"The Moral Values ​​of the Family". Education in the family of moral norms and values

Many modern families have their own traditions. In fact, some people don't realize it. Indeed, even an ordinary daily walk with the whole family or the wish to “be healthy” after another sneeze is also to some extent characteristic of each individual family. What can we say about joint trips to the cinema or to nature, the celebration of any events close only to this family - all this is nothing but family traditions.

What do traditions give?

A family is not just a community of people connected by marriage and kinship. It is also the union of several people in everyday matters and responsibility for everything that concerns themselves and loved ones. In a family, people not only live together, but also help, support each other, have fun together and experience various events. Family members are constantly learning to respect each other's personal opinions.

There is something else that unites them into a common whole, relating only to them. And these are their family values ​​and traditions. They can simultaneously be similar to the traditions of other families, and at the same time differ from them. After all, in every cell of society they do something in their own way, and this is also traditional.

Family traditions are norms, customs, style of behavior and worldview, transmitted in the family from older to younger successors by inheritance.

They give the following:

This is only a small part of the advantages that family traditions give. There are actually many more benefits.

Types of family customs

In different countries you can find many customs adopted in families. They can be divided into two conditional groups. The first includes common traditions - those that are very common in almost all families . These include:

Another kind of tradition - special. They are specific to a particular family. It can be a weekend picnic, a trip to relatives or something else.

In addition, all traditions are divided into those specially introduced into a particular family and those that have developed in it themselves.

How they are created

Creating a tradition in the family is quite simple. To do this, you need your own desire and the consent of loved ones. Then you can act according to the following algorithm:

It's good to bring examples of family traditions to the classroom for a portfolio. This will characterize the child as a person who is instilled with moral values.

Very often, newlyweds, creating a young family, are faced with the problem of too different family traditions, since they differ in different families. In this case, you need to compromise and look for some way out that will suit everyone. Even if an agreement fails, it will be possible to create a completely new tradition that will suit both. For a sample, you can use family holidays and traditions in the families of Russia and other countries.

What is accepted in Russia

In Russia, family traditions and customs have always been respected and carefully preserved. Having become a part of the culture and history of the country, they still influence the consciousness of modern Russians. Here are examples of what family traditions were in the family:

Some of these traditions have been forgotten, while others, albeit rarely, still exist. And this means that not everything is lost yet and can change for the better.

Family values ​​in different countries

In England, the goal of parents is to raise a true gentleman. Therefore, they raise children strictly, teaching them to hide emotions.

In Japan, literally all children's desires are fulfilled until the age of six. Mothers up to this age raise the child themselves. And then the children are sent to school, where they get acquainted with order and discipline.

In Germany, there is a tradition to start a family after thirty years.

In France, mothers choose a career. Therefore, after the birth of the baby, after a short time they again go to work, and the child is sent to a nursery.

In America, children are taught social life from infancy. Families with crumbs can be found at parties and in cafes.

What rules can be introduced

In fact, in the world you can find a huge number of unusual and very interesting family customs. Here are just a few options:

Thus, there are many traditions, but their main goal is the same - to make native people living under the same roof closer to each other. Give them patience, teach them to give positive emotions and give happiness to loved ones.

Of course, in many respects the happiness of the family itself and its moral climate depend on whether a trusting, loving atmosphere of mutual understanding reigns in the family between spouses, between parents and children. It may seem strange to some, but for the upbringing of a moral personality it is absolutely not indifferent: whether a child grows up with parents who love and care for each other and for children, or whether he grows up in a family where parents are kept under the family roof only by “parental duty”. No matter how carefully the lack of love and mutual respect is hidden from children, it certainly affects, introducing into the microclimate of the family the spirit of lies, unnaturalness in relationships, which is necessarily reflected in the formation of a growing personality. Teachers note that the love of parents for each other often becomes the main educational factor.

The teacher should draw students' attention to how everything is closely connected in family life: on the one hand, children cement the feelings of their parents, help strengthen the family team, develop their parents morally, on the other hand, children's well-being is impossible without parental love, trust, understanding.

It can be said with confidence that a house in which there is no friendship, good relations between elders and younger ones cannot be called happy. Therefore, we have the right to rank the friendship of parents and children among the moral values ​​of the family.

