The holiday dedicated to porridge is the "Foremother of Bread". Scenario Feast of porridge.doc - Scenario "Feast of porridge"

The guests gather at the table. Music sounds.

Gathering again all our relatives,
We invited you to Kasha,
After all, in our family growth
A month has already grown.
We start our holiday
Let's notify the whole world
There are no happier parents!

(addressing the parents of the newborn)

And your daughter is more beautiful!
May she be loved by all
And fate will give her happiness as a reward.
Let only joy always deliver
And the big one is growing fast!

Guests are applauded.

So that parental delight
For all of us to share
I ask the guests to pour full glasses.

The guests fill their glasses.

Cherishing this moment
We declare with tenderness:
The baby is more wonderful every day!
Let's all drink to it together!

The guests are drinking. Musical pause 2-3 minutes.

Well, friends, we continue
We fill the glasses again!

The guests fill their glasses.

Let's drink everything without a joke
For the parents of the little one!

The guests are drinking.

The beauty of a spring flower
You will bloom for sure
The long-awaited little daughter,
At least she's Thumbelina for now.
So that guests can see your baby,
Let's open the petals a little.

The host, opening the petals of a living or artificial flower, takes out a small girl from the middle of the baby doll.

She still has a miniature:
From head to toe.
Each of the toys
She could serve for a long time.

Dear guests! Try to find miniature items for our Thumbelina on the festive table, which are easy to recognize by the attached notes. With the help of their content, we learn the purpose of each item.

Guests, finding miniature objects on the table, read out the text of the note and pass everything on to the host.

walnut shell
Need a newborn for...

All. Success!

Let the velvety pollen
Serves as powder for... (persons).
But these petals
Let them decorate... (marigold).
In a dish where pure water
Let it reflect... (the beauty).
From the spark of this small
Let there be light... (soul).
On a holiday for Thumbelina
This sheet will replace... (boats).

The host moves the baby from the flower to the “boat”, which he lowers into a dish of water, decorated with floating candles.

Let it move straight through life
This little lady!
And we won't let her down.
Let's drink to this lady!

The guests are drinking. Musical pause.

Friends! It is likely that a few days ago the newborn was only an inch tall. But today we would like to know its real dimensions. Perhaps this flower can help us.

The host shows the guests the flower from which the baby was taken. This flower should really match the size of the newborn.

What do you think, the size of which part of the body of our baby corresponds to the core of the flower (or flower bud)? (Head)
What is the stem equal to? (Body length.) What is the length of the leaves compared to? (With handles.)

Here is our Thumbelina
Not a button at all
And like a flower
Which hasn't bloomed yet.
To give him the strength to grow,
Words of the heart
It needs to sound.

I ask all those gathered to pay attention to the postcards in the form of a heart. Your task, dear guests, is to fill them with heartfelt wishes to our little one and read them out.

Music sounds. Guests fill out postcards and take turns reading them.

Toast: For the heartfelt wishes of our guests!

The guests support the toast. Musical pause.

All flowers start
From seeds or roots...
So the time has come
Raise a toast to us as soon as possible!

The guests fill their glasses.

For grandparents
And all our great-great
It's time to raise a glass
The time has come!

The guests support the toast.

From early childhood, many know
What flowers always surround them.
We will not hide for a long time today:
Our girl's name is Alina.
This name is like a picture
Will decorate the baby
And then our Alina
It will only flourish.
Many years will pass from now on
And sometime later
About the famous Alina
They will talk around.
Maybe Alina will grow up
And there will be a prima ballerina.
Or maybe become a doctor...
How would you like to know about that!

Leading(referring to parents).

Therefore, in order not to guess
You need to get a ticket.

Parents are offered cards with the names of various professions. For example: a flight attendant, fashion model, banker, president's wife, etc. They draw one of them with their eyes closed and read out the profession.

The baby will eat a lot of porridge,
So that all your dreams come true.
So don't sit too long
Cook delicious porridge.
Well, we will help you
If we drink 100 grams.

Sounds like a toast.

I see dad is happy
Immediately take a grip in your hands,
Pick up a cast iron for them,
Daughter to make porridge for the future.
We approve this
Papa will be tested quickly.
Dexterity needs to be shown
Pick up a cast iron.

The dad of the newborn is given a grip, a cast iron. He's doing the job.

Mom, so that your contribution
weighty to contribute,
Water for us for porridge
Must bring.

