Teenage cosmetics for girls. Decorative cosmetics for teenage girls

Transitional age is a time of growing up and total restructuring of the body. Successful skin care, properly selected cosmetics will help to significantly improve the appearance and overcome the emotional instability associated with problem skin.

Youth and adolescent cosmetics, according to the principle of action, is aimed at solving the main problems of the condition during the transition period:

  • Balancing the process of formation of the epidermis
  • Regulation of sebum secretion
  • Care for young skin

Cosmetics must be chosen taking into account the type of skin and its condition.

The minimum basic set of skin care products in adolescence:

  • Cleansers: cleansers in the form of gels, foams and special soaps for oily skin, which include. Dry skin needs more gentle cleansing, it will be optimal to use mousse or cleansing milk.
  • Tonic for deep cleansing of the skin: tonics containing extracts of medicinal plants, niacinamide, zinc, which are involved in the cellular level and stop inflammatory processes, give a good effect. The use of a tonic with a high percentage of alcohol can only be indicated by a cosmetologist; the systemic use of such cosmetics contributes to skin dehydration and increased sebum secretion.
  • Means for deep cleansing of the skin. For oily or combination skin prone to rashes, only cleansing masks can be used, as a rule, these are cosmetic-based masks. Scrubs are suitable for normal, without inflammatory skin rashes; when choosing them, preference should be given to products with natural ingredients. Dry skin needs gentle care from adolescence. For this type, peeling creams with a light texture are suitable.
  • Nourishing and moisturizing. Necessary as a weekly care for any skin type. For adolescence, these funds are distinguished by a lighter texture.
  • Basic care products perform a protective and moisturizing function. Light texture creams are suitable for dry and normal skin, for combination skin, oily and problematic skin, you should choose oil-free lotions and gels with a mattifying effect.

Learn about hazardous substances in cosmetics from the proposed video.

Teen skin care

Activities for the care of the skin of a teenager should be carried out taking into account the physiological changes in the body, the individual characteristics of the skin and age appropriate.

The transition period is characterized by the following basic changes:

  • Significant restructuring of the endocrine system
  • Increasing the amount that promotes cell division
  • There is a rapid renewal of the lower layer of the epidermis with a stable course of keratinization of the upper layer of the skin, which leads to a decrease in the protective functions of the skin layers with its high permeability.
  • These factors cause the penetration of bacteria into the dermis and the occurrence of inflammatory foci.
  • Excessive secretion of sebum contributes to the formation of blockages of the sebaceous ducts and the appearance of comedones, inflammatory or purulent rashes.

The main directions of care:

  • Thorough cleansing of the skin - Cleansing the skin twice a day should be mandatory to prevent inflammatory processes.
  • Gentle moisturizing - any skin, including oily, needs preparations that moisturize the skin. Thus, there is protection from the effects of the external environment and the normalization of the sebaceous glands.
  • Drying and anti-inflammatory procedures - soft scrubs in the absence of contraindications and masks help to take good care of the skin.
  • Protection from environmental factors - the use of preparations with UV protection in the summer and nutritional preparations in the autumn - the winter period will relieve irritation and flaking of the skin, prevent dryness and premature development of mimic.

It is imprudent to hope for a successful disposal of annoying acne over time, since it can be a rather long time period, and complications such as scars, skin irregularities and depressive conditions can also occur.

For problem skin or acne lesions, optimal skin care is necessary:

  • cleansing
  • Moisturizing
  • Nutrition
  • Sebum control

Cosmetics for teenagers are developed taking into account the needs of the skin during this period:

  • All products used are oil free.
  • Additional substances are used to facilitate care, extracts of medicinal plants, vitamins of groups B, A, C, E, F
  • The use of special drying agents - camphor, boric acid, alum, colin, borax, salicylic acid, talc, zinc and magnesium oxides
  • Does not contain alcohol - provokes an increase in sebum secretion and can cause redness and irritation of the skin

Cosmetics help to soothe and restore the skin, have a pronounced effect of narrowing the pores.

To prevent the formation of scar tissue, the composition must contain anti-inflammatory and biologically active components for regeneration and increase the protective properties of the skin, such as Azeloic acid, Bisabol.

Exfoliating masks are the only deep cleansing treatment for acne-prone skin.

It is necessary to purchase cosmetics for skin care with pharmacies or specialized stores.

Cosmetics for girls

It is necessary to distinguish between means of decorative and caring cosmetics. If the use of the first at the age of 10-12 years causes negative

Adolescents are usually called children 12-17 years old. A hormonal surge as a result of puberty is often reflected on the skin of the face: black dots, oily sheen, acne, acne appear. This gives rise to internal complexes that seriously disrupt the psyche.

Maximalism, the desire to assert oneself in the team, and at the same time self-doubt, characteristic of this age, force one to take drastic measures: to use means, after which the number of rashes only increases. Although there are high-quality cosmetics for teenagers, which are designed specifically to solve the problems of this age. The task of the mother is to introduce the girl to her in a timely manner.


Any teenage cosmetics for girls (both decorative and for skin care) is created in scientific laboratories, tested many times, and quite serious requirements are imposed on it. Dermatologists, in close tandem with cosmetologists, develop formulas that, if properly applied, can solve many problems with the epidermis that are typical for this age.

These tools perform the following functions:

  • reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands, reduce the intensity of their functioning, forcing them to produce less subcutaneous fat - as a result, the increased fat content and greasy shine of teenage skin disappear;
  • narrow;
  • normalize color;
  • special attention is paid to the T-zone, the condition of which in adolescents is noticeably worsening;
  • eliminate acne (blackheads, pimples);
  • dissolve without a trace milia (white subcutaneous nodules);
  • clear the face of (black dots).

Especially important at this stage is cosmetics for teenagers from acne, since it is rashes that become the main scourge. Mom should explain to her daughter that creams for adults cannot be applied to such young skin, the condition of which may deteriorate sharply from this. It is recommended to use only specially designed tools that you need to be able to choose.

On a note. If a teenager constantly squeezes out acne and blackheads on his own, and even without observing the rules of hygiene, no cosmetics will help get rid of them.

Criterias of choice

What should be teenage cosmetics that will not harm the skin and will carefully care for it?

When choosing funds, you need to keep in mind the following nuances:

  1. The very first cosmetics for a teenage girl is chosen at the age of 12-13 together with one of the adults (mother, aunt, older sister).
  2. The problems associated with the skin that need to be solved are determined: oily sheen, enlarged pores, acne, etc. The means are also selected for the defect.
  3. First, brands of cosmetics for teenagers, collected in ratings and TOPs, are viewed. Several options are selected, suitable for the price.
  4. Then more detailed information about them and reviews are studied. Based on the results of the selection, there should be 2-3 lines that you would like to purchase.
  5. Particular attention should be paid to the composition of the products you like. It is desirable that it be not just natural, but mineral (or organic). Such products rarely cause allergies.
  6. As a rule, skin care cosmetics for teenagers includes only 2-3 items, no more: washing lotion, scrub and cream. This is quite enough.
  7. Decorative products should not be too bright and defiant. Modest tones that emphasize youth are the main criteria when buying lipsticks, mascaras, eye shadows.
  8. Before using any remedy for the first time, it should be tested to see if it will cause an allergy in a girl. First, the mother and then the daughter should apply a small amount of the product on the wrist. If after a day there are no alarming symptoms (itching, redness), you can safely apply cosmetics to your face.
  9. If at some stage the funds stopped working, you will need to pick up new ones.
  10. And don't forget to keep track of their expiration dates.

If cosmetics for teenage skin are chosen correctly, it can become a good foundation for the prosperity of the epidermis in the future. If you do not help him at this stage, his condition may remain problematic at 18 and at 25.

Therefore, this issue must be taken with all responsibility and, in case of any doubt, listen to specialists. In particular, cosmetologists quite clearly limit the range of cosmetic products that can be safely used by teenagers.

Helpful advice. No cosmetics will help girls who consider themselves too fat and therefore constantly sit on some kind of diet, wanting to lose weight. Improper nutrition is one of the causes of teenage acne.

What should be in a makeup bag?

Mascara "Art & Science Maxi Lash" from "Vipera" (Poland)

One of the most controversial issues is what cosmetics to use for teenagers so as not to overdo it with quantity, but there was no shortage either.

