Beautiful birthday greetings to a woman in verse are long. Anniversary congratulations, long

I wish you sunrises and sunny days
Crystal constellations and moonlit nights
Meadows of flooded, freshly cut grasses,
Noisy in the night majestic oak forests.
I wish sunsets with the evening dawn,
Birches in the forest with silvery bark,
Honey flowers, strawberry fields,
Mirror lakes that shrouded in mist.
I wish you reliable and true friends,
Health, care and joyful days.
More luck and happiness, love.
Dream, enjoy, worry, live!

May life, beautiful as in a fairy tale,
Will blind you with a dream!
Let tenderness, and with love in a bunch,
Attract Happiness like a magnet!

May sweet fate be good luck
It will take you to miracles!
Let loved ones cry with happiness
Proud, everyone loves you!

Let your clothes be stylish
Happens often! No! Always!
Let the kiss cover tender
Your hot lips!

And just, just - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
In all of you - respect and brilliance!
Throw it all away! Your doubts!
Step on your feet - into adulthood !!!

Meet your birthday with joy
And diligently fulfill my order,
And so that all your plans come true,
I wish to be the queen of fate.
Do not wander around the apartment with a broom,
And to be the most elegant in the whole world.
And not in the kitchen to while away the time,
And on the elite beaches to relax.
Do not darn sleepy socks
And to be the goddess of beauty for everyone.
Do not toil in seedy work,
And have everything you want.
Do not avoid voluptuous hints,
Desired to be, but dangerous for rake.
Do not grieve gazing at the shop windows,
And dress up in the best stores.
Do not run for groceries in the morning,
And flaunt a gait from the hip.
Do not be an eternal servant in the family,
And the best mom, cool friend.
And do not smoke an orphan at the stove,
And fulfill hopes and dreams.
And do not bother washing yourself,
And in an exquisite society to shine.
Do not reproach your fate in vain,
And the queen in gold to walk.
Do not bathe in a loaded tram,
And trump on the "Bentley" and "Ferrari".
I wish you well in life and victories,
Do not know sadness, bitterness and troubles,
Never worry again
So that the star of joy does not dim!

Let your every breath be light and joyful, and in general, let this happy feeling fill you all and saturate every cell of your body, and you will feel happiness for no reason, regardless of what happens outside, what events and reasons. Inner harmony let it help you always remain calm and balanced and make only wise and right decisions that will bring only benefit and everything is only the best. Let your world be perfect, no more, let it be fabulous. And may you find your prince in this beautiful and unforgettable world, who will give you the whole world, and you will carry your strong and tender, romantic relationship through many, many years.

May this birthday
Dreams come true,
All our congratulations
Take it soon!

We wish you in trend
Everywhere and everywhere to be
good luck in the right place
Always catch by the tail.

Like cheese rolling in oil
And be on top.
We wish you happiness
Everywhere and everywhere!

We want to appreciate ourselves
Good luck between the lines
May it always protect you
Your kind angel!

Long birthday greetings for birthday people

Happy birthday! Happy birthday!
All poems and songs are for you!
All flowers will give admiration!
And light up a smile and eyes!

May your beautiful dreams come
Opening your life to paradise!
Chasing away all the sadness,
Doors forever, "closing" yourself!

Let love awaken eternal bliss!
Tenderness will fall asleep forever!
Direction - to your carefree life,
Mother will point out again - fate!

You follow her - cast aside doubts!
This is a guiding star!
Accept - all our congratulations!
Happy birthday, sunshine to you!

Today is your birthday -
Everyone admires you
Bouquets give and attention
And, of course, love.
I hasten to keep up with many -
You rather wish
Confidently ride through life
And never back down.
And suddenly you stumble with your foot,
So that about a gold ingot.
And don't let your hands rest
There is always something to squeeze...
To make a choice:
In one - a crane, in the other - a tit!
I want a crunch at the ATM,
All sorts of salary increases,
Breathe with all your chest, love life
And a very, very long life.

Like a star in a dark gloomy sky
Like a candle in an empty window
So you were born on this planet
Visited living on Earth.

And your birth was a milestone
You managed to bring love with you.
Let there be no obstacle before you
There will be no pits before you.

You will overcome the difficult road
You will achieve a ghostly dream
You have a lot in your heart
You value this wealth.

Do not splash with the treasure of the heart,
Don't blow out the fire of your soul
And the star in the sky will become smaller
After all, she will fly to Earth.

Happy Birthday - it's simple,
It's just that all your friends have come.
It's just that you're a little taller
(Albeit not in meters, but in the eyes of your family).
Happy birthday is hard
It is difficult to choose the right words.
I wish you a great career,
You can - so that your head does not hurt.
We wish you success and good luck,
Joy, health, beauty,
And love - to the sky, not otherwise.
So that wonderful dreams come true!

