OAA: history, not a sentence. What does an obstetric history mean and why is it performed?

The concept of "aggravated obstetric history" includes a possible serious threat to fetal development and successful delivery. In medical practice, this diagnosis is made based on the presence of concomitant problems that arose during previous pregnancies, as well as in the case of miscarriages, the birth of a stillborn baby.

Numerous abortions, pathology of the uterus, ovaries represent a certain danger and can lead to unforeseen consequences.

What is considered a burdened obstetric history in medical practice?

Since the process of bearing a child and its birth require a serious responsible approach on the part of observing specialists, any difficult circumstances that occurred before the present pregnancy are taken into account. It is possible that artificial termination of pregnancy, which doctors had to resort to during the period of the previous gestation of the fetus, will not adversely affect the development of the child and will not complicate childbirth. In medical practice, cases of adverse outcomes of events in the presence of a burdened obstetric history are not uncommon. Such a conditional, but rather serious diagnosis, requiring a special approach from the medical staff, is made in the following cases:

  • stillbirth,
  • death of a child in the first days after birth,
  • artificial birth,
  • abortion,
  • miscarriage (habitual),
  • operations on the uterus, ovaries, tubes,
  • the birth of a sick child (malformations),
  • bleeding from a previous pregnancy
  • polyhydramnios,
  • hormonal disorders,
  • metabolic disorders,
  • premature birth in previous pregnancies,
  • unfavorable heredity (miscarriages, fetal death in the mother or other close relatives, etc.).

Among the adverse consequences of a burdened obstetric history are placental abruption before the due date (which causes premature birth and fetal death), its improper attachment to the uterine wall, weakness of labor and other dangerous consequences. The threat of death of the fetus, newborn or uterine rupture are the most dangerous complications that should be prevented in time and all necessary measures should be taken if they are likely to occur.

Prevention of complications

Since the operation of the uterus in any case provides for the presence of a scar. A caesarean section is also a risk factor for a woman who is pregnant with her second child. The risk of rupture of the uterus is not excluded, which can cause the death of the child and mother. In subsequent births after operations on the uterus, a caesarean section is indicated, the birth of a child in a natural way is not allowed in order to reduce the risk. During the planning of childbirth, specialists fill out the pregnant woman's exchange card, carefully study the anamnesis, medical history, find out the presence of unfavorable heredity, and then decide on delivery by Caesarean section or in a natural way.

Often the second pregnancy has the same tragic ending as the previous one, as a result of which the intrauterine death of the child was ascertained for a certain reason. It is extremely important for medical personnel to identify possible pathological processes in a woman's body and prevent a deplorable outcome of events. In order to avoid serious consequences, pregnancy planning is recommended to be carried out in advance.

Modern methods of diagnostics, consultation of specialists, the right lifestyle are the necessary conditions for the full development of pregnancy and the timely elimination of serious problems. Pregnant women are advised to visit a supervising doctor at a clearly specified time, possible hospitalization in many cases is the only right decision to preserve the health of the unborn child and his mother.

Pregnancy is a difficult period for many women, associated with difficult bearing, anxiety and unrest, and an unstable emotional state. In addition, doctors often scare the expectant mother with her diagnoses. In exchange cards, you can sometimes find such an abbreviation as OAA during pregnancy. What is it and how scary is it? You will find answers to these questions in the article.

OAA during pregnancy: transcript

The abbreviation "OAA" means "burdened obstetric history." Let's break it down piece by piece. Anamnesis is the history of the disease from its onset to the visit to the doctor. But pregnancy is not a disease, but a condition. Therefore, in this area, an obstetric history is everything that is interconnected with other pregnancies and their course. What does the word "burdened" mean? Previously, there could be some that have an impact on the bearing of the unborn baby and successful delivery.

What is OAA?

