Short New Year wishes from Santa Claus. New Year's greetings from the director to schoolchildren. Congratulations to the teacher from children in verse

It is no coincidence that it is customary to express the most cordial and sincere wishes. The custom of doing this on these almost fabulous days, when everything you wish comes true, is firmly rooted in our minds.

On New Year's Eve, you need to wish absolutely everything - useful, desirable, unusual!

The tradition to reinforce what was said with a raised glass has become an integral attribute of the holidays. And in many countries it is customary to send personally signed postcards with relatives and friends by mail.

The Internet is the Internet, but fantastically fabulous winter landscapes on paper, with soulful text on the reverse side, will set anyone in a lyrical mood. A card with good wishes for the New Year, signed with love, is a ready-made gift. The most expensive and sincere! Why not revive this lovely tradition? And here are examples of congratulations on the coming year in prose.

In contact with

Happy New Year wishes to parents

Often our moms and dads pay more attention to words than anyone else. For them, you need to write something quivering and real, like the very feelings for the most dear people. You can write your wishes on a beautiful postcard, or even better - say congratulations in person.

Who is Santa Claus? And the Snow Maiden?

Dear our parents! Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden always gave us gifts on New Year's Eve in childhood, and now we have grown up and understand that this was the work of your hands!
It turns out that you are these fairy-tale characters?!
We congratulate you on your upcoming favorite winter holiday and wish that now YOUR dreams come true. We will help in any way we can!
For starters, you have our love and support.
Your son and daughter.

Desires vary...

We would like to wish dear parents to make more wishes on New Year's Eve so that they all come true within a year.
If we run out of options, we can offer our own: we wish you a delicious feast, frequent meetings with real friends, so that you forget the word “boredom”, and accept great love and small joys into your life for permanent residence!

Short New Year's greetings to parents:

Dear mommy, daddy! Thank you for raising us to be real people! Happy New Year! Let all your plans come true! Good health to you and more joyful events in the coming year! We love you. Your children.

New Year's wishes in prose to friends

Friends should wish the best for themselves. They often occupy an important place in a person's life. Along with the wishes of emotional vivid sensations in the coming year, one can also remember material wealth, as financial well-being provides a sea of ​​​​opportunities!

With friends, the holiday is more fun:

Good friends - a lot of happiness:

Dear friends! This year I will ask Santa Claus for one thing: may your most secret desires come true, because you have been with me all year, have not left me!
And if grandfather is not in the mood, I will explain everything to the Snow Maiden. It doesn't matter: you can't avoid happiness in the coming year! And more money! Your own, and not strangers, on savings. Happy Holidays!!!

What is a friend?

A true friend is the most honorable word addressed to a person. And I wish my best friend in the New Year what will not be superfluous every 365 days: love, luck, money, determination, success and harmony with everyone and myself!

I love you and ... New Year's holiday! Congratulations loved ones.

The beginning of a new year is a very good opportunity to add new, bright colors to your relationship with your loved ones. It will be organic to remind a loved one of the important place that he occupies in your heart.

Beloved ... and beautiful:

My dear, you are handsome! Let the upcoming holiday leave your charisma with you, and the new year will only add gloss and consistency, like a good New Year's champagne!

Darling, I'm with you!

Beloved, when I am not around during these New Year and Christmas holidays, let Santa Claus's fur coat and active squats in the cold warm you. This is useful. The rest of the time - I'm your guardian angel! Happy New Year, my dear!

Who do I love?

I love the cold because they make us stay at home together. I love the New Year, because it gives the expectation of a happy future. But more than anything, I love you!
On this holiday, I will wish that all YOUR wishes come true! My joy is your smile! Good mood to you, dear, in the New Year!

Favorite ladies:

Congratulating your beloved woman on the New Year, do not skimp on wishes, beautiful words and vivid epithets.

I'm not a magician, but...

I wish you, my treasure, to shine and sparkle like New Year's snow!
So that I save up for your fur coat, like the Snow Maiden!
So that pleasant surprises do not end like gifts from Santa Claus!
I’ll start small: I’ll wash the dishes on January 1 and cook breakfast for you in the morning.
I may not be a sorcerer, but my love is like a magic wand! I give it to you for the whole year! Ask what you want! In love with you...