What is the secret of mutual understanding and good relations between parents and children of different ages? Probably, high school students who are on the verge of adult independent life, it's time to think about it.

The famous Soviet psychologist A. V. Petrovsky identifies five types of relationships:dictate, guardianship, confrontation, non-intervention, cooperation.Even those who are inexperienced in matters of pedagogy would seem to “vote” for cooperation rather than for confrontation. But in real life, not everyone succeeds in cooperation. In fact, it is easier to order, to force a child to do something, than to convince him of the need to do exactly what the parents consider necessary. And if parents do not always manage to resort to direct pressure with teenagers, then they often do not stand on ceremony with kids. Meanwhile, the system of relations between parents and children develops gradually, the personality traits of a growing child depend on it. If in childhood he was deprived of the opportunity to freely choose the line of his behavior, if he was constantly communicated with from a position of strength, it is unlikely that in adolescence one can expect from him independent decisions, strong-willed efforts. Such relationships often contribute to the education in a person of the qualities of a hypocrite, an aggressor.

At the same time, of course, there are situations when there is nothing to convince, when parental correctness is obvious to everyone except a little stubborn one. Is it really impossible then to resort to a "volitional decision"? All parents know that raising a child without saying the word “no” is impossible. But truly wise parents know how to balance every “can’t” with a “can”. “You can’t touch the kettle, it’s hot, you’ll burn yourself, it will hurt, try it, is it hot? Look, here are the spoons, let's set the table for tea.

Skillful balancing between "can not" and "can" often allows you to avoid conflict.

Sincere, respectful relationships are established, as a rule, only in families where relationships are built on the type of cooperation. Such relationships begin ... with communication, with intimate conversations that are born in joint activities. It is in these moments, hours of communication that mutual understanding is born, children “reveal themselves” to their parents, and those to their children.

Each family has its own rhythm, its own style of life. The tradition of joint family meals may be completely unacceptable for those who work in shifts, for those who study in the evenings or are engaged in social work. And yetfamily time,a time of leisurely conversation, when you know that everyone is ready to listen to you and you yourself are interested in listening to others, should be in any family.

Families in which relationships are built on the principle of cooperation are distinguished by mutual tact, politeness and endurance, the ability to give in, get out of conflict in time and endure adversity with dignity. This does not mean that they are free from conflicts, periods of mutual discontent and alienation, but here good relations are considered an enduring moral value. And when clarifying misunderstandings, when clarifying conflicts, they always remember that it is not so important to prove to the wrong person that he is wrong, it is much more important to maintain good feelings for each other. And the confidence that peace and harmony in the house is the highest value helps to restrain anger and reproach that is ready to break from the lips.

In continuation of the conversation, the teacher asks the children to talk about family traditions. In the unfolding conversation, it is important to bring high school students to the conclusion that family traditions are a broad concept, it is not limited to the joint celebration of anniversaries, birthdays and leisure activities. The culture of the family, its moral foundations, finds its expression in traditions.

Each family creates its own traditions, but a young family is not built from scratch. Spouses bring to it their ideas of what a family should be like.

In many families there is a tradition to celebrate birthdays and other significant dates, to celebrate national holidays at a friendly feast. But does the family know how to make the holiday festive? Or is it limited only to a feast with a plentiful libation of alcohol?

After all, you can accept and treat friends, you can sit with them over a cup of tea with traditional pies. Of course, this is possible only when people strive for full communication with each other, and not for the emotional excitability achieved with the help of alcohol.

Deepening the conversation about the traditions that exist in the families of the students, the teacher can ask them to think about the question: which traditions would they like to “take” into their families without changes, and which ones to correct, and finally, which ones would they like to create?

St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Faculty of distance learning

Department of Personnel and Educational Work


on the subject of professional ethics on the topic:

"The Moral Value of the Family"

Completed by: student lieutenant colonel of militia

Bogdanov Alexey Viktorovich

St. Petersburg


Family values

The moral foundations of the family

Status dispositions in the family

The system of rules of conduct in the family

Index of individualism of a child in a family

Family masculinity index




An ideal family is unthinkable without love. Love is warmth, tenderness, joy. This is the main driving force in the development of mankind, for the sake of which we all exist, that which moves a person to recklessly heroic deeds. "I love, and therefore I live ..." (V. Vysotsky)