There are those who claim that for such a young age, no creams, and even more so mascaras with shadows, are needed. They are only partially right: there are girls who by nature (by inheritance) have very clean, healthy skin and bright colors on their faces (blush, sable eyebrows, long black eyelashes and pink lips). So they can not use cosmetics too early.

However, most teenagers also suffer from oily skin types. Someone is an albino, someone has short eyelashes and expressionless eyebrows, but everyone wants to be beautiful. And it is during this period that young girls should be taught to do this. Our lists will help to collect the necessary minimum in one cosmetic bag.

Decorative products

For beauty, girls should always have high-quality, fresh decorative cosmetics for teenagers on hand. Its main characteristic is lightness, airiness, organics, a minimum of parabens and fragrances, gentle undertones. Bright, defiant shades are excluded.

  1. Shimmery shadows look attractive and gentle. Recommended for use only on special occasions, but not for every day. You can start using from 14-15 years old, not earlier. For example, Twinkle from ERA Minerals (USA). $15.
  2. Liquid eyeliner or a regular cosmetic pencil. You can look at High Precision from Artdeco Cosmetics (Germany). $17.
  3. Mascara. Pay attention to Art & Science Maxi Lash from Vipera (Poland). $9.
  4. Mineral powder has a light and transparent texture, does not prevent the skin from breathing. This is in the range of Zeitun (Jordan). $21.
  5. Liquid or loose blush. Check them out at Meishoku (Japan). $11.
  6. Lip gloss - transparent or pinkish shade. Alba Botanica (USA) has it. $10.

Lipstick (if only hygienic) is undesirable in a cosmetic bag for teenagers - it will be replaced by gloss.

There are also many arguments against foundation at this age: it does not mask acne, but spreads the inflammatory process and at the same time clogs pores, interfering with cellular respiration. If you only take care of purchasing a special product for teenage skin.

Skin care products

Anti-acne protective day gel of the Russian company "Green Mama"

You need to know what cosmetics are suitable for teenagers so that the skin shines with cleanliness and health. Means for regular care of her will allow not to mask acne and greasy shine, but to remove them. As in the case with - a list with the required minimum.

  • cleansing

This stage includes foams and washing gels (as a guideline, you can take a protective daytime acne gel from the Russian company Green Mama for $ 2). They should not contain alcohol and aggressive ingredients. Choose a neutral pH.

Ideal products with herbal extracts, which will relieve irritation, soothe inflammation and regulate the secretion of fat. With a tendency to peeling and redness, you can purchase a special cleansing milk.

Such cosmetics are washed off with water - preferably melted, mineral non-carbonated or filtered. It is better not to use ordinary tap water for teenagers.

This also includes an exfoliating scrub for oily skin and a gommage or light peeling for dry skin. Sebo Végétal, a gentle cleansing gommage from Yves Rocher (France), has proven itself well for $9.

  • Moisturizing

Teenage skin needs hydration. You need to pay attention to products with extracts of sage, birch, rosemary, yarrow. These are natural antiseptics that prevent inflammation from spreading.

For dry skin, moisturizing creams with an airy consistency are recommended. For oily - matting gels, quickly absorbed and normalizing sebum secretion. For example, the company Vitex (Belarus) has Face Control antibacterial cream-foam for only $1.

  • Nutrition

To nourish such young skin, you can use light masks once a week. According to cosmetologists and most moms, the best teen cosmetics in this category are homemade. Girls will surely be happy to prepare nourishing masks with their own hands.

  • Protection

The delicate and vulnerable skin of teenagers needs cosmetics that will protect it from the sun and frost. So on the package must be listed SPF at least 15 and above. In summer, you can recommend sunscreen from the Russian pharmacy brand Bark SPF 40. In winter - Rosencreme cream from Dr. Hauschka (Germany). $5.

  • Treatment

There are special medical cosmetics for teenagers, which are sold exclusively in pharmacies. It has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory action. Its main task is to calm and relieve inflammation, reduce the number of rashes.

However, when running, it is not recommended to use such powerful tools on your own. If the situation gets out of control, it is better to take the girl to a dermatologist who will recommend the appropriate cosmetics to care for such problematic skin.

These may be companies from France - Biorga, La Roche-Posay, Bioderma, Uriage, Avene, Thalgo, Darphin, Caudalie, Vichy, Klorane, Ducray, A-Derma, Lierac, RоC, Galenic; Germany - Exfoliac, Iklen; Russia - Cora, Green Mama; Switzerland - Valmont, Israel - Ahava.

Adults must help the teenager choose the right one. Otherwise, in the future, post-acne and a tendency to irritation cannot be avoided.

Prejudices that cosmetics at the age of 12 are early fun that will only spoil the epidermis can be hardly attributed only to decorative products. If puberty is in full swing and there are acne, you need to help the girl cope with them and not be complex. A small rating will allow you to navigate the variety of assortment in this niche.

You'll need it. To enhance the effectiveness of cosmetics against acne, it is useful to take up any kind of sports during adolescence to improve blood circulation, which will allow the skin to be clear and healthy.


American mineral cosmetics "Bare Minerals"


  1. MAC (USA) is a very popular cosmetics among teenagers, but it costs a lot of money.
  2. Cover Girl (USA) - mass market cosmetics for every taste and color.
  3. Maybelline (USA) - America breaks all records, as the companies of this country are able to capture trends and take into account the desire of young people to look fashionable and stylish.
  4. Lorac (USA) - mineral cosmetics offering a wide range of teenagers.
  5. Bare Minerals (USA) - mineral loose cosmetics, which are almost invisible on the face.


  1. Clinique (USA) - cosmetics, dermatologically tested and fragrance-free. Doesn't clog pores.
  2. Neutrogena (France) - medical care cosmetics for teenagers.
  3. Bark (Russia) - therapeutic series of drugs with anti-inflammatory effect.
  4. La Roche-Posay (France) - for acne.
  5. Green Mama (Russia) - highly effective products, thanks to a vegetable basis.
  6. Vichy (France) - gentle and soft protection of teenage skin.
  7. Exfoliac (Germany) - anti-inflammatory drugs for acne.

Which brand of makeup for teens is right for your daughter will have to be decided by trial and error. It is difficult to choose a safe and useful remedy on your own.

A dermatologist or at least a cosmetologist will help facilitate the task after an appropriate examination. It will help to take into account the individual characteristics and existing skin problems for their successful solution.

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Decorative cosmetics for teenage girls

Teenage girls begin to be interested in decorative cosmetics quite early. Sometimes, instead of teaching their daughter the art of makeup, some mothers forbid any cosmetics. This is fundamentally wrong, because the girl will paint all the same, only secretly. Therefore, the main task of the mother during this period is to help her child in choosing good cosmetics that will emphasize the natural beauty and will not leave unpleasant consequences in the form of rashes.

The content of the article:

What to look for when choosing makeup for a teenage girl

In order for decorative cosmetics not to harm the skin, you need to know a few simple rules:

A safe composition is one of the most important criteria when choosing cosmetics for girls aged 13–17. Cosmetologists believe that it is better for teenagers to choose organic or mineral cosmetics. It is suitable for allergy sufferers, does not clog pores and almost always contains UV filters that protect young skin from ultraviolet rays.

Good decorative cosmetics should contain ingredients that are used in skin care products (for example, wheat and corn starch, zinc oxide in the composition of the powder).

Immediately after purchase, any product must be tested. To do this, a small amount of product - powder, shadows or mascara is applied to the wrist. If, after 12 hours, there are no signs of allergy (itching, redness, rashes), then the product can be safely used for makeup.

You cannot use funds that have expired. For decorative cosmetics, this is 1 year. After this period, the remedy can cause acne, comedones, redness and irritation of the skin.

It is better not to use dense tonal creams and powders for teenagers, as they clog pores.
When buying decorative cosmetics, you should think not only about powder, shadows or blush, but also about related accessories. A standard set for light makeup - a brush for powder and blush, a sponge, applicators for shadows.

Concealer (concealer)

Pimples, age spots and post-acne are best masked not with bright makeup, but with concealer. In order to hide minor imperfections, the product is pointwise applied to problem areas. The concealer should be light, translucent. The shade is as close as possible to the natural color of the skin. The product should not contain oils, preservatives and dyes, as these components can cause inflammation, irritation, and allergies. To fix the makeup, a mattifying powder is applied over the concealer in a thin layer.