Dear Snow Maiden:

I want to wish this New Year's Eve to the dearest girl to always remain so attractive, sweet, tender. Darling, you are the magic itself. I am grateful to you that you will not disappear with the chimes, but are always there. You are the real miracle in my life! Happy holiday to you, my Snow Maiden with a warm heart!

New Year greetings for colleagues

Colleagues can be presented with congratulations in prose, not only in writing, but also orally. Wishes uttered from the bottom of the heart will lift the spirits of fellow workers.

Colleagues about an extra day in the year:

Dear colleagues, here it is, happiness! It's a leap year, which means we'll have to work one more day.
I want to congratulate you and wish that this 366th day becomes another day off, Sunday or vacation day! Let dreams come true! Happy New Year!

Good wishes:

Dear colleagues, comrades, comrades-in-arms! We spend more time at work than at home. Therefore, on New Year's Eve, I want to wish, as relatives, everything on the "D": kindness, sincerity, money, friendliness, prosperity, trust! Happy New Year!

Wishes like a toast

Colleagues, all of you with winter holidays!
If we imagine our life in the form of a New Year's glass of champagne, then let it be full!
Let all emotions be present in life in full, but ... I wish you less sick leave, more bonuses.
Less problems with public transport, more horsepower in your car.
Fewer drafts, more ready-made ideas! May the coming year bring you everything you dream of!

New Year's greetings to children in verse

May the New Year bring you good luck
May all wishes come true on time.
Good luck at school, fun to boot,
We wish you a Happy New Year!

Happy New Year greetings in verses for children

New Year brings children
Jokes, joy, good laughter!
Santa Claus brings gifts
This holiday is the best!
We wish you good fairy tales,
Ride on sleds!
Have a good rest
Play and sleep!
Interesting discoveries for you,
Amazing events!

Happy New Year greetings for children in prose

Dear children, I wish you a Happy New Year. I wish you that Santa Claus fulfills all your requests that you wrote on New Year's papers. And of course I wish you to be healthy in the new year - so that the blush does not leave your cheeks. I wish you success at school - study well, for one 5s and 4s, so that your parents are proud of you. I also ask you to obey your parents, respect and not offend them, because your parents love you very much and value you. Happy New Year to you!

Happy New Year greetings for children in verse

Happy new year kids
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!
Good Santa Claus
Requests will be fulfilled seriously
Prepare gifts for everyone
The holiday will be kind, bright!
We are fun and kind
We wish you kids!
New games and entertainment
New Year's Adventure!

Happy New Year greetings to children playful

Santa Claus orders you!
Have fun and laugh
And play outside!
Skating, sledding, skiing,
We need to go for a ride!
Baba snow blind
And pile up the snowdrifts!
A lot of strength to you, health,
Let the new year home!

New Year's greetings in verses for children

The tree is all shining, sparkling,
And invites you to the party!
Celebrate the New Year for everyone
Let there be laughter!
Give different toys
And let the firecrackers shoot!
Happy, happy kids
New Year has come!

Happy birthday children poems

Strong friendship and gifts,
The brightest birthdays!
Let it come day by day
In the house of your wonderful gnome!
Fulfills all desires.
Assigns tests:
How to teach lessons here
Don't forget the alphabet!
How to fool around a little
And solves all the puzzles!?
In the world I want to live
Get a star from the sky
And just be fun!

New Year's greetings to children from Santa Claus

Hello! Hello!
We haven't met for a whole year
I've missed you all year!
I would hug you all today
May my hands not be enough.
To the glorious Christmas tree
I'm calling my friends!
Happy New Year
I wish to obey adults
To next year
You all live without the hassle!

Congratulations for children from Santa Claus

I am frost, red nose,
With a white beard.
Pinch - so to tears!
Don't joke with me.
For what, why
Should I be angry?
I came to you, friends,
To have fun!
New Year! New Year!
I meet with you
happy new year to all of you
I congratulate!

New Year's greetings in verses for children

Confetti and fireworks
Tangerines and sweets
Gives a New Year's holiday,
Everyone has been waiting for it!
At last he has arrived
Santa Claus got the bag!
You tell us a poem
And take a present!