Mom is on a mission.

Purpose: To master the traditions of cooking porridge, Russian rituals and names associated with the holiday.

Decoration on stage: samovar, bagels, tablecloth.

Poster "Schi and porridge is our food"

Equipment: 2 buckets, 2 plastic spoons, water, beans, peas, utensils for cereals,

prizes for the winners, skittles, a stool, wooden spoons (5 pcs) for the game.

Participants sit in the hall. Russian folk melody sounds.

The leader comes out.

Vedas: Hello, good fellows! Health to you, red girls!

Guests invited and welcome! I see we have gathered guests from all

volosts. Apparently they came to us for a holiday to eat porridge, dance,

to amuse people. Yes, today we have a tale about porridge - our mother.

And whoa, whoa, whoa!

Don't cook porridge

boil liquid,

Boil soft

Boil the young

Cooked porridge, invited guests,

The guests found out, they immediately ran.

They came running, dear guests, to eat porridge, to dance, and to amuse the people. Do you like porridge? Well, tell me, what cereals do you know?

(Auction of cereals: rice, buckwheat, millet, semolina, barley,

barley, oat, pea, corn, lentil, wheat...)

Vedas: That's right, porridges were different, like another favorite dish - pies. And about pies, we will now listen to a song with you.


Vedas: Do you know that porridge appeared more than a thousand years ago. In Russia, from time immemorial, both the poor and the rich ate porridge. Hence the saying: porridge is our mother. Soon the deed is done, but not soon the fairy tale tells. This is just a saying, and the fairy tale will be ahead.

Guys, do you know what porridge is? Maybe Masha will say? Yura or Dasha? What is porridge?

(Children usually answer that porridge is cereal boiled in water or milk. So yes, it’s not like that. In Russia, a wedding feast was called porridge. Porridge was usually arranged in the bride’s house.)

Vedas: Do you know, dear guests, on what holidays in Russia porridge is

are eating? (Answers: christening, homeland, wedding, Christmas - for each

response encouragement)

Vedas: Now I suggest you try to cook the porridge. I invite 5 cooks to the stage.

Task: it is necessary to prepare products for making porridge - sort out beans and peas. Whoever copes with the task ahead - he won.

Vedas: And now we need water. Who will go for water?

Relay race: two teams must bring water from one container to another,

not spilling (each participant - one spoonful)

Vedas: Products for porridge were prepared, water was applied. Now to add milk to the porridge. Where can you get milk? (children's answers) And it is known that cows are better milked when they hear a song. Let's listen to the songs.

Ensemble performance, RNP "Like Uncle Yermolai"

Vedas: And now our riddles: what is always on top of porridge? (Oil)

White, not water, sweet, not honey.

From the horned one they take and give to the children. (Milk)

The grains are white, black, and cooked - delicious! (Krupa)

I am white as snow, in honor of everyone

And you like me to the detriment of your teeth. (Sugar)

What is white Marya in the hut? (Salt)

Vedas: Well, our porridge is in a pot, it's time to put it in the oven. People say: "While the porridge is languishing in the oven, we can have some fun." And we will start our fun with tongue twisters, and, of course, about porridge:

Little cat on the window

I ate the porridge bit by bit.

(children repeat the tongue twister several times)

Let's remember what proverbs about cereals you know. I will start the proverb, and you say how to continue, continue.

Porridge with butter is not ... (spoil)

Thin lunch when porridge ... (no)

I made the porridge myself, myself and ... (disentangle)

Porridge - mother ... (our)

· No porridge with him ... (you can’t cook it)

Vedas: Well done! In the old days, they even guessed on porridge, they determined what kind of crop it would be. If the porridge from the pot runs away or the pot bursts, then there will be no crops. If the porridge is pale and viscous - be in trouble. Our porridge is all in place, the pot is intact, which means that the harvest will be rich. Our porridge is red and crumbly - to be happy. Now we will add butter to the porridge, for taste, and while it is melting, we will listen to the songs.

Execution of RNP "Vanya the Shepherd"

Vedas: Earlier in Russia, vegetable puree was also called porridge.

Porridge is cooked from pumpkin,

Porridge is cooked from turnips. Here is such a fairy tale about our turnip!

I suggest you play the game "Turnip".

The game is played by 2 teams. Each has 6 players (grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, cat, mouse). Participants stand in 2 columns, at a distance of several meters from the first player of each team, a "turnip" - skittle is placed.