For the first use, it is better to purchase one palette, consisting of several shades. A large selection of concealers from the brand Essence.

The Essence 5 in 1 All I need concealer palette consists of five shades to mask imperfections:

Pink - removes blue;
yellow - hides dark circles under the eyes and brightens the skin;
green - masks redness of the skin and inflammation;
light and dark shades of beige - even out skin tone.

Instead of concealer, you can purchase a masking antibacterial pencil to mask rashes. For example, from the company Oriflame. Thanks to the plant component of tea tree leaves, it not only masks redness, but also dries up inflammation.


Oily sheen on the face, uneven complexion and enlarged pores are the main problems of adolescence. You can cope with these shortcomings with the help of a primer. A primer is a lightweight make-up base that is used to mask minor problems. The tool can have a creamy, baked or crumbly structure.

The base for make-up after application is fixed with mattifying mineral powder, compact powder or concealer.

Most manufacturers use special ingredients that make primers non-comedogenic. This is extremely important for teenage skin prone to various rashes. For allergy sufferers, you should choose water-based primers, without the addition of esters. A tool created specifically for sensitive skin is available from the Korean brand Banila Co. Banila Co. Prime Primer Classic Matte evens out the microrelief of the skin, hides unevenness and age spots, masks enlarged pores, creates the effect of a silky face and at the same time mattifies the skin. The tool also improves the "adhesion" of makeup to the skin.

To reliably hide all the flaws, you need to choose the right shade.

The green primer masks redness, scratches, pimples, acne and small scars.
A pink or peach shade is used to hide a yellowish or sallow complexion.
White or blue primer is used to create a puppet effect.
Yellow color is perfect for masking dark circles and bruising under the eyes.
Makeup bases of different shades are presented by the brand Smashbox. Smashbox Photo Finish is a line of professional skin care products. Due to the various useful components in the composition, each primer solves a specific problem. For example, Photo Finish Foundation Primer Light smoothes the surface of the skin and makes it velvety, Photo Finish Color Correcting Adjust masks rosacea and redness of the skin, and More than primer Blemish control restores water balance, fills skin cells with moisture and dries up inflammation.


Dermatologists and cosmetologists believe that mineral powder is the best option for young skin. Such a tool does not clog pores, evens out complexion and hides redness. In addition, thanks to its light texture, it allows the skin to breathe. Instead of a compact pressed powder, for young skin it is better to choose a loose version. It spreads evenly on the skin without creating a mask effect.

Cosmetics for teenage skin should have sunscreens, as ultraviolet light is a serious test for delicate skin. It is good if the powder contains titanium dioxide, as it protects the skin from the effects of sunlight. An option that meets these requirements is offered by Annabelle Minerals. Annabelle Minerals Coverage Foundation Mineral Powder gently tones and mattifies the skin. As part of the product, kaolin, which dries inflammation, titanium dioxide and iron oxides. The tool has a degree of protection SPF20, which allows you to use it even in summer.

Powder for teenage skin should not contain:

mineral oil;
vitamin E;
propylene glycol;
sodium chloride;

For oily skin prone to acne, you can purchase a transparent mattifying powder. It will eliminate oily sheen, due to the light-reflecting particles in the composition, it will give the skin a healthy glow and hide enlarged pores. The Korean brand Innisfree has such a universal remedy. Innisfree No-Sebum mineral powder, thanks to its antibacterial ingredients, is suitable for teenage skin prone to breakouts.

You can read a detailed article on how to choose face powder.


Makeup for a girl of 16–17 years old, in addition to the standard set of cosmetics (powder, concealer, lip gloss), can be supplemented with soft blush.

To create a gentle look, with the help of a wide brush that comes with the kit, blush is applied to the cheekbones. Makeup artists advise starting from the cheeks and gradually moving towards the temples.

The color of the blush is chosen depending on the color type of the teenager.
Girls with warm hair color (chestnut, red, copper) and light eyes will suit terracotta blush.
Blondes with light transparent skin, green, blue or brown eyes should give preference to light peach, beige or warm pink blush.
Porcelain skin and blue eyes of the “Winter” color type are emphasized by cold pink blush.
Light brown or reddish hair, fair or, conversely, dark skin and eyes of blue, gray, brown color are the distinguishing features of the girls of the Summer color type. For them, blush of cold pink and grayish-beige shades is suitable.
For young girls, baked blush will be an excellent option for every day. For example, from the Italian brand Pupa. Like A Doll Luminys Blush is a baked blush that has a subtle sheen effect. They do not contain parabens and are suitable for normal, combination and dry skin.

Gel for eyebrows

Using decorative cosmetics, it is important to pay attention to each part of the face. The main mistake of girls who are just learning the art of makeup is to emphasize their eyes with shadows and eyeliner and at the same time forget about eyebrows. For girls under 17 years of age, only a special gel is needed from cosmetics intended for eyebrow shaping. Eyebrow gel not only gives shape, but also has a caring effect: it activates the growth of hairs and increases their density.

All eyebrow care products are divided into three types:

For strengthening;
for modeling;
to give color.

The shade of the eyebrow gel is matched to the color of the hair. A large selection of shades from the Eyebrow gel line from NYX. The product has a creamy texture and stays on the skin for up to three days. The intensity of the hue can be adjusted.


Mascara lengthens, curls and adds volume to lashes. When choosing the right option, it should be borne in mind that the mascara should be slightly darker than the natural hair color. Girls with blond hair should use dark brown mascara, and brown-haired women and brunettes should use black. Unusual colors - purple, emerald and burgundy are best left for parties.

Budget brand Essence has a whole line of mascaras designed specifically for teens - get BIG! lashes. The series consists of different means:

"Boost Mascara" for volume;
"Boost Waterproof Mascara" is the only waterproof mascara in the line;
"Curl Mascara" curls eyelashes;
"Triple Black Mascara" for ultra black.

Mascara is best used after 14 years. Eye cosmetics must be allergenic and non-irritating.

Lip gloss

The safest lip products are light glosses of natural tones. Unlike lipstick, gloss contains caring components in the composition and gently cares for lips.
An ideal option for every day would be a transparent gloss. Light pastel shades will also fit well into a casual look. Namely:

light purple;
light brown.

Caring lip glosses are produced by Nyx and L "Oreal Paris. NYX Butter Gloss makes lips soft and velvety thanks to almond oil and beeswax in the composition. The line includes 34 shades, ranging from light shades to juicy berry options.

But L’Oreal Infaillible Gloss has a little less shades, about 20. It contains hyaluronic acid, vitamins and antioxidants. In total, there are 4 different textures in the line:


The list of cosmetics for girls over 15 years old may include eye shadow.
For special occasions, you can use shimmery shadows with a fine shimmer. For everyday makeup, makeup artists advise choosing delicate colors:


When choosing, take into account the color of the eyes. Girls with blue or gray eyes can choose lavender, lilac, light pink shades. For brown and green eyes, a gray or plum shade of shadows is suitable.

Urban Decay has a large palette of shades for every day. With one palette of shadows, a teenage girl can create different looks and emphasize natural beauty.

Makeup removers

After buying decorative cosmetics, the mother must definitely convey to the girl how important it is to remove makeup before going to bed. To avoid irritation, the appearance of dryness, discomfort and tightness of the skin, make-up should be washed off only with special means.
Moisturizing milk is suitable for owners of dry skin. But girls with oily skin should pay attention to the foam. It will cleanse the pores and dry out inflammation. Special mention should be made

You can recognize the onset of adolescence in adolescents by rashes on the face. Many girls and boys aged 12-17 are familiar with this phenomenon. It is from this period that you need to start active skin care.

Most often, teenage skin is problematic and prone to oiliness and acne. Rashes on the face should never be started! Otherwise, a teenager by the end of puberty may come up with scars, age spots, or a serious infectious skin lesion. Timely selected proper care will help preserve the beauty of the skin, as well as avoid the appearance of complexes associated with appearance.

Features of teenage facial skin

As soon as girls and boys turn 11-12 years old, serious changes in the hormonal background occur in their bodies. The growth of certain hormones is reflected not only in their behavior, but also in their appearance. In adolescence, a change in figure is observed, personality is being formed, first love comes. Along with this, the activity of the sebaceous glands also increases, acne appears, the skin thickens and looks greasy. It is also rare for any of the teenagers to avoid the formation of acne and inflammation on the face. Some children have been waging a grueling struggle with these unpleasant phenomena for several years.

