On which hand do men wear a wedding ring. Which hand is worn on a wedding ring: history, religion, traditions. Wedding rings on different hands

On which hand they wear a wedding ring: traditions of different countries

There are many legends about the traditions and customs of wearing wedding jewelry on the ring finger in Russia. One of them says that it is on this finger that there is a blood vessel leading straight to the heart.

This romantic story says that the ring finger is the most protected from otherworldly forces, so the family amulet is worn exclusively on it.

Ring on the right hand

Orthodox Russians put the ring on their right hand, and specifically on the fourth or, as it is also called, the ring finger.

According to legend, a wedding ring on the right hand protects the family from ailments, envious people, and strengthens spiritual strength. It is with the right hand that the Orthodox make the sign of the cross.

Ways to determine the size of a ring on a girl's finger without her knowledge

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Ring on left hand

In Russia, divorced spouses often wear rings on their left hand, and widowers do the same.

In the Roman Empire, newlyweds put rings on their left hand, mainly on the middle finger, the same tradition can be traced in England. Muslims purchase rings exclusively for women; men consider wearing gold jewelry on their fingers a bad omen. Gypsy customs allow you to hang a ring on a chain and wear it around your neck.

On which hand do women wear a wedding ring? There are no special requirements for the fair sex, it is enough to observe the traditions of the society where a woman builds a family.

It is believed that an engagement ring should not be given for fitting even to close relatives.

Precious metals have a certain memory and absorb the energy of another person, which can eventually bring negativity to the owner of the ring

But such traditions did not always exist. Some sources say that the finger, which is called the index finger, was considered ideal for wearing the treasured ring. Perhaps this is due to the fact that it was the woman who has long been the guardian of the family hearth and indicated the direction of the love boat so that it would not crash into everyday life.

On which finger is a wedding ring put on if a person does not adhere to certain traditions? Of course, the place for the ring is chosen conditionally.

There are no clear prohibitions and instructions in the world related to wearing a ring.

If you are more comfortable wearing it on your middle or index finger, no one will judge. Wedding rings are a visual confirmation of the union of two loving people, and it is up to them to decide how it will look.

When purchasing a pair of elegant rings before the wedding ceremony, remember that this is just a symbol, a beautiful family paraphernalia. The basis of every married couple is sincere mutual understanding, care, respect and love.

The very first rings appeared in ancient Egypt. The transfer of the ring from one high-ranking person to another symbolized the transfer of all his power and power. Later, various decorations on the fingers began to be worn by the less noble inhabitants of the country. Over time, there was a tradition to exchange wedding rings.

During the Middle Ages in Europe, each count or duke had the right to issue his own decree about which finger should be decorated with a wedding ring. So, in England in those days, the symbol of matrimony was worn on the thumb, and in Germany - on the little finger.


There is a beautiful legend according to which Joseph, during his betrothal to his future wife, the Virgin Mary, put a ring on her left hand. Only data diverge as to which finger the man adorned with his beloved: middle or ring finger.

According to the ideas of the ancients, in the ring finger of the left hand, the only one of all ten fingers of both hands, there is a wreath that stretches to the very heart. It was she who was called the "artery of love", and since ancient times a wedding ring has been worn on this finger. This symbolized the sincerity and purity of intentions of the spouses, their enduring and mutual love for each other.

present tense

Most often in European countries, the hand on which the attribute of marriage should be put on is determined by the religion of the spouses. Catholics usually wear wedding rings on their left hand and on their right.

This tradition is explained quite simply. The Orthodox chose the right hand because the right side for them symbolizes everything right and true. Catholics proceed from other considerations: the left hand is closer to the heart, a “vein of love” passes through it, which is why it should be decorated with a ring.

However, religion does not always determine the hand on which the ring is worn. So, the ring finger of the right hand is decorated with newlyweds in Russia, a number of countries in Central and Eastern Europe, who profess. Catholics in Austria, Norway, Germany, Spain, India, Poland and some other states also wear wedding attributes on their right hand.

Residents of the United States, Mexico, France, Brazil, Turkey, Armenia, Canada and Japan for many centuries, when performing a marriage ceremony, put a ring on the left hand of their soulmate.