We got a little acquainted with the concept of OAA during pregnancy. The decoding is known to us, but the essence is not yet entirely clear. This term includes:

  • abortions;
  • miscarriage;
  • childbirth that occurred ahead of time;
  • the birth of a child with various defects, malnutrition;
  • stillbirth;
  • early detachment of the placenta;
  • anomalies of attachment of the placenta;
  • birth canal injuries;
  • adhesions, scars;
  • narrowness of the pelvis;
  • fetal asphyxia;
  • condition of other children after birth;
  • congenital defects and complications in previous children;
  • other complications.

These factors have a huge impact on the course of subsequent pregnancies and their outcome, so they must be taken into account by the doctor in order to reduce possible risks to the maximum.

There is a concept similar to OAA - OGA, which means "aggravated gynecological history." It includes everything related to the health of a woman in terms of gynecology: the course of menstrual cycles, failures in them, sexual diseases. The concept of OGA is closely interconnected with OAA, therefore they are often called by the general words "burdened obstetric and gynecological history".

It should be noted that the diagnosis of OAA during pregnancy (what it is, we explained above) is made by very many women. So in Russia their number is about 80 percent. A high probability, unfortunately, is not uncommon.

How to minimize risks?

Since OAA is directly related to the state of health of the pregnant woman, it is first of all necessary to prepare for a new expectation of the child in advance. There is a special preconception training for such women, which can be completed without OAA, but in this case it will be simpler.

OAA during pregnancy - what is it and how to minimize the risks? With this diagnosis, a woman must undergo a series of examinations, as well as preventive measures:

  • Be examined for infections, and if they are found, be cured.
  • Examine the hormonal background and adjust it, if necessary.
  • Treatment of concomitant pregnancy diseases of various systems and many others.

Thanks to such methods, the risk of possible involuntary termination of pregnancy is significantly reduced and the health of the expectant mother is preserved.

In addition, if a woman knows that she has OAA, then it is important to register as early as possible, since lost time can affect the preservation of the child's life and its proper development.

The doctor should be aware of everything related to the health of the pregnant woman. It happens that a woman has previously terminated a pregnancy with medication, or there has been a miscarriage for some reason. In this case, with a new pregnancy, these factors may still remain. Moreover, termination of pregnancy causes trauma to the uterus. Therefore, the presence and influence of such factors on a new pregnancy cannot be ruled out.

Also, the presence of complications in previous pregnancies may be due to the fact that there were features in the structure of the organs that cannot be changed.

Measures taken

Do you have OAA during pregnancy? How to treat? In this matter, you need to completely trust your doctor and strictly follow his instructions. Knowing that the pregnant woman had OAA in the past, the specialist should take the necessary measures to prevent possible complications. To do this, the following is done: a risk group is determined, individual measures are selected to accompany pregnancy. In some cases, for example, a woman needs to be hospitalized at certain times when there is the greatest likelihood of risks. In addition, women with OAA are most often hospitalized two weeks before the upcoming birth.

Unfortunately, many women do not tell their doctor if they have had an abortion or miscarriage in the past. A specialist, not knowing about such phenomena, may underestimate the possible risks, and the consequences in the future will be disastrous. It is best to tell the doctor everything.


For women expecting a second child, a caesarean section during their first pregnancy is also a risk factor, as it leaves a scar. Moreover, it is possible that it can lead to the death of both the baby and his mother.

After operations on the uterus, a caesarean section is indicated for subsequent births, because in this case, the passage of the child through the natural birth canal is risky. During the entire pregnancy, specialists fill out an exchange card, carefully study the anamnesis, medical history, and determine the presence of unfavorable heredity. All this information serves to decide whether the birth will be natural or by caesarean.

Often, the second pregnancy can also end tragically, like the first: the intrauterine death of the child for some reason. Medical personnel must identify possible ongoing pathological processes and take all measures to prevent a tragic outcome. In order to avoid possible terrible consequences, it is necessary to plan a pregnancy in advance.

