How to celebrate the old new year. How to celebrate the old new year. Generous rice kutya recipe

Text: Yarmolik Ekaterina 19460

Two weeks after the night of New Year's festivities, we again gather at the festive table to once again congratulate each other on the holiday. But this time with the Old New Year. This is a great opportunity to realize ideas that did not come true on New Year's Eve or once again get together with the family, or maybe meet those whom we wanted, but could not see on the festive New Year's Eve. Therefore, the Old New Year is filled with special meaning. figured out what kind of holiday it is and how it can be celebrated!

Why do we celebrate Old New Year?

If someone suddenly forgot, we remind you: we celebrate the Old New Year on the night of January 13-14. Moreover, this is not a worldwide celebration; it is difficult for foreigners to understand its essence. The tradition was born in 1918. The fact is that a new chronology has begun in Russia and the celebrations have moved two weeks ahead. But the tradition of celebrating according to the old calendar has remained with the people, and, oddly enough, exists to this day. On this holiday, the inhabitants of our country, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Georgia again wish each other good luck in the new year and raise their glasses for the outgoing year.

How to conduct: 10 ideas

Unfortunately, this is not a red day of the calendar. You will most likely spend the whole day of January 13 in business and worries. But this is no reason not to have fun in the evening. Arrange a holiday for yourself and spend it the way you could not celebrate the New Year. A sort of second take for December 31st.

1. Warm circle of friends. Invite someone who was not there (but would like to see nearby) on New Year's Eve. For example, a friend who lives in another city.

2. Arrange a grand family feast.
After all, New Year is a family holiday. But everyone, as a rule, has their own plans that night. And few people plan personal affairs for the Old New Year. Take advantage of this and invite all relatives - this is not about parents (this goes without saying). Send out invitations to aunts, uncles, sisters and their soul mates. Moreover, you have not seen each other for a long time (the last time at the wedding of relatives, probably).

3. Visit your hometown.
Even if you live in it. Discover the city at night, because you can celebrate the Old New Year under the starry sky! Wander through the familiar streets, dance crazy dances to the New Year's rhythms in the square along with a crowd of people. And then make a snowman with a carrot nose in the yard of the house. And if you live in another city, then be sure to go home. We think your family will be very pleased to see you.

4. Arrange a romantic evening.
On New Year's Eve, did you manage to stay alone with your loved one? You have a chance to fix it. Arrange. Only there are no herrings under a fur coat and Olivier. Order sushi or prepare your signature dish and light candles. And closer to 12.00 take a bath together, congratulate each other and drink a glass of champagne.

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5. In the best restaurant traditions…
Many city establishments, cafes and restaurants offer a special program and menu on this holiday. Even if you don’t find a suitable place, go to your favorite restaurant or book a table where you have long wanted to visit, but somehow it didn’t work out.

6. In winter: on the rink
By this time . Choose a location closest to home. It's great if you go to the skating rink with a large company, but it will be fun as a couple, and even alone. And after that, at home or in a cozy cafe, warm yourself and your friends with warm mulled wine.

7. Ski complex
Have you ever wanted to go skiing or snowboarding? Or fly down a hill on a tubing? will help you make this happen. If time and opportunity allow, go out of town: to Silichi, Lagoisk or to the Yakut mountains in Dzerzhinsk. Well, if in the city you can visit the Solnechnaya Dolina active recreation park, located in Kurasovshchina.

8. Exotic countries or "Happy New Year!" under the sound of the surf
This is an option for those who have a couple of days off in stock, and the wallet is not completely empty after the holidays. Old New Year in Turkey, Egypt or the Emirates will certainly be remembered.

9. Theme party or carnival!
The main thing is to warn guests about the dress code. This evening, without masks and costumes, entry is strictly prohibited. It could be a Venetian ball or a Disney theme. And by the way, the party may not necessarily be noisy, because you can arrange a family carnival or invite friends along with the children.

10. Fortune telling: on coffee grounds and not only ...
Perhaps the most mysterious idea. Guessing is only necessary after dark. One of the most popular divination is on wax. It is dripped into the water and the figures formed from the drops determine the future. Sometimes it takes a little imagination to get to know him.