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Wedding ring - on which hand are rings worn in different countries? And how was it before? Let's try to figure it out.

Ancient Egypt is considered the birthplace of rings, including engagement rings. At first, they served as a kind of seal, with the help of which the pharaoh transferred his power. Some time later, the wearing of rings ceased to be the prerogative of dignitaries. Gold rings were worn by rich people, while the poor could choose jewelry made of copper, bronze, silver, or various other materials.

Since ancient times, the rings were exchanged at the wedding by the bride and groom as a sign of their devotion to each other. The ring was presented to the bride's parents as a sign that the future husband undertakes to support his wife, support her both in joy and in sorrow. Does everyone know which hand they wear a wedding ring on?

History of tradition

The tradition of exchanging rings during a marriage ceremony has been known since ancient times. The first mention of this custom dates back to the era of the Old Kingdom, that is, 4 millennia BC. At that time, the presentation of an engagement ring or bracelet (usually made of hemp or sedge) and its acceptance meant that the woman became the property of the man, and he was obliged to protect her.

Men began to wear wedding rings (bracelets) after about 1500 years. And then it became a symbol of the union of two halves into a single whole. In ancient Roman times, rings were made of iron or bronze. The well-known golden ring appeared only in the III-IV centuries.

So, the ring, which is a vicious circle, has long been a symbol of the infinity of the feelings of two lovers and is magically designed to strengthen the earthly and heavenly connection between them. The noble metal from which the rings are made is a symbol of purity and purity. Initially, wedding rings were extremely simple and did not have any decorations.

Rituals in antiquity and modernity

In ancient Rome, the groom, after the wedding ceremony, gave the ring not only to the bride, but also to her parents, thereby confirming that he agreed to the conclusion of the union. The ancient Jews had a custom to give their beloved a gold coin in order to emphasize the seriousness of their intentions, only a few centuries later the coin was replaced by a ring. In medieval Europe, wealthy aristocrats gave their wife a ring with the coat of arms of the family, confirming that she was a full-fledged mistress of his house.

For a long time, a ring was given only to brides, while grooms completely dispensed with this accessory. Now there are two types of rings: engagement (or engagement) and wedding. In the West, there is still a tradition of giving an engagement ring before making an offer, and then acquiring a wedding ring. There was also a custom according to which the groom's ring was made of gold, and the wives of silver, to emphasize that the man is the head of the family, but now the rings of both newlyweds are usually the same, and they are not limited in the choice of metal.

How is it customary to wear wedding rings?

On the right hand

Wearing a wedding ring on the left hand is a relatively recent tradition that originated only at the beginning of the 18th century (before that, even in English-speaking countries, rings were worn on the right hand).

An 1869 article suggests that in some countries the change of the hand on which the ring is worn from the right (dominant, main hand) to the left (non-primary) became a sign of respect with which a woman treats her spouse (men at that time did not wear wedding bands). rings).

In Orthodoxy, everything related to the right side of the body is considered correct. Accordingly, wedding rings in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Greece, Serbia are put on the ring finger of the right hand. Widows and widowers wear their rings on the ring finger of the left hand (in Catholic and Protestant countries - on the ring finger of the right).

On the left hand

As a result of archaeological excavations, scientists were able to discover that the first wedding rings appeared in ancient Egypt. Noble spouses wore gold and silver rings, the poor - copper and iron. It is known that long before our era, Egyptian healers had a good knowledge of human anatomy. They believed that there was a nerve that runs from the heart to the ring finger of the left hand. Therefore, wedding rings began to be worn on this finger. True, in some parts of Egypt and Ancient Israel, wedding rings were worn on the middle finger of the left hand. This is how, according to legend, Saint Joseph and the Virgin Mary got engaged.

During the Middle Ages, autopsies were forbidden to doctors, as a result of which all knowledge about anatomy was drawn from ancient manuscripts. The nerve supposedly connecting the left hand and the heart has been poetically called the "artery of love." However, at that time, the way of wearing wedding jewelry completely depended on the decree of the ruler. Many kings, sovereign dukes and counts issued decrees on exactly how wedding rings should be worn.

