Constant companions of forced loneliness. Why do not you have a boyfriend

Answer the question "Why don't I have a boyfriend?". The answer to it is not so complicated. In order to understand in more detail, consider in more detail such characteristics as:
1) appearance,
2) figure,
3) character,
4) culture.

As the saying goes, "they are met by clothes ...", therefore, it deserves special attention appearance. In order to most clearly understand “why guys don’t pay attention”, you first need to look in the mirror. It is desirable that the mirror be large, so you will see all the flaws in your appearance. There are no perfect people! On this basis, it makes sense to say out loud those parts of the reflection that do not suit you personally. After all, only with an independent awareness of your problems, you can take the path to solving them. Of course, you can ask your best friend or mother about your shortcomings, but they will most likely be afraid to offend you, so decide on this responsible step yourself. After all, it is you who is interested in the question “Why don’t I have a boyfriend”, which, in its essence, unites all other leading sub-questions.

So, let's look at the face ... Pimples and other skin defects, thick eyebrows and so on - all this is easy to fix with facial cleansing and other procedures carried out in all modern beauty salons. Just make an appointment with a beautician and the main problems will soon disappear. Do not be afraid of the changes that will happen to your face. Maybe this is the solution to the problem with the title "Why guys don't pay attention."

In any beauty salon there is a hairdresser who is familiar with the latest trends in the fashion world and can easily help you complete a short transformation course. Experiment with hair color and length, and consider options with and without bangs - it changes the shape of the face so much.

Now let's discuss the topic "why don't guys get to know each other?" even if the above requirements are met. Look at your hands, or rather your nails! Get rid of the habit of gnawing them, if any, and do a manicure. After all, sometimes guys are just scared of scary and bitten "stubs". For a young girl, there is no need for a bright manicure - you can limit yourself to pale or colorless varnish or just gently treat your nails without using a coating.

Now let's move on to figure. Try to answer the questions: "Why don't I have a boyfriend?" and “Why am I afraid to look at the scales?”. Perhaps for some girls the answer lies in the combination of two questions. Most guys like to even just watch a girl with a beautiful figure. Undoubtedly, not everyone is given harmony by nature. But there are dance and other sections, gyms, with their help it will not be difficult to maintain your figure in the proper form. Therefore, if you are overweight, do not wait for diets to work, be more active and athletic, just do not overdo it ...

Why don't guys get to know each other, although everything is in order with their appearance? There was one more item - clothes. Even without following fashion, you can dress neatly and tastefully. But do not be a gray mouse, then no one will notice you for sure. Bright, but tastefully selected blouses, and other well-chosen things will help create a unique and memorable image.

Of course, the main points that answer the question "Why don't I have a boyfriend?" disclosed, but do not forget about the culture of communication and character. Remove swear words and other swear words from your vocabulary, learn to calmly respond to comments, do not throw tantrums and tearful scenes, such girls are usually not liked. Use tears for their intended purpose ... Be more sociable, then you will quickly find friends and like-minded people, and maybe your prince.

Remember that you can get rid of complexes if you try. Who knows, maybe your boyfriend isn't as far away as you think...

Everyone has such a friend who regularly whines: “why don’t I have a boyfriend?!”, “why don’t guys like me? ”, And those around her were already tired of convincing her that everything would work out and she was the most wonderful in the world. In general, this is not bad, it’s bad if you yourself are such a friend.

Instead of intoxicating with self-pity and a regular outpouring of the soul, it is better to approach the issue logically and constructively to understand the reasons. This will be much more effective than asking why guys don't like me. Friends may tell you the truth, but they are not always able to see all the reasons objectively.