Child health and TAA

Do you have OAA during pregnancy? What is it and how can it affect the health of the child? This diagnosis can have a significant impact on the health of the baby. For example, the presence of infectious diseases of the genital tract, due to which this diagnosis was made, can lead to infection of the child during childbirth. But if the doctor is a competent specialist, then this simply cannot happen.

It is also necessary to remember that hereditary factors can also have a huge impact on the bearing of a child. A pregnant woman with diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, can pass them on to her daughter, for whom they will become a real problem at the time of expecting her child.

OAA itself is not hereditary. However, often hereditary diseases can manifest themselves precisely during the period of expectation of the child. Therefore, at the stage of pregnancy planning, you need to know well the detailed information about the health of relatives. Doesn't interfere with genetic testing.

Emotional mood

Women with OAA during / during pregnancy are at risk of possible complications during childbearing and childbirth. But it is connected not only with physiology. Such women have a completely different attitude towards a new pregnancy than women with a favorable anamnesis.

Such pregnant women must attend a variety of preventive and therapeutic measures held in the antenatal clinic and the hospital.

It must be remembered that OAA during pregnancy is not a sentence, but rather an indication to the doctor to choose the right path. No need to be scared if the abbreviation OAA is found in the card. It is possible that there will be no complications during pregnancy. But in case of ignorance of the doctor about OAA, the occurrence of risks is most possible.

Do you have OAA during pregnancy? What it is, you now know. And now there is no need to panic, it is better to listen to some advice. For the correct and full development of pregnancy, it is necessary to visit the consultations of specialists, follow all the recommendations and appointments prescribed by them, and lead the right lifestyle. It is important not to miss appointments with the doctor, and also to tell him truthfully all the necessary information so that the unborn baby is born healthy.

A lot depends on the mother herself, so it is necessary to make every effort so that the pregnancy proceeds easily, and the upcoming birth is successful.

Some women in the past have events that they don’t want to remember: difficult pregnancy, complicated childbirth. Often they have an impact on the planning of a new pregnancy, and worse - on its development and outcome. However, if the expectant mother takes care of her health carefully and attentively, consults a doctor in time and strictly follows his recommendations, she will save her baby from possible danger.

Consultant: obstetrician-gynecologist of the Yekaterinburg Consultative and Diagnostic Center Tatyana Solomonovna Balabanova.

The anamnesis is the entire past life of the patient and the history of his illness from the onset to the moment of contacting a specialist. Accordingly, the obstetric history concerns everything that was associated with the course of previous pregnancies. It can be burdened by various risk factors that affect the bearing of a child. Let's see what the so-called burdened obstetric anamnesis (OAA) can threaten, and why its presence should not immediately cause panic.

What is OAA?

The concept of OAA includes medical abortions, miscarriage, premature birth, the birth of a child with malformations or stillbirth, the birth of a child with a history of malnutrition, and other complications. There is also a related concept of "aggravated gynecological history" (OGA), which includes menstrual irregularities in a woman, sexually transmitted infections - everything related to gynecological health. Since OGA and OAA are closely intertwined, sometimes experts use the generalized concept of "aggravated obstetric and gynecological history".
In Russia, the number of women with OAA does not tend to decrease and is stable at about 80%. Against this background, of course, the frequency of the threat of termination of pregnancy remains high. Every fourth pregnant woman undergoes treatment in an obstetric hospital.
The progressive deterioration of the quality of health, suppression of the immune system and the indiscriminate use of antibiotics lead to a further increase in the infection of pregnant women. About 40% of them have colpitis of various etiologies, which does not reduce the level of birth injuries, postpartum complications in the mother, and also contributes to infection of the fetus.
Almost all sick pregnant women are diagnosed with chronic fetal hypoxia - a complex pathological condition that occurs due to a decrease or cessation of oxygen supply to it, the accumulation of carbon dioxide and underoxidized metabolic products in its body. This most serious complication of pregnancy and childbirth is the most frequent immediate cause of stillbirths, and its importance among the causes of early infant mortality is also great. Finally, hypoxia determines the high risk of developing a variety of psychosomatic and neurological damage at various stages of postnatal development. Serious hemodynamic and biochemical changes in oxygen deficiency can lead to morphological disorders. That is why the effects of hypoxia can persist throughout a person's life.
The process of birth, birth is the most serious test for the mother and the newborn. A significant number of various complications during childbirth are the result of reduced health of women.