They say that in order to find out the name of the future groom, you need to go out into the street that evening and ask the name of the first person you meet.

And there is also a funny fortune-telling on the dumplings prepared by oneself. In certain dumplings they put not a tasty filling, but a predictive one. Peppercorns, coins or beans serve as messengers.

Beans, for example, promise wealth, sugar - a sweet life, a button - a new thing, a coin, respectively, money, a bay leaf - glory.

Celebrate the Old New Year fun and in a big way.

The tradition of celebrating the old New Year among the Slavs originated as early as 1918, when Soviet Russia was forced to switch to life according to the Gregorian calendar in order to eliminate the frightening time difference between Europe and Russia. Subsequently, the Julian calendar was abolished, but the Orthodox Church did not obey the order of the Soviet authorities and continued to celebrate the holiday in the old regime, but now on January 14th. That is, the old New Year is the New Year, which people continue to celebrate in the old style.

(Total 6 photos)

From the night of January 13 to 14, the people celebrated the arrival of the New Year again, the eve of which was called Vasilyev evening in honor of the patron saint of pig breeders, St. Basil. On this day, a pig was usually slaughtered, from the meat of which countless hearty dishes were prepared, since it was the pig among the ancestors that acted as a symbol of the fertility of livestock and family well-being. In addition to the aforementioned name, this day was often called by the people as "Generous Evening" or "Ovsen".

In the morning, the housewives treated the whole family to wheat porridge, which was generously seasoned with meat or honey. There was a sign among the people: the tastier the porridge, the better the coming year will be. But if the dish failed, then the family will be haunted by failure. Then, from lunch to evening, women baked pancakes, made dumplings with various fillings, and baked piglets. The men helped them with the housework, and the children went caroling.

The rite of oatmeal was accompanied by dressing in national costumes and walking from house to house with songs that were supposed to attract good luck and prosperity to the village. The hosts, who let caroling on their doorstep, always treated the children to something tasty. In the evening, a generous table was laid to appease the coming year, and at night the whole family went to visit neighbors in order to attract peace and grace into relationships.

On the morning of January 14, young people took to the streets and kindled fires to burn down the didukh and jump over the New Year's fire as a sign of purification. On this night they believed: the more stars there are in the sky, the greater the harvest will be.

In order for the festive table to comply with the canons of Old Slavonic traditions, it is important to serve kutya on the Old New Year's holiday, which is prepared from buckwheat and barley (today, peeled rice is used) with the addition of a variety of dried fruits, nuts, grapes and honey. The richer the filling, the better. The thing is that each product carries a sacred meaning: nuts symbolize health, raisins - longevity, grain - the beginning of a new life, honey - good news, poppy seeds - prosperity.

By the way, our ancestors paid special attention to the rituals associated with the prediction of fate. The main tradition in every family was eating special dumplings with a surprise. A variety of items were hidden in their filling - from a bay leaf to a coin. Did you get a dumpling with cherries? To temptation. With cabbage? To money. The ring spoke of an imminent wedding, the thread warned of a long journey, the button - for a new thing, pepper and salt - to chagrin.

Peasants were engaged not only in festivities at the festive table. Everyone, from young to old, waited with special reverence for the onset of darkness in order to do fortune-telling. People believed that the night from the 13th to the 14th is magical, it is during this period that dark and light forces descend to the earth, which possess knowledge.

Popular fortune-telling in the old New Year

Fortune telling "Turn your ear"
If you want to know what year lies ahead, then you just need to listen to someone else's conversation. Ask yourself a question and listen to what the people around are saying: laughing - everything will be fine, crying or swearing - it means that it will not be easy for you, and if you drink, stay away from temptations.

Fortune telling "Prophetic line"
In the old days, girls especially liked to guess on books. They prepared questions in their minds and then called out the page number and line. The answer served as a prophecy.