Why I don't have a boyfriend: reasons

  • Are you not met on the street or in cafes, friends say that you make a strange first impression and many consider you a bitch, or cold and unemotional? - your problem is "a face with a brick." No, everything can be fine with your appearance, but the expression on your face tells everyone “don’t go in - it will kill you.” Perhaps this happens unconsciously, but at the sight of such a gloomy and unfriendly girl, only true adventurers decide to get acquainted. Smile more often, watch your facial expression, more often, standing in front of a mirror, train to make a kind and friendly face. Do not overdo it, a forced smile can be even scarier than just gloominess.
  • They constantly get to know you, they literally don’t give you a pass, but they disappear very quickly and nothing serious happens - maybe it’s your appearance, or rather how you present it. If you wear too revealing clothes, bright makeup and think that you need to immediately show the product with your face, then this is a mistake. Men want it to be interesting, it is very easy to play on their curiosity, and a girl in a microscopic T-shirt and waist-wide skirt is not interesting, maybe even beautiful and erotic, but not interesting. With such a girl, you want to have sex, and not meet her or marry her.
  • The reverse version from the previous one is a blue stocking. If you do not give the male fantasy the slightest support, this is also not interesting. “Why don’t guys like me, do I dress fashionably?” - that's the problem. Fashionable jodhpurs, batwing sweaters, dresses of complex design - all this looks great in the eyes of women and designers, but men are not attracted, since such clothes hide the silhouette and do not give a hint of what is underneath. And in combination with a stone face, fashionable clothes will make you completely unattractive to men.

Internal causes

We figured out the appearance, let's move on to communication issues: why don't I have a boyfriend, I'm so beautiful!

  • You are waiting for a prince on a white horse, not otherwise. And everyone who falls short of the prince should immediately disappear from your eyes. But the problem is that princes in small monarchical countries have not yet died out, but they have already been snatched away, and on the rest of the planet they generally do not exist. It is a little more relevant to wait for a businessman on a minicooper, but the performance may also not please. There are no perfect people, so take a closer look at the promising ones, but perhaps the right one will not be found immediately, perhaps he will not have a Bentley or a mansion, but you yourself are not a princess from the castle.
  • You don't know how to communicate with guys - they are not interested in knowing what is going on in the personal lives of celebrities and what part of the Twilight movie is the best. With guys, it's best to talk about what is interesting to them, and best of all, about what is interesting to both of you. If you have something in common, it can arouse his interest in you, but no one knows what it will be - sports, TV shows, favorite books, a beer or a cartoon.
  • And finally - you are looking too seriously and thoroughly, immediately on the first date finding out how many children and what gender the potential chosen one wants. Do not scare him like that, he did not think that you might have something serious, save these questions for later, but rather wait until he asks them himself.

When a girl grows up and sees that her friends have boyfriends, she involuntarily wonders why she is lonely. The absence of a boyfriend can damage a girl's self-esteem, make her doubt her own attractiveness. In fact, the presence of relationships, or their absence, is not an indicator of the attractiveness of a girl. And female loneliness has many underlying causes. From this article you can find out why there is no boyfriend, what to do about it and how to prepare yourself for a relationship with a guy.

As a rule, at the age of 13-14, a girl dreams of meeting her love, thinks about relationships with men. But here you need to understand whether she is ready to enter into a relationship. At this age, love has the character of an owner - a young lady wants to have a guy as a property, so that he would give flowers to his lady of the heart, admire her and give gifts. Young people subconsciously feel that a girl wants a relationship for the sake of a relationship, and not specifically them.

It looks like this- “Let's meet, I'm so good, beautiful and talented. You will walk me home and take me to the cinema.” Unfortunately, this is not a relationship. With such an attitude, a girl at the age of 13-14 will never find a boyfriend for herself. In order to enter into a relationship at this age, you need to understand that boys mature more slowly than girls, and when building relationships with a peer, you need to understand that he needs, first of all, a girl - a friend who shares his interests, life views, shares his hobbies.

A good move would be: go to the karate, volleyball or karting section, take a keen interest in these activities, read special literature and be able to keep up the conversation on “male” topics. After some time of such communication, the surrounding guys will pay attention to a pretty, smart girl who has common hobbies with them. And then it's up to the small - to show their strengths. For example, treat him to a pie prepared on his own, or surprise him with a non-standard act. For example, take part in karting competitions or participate in a school physics olympiad.