New Year's greetings for children

All the neighbors are having fun
Snow lies on the street
Hedgehogs and bears sleep
The tree is on fire in the house.
Happy New Year to you guys!
You smiles and friends!
Stars in the sky
Became brighter than all the lights!
Santa Claus is coming to visit us.
Let's get up in a friendly round dance!
Come on, children, let's shout louder:
Hello, hello New Year!

Happy birthday greetings to children beautiful

Open your palms more
Keep your gifts tight!
Accept congratulations,
Hug mom and dad!

The end of the study of the school alphabet. Congratulations and wishes to children

Have you recently learned
Fold letters into words.
You have worked hard -
Rumor is not terrible now,
Not afraid of big books
Both with pictures and without!
With a cute "ABC" armpit
You found wonderland
Decided to be friends with letters
This friendship is forever!
A multifaceted world opened:
The world of mother tongue.
We wish you patience
And good luck on the way!
You will be studied further
Good luck ahead!

Happy New Year greetings to children original

Dogs, tigers, cats and even a hippo,
Both adults and children celebrate the New Year!
How great it smells
How happy it sounds!
And even the lion today
Roars without rage!
We congratulate each other
And let's get into a round dance.
May you be peaceful and happy
The New Year will come to us!

Happy New Year greetings to children from Santa Claus

I am a cheerful Santa Claus,
Opening my bag!
What do I see there now!?
Well, I don't hate children!
Games, sweets I bring,
To the New Year's table!
interesting fun,
And for the Christmas tree outfits!
Have fun soon
Come on, Christmas tree, light up!

New Year's greetings in verses for children

Santa Claus carries a bag
The New Year is coming!
He brings joy to children
And a fun round dance!
Decorate the Christmas tree
Love the needles!
Get up in the morning and look
And take gifts!
Hello glorious new year,
It brings only joy!

New Year's greetings to children verse

Let the New Year give
A lot of joy, attention!
And wishes come true!
Everyone throws confetti
And they shoot firecrackers!
Santa Claus have fun
Let him give you a gift!

Happy birthday to children

Dear and dearly beloved child, we congratulate you on your birthday! We wish you the fulfillment of all your reasonable desires, which mom and dad will help you fulfill. Be kind and the world around you will love you, smile and people will smile back at you. May your life be cloudless. And all your problems will be so frivolous that mom and dad will resolve them within five minutes.

Happy New Year greetings to children beautiful

Let the tiger bring
Lots of fabulous stuff!
Fireworks and gifts
And let the lights be bright
What are burning on the Christmas tree,
Inviting all the guys!
Sweets, games and sweets,
Songs new verses!
lots of jokes and friends
You meet them more cheerfully!

New Year's greetings to children from the Snow Maiden

The stars are burning in the sky
I congratulate guys
I wear a nice coat
Everyone knows me and everywhere
I'm called Snow Maiden
I'll be happy for you in the New Year!

New Year's greetings to children

Happy new year kids
Hurry to congratulate Santa Claus
And together with the Snow Maiden
Carrying gifts a whole cart.
Both a bear and a bunny
And a bag of sweets
Will give you today
For this New Year.

New Year's greetings to children a poem

Everything is wonderful around
The new year is rushing to us all of a sudden!
And brings us all gifts,
Jokes, joy, ringing laughter!
Be the best you can live!

Sms Happy New Year for children from parents

Happy New Year! Let the fun
Will make a housewarming in the souls,
And snowflakes at this hour
Kiss you for us!

Happy New Year greetings to children in verse

Let's paint the windows
Gouache snow!
Looking into the snow dome
We will wave to the dream!
Let it be done
On this wonderful holiday!
And bestow from above
The strongest happiness!
Let everyone laugh
Clap your hands!
New Year is coming!
There is a good reason!

New Year's greetings for children

Happy New Year, kids!
It's time for us to have fun!
Come out under the tree
Sing songs loudly!
May the year be happy
May he bring us joy
In a bucket, in a basket
And in a blue bowl!

New Year's greetings in verses to children

Happy New Year! It means again
There will be a Christmas tree, there will be Santa Claus,
And there will be many new gifts,
It doesn't matter who brought them to you!
Just don't forget for this holiday
Congratulations to dad, mom!