Not so many good friends
And here you are, without a doubt, one of them.
Therefore, I am a poetic syllable
I dedicate my poem to you from the bottom of my heart.

Moreover, today is a great occasion.
For a poem, I think there is.
And on your birthday I will say that I personally
It is an honor to read it!

With great pleasure with this holiday
I congratulate you - there is no doubt.
I wish you in this glorious couplet
Many good years!

I wish you health and good luck
And I want to wish you happiness.
Any task for you, not otherwise,
Let it be always and everywhere on the shoulder.

And let it be everything and everywhere
It's easy for you to succeed always.
May a miracle happen more often in life.
Let the word “yes” sound more often for you!

Let among us, careless people,
Fortune will be - your life!
And all the sadness will go away - forever,
The star of joy will light up!

Health, a new violent color,
Greens up your body!
The whole planet will warm you!
Give - happiness, optimism!

Go ahead, don't fall!
Luck will harden you!
Love, you will receive as a reward!
And the heart no longer hurts.

Around - all the beloved faces,
After all, it's your birthday!
We wish you happiness, we get drunk!
And life is a wonderful game!

Wishing for wealth is kind of trite.
Although an extra penny is always needed.
I instead wish relentlessly
Prosperity, health and kindness!

After all, money is the wind, everything is empty.
Most importantly, the hearth is native, alive.
I want to live this life in peace
Appreciate family, friends and home.

I want to never change
Live your whole life with a bright head.
And always smile at all of us
And give up on eternal problems.

I want my heart to beat loudly
So that the soul loves, cherishes.
And all that is bad is forgotten
Disappeared into oblivion! And forever!

Great romantic love
In the heat of fire, suffering and happiness!
You drown in this stormy ocean,
All problems and bad weather will go away!

Warm the sun with a smile and warmth!
And the breeze will dispel evil boredom!
And next to a friend, beautiful and dear,
Always lend a hand of friendship!

We are happy birthday, congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!
Always go forward with an eternal smile!
Approximately 1000 years you live,
May happiness be wonderful, endless!

Make the holiday fun today
Let the weekdays be gloomy.
Forget all insults and quarrels
And please invite your friends.

May the smiles of our hearts warm us,
Even though winter sweeps outside the window,
And trouble will not dare to come into the house
While friendship lives in that house.

Happy birthday my friend
Happy Birthday!
Don't be sad about the past years
Lots of fun ahead
Our best days are ahead!

You have a great occasion today
In honor of which we will gather friends.
We will gather all the people
We will have more fun together.

Do you have a birthday today,
I wish you much success.
Let the mood be good
And life will be wonderful, long.

May dreams always come true
Let people make you happy.
May you always succeed
Congratulations from the heart, with love forever.

I wish you a happy birthday from the bottom of my heart. And I wish you much joy. Let fate give only pleasant surprises. No matter what happens, never give up and never give up. Love life and thank the Lord for every new breath. May your Guardian Angel always protect and help you. Let relatives and friends surround with care and affection. Enjoy every new day. Do not be lazy to seek happiness. And always keep luck on a short leash. Choose the path that the heart points to. May the Lord keep you!

Happy birthday! By saying these words, I put all the strength of my soul into them. This day has become a significant date not only for you, but also for us. In this regard, I want to wish you to appreciate your old friends and make new ones. May your life be filled with bright events, remembering which you will always smile. I want your health to never let you down, and your eyes to shine with a mischievous spark. Let your life be rich in positive emotions, amazing adventures and the implementation of plans! ©

On your birthday, I want to wish you that a star falls from the sky today! And when you see her, you would make a wish. And then it will definitely come true very quickly! I wish it was sunny today! And so that if a drop of rain falls from the sky, then only closer to the night! So that on your birthday we could take a walk so that this day is remembered for you, and remains for a long time in your memory, as the most beautiful warm day in your life. You will spend it today not only with your family, but also with your friends! Let among your friends there will surely be a faithful and devoted person to you! I wish you find your love today! Love that you can carry through the years!

Happy birthday to you. I wish you a bright, bright, vigorous and wildly cheerful life. Don't regret anything. Clearly believe in your success, and go through life with your head held high, looking only ahead. Always achieve your goals. So that all life flows like a holiday. Never swim with the current. Love only those who deserve it. So that all problems turn into acquired experience over the years, which you will then pass on to your children and grandchildren. I want to wake up every day with a smile on my face. Enjoy all the little things, and not take problems seriously. Love and know that you are loved!