At this age, a girl should not obsess over relationships. You should start developing yourself, find a hobby, study, engage in self-education. It is worth remembering that love is not an end in itself, but only a means to achieve spiritual harmony. Life has prepared for every woman a fateful meeting that can happen at any age.

At the age of 13 or 14, a girl is no longer small, but sometimes she is not psychologically ready for a relationship yet. She wants love - adoration, not love - cooperation.

There is no boyfriend at 15-16 years old, how to answer the question?

At the age of 15 - 16, every second girl experiences the feeling of first falling in love. It is at this age that the first love relationships appear. But, unfortunately, first love rarely develops into real feelings. Dating a boy at this age is the norm. But why is there no guy at 15, 16? Young people at this age have already gone through a period when a girl should be a friend and like-minded person. Here they choose primarily by external signs, that is, the brighter the plumage of a bird, the faster it will be noticed.

Psychologists interviewed 100 young people aged 15 to 16 and found out which girl they would not like to date.

So boys don't like:

  • Groomed girls, in dirty clothes, sloppy.
  • Capricious, whining and annoying.
  • Smoking, drinking.
  • Evil, envious and bilious.
  • Promiscuous in relations with the opposite sex.

So, in order to understand why there is no guy at 15-16 years old, you need to dig a little into yourself, if 2-3 years ago young people needed a smart girlfriend, now they need a beautiful picture. If a girl understands that she really looks bad, then hard work on herself is required here. Even if at this age it is not possible to find a guy, then with a good figure and well-groomed appearance it will be easier to do in the future.

So, if you are going to meet a guy, every girl would do well to:

  • Get rid of extra pounds, if any.
  • Visit the dentist, treat your teeth and achieve a perfect smile.
  • Visit a hairdresser - stylist and choose a hairstyle that emphasizes the dignity of the girl.
  • Flip through fashion magazines, get acquainted with fashion trends. If possible, visit a stylist.
  • Understand that bad habits do not adorn a girl. Don't even start smoking or drinking. It is better to play sports - aerobics, sports dancing or jogging. These exercises will have a beneficial effect on the figure, and on health and well-being.

Thus, by the age of 15 or 16, a girl, having worked on her appearance, is more likely to find a guy. But don't forget about content. A stupid beauty is less likely to find a boyfriend than a smart girl with an average appearance.

You also need to understand that the reason for the absence of a boyfriend is hidden not only in the girl herself, many young people of this age are simply afraid to start a relationship.

Even if relationships with the opposite sex do not add up, do not despair, at any age you can meet your love. Most importantly, learn to understand what we expect from relationships, and why they are needed.

Why can't there be a guy at 17-18 years old, but girlfriends have?

It's a shame when your seventeen year old girlfriends go on dates and you don't. Well-groomed, pretty, well-read, fluent in a foreign language, and all alone. But Masha from a technical school is dating a handsome man. Is the situation familiar? Yes, then read on.

If most of her friends are dating boys, then they have found a person who completes them. So, each person strives to build relationships with a person who is as similar as possible to himself. Therefore, at the age of 17 - 18 years old, it is worth looking for a person close to you in terms of interests. If you learn French, sign up for public lectures at the French Cultural Center, if you love football, go to the stadium more often and attend matches of your favorite team.

At this age, guys are also looking for a like-minded girl. It doesn't matter to them what she looks like, how long her legs are. But the interesting inner world of the girl, the easy character and cheerful disposition will be much more significant.

A girl at any age should know that angry and envious women scare away men. If you want to date a guy, be a good darling. All in your hands.

Also, guys 17 - 18 years old pay attention to girls who are enthusiastic, find an occupation for yourself - a passion to which you are ready to devote your time. Be it: volunteering, animal protection, studying, drawing or collecting. If at 13 - 14 years old guys were looking for a friend, at 15 - 16 years old they were looking for a beautiful appearance, at 17 - 18 years old they need a girl - an ally.

But you need to understand what kind of ally a young man needs - if the circle of his interests is beer and discos, then decide for yourself whether you are ready to become his ally. It is better to look for a guy where there are promising and socially adapted young people - a university, sports clubs, language clubs, volunteer organizations, hobby societies.