More than once, philosophers and sociologists have raised the question of the crisis of the institution of the family, and even predicted its disappearance in the future. The structure of the family as a small social group has changed: families have decreased, many families have appeared that were formed after remarriage, single mothers. But marriage still has a high prestige, people do not want to live alone. The educational function of the family remains important, but a large role is assigned to the state and society: children are brought up in nurseries, kindergartens, schools, and the media also have a significant impact. The recreational function of the family is also important, i.e. mutual assistance, maintenance of health, organization of rest and leisure. In the modern world, with its high social pace, the family turns into an outlet where a person restores his mental and physical strength. One of the main functions of the family, reproductive, does not change; procreation function. Thus, nothing and no one can replace the functions of the family.

In our country, great attention is paid to the family. The family is under the protection of the state . Modern marriage and family relations require that the husband and wife have a high level of moral, ethical, psychological and pedagogical culture of marriage. It is important to help the younger generation in the successful development of personal qualities, the ability to understand their own qualities and the qualities of other people. That is why the preparation of the younger generation for family life should be given the closest attention. Such training contains the following aspects: general social, ethical, legal, psychological, pedagogical, aesthetic, economic and economic.

The family is a very important, responsible business of a person. The family brings fullness of life, happiness, but each family is, first of all, a big business of national importance. And the goal of our society is the happiness of people, and one of its most important components is a healthy, strong family, because it is she who raises and educates a new generation. Consequently, the state should pay even more attention to caring for the family: increasing real incomes, social benefits and benefits, housing security, etc.

So, family life requires from a person very different knowledge and skills, as well as skills that are formed in everyday life, starting from the parental family.

If spouses love each other, feel deep sympathy, but cannot find a common language, they experience great difficulties. Love brings together; but a family is at least two different people with their own attitudes towards different aspects of life. In the family, clashes of opinions, ideas, interests, needs are inevitable. Full agreement is not always possible even if desired. One of the spouses with such an orientation would have to give up their aspirations, interests, etc. The better the relationship between spouses, the easier it is for them to raise children. Parental education is, first of all, a great job of building a permanent and lasting psychological contact with a child at any age.

The family is a product of the social system, it changes with the change of this system. But, despite this, divorce is an acute social problem.

Divorce is the strongest emotional and mental shock that does not go unnoticed for spouses. As a mass phenomenon, divorces play a predominantly negative role both in changing the birth rate and in raising children.

Divorce is assessed as a blessing only if it changes for the better the conditions for the formation of the child's personality, puts an end to the negative impact on the child's psyche of marital conflicts. A family can live if it performs poorly or does not perform at all any of its functions other than parental. The family dies if it ceases to do what it was created for - the upbringing of children.


family educational parents

As a cell of society, the family reflects its ideological, political and moral foundations. Among the spiritual values ​​of the family, the most important place is occupied by ideological values.

The family is the most important school of morals, here a person takes the first steps along the path of the moral and political development of the individual.

The active social orientation of the activities of the father and mother are reflected in the lifestyle of the family. Such parents grow up ideologically convinced children.

A huge role in the transfer of the ideological experience of the older generations to the younger ones is played by traditions (the beginning and end of the school year of children; days of majority; obtaining a passport, etc.)

The ideological values ​​of the family include family heirlooms - documents, memoirs, letters, awards. Each of them is a testament to the life and deeds of loved ones, relatives. Careful attitude to relics is a source of moral strength, ideological conviction, spiritual continuity of generations.


Morality is formed in specific historical conditions and, accordingly, its very content changes depending on these conditions.

The moral code proclaims the leading moral principle by which the family lives: Mutual respect in the family, concern for the upbringing of children . But other principles also directly concern the family - for example, is conscientious work not needed in the family? or principle one for all and all for one Does it only apply to public life? And where, if not in the family, do we learn a humane attitude towards people, honesty and truthfulness, simplicity and modesty, implacability to injustice?

Whatever moral principle we take, it becomes clear that it is assimilated from an early age in the family. The assimilation of moral norms occurs not from words, but in the activity, in the actions of people.

Yes, the concept family debt wider than marital debt : it includes parental debt, and filial (daughter) debt and the debt of a brother, sister, grandchildren, etc. Marital, family duty is an enduring moral value of people. And love is inconceivable without duty, responsibility for each other. So, children are the main moral value of the family, and parental duty is the responsibility for the fact that a worthy person, healthy physically and spiritually, grows up in the family. And the participation of children in the life of the family should take place on the basis of the rights of equal members of the family team.