At a signal, the “grandfathers” run to the “turnip”, go around it, return to their team, take the second participant (“grandmother”) by the hand and run around the turnip together.

The last player (“mouse”), running around the turnip, must have time to grab it.

The team that completes the task faster wins.

Vedas: Well done! For our winners a song.

RNP "Riding Village"

Vedas: And now a new game, it's called "Spoons". What do you think the spoon is for? (to eat) What are we going to eat?

To play the game we must learn the words:

We cooked porridge, ate and praised.

Little Dunyasha did not have enough porridge.

Do not cry, Dunyasha, you will have porridge,

Wait a minute, I'll bring a spoon.

There are spoons on the table in the center of the playing area, one less than the number of players. Children, holding hands, walk in a circle (around the table), pronouncing words. As soon as the sentence ends, the children run to the table for spoons. Anyone who doesn't have enough is out of the game. Then one spoon is removed. The game is repeated until the child takes the last spoon. He becomes the winner.

Vedas: Well, well, business - time, fun - an hour. That's my whole story.

They learned about porridge, made some noise, played

Be smart guys, eat more sweet porridge!

Vedas: Rice porridge, yes semolina

Yes pearl barley, yes oatmeal,

There will be different porridge

On the table for the holidays!

I invite everyone according to the Russian custom to tea drinking!

Music. Tea drinking.

Events may not be dedicated to a particular holiday, but seasonal. For example, such a cheerful and funny "potato holiday". Both children and parents should actively participate in it. Previously, in groups, educators will read stories and excerpts from books about the seasons to the kids, will have numerous conversations about fruits, vegetables, berries, their shape and color. You can even choose either with the gifts of autumn or purchase dummies. I think the kids will be happy to participate in the manufacture of potato crafts, as well as share their experience in cooking dishes from it.

Material is updated daily. Not all materials have been sorted into categories yet, but the work will be completed in the near future.

Christening of a child. scenario

Meanings of girls names:

Alexandra (from the ancient Greek "protector").

Alina (from the Latin "other").

Alla (from the ancient Greek "noble").

Anastasia (from the ancient Greek "return").

Angela (from the Latin "angelic").

Anna (from the Hebrew "grace").

Valentine (from the Latin "healthy").

Faith (from the Old Slavonic "faith").

Veronica (from the ancient Greek "victorious").

Victoria (from the Latin "victory").

Galina (from the ancient Greek "calm").

Diana (name of the ancient Roman goddess of the hunt).

Dina (from the ancient Greek "strength").

Eugene (from the ancient Greek "human").

Catherine (from the ancient Greek "pure, immaculate").

Elena (from the ancient Greek "sunny").

Elizabeth (from the Hebrew "God's help").

Zinaida (from the ancient Greek "of the kind of Zeus").

Zoya (from the ancient Greek "life").

Inna (from the Old Slavonic "stormy stream").

Irina (from the ancient Greek "peace, peace").

Karina (from the Latin "looking forward").

Cyrus (from the ancient Greek "lady").

Christina (from the ancient Greek "Christian").

Xenia (from the Latin "hospitable").

Larisa (from the ancient Greek "pleasant").

Lily (from the Latin "white flower").

Lydia (from the ancient Greek "rich").

Lyudmila (from Old Slavonic "dear to people").

Love (from Old Slavonic "love").

Maya (from the ancient Greek "goddess of spring").

Margarita (from the Latin "pearl").

Marina (from the Latin "sea").

Maria (from the ancient Greek "lady").

Hope (from the Old Slavonic "hope").

Natalia (from the Latin "native").

Nina (a name that came from the Georgian language).

Olga (from Scandinavian "saint")

Polina (from the ancient Greek "worshiping Apollo").

Raisa (from the ancient Greek "submissive").

Rimma (from the Hebrew "apple").

Rose (from the English "rose").

Svetlana (from Old Slavonic "bright").

Snezhana (from the Slavic "snow").

Sophia (from the ancient Greek "wisdom").

Tamara (from the Hebrew "fig tree").

Tatyana (from the ancient Greek "organizer").

Ulyana (from the Latin "from the genus Julius").

Elvira (from the ancient Greek "protection").

Emma (from the ancient Greek "affectionate").

Julia (from the Roman name Julius).

Yana (from the Slavic "God granted").

Boy name meanings:

Alexander (from the ancient Greek "protector of people").