No boyfriend at 19-20, what's wrong with me?

When a girl wonders what's wrong with me, there really is a problem. Here you need a consultation with a psychologist, he will help you understand yourself.

But, as a rule, the only reason (which all experts single out) why there is no young man at the age of 19-20 is the girl's excessive demands on her chosen one.

A Cinderella complex may appear here, which, in fact, is nothing, but is waiting for the prince. And he refuses good relations, but ordinary guys, not astronauts, not football players and not actors with world fame.

A young woman looking for a guy from 19 to 20 years old should reconsider her attitude towards the opposite sex, understand that there is no ideal and highlight male qualities that are important and secondary. To do this, you need two pieces of paper, a pen or a marker. Then “yes” is written on one piece of paper, and “no” on the other. And they write down what in a man can be accepted and what is not. If “no” is more, then a thorough analysis is needed as to why this is so. For example, if a girl does not agree to put up with the betrayal of her beloved or drug addiction, then this is normal, but if she is annoyed by the presence of brothers or the blue color of her eyes, then one thing needs to be clarified here - the little things in appearance and lifestyle are not so important. By narrowing the scope of the search for a boyfriend, the girl herself scares away potential suitors.

I'm beautiful, but the guy is not around, so I'm Scary?

Am I not worthy of love?

Pretty doesn't mean happy. A girl may be unsympathetic, but at the same time she is happy in a relationship. Every woman deserves love, but for this you need to acquire adequate self-esteem, know your strengths and weaknesses and understand that every woman is worthy of love.

There is one psychological exercise for self-acceptance - it is tough, but effective. To love others, you need to learn to love yourself. Every day for 20 days, it is necessary to perform exercises to increase female self-esteem and understand the aspect that any woman is worthy of love.

This requires:

  • Every morning, in front of the mirror, give yourself 3 compliments, from the heart. Not just “I am a cutie”, “I have beautiful expressive eyes”, “I am an interesting conversationalist”, “I am worthy of the love of a wealthy man”. Praise yourself and wish yourself to meet a good man.
  • Write your main virtues on a piece of paper, then reread them, and after each repeat "I am worthy of love." For example, “I have a rank in chess, I am worthy of love”, “I quit smoking last month, I am worthy of love.”
  • Practice "mirror smile" regularly - take out a pocket mirror every two hours and sincerely smile at your image.

20 days of this training work wonders, more than 80% of women who passed it were able to let love into their lives and find a man.

A simple test for a girl in psychology

"Am I ready for a relationship?"

To understand whether a girl needs a young man right now, American psychologists have created a simple test "Am I ready for a relationship." By answering 5 simple questions and counting the points, the girl will be able to understand whether he is ready to meet a guy, or if the time has not yet come.


  • Do you agree with the statement “Without love, life is meaningless”?

B) in part

  • Where can you meet the man of your dreams?

A) on the internet

B) At a disco, in a nightclub

B) almost everywhere

  • What attracts you the most in men?

A) Appearance

B) Material well-being

C) His personality and lifestyle

  • Imagine your first date, what will it be:

a) Going to a cafe or restaurant

B) Meeting in the city, visiting the entertainment center

C) I don’t know, we’ll agree. (Let the man choose)

  • Why do you need a relationship with a man?

A) Everyone has .., this is the norm

B) Are you bored alone, have no one to take a walk with?

C) It's time to build a serious relationship and start a family.

So, for each answer (A) 1 point is awarded, for the answer (B) 2 points, and for the answer (C) 3 points.

If you scored between 5 and 7 points:

You do not have a clear idea why you need a relationship, you are not yet ready for a mature relationship of cooperation and love. If you want to meet a man, then only because of the example of girlfriends and relatives. Don't rush, your time to love hasn't come yet. Don't worry, you have everything ahead of you.

7 to 10 points:

For you, having a relationship is status, prestige. You should not consider a man as property and protection from all adversity. In a harmonious relationship, there should be both support and care from a woman. Your selfishness prevents you from building a lasting relationship. Most likely, you meet men, but the relationship is too short-lived. Learn not only to take, but also to give.

