Decreased platelets during pregnancy. What tests are needed if platelets are low during pregnancy? Decreased platelet count

Our blood is made up of a liquid part and many cells. Platelets are the smallest of them. When tissues are damaged, they form blood clots and stop bleeding.

The number of these cells in the male and female organisms is different. It also changes during pregnancy. This is one of the important indicators to judge the condition of the future mother and fetus.

Platelets produce bone marrow cells. They not only prevent bleeding, but are also important for the development of nonspecific body defense reactions. To determine the number of platelets in the blood, a general blood test is sufficient, and for deeper studies of the hemostasis system, a coagulogram is performed. It allows you to judge the presence of blood clotting disorders in expectant mothers.

The number of platelets in the range from 150 to 400 thousand / μl is considered normal, but in about 8% of cases there may be a slight decrease, which is not associated with pathology.

It should also be noted that closer to childbirth, the concentration of these cells normally increases. So the body prepares for possible blood loss. Sometimes the number of platelets, on the contrary, decreases, for example, with a rapid increase in blood volume in the body, which happens during the period of active growth of the fetus. But, if they are less than 140 thousand / μl, this is a dangerous sign.

Thrombocytopenia is an excessive decrease in the level of platelets in the body. You can suspect it even before passing the analysis on such grounds as:

  • Bleeding gums in the absence of dental diseases, including pregnancy gingivitis;
  • The appearance of bruises for no apparent reason;
  • Nosebleeds, as well as their gastrointestinal tract, etc.;
  • Characteristic punctate rash on the extremities and in front of the body.

In such a situation, it is necessary to take a blood test as soon as possible to determine the level of platelets. If thrombocytopenia is found, it is important to establish its cause. Most often it is called:

  • Transferred viral diseases;
  • Allergy;
  • Iron-deficiency anemia;
  • Bleeding;
  • Violations of the blood coagulation system;
  • The use of certain medications;
  • Lack of B vitamins;
  • Insufficient or poor-quality nutrition;
  • Decreased lifespan of platelets associated with hormonal changes in the body;
  • Severe kidney pathology and intoxication.

In addition, such dangerous diseases as systemic lupus erythematosus, thyrotoxicosis and autoimmune thrombocytopenia (when the cells are destroyed by the body's own immune system) can cause a decrease in the number of platelets. For confirmation, it is necessary to pass a general blood test, a coagulogram, visit a hematologist and other specialists who will conduct additional studies.

Thrombocytosis is an excess of platelets in the body. Its signs are similar to those of thrombocytopenia, since in this condition the blood particles are unevenly distributed in the steering wheel and cannot perform their functions normally. An excess number of platelets may indicate:

  • Frequent hematomas even with weak exposure;
  • Nosebleeds and bleeding gums;
  • Small punctate hemorrhages in the form of a rash;
  • Unstable blood pressure and pallor of the skin;
  • Prolonged bleeding from cuts and other wounds.

A slight increase in the concentration of platelets in the blood of the expectant mother does not lead to dangerous consequences and does not require treatment. The doctor simply prescribes additional tests and monitors the condition of the woman.

There are many causes of thrombocytosis. Usually they are divided into primary and secondary. The first group includes hereditary and immune diseases that lead to impaired function of hematopoiesis in the bone marrow. Usually they are detected long before pregnancy.

The second group included:

  • Infectious diseases;
  • Inflammatory processes;
  • Malignant neoplasms.

Nausea during pregnancy can also lead to thrombocytosis. In this case, the body loses a lot of fluid and the concentration of cells in the blood increases. Changes in the blood composition caused by causes from the second group are called symptomatic thrombocytosis.

If thrombocytosis is suspected, doctors usually prescribe several additional blood tests for platelet levels, determine the level of serum iron and ferritin, and prescribe an ultrasound of the internal organs. Also, you can not do without consulting a therapist and a hematologist.

Thrombocytosis is dangerous because an excess of platelets can form a clot or thrombus that can clog the lumen of a vein or artery, blocking the blood flow. This threatens with gangrene, thromboembolism, hemorrhages and malnutrition of the fetus.

Platelet aggregation is gluing them into conglomerates. The normal indicator is 30-60%, but a slight increase during pregnancy is the norm. This indicator is determined using a coagulogram. An increase in the aggregation value above 60-70% is called hyperaggregation and this condition carries certain risks, as it can cause the formation of blood clots, including in the placenta.