Alexei (from the ancient Greek "assistant").

Anatoly (from the ancient Greek "ascending").

Andrew (from the ancient Greek "courageous")

Anton (from Latin "competitor").

Arkady (from the ancient Greek Arcadia - "happy country").

Artem (from the ancient Greek "unharmed").

Boris (from the old Slavonic "fighting").

Vadim (from Old Slavonic "attractive").

Valentine (from the Latin "strong").

Valery (from the Roman "strong, vigorous").

Basil (from the ancient Greek "royal").

Victor (from lat. "winner").

Vitaliy (from Latin "life").

Vladimir (from the old Slavonic "owning the world").

Vyacheslav (from Old Russian "great glory").

Gennady (from the ancient Greek "noble birth").

George (from the ancient Greek "tiller").

Danila (from the ancient Greek "God is the judge").

Dmitry (from the ancient Greek "fruit of the earth").

Eugene (from the ancient Greek "human").

Ivan (from the ancient Greek "God's grace").

Igor (from the Scandinavian "thrifty").

Elijah (from the Hebrew "Fortress of the Lord").

Cyril (from the ancient Greek "master").

Constantine (from the Latin "permanent").

Lion (from the ancient Greek "lion").

Leonid (from the ancient Greek "like a lion").

Maxim (from the Latin "great").

Michael (from the Hebrew "like a god").

Nicholas (from the ancient Greek "victory of the people").

Oleg (from the Scandinavian "saint").

Pavel (from the Latin "small").

Peter (from the ancient Greek "stone").

Roman (from the Latin "Roman").

Sergei (from the Roman "highly esteemed").

Stanislav (from Old Slavonic "to become glorious").

Stepan (from the ancient Greek "crown").

Fedor (from the ancient Greek "God's gift").

Philip (from the ancient Greek "versed in horses").

Edward (from the ancient Greek "keeper of wealth").

Yuri (from the old Slavonic "creator").

Jacob (from the Hebrew "treading on the heels").

Godmother: There is one wise phrase: "Do not be afraid that your children will grow up smarter than you." Let's wish happy young parents that their baby takes all the best from them and grows even smarter and more beautiful than them! Do you know, dear parents, that scientists have invented a test that allows you to predict who a child will become in the future?

Comic test "Who to be?"

1. You believed that children...

A) Found in cabbage.

B) Brings a stork.

B) Your choice.

2. The name of the baby was chosen ...

A) From smart books.

b) the first one that comes across.

B) Your choice.

3. The baby is sleeping...

A) Quietly and a lot.

b) Often waking up and asking for food.

B) Your choice.

4. Most of all he (she) likes ...

A) eat.

B) play.

B) When you are around.

5. The baby is happy when he sees ...

A) A bottle of milk.

B) a rattle.


Most answers are "A" - your baby is waiting for the future of a successful businessman, financier or top manager.

More answers "B" - the child will achieve a lot in creativity: he will become a singer, composer or writer.

And finally, more “B” answers - he (she) will be the complete master of his own destiny, but will listen only to mom and dad.

In parting, the guests once again wish the parents and the baby happiness and health.

Healthy “porridge holiday” scenario of extracurricular activities (elementary school teacher Molotkova L. A.)

"Feast of Porridge"

Scenario extracurricular


(primary teacher)

Molotkova L.A.)



To expand students' knowledge about the Russian folk dish - porridge;

To acquaint with its benefits for the human body;

To inculcate the habit of proper and wholesome nutrition;

Involve students in independent project activities, develop the skills of a creative approach to the task assigned.

^ Characters:

Soldier Ivan

3 heroes (thin, puny)

3 heroes (large, strong)

^ Preparatory (project) work: students of the class receive tasks in advance, which they perform in microgroups.


1 group- prepares costumes for the heroes of the holiday and scenery elements (Baba Yaga, heroic armor, the costume of a king, a soldier; cast iron, pots, tongs, towels)

2 group- looking for proverbs about porridge and their interpretation; prepares the text of proverbs on separate sheets of 1 word;

3 group- looking for material from the history of the origin, preparation of porridge, rituals associated with porridge;

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Scenarios AND MOREGames for adultsGames for kidsPranksFunny SMSRiddlesToastsTricksCongratulationsHolidaysLyrics


Porridge for a newborn - holiday script - day - holiday scripts - catalog of articles - miracle

The guests gather at the table. Music sounds.