It can be said with confidence that a house in which there is no friendship, good relations between elders and younger ones cannot be called happy. Therefore, we have the right to rank the friendship of parents and children among the moral values ​​of the family.

Sincere, respectful relationships are established, as a rule, only in families where relationships are built on the type of cooperation. Families starting such relationships are distinguished by mutual tact, politeness, endurance, the ability to give in, get out of the conflict in time and endure adversity with dignity.

From the first days of its existence, a young family, relying on all the best inherited from their parents, should strive to create their own style of relationships, their own traditions, which would reflect the thoughts of young people to create a strong family, raise children, and preserve love. Mutual respect and understanding will become a tradition, while gallantry and high aesthetics will become a habit and remain in the family for life.


The following constituent elements of this criterion are proposed: authority, power, democratism of relations, control, trust, etc. As can be seen from the above list of elements that make up this criterion, not only the value orientation of the family at the level of “parents-children” relations, but also the entire spectrum of intra-family subordinations, is subject to analysis. This refers to the relationship between generations also at the level of older parents (grandfathers, grandmothers). This also includes the definition of the style of intermarital communications and the corporatism of ties between children in the family.

The degree and quality of the manifestation of status dispositions in the family is measured using the following indicators:

) the attitude of children to manifestations of parental authority;

) trust in the relationship "parents-children" - according to mutual assessments;

) the quality of parental control in relation to children (demanding, categorical, consistent);

) cohesion and hierarchy of relations between children in the family;

) distribution of household duties;

) the intensity and quality of communication links with representatives of the third generation (older parents): communication and support.


From the point of view of influencing the process of education, this value criterion performs a function in the family that is close to parental control, but in some cases its effect goes beyond the framework of the “educator-educate” relationship and applies to all members of the family group. Thus, the rules of conduct accepted by all members of the family without exception determine the moral ideology of this particular family with minor children. The educational role of this criterion is most evident in the process of the formation of moral values ​​and rules of life in children, since the actions and actions of the child approved by the family are directly related to the assimilation of the moral norms of society.

The effectiveness of the child's assimilation of the educational efforts of parents to transfer the system of rules of conduct in the family is measured by the following indicators:

) the obligatory observance of the established order in the family. Empirical indicators in this case can be: the obligation to return family members home no later than a certain time, notification in case of an unforeseen delay; the immutable fulfillment by family members of their household duties, etc. The qualitative level of this indicator is measured by the grading scale: "high commitment - rather high - when both - rather low - very low";

) tolerance for manifestations of deviant behavior both within the family and outside it. The level of intolerance in the family to manifestations of alcoholism, drug addiction, hooliganism, violence, nationalism, terrorism, etc. can serve as an indicator. To measure the level of tolerance, a similar rating scale is used;

) the sequence of educational actions on the part of parents. The empirical indicators of this educational family ideology are as follows: correspondence between words and deeds in the actions of parents; lack of double morality in the family; adequate reaction of parents to the behavior of children, etc. The rating scale includes the following positions: "high consistency - more often consistent - when both - occasionally show consistency - as a rule, do not follow the sequence";

) presenting requirements to children, taking into account their age characteristics and capabilities. Empirical indicators of this indicator are based on taking into account the factors of physical and mental health of children, their level of social and legal preparedness, etc. The rating scale provides for the following qualitative characteristics: "always take into account - more often take into account - when, according to circumstances - more often do not take into account - usually do not take into account."


The criterion under consideration makes it possible to compose, through a system of indicators, an idea of ​​the self-assessments and self-identification of the child as a family member, as well as the position of parents in the formation of independence of his judgments and actions in the worldview sphere. It is known that an individual can isolate himself only by feeling himself in the society of other individuals similar to him. It seems extremely important that the child has a free choice between the possibility of communicating with other people and isolation for introspection and improvement, the development of their personal qualities. The child's individualism index gives an idea of ​​the upbringing responsibility of parents who consciously form such qualities of the child's personality that allow him to achieve a sense of inner freedom and emancipation in the process of growing up and socialization. When working with this criterion, a number of complex indicators are used, which can later be presented in fractional form at the level of simple indicators:

) the ratio of the principles of communication and isolation in the practice of educating parents of individuality as a quality of the child;

) the degree of independence of the child in the family allowed by the parents:

material (the child's own earnings through labor);

physical (acquisition of self-care skills, personal care of one's health);

psychological (respect for the personality of the child, moderate criticism);

intellectual (respect for the opinion of the child, creation of conditions for the development of cognitive attitudes).