If boys and girls take proper care of their skin, they will soon be able to normalize the work of the sebaceous glands and return it to a healthy and radiant appearance. Facial skin care for both teenage girls and boys will help to avoid psychological problems, because against the background of such defects as acne and blackheads, children often develop complexes and self-doubt.

Proper skin care for teenage skin is aimed at solving such cosmetic problems:

  • excessive production of fat;
  • porous and dull skin;
  • the formation of milia - white nodules, cysts of the sebaceous glands;
  • comedones.

Despite the fact that the restructuring of the hormonal background takes place in all adolescents, the epidermis may look different for them - some have more rashes, others have less. This is due to additional factors that can both improve the situation and worsen it. The number of acne on the face of adolescent girls and boys increases several times under the influence of such factors:

  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • stressful situations;
  • weakened immunity;
  • improperly selected cosmetics, its excessive use;
  • regular exposure to ultraviolet and moisture;
  • taking certain medications.

Note to parents: Adolescence is a difficult period in everyone's life. To make it go more smoothly, it is important to exclude these provoking factors and pay more attention to the physical and psycho-emotional health of a teenager.

The skin in adolescents is divided into main types, as in adults. But more often it is combined or oily, normal and even more so the dry type at this age is rare.

In salons and at home, care for teenage facial skin will not be complete and effective without the use of cosmetics intended for this age. Such cosmetics differ significantly in composition from adult skin care products.

Important: The main purpose of using special cosmetics is to normalize the secretion of the sebaceous glands, dry the skin, eliminate its greasiness, cure acne and pimples, relieve inflammation and irritation.

Many firms specializing in the production of skin care products produce lines of products for teenagers. They are usually represented by gels or foams for washing, drying tonics, cleansing scrubs. If girls and boys do not have acne on their faces, during the period of hormonal changes in the body, this basic cosmetic can be dispensed with.

With cosmetic problems in the form of rashes on the face and inflammation of the skin, it is necessary to take care of the skin in adolescence with the help of special products. Commonly used:

  • deep cleansing lotion
  • shower gel;
  • moisturizing milk;
  • soothing cream;
  • drying gel;
  • matting agents;
  • acne treatment products.

If you exclude the use of cosmetics intended for teenage skin, in the future, acne marks may remain on the face - scars and scars.

So that self-care for the problematic skin of a teenager’s face does not harm, but improves the condition and appearance of the skin, it is important to carry out the following procedures:

  • cleansing;
  • toning;
  • moisturizing;
  • nutrition;
  • treatment.

Particular attention in care should be given to cleansing. For the procedure, the funds should be selected strictly according to the type of skin and its condition. Cleansing is carried out using gels and foams without alcohol, aggressive components, with a neutral pH. It is desirable that the cleansers contain plant extracts. They relieve inflammation, promote healing and restoration of the epidermis, regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

After cleansing, a tonic or lotion is applied. If there are neoplasms on the face that are characteristic of this type of skin, you can treat them with an antiseptic pencil or gel with a drying effect. This care will speed up the healing process.

If there are neoplasms on the face of adolescent boys or girls - acne and pimples, care should also include treatment. Pharmaceutical products based on salicylic acid have proven themselves well. It penetrates deep into the skin, removes excess fat, normalizes the sebaceous glands and kills the bacteria that cause such defects.

It should be remembered: Under the ban is squeezing out acne, blackheads and other neoplasms. Such actions will not only not solve the problem, but also worsen it, provoke the appearance of new defects.

How to take care of oily skin in adolescence?

Most teenagers have oily skin. In order to reduce oil production, it is important to know which skin care products can be used at this age.

Girls and boys 12-17 years of age should wash daily in the morning and evening using a cleansing gel for oily type. Experts recommend 2 times a day to treat the face with a 2% solution of salicylic acid.

Daily care is almost the same as for problem skin. For washing, you need to use boiled or distilled water. This type does not need moisturizing, but a nourishing cream must be used to provide it with useful substances.

Matting products - gels, creams, tonics and lotions, should always be in the arsenal of caring cosmetics for teenagers. Girls in adolescence begin to use decorative cosmetics. Mascara, lipstick of a neutral color will not harm, but it is better to refuse foundation. It clogs pores and causes acne and pimples.

What kind of care does dry and normal skin require?

If the skin is dry or normal, teen facials should be kept to a minimum:

  1. In the morning, it is enough to wash your face with water using a special gel or foam, and pat your face dry with a towel.
  2. In the evening, cleanse with a cleanser for dry or normal skin.
  3. To avoid the feeling of dryness and tightness of the face, mineral water is used for washing.
  4. After washing, it is useful to rinse your face with chamomile infusion or micellar water.
  5. At night, it is recommended to apply a cream for dry or normal skin with a moisturizing effect.
  6. Once a week, use a scrub, but only if there is no inflammation on the face.

Normal and dry teenage skin is not prone to breakouts, so additional care is not needed.

If you have already crossed the line of adolescence, then you will be interested in facial skin care in your 20s. Find out how to choose the right products for young skin.

Do-it-yourself skin care for teenagers can be done with the help of home remedies. They are natural, safe and effective.

Caring for teenage skin at home, they use masks, compresses, scrubs. To improve the condition of the skin, its cleansing, nutrition and moisturizing, two such procedures per week are enough.

Anti-oily skin mask

At home, masks are more often used among adolescent facial skin care products. They are prepared on the basis of decoctions of herbs, fruits, food.

To eliminate oily sheen, reduce fat production, the following recipe is suitable:

  1. Grate laundry soap to make a teaspoon of shavings.
  2. Add the same amount of table salt and warm boiled water.
  3. Mix the ingredients, apply on the face.
  4. After 10 minutes, lightly rub the mask into the skin.

Such a tool dries well and cleanses the epidermis of impurities, dead cells and black dots.

Pore ​​Cleansing Mask

This is another good teen skin care product that deeply cleanses impurities and tightens pores:

  1. Beat the egg white with a whisk until foamy.
  2. Add a teaspoon of sugar to the protein, beat the mixture again.
  3. Divide the mass into two parts.
  4. Apply half the mask on your face, and after 5 minutes, when it dries, beat the rest of the mask with a whisk again and apply a second layer of this product.
  5. Wash off with cool water after five minutes.

Whitening mask for teenagers

If there are age spots on the skin or there are traces of post-acne, you can use the following whitening mask to care for the face of a teenager:

  1. Peel fresh cucumber from seeds and peel.
  2. Grate it.
  3. Mix two tablespoons of cucumber puree with a teaspoon of olive oil.
  4. Apply the mass on the skin in an even layer for 20 minutes.

Skin soothing mask

The daily care of the skin of a teenager, which is prone to inflammation and irritation, includes the use of sedatives. At home, you can prepare such a mask:

  1. Grate peeled potatoes on a fine grater.
  2. Steam your face over herbal steam. To do this, you need to brew chamomile and calendula in a saucepan, and hold your face over it a little.
  3. Apply the potatoes without squeezing the juice.
  4. Cover the top of the face with a cotton napkin.
  5. After 15 minutes, wash off the mask with herbal decoction.

If independent skin care for adolescents does not give positive results - fat content does not decrease, acne does not go away, the skin looks unhealthy, you should contact a beautician. A specialist may refer a teenager for an examination to identify the cause of problem skin.

Adolescent girls and boys can regularly visit a beautician to maintain healthy skin. The following procedures are carried out in the beauty salon:

  • mechanical cleaning of the face;
  • hardware cleaning;
  • superficial peeling;
  • darsonvalization;
  • cryomassage.

To carry out such procedures, cosmetologists use professional cosmetics for the care of teenage facial skin. It acts gently and gently, and the effect of such products is higher than that of store-bought cosmetics.

If you start taking care of your skin from the age of 12, when the transitional age begins, you can avoid serious problems in the form of acne and acne.

Girls want to be beautiful at any age. In adolescence, liking yourself and others becomes even more important. Therefore, it is very important to learn how to properly handle cosmetics, get acquainted with the tricks of applying school makeup for teenagers.

Makeup for middle classes

For girls of the middle classes - 6, 7, 8, you can only do light, natural and elegant makeup to school. You can read in more detail about this type of make-up below, as well as tips and step-by-step instructions for performing daytime and solemn make-up.