I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday! I wish with all my heart and with all my soul the very best and excellent! May your health be strong, and your strength not fail and help you fight for a place under the Sun! I wish you only joys in your life, only bright and colorful days, so that they bring success! Let there be a radiant mood every day so that you can get up in the morning from that foot that will make the day joyful! I wish you great achievements and pleasures in life, take all the best from it! May true friends, kind people and beloved family be nearby! I wish you pure and eternal love!

Happy Birthday! Don't live so sadly. Pull yourself together, forget everything that was bad in your life! And then happiness will forever be your companion! I want you to find new love. As soon as you fall in love again, you will not even notice how the past will be left far behind! Look to the future with hope! You just have to hope for the best! And it will definitely come to you! More than once you can fall in love, more than once you will suddenly be disappointed. It will be an invaluable experience in your life. And then you will understand what you really need. And that is exactly what you will find! But what you need, as a rule, is always somewhere nearby, and for this you don’t have to go to distant countries! Some aspire to go there in order to find a new life there, a new love, We must believe in what is destined by fate, you can’t run away from it! No matter how hard you try to turn onto a different path, you will still come back to where you left off. I wish you on your birthday to find your way once and for all!

It's your birthday today. And I want to wish something special, something warm and pleasant. I wish on the path of my life neither to meet, nor sorrow, nor sadness, nor disappointment. Meet only good people in life. Take from life all the joys, bright colors, and bright days. And when you go astray, raise your head, look at the sky, and ask the Lord for help. May all your dreams, one by one, come true. The family is always happy. All difficult situations, let them turn into invaluable experience. Only pleasant memories are kept in memory. And know that you are a good person, and there will always be people who will help you in any situation. Happy Birthday to You!

Like a vast outer space, may your happiness be as endless as there are stars in it, I wish you as many joyful events, successful undertakings, and pleasant life surprises. May all innermost desires come true from your birthday, fulfill stellar dreams, give the energy of the cosmos and incredible freedom of feelings, aspirations and actions.

On your birthday, I want to wish you good health, continued good luck, endless love and a clear sky above your head. May all your plans come true without delay. I want only proven people to accompany you in your life path, and the road itself to be even and smooth. May every day bring you many new impressions and unique events! ©

Festive birthday long words

Gathered on a birthday
Relatives at your table:
Mark your enemies with envy
And let the elements rage
Good in your soul
And let the passions rage!
Close and beloved gray
You are a love passion!
Money to captivate you
Very soon they took
Surrounded and out of captivity
To not let go.
Let your hands be
Everyone is full of money
And want to spend
Them throughout the program!
There were no debts
You have from now on.
And sadness and bad weather
Let the trace fade!

Happy birthday, I wanted to congratulate you,
On a postcard, I will write a congratulation to you.
I'll tell you about everything boldly,
And I will hug you tightly.

May your mood be excellent
May everything always turn out smoothly.
May there be many, many inspirations
I'll give you chocolate today.

I wish you luck from the heart and soul,
May you always be lucky in everything.
You are the best in this world
Love with luck is already coming to you.

Happy birthday! Dawns! In the world, drown happiness!
Songs of all, poems of poets - about beauty, about love!
May your health be strong and all your dreams come true!
Eye, his idea - tenacious! To the prospects - fly into the distance!

Let from all sides, only tenderness, give people, and - warmth!
So that serenity settles where evil used to be!
So that faith, with wise power, inspires forever!
So that the road to the world is not difficult, inspired!

Happy birthday man! Take words from us
What saved up in our thoughts and cooked - the soul!
We love you with all our heart! We admire you!
Open the doors soon, we came to you in a crowd !!

I wish you joy, sun, laughter,
Fun, joy, success!
Live to be a hundred years old
Not knowing grief, tears and troubles!
May happiness be your companion
Will stay forever
And may it always be with you
Favorite person.
Let there be everything that is needed in life,
What makes life good
Love, health, happiness, joy
and your kind soul!

Good luck to catch by the tail.
To feast with a mountain, not to know bad weather.
And so that love is like summer heat.

So that on the table - wealth, food,
And outside the window so that - nonsense.
So that in the soul a fairy tale
A childhood dream came true.

Sunsets with the most relatives,
Sunrise with new people
And to be forever young
You stayed forever.

What to wish for someone who is happy?
We love who, we carefully store?
Probably simple happiness
And human love.

And the longest and radiant,
Without thorns and stones of the road.
From crystal, boiling clean,
Radiant happiness, wreath.

Let this birth be a really very significant and bright event, and let this day be like this every day of yours. Bright as a summer day, beautiful as a magnificent and noble rose, which grew in the royal garden, and which was lovingly looked after by the gardeners themselves. May your every day be as fresh as dew on the green and juicy grass that grows in the most beautiful and cleanest places on the planet.