A decrease in aggregation is also a dangerous sign. It signals violations in the blood coagulation system and can lead to bleeding. This threatens not only with complications in childbirth, but also with disruption of the work of various organs and hemorrhages in the brain. In addition, with autoimmune thrombocytopenia, there is a risk of mother's antibodies getting into the baby's blood, which can cause destruction of his platelets.

The period of bearing a child is perhaps the most beautiful and long-awaited time for every woman. Due to the fact that the body is undergoing many changes at this stage, the expectant mother should be regularly examined by a specialist.

The most common procedure is a complete blood count. One of the most important is considered such an indicator as platelets during pregnancy.

It is necessary to be examined in order to be able to timely identify deviations that are dangerous not only for the woman, but also for her unborn child.

Description of cells

Platelets are very thin blood discs that are involved in the process of blood clotting. Their peculiarity lies in the ability to stick together with each other in the event of a cut or wound.

As a result of this process, clots are formed that clog the vessels, which prevents the blood from escaping in large quantities. Against this background, a crust appears on the surface of the skin. If it is removed, the bleeding may reopen.

In addition, platelets perform a protective function, protecting the body from the penetration of pathogenic bacteria and viruses.

They contribute to the formation of the immune system and are regularly updated.

The number of platelets in the blood is a temporary indicator. Depending on the influence of internal and external factors, it changes all the time. For example, it fluctuates during pregnancy and during the menstrual cycle.

The indicator is normal

The number of platelets in a pregnant woman is an important indicator that should always be monitored. During the bearing of a child, it can decrease due to the fact that there is an increase in blood volume and the formation of a placental circle of blood flow. The average volume that is considered normal in pregnant women is approximately 140-340 thousand / μl.

The indicator depends on the timing of pregnancy. The norm of platelets in the blood:

  • 1 trimester - 170-340 thousand / μl;
  • 2nd trimester - 160-330;
  • 3rd trimester - 140-320.

After childbirth, some changes are observed in the female body, the main task of which is to reduce blood loss. It does this by increasing coagulability. After the postpartum period ends, all indicators return to normal.

Reasons for an increase or decrease

In some cases, there is a decrease or increase in the number of these blood cells. There can be many reasons for this. The main factors that provoke low platelets include:

  • the occurrence of an allergic reaction;
  • intrauterine fetal death;
  • viral diseases;
  • malnutrition, which leads to insufficient intake of vitamin B12 and folate;
  • drug intoxication;
  • long-term use of antibiotics;
  • obstetric bleeding caused, for example, by placental abruption;
  • autoimmune thrombocytopenia;
  • neuropathic conditions;
  • increased death of red blood cells, the cause of which is a violation of the hormonal background.

In some cases, a low level of these cells can be observed with physiological factors. In this case, no special treatment is required. However, it is important to monitor performance at all times. For this, a blood test is taken regularly.

There is also a secondary form of the pathological condition, in which there is a decrease in platelets. In this case, the cause may be radiation, toxic poisoning.

Among the factors that contribute to the appearance of elevated platelets, the following are distinguished:

  • pathology of the circulatory system;
  • predisposition to thrombosis;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • allergic reactions;
  • lack of iron in the body;
  • the formation of malignant neoplasms;
  • taking certain medicines;
  • infectious diseases;
  • pathology of the autoimmune system;
  • increased toxicosis in the initial stages of pregnancy.

Sometimes a high level of cells is noted with a lack of fluid in the body.


Regardless of the fact that the diagnosis is made only on the basis of the obtained test results, in most cases, deviations can be suspected by the appearance of certain signs.

If platelets have fallen, then symptoms such as:

  • the formation of bruises on the body, which can lead to even minor exposure to the skin;
  • small rashes;
  • bleeding gums in the process of carrying out hygienic procedures for oral care;
  • nosebleeds;
  • with damage to the skin;
  • dark color of feces;
  • bloody discharge from the organs of the reproductive system.

The symptomatology of an elevated cell level is in many ways similar to the signs of thrombocytopenia. This is explained by the fact that, despite the various factors that become provocateurs for the development of these pathological conditions, the manifestation is common: blood cells in the vessels begin to be distributed unevenly.

To prevent negative consequences that can be dangerous for both the pregnant woman and the fetus, it is necessary to constantly monitor the level of platelets in the body.