The first rule that a little woman needs to remember is that a beautiful school make-up will not work without well-groomed skin. In adolescence, the skin is prone to rashes, acne, so a tonic, lotion for problem skin should appear on the girl's shelf. And in winter, there should be a cream that will save the face from chapping.

Daily facial care is very important in order to look beautiful even without makeup. Girls at the age of 12 should not use tonal foundations and powder - this is too “heavy” cosmetics for young skin and school makeup in general.

Special attention e it is worth giving an acquaintance with brushes for applying make-up, how to care for them, how to make eyelashes beautiful without resorting to the use of mascara. This is done using a curling machine.

The main principle of school makeup for teenagers aged 13, 14 is a minimum of decorative products.

Girls at this age can get acquainted with the eyebrow correction procedure. But this is not at all necessary. It is better not to paint the eyebrows, you can add a little brightness with the help of shadows.

School makeup for girls 12 or 13 years old is best done with hypoallergenic cosmetics in delicate pastel colors.

By the way, if the student is very young, but you want to show off in an interesting way, then you can make up with special children's cosmetics.

But, already at the age of 14, makeup for school can be done with more “adult” makeup. It is better to use products based on mineral components - they are more gentle on young skin.

In school makeup for teens, makeup artists advise eliminating eyeliners because they require skill to use, and arrows can make the look overloaded.

Eye makeup for school is done with shades of natural colors (beige, peach). It is better to replace mascara with a gel base that strengthens eyelashes. Instead of lipstick, use lip gloss - transparent or soft colors.

Everyday make-up

It is better for girls at this age to do a simple inconspicuous make-up for school, but it is better, in general, not to abuse the make-up. Maximum - colorless or with a small pink hygienic lipstick.

How beautiful to do makeup to school for girls in grades 6, 7, 8? It is enough to follow the following steps:

  1. Moisturizing and cleansing procedures are carried out for the skin of the face.
  2. Tidy up the eyebrows: comb, if desired, fix their shape with a gel.
  3. Shadows close to natural shades are applied to the moving eyelid and carefully shaded.
  4. Eyelashes are curled with a curling machine or a transparent strengthening gel is applied. Girls 13-14 years old can rarely do makeup to school using mascara. But you need to use it in small quantities. The effect of extended eyelashes is highly undesirable.
  5. Lips should be painted with hygienic lipstick or transparent gloss.

With step-by-step makeup for school, girls of 12, 13 or 14 years old can create a gentle and appropriate look for the setting.

Video: everyday makeup for girls 13 and 14 years old.

Festive make-up

If an important event is expected ahead, then a girl of 12, 13, 14 years old can afford a gentle solemn make-up to school. The main thing is to maintain harmony and not overdo it.

This is how you can do light makeup for school:

  1. The skin is cleansed and moisturized. You can mask the “problem” areas with a concealer.
  2. Apply a soft pink blush to create a subtle blush on your cheeks.
  3. Apply shades of peach or pink to the upper eyelid. Draw a line with a brown pencil and shade well so that the eye makeup does not seem overloaded.
  4. Elegant makeup for school for teenagers 13-14 years old can be done with mascara. But be sure to follow the rule - the shade of the mascara should be as close as possible to the natural color of the eyelashes.
  5. Eyebrows can be made up with a brown pencil or shadows.
  6. Make up your lips with a gloss of soft colors. If makeup is being done to school for a girl of 12 years old, then it is better to use colorless or hygienic lipstick or gloss.

Video: festive beautiful makeup for girls in grades 7, 8.

Makeup for high school students

Girls at this age can afford more experiments and interesting solutions. The main thing is that the resulting image complies with the standards of the educational institution and does not cause protest from the parents.

The main principle is healthy, well-groomed skin. Therefore, it is worth purchasing products that are suitable for the type of facial skin for young creatures.

As for decorative cosmetics, you can conduct small experiments. At the age of 15-17, girls consider themselves adults, they want to stand out from the crowd. And even despite the assumption of experiments, make-up for school should be light and not defiant.

You can use a light foundation, brown eye and eyebrow pencil, mascara. However, in makeup for school for teenagers, bright lipstick, “smoky ice” should be avoided - on the face of a young girl, such coloring will look unnatural and inappropriate.

It is best to choose a gloss in addition to the natural range of shadows and pencils - transparent or light tones.

At this age (as in any other), we must not forget that you always need to wash off all cosmetics at night. This will call youthful skin to stay healthy and beautiful.

In the spring for a teenage make-up, you can use brighter colors than in the cold season. In winter, you need to take care of protecting the skin from hypothermia and chapping with a nourishing cream.

Everyday make-up

Everyday makeup for high school girls (i.e. 9th, 10th, 11th grade) should be neutral. It should emphasize the dignity and in no case overload the face.

Step-by-step instructions for doing makeup to school for girls 15, 16, 17 years old:

  1. Concealer is applied to pre-cleansed and moisturized skin to hide “problem” areas.
  2. A light foundation is applied and carefully blended into the cheeks, nose, chin and forehead. But if a very light makeup is planned for school, then a 9th grade student may refuse tonal cream.
  3. Eyebrows are combed, drawn with a special pencil. It is very important that the shade of this product matches the color, otherwise there will be a color imbalance.
  4. Beige or peach shadows are applied to the upper eyelid.
  5. The lower eyelid is emphasized with light brown shadows.
  6. With a brown pencil on the upper eyelid, draw a thin line along the lash line and slightly emphasize the lower eyelid.
  7. The upper eyelashes are painted with mascara in one layer.
  8. The cheekbones are emphasized with peach blush.
  9. A transparent gloss is applied to the lips.

Everyday makeup for school for students aged 16-17 should be done as neutral as possible. Bright details will look out of place in the setting of an educational institution. But for various celebrations, you can please yourself and add bright notes.


First steps

Mothers should teach their daughters how to take care of their skin from a young age. The most important rule is that the face must be clean. The cleansing procedure is carried out in the morning and in the evening. For little ladies, a simple wash with water, preferably boiled or from a filter, is suitable. Cold or hot water is undesirable, it should be at room temperature.

By the beginning of puberty, skin care needs to be given more attention. At the age of 12-13 years, it is advisable to visit a beautician's office to correctly determine the type of skin and get professional advice.

A visit to a beautician during adolescence can significantly reduce the stress experienced by young people from the appearance problems that inevitably appear with hormonal surges. It is best to choose a specialist who is focused not just on the selection of professional products, but on an integrated approach to beauty and health.

A trip to the beautician

For girls with dry or normal skin, salon procedures are usually not needed, home care will be enough. And for oily and even more problematic, a complex combination of salon and home care will be required. Do not forget - the sooner you visit a professional, the easier and more effective the help will be. It is impossible to say unequivocally that the first visit to a beautician should be at the age of 12 or 13. The need for salon care in each case is individual and depends on the characteristics of the development of the child.

In the arsenal of specialists there are various procedures. There are programs specifically for young patients. In modern cosmetology, both traditional and innovative methods of problem skin care are used. Most popular:

  • Mechanical or hardware (ultrasonic) face cleaning. There are a number of restrictions here. The frequency of cleaning is selected based on the characteristics of the skin: usually once a month. If hygienic cleaning of problematic skin is rarely carried out, and in addition, it is started too late, then the pores may increase. If you resort to it often, 2-3 times a month, then it is possible to activate the secretion of sebum.
  • Cryomassage. It is carried out to narrow the pores and eliminate oily sheen. Liquid nitrogen is used. Improves blood circulation due to a sharp temperature drop. The work of the sebaceous glands is streamlined, acne is reduced, spots after acne are removed, the face is fresh.
  • Cryoiontophoresis. Completely new developments are used for the prevention and treatment of acne and rashes. During this procedure, which combines both cryomassage and electrophoresis, nutrients and medicines penetrate the skin. This comfortable procedure allows you to get a quick and long-term result.

Most teenagers suffer from the enlarged pores and blackheads that are characteristic of oily skin. Their independent removal can be traumatic (infection, microtrauma of the skin), so it is better to trust a specialist

Do not forget that people with problem skin need to carefully follow all the recommendations of a beautician. And also adhere to proper nutrition and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Teenagers and cosmetics - pros and cons

Modern 12-13-year-old girls are already using lipstick, eyeliners, shadows, mascara and foundation with might and main. They want to look stylish and fashionable. Most mothers believe that “plaster” at this age is not needed and even harms. Are they right? Indeed, excessive use of decorative cosmetics at a young age is far from harmless. It worsens the condition of the skin, causes allergies, conjunctivitis. Any decorative products for the face must be of high quality in the first place.