Let your every breath be light and joyful, and in general, let this happy feeling fill you all and saturate every cell of your body, and you will feel happiness for no reason, regardless of what happens outside, what events and reasons. Inner harmony let it help you always remain calm and balanced and make only wise and right decisions that will bring only benefit and everything is only the best. Let your world be perfect, no more, let it be fabulous. And may you find your prince in this beautiful and unforgettable world, who will give you the whole world, and you will carry your strong and tender, romantic relationship through many, many years.

Let this day be remembered with the most unusually warm and positive emotions! May others give affection and kindness, may the most cherished dreams come true in an instant and fill the world around with illumination! Let new heights give in and be overcome with ease, and let old friends forever remain true support and reliable rear!

This is the brightest and most beloved holiday, when you can make any, even a bold wish, and it will certainly come true, because on a birthday everything happens according to the will of the birthday man! Everywhere you can hear a bursting and sonorous laughter, and joy flies to everyone as a huge luminous ball, from which everyone takes a piece and remembers this day as the best in life!

Probably, there is no other day in the year when everyone is unrestrainedly ready to give you gifts, flowers and bright smiles, except for your birthday! After all, on this day you can ask for anything and everyone will be happy to fulfill this desire of yours! Therefore, give all your warmth and smiles on this day, which will definitely return to you a hundredfold!

Happy birthday greetings long in verse and prose


X-factor Kharkiv goth, emo and Yolki's birthday

When a person is born, the world is filled with such marvelous colors and joy that time itself stops for a moment. Time stops to look and smile at the born, look into the eyes and remember this sparkle of tenderness and kindness. Why is time staring into your eyes? It remembers to return. Time loves to return every year, loves to stop its indomitable run again and look into the eyes of the most beautiful and wonderful person in order to congratulate him and bless him for great deeds in the name of life. Happy birthday!

Holidays are invented so that we can take a break from everyday worries and entrust ourselves to a restless whirlwind of joy, happiness, fun and delight. So I wish you to create as many holidays as possible for yourself and your family, and I congratulate you now on your birthday. Happiness!

The most beautiful holiday is birthday. Let joy and fun reign on it, songs and gifts, a cake, big and bright. So let your birthday be happiness and luck. Health to you and prosperity. Happy birthday to you, be happy!

Long birthday greetings » happy birthday greetings, sms greetings, happy birthday

Forgive us if we are wrong

You are very dear to us!

You are our hope and support,

And be like this forever!

I want to say a lot of good words

Wish you happiness and health

Heart and soul never grow old,

And live in the world for many, many years!

We wish life never ends

Trouble and sadness did not meet on the way,

Eternal happiness, good friends,

Good luck, health and sunny days!

We wish you health - after all, it is often not enough,

We wish you fun - it never interferes!

Good luck - she doesn't come often,

| Guy | | To a friend | boy

I want to wish you a happy birthday on this day! I wish you happiness in life, love, health! And to say that life, although it is not easy at times, and we often have to deal with the difficulties that it presents us, and often cry and suffer because of losses and failures ... but still it is beautiful, because next to Joy walks with us through life with sadness, along with Disappointment, Devotion and Love walk. And, no matter how difficult it is for you to follow the path of life, a bright sun always shines above your head, smiling,
warming your frozen heart, and giving hope for good luck! After a heavy rain of failures, a seven-color rainbow emerges from its halls, giving peace to the heart and peace to the soul again! Notice it all! And may God never leave you alone on your life path!

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My dear, my dear, and kind little man! I sincerely congratulate you on your birthday, and I want you to be happy! In life, we do not always manage to do everything right, and sometimes tears well up in our eyes from pain and hopelessness, which we ourselves have brought upon ourselves from a lack of wisdom! But I wish you to always look ahead, not looking around at troubles and failures! The main thing is not to lose heart, and to draw the right conclusions after another fall! Go bolder and God will help you!
I love you and kiss you! Happiness to you!

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I wish your birthday to be special, not like the ones you had! So that you are surrounded by those people to whom you have a heart and who wish you good and happiness! So that you feel fun and comfortable with them, and your soul rejoices and ignites with a new fire! So that you want to sincerely laugh and communicate, dance and fly! So that all their good wishes come true, and joy burst into your life! So that your dreams come true, and happiness is always with you! May your heart be filled with extraordinary love! Happy birthday! All the best to you, health and long life

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Nothing happens in life just like that! Today I want to wish you that you do not despair when something does not go the way you planned! So that you do not stop when it seems that the road is going out from under your feet! In our life, God will allow different circumstances to temper our character, but we must be firm and unshakable, otherwise, problems will crush us! Wipe your tears, smile, and forward with a song! Happy Birthday to You!