Gathering again all our relatives,

We invited you to Kasha,

After all, in our family growth

A month has already grown.

We start our holiday

Let's notify the whole world

There are no happier parents!

(addressing the parents of the newborn)

And your daughter is more beautiful!

May she be loved by all

And fate will give her happiness as a reward.

Let only joy always deliver

And the big one is growing fast!

Guests are applauded.


So that parental delight

For all of us to share

I ask the guests to pour full glasses.

The guests fill their glasses.

Cherishing this moment

We declare with tenderness:

The baby is more wonderful with each!

Let's all drink to it together!

The guests are drinking. Musical pause 2-3 minutes.


Well, friends, we continue

We fill the glasses again!

The guests fill their glasses.

Let's drink everything without a joke

For the parents of the little one!

The guests are drinking.


The beauty of a spring flower

You will bloom for sure

The long-awaited little daughter,

At least she's Thumbelina for now.

So that guests can see your baby,

Let's open the petals a little.

The host, opening the petals of a living or artificial flower, takes out a small girl from the middle of the baby doll.


She still has a miniature:

From head to toe.

Each of the toys

She could serve for a long time.

Dear guests! Try to find miniature items for our Thumbelina on the festive table, which are easy to recognize by the attached notes. With the help of their content, we learn the purpose of each item.

Guests, finding miniature objects on the table, read out the text of the note and pass everything on to the host.

walnut shell

Need a newborn for...

All. Success!

Let the velvety pollen

Serves as powder for... (persons).

But these petals

Let them decorate... (marigold).

In a dish where pure water

Let it reflect... (the beauty).

From the spark of this small

Let there be light... (soul).

On a holiday for Thumbelina

This sheet will replace... (boats).

The host moves the baby from the flower to the “boat”, which he lowers into a dish of water, decorated with floating candles.


Let it move straight through life

This little lady!

And we won't let her down.

Let's drink to this lady!

The guests are drinking. Musical pause.


Friends! It is likely that a few days ago the newborn was only an inch tall. But today we would like to know its real dimensions. Perhaps this flower can help us.

The host shows the guests the flower from which the baby was taken. This flower should really match the size of the newborn.


What do you think, the size of which part of the body of our baby corresponds to the core of the flower (or flower bud)? (Head)

What is the stem equal to? (Body length.) What is the length of the leaves compared to? (With handles.)


Here is our Thumbelina

Not a button at all

And like a flower

Which hasn't bloomed yet.

To give him the strength to grow,

Words of the heart

It needs to sound.

I ask all those gathered to pay attention to the postcards in the form of a heart. Your task, dear guests, is to fill them with heartfelt wishes to our little one and read them out.

Music sounds. Guests fill out postcards and take turns reading them.

Toast: For our cordial guests!

The guests support the toast. Musical pause.


All flowers start

From seeds or roots...

So the time has come

Raise a toast to us as soon as possible!

The guests fill their glasses.

For grandparents

And all our great-great

It's time to raise a glass

The time has come!

The guests support the toast.


From early childhood, many know

What flowers always surround them.

We will not hide for a long time today:

Our girl's name is Alina.

This name is like a picture

Will decorate the baby

And then our Alina

It will only flourish.

Many years will pass from now on

And sometime later

About the famous Alina

They will talk around.

Maybe Alina will grow up

And there will be a prima ballerina.

Or maybe become a doctor...

How would you like to know about that!

Leading(referring to parents).

Therefore, in order not to guess

You need to get a ticket.

Parents are offered cards with the names of various professions. For example: a flight attendant, fashion model, banker, president's wife, etc. They draw one of them with their eyes closed and read out the profession.


The baby will eat a lot of porridge,

So that all your dreams come true.

So don't sit too long

Cook delicious porridge.

Well, we will help you

If we drink 100 grams.

Sounds like a toast.

I see dad is happy

Immediately take a grip in your hands,

Pick up a cast iron for them,

Daughter to make porridge for the future.

We approve this

Papa will be tested quickly.

Dexterity needs to be shown

Pick up a cast iron.

The dad of the newborn is given a grip, a cast iron. He's doing the job.


Mom, so that your contribution

weighty to contribute,

Water for us for porridge

Must bring.

Mom is on a mission.