What tests are needed

To control the composition of the blood, certain laboratory tests are carried out. Only after the biological material has been fully studied, a diagnosis is made: a low or high level of platelets in a pregnant woman.

Diagnosis consists in carrying out such examinations as:

  • general examination of the patient by a gynecologist, therapist or hematologist;
  • a blood test to determine the number of blood plates, and serum iron;
  • ultrasound examination of internal organs.

If necessary, a bone marrow biopsy may also be ordered.

Sometimes there are situations in which there is low clotting or a tendency to form blood clots, despite a positive blood test. In this case, the patient is sent for a coagulogram.

This research method determines the level of cell aggregation, that is, their ability to connect with collagen. Normally, this figure should be from 30 to 60 percent.

To obtain the most accurate results, it is necessary to prepare well for the delivery of material for analysis. It is important that blood is taken on an empty stomach. For a couple of days, it is recommended to exclude the use of medications that can negatively affect the number of platelets in the blood.

In addition, it is better to refuse the analysis if, within three days before the study, an injury was received, accompanied by bleeding, or there was a burn.

Treatment of thrombocytopenia and thrombocytosis

The tactics of therapeutic actions will be selected based on the diagnosis. In any case, complex treatment will be required to correct the situation.

Medical therapy

The most dangerous period for low platelets is the third trimester of pregnancy. Treatment in this case should be aimed at eliminating the cause that provoked a decrease in the number of cells.

To increase the number of blood plates, use the following drugs:

  • glucocorticosteroids, the course of which can be both systemic and short-term;
  • immunoglobulins for intravenous administration;
  • platelet mass, which is prescribed for a complicated course of a pathological condition.

If conservative methods of therapy do not bring a positive result, a method is used in which the spleen is removed using laparoscopy.

If an elevated platelet count is diagnosed, drugs such as:

  • coagulants;
  • antiplatelet agents.

If thrombocytosis is not compatible with gestation, the doctor suggests that the patient terminate the pregnancy.

If there is a slight deviation upwards from the norm, then there is no need for special treatment. So the body can respond to the uteroplacental circulation.


An equally important role for the normalization of blood plates is played by the nutrition of the expectant mother. To raise the level of platelets, you must follow some recommendations:

  1. Include in the diet a large amount of beets and juice from it.
  2. There is a lot of sesame oil. It can be added to vegetable salads. This product regulates platelet levels and improves blood clotting.
  3. Control iron levels. The daily norm should be about 30 milligrams. Experts advise eating buckwheat, beef, liver.
  4. Every day there are foods that contain a lot of vitamin B12 and folic acid. It can be meat, fish, dairy products, nuts, eggs.
  5. Take ascorbic acid.

In addition, to normalize the reduced number of cells, it is good to drink rosehip tea, as well as nettle decoction.

With an increase in the indicator, it is necessary to include in the diet products such as:

  • juice (can be prepared from cranberries, tomatoes, citrus fruits, apples or lingonberries);
  • olive or linseed oil;
  • mackerel and other fatty fish;
  • garlic;
  • legumes and cereals;
  • milk and products from it;
  • greens.

It is forbidden to use:

  • bananas;
  • pomegranate juice;
  • rose hip;
  • lentils;
  • Walnut;
  • mango.

An important role is played by the flow of fluid into the body. Per day, the permissible minimum norm for a pregnant woman is at least one and a half liters of clean water.

Possible Complications

If timely measures are not taken to help normalize the level of platelets, this can lead to sad consequences.

Deviation from the norm in a large direction leads to:

  • delayed fetal development in the prenatal period;
  • the threat of miscarriage;
  • severe toxicosis;
  • varicose veins;
  • thrombosis of the upper and lower extremities;
  • infarction or embolism.

With a low platelet count, complications such as:

  • uncontrolled heavy bleeding;
  • premature birth;
  • thrombocytopenia in a child.

With timely diagnosis and proper treatment, such problems can be avoided.


To prevent the development of thrombocytopenia in a pregnant woman, it is important to adhere to certain rules:

  • exclude all factors that can adversely affect the state of immunity;
  • before planning pregnancy, make all the necessary vaccinations against SARS, rubella, chickenpox and other viral infections;
  • refuse certain medications even in the initial stages of bearing a child;
  • adjust nutrition.