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I congratulate you, my good (th), happy birthday!
Today I want to wish you that you always have a meaning in life! If you go with the flow of life, you can quickly lose it, adjusting to the circumstances in which we find ourselves, whether we like it or not! May you always have a goal, to which you would strive, not noticing everything that distracts us, like an unnecessary husk! If there is a goal, then there will be no depression and tears for nothing! Live not to please your carnal desires, but so that every day you live will be beneficial for your spiritual development! And for others who are nearby, may there also be benefits from communicating with you! Radiate only joy and happiness, and people will be drawn to you, and life will become more pleasant and easier! Good luck with this!
- I love! Kiss!

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I congratulate you on your birthday today, and I wish you not to "turn sour", not to "wet" more because of trifles! Just enjoy life, and smile at fate for all its surprises, so that it does not want to upset you anymore! So that everyone who is close to you would like to sing joyful songs, have fun under the warm rays of the sun, infecting others with this optimism .... so that this chain once circled the whole earth and returned to you again, keeping your spirit in good shape !

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Nothing that years go by! Don't be sad, please! Life, of course, is short, and we all miss it, but you need to learn to notice all its charms, slowly jumping to its next page! May every day you live be your joy! If it hurts you, and tears run from your eyes, remember that you are the one in heaven who loves you and will not give you trials beyond your strength in this life! May Faith, hope and love always live in your heart! I wish you happiness, joy and all the best on this day of your birth!

In your own words to tears - long
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Congratulations! On this day, let your heart not cry, let your soul not cry, because this day is your birthday! I wish you happiness, so that everything that was bad in your life is forgotten forever! So that the wounds in the heart heal, and so that crying turns into a song! Time will help you in this, the main thing is not to lose hope and do not lose heart! I love you so much!

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What to wish you on your bright birthday?! Of course, a long and happy life! May strength and health never fail, as well as friends and relatives! Not everyone can go through everything and not harden their hearts! With such a kind soul as yours, there are only a few people in the world, each of them is 1 in a million! Let them meet you! I wish you a real and friendly company of like-minded people! Your heart does not stop loving, and love can work wonders! I wish you magic in life, more bright days and events! May every day begin with a radiant mood, and end with a new victory! Live your dreams and let them come true, have all the blessings of the world and see the whole world!

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Happy Birthday to You! Happiness to you! I really want you to have fewer disappointments in life, from which your hands would fall ... I so want to see you cheerful and cheerful, looking at life positively, not paying attention to all sorts of poisonous little things that want to attract your attention, and then poison your whole life! Let only that which enters cleanly into your eyes and ears, so that one day you can proudly say: "I have lived my life and have not been soiled by anything, neither outside nor inside!"

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Hello! Congratulations! Today is your birthday, which means that I have a huge holiday. Why, you ask, and I will answer: how else? Can anyone imagine you without me?

And I thought, why all this? After all, only genuine manifestations of feelings bring true joy. So I just wish you a happy birthday. And that's it!

Oh, No. Not all. Usually, it is customary to congratulate birthdays with poems - both of your own composition and taken from reliable sources. But I want this prose to be the only prose in your life.

My dear, I am happy to congratulate you on your birthday. I wish health and longevity to your parents. After all, only such wonderful people could give birth to such a wonderful child.

I wish life to be favorable to you, and the people who meet on your life path to be kind and sincere. Let your professional career smoothly and rapidly go up, giving you moral and material satisfaction.

I also want to wish you happiness. May your eyes be clear and your smile be radiant. I wish you an all-consuming love that makes you want to sing and fly. Life long love. Happy birthday!

I wish you sunrises and sunny days
Crystal constellations and moonlit nights
Meadows of flooded, freshly cut grasses,
Noisy in the night majestic oak forests.

I wish sunsets with the evening dawn,
Birches in the forest with silvery bark,
Honey flowers, strawberry fields,
Mirror lakes that shrouded in mist.

I wish you reliable and true friends,
Health, care and joyful days.
More luck and happiness, love.
Dream, enjoy, worry, live!

Birthday is a good date
But it's always a little sad.
Because they fly unnoticed
Our best years ever.

I wish that GO-GO!
And never OHHO-HO!
A little AH! Well, you can wow!
To be breathtaking.
Of course, to be WOW!!
And so that FU is very little.
So that sometimes THIS IS YES!
"THIS IS YES!" is not nonsense,
"CAN'T BE!" - it's real,
"YES WELL HER!" - let it be virtual.
WOW! - to surprise more often
"Well, EVERYTHING, Kick-Ass!" - not enough.
And at will EGE-GAY!
And to make it come true, EVERYTHING FAST!!!