But girls at the age of 12-13 should already use cosmetics for daily care. But you have to know how to use it correctly. Consider the most common mistakes:

  1. Wrong choice of funds. There are cosmetics for every skin type. It is difficult for girls to determine the type on their own. They begin, on the advice of their girlfriends, to use comedonogenic drugs, which further exacerbate the problems.
  2. Use of unsuitable creams. Mom's creams in beautiful packages, even very expensive ones, are absolutely not intended for young girls. They not only do not help, but can even harm. It is advisable to discuss the contents of a cosmetic bag for teenagers with a specialist.
  3. Concealer. We do not argue, he hides defects. But a number of foundations form an airtight film, preventing the skin from breathing. This is especially unsafe for acne. It is necessary to use only a "breathing" foundation. It is produced by many major companies. It is most widely represented in Russia by the brands Vichy and L'Oreal.
  4. Incomplete cleaning of the face. Decorative cosmetics must first be removed with a special milk, and only then wash. Simply washing does not completely cleanse.

Young girls love cosmetics, because it can give their youthful beauty an extra charm. However, this only works if the decorative means are used correctly. Dense foundation and defiant make-up are best left for the adult period of life, and emphasize your current charm with a barely noticeable shine, delicate shadows, weightless cream with a tinting effect.

Home care - what is it?

Consider the components of home skin care at 12-13 years old. It consists of three stages:

  • Stage 1. Purification.
  • Stage 2. Moisturizing.
  • Stage 3. Protection.

Cleansing should be done twice a day - in the morning and before bedtime. Cleansing begins with washing with boiled or mineral water at room temperature. Too hot or, conversely, cold water can increase the secretion of sebum. As noted above, we also do not use soap. A girl at the age of 13-14 should already know and be able to use cleansers: foams, gels, mousses. The face is gently blotted with a napkin. And the important final stage begins - we wipe it with lotion or tonic, to choose from. The use of lotions has two goals: final cleansing and moisturizing.

Do I need to use cream?

Contrary to the opinion of some mothers, a cream is necessary at a young age. But you just need to select it depending on the age and type of facial skin. For the problem there are special creams produced by many manufacturers: Avene, Vichy, Clearasil and others. It is necessary to carefully study the composition. Cream for teenagers should contain:

  • Natural ingredients, extracts of herbs, citrus fruits, tea tree, various minerals, zinc, honey. They provide gentle care and have antibacterial properties.
  • Magnesium, potassium and silicon add smoothness.
  • Vitamins nourish, regulate and restore the balance of essential substances. It is especially important to keep them in winter.
  • Biocomponents with regenerative properties. For example, agaric acid.
  • SPF sun filters.

Tea tree oil is often included in teen cosmetics. This is due to its amazing antibacterial properties, as well as naturalness and lack of skin addiction.

However, there are components that should never be contained in cosmetics for teenagers. These include:

  • alcohol;
  • anti-aging components, collagens, coenzymes;
  • artificial preservatives and dyes;
  • hormonal substances.

5 important rules for choosing funds

  • It should be intended specifically for a young age;
  • The composition should contain only natural ingredients;
  • Check the skin for sensitivity, at the age of 12-14 years it is often increased;
  • Try to purchase several products from the same collection at the same time;
  • Buy high-quality proven products from well-known manufacturers.

The best option for the skin is the choice of a whole line of products from one manufacturer. In this case, they will complement each other and will not cause an allergic reaction.

And finally, a few tips on the correct use of creams:

  • before going to bed, you should definitely wash yourself, because the remnants of mascara, shadows, tonalnik and dirt can cause inflammation of the skin and the formation of acne;
  • before applying the cream, the face must be cleaned with special compounds;
  • it is necessary to observe the regularity, application technique and time of day in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions;
  • lightly blot unabsorbed residues with a napkin;
  • a lot does not mean better and more efficient, use the optimal amount of the product.

Moms should teach their daughters at a very early age to take care of their appearance, look beautiful, apply makeup correctly, and then be able to remove it competently. Of course, all this must be done taking into account the age of the little lady. Moderation will do no harm.


Skin care cosmetics

Every girl from a very early age (10-11 years old) should clearly remember that any skin, regardless of its appearance, needs constant nourishment and hydration. That is why it is necessary to learn to perform a daily series of procedures that will help you keep your skin in perfect condition.

By the way, all the procedures listed below are also suitable for mothers :). Do them together! Let new women's traditions appear in your home!

  • The best way to start your day is with a regular wash. It is best to wash your face with mineral water or at least ordinary boiled water.
  • Never use soap to wash your face! Give preference to inexpensive foams, gels and mousses for washing.
  • After washing, the skin must be blotted with a napkin and wiped with a special tonic or lotion. This removes oily sheen and gets rid of gel particles on the skin.
  • Moisturizing the skin is an essential procedure for any woman. Whether your skin is dry or oily, this treatment should always be on your morning to-do list. Thermal water is excellent for this task. You can buy it at any pharmacy in the city.
  • Lastly, apply a light moisturizer. Remember that mom and daughter should use different cosmetics that should be appropriate for their age!
  • Use special products for problem skin that will help cleanse and narrow pores, rid the girl of blackheads and remove shine from oily skin.

Decorative cosmetics

A lot of controversy arises on the topic of whether or not girls need to paint at such a young age. However, it must be remembered that it is in adolescence that everyone develops a personality and forbid the child to paint while all classmates show off new means - superfluous!

By the way, I already wrote an article on when to start painting.

Therefore, it is better to purchase a number of products for a teenage cosmetic bag that will not harm young skin, but will also help the girl feel “in the know”:

1. Avoid using foundation and powder. Both products clog pores and pose a threat of teenage acne. The foundation also emphasizes skin defects, peels off and looks completely ugly after a few hours. Properly caring for your face, you can always boast of a healthy complexion!

2. You can purchase a foundation (base) with a light, almost transparent shade. This base is called a primer.

3. The ideal solution would be a concealer (corrector) - a tool that allows you to mask spots and pimples on your face. Antibacterial green pencil for problem areas neutralizes red spots and blackheads.

4. Be sure to buy mascara with mom. It doesn't have to be black, blue or brown ink. A translucent product is enough, which creates the effect of wet eyelashes. Your eyelashes will look longer, fuller and more spectacular!

5. Shadows and lip gloss choose gentle, translucent tones. It will make your skin glowing and soft!

6. Throw aside eyeliners and pencils - you don't need extra black stripes.

7. Nail polish also choose gentle, calm tones.

Basic Mistakes

Many girls make a number of mistakes that over time affect the condition of the skin, the appearance of acne and blackheads. Remember them and always avoid!

  • Use of mother's cosmetics intended for women of mature age. The same applies to creams - morning and evening.
  • Never leave makeup on your face overnight.
  • It is best to wash off makeup immediately after coming home.
  • If mascara remains on the eyelashes, then be prepared for them to break and fall out.
  • When selecting cosmetics with the help of testers in the store, it is best to wash the top layer of already used cosmetics.
  • Many girls use bright makeup, trying to hide the flaws in their appearance. This is fundamentally wrong. The brighter you make up, the more noticeable acne and spots on your face.

Before you start painting, be sure to read all the information related to your color type and the cosmetics necessary for it :). And also don't forget to buy the right makeup brushes.

I hope my advice will help mothers and daughters :).


Safety first

Cosmetics for a girl of 12 years old, first of all, should be safe, that is, of high quality. During this period, teenage skin is prone to acne and blackheads. 11-13 years - a period of hormonal surge, which becomes the cause of such a problem as acne. That is why it is very important that cosmetics for adolescent girls of 12 years old be of high quality. Most of the products popular among young people contain harmful chemicals. Poor-quality materials can aggravate dermatological problems and provoke the appearance of new acne and blackheads.

The right way out of this situation is organic cosmetics. It is produced on the basis of high-quality natural materials without the addition of chemicals and preservatives. Organic products are much more expensive than non-natural counterparts. However, by buying such products for your child, you can protect him from dermatological diseases.