Fortune telling "Green sprout"
To find out who would be the first to marry, unmarried girls chose an onion for themselves and put it back in the water. Whoever had a sprout before, she will be the first to marry.

Divination "Stranger"
To find out the name of the betrothed, unmarried girls often ran out of the house right after midnight to look for the first male they met. There was a belief: what name the stranger would call, this would be the future husband.

Fortune telling "Bag with a surprise"
In the house, a bag was prepared in advance with a variety of small items - pebbles, cereals, handkerchiefs. A crust of bread, a ring and a hook were also hidden there. Without looking inside, it was necessary to get the first thing that came across from the bag. If a girl pulled out a loaf - she would live in wealth, a hook - wait for trouble or a difficult fate, and a ring - to a happy marriage.

It so happened in our country that a long series of New Year holidays ends only on January 13 - it is customary to celebrate this day in Russia. The tradition of celebrating this holiday appeared in 1918. The fact is that in Russia they switched to a new calendar and the celebrations moved two weeks ahead. But the tradition of celebrating the holiday according to the old calendar has remained with the people to our time.

January 13 is not a public holiday, but in 2018 the Old New Year falls on Saturday, so nothing will stop you from celebrating the New Year in the old style. But what interesting things can you think of, how to celebrate the Old New Year 2018 with children? How to once again feel the magical atmosphere of the holiday, when all the Christmas trees have already ended? We offer you some ideas.

1. Bake New Year's gingerbread

It is possible that the hustle and bustle of the holidays did not allow you to find time for this wonderful activity that children love so much. Old New Year is a great occasion to bring this idea to life. Our site has a good one. And if you don’t feel like baking, then you can make and decorate it with various goodies.

2. Go to the skating rink on the Old New Year 2018

December 2017 was not at all like a real Russian winter, and during the New Year holidays the weather did not indulge us with frost. But for several days now, winter has reigned on the street, so the skating season is in full swing. We invite you to go to the rink with the whole family! Adults and children will have fun! Especially for you .

3. Recall the distant past

In the old days in Russia, Vasily's Day was celebrated on this day, with which the peasants from ancient times celebrated the beginning of a new natural cycle. Therefore, on the Old New Year, you can tell your child in a playful and interesting way about how our ancestors celebrated the winter holidays and try to repeat some of the rituals yourself.

On this day, they usually cleaned the house. We tried to take out all the garbage from the hut, hang everything new. After cleaning, the preparation of a festive treat began. One of the indispensable dishes on St. Basil's Day should be pork, since Basil the Great was considered the patron saint of pigs.

In addition, they always cooked porridge, most often buckwheat, and this would be a whole rite. The eldest man in the house brings water, the eldest woman sorts and pours grits. By all means, all family members must stir the porridge, and each child throws a pinch of salt. Be sure to put dumplings on the table, in one of which they put a coin.

In addition to refreshments, you can also prepare an entertainment program with dances and songs, games (Ring, Brook), and if possible, prepare folk costumes.

Such a meeting of the Old New Year will be remembered by children for a long time.

4. Divination for the Old New Year 2018

The period after Christmas and before Epiphany is the traditional time for divination. You can choose the simplest and not terrible ways and tell fortunes with your children. One of the most popular divination is on wax. It is dripped into the water and the figures formed from the drops determine the future. Children will have a place to show their imagination.

New Year is everyone's favorite and most long-awaited holiday. There is nothing better than meeting such a holiday with your family or close friends. Create an unforgettable holiday atmosphere for your loved ones. Prepare well and think well New Year's Eve script Don't overlook even the smallest details. Give free rein to your imagination. And everything will definitely work out.

Introduction. The host starts the party. You can start with a congratulation, a joke, or reading a poem.

Seeing off the old year

There should be toasts here. It is appropriate to remember all the good things that happened this year.

You can name memorable moments in turn (for example, by seniority or in a circle). Anyone who cannot remember is out of the game. The one who remembers the most good things that happened last year gets prize.