Where does trouble come from?

The loss of a child is an irreparable grief for any mother. Often, having experienced a tragedy, a woman feels guilty. She asks herself again and again: why did this happen? Let's try to figure it out together.
In medicine, there is a term "miscarriage", which refers to the spontaneous termination of pregnancy in the period from conception to the 37th week. Experts say that this is one of the main problems of modern obstetrics and one of the most common components of OAA. Currently, the frequency of this pathology ranges from 10 to 25%. In the first trimester, it can reach 50%, in the second - 20%, in the third - 30%.
Miscarriage up to 22 weeks is referred to as spontaneous miscarriage. Termination of pregnancy from 22 to 37 weeks, when an immature viable child is born with a body weight of 500-2500 grams, a height of 25-45 centimeters, is called premature birth. In some cases, there is a "habitual" miscarriage - spontaneous abortion 2 times or more (often in the early stages of pregnancy).
Risk factors for miscarriage can be divided into 4 groups:
1. Socio-biological: low socio-economic status (low income, low level of education, malnutrition), work associated with physical stress, stress.
2. Obstetric and gynecological history data: the age of the primiparous mother is less than 16 and more than 30 years, preterm birth, aggravated obstetric history.
3. The presence of such diseases as: diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, diseases of the cardiovascular system, bronchial asthma, kidney disease (pyelonephritis), as well as habitual intoxications (alcohol intake, smoking), drug addiction.
4. Complications of pregnancy: polyhydramnios, breech presentation of the fetus (in 20% of women with breech presentation, childbirth ends prematurely), placental abruption (preterm birth occurs 4 times more often), intrauterine infection, intrauterine infection of the fetus, toxicosis of the second half of pregnancy.
Miscarriage can provoke various inflammatory diseases of the cervix and vagina (erosion, cervicitis, colpitis).
Severe forms of diseases such as decompensated heart disease, hypertension, anemia, pyelonephritis contribute to the occurrence of placental insufficiency, which, again, leads to impaired fetal development and miscarriage.
According to statistics, in women with a complicated pregnancy, the likelihood of preterm birth is 2 times higher than in uncomplicated ones. In pregnant women with late toxicosis, the frequency of prematurity is 24.7%, and with combined forms of toxicosis, it is 3 times higher.
As a result of the damaging effect of environmental factors (mechanical, physical, biological, chemical), fetal death may occur or anomalies in its development may occur, leading to miscarriage. With timely and qualified medical care, it is currently possible to avoid many serious complications and prevent miscarriage.

Risk Prevention

If a burdened obstetric history is associated with a general state of health, it is extremely important to prepare for a new pregnancy in advance. For such women, special preconception preparation is carried out. It is useful to go through it without OAA, but then the technique will be simpler. With a burdened obstetric history, examinations and preventive measures are mandatory and most serious. Pregravid preparation includes examination for infections and their treatment if detected, examination of the hormonal background and its correction if necessary, treatment of concomitant diseases (cardiovascular system, kidneys) and other measures. By such methods, doctors can significantly reduce the risk of miscarriage and preserve the health of the expectant mother.
The patient herself, who is aware of the presence of OAA, must, first of all, immediately register herself when pregnancy occurs - often this is essential for saving life and the proper development of the fetus. Time must not be missed!
An obstetrician-gynecologist observing a future mother needs to know everything about her health. If a woman was advised to terminate a past pregnancy with medication (or she had a miscarriage), there were reasons for that. It is likely that these factors have not disappeared anywhere. In addition, with any termination of pregnancy, the uterus is injured, after which someone has more, someone has a less significant trace. It is by no means impossible to exclude the influence of these factors on the current pregnancy.
If complications occurred during previous pregnancies, their causes, most likely, were the features of the structure and functioning of organ systems, hormonal influences that cannot be changed in a particular person.
The doctor, knowing that the patient has OAA behind her, must choose the appropriate prevention of possible complications. There is a special algorithm for this: risk groups are calculated, individual pregnancy management tactics are selected. For example, in some cases, it is necessary to hospitalize a woman at certain stages of pregnancy, when the risks are highest. Patients with a burdened obstetric history are usually hospitalized 2 weeks before delivery.
According to the doctors themselves, some women hide the fact that they had miscarriages or abortions in the past. In these cases, the specialist may underestimate the risks, which in the future will lead to serious consequences. Remember! Even if the beginning of pregnancy proceeds smoothly, the doctor needs to be aware of possible deviations.