New Year's greetings in verses for children

Happy New Year to you, kids,
Probably the best time for you
It's time for holidays and sweet gifts,
Hockey games, sledding.
Oh, if it were possible every month
You again celebrate the same holiday!

Tip: how to wish children a Happy New Year and give gifts

It's no secret that children expect magic from the New Year and Santa Claus. And it's up to you! Why not?
First of all, it would be nice to decorate your house with your child - glue garlands and Christmas toys from colored paper, hang tinsel, decorate a Christmas tree.
And on New Year's Eve itself, arrange a New Year's quest for a child or a company of children with a search for gifts. Ideal for this is a cottage outside the city, where the New Year will be held. Although an ordinary apartment is also suitable, it’s just that the scale will not be the same.
Prepare tasks according to the age of the child (puzzles, puzzles, charades, etc.) and arrange them in different places in the house. Before starting the quest, hand over the first task, by solving which, the child will find the next riddle. After completing all the tasks, the children will find gifts.
For example, for a child of 5-6 years old, who already knows how to read a little, the tasks may be as follows:
"SUR-PRIZE WHERE HO-LOD-NO", respectively, put a note with the following task in the refrigerator:
"SUR-PRIZE WHERE IT'S SOFT-KO" a note under the pillow:
"SUR-PRIZE WHERE NUMBER-THAT" a note with a task in the washing machine, etc.
or if there are older children, tasks can be complicated:
"I have no legs, but I walk,
There is no mouth, but I will say
When everyone sleeps
And when to get up." and a note with the next task is hidden near the clock.
Surely they will remember such a congratulation on the New Year for a long time!

Happy New Year greetings to children

Santa Claus whispers softly in your ear:
"Wake up dear. The New Year is waiting for us!
Surprises are waiting for you, friends are waiting for you
And I would like to visit.
Bring gifts, a lot, a whole cart
Wait. I'm leaving. Your Santa Claus!"

Congratulations to the teacher from children in verse

Today we came to congratulate the teacher,
Notice how we've grown!
We walk with pleasure in our garden,
The teacher is very happy to see us!
Although he swears at us sometimes,
What are we fond of loud game!
But we understand that it's not in vain,
We try to be quiet!
Draw, sculpt and play house,
Then we sleep, we go outside!
And the teacher looks dear,
It's time for us to go home!
But sometimes we get bored at home,
And in the morning fun we all run here!
We wish happiness to the teacher now,
We know the teacher loves us very much!

New Year's greetings to children

We gathered near the Christmas tree
We will sing and dance.
Voices are ringing so loud
That winter can not resist -
Will dance with us
And distribute gifts!

Happy New Year for children poetic

Santa Claus is known to everyone
He arrives promptly at seven.
Santa Claus is a good old man,
Wears a hat and ears.
Soon Santa Claus will come
And bring gifts!

Congratulations to parents from children

Do not grow old, our dear parents, because for us there is no one dearer. Thank you for the warmth and affection that we still receive from you, for your care and patience, which at times was beyond our strength. We wish you our family good health and love.

Happy New Year greetings for children

A snow blizzard covered the kindergarten,
A parade of magical children's matinees is being prepared.
The program was approved by Grandfather Frost himself!
And decorated the Christmas tree in silver frost.
It stands, flashes lamps, sparkles with toys.
And Happy New Year, the Christmas tree congratulates you, children!

New Year's greetings for children in verse

You are our dear friend!
White snow has fallen!
Are you sad, hanging your nose?
And Santa Claus is coming!
He goes and not alone:
With him the Snow Maiden, Harlequin!
And Pierrot, and Columbine,
And cheerful Pinocchio!
They want to play with you!
Call the guys soon!
The holiday is about to enter the house!
This holiday is the New Year!

New Year's greetings for children in verse

Happy New Year and happy laughter,
This holiday is full of celebration,
Christmas is rightfully a children's holiday,
Waiting for him with the excitement of the kids!
Waiting for him with gifts under the tree,
Sweetness, tangerine balls,
It is very important for children that someone
He gave them warmth of the heart.

Congratulations for children

carefree childhood,

Laughter and happiness.

In childhood - there is no place for grief,

Childhood is the years of bad weather.

Congratulations kids

Let them be obedient.