12 Feb 2013

I want to live and be loved
Do not grieve, do not despair
And along the long road of life
It's fun to walk with a smile.

May this day be a sea of ​​bouquets
Friends will give you
Sorrow will not touch the beautiful eyes
And your life will be easy!

Shine like a ray of sunshine
Be gentle, always kind.
And let happiness be the reward
For all the coming years!!!

Happy birthday, I congratulate you
You read my congratulations
I wish you all from the bottom of my heart.
In a life of happiness, kindness and love!
Life brings you joy and happiness
Let them not pass without a trace
Let your beauty, your tenderness.
Years will never change!
On this happy birthday.
There is no reason to sigh and be sad,
do not mark the date of aging,
And the day you started living.
Even if there are adversities
- Life is beautiful in itself!
Don't let your youth fade away
along with love and kindness.

May they be an eternal guest in your house
Peace and happiness, peace and warmth!
May the sun shine more cheerfully on this day,
Flowers fall under the feet of a carpet,
I wish you: health, happiness, light,
All that is called good.
So that always under a lucky star
Fate has led you along the way.
In the house so that a full-flowing river
Life flowed calmly and peacefully,
Let only friends visit your house,
Bad weather bypasses
From the bottom of my heart I wish you well in this life,
Long life, health and happiness!
I want to forget about illness, adversity,
Stay healthy for many more years
So that people give you joy in full,
So that peace and spring reign in the heart!
Long life and good health,
Youth, strength, beauty!
Let it always - not only on your birthday
- Dreams come true.
Dear sister, I congratulate you on a wonderful day,
when everyone looks at you with admiration.
You bathe in the rays of happiness and fun.:
Champagne sparkles: in your honor
toasts friends and girlfriends. :
May this magical holiday state
will be with you always.
Health to you, success and fulfillment of desires!
For you, sister! Happy birthday!

There are many wishes in the world
Do not count them all.
I just congratulate you
I love it the way it is.

Be beautiful all the time
Both soul and self.
Be loved all the time
Both winter and spring.

Do not bow rowan,
If there is trouble.
Be happy all the time
On this day and always.

Here comes the birthday again
What do you wish me?
To begin with, let, luck,
And love, as in 25!
Fulfillment of dreams,
Acquisition of new knowledge
Become wise, but do not grow old,
Don't rush to be everywhere.
Pleasure in everything
Dark night, bright day
In relaxation, in work,
Wherever you are - everywhere.
Get away from the routine
Finally get some sleep
Good not to lose friends,
Achieve goals faster.
Safe adventures
Impressions are sonorous, clear,
Never fly by
But soar, fly, fly!
Every day is like the first time
Get Enthusiasm,
Find out what Happiness, Loyalty, Friendship and Participation mean.
In general, don't let me down
Whatever you want, get it!

08 Feb 2013

Let the birthday sink
In floral fragrances.
Joy shines in the eyes
From cute date!
Let happiness splash with laughter
And the joy beats a fountain!
Wish it come true soon
Dreams and new plans!
Let the birthday pass
To the music, with a martini!
A smile flies like a butterfly
To the beloved man.
May you continue to be good friends
And loved ones are healthy!
Let happiness give the light of love
And the world under the roof of the house!
It doesn't matter what's outside the windows.
In the soul today - the sun,
overwhelm the most
Magic emotions.
cherished wishes,
Dreams will come true.
Let the new ones replace them
And they will come true!
I join in the congratulations
I wish the ocean happiness!
Let them not become the main entertainment
Beer, TV and sofa!
Let dreams and adventures attract
Shine, variety of ideas
And every birthday goes by
Have fun, always with friends!

Mom, it's your birthday today!
50 is an immodest date!
Don't regret anything in your life!
Let it not be easy at times.
You know, mom, but for me it's more important
There is no man in the world.
I ask you just don't get sick
And live another 100 years in this world!
Mom, I admire you
The way you knew how to be tolerant,
The way you can be kind
The way you are smart and fair.
You raised three children
She gave her affection to everyone,
I gave all my warmth and soul,
And our childhood turned into a fairy tale.
And now, when suddenly it's hard,
Only you will understand and reassure.
It’s always easy for us next to mom,
After all, only you can love us like that.
Mother dear, I love you
Most of all in this world
I rarely say it
Forgive me for having such children.
I wish that all your dreams
Executed. Everything you want!
I want you to be happy
Well, most importantly, I want to not get sick!
Congratulations mommy!
May you always be lucky and the sun shine!
No, just don't get hot!
Well, if it's hot, let the cool wind.
Live dear for many, many years,
Be warmed by the warmth of children and grandchildren,
Know no grief, no worries, no troubles ....
Live! Earth bow to you for this!