There were exactly ten options: in some countries, rings were even worn on the thumbs. Over time, a historical tradition has developed, according to which, in Catholic and Protestant countries, wedding rings are worn on the ring finger of the left hand. This is how it is done in England, France, Germany, Austria, USA, Canada, Spain, Mexico, Brazil, Australia. Catholic theologians explain this by saying that the left hand is closer to the heart. Muslims also adhere to the custom of wearing the symbol of marital fidelity on the left hand.

However, in many Muslim countries, only women wear such rings, since it is considered bad luck for men to wear gold jewelry. Therefore, Muslim men usually either do not wear wedding rings at all, or wear silver ones. Gypsies generally prefer to wear them around their necks, on gold chains.

When are the rings changed to the other hand?

Wearing a ring on the ring finger of a certain hand is a kind of demonstration of one's status. The presence of a ring may indicate not only marriage, but also that a person is only preparing to marry or is free, as he is divorced or widowed. Knowledge of the traditions of other countries and nationalities will allow you not to make a mistake in the interpretation and correctly determine the status of the person you are interested in.

So, for example, in the countries of the Middle East, during the engagement, the rings are put on the right hand, and at the time of marriage, the ring is put on the left hand. If for women, engagement rings usually differ from wedding rings in the presence of a stone, then for men it is most often the same ring.

Orthodox Christians begin to wear their rings on the left hand in case of loss of a spouse or divorce. The Jews at the time of the marriage ceremony put the ring on the right hand, and then wear it on the left.

If spouses belong to different cultures and are followers of different religions, they come to a compromise solution, choosing one way to wear rings, or follow their traditions separately.

engagement rings

Engagement rings, it is also a proposal ring, in Russia it is customary to wear on the ring finger of the right hand. The fact is that when a young man makes a marriage proposal to his beloved woman, he puts the engagement ring on his right hand. Taking off the ring and putting it on the other finger is considered a bad omen that can upset the wedding.

After the wedding, a woman can wear a wedding and engagement ring on the ring finger of her right hand. Today it has become very fashionable to match a diamond engagement ring and an engagement ring with or without diamonds in the same style. Similar to each other rings that make up a harmonious ensemble or figure, visually merging into one piece of jewelry, you can pick up engagement rings in our catalog or order engagement rings according to your own sketch.

wedding rings

Wedding rings are worn only by people who have undergone an Orthodox wedding ceremony. Since Orthodox Christians cross themselves with the banner of the cross with their right hand, it is customary to wear wedding rings on the ring finger of the same hand. At the same time, the engagement and wedding rings are removed from the ring finger and are no longer worn, because people who have gone through the wedding ceremony after registering the marriage are considered to be married by the Lord God himself. Such a marriage is considered made in heaven. Accordingly, the wedding ring is considered the most important and main.

  • Newlyweds need to have only their own wedding rings, take someone else's, it is absolutely impossible to use it.
  • The loss of an engagement jewelry after the wedding is considered a bad sign - this entails parting, strife between spouses.
  • It is forbidden to give a ring to a stranger - so you can give him your happiness.
  • There is a taboo on getting married with a widow's or widower's ring - this is a very bad sign.
  • You can not wear a wedding symbol over a glove - only on the finger. And it is not recommended to remove it under any circumstances.
  • If a widowed person remarries, a new wedding jewelry must also be worn on the right of the ring finger, and the widow's ring should be removed and hidden. You can’t give it as a gift - it’s someone else’s decoration.
  • But the wedding paraphernalia of happy marriages can be passed on to your children by inheritance - this should be kept as a family heirloom. In this case, the symbol of matrimony acquires powerful protective properties. You can only give them if the parents celebrated their silver wedding anniversary.

Putting on a wedding ring is an individual matter, you can adhere to the traditions of your native country or be original, like Muslims. The most important thing is not to lose the meaning that is embedded in this beautiful symbol of marriage, a romantic sign of the union of two destinies.