To prevent thrombocytosis, the following preventive measures are taken:

  • maintaining an active lifestyle;
  • exclusion from the menu of products that can increase blood viscosity;
  • taking more fluids and food that thins the blood.

It is necessary to control the number of platelets throughout pregnancy. Therefore, it is so important not to neglect regular examinations by specialists and analysis.

Platelets are capable of stopping bleeding by forming blood clots. Throughout pregnancy, the expectant mother donates blood several times to determine the amount of these elements. If they are lowered, a diagnosis of "thrombocytopenia" is made and treatment is prescribed to normalize this indicator. In this article we will try to analyze the reasons for the increase and decrease in platelets during pregnancy, what they are, their norms.

Norm indicators

Platelets are flat blood cells without nuclei, the shell of which traps foreign cells and bacteria and destroys them. In addition to this protective function, such elements stop bleeding, contributing to the creation of a crust on damaged vessels. Platelets are also essential for nourishment and repair of blood vessels. Their synthesis occurs in the bone marrow, they function for about 7 days, after which they are destroyed in the spleen.

The norm of platelets in the blood of an adult woman is 180-320 x 10 9 / l, and these elements live no more than 7 days. That is why their renewal and disposal must ensure replacement in such a way that the average volume of these cells constantly circulates in the blood.

What causes deviations in the norm?

The level of platelets in the blood can rise and fall due to physiological and pathological causes. If such fluctuations (downward) occur during menstruation, this should not cause concern, since blood loss is restored very quickly. The lower acceptable limit of the platelet norm is 150 x 10 9 /l.

During heavy uterine bleeding, the consumption of blood cells begins to increase, as a result of which platelets do not have time to rise to normal in the bone marrow in a timely manner. A blood test shows anemia (anemia) with a reduced content of these elements and red blood cells, and this condition is called thrombocytopenia.

Another physiological condition that causes a change in the rate of blood cells is pregnancy. All functions of the body of the future mother begin to be rebuilt, and an additional placental circle of blood circulation is formed. As a result, the total blood volume begins to increase. What should be the norm during this period? Platelets during pregnancy should be 150-380 x 10 9 / l. Their increase above the upper limit is called thrombocytosis.

Thrombocytopenia during pregnancy

In anticipation of a child, a woman should systematically take a general blood test and a coagulogram. According to such data, the doctor should monitor the correct development of the fetus and the readiness of the body for childbirth, and it is desirable that these indicators be normal.

Platelets during pregnancy may decrease slightly. This is especially true for the third semester, since during this period the volume of blood increases. The level of these cells can change during the day, so the tests must be taken in the morning on an empty stomach.

During pregnancy, the level of which is 140 x 10 9 / l and below, the following factors can provoke:

  • lupus is an autoimmune disease characterized by the fact that blood cells are mistaken for foreign and destroyed;
  • taking certain medicines, such as blood thinners;
  • diseases of the immune system (HIV, AIDS);
  • viral infections;
  • late preeclampsia;
  • poor nutrition;
  • allergy;
  • leukemia;
  • sepsis;
  • hormonal disbalance;

Low platelets during pregnancy manifest as bleeding gums and bruising on the body. The consequences of this pathology lead to severe blood loss during childbirth, as well as internal bleeding in the fetus.

How can

During pregnancy, almost all drugs that can increase the level of blood cells are excluded, so sparing methods are used.

If thrombocytopenia has developed in a woman already quite strongly, the attending physician usually recommends in this case to carry out the procedure for transfusion of thrombocytopenia. Blood saturated with blood cells enters the body, not only increasing their level, but also contributing to their further development.

You need to watch your diet by eating foods rich in vitamin C. These can be blackcurrants, rose hips, bell peppers, raspberries, citrus fruits, sauerkraut, etc. You should also eat meat, fish and beets to improve blood quality.

To increase platelets in the blood during pregnancy, you can drink a decoction of wild rose. It not only increases blood cells, but also strengthens blood vessels.

Consequences of a reduced level

Since platelets are very important elements of the circulatory system, their decrease can lead to very serious consequences.

HELLP syndrome can occur - a rather rare disease in which blood pressure rises sharply, pains in the head and upper abdomen appear, nausea occurs, and protein is found in the urine.

In addition, thrombocytopenia causes internal bleeding in the baby, severe blood loss during delivery, and also contributes to spontaneous abortion and premature birth. A low level of blood cells is a reason for a planned caesarean section.