If you want, believe
If you want, don't believe
An animal is roaming around somewhere.
He does not live in a dense forest,
Powerful in Russian.
This animal is called "moose"
- It's been that way for a long time.
May "ELSE" be with you,
To eat and sleep,
For three to drink,
To want and be able
So that happiness does not end,
About good to dream
For business to succeed
So that everything always comes true!

12 Feb 2013

I want to wish today
Love, health, joy, good luck,
Separation and grief never know.
The path will be the only way, and not otherwise!

I also want to avoid debt,
Resentment and quarrels, anxiety and sadness,
So that our crisis ruined our enemies,
Friends, on the contrary, to flourish.

I also want to wish you
In all matters of luck and success,
Peace only from love to lose,
And cry only from laughter.

Let the glasses fill with wine
Joke, sing, fall head over heels in love.
Do not think about sad and sick
And just enjoy this life.

I wish you happiness and kindness,
And a lot of money in addition to this,
May tomorrow be better than yesterday.
Let it be just like that, and not otherwise.

08 Feb 2013

Years imperceptibly count down,
Our days are running fast.
Anxious and sad at times
Our beloved mother.
She's been through a lot in her life
And there were many sorrows
But you managed to raise and love us,
Dear, beloved mother.

Thank you for everything: for your kindness,
For work, for sleepless nights.
We remember this, we are in eternal debt,
Dear, our beloved.

In native walls, under this roof
We came together to wish
You have great health
And never lose heart
So that the cold does not creep into the soul,
So that there is no place for trouble,
And so that no one would guess
Which year suits you.

Control yourself among the confused crowd,
Cursing you for the confusion of all.
Believe in yourself against the universe
And unbelievers forgive their sin.
Let the hour not strike, wait without getting tired,
Let the liars lie, do not condescend to them.
Know how to forgive and do not seem to forgive,
More generous and wiser than others.
Know how to dream without becoming a slave to dreams,
And to think, thoughts are not deified,
Endure praise and reproach equally,
Not forgetting that their voice is false.
Stay quiet when it's your word
Cripples a rogue to catch fools,
When all life collapses and again
You have to recreate everything from the basics.
Know how to put in joyful hope
On the map everything that has accumulated with difficulty,
Lose everything and become a beggar, as before,
And never regret it.
Know how to force the heart, nerves, body to serve you,
When everything in your chest has been empty for a long time, everything burned down,
And only, the will says: "Go!"
Remain simple, conversing with kings,
Stay honest when talking to the crowd
Be direct and firm with enemies and friends,
Let everyone consider you in their hour.
Fill every moment with meaning
Hours and days elusive running -
Then you will take possession of the whole world,
Then, my son, you will be a man.

Irina, bringing happiness, peace,
We are proud to know and be friends with you.
And happy autumn sometimes golden
Congratulate on the birth, to be near you.

Kindness and always with a smile.
Catch you in thought, not in dreams
Often we can, but carefully:
It is impossible to disturb your peace!

Your delicacy, calmness is strength!
And it's hard to imagine asking for something.
Rather, you help others, loving,
Forgetting myself for a while.

For this we especially appreciate
And on your birthday we want unbearably
Showered with flowers, confessed love,
Give at least a particle of a loving soul!

And wish magical and wonderful meetings -
Everything for you, for the lovely Irina!
So be dearly loved by all,
Happy in life is unique!

08 Feb 2013

Here it is again, the best, most glorious, coolest day of the year has come and, of course, wishes are not in a dream, but in reality.
You know, dear girl, what I want to tell you, however, what wishes are there, I want to experience, you could love earthly, kisses of the breeze, so that the music sounds without beginning and end, so that there is no sadness, so that life does not upset, and live worries not knowing, only snoring, there were close hearts nearby.
So that your image shines with a joyful smile again, and of course only your voice was heard early in the morning. Yours, dear daughter, so pleasant and dear, so that I again experience love a breath of life, which inspires me to live, work and love with that special love,
everyone should appreciate.
You know, I can’t and don’t want to wish corny. From the bottom of my heart, I carry the words of recognition in my heart. Because you gave me a gift in life with your sincere attention that you are loved and needed.
How nice that it happens not in a dream, but in reality, your voice awakens joy, peace and kindness again.
You're so good that I can't hide, girl
my dear, I can't imagine living without you. I love you, kiss you
I cherish it endlessly, how can you call another daughter like that.
May the Lord show love without beginning or end,
let him bless all his life, fill his heart with joy,
Happy birthday to the hearts that love only you.