10 to 15 points:

Are you not married yet? Strangely, usually women with this attitude are fully prepared for relationships and are happy in marriage or in long-term relationships. If you are still single, do not despair, you are completely ready for a relationship.

Never had a boyfriend, how to find him?

How to find a guy? Search - open a profile on a dating site, go on dates, visit crowded places where men "accumulate": stadiums, fitness centers, cafes, cinemas. You can ask your friends to introduce you to brothers and friends. This method is very efficient and simple.

You can contact a potential matchmaker. In search of a guy, the most important thing is action, you can’t wait for fate to knock on the door itself.

At what age is it already difficult to find a guy or a man?

Girls, if you are asking this question, then understand that even at the age of 70 you can find a man. The main thing is to understand that you are worthy of love, are able to give your love to a man, you want to be happy and make a man happy with yourself.

There is a misconception that after 35 years it is almost impossible to find a man, but look how many women are around who have found a mate after 35, even after 50 and 60 years.

Age is not a criterion. It is important to understand what a relationship is for and what you can bring to it. If a woman is always ready to support, inspire and love a man, then at any age it is not a problem for her to build harmonious relationships.

Ok Google! Why don't I have a boyfriend yet?

Top Answers

To this question, both Google and psychologists will give almost the same answers.

Here they are:

  • Look not there

Remember girls. Men do not go to discos and cafes in order to get acquainted. It's easier to find a guy in a fitness club or through mutual friends.

  • No boyfriend because you are looking for a prince

And they only exist in fairy tales. Lower your requirements. Put yourself in order, men love well-groomed ladies.

  • Engage in self-development

Become interesting as a person. There is no boyfriend because you consider yourself unworthy of love and have low self-esteem.

And remember girls, meeting a guy is not a goal, but just one of the paths to harmony and happiness. It is worth remembering one interesting saying "If you want to change the world, change yourself." Don't be afraid to change, improve and seek.

Do not miss. . .

Need to know -

That article was for men, and this article is for girls, and it is called similarly: . Here we will analyze the main nuances of this situation. Most likely, this article will upset you with some data and information. As a man, I will tell you the whole truth so transparently that it cannot be more transparent. Get ready to hear what is not written in other articles.

Why don't I have a boyfriend?

As in the previous article, we start from the bottom up. Despite the fact that you are a girl, I still recommend that you read it, since there is something there that applies to this topic in the same way. At the same time, you can give useful advice to men.

So, down with the water, and go to the point. Dear ladies, I want you to finally understand that the time has changed and the current situation is not in your favor. What I mean? You need to stop thinking stereotypically, namely: guys should take the first step, I should be inaccessible (touchy), guys should seek girls, guys should look after beautifully, they should call first and so on. It's not all bad. Guys really have to do all this. But if you are 20-25 years old, and you still don’t have a boyfriend, then it’s time to change your strategy. More on this below, and now I will explain why the situation is not in your favor.

First, there are fewer us guys than you women. There are even fewer good guys who don’t drink, don’t smoke, know how to earn money, are reliable and faithful, and then they have already been taken apart by active women (more on activity below). According to statistics, there are nine guys for ten girls. In fact, not nine, but six, or even less.

We go further. Now guys have learned to do without women. There is a washing machine, dishwasher, fast food and other appliances that replace women's labor. Of course, I'm not saying that we need women to cook and clean the apartment. Of course not, but all this somehow motivated men earlier to create relationships. After all, we, like you, cannot do without you. We don't have ten hands, right. Responsibilities must be shared. Only now men entrust all this business to modern technology.

But what about SEX, women will finally ask. Can they do without it too? No, of course we can't. Before the collapse of the USSR, a man could only have sex in marriage or in a relationship. I don’t know for sure, since I was born during the collapse of the USSR. Sex at that time motivated men to beautiful courtship. And now prostitution has appeared in our country. And it’s easier for men to go “left” than to run after a girl and try to get sex from her. Now many men do not marry because they have mistresses and it suits them.