Warm up

You can start with riddles. The host guesses, and the guests guess. Whoever answers correctly gets a prize. Prizes must be inexpensive. It can be key chains, magnets, postcards or homemade crafts. For example, such riddles in verses from:

Look, guys
But don't be surprised,
Decorate our tree!

This miracle I meet
New Year's Eve for many years
And I know his name
Do you know or not?

Lights run along the Christmas tree, -
Well, try it - catch up!

In the calendar - the height of winter,
New Year will be soon
We will decorate the Christmas tree at home,
And everyone will find for her

Lots of beads and garlands
And now I will surprise everyone -
And boldly on its branches
I'll grab this thing

that hangs in the spring
On the roof, melting and ringing,
Glittering in the rays. You my friend
I already know what am I talking about?

There is earthly and airy,
He is very friendly with a round shape,
Well, when the time comes,
Decorate the Christmas tree for the New Year.
(Christmas ball)

Calendar whole year
Decorates the sky
And on New Year's Eve only
Falls down on the tree

To please everyone with light.
Guess what is it?

Look - what a wonder!
White snow lies beautifully
On the branches of an elegant Christmas tree,
Softly twisted needles
But in the heat it does not melt at all.
What is snow? - Who can guess?

An amazing thing -
Spread out on the branches of a spruce
Caterpillars are fine
bright, elegant,
In colorful and different coats
Decorate the holiday.
Tell me kids
Who are these caterpillars?

She is not afraid of warmth,
She descended from heaven to our Christmas tree,
And decorated our holiday
Shining fabulously in needles.

I have a question for you
The most difficult, the most
What kind of jewelry are they wearing?
Christmas trees and mothers?

New Year's Eve

Champagne, toasts and congratulations for. Under the chiming clock, it is customary to make a wish.

Presentation of gifts

It is not necessary to give gifts just like that, you can make this procedure more intriguing. The gifts were stolen by an evil wizard, but left a note, a clue. All family members are included in an interesting game and start active new keys and gifts.


Home New Year contests can be very different. You can choose them in the "" section or come up with your own. Here are more options:

1. Competition "Decorate the Christmas tree"

I decorated the tree,
I like it -
And, not at all melting,
She hung candy.

I didn't have time to look back...
And my sister ate candy!
Now again
We need to decorate the tree!

Guests are given sweets, threads, scissors. Whoever hangs the most candies on the Christmas tree in a set period of time wins.

2. Competition "Draw a dream"

Participants are given sheets of paper, brushes, paints and ... blindfolded. After one participant draws his dream blindfolded, the rest must guess what it is :). The one who guesses correctly receives a prize, and the artist - the confidence that his dream will certainly come true this year.

3. Competition "The best toast"

Since “you need to drink less”, one toast can be made the most complete and comprehensive when everyone names their wishes. Or alternately, each calls one word at a time, and the next one continues. For example, “I wish” - “so that” - “everyone” - “got” - “a lot” ... Or write down the beginning of the sentence on a piece of paper, wrap it up, pass it on to a neighbor, and so on. Sometimes there are funny combinations.

4. Competition "Santa Claus on the doorstep"

The competition for speed is well suited for apartments and houses with long corridors, however, winding ones will also be fun. It is necessary to run from the New Year's table to the front door, holding a New Year's candle in each hand so that the flame of none of them goes out. Or holding a “bag of gifts” between your legs - a balloon.

5. Competition "Catch a snowflake"

In this competition, you can stand on a chair and scatter pre-cut paper snowflakes, or you can shoot crackers so that participants catch confetti flying out of them.

6. Competition "Treat the owner of the year"

This year we will treat the pig. Crumple white or green sheets of paper into lumps - these will be heads of cabbage. They need to be thrown from a distance into the "feeders" -. In the year of the monkey, colored lumps will depict apples and other fruits, in the year of the dog - bones, and so on.

In the year of the rooster, you can transfer from bucket to bucket any grains that are in the house (barley, peas, beans) in a teaspoon, trying not to scatter along the way. The winner is the one who first fills the bucket with treats for the host of the coming year.