Is the child out of danger?

In some cases, a burdened obstetric history of the mother can affect the health of the child. If the diagnosis of "OAA" was made due to genital infections, the child may acquire the disease during childbirth. However, with proper management of pregnancy, this should not happen. In addition, risk factors for bearing a child are hereditary. In other words, if serious illnesses (diabetes, hypertension) interfered with the mother's pregnancy, then in the future, they can also become a serious problem for her daughter when she is expecting her own child.
However, OAA itself is by no means a hereditary phenomenon, because it is an obstetric history of a particular person. At the same time, it often happens that many hereditary diseases that someone in the family suffered from, a woman first manifests itself precisely during pregnancy. Therefore, when planning a child, it is important to know as much as possible about the health of relatives and it is advisable to undergo a genetic examination.
Sometimes, of course, OAA includes such risks in which a woman is not shown to bear a child at all. In such cases, it is necessary to carefully examine in advance so that you do not have to resort to medical abortion or experience spontaneous abortion.

Tune in to the positive

Studies have shown that women with a burdened obstetric history should be attributed to a high risk group for complications during pregnancy and childbirth. But it's not just about physical condition. Scientists have found that women with OAA behind them are completely different emotionally attuned to new births than patients with a favorable anamnesis. After all, they had to go through stress, which is not so easy to erase from memory. These women need to carry out all preventive and therapeutic measures in the conditions of a antenatal clinic and a hospital. Studies have also shown the need for participation in the examination and treatment of pregnant women with OAA by specialists in the field of psychotherapy. At the same time, the system for preparing for childbirth, developed back in the USSR, by influencing the central nervous system with pulsed currents, is of great importance - the method of central electroanalgesia, which has been used since 1971.
Experts remind that a burdened obstetric history is not a sentence, but help the doctor in choosing the path to lead the pregnancy. Doctors advise expectant mothers not to be afraid of the appearance of the abbreviation "OAA" in the card and approach the problem pragmatically. It is not at all necessary that complications during pregnancy will appear at all. Just in the case when the doctor does not know about the OAA of the patient, the likelihood of difficulties is much higher.

* Indications for mandatory medical genetic counseling in order to prevent the birth of a handicapped child:
1. The presence of hereditary pathology in spouses and close relatives.
2. Burdened obstetric anamnesis: stillbirths, abortions, birth of children with malformations and hereditary diseases.
3. Indication of exposure to mutagenic and harmful factors (infections, medication, radiation, bad habits) in the first trimester of pregnancy.
4. Mother's age is over 35 years.
5. Gynecological diseases in the mother (menstrual disorders, malformations of the genital organs).

* In order not to harm the child and yourself, you need to cure in advance and prevent the following infectious diseases during pregnancy.
Herpes. Possible consequences: miscarriage, "fading" of pregnancy, premature birth. In a born child, congenital anomalies of development are possible: microcephaly, retinal pathology, heart defects.
Cytomegalovirus infection. Possible consequences: retardation in the growth and development of the child, mental retardation, microcephaly, hearing loss.
Chlamydia. Possible consequences: miscarriage, premature birth, infection of the fetus (conjunctivitis, pharyngitis, otitis media).
Mycoplasmas. Possible consequences: damage to the fetus of the respiratory and vision organs, liver, kidneys, central nervous system.
Ureaplasma. Possible consequences: miscarriage, toxicosis, placental abruption, intrauterine infections. Rubella. Damage to the fetus of vision, hearing, heart defects, panencephalitis, diabetes mellitus.
Toxoplasmosis. Possible consequences: intrauterine fetal death, death of a newborn, severe damage to various organs.