Thrombocytosis during pregnancy

During pregnancy - the phenomenon is also quite frequent. It is diagnosed if the level of blood cells exceeds 380 x 10 9 /l. Such a deviation does not bring anything good to both the mother and the unborn child.

If the rate is increased (platelets during pregnancy), then usually the reason for this is insufficient water intake, as well as frequent diarrhea and vomiting. Although such symptoms are considered natural by doctors, the possibility of a dangerous disease that can affect the level of blood cells should not be ruled out. For this, a number of examinations are carried out, including a coagulogram. Elevated platelets during pregnancy are characterized by the appearance of red dots on the skin.

How to lower the level of red cells in the blood?

With a slight increase in platelets, you can review your diet, exclude foods that increase their number, and add those that have a thinning effect. Fish oil, tomato juice, garlic, berries, vegetable oils, onions, sour fruits are considered very useful. You should also drink fresh juices and green tea, and banned bananas, pomegranates, chokeberries, walnuts and lentil porridge.

Pregnant women should not use alternative methods of treatment, since all decoctions and tinctures are not able to normalize blood cells. Instead of reducing, you can achieve the opposite effect.


Thus, blood cells are very important elements of the circulatory system. Is it considered a serious pathology when the norm is exceeded or lowered? Platelets during pregnancy, with their deficiency or excess, can lead to various complications in both the mother and the fetus. Therefore, you should regularly donate blood and, if necessary, be treated.

The expectation of a baby is marked by new troubles, anxieties and aspirations. A pregnant woman needs to monitor not only her health, but also control the condition and development of the unborn child. That is why during all nine months it is necessary to constantly undergo medical examinations and take tests. In the normal course of pregnancy, the blood is examined 3-4 times (at the end of each trimester and just before the birth). And if any deviations are found, this will have to be done much more often. Laboratory tests are quite informative and provide comprehensive information about the slightest violations in the body of the expectant mother. Since there is a risk of bleeding during the gestation period, special attention is paid to determining the level of platelets during pregnancy.

The norm of platelets during pregnancy

Platelets are classified as blood cells that play a key role in coagulation and nonspecific defense reactions of the body. In addition, the hemostasis system largely depends on them, the function of which is to maintain the blood in a liquid state, prevent the formation of blood clots and protect the walls of blood vessels from damage. Platelets are produced by bone marrow cells, and their level is determined by passing a general blood test. Based on its results, one can judge whether there is a deviation from the norm and how serious it is. Any fluctuations in the indicator indicate an inflammatory process in the body or a latent disease.

For a more detailed study of the hemostasis system, a coagulogram is used. This blood test makes it possible to find out the specifics of clotting disorders in pregnant women, as well as to identify many complications, which, in turn, makes it possible to determine the optimal treatment. Blood is taken from a vein, the procedure is done in the morning on an empty stomach.

The norm of platelets during pregnancy is considered to be from 150 to 400 thousand / μl, however, in approximately 8% of cases, its slight decrease is observed. But if the platelet level is below 140 thousand / μl, it can be assumed that there is a pathological process in the body.

Violation of the level of platelets in the blood during pregnancy

With a significant decrease in the level of cells responsible for blood clotting (in other words, if the blood becomes too "liquid"), they speak of thrombocytopenia. This condition threatens the health of the pregnant woman. With thrombocytopenia, the vessels lose their elasticity, they become fragile, so there is a risk of internal bleeding.

To assume that platelets are low during pregnancy, it is not necessary to take a blood test. If bruises appear on the body for no apparent reason that do not go away for a long time, the gums bleed, nosebleeds often occur, or it is simply difficult to stop the blood at the slightest cut, doctors diagnose thrombocytopenia.

A decrease in the number of platelets in the blood during pregnancy can be caused by many reasons, including:

  • allergic reactions;
  • Consequences of viral or bacterial infections;
  • Severe form of late toxicosis;
  • Poor quality food;
  • Taking certain medications (diuretic, antirheumatic, antibacterial drugs);
  • Severe forms of endocrine and autoimmune diseases;
  • Folic acid deficiency.

If the level of platelets during pregnancy is low, immediate treatment is necessary. The state of thrombocytopenia is especially dangerous in the last months of gestation, since against its background the risk of bleeding during childbirth increases. If the baby has a low level of platelets, it threatens him with internal hemorrhages.