7. Competition ""

You need to prepare two sets of notes in advance. On one we write the beginning of the phrase, on the other - the end. We put them in two bags, and the guests each take out one piece of paper for themselves, adding up the prediction for the next year. If the beginning and end coincide, the prediction will definitely come true. In other cases, the guests will just have fun.

For example:


"To carry me in the new year will be ..."

"My new home will be..."

“In the new year I will get…”

"Santa Claus will give me..."

“In the new year I will earn on ...”

“My pride will be….”

“I will feed all year ...”

"Let's call the toastmaster for ..."

"I'm going to pack my suitcase for..."


"… Sports car"

"… big flat"

"...excellent marks"

"... new portfolio"

"...tight wallet"

"... a fun wedding"

"…Barbie doll"

"...winning the lottery"

"… Friendly family"

"… little puppy"

"... a trip to distant lands"

8. Draw and guess the song

If a small company or family is playing, tasks are completed in a circle. Each is given a piece of paper and pencils. The theme is chosen: "New Year", "Dogs", etc. Everyone thinks of a song on the chosen topic and whispers the name to the neighbor on the right. He must draw this song, and everyone else must guess what song it is from the drawing.


The most active guests and hosts are usually not limited to sitting at the festive table. You can go outside, breathe in the fresh frosty air of the New Year, admire the stars, set off fireworks, make a snowman, blow up firecrackers and burn sparklers.

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Whether to arrange the second act of the main event of the year? There are never enough holidays, the main thing is to decide how to spend them.

Moreover, this year the celebration is planned from Friday to Saturday: you can afford to go to bed later. So what can you try?

Exactly the opposite

Did you spend December 31 in a narrow family circle? Or, on the contrary, in a noisy friendly company? Be that as it may, celebrate the Old New Year in reverse. After all, a person is characterized by duality, when at the same time he wants opposite things. And so this day also gives the chance to carry out the second plan. In addition, this is a chance to correct the mistakes of the first New Year, if any. And issue an edited improved version.

In public

For many, the New Year remains strictly a family holiday. But the soul sometimes asks for something noisy. Why not, when January 13 is on the calendar? Bring your wildest New Year's Eve idea to life. Moreover, the near-holiday industry is ready to offer you more than one stunning option. But the cost will be more modest: after all, by this time working days will begin.

In the bath

Yes, yes, in the most ordinary bath. Well, or in an unusual one, in a Finnish sauna or even a spa center with a water park. No wonder that so many times they reviewed the "Irony of Fate"! But let the end of the evening be more traditional - in your own house, and not in someone else's apartment. By the way, this way to celebrate the Old New Year will make it easier for you to prepare a festive menu.

With role reversal

If your children are old enough, invite them to switch roles this Old New Year. Let the younger generation take care of the festive table, prepare gifts under the Christmas tree and - a task of increased complexity - play the roles of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. Well, you will really plunge into childhood and read poems from a stool. Only you will have to go to sleep when they say, and do not lean on sweets. And, perhaps, having personally gone through the entire preparatory stage of the holiday, next year the children will pay great attention to your requests for help on the eve of December 31st.


The tradition of celebrating the New Year with the whole yard has come to naught even in small towns, not to mention megacities. The maximum that we do is quickly throw the neighbors "with the coming" on the run, hurrying to our apartment. Try to get closer to your neighbors this year. After all, we see them, albeit in passing, but more often than friends and relatives. Invite those who live with you in the same house / entrance to the Old New Year. At the same time, discuss the fate of the overhaul of your common home.

With an excursion into history

What kind of holiday is this anyway? Why do we celebrate it? The transition to the Gregorian calendar, the so-called new style, took place almost a hundred years ago. Study the question and tell the children what the event was about. And at the same time, read how the New Year was celebrated then and what gifts were given to each other.

With divination

The Old New Year is a great time to tell fortunes, because this is the time of Christmas time. Stock up on classic divination equipment (rings, candles, coffee grounds, etc.) and go ahead - rip the covers off the future. Chocolate eggs with surprises are also suitable - try to guess from the toy what to expect from the year. But just remember that our future largely depends on ourselves.