The conclusions are as follows: there are fewer men, modern technology partially replaces household chores, there is sex (for money), relationships are not as important for men as for women. Women are created for love, and men for creating something meaningful in our lives. Now the situation is starting to change, women are becoming like men, and men are becoming women. We won't talk about it

So is it worth it to stick to that old position where a man should do everything, and a woman just stand on the sidelines and wait for someone to approach her? Partially yes, but 100% - this is a mistake. And if there are such installations in your smart head, then it is not surprising why you are wondering: "Why don't I have a boyfriend?". You have to take action, here's why. And do not stand on the sidelines, as if you are a commodity. If a man wants, he will buy, if he doesn’t want to, you will continue to stand and gather dust.

How to find a guy?

Now I want to save you some troubles. For example, a girl says she doesn't have a boyfriend because she's fat. And many times I saw couples where a fat girl had a good handsome guy. Even my girlfriend and I were surprised by this case. Appearance matters to us, and communication matters even more. I found out that these bbws just know how to flirt competently with men. An ugly girl will have more chances in front of a beautiful girl if she knows how to flirt. I wrote about this in an article:. So learn to flirt with men. We like it. Stop standing like a pillar and waiting for manna from heaven. By learning how to flirt, you will find yourself a guy pretty quickly.

But that doesn't mean you have to be available. Guys don't like accessible girls. This I can judge for myself. I noticed that I always liked inaccessible girls and still do. But being untouchable is also a mistake. There must be a middle ground. Many girls overact with their inaccessibility. The guy once took a step, two, then three more, but the girl does not react. She doesn't reciprocate. That is, he invested, but she did not. Of course, the guy will spit on this matter and go to another girl. Therefore, if someone has done something for you, take a closer look at him. Perhaps you should reciprocate?

Men need to feel needed too. Only then will they be ready for anything for you. If you don't give it to them, they will go to the one who will give it to them. Now the guys need to catch it on this. Many people only with age begin to understand the full value of those people who need them. If a guy looks at you with indifference, then he needs you. But many girls, when they like someone, do their best to hide it, showing complete indifference. If there is reciprocity, go ahead. The conclusion is this: do not pretend to be touchy. Look closely at those who look at you and take steps.

To find a guy, you need to go somewhere. Agree that sitting at home, you will not find a boyfriend. So give up watching TV shows and DOMA2 and go out into the world - into the real world. You can invite your friends to introduce you to someone. Go to a nightclub. I am sure that after a night of fun, your phone will have several new phone numbers from the guys. Your main task is that you need to find as many places as possible where the guys go. One of my friends signed up for karate, and there she was lucky. Maybe you should visit a couple of classes.

In major cases, you can use the Internet. Many families were created thanks to acquaintance through the Internet. So don't miss this opportunity. However, be careful. There are many fake accounts on the Internet. I advise you more to go in real.

Many girls cannot find a boyfriend because they idealize. All girls want a handsome, handsome and rich guy, but they themselves are nothing. Well, does such a prince pay attention to a girl with whom there is nothing to even talk about? He just bypasses her. Sometimes you have to lower your expectations. The eagle is good, but maybe you should take a sparrow? In most cases, the couple matches each other. The guy corresponds to the girl in his level, and the girl corresponds to the guy. Take a closer look at yourself to see if you have excessive requirements.

Well, the most important thing is to act. I spoke about this above, and I say it now. Do not wait until the guy pays attention to you himself. Sometimes he needs to be encouraged to do so. Do not be afraid to approach first, do not be afraid to flirt, write first. All this must be done, but without fanaticism. The guy needs to make it clear that you like him and that you need him, and then it's up to him. If you are interesting to him, he will reciprocate, and then you will have a boyfriend.

And it often happens that love is unrequited. A girl likes a guy, she acts, and he sends her. A lot of girls and guys face this situation. There's nothing to be done here. Nobody is safe. It just needs to be experienced. However, this is no reason to do nothing further. Action is the main key to getting what you want.

On this article “Why don’t I have a boyfriend or how to find a boyfriend?” completed. Don't judge me for my harshness. My job is to help you get what you want. Ask questions in the comments.