The picture, when a very little girl makes herself an impromptu ring from a flower or grass and puts it on her ring finger, can be seen quite often. It just so happened that girls dream of marriage from an early age, namely, an engagement ring is a sign of happiness and prosperity in marriage. It’s just that today it’s not entirely clear on which hand a wedding ring is worn, since Western traditions that are rapidly breaking into our lives bring their own trends that have not bypassed the traditions of wearing these jewelry. Therefore, many are so often puzzled, sincerely wondering which of the options is still correct.

A bit of history

The very tradition of wearing rings is incredibly ancient, because the first mention of them was made about 6 thousand years ago, we are talking about documentary sources, while archaeological finds are even older. Initially, the rings served as a confirmation of the nobility and status of their owner, and only after centuries they began to be given sacred significance. For the first time, the appearance of the ring as a symbol of the creation of a family can be traced back to Ancient Egypt, where the tradition of giving them to a beloved became quite common among all populations. Immediately, for the first time, a tendency to wear it on the ring finger began to be traced, however, it is not known which hand.

In Russia, a kind of betrothal was also accepted, when a young man handed his beloved a hemp or sedge ring, thereby confirming his intention to marry her. When they asked their parents for a “hand and heart”, they gave a metal ring, which symbolized the wealth and ability of the future groom to support his family. In those days, any metals were valuable, therefore, no particular importance was attached to what the jewelry was made of.

By the eighteenth century, the popularity of rings had increased so much that even men wore them as jewelry. By its location, it was quite possible to understand at what stage of a love relationship its owner is. For example, a decorated middle finger was evidence that a person at the moment did not want anything but friendship, a ring on the little finger betrayed the opponent of marriage, on the index finger it spoke of the desire to find a worthy mate, and for a man in love it flaunted on the ring finger. finger of the left hand.

Wearing traditions: why they wear a wedding ring on the right hand

In fact, there is no general rule that would regulate the preference for the hand on which the ring is put on when getting married. As a rule, the division in this matter occurs on a religious basis, with rare exceptions. So, among the Orthodox, the majority wears wedding rings on the right hand, while Catholics in most cases wear them on the left.

There is no scientific explanation for this. It’s just that for the Orthodox, the right hand is a symbol of truthfulness and honesty, they also make the sign of the cross with it, which is why the ring is put on that way. Those who wear a wedding ring on their left hand are guided by similar beliefs. . Also, the tradition of putting jewelry on this hand is associated with the fact that it is located next to the heart, because the blood will go from the wedding ring directly to it, which will help make the marriage happy and lasting.

The exceptions mentioned earlier are the Armenians, who, regardless of their religion, and they are Orthodox, do not honor the custom of wearing on the right hand. Also, the tradition does not quite correspond to the religion in Germany and Poland, where zealous Catholics put rings on their right hand after marriage. True, in Germany it is customary to wear a ring given at the engagement on the left, and at the wedding it is “sent” to the right. As a rule, traditions are the same for everyone, because on which hand men wear a wedding ring , First of all, it depends on the customs that have developed in society. In the post-Soviet space, this is in most cases the right hand, for Europeans it is the left.

Finger choice: on which finger women wear a wedding ring

Over time, traditions regarding the choice of a finger for wearing an engagement ring have changed quite often. Sometimes it is not worn at all on the hand, but, for example, on a chain as a pendant. This custom is quite common among gypsies, but like them, many believe that this is how the symbol of their love is located as close to the heart as possible. Medieval canons were quite interesting, which were rewritten and modified very often, since each of the specific princes tried to carry out maximum reforms, they even touched on such trifles. Therefore, it is not uncommon to wear wedding rings on the thumbs or index fingers of both hands.

However, today, the question of which finger the wedding ring is worn on , practically no one is interested, since it has become an unwritten tradition to wear it on the ring finger. Why is that? There are several versions. The most practical is based on the theory that in this way it will not interfere with work, since it is protected by other fingers. The historical version says that even the ancient Egyptians discovered that an artery leaves this finger right in the heart, which is why they decorated it with such a romantic symbol. Fans of the symbolic theory believe that each of the fingers on the hand symbolizes one of her generations, so the big ones are parents, the index fingers are brothers and sisters, the middle ones are you directly, and the ring fingers are your soulmate. Therefore, the ring, as a symbol of infinity and invincibility of feelings, adorns that finger, which is the prototype of your wife or spouse.