) personal responsibility of the child, attitude to rights and obligations;

) personal autonomy of the child:

spatial (presence of own room, bed, etc.);

emotional (the possibility of solitude, a sense of "social loneliness");

material (personal earnings as pocket money or as part of the family budget);

) self-identification of the child: orientation towards individuality or social system (“I” - as part of a family group);

) independence of the child in decision-making, independence from the reference group (including family);

) the child's assessment of his achievements as personal success or as a collective effort of the family.


The term "masculinity" is used in the analysis of the educational methods of the family in a situation of a differentiated approach to children of the opposite sex. The same term defines the actions of family members to provide mutual support, protection and assistance, i.e. the level of corporateness of the family group is determined.

At the same time, the masculinity index reveals the frequency of the spouses using forceful methods to solve family problems. As you know, the effectiveness of family education involves, first of all, a clear example of the parents' own behavior in certain life circumstances. Practice shows that examples of violent behavior borrowed by children from the parental family become a natural continuation of the tradition of spousal and parental violence in the next generation.

It follows from the above that the indicators used to determine the masculinity index should make it possible to evaluate spouses-parents as subjects of both positive (support) and negative (violence) actions in the family. The following set of indicators is proposed:

gender approach to the upbringing of children; differentiated educational measures of mother and father for children of different sexes;

the permissibility of child abuse (the use of various forms of violent actions);

the intensity of parental support provided to children (the parent as a protector, the family as a "refuge");

the manifestation of empathy and its addressees in the family and outside it;

the permissibility of intermarital violence.

Another methodological approach to the problem of classifying the value system of the family was tested as part of the monitoring conducted by a group of researchers led by the author. The classification proposed below is based on the characteristics of the family, reflecting its life activity. The researchers were guided by the hypothesis of a higher efficiency of educational influence in families that are distinguished by the stability of intra-family relations. On the other hand, the stability of the family is due to the presence in it of a stable system of values ​​that creates a situation of social balance and successful resistance to negative external factors. The educational values ​​of the family are essentially a reflection of its value orientations. It is known that educational measures are implemented by parents not so much through didactic influence on the child, but through the demonstration of personal behavior, orientation of interests and needs, as well as through the creation of a certain psychological climate in the family. Based on this basis, we define the educational strategy of the family through its value system. Based on this theoretical premise, the following main elements were included in the classification of family values:

) values ​​of marriage;

) values ​​associated with the democratization of family relations;

) the values ​​of parenthood, raising children;

) values ​​of family ties;

) values ​​associated with self-development;

) values ​​of extra-family communications;

) values ​​of professional employment.

The ultimate goal of the study was to determine the mechanisms of continuity of the value system within the family: from parents to children. At the same time, the satisfaction of adolescents with the presence and nature of the manifestation of each value in his family was revealed. Satisfaction with a particular value was identified with the adolescent's readiness to accept it as an element of the ideological concept of his own future family.

As a result of the analysis of the empirical data obtained, the following dynamic series was built, characterizing the readiness of children to accept certain values ​​of the parental family for their implementation in their own family (Table 1).

Table 1

Continuity of family values ​​in the dynamics of years

Ценности семьиГотовы принять, подростки (%) Не готовы принять, подростки (%)1995 г.1997 г.1999 г.1995 г.1997 г.1999 г.Супружеские отношения161322382635Демократизация отношений в семье344235302333Родительство, воспитание детей 514444162124Родственные связи6773697311Саморазвитие112118433046Внесемейные коммуникации46624616720Профессиональная занятость родителей72645015720