If you want answers to such questions as: why relationships don’t work out, how to meet your love, why relationships deteriorate, how to save relationships, what men are really looking for, what women really want and much more, then the audio recording of the webinar and a separate book - For you.

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why i dont have a boyfriend how to find a boyfriend


As a rule, many girls who do not have boyfriends or those who are simply abandoned begin to ask this question.
There are many reasons why a girl still does not have a boyfriend, and one of them may be your main one.

1. Maybe it's your complexes. Among many girls, unfortunately, there is such a widespread opinion that if you do not have such a gorgeous figure as the models, or if you do not look like any of the actresses, then no one will look at you, and even more so fall in love. And so they begin to constantly think about how to change their appearance and fill their heads with unnecessary things. And of course next to a nervous woman, no man wants to be. And if you think about it, do all those girls who have a boyfriend look so much like actresses or models?

2. Perhaps you have stopped going outside your circle of friends and, moreover, you are afraid and do not want to meet new people. You are too lazy to go to parties and hangouts in nightclubs and it is easier to talk with your mom and best friend. If this is true, then how exactly are you going to get to know someone if no one sees you? Read the site Be Alpha, the pickup section for a girl - and flirt with men, look at them so that they notice you.

3. It is possible that you are a very modest and shy person. Being in fact quite a pleasant and interesting person in communication, when you meet some guy, with your shyness, you create not the best impression of yourself - a guy, you don’t start talking with you, but rather afraid of offending you. If you are by nature such an uncommunicative person, then you should start doing public affairs or take part in various events where you can communicate with guys. 4. Some girls, seeing the success of their friends, begin to envy them and somehow imitate them. At the same time, they forget about their individuality and turn into a copy of someone who naturally no one needs. You won’t be able to copy completely, you don’t know how your girlfriend behaves when she and her boyfriend are alone.

5. Many girls try to pretend to be someone they are not, or pretend to be too serious, thereby trying to show their individuality and difference from others. But don't turn your nose up so much and keep it simple - guys don't like girls who try to put themselves above men, so don't take mtv clips with independent and proud girls seriously - it's just a picture.

6. Some girls try to be funny, showing the guys that they don't need them, but by doing this they don't attract them to themselves, but on the contrary, the guys don't want to talk to them.

7. Immediately after meeting, some girls start talking about further relationships that the guy may not have thought about yet. By doing this, on the contrary, they scare away the guys, because. As you know, they don't like showdowns.

8. Don't play hard to get by believing that no guy is worthy of you. It is no longer within any framework to sit and wait for a prince on a white horse, remember that if you meet a worthy guy from your environment who you like and be happy with him, then he will be your prince.

9. If a guy comes to visit you, and you start giving him exorbitant care, then it will remind him of his mother and I think that he doesn’t need a second mother. The guy wants sex, first of all, and not lisping and friendship.

10. It is possible that for many of your friends and girlfriends you are a kind of vest in which they can cry and you, listening to their problems, take on all the negative energy, your mood drops and you become uninteresting in arranging your personal life, seeing so many disappointments other's.

11. It is possible that every time you meet guys you start to see them as your friends and nothing more, and you also make it clear to them, putting yourself on a par with them, i.e. you show how independent you are, and you don’t need anyone’s help, especially a man’s. It is possible that even you are infected with the virus of feminism, which poisons your life, with a negative attitude towards men.

12. Also, do not believe girls disappointed in guys, girlfriends who, at any convenient moment, especially immediately after breaking off relations with their boyfriends, try to say and prove that all guys are bastards. It is because of such girls that many guys think that all girls are bitches.

If you are still very young and you have not had a boyfriend, then you should not be upset in vain. On the contrary, you have enough time to think about what kind of guy you need and what kind of relationship you need. Keep in mind, if you want a relationship with an already established man, then you should think about whether you are ready for a serious relationship and whether you will correspond to your man and not seem like a stupid and ordinary dummy next to him. To find a boyfriend and build a relationship, first try to learn how to communicate with different guys and understand male psychology.