Happy travels, son!
Not on the doorstep
Give men a price
And on the road.
I want you to always appreciate the fire
How a traveler in cold rags appreciates.
I want to thrift in the palm of your hand
He took bread, as a hungry man can take it.
I want smoke over a bundle of firewood,
And warm bread, the smell of honey
You were forever dear to your father's shelter,
It's like you're back at home.
Happy travels, son!
Not on the doorstep
Give men a price
And on the road.
Do not live there, where evil boils in the blood,
And live next to virtue.
indulge your conscience
And become her servant
And rule - only over your will.
And have the gift of determination:
Kohl cut -
So cut with one blow.

Happy travels, son!
Not on the doorstep
Give men a price
And on the road.

I wish you to be happy
Kohl happy and all your friends.
You should eat your fill then only,
When your friend is not hungry either.
And after hard work, rest,
Kohl nearby rest and they.
Let your name be a sign of friendship.
And let it be longer at any moment
Your wings are open over them
Than their wings are stretched out over you.

Happy travels, son!
Not on the doorstep
Give men a price
And on the road.

Find all the words of wisdom
Before a stern disputer,
To defeat him first
Not by force, but by word.

And you have to be in a fight -
Fight to get out of your skin!
After all, cut off your head twice
Nobody can you.

Happy travels, son!
Not on the doorstep
Give men a price
And on the road.

If you meet the elder, -
Give way to him.
Do not consider a step of reverence as flour.
And give your hand to the youngest,
Like your little brother.
Do not say that, they say, the whole world is familiar.
And the reserve of modesty will fit,
If you can see the mountain in the hill
And how to reckon with a stream with a river.

Happy travels, son!
Not on the doorstep
Give men a price
And on the road.

Wherever you get off your horse, -
Do not forget,
From where he began his long journey.
A new friend will reach out to you,
But never forget those hands
That your horse was saddled
And they put bread in your knapsack,
They gave water to drink, faithfully served,
Without asking for anything.

Happy travels, son!
Not on the doorstep
Give men a price
And on the road.

No matter how high you fly,
From now on
Never forget the three holy things:
The breast of the mother who nursed you,
And a friend's hand in stormy years,
And lips that kissed lovingly
When you yourself loved for the first time.


Fire, water, earth and wind.
There are four forces in the world.
Do not tame them forever!
The whole point is in one person only!

And this is our mother - the fifth element!
Got them in my hands in an instant.
But no, not the fifth, the first element!
And here is our mommy's secret:

The fire in your soul burns
And in your pure heart!
It speaks of love
Everyone warms and creates
Kindness gives us hope.

Your words that flow like a stream
They reveal the truth. And all the sadness
Sorrow and sorrow are washed away
Like the waves of the sea.

You want to embrace the whole earth
And plant beautiful gardens!
You are ready to give your whole life
For our happiness! Be next to us!

Like wind clouds, you can disperse
All sorrows and all our doubts.
With your smile you can create
Comfort, well-being in our life!

So don't let the fire go out
In your soul, let it be eternal!
And the waves of joy are rolling
You in the arms of endless.

Let the earth warm with warmth,
Gives you fruits generously.
Let the light wind play
At your feet, and serves faithfully.

Elements four in our world.
And they are ruled by the fifth element.
Love is her main strength
Great Mommy's Secret!

I thought that the main thing in the pursuit of fate-
Painting and jewelry work on yourself:
Over all the flaws that are visible
Over the bad inclinations that are given,
Magic patches, iron wall
Should stand the virtues brought up by me
I used to think so when I was young
It seemed that this was important, but it turned out not.
Of all the well-wishers, no one explained
What matters most is that someone loves you like this:
With all the flaws, tears and seizures,
Scandals and shifts and a penchant for lies
Considering them depths, considering them riddles,
Unknown secrets of your big soul.

Good luck in job! The weather is pleasant!
Love - pure, mutual and repeated!
Children of different sexes! Fitted coat!
Neighbors in the compartment - that they don't drink or smoke!
Hair - silky! Teeth - snow-white!
Husbands - business, lovers - gentle!
Chiefs - smart! Spouses - in the law!
Mother-in-law - living in the neighboring area!
Daughters - submissive! Plates - washed!
Husbands - not snoring and shaved at night!
Colleagues - not fixated only on women!
Enemies of the weak! Enemies - very weak!
Stocking - without puffs! Not a day without a new thing!
Husbands - on a very long business trip!
Different intentions - but better than serious ones!
Dwellings five-room and five-star.

The beauty of scarlet roses
White lilies of the valley light.
The freshness of the morning dew
Bird trill couplet.
The chic of blue skies
And fur clouds.
A scattering of wild berries,
Variegated calico of the meadows.
On this day the whole world
I will give you
Because you
I love very much.
And to earthly wonders
I want to add
ground words
How I love you!