Analyzing the data table. 1, it can be argued that, to the greatest extent, adolescents are ready to borrow the model of family ties from their parental value system, primarily in relations with their own older parents (70% of adolescents are ready to accept, on average over the years of monitoring, 7% are not ready). The rating of such family values ​​as professional interests, attitude to work is also quite high (an average of 62% are ready to follow such a parental model of behavior, 14% of adolescents reject it). The next family value accepted by children as a model of behavior is extra-family communication, and above all, relationships with friends (accepted by 51% of adolescents, rejected by 14%). Slightly less than half of teenagers (46%) approve of the system of education adopted in the parental family (compared to 20% of those who do not approve of their parents' methods of education). The number of adolescents who approve of the style of family relations (democratic) and reject the relations existing in the family is quite comparable (37% and 29%, respectively). Emotional relationships between parents do not enjoy the support of children: only 17% of adolescents evaluate them positively, while 33% of negative assessments. Finally, adolescents do not at all approve of the form of spending their free time by their parents, the lack of opportunities for self-development in this area. Only 16% of children are ready to borrow a parental example, while 40% do not want to.

Summing up the analysis of the significance of family values ​​in the structure of parenting resources, we can draw a number of conclusions.

Firstly, the value system of the family has a powerful potential for educational impact on the younger generation in terms of its personal development.

Secondly, in the context of global changes in Russian society and the uncertainty of goals in the activities of a number of social institutions that arose against this background, the presence of a stable system of values ​​in the family can serve as a counterweight to negative influences and a guarantee of adequate upbringing of the younger generation. This thesis seems to be a weighty argument in the development of state policy to support the family as an institution for raising children.

Thirdly, the transformation of Russian society has led to the leveling of many social values ​​of the old series (the era of socialism), but a distinct system of values ​​of the new era has not yet been formed. This is the main difficulty in the implementation of the educational process in a changing society: there are no sustainable guidelines for future development, a long-term strategy of social priorities has not been defined. The definition of social guidelines for the development of Russian society, presented to the population of the country in a conceptual form, could greatly alleviate the problems of the family and other social institutions in the selection and development of principles for the educational impact on children in the new operating conditions.

In a changing society, the traditional values ​​of the family often become an obstacle in the assimilation of new life realities. In such a situation, the process of transformation of family values, their adaptation to new living conditions often occurs with the active participation of the younger generation in the family. Such a social phenomenon takes place today in Russian society: there is an atypical situation where parents recognize the high competence of children in a number of issues related to the real values ​​of the new society. Thus, in a transitional Russian society, one should speak not so much about the traditional transfer of family values ​​from parents to children, but about their multidirectional participation in this process. At the intergenerational level, along with the assimilation of basic values ​​by children, the value system of parents is being transformed.

The Russian reforms of the last two decades have radically changed the ideology of the priorities of society's values. The primacy of the interests of society over the individual, postulated under socialism, has changed to the opposite: from now on, the interests of the individual are regarded as primary, prevailing over the collective, group. Other moral guidelines of society have also changed: hitherto little-known terms from someone else's life came into constant use with a positive sign: "enterprise", "personal initiative", "leadership", "competitiveness", etc. In the past, the positive characteristics of the value series acquired a purely negative meaning: “modesty”, “altruism”, “collectivism”, etc. Such radical moral assessments, characteristic of a society in transition, will undoubtedly acquire a less categorical form over time, balancing each other. However, today's trends testify to the leveling of traditional Russian values ​​under the pressure of the values ​​of other communities introduced from outside. In the light of the foregoing, today an initiative of the official authorities is needed to determine the place of the traditional values ​​of the old series in the new value structure of society in order to preserve the national identity of Russia.


Analysis of statistical data shows that in the process of studying such a course, students purposefully form qualities, skills and abilities that will be useful to them in family life. Young people realize that a normal family life requires moral and psychological preparation for marriage, personal qualities that ensure the spiritual unity of family members.

In the process of studying the course, young people form views and ideas that help to adequately assess the role of family education and personality formation. At the same time, their views on the everyday foundations of family life are also changing, and a positive attitude towards participation in family affairs is being formed. After all, it is obvious that in family life a lot of things are tightly connected in a single knot: moral and economic, economic and ethical. The influence of the course is also found in the analysis of the value orientations of young people on mutual love as the highest motive and condition of family life.


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2.Berdyaev N.A. Philosophy of freedom. M, 1990.

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.Makarenko A.S. Works. M, 1957.

.Skriptunova E.A., Morozov A.A. On the preferences of urban youth // Sociological research. - 2002.- No. 1.