* Sad but true:
International marriage agencies, indicating the age of Russian brides for European grooms, add 7 more years to the true age in parentheses. Exceptions, for sure, exist, but the fact remains: for the most part, Russian girls, for health reasons, are usually 7 years older than their peers from other civilized countries. There can be many reasons for this - the climate, the level of medicine and much more. But the main factor is the irresponsible attitude to one's own health, the Russian "maybe", which we inherited from our ancestors.

Advises: Anna Anatolyevna Karepina, head of the obstetric department of the State Specialized Center for Health and Family Planning.

Pregnancy can be classified as a high-risk pregnancy if there is an aggravating gynecological or obstetric history.

Gynecological history includes:

  • inflammatory diseases of the urogenital area;
  • prolonged infertility;
  • menstrual irregularities.

Obstetric history includes:

  • intrauterine fetal death;
  • death of a newborn;
  • death of an infant (child under 1 year old);
  • regressing or stunted pregnancy;
  • spontaneous miscarriage;
  • the birth of a premature baby;
  • severe preeclampsia in a previous pregnancy;
  • C-section;
  • severe course of a previous pregnancy;
  • sluggish labor activity;
  • the birth of children with malformations;
  • termination of pregnancy for medical reasons;
  • two or more abortions.

The reasons why these situations occur may be different:

  1. hormonal deficiency;
  2. immune deficiency;
  3. the presence of extragenital pathology (diseases of internal organs);
  4. the presence of sexually transmitted infections (HIV, syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, etc.);
  5. the presence of torch-associated infections (herpes simplex, cytomegalovirus, toxaplasmosis);
  6. viral or infectious diseases during pregnancy (influenza, acute respiratory infections, rubella, toxaplasmosis, hepatitis, etc.);
  7. "poor-quality" semen of a man due to violations of spermatogenesis;
  8. non-compliance by a woman with doctor's prescriptions;
  9. bad habits (alcohol, cigarettes, drugs), etc.

Unfortunately, not a single woman who becomes pregnant for the first time is immune from possible problems during pregnancy. To minimize all possible risks of pregnancy and subsequent childbirth, we recommend that you prepare for the birth of a child very responsibly. The implementation of this recommendation is especially important for women with an aggravating history.

At the planning stage of pregnancy

At the stage of pregnancy planning, you need to undergo a complete medical examination and try to give up bad habits. If any diseases or infections are detected, the doctor will recommend a course of treatment. This will minimize the use of medications during pregnancy, and will also help prepare the woman's body for the upcoming difficult period. To protect yourself and your unborn child from a number of infectious diseases, you need to get the appropriate vaccinations.

In any case, preparation for pregnancy under the supervision of a doctor and the strict implementation of all his recommendations significantly increase a woman's chances of bearing and giving birth to a healthy child.

Unfortunately, today many young families, preparing for the birth of a child, forget or do not find time to take care of their health. But the price of failure in this case may be too high. Is it worth the risk?

If problems arose in a previous pregnancy, it is necessary with the help of specialists to identify the cause of what happened. Only then can measures be taken to avoid a recurrence of the situation in the future. As a rule, the onset of a new pregnancy is recommended not earlier than six months after a miscarriage, abortion, and after a caesarean section - not earlier than two years later.

Observation of the course of pregnancy

When the preparation for pregnancy is successfully completed and the test confirms the onset of pregnancy, a new crucial stage will begin for the woman - monitoring the course of pregnancy. At this stage, it is very important, especially for women at risk, to see a doctor early (for a period of five to six weeks).