Holiday scenario for primary school students (grades 1-4) "porridge is our food" - extracurricular activities - primary classes - methodological developments - Samara school portal

Targets and goals:

1. Expansion of knowledge about proper nutrition aimed at maintaining and strengthening health; varieties of porridge

2. Awakening children's interest in folk traditions related to nutrition and health;

3. Education of parents in the organization of proper nutrition for children of primary school age.

Venue: class

Equipment: 2 types of boiled porridge (millet, Suvorovskaya), disposable plates, spoons, compote

Preparatory work: preparing invitations for guests of the holiday, decorating the class (imitation of a Russian hut: in the background is a Russian stove: it is made of plywood so that you can put a pot in it. In the middle there are wooden tables and benches. On the table are pots and bowls of cereals, samovar), preparation of participants in the holiday, performing roles, preparation of equipment. 2 types of porridge are cooked in advance: millet and Suvorovskaya.

Characters: brownie Proshka, mistress Pelageya, Antoshka.

Event progress.

V .: A hostess lived in one village. She was hardworking, agile. Everything worked out well for her. Her name was Pelageushka.

(The hostess comes out. Stretches)

Pelageya: (looks out the window)

Oh, now the morning is on the doorstep, the day begins, there is a lot of work. Now I’ll put the porridge on to boil, and I’ll wake up my son, Antoshenka.

(approaches Antoshka)

Get up, get up my sunshine

Get up, get up my baby

Morning in the yard, it's time for work.

Here is a couch potato, what is morning to him,

What an evening - all the same!

Only flips from side to side.

Antoshka: Come on, mother! Sleep interferes with watching.

Pelageya: Get up, get up there are a lot of things to do. (Hurts him). Well, get up, get up. And the guys are coming to visit us.

(Antoshka gets up, stretches)

Pelagia: Well done! Go wash up, and I'll meet the guys for now.

Hello guys!

Children: Hello, hostess.

Pelageya: Come in, don't be shy

Be seated at the table.

Just the porridge is ripe.

Come on, Antoshenka, seat the guests.

Antoshka: We welcome guests not with flattery, but with honor.

Pelageya: Guests at the table - porridge on the table

(The hostess delivers porridge)

Petya and Masha

Let's give delicious porridge

Vanyatka, Dunya-

In a porcelain bowl.

Sasha and Verochka-

Porridge on a plate.

Vita and Ludochka

Porridge on a saucer.

Ira and Serezha-

Porridge many spoons

And you, Antoshka,

Kashi ladle!

And you, dear guests, our porridge

Eat porridge, get better

And gain strength!

Antoshka (eating and saying):

Oh, the porridge is delicious!

Sweet, oily!

Pelageya: Did you like my porridge?

There is millet in porridge

Washed him with dew

The sun loved him

And I turned it into porridge!

What is the name of this porridge? (millet)

Brownie: Ahhh! Apchi! Give me some porridge! Do you eat everything yourself?

Antoshka (drops the spoon):

Oh who is it?

Brownie: (because of the stove)

Who! Who! And you don't know!

(jumps out from behind the stove)

It's me, brownie Proshka. I live in the house - I live

Eh-ma! Grief is not a problem!

Hello from Proshka

I hastened to visit you

Don't forget the spoon!

Pelageya: Come on, dear guest, sit down. Try our porridge.

Brownie: They have been saying for many years:

Lunch is not lunch without porridge

Kashi sat down and ate

So you don't need dinner.

Good porridge

Yes, a small cup.

Pelageya: Let me put some extra for you.

Who needs supplements?

Who's a bonus?

What did you notice?

If you take some rice and millet and cook them together, then what kind of porridge will you get? (friendship)

It was good to know the porridge, since the cups were empty.

Guys, but porridge is an original Russian dish. Special porridges were cooked in honor of any significant event. Porridge was an obligatory treat at the wedding feast. The wedding feast was called "porridge". So, the bride and groom had to cook porridge in front of the guests, and then eat it. So the strength of their feelings was tested.

At the birth of a child, “Babina porridge” was prepared - steep, oversalted, it should be eaten by a young father.

1 student: And I know that the Russian princes had a custom - to cook porridge as a sign of reconciliation with the enemy. Without porridge, the peace treaty was considered invalid.

Brownie: Right, you are right. Since then, they have been saying about the intractable “You can’t cook porridge with them.”

2 student: I know that Peter I's favorite porridge was barley porridge. And they cooked it from barley.

Brownie: I have a pot of porridge

Kashi is very difficult,

If you eat it with a spoon,

You will grow big right away.