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How do you understand? In your home, family values ​​are certain rules and ideals that you live by, trying not to break them. The list of family values ​​can be endless and values ​​are unique for each family, but we will try to single out 10 main ones from them.

Well-defined helps to strengthen the foundation for building a strong and united family. When relationships last long enough, it's not uncommon for them to show weaknesses, especially when life doesn't go according to plan. Strong and consistent family values ​​play an important role in and confidence for each family member. Here are the top 10 family values.

1. Affiliation. It is very important to me that every member of the family feel that they are loved, that they belong to someone, and that they are significant. Building a close-knit family means spending every free moment together, having family activities, but keep in mind that everyone is different. Building solids is great, but each person should have the freedom to do what he thinks he enjoys. People become more courageous and risk-averse when they know they have a safe place to go back to when things don't work out. Getting the whole family together not only on special occasions, but just spending time together helps to increase the sense of belonging.

2. Flexibility. Despite the orders and foundations already formed in the family, do not forget to be flexible in your decisions sometimes. Reluctance to show a little loyalty can bring a lot. The more flexibility you show in your decision making, the happier your family will be. Imagine if one of the family members always believes that he alone is right - this will not bring much happiness to the family.

3. Respect. It's a little harder to define. Respect each other means taking into account the feelings, thoughts, needs and preferences of others when making decisions. It also means recognizing the involvement of the family as a whole. The only way to earn and keep people's respect is to show that you respect them yourself. Respect, as a very important family value, will be shown both at home and at school, at work and in other public places.

4. Honesty. This is the foundation of any relationship. Mother-daughter, husband-wife, sister-brother. Without honesty, it will not be possible to create and maintain relationships. Encourage honesty by showing understanding and respect when someone tells you they have done wrong. If we do not do this and get angry when someone confesses his bad deed to us, then next time he will simply hide it in order to avoid disrespect.

5. Forgiveness. who hurt you, a very important choice. Yes, it's a choice. It is not some feeling that accidentally gnaws at you when you feel that the other person has been very "suffered". This can be difficult, as many of us tend to equate forgiveness with *it's okay*. It's not the same. does not promote mutual respect between close relatives. Keep in mind that everyone makes mistakes, we all sometimes say things that we shouldn't say, because none of us are perfect. Try to adequately resolve problem situations, reach understanding and move on. Life is too short.

6. Generosity. Giving without thinking “what will I get in return” is an important quality for those who want to become a responsible, useful member of society. Through generosity, we are able to empathize and empathize as we try to understand what people want or need. Being generous does not mean simply giving money to those who need it. It is also your time, love, attention and even sometimes your possessions.

7. Curiosity. Children are naturally very curious. If you, even a couple of minutes, then you would clearly see this quality. For some, this curiosity is waning. I think it's important to encourage and push our kids, and even ourselves, to be curious about things. How to spark our curiosity? Ask lots of questions. Read about what you know very little about and don't be afraid to say that you don't know something. Critical thinking is an important skill that can be learned and developed by exploring your own curiosity.

8. Communication. Communication is both an art and a science. is likely to lead to misfortune and misunderstanding. Small problems grow into bigger ones, and when they eventually boil and float to the surface, then they can hardly be solved calmly. Communication is much more than just communication of the mind. In addition to oral speech, communication also extends to tone, volume, facial expressions, eyes, and gestures. I believe that this is the most important value for a family. When people feel they can talk openly about anything — hopes, dreams, fears, successes or failures — without fear of judgment, it is reassuring and empowering. connection between people.

9. A responsibility. We all would like to be considered responsible people. Some of us are, and some of us are not. with experience. As a child, you may have been shown how to clean up your toys after you've played, how to clean your room, and how and when to feed your dog. This sense of responsibility increases in adulthood. An adult who has an inner sense of responsibility does not need to be forced to come to work on time, answer the phone, or complete work on time. Show responsibility in the family in order to instill this quality in each of the family members.

10. Traditions. This is by far the most fun for me. I think tradition is what makes a family unique, brings people together and creates a sense of belonging for everyone. Traditions don't have to be expensive, complicated, or hard work. It could be something as simple as a *lazy Saturday* when you're just having coffee and chatting together, or a family dinner when the whole family gathers around the same table. If you currently do not have traditions in your family, create them! All traditions originated from a particular person. Why not let your family traditions begin with you? Get creative and have fun.