Basic requirements for teenage cosmetics

So, what should parents pay attention to when choosing teen cosmetics?

  • For composition. The list should not include harmful chemicals. You should also make sure that there is no allergic reaction to any component. Cosmetics for a 12-year-old girl should contain only natural hypoallergenic elements (plant extracts, oils and vitamins). High-quality organic products are offered by such world-famous brands as Natura Siberica, Organic Pharmacy, Stella McCartney CARE, Nude.
  • For the age indicated on the package. Teenage skin needs special care, so you should choose products marked “up to 20 years old”.
  • For the smell. Quality organic products have a neutral aroma. Remember that a pronounced smell is a sign of the presence of fragrances in cosmetics.
  • For color. Organic cosmetics for a girl of 12 years old should have a neutral color (beige, light yellow or white).
  • For the expiration date indicated on the package.

Skin care products for teenage skin

Every girl’s cosmetic bag should contain high-quality products for the care of problematic teenage skin (make-up remover, tonic, cream, treatment mask). When choosing them, be sure to pay attention to the age indicated on the package and the type of skin for which the product is intended. So, let's talk more about teen cosmetics.

  • Makeup removal is the most necessary tool that should be in the arsenal of every young lady. For those with dry skin, a moisturizing lotion will do the trick. But girls with oily skin should pay attention to the foam. Separately, it should be said about micellar water. This is an excellent tool that removes dirt and makeup from the skin of the face. Micellar water contains only hypoallergenic safe components.
  • Tonic for the face should have an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. This product is designed to deeply cleanse the face of impurities and reduce the risk of acne.
  • The cream should be selected depending on the type of skin (oily, dry, normal or combination).

Popular skincare brands

  • Planeta Organica. Planeta Organica products do not contain parabens, GMOs, chemicals or other harmful substances. The composition of cosmetics includes only natural ingredients (vegetable oils and extracts). In the Planeta Organica line of products you can find a variety of tonics for all types of skin, creams and face masks.
  • Natura Siberica is the ideal cosmetics for girls of 12 years old (you can see a photo of various products of the company below).
  • GreenLab - organic cosmetics that are suitable for adult and teenage skin.

Decorative cosmetics for girls 12 years old

If your daughter asks her to buy decorative cosmetics, do not neglect the desires of a young lady. At the age of 12, the girl is just learning to take care of herself. In this case, she needs faithful helpers - the support and advice of her mother, as well as high-quality decorative products. So, what cosmetics should be in the arsenal of every teenage girl?

  • Mascara. It can be lengthening, volumizing and curling eyelashes. When choosing a mascara, it should be borne in mind that it should be slightly darker than the natural color of the hair. Ideal options are black or dark brown.
  • Lip gloss. Unlike lipstick, it gently cares for lips. The ideal teenage option is lip glosses in light pastel shades.
  • Shadows. For everyday makeup, it is recommended to choose delicate colors: pink, coral, beige or peach.
  • Powder. For teenage skin, the right choice is an organic powder that does not dry out the skin and does not close the pores.

All of these products can be purchased separately or you can purchase a special set of children's cosmetics for girls 12 years old.

Youth lines of decorative cosmetics from popular brands

  • Maybelline is one of the few budget brands that offer a wide selection of teen makeup.
  • Clinique produces high-quality cosmetics for all skin types. A series of youth products from Clinique is a great helper in creating a beautiful make-up.
  • Bare Minerals, unlike other popular brands, does not produce liquid, but loose cosmetics. This allows you to create perfect makeup with minimal harm to the skin.
  • Urban Decay is a great option for a teenage girl. Urban Decay cosmetics are distinguished by a wide selection of shades, which allows the young lady to experiment with her image.

A few rules for creating teenage makeup

  1. Only high quality materials should be used.
  2. Makeup should be natural. Stylists recommend using natural light shades that emphasize beauty and youth.
  3. The foundation should fully match the skin tone.
  4. Shadows should be selected in delicate pastel shades: peach, pink, coral, blue, beige.
  5. To create the right makeup, you should use special tools. Every girl’s makeup bag should have a large brush for applying powder and several brushes for working with shadows.


Teen makeup rules

An important condition is the correct and regular care of teenage skin. Modern cosmetics manufacturers produce a lot of products for young skin. Care begins with washing with a cleanser and toning. To do this, use a cleansing gel or milk and wipe the skin with a tonic. Then you need to apply a moisturizer or gel. This procedure is used twice a day, because the main task is to maintain a natural, even and healthy complexion.

For applying make-up, only natural, high-quality mineral cosmetics are chosen.

Makeup for problem skin, which often accompanies adolescence, should not start with a thick layer of heavy and dense foundation. The first step is to choose a special medical cosmetics for young skin. The best option would be products with the addition of tea tree extracts, aloe juice, chamomile or string essential oils. If the rashes are spotty, then the best way to hide them is to use a concealer.

An important point is proper nutrition. A teenager needs to be explained that the condition of the skin directly depends on what we eat. The diet should include boiled meat, cereals, dairy products, eggs, fresh fruits and vegetables. You should give up fast food, carbonated drinks, do not abuse flour and sweets.

How to do makeup for teenagers?

From the age of 12, girls can apply light cosmetics. Eye makeup is performed using shades of natural shades, such as beige, peach or soft pink.

Stylists advise to refuse from pencils and eyeliners, because to apply such cosmetics, a young beauty should work out a little, and the arrows will only make the image of a girl heavier. By the way, for the same reason, you should not use mascara. Manufacturers offer an alternative: transparent mascara-gel with vitamins A and E, which gently care for eyelashes, make them fuller, longer and thicker, and also give the look the tenderness and attractiveness that is characteristic of all young girls.

Instead of lipstick, you should use lip gloss, which will emphasize the freshness of the image.

Makeup depending on the age of the teenager

Instead of foundation, you can use a gentle mineral powder. For eye makeup, you should choose shades of flesh, mint, beige or peach shades. Mascara is not used, otherwise, at an older age, the eyelashes will become brittle and thin. Instead of lipstick - a little transparent gloss.

At this age, cleansers are sure to be connected to help avoid unpleasant rashes and redness on the skin. A tonal base is not used, but you can connect a concealer, which is applied only to problem areas. Eye makeup is performed with shades of pastel shades, a little healing mascara with vitamins can be applied to the eyelashes. Lipstick choose peach tones or apply a transparent gloss.

Instead of a tonal foundation, problem areas are masked with a concealer and mineral light powder is applied. In eye makeup, shades of light blue, cream, green or light brown are used. At this age, girls can start using light mascara, only it needs to be applied in 1 layer. Use peach or pink lipstick. You can also use lip balm.

Let's say a light foundation, a brown eye and eyebrow pencil, mascara. At this age, girls begin to feel completely grown-up, but bright colors of lipstick, smokey-eye makeup should be avoided for the time being - it looks too vulgar on a young face.

The natural color of the lips is emphasized by tinted or transparent lip glosses. Eyes can be drawn with a brown pencil, mascara is applied to the eyelashes. Eyebrows are emphasized with a pencil or a special fixing gel is applied.

At a young age, you need to get used to washing off cosmetics at night and applying a moisturizer for young skin. It is categorically not advised to use a thick foundation, dark shades of shadows and lipsticks of a dense texture. Avoid black eyeliner and false eyelashes.

Makeup for school: step by step instructions

School makeup for teenagers is done like this:

1. A little concealer is applied to cleansed and moisturized skin, which is needed to mask problem areas of the skin.

3. Eyebrows are lightly drawn with a brown pencil and combed with a special brush.

4. Shadows of a peach or light brown shade are applied to the entire surface of the upper eyelid.

5. The lower eyelid is slightly emphasized with light brown shadows.

6. With a sharpened brown pencil, draw a thin arrow along the lash line on the upper eyelid and gently emphasize the lower eyelid.

7. Mascara is applied to the eyelashes in one layer. To make the image as light as possible, it is enough to apply the product only on the upper eyelashes.

8. Peach blush is applied with light movements on the cheekbones.

9. A transparent gloss is applied to the lips.

Easy day makeup for teens

1. Wash face with cool water, apply mild cleanser, lather and rinse.

2. If there are rashes and redness, then they must be spot-treated with a therapeutic agent and wait until it dries completely.