Girls, boys

There will be days of innocence.

Congratulations on International Children's Day

Our dear children, today you have a holiday-Children's Day. For you, everything in the world is just the beginning, you have, of course, many opportunities. May love and faith keep you, our angels on Earth. You please your parents and teachers with wonderful results, you successfully perform at All-Russian and International sports competitions and creative competitions. Appreciate the good and those who give you knowledge in order to become a real Human. Grow smart, educated and kind people! You are our future, our dream and hope!

Happy New Year Sms to parents from children

Happy New Year and all the best! I wish my heart not to grow old, I wish to drink and not get sick!

Happy Birthday to children on Anniversary

May this day, the day of your birth, be a happy date in your life forever. May the doors of happiness that opened today be always open. Grow up healthy and smart, beautiful and kind, please your parents and the people closest to you.

Merry Christmas greetings for children

Let's have fun sharing tangerine slices,
We will light candles with incense and myrrh,
Snow will gently fly there, outside the window,
Let's celebrate Christmas by clapping our hands!
Let him give us a lot of friends and toys,
Let, like heroes in cartoons, we get into a fairy tale.
May the Angel of Christmas suddenly lend us wings,
So that our flight among the stars turns out to be a reality!

The most modern congratulations from parents on a wedding to children

Dear our children! Whatever theorists say about the breakup of a family, no matter what types of marriage they offer, there is nothing whiter than the testament of our grandfathers and great-grandfathers - a strong, friendly family bound by mutual unbreakable love. We wish you, our beloved children, to hold fast to each other, to the family and grow old on one pillow. For you, dear newlyweds!

Happy Birthday to children in prose

Happy birthday, my dear and only, with the first anniversary of you. Grow up to our joy beautiful and healthy, affectionate and obedient. May happiness on your path never bypass you. Lucky direct roads to you in life.

Happy birthday greetings to children in verse

My dear, sweet and good,

On my birthday, I dedicate a verse.

For you I will even throw myself into the sea,

Just don't go too deep.

I congratulate you, dear,

And I wish: grow up soon.

My dear, dear and beloved,

You are not dearer and dearer!

Congratulations in verses to children for the wedding

Daughter, son! This date
Always keep in your heart.
Be rich with gratitude
Don't let the cold into your soul.
In life, as in a long, long field,
You have to give in and understand.
In the whirl of bustling everyday life
Don't forget your father and mother!
Then God Himself will illuminate you on the way,
Honor my gray hair.
Let children see in your example
The happiest family!

Congratulations to teachers on the graduation of children from kindergarten

Kindergarten graduates today
Again in a new life preschool children.
We want to congratulate the teachers
From the parents of these children.
May all wishes come true -
And health, and happiness, success.
We say goodbye to you all! our catalog :

By the command of the snow, by the blizzard desire, by my frosty order, I wish everyone to be happy, healthy and loved this year! Let everyone open a window, soul and heart on New Year's Eve and let miracles, prosperity and prosperity into their lives. Let everyone take my gift under the tree in the form of a good mood and sincere fun. Accept my snowy frosty congratulations, and wishes for a happy New Year!

I am that kind Grandfather who gives everyone gifts and a fairy tale. I congratulate everyone on the New Year and wish you never forget about a good miracle and a bright dream, sincerely believe in good luck and happiness, strive for your ideals and desires. Santa Claus watches over you and prepares appropriate gifts for you all year round. Therefore, behave well, whether you are an adult or a child, enjoy life and love with all your heart!

Happy New Year! Santa Claus wishes you, my dears, the fulfillment of cherished desires and great joy in life, incredible miracles and extraordinary magic, true goals and striving for them, great success and great victories, good health and happy holidays for the soul.

Who said Santa Claus doesn't exist? Here I am, the real one! For you in a bag, I have prepared a handful of smiles, a pinch of adventure, a vial of health, a purse of coins, a talisman from evil and perfume with the scent of happiness. Happy New Year!

Hello loved ones. Well, did you recognize me? I hurried to you through forests and seas, through steppe expanses and snow-covered roads, and here I am, wishing you miracles and happiness, glory and success, kindness and joy. Happy New Year my friends. You have been obedient all year, and therefore I give love to your hearts, fun to your holiday and confidence that this year will be good.

