturizing and cleaning the feet should be carried out in a course. Efficiency will be achieved when baths, scrubs, masks and creams are used every evening for a minimum of 2 weeks.

Watch your diet and daily routine. If the body is physically depleted, it lacks nutrients, the first indicator of fatigue and lack of vitamins will be human skin. It dries, coarsens, peels off, becomes covered with microcracks. Get your feet in order and at the same time fight the causes of rough, painfully dry, injured skin of the feet.

The beauty of a woman is made up of many details. To look good, it is necessary to provide comprehensive care for the body, nails, hair. The skin on the feet is no exception. In order to avoid the question of how to quickly make the heels soft, one should regularly, regardless of the season, carry out complex procedures. This can be done both in a beauty salon and at home, especially since there are many effective folk recipes. Keep in mind that constant care will allow you to make a minimum of manipulations, and in return you will get soft and beautiful skin. If there are already problems, and they need to be urgently solved, then the means presented below will help you - they are simple and effective.

home remedies

Glycerin with vinegar

How to quickly make your heels soft? This simple recipe will help you. As a rule, the bottle of glycerin is not completely filled. It should be supplemented with ordinary table vinegar. Then mix everything and apply on the skin of the feet twice a day. Already on the 3rd - 4th day you will notice that the heels have become softer, and the cracks on them have disappeared.

With such a tool, you can carry out such a procedure. Dry and clean feet generously lubricate the vinegar-glycerin mixture and wait 20 minutes. After that, use a pumice stone or file. Finally, rinse your feet with warm water.

soda baths

A very common folk remedy. Dissolve soda in warm water at the rate of 1 tbsp. per litre. Do a bath for 15 minutes, and then use a pumice stone. This simple recipe can be slightly modified by adding essential oils. Just 2 - 3 drops must first be mixed with a tablespoon of sea salt, which is then dissolved in water.

Natural scrub

It's extremely easy to make a homemade exfoliator that can even replace a pumice stone, as long as the skin isn't too rough. You should take an arbitrary amount of ground coffee and add liquid honey to it. You should get a consistency that is easy to use. If desired, you can also enrich such a scrub with any vegetable oil. Such a tool should be used after steaming. It acts gently and enriches the skin with vitamins.

Mayonnaise masks

Mayonnaise should be generously applied to the skin of the feet, and then put on plastic bags and socks. This should be done before bed. In the morning, simply wash your feet with warm water. This procedure should be carried out 1 - 2 times a week.

In this case, it is necessary to pay close attention to the quality of mayonnaise. Most often, stores sell products with a high content of synthetic substances. Always study the composition if you plan to use store-bought products or make your own mayonnaise at home.

honey mask

A useful softening mask is obtained by mixing honey with an equal amount of olive oil. Apply the product should be on dry skin of the legs, and leave for 30 minutes. It is best to use plastic bags for this - put them on first, and then socks. Wash off the mask with warm water after half an hour.

Heel care: using home baths, scrubs and masks, you can quickly put in order the rough skin of the heels, with regular medical procedures, the entire foot will become soft and supple

When heels require urgent care, care should be taken. However, this is true in any case. The fact is that hard tools such as pumice, a metal grater or a file are always used to process coarsened areas. In addition, there are special blades for cutting the skin. It is better to refuse them altogether. But all the other tools can take place, but you need to use them carefully.

There is an opinion that it is possible to process rough skin of the legs only in a dry state, without preliminary steaming. And this point of view is not unfounded. With this method, you can remove dead cells without damaging healthy skin.

However, with preliminary steaming, the process is much easier, and the skin becomes soft and smooth faster. In this case, precautions must be taken. You should use not too harsh means for grinding, and treat the heels with light movements.

A complex approach

In order not to be constantly tormented by the question of how to quickly make the heels soft, you should constantly maintain them in this state. To do this, use various measures. Do foot baths and exfoliation about once a week. Masks can be used with the same frequency or even less frequently. It all depends on the condition of the skin. Every time after water procedures, apply a cream - this will serve as an excellent prevention.

Constantly indulge yourself with various procedures, alternate recipes and skin care methods. You will soon realize that this is not only useful, but also pleasant. Heels will remain smooth and soft all year round. If, with complex care, results are achieved very slowly, you should pay attention to your health. Sometimes dry feet occur due to a lack of vitamins, malnutrition, or the presence of some kind of disease. In this case, it would be best to contact a specialist.