In our country, there are even traditions associated with wearing a wedding ring after the breakdown of a marriage. On which hand do married women wear a ring? , whose husband died or died? Of course, this is the opposite of the one on which the wedding band is worn, respectively, we have it on the left. In the event of the death of a spouse, quite often his ring was put on the left, while his own was left in the same place. However, this custom has not received wide distribution, since it is customary for us not to remove the wedding ring from the deceased. A ring is also worn on the left hand after a divorce, unless, of course, someone wants to wear it at all.

engagement rings

Many consider the engagement to be an innovation that appeared in our open spaces after the collapse of the Soviet Union. In fact, it has deep roots in our lands as well. As mentioned earlier, a kind of ritual was already encountered in Ancient Russia. It received the greatest distribution in the 17th-first half of the 18th century among the more affluent segments of the population. it was customary to conduct the ceremony directly in the church, where the future groom handed his beloved a ring, accepting which she pledged to become his wife. And already in the second half of the 18th century, the custom of betrothal was officially connected with the wedding, thereby disappearing from everyday life almost until the beginning of the 21st century.

Even in those days, there was no stable or strict regulation regarding the engagement ring on which hand to wear, or what it would be, because the historical traditions in each country developed differently. For example, back in the Moscow Principality, it was first customary to give silver, changing it for gold at a wedding, then a man wore gold jewelry, and a woman got silver. A little later, the men completely stopped wearing jewelry, while their spouses decorated their fingers with gold. In some European countries, this ring was worn exclusively before the wedding, then removed, turning it into a family heirloom. To this day, many families pass on from generation to generation rings that are more than one hundred years old.

Now it is not uncommon to wear an engagement and wedding ring together or change it to the other hand after the wedding. In the post-Soviet space, such a tradition is not very common, since it is customary to wear wedding rings on the right hand, while jewelry on the left is considered a symbol of the collapse of a marriage or the death of one of the spouses. However, the younger generation is gradually renouncing these beliefs, either due to ignorance, or because of their nihilism. therefore, this issue was given little importance.

Many also have a question about which finger the engagement ring is worn on. Of course, from the moment the proposal is received until the day of the wedding itself, it flaunts on the ring finger of the future bride. However, even here there are exceptions. The groom does not always know the size of his future wife's finger, so it's so easy to make a mistake. In this case, the girls put it on the one on which it fits. It has become very popular now to buy a set of three rings, which includes two engagement rings and one engagement ring. It is customary to wear such a set on the ring finger, since it is created in the same style and looks very harmonious.

In many countries there is a wonderful custom - to wear a gold ring on your finger after the wedding. This is not just a tribute to fashion, a beautiful decoration is considered a powerful protective sign. It has a long, interesting history.

The birthplace of the tradition is mysterious Egypt. Initially, only the pharaohs wore rings, with their help they chose their heirs. Chinese men gave such an accessory to pregnant women - it was believed that if they put it on, it means that the baby will have strong protection.

Only in the 3rd-4th century AD. this sign became a well-known symbol of marriage, but then the lovers exchanged silver jewelry, which symbolized the purity of thoughts, the innocence of the soul. Silver kept spouses from quarrels and separations.

Why are wedding rings worn on the ring finger? This custom was given to the world by ancient Egypt. Egyptian healers believed that it was from the left side of the palm that an important artery began, reaching the heart - the "love nerve", as it was called.

And in many ancient Egyptian and Israeli areas, it was considered correct to wear a wedding attribute after the wedding not on the ring finger, but on the third finger of the right limb. This is exactly what the legendary Joseph and Mary did.

However, in distant, gloomy times, all laws depended on the mood of the rulers. Unpredictable rulers issued various decrees, where they said on which finger you can wear wedding rings after the wedding. There were ten wearing options - according to the number of fingers, sometimes the marriage attribute solemnly adorned the thumb.

Left or right?