3. Treat rashes with a concealer, and also apply this remedy under the eyes and rub gently to hide small circles under the eyes.

4. The most natural shades of shadows are applied to the entire surface of the eyelids (beige, light brown, peach, sand or light pink). Shadows of a darker shade (brown, sand or gold) are applied to the moving part of the upper eyelid. The outer corner of the eye is decorated with the darkest shades of shadows (coffee color, a shade of copper or dark chocolate).

5. A nourishing gel with vitamins or walnut-colored mascara is applied to the eyelashes.

6. Apply a moisturizing balm or lip gloss in a neutral shade to the lips.

1. The face is washed with cool water and gently blotted with a towel.

2. Concealer mask problem areas and lower eyelids.

3. In eye makeup, you can use the same shades, only apply them more intensely. By the way, the shadows of medium tones can emphasize the lower eyelid.

4. Eyelashes are covered with light brown or gray mascara.

5. Lipstick of a calm shade is applied to the lips, a transparent gloss can be applied on top.

Makeup for teenagers depending on the season

In summer, the skin tans a little, and therefore you should not radically change the shades of cosmetics. The best option would be to purchase a bronzer and apply it on the cheekbones, eyelids, neck. If you want to use shadows, then you should do without a bronzer and choose eye makeup in beige, pink, blue, light green and light purple shades.

During the period of warming, the sun's rays become most active. In addition to choosing a certain color scheme (and in spring you can use more saturated, bright and juicy tones in makeup), you must use creams with UV protection. This will protect the skin from the appearance of freckles.

In the cold season, you need to pay special attention to the care of teenage skin. To protect the epidermis from hypothermia, it is necessary to use a high-quality nourishing cream from the weather. The make-up is dominated by cosmetics of calm shades.

Fashion makeup for teenagers: photo

Makeup for teenagers: video

Makeup tutorial video for teens

Makeup for young girls

Light make-up for a teenager for a holiday

Daily makeup for school

Beautiful makeup for school

Tags: makeup

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What are the care products?

Cosmetic care products are designed for both girls and guys. Required minimum:

  • Tonic;
  • Mask for the face;
  • Moisturizing cream;
  • Washing agent.

All cosmetics must have the following properties:

  • Antiseptic action;
  • Antibacterial action;
  • Anti-inflammatory action;
  • Components that reduce the production of sebum;
  • Components that help reduce pores;
  • Components that contribute to the recovery process after inflammation.

Is it possible to use decorative cosmetics in the presence of inflammation on the skin? Not recommended. However, you can choose medical cosmetics that will not aggravate the problem. The more free fatty acids and carcinogens in a decorative product, the more it can affect the occurrence of pimples.

To get rid of black dots, you need to pay attention to good cleansers: tonics, lotions, cleansers, scrubs, foams.

It is good if parents explain to a teenager that the selection of cosmetics also depends on the time of year. In summer, it is important to intensively moisturize the skin, in winter - to select more fatty products that protect it from the cold. You can choose and order high-quality inexpensive cosmetics in the online store http://www.cosmogid.ru.

Decorative cosmetics

In order to minimize the harm from decorative cosmetics, you need to heed the advice of professionals:

To ensure hygiene, it is important to think not only about buying cosmetics, but also about purchasing related accessories: sponges, applicators.


How to teach girls to cosmetics? How to prevent the development of typical teenage problems?

Dermatologist-cosmetologist, chief physician of the Beauty Institute of the Voronezh club "Public Fitness" Elena Valerievna Timoshenko tells.

- At what age do girls need to visit a beauty salon? This question worries many mothers.

– Adolescents with dry and normal facial skin have enough home care, they usually do not need professional procedures.

But girls with oily and problem skin need the help of a beautician. In order to avoid worsening problems, they need to follow an individual program of home and salon care. The sooner a girl comes to a specialist with a problem, the easier it is to help her. The age at which the skin begins to require care in the salon depends on the characteristics of the teenager.

- What kind of salon care do girls with problem skin usually need? Are there any new items specifically for teenagers?

– A beautician can recommend various procedures. One of them is hygienic or ultrasonic facial cleansing. The optimal frequency of this procedure is once a month. Late start and infrequent hygienic cleansing of the face can lead to enlargement of the pores. But if you do the procedure more than once every two weeks, the process of more active formation of sebum may begin.

To remove the oily sheen of the skin and reduce the lumen of the pores, procedures such as cryomassage or cryoiontophoresis are well suited for adolescents.

Cryomassage is carried out using liquid nitrogen. The temperature difference causes constriction and expansion of blood vessels, resulting in improved blood circulation in the skin. The face acquires freshness, the work of the sebaceous glands normalizes, the number of acne decreases. Cryomassage also tightens pores and promotes the resorption of stagnant spots left after acne.

Cryoiontophoresis is a new procedure for the treatment and prevention of acne. It can be used to introduce various medicinal and nutritional preparations through the skin. The technique combines the advantages of cryomassage and electrophoresis. The procedure is easy to perform, comfortable, gives a quick and long-term result. Cryoiontophoresis acts in three directions at once: the skin is treated with cold, drugs and a weak electric current.

- Many mothers believe that teenagers do not need to use cosmetics. How right are they?

- Moms are absolutely right when they want to warn girls against the abuse of decorative cosmetics. Modern teenagers from an early age use mascara, lipstick, foundation with might and main.

It's far from harmless. Constant exposure to decorative cosmetics can worsen the condition of the skin, lead to allergies and conjunctivitis. Remember that any cosmetics that are on the skin for a long time must be of high quality.

A completely different matter is cosmetics for daily care. Little girls need to be taught to it. But the skin requires the closest attention from the beginning of puberty, somewhere from 10-11 years old.

What are the biggest skincare mistakes teenagers make?

- The most common problem is the wrong choice of cosmetics. Sometimes girls make mistakes in assessing their skin type. They use so-called comedonogenic cosmetics, which exacerbate the problems.

The second mistake is the use of mother's and grandmother's creams, which are completely unsuitable for young skin. Cosmetics, like medicines, can both help and harm. Therefore, before buying cosmetics for a teenager, consult a specialist.

Girls make many mistakes when using foundation. It masks skin imperfections, but is not safe for those who suffer from acne. A number of tonal creams form an airtight film on the surface of the skin, exacerbating inflammation. Therefore, for acne, choose only the so-called breathable foundation. It is produced by many leading companies, such as Vichy or L'Oreal.

If a girl applied decorative cosmetics to her face and eyelids, then before washing, it is necessary to remove makeup with cosmetic milk. Normal washing will not completely cleanse the skin.

- What is the essence of home skin care for a teenager?

- There are "three pillars" of home care - cleansing, moisturizing and protecting the skin.

The main stage for teenagers is cleansing the skin in the morning and in the evening. Start by washing with water at room temperature. It is best to take low-mineralized mineral or boiled water.

Not suitable for teenage girls cold and hot water. In both cases, the production of sebum can increase, which will exacerbate the problems of oily skin.

Do not use soap when washing. After all, healthy skin has a slightly acidic reaction - pH 5.5. Exposure to soap, which has an alkaline reaction, changes the acidity of the skin and destroys a very important protective fatty film. This creates conditions for the reproduction of pathogenic microbes.

Therefore, explain to your daughter that it is very important to use only special products for washing - gels, foams, mousses. After washing, you need to get your face wet with a napkin, without rubbing it.

The final stage of cleansing is rubbing the skin with a tonic or lotion. This procedure is often skipped by teenage girls, but it is very important. Wiping the face, on the one hand, we completely cleanse it, on the other hand, we moisturize and saturate it with useful substances.

“The skin of teenagers does not suffer from dehydration anyway. Does it need extra moisture?

“Many girls and even their mothers don’t understand the importance of hydration. After all, the skin of a teenager really does not seem dry. But this is an illusion. The sooner you start taking good care of your skin, the longer it will look good.

It is especially important to moisturize the skin in summer when the sun dries it. We need such funds in the winter. After all, central heating significantly reduces the humidity of the air. As a result, our skin also becomes dehydrated.

Does young skin need cream?

- Yes, but only special, selected depending on the type of skin. Applying a cream is the next stage of care. For dry to normal skin, a light moisturizer is ideal. There are special products for problem skin. They are produced by many manufacturers: Mia, La Roche Posay, Clearasil, Avene, Vichy and others.