A woman can choose whether she will be observed free of charge at the antenatal clinic at the place of residence or for a fee in some other place (for example, a medical center).

Healthy women, whose pregnancy proceeds without complications, visit an obstetrician-gynecologist once a month in the early stages of pregnancy, and once every 2 weeks in the later stages. Women with a burdened history tend to be more frequently called in for consultations depending on their health status and the severity of the problem being addressed.

Supervision of high-risk pregnancy involves the implementation of a set of preventive measures. To reduce the risk of miscarriage, at critical times? the doctor may prescribe a woman sexual and physical rest; strict observance of the regime of work and rest; as well as taking special antispasmodic drugs that help maintain pregnancy.

The "critical terms" of pregnancy are the 4th, 7-8th and 12th weeks. During these periods, in case of belonging to a risk group, the threat of abortion in women most often aggravates.

Prevention of miscarriage is also carried out for medical reasons (for example, when studies reveal an increased tone of the uterus or a woman complains of pulling pains in the lower abdomen). In addition, placental insufficiency of the fetus is prevented. If the Doppler study reveals problems associated with the blood flow of the placenta, the woman will be prescribed special drugs and multivitamins.

Prevention of preeclampsia will also contribute to the normal functioning of the placenta. A predisposition to preeclampsia in the second half of pregnancy can be detected using a coagulogram (a special blood test), urinalysis, blood pressure measurements and the weight of a pregnant woman in dynamics.

The main methods of prevention of gestosis are compliance with the drinking regimen, diet, as well as maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Methods of prevention and treatment in all cases are chosen by the obstetrician-gynecologist who observes the pregnancy. In severe cases, the decision on pregnancy management methods can be made at the city perinatal council (consilium of doctors). When a patient (pregnant woman) is invited to the commission, the decision is made in person. In the absence of a patient, a decision is made in absentia.

And the last thing I want to pay special attention to. Registering for pregnancy in a medical institution is not enough for its successful completion. A very important condition for achieving the final goal is strict implementation of the doctor's recommendations. It is desirable that one obstetrician-gynecologist conduct the entire pregnancy from beginning to end, attracting, if necessary, other specialists to resolve certain issues. Women consulting different doctors may receive conflicting recommendations and find themselves in a difficult situation of choice in the absence of the necessary knowledge. Only a doctor observing pregnancy in the complex will know all the nuances and will be able to choose the right methods of pregnancy management.

Sometimes, in order to maintain and monitor pregnancy, the doctor prescribes inpatient treatment to patients. Of course, the conditions in the hospital are not as comfortable as at home, but there is an opportunity to monitor and dynamically monitor the course of pregnancy, carry out intravenous treatment procedures, quickly receive medical assistance and necessary specialist advice, as well as observe the daily routine and take a break from everyday household chores and work responsibilities.

Punctuality should be observed when taking medicines intended specifically for pregnant women. Before meals or after meals, one tablet a day or three - it all makes a huge difference!

Strict observance of the doctor's recommendations also means that it is undesirable to carry out certain actions on one's own initiative. This applies to taking medications, including folk remedies (herbs, etc.), conducting medical research, practicing sports that are dangerous for pregnancy, etc.

For example, a common mistake many women make is to do an ultrasound on their own during pregnancy. It is not necessary to confirm pregnancy with an ultrasound, as this may not be safe for early pregnancy. With a delay in menstruation of 10 days, the doctor will be able to diagnose the onset of pregnancy during a routine gynecological examination.

All pregnant women also take a blood test for alpha-fetoproteins to exclude congenital fetal defects, a blood coagulogram to determine the presence of preeclampsia, undergo echocardiography to detect heart defects in the fetus, and take blood tests for infections.