Now I will treat you to porridge from my pot (treats)

Try guests and guys. Did you like it? Do you know what porridge is?

This porridge is cooked according to the famous Suvorov porridge recipe. Have you heard of this one? (No)

So listen. The recipe for this porridge was born during the historic crossing of the Alps by the great commander. Stocks were coming to an end - there was a little bit of peas, pearl barley, millet, buckwheat left. Thinking about how to feed the soldiers, Suvorov gave the order to cook everything in a common cauldron, adding butter and onions. The porridge turned out to be very tasty and healthy. And such porridge is still called Suvorov.

Pelageya: porridge is a suitable breakfast dish. This is a healthy food that will help you become healthy and strong. And what other cereals are there?

1 student: Who does not like porridge,

He just destroys himself

They say that cabbage soup, yes porridge

This is our food.

2 student: Buckwheat porridge

Develops the mind

Who doesn't eat this

Acting blind

3 student: Rice is useful.

Doesn't let you get fat

oatmeal just

Children need to eat.

4 student: Barley, like barley,

Has a special taste.

Don't think too much

And wind on your mustache

5 student: Millet, yes if there

There is also a pumpkin

It's so yummy

Enthusiastic words are countless

Antoshka: Yes, guys, I understand.

Kasha is power

Porridge is growth

If you don't use it

All efforts down the drain!

Domovoy: Well, I've been staying with you. It's time for me to bake. Well, it's time for you guys.

Children: Thanks for the porridge. We learned a lot about her

Pelageya: Goodbye guys

Eat more sweet cereal

And then no one in the world

You will not be blamed, children

What did you eat little cereal

And you barely grow

Brownie Goodbye friends

I want to wish you:

Everyone be up and down

A real rich man!


1. Let's dedicate our ditties

Today we are glorious porridge

Millet, semolina, oatmeal,

Cereal and vegetable

2. in Russia they loved to eat

and especially porridge was honored

millet, oatmeal

buckwheat, semolina

3. sings softly to us

who loves porridge

who does not like let him sit

just looks and stays silent

4. there is no better porridge dish

eat for breakfast and lunch

that would be our advice

Piñata at a birthday party with Masha and the bear.

Holiday agency "Zateynik". Organization and holding of adult and children's holidays in the Kherson and Nikolaev regions. Toastmaster and host for a wedding, anniversary, corporate party. Clown and bear, Spiderman and Batman, fairies and other fabulous characters for birthday. Piñata is a surprise toy, fun and game for any occasion. Sale and production of piñatas.

Topic: Kasha-malasha (holiday based on Russian folklore)

Target: development of cognitive activity of students.

Preliminary preparation: selection by children of proverbs and sayings about porridge; making a white-sided magpie costume. Magpie is dressed in a black knitted suit, a “fan” tail made of goose feathers (can be made of paper) is attached to the back of the belt: a white apron, a cap - “beak” on the head; the hostess is dressed in a traditional Russian costume.

Event progress

Leading. Mistress, Magpie-white-sided.

Magpie "cooks porridge by the stove."


And whoa, whoa, whoa!

Don't cook porridge

Boil liquid

Boil soft

Cook the milky one.

magpie, magpie,

The white-sided magpie cooked the porridge,

Jumped on the threshold

Called guests.

The guests knew

They ran right away.


kids kids,

Have you read books?

(Children answer.)

What is porridge?

Maybe Masha will say?

Yura or Dasha?

What is porridge?

The children answer. Usually they say that porridge is cereal boiled in water or milk. Yes, not so. “Porridge in Russia was called a wedding feast. Kasha was usually arranged in the house of the father of the bride.

Mistress. Here are some of our riddles:

1. What is always on top of porridge? (Oil.)

2. White, not water,

Sweet, not honey.

They take from the horned

And give to children. (Milk.)

3. The grains are white, black,

And cook - delicious! (Krupa.)

4. I am white as snow,

In honor of everyone.

And I like you

To the detriment of the teeth. (Sugar.)

5. What is white Marya in the hut? (Salt.)


Who knows proverbs, sayings

And tongue twisters?

Or maybe riddles.

About sweet porridge?

In the city of Torzhok they sell a woman in a pot. (Porridge.)

Spare water - and do not cook porridge.

Our grief is buckwheat porridge.

I don't want to eat and it's a pity to leave.

Shchi and porridge - our mother.