Happy New Year, my dears! I know that you have been obedient and good all year, and therefore, in addition to gifts, accept the wish that you be happy and cheerful, lucky and successful. I will strike with a staff, and all your sorrows will be covered with white snow, I will smile at you, and my soul will become warmer. Dream, create and let everything work out for you!

I was in a hurry to congratulate you on the New Year, to give you moments of joy and magic, to fulfill your desires and light bright lights of fun on the Christmas tree. Happy new year friends! May you be lucky all year long, may each new day bring you happiness. Be healthy, live in abundance and may this wonderful New Year's Eve open the doors to a new story of good luck and prosperity. Behave well and next year you will also receive good gifts!

Happy New Year to all my subjects and inhabitants of the planet! I wish each of you under the Christmas tree to find the gift that is the most suitable, necessary, valuable and important for you, and also to fulfill your plans in the new year and enjoy every day! I hope I took into account and fulfilled all your wishes. With respect and love, your Santa Claus!

My friends, I want to congratulate all of you on the New Goal! I wish you to be friends with good luck all year long, to achieve goals boldly in all projects, may there always be a lot of joy in your homes and cheerful laughter sounds!

My good friends, Happy New Year to you. I have been on the road for a long time, and now that I am here, I am very glad to see your warm smiles, your happy eyes. I wish you great victories in the new year, happy holidays, wonderful days and fulfillment of desires. May good luck always be with you, may you always have a wonderful mood, like mine.

Santa Claus wishes you a Happy New Year. I want to wish everyone happy winter holidays and true faith in miracles, fairy tales and exciting fun, good stories and incredible adventures, loved ones nearby and happy smiles on your faces.

I was on the road for a long time, but here I am to wish you a Happy New Year. And for your successes, achievements, for smiles and efforts, I want to give you a bright glow of happiness. Now I will knock three times with my magic staff: for one, the lights of hope will light up in your heart, for two - luck will be on your way, for three - a miracle will happen and your New Year's dreams will come true. Happy New Year, and it's time for me, Santa Claus still has a lot to do.

Already the New Year is on the doorstep and Santa Claus is right there. I wish you magical moments of life and incredible miracles, a good fairy tale and sweet tangerines, delicious sweets and great happiness, wonderful friends and cheerful round dances, long-awaited gifts and the most sincere joy.

I hurried to you from afar, prepared gifts and congratulations. Happy New Year guys! I wish you a fabulous winter of snowflakes of fun and joy, I wish your wishes come true, so that your faces shine with kind smiles, and your eyes are always filled with a gleam of happiness.

Happy New Year! Whoever behaves well throughout the year, tries hard, helps the younger ones and respects the elders, deserves the most wonderful gifts and the most delicious sweets! I wish the holiday was magical and the most cherished will come true!

My dear children and adults, I overcame all obstacles and distances with great hope to have time to congratulate you. May a miracle happen in the New Year, may the lights sparkle brightly and cheerfully, may there be many sweets and joys in life, may every day of this year bring a smile and its magic.

Happy New Year, my dears. On a sleigh, I hurried to you from afar, and here I am, here is the New Year, here is the Christmas tree and songs. May this year bring you great happiness, sincere joy, cheerful laughter, incredible luck and true love. I am Santa Claus and should I not know what a miracle is. So, I wish you all that every day in the new year gives you all a real miracle, incredible magic!

I, Santa Claus, came to wish you all a Happy New Year! Let the smiles never leave your faces, your eyes sparkle with joy, your cheeks turn pink in the cold, and your soul overflow with festive mischief and fun. I wish everyone, to the sound of chimes, make a wish that will certainly come true!

On New Year's Eve, I hurried to you in order to have time to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart and wish you great hopes and joyful moments, happy days and wonderful news, friendly round dances and bright lights, cherished wishes and a wonderful holiday.

Through forests and fields, through mountains and wide expanses from the very North, I got to you to congratulate you on the New Year and praise you for all the good deeds, to give you gifts and give good parting words for the coming year. Well, I congratulate you, my dears, and I wish you always believe in fairy tales and magic, be happy and loved, achieve great success and fill your every day with bright colors, kind words, cheerful smiles.