To improve the production of platelets during pregnancy, it is recommended to use infusions that help strengthen blood vessels (nettle, rose hips), as well as an increase in the amount of foods high in vitamin C in the diet (apples, black currants, cabbage, bell peppers).

When the level of platelets during pregnancy is increased, blood clotting occurs. The reasons for this are most often cited as:

  • Dehydration caused by limited fluid intake, frequent vomiting or loose stools;
  • Diseases that entail a secondary increase in the number of platelets;
  • antiphospholipid syndrome.

It should be noted that if platelets are elevated during pregnancy, but in general it develops safely, it can be assumed that this is a completely natural process associated with the formation of the placental-uterine circulation. This condition should not cause concern. However, if the coaguologram showed a significant increase in the number of platelets, there may be a serious disorder in the body called thrombocytosis (a disease in which there is a high probability of blood clots forming and subsequent blockage of blood vessels).

The danger of increased blood clotting lies in the high probability of spontaneous miscarriages at any gestation period. 4.7 out of 5 (29 votes)

A sharp decrease in the level of platelets can be due to both elementary physiological problems and the development of blood diseases. How to raise platelets during pregnancy, in the context of a ban on taking almost all medications - this is the key issue of this article.

Causes of platelet deficiency

Platelets in the blood during pregnancy are often significantly reduced. Usually, specialists regularly take blood from ladies in an interesting position in order to monitor how the body copes with pregnancy. Panic is worth it only if the level of platelets is much lower than normal.

Such violations are often associated with elementary physiological processes. So, for example, in the process of menstrual flow, the level of these blood cells decreases significantly. The level of platelets can also decrease with significant blood loss.

A reduced number of platelets in the blood may indicate the development of a whole series of diseases, for example, an infectious nature. Also, this symptom indicates the development of iron deficiency anemia, diseases of the thyroid gland or liver. Due to the seriousness of the possible diagnosis, doctors prefer to play it safe, and therefore the patient has to take a whole series of blood tests.

In normal cases, the disease is treated with medications, for example, Sodecor. However, in the case of pregnancy, it is worth treating with medicines only in the most severe cases, when other methods are ineffective. The thing is that treatment with pills can directly affect the condition of the fetus.

Increased platelet count during pregnancy

How to increase platelets in the blood during pregnancy is a question that experts are trying to solve with the help of special diets and giving up bad habits. When a woman tries to bear a child, any negative impact from the outside radically affects the fetus and the condition of the lady herself. That is why smoking and alcohol should be abandoned immediately, as soon as the lady has been diagnosed.

How to increase platelets? The number of these blood cells during pregnancy will increase significantly if a woman begins to follow a special diet. Usually, doctors advise including as many iron-rich foods in your diet as possible. So, for example, a woman should consume fried or boiled liver, red meat, apple, beetroot, walnut kernels. The appearance of buckwheat and dairy products in the diet also positively affects the increase in the number of platelets. Despite such a peculiar diet, the lady's diet should be balanced, she should not feel hungry. Usually, experts recommend consuming as much fruit and steamed meat as possible, since these dishes contain a huge amount of iron. In fried meat, the content of useful trace elements is much lower.

Also, a specialist may recommend a woman to reduce the consumption of foods with a significant content of sugar and starch. A variety of flour products and sweets should be excluded from the daily menu of the expectant mother. It is better to replace them with fresh vegetables and fruits. In addition to the fact that the consumption of fresh vegetables will help increase the level of platelets, such a diet also has a positive effect on the saturation of the body with useful microelements.

How to increase platelets during pregnancy if the method of proper nutrition does not help? In this case, the doctor may prescribe the use of special vitamins saturated with iron and other trace elements. Since a low platelet level is increasingly common among pregnant women, manufacturers have taken care of the release of vitamin complexes that are completely suitable for ladies in an interesting position. You should also normalize your own daily routine, rest as much as possible, sleep a lot. All this will help make the lady feel much better by increasing the level of platelets in her blood.

Often a woman does not even notice signs of a decrease in the number of platelets, which negatively affects the internal processes in the body. However, a strong increase in the number of these blood cells is considered much more dangerous. If there is an increase in the number of platelets in the body, it should be treated immediately, since this problem directly affects the condition of the fetus and can lead to miscarriage.