For women at risk, the doctor may prescribe the following additional studies: doplerometry (to identify problems associated with the blood flow of the placenta), fetal cardiogram (to determine the intrauterine state of the fetus), a blood test for hormones, and in some cases, also a biopsy of the fetal chorion (to detect congenital fetal defects). Chorion is a fruit membrane from which, during a biopsy, the villi are cut off or absorbed for subsequent laboratory research. The procedure is quite complicated, therefore it is carried out only at the Regional Center for Health and Family Planning if there are serious indications.

Many women, fearing for their unborn child, unnecessarily put themselves to bed for the entire period of pregnancy. In very rare cases, this is really necessary.

It is usually required that a woman observe the regime of work and rest, eat right, walk more in the fresh air, refuse sexual intercourse at "critical times", go in for physical education for pregnant women or sports allowed by the doctor. A strong fear for the unborn child is harmful for both the expectant mother and the baby.

If a woman cannot cope with fear on her own, the doctor will refer her to a psychologist or psychotherapist. High-risk pregnancy is not a disease, just like normal pregnancy. This is confirmed by the fact that women at risk go on maternity leave in the same way as during normal pregnancy - at 30 weeks, with multiple pregnancy - at 28 weeks. The only difference may be more time spent on sick leave compared to a normal pregnancy.

So let's sum up

To minimize the risks of pregnancy and childbirth, a woman needs to remember that:

  1. pregnancy should be planned under medical supervision;
  2. you need to register as early as possible in a medical institution to monitor pregnancy;
  3. all doctor's recommendations must be followed.

As you know, pregnancy is a difficult period for every woman. After all, it only seems that carrying and giving birth to a baby is as easy as shelling pears, do not forget about the difficulties that you will face. All this leads to the fact that future mothers must take the necessary measures, protecting themselves and the baby from various negative environmental factors.

Of course, it often happens that doctors begin to frighten a woman in an “interesting” position with certain diagnoses.

More and more often there is such an abbreviation as "OAGA" during pregnancy, but not everyone knows what it is, especially those mothers who are expecting a baby for the first time.

What is OAG?

The abbreviation OAGA means "complicated obstetric and gynecological history." As for such a term as anamnesis, it is important to understand here that this is the history of the disease, from its onset to seeking help from a specialist. But at the same time, future mothers should clearly understand that pregnancy is not a disease, because it is a condition.

Thus, it is worth noting that the obstetric history is a kind of relationship with other factors of pregnancy, their course. In general, this question implies various risk factors, they actually can negatively affect the process of bearing a baby as a whole, and safe delivery cannot be ignored here.

What applies here?

Many women in position cannot fully understand the meaning of this term at all, since for them it is completely new. Of course, this is especially true for those mothers who are expecting a baby for the first time. The term includes:

  • this includes abortion;
  • childbirth that happened ahead of time;
  • the birth of a baby with various pathologies;
  • birth canal injuries, etc.

Naturally, these and many other factors can negatively affect the process of bearing a child. As a result, we often have to deal with the fact that many mothers give birth to babies with various pathologies. So, it is important to consult on this issue with your doctor in order to reduce possible risks to the maximum.

Thus, now it becomes clear that, in general, this concept is associated with those factors that affect the health of the expectant mother, but, of course, the health of her unborn baby.

Moreover, factors that are reflected in the field of gynecology play a huge role here, for example, the course of menstrual cycles, failures in them, certain sexual diseases that were suffered by a woman.

The concept of “OHA” (“burdened gynecological history”) is closely related to “OAA” (“burdened obstetric history”), this is due to the fact that they are often called in general terms. In addition to all that has been said, future mothers should clearly understand that this diagnosis is actually made to many women, as practice shows. As for our country, their number is about eighty percent.

That is why you should always consult with your doctor, thereby listening to all his recommendations. After all, only then will it be possible to avoid various health problems.

After all, if you go through various examinations regularly, then there is a risk not only to identify infections, but also to cure them immediately. Moreover, it is also necessary to examine the hormonal background, and if necessary, then correct it.


Only if you follow such valuable advice, you can always minimize the risks, while maintaining the health of the expectant mother and her baby.