On which hand do representatives of various countries wear a wedding ring? The oldest tradition of Protestant and Catholic states allowed to wear a wedding attribute on the left hand. This is what couples in love do after marriage in Canada, England, Spain, Mexico, Australia and Brazil.

Why? Catholic theologians explain this principle by the close location of the heart (on the left side of the body).

The inhabitants of Turkey, Japan, America and France agree with them - they also believe that it is possible to wear marital attributes on the left hand, but because there is a “love vein” that keeps the family and marital feelings.


And why do some couples wear wedding rings exclusively on their right hand? This is the tradition of the Orthodox (after all, they make the sign of the cross over themselves from right to left). "The right hand carriers" of wedding jewelry are residents of Georgia, Poland, Norway, Austria, India, Israel and Greece.

In these countries, there is also a theory according to which a guardian angel stands behind a person’s right shoulder, the patron of marriage bonds and a protector from adversity. But behind the left side perched a demon-tempter, sending all sorts of temptations.

According to the canons of Orthodoxy, those who wear a wedding ring on their left hand can bring themselves trouble, terrible troubles. Only widows have the right to wear the symbol of matrimony on their left hand.


On which hand do Muslims wear wedding rings according to their laws? Muslims have completely abandoned such wedding symbols. Why? Men of the faith of Allah consider this a bad sign - after all, the Koran says that gold destroys, destroys spiritual development. It is not forbidden to wear jewelry there, you can give lovers a narrowed ring - but only it will not be considered a wedding, but will become an ordinary decoration.

Slavic world

In ancient, before Orthodox Russia, it was customary to exchange rings after a wedding as a sign of love. Our ancestors preferred the right hand at the same time - why? The hand that feeds, waters, works, greets, was associated with honesty, work, truthfulness, and the other vice versa. “The right is from God, the left is from the evil one,” as the ancient Rus used to say.

The hand on which the Slavic men wore the wedding ring spoke of their faith. Wearing a marital sign on the right side also testified to the firmness of the intention to start a family, and the presence of a ring on the ring finger said whether the girl’s heart was free or not.

On which ring finger the ring was worn, spoke about the situation of the family; in Orthodoxy, only widows could wear the family symbol on the left side.

Modern Russians

We adhere to the traditions of our ancestors and the opinion of Orthodoxy - after the wedding, family people wear wedding symbols on the ring finger on the right side. However, there is a curious opinion that wedding signs should “kiss”, that is, touch.

Adherents of such views can wear them in different ways (for example, the wife on the right side, and the husband on the left). When lovers hold hands, their rings “kiss”.


Can we wear wedding rings long before the wedding? Why not. This is resolved by a beautiful tradition - engagement. The ring that is given at the ceremony is also worn on the second finger of the right hand until the wedding itself. At the celebration, the engagement sign should “give way” to the engagement sign, but many brides leave such a memory on their pen, and both gifts turn into a beautiful, harmonious ensemble.

Interesting signs about the wedding symbol

  • Newlyweds need to have only their own wedding rings, take someone else's, it is absolutely impossible to use it.
  • The loss of an engagement jewelry after the wedding is considered a bad sign - this entails parting, strife between spouses.
  • It is forbidden to give a ring to a stranger - so you can give him your happiness.
  • There is a taboo on getting married with a widow's or widower's ring - this is a very bad sign.
  • You can not wear a wedding symbol over a glove - only on the finger. And it is not recommended to remove it under any circumstances.
  • If a widowed person remarries, a new wedding jewelry must also be worn on the right of the ring finger, and the widow's ring should be removed and hidden. You can’t give it as a gift - it’s someone else’s decoration.
  • But the wedding paraphernalia of happy marriages can be passed on to your children by inheritance - this should be kept as a family heirloom. In this case, the symbol of matrimony acquires powerful protective properties. You can only give them if the parents celebrated their silver wedding anniversary.

Putting on a wedding ring is an individual matter, you can adhere to the traditions of your native country or be original, like Muslims. The most important thing is not to lose the meaning that is embedded in this beautiful symbol of marriage, a romantic sign of the union of two destinies.