Such a cool porridge that at least break a finger.

Little cat on the window.

I ate the porridge bit by bit.

The children repeat the tongue twister several times.

Mistress. And what kind of porridge are there? Who ate - they know.

Children list: rice, semolina, oatmeal, pearl barley, buckwheat, millet, pea, corn, lentil.

What is spelled? Remember, Balda ate it? (Spelled - porridge made from wheat grains.)


Who is on the strength of a Jew

Yes, a little sprout.

How are they talking about it? (“I ate little porridge.”)


Who knows verses about porridge,

We are honored today.

Children read poems about porridge.


Who will tell me without a hint:

From what in a Russian fairy tale

The soldier cooked porridge

Yes, I fed the owners.

I ate to my heart's content.

Children tell the tale "Porridge from an ax."


Butter porridge -

Our meal.

We all eat

Let's listen to the story.

It's game time

For fun kids.

Game "Trap".

Children are given ribbons that are attached to the child's belt at the back. The text is spoken:

We are fun guys

We love to run and play

You try to catch up with us!

The children run away, the trap catches up with the children and takes the ribbons from them.

After the words of Magpie: "One, two, three, run in a circle!" - the children gather in a circle and count how many ribbons the trap has collected. Then a new trap is selected according to the counting rhyme:

Tili-tili, tili-vali,

The birds pecked at the porridge,

The birds began to nest,

Who does not Viet, to drive.

The game "Pull the turnip".


And from the pumpkin they cook porridge,

And they cook porridge from turnips.

Here is our turnip!

(Earlier in Russia, vegetable puree was called porridge.)

Two teams take part in the game. Each of them has six players (characters of "Turnip"), Participants stand in two columns, at a distance of several meters from the first player, each team is given a "turnip" (dummy or pin). At the signal of the Mistress, the first numbers (“grandfathers”) run to the “turnip”, go around it, return to their team, take the second participant (“grandmother”) by the hand and run around the “turnip” together ... The last player (“mouse” ), running around the "turnip", must have time to grab it. The team that completes the task faster wins.

Spoon game.

In the center of the playing area on the table are spoons (one less than the number of players). Children, holding hands, walk in a circle (around the table), say:

We cooked porridge

Ate and praised.

Little Dunyasha

There wasn't enough porridge.

Do not cry, Dunyasha,

You will have porridge

Wait a little

I'll bring a spoon.

As soon as the sentence ends, the children run to the table for spoons. Anyone who doesn't have enough is out of the game. Then one spoon is removed, the game is repeated until the child takes the last spoon, he gives it to “Dunyasha”, that is, he becomes the winner in the game.


ate porridge,

Played, made noise

riddles solved,

We saw a magpie

Goodbye guys

Eat more sweet cereal!


Rice porridge, yes semolina,

Yes pearl barley, yes oatmeal,

There will be different porridge

On the table for the holidays.

love kovalenko
Scenario "Feast of porridge"

Target: Consolidate children's knowledge about products and methods of making cereals.

Create for children festive mood.

presenter: Hello girls!

Hello boys!

Hello adults and kids!

I am glad to see you again in our hall,

Let's talk about porridge today.

Children around the world eat porridge in the morning - semolina, rice, oatmeal, wheat, and some do not like porridge.

Do you like porridge? (Yes)

Our ancestors, who lived many, many years before us, always ate porridge with honey and loved it very much. Porridge was considered a delicacy, as, for example, chocolates or ice cream are now.

1. Like ours at the gate

The people are gathering.

Everything with spoons

Yes, with ladles.

2. Arrived gulenki,

The ghouls began to speak

What to feed Vanyushka?

3. One will say - porridge,

The other is yogurt.

The third will say - milk

And a ruddy pie.

4. This is not just porridge for you

On a plate lies

Get her buddy

Put it in your mouth.

5. I sprinkled rice in a bowl

And filled it with water.

The rice has risen, boiled,

Breathe - puffs like a living thing.

6. Steam swirls from under the lid,

The lid jumps ringing,

Come all learn

Cook for me.

Music sounds.

presenter: Children, someone is coming to visit us on holiday. Who do you think?

(Children try to guess).

I will now give you a riddle, and you will find out who is coming to visit us.

"In the city of Gorzhka they sell a woman in a pot". (porridge)

That's right - it's porridge.

(Adult enters acting as porridge and performs a song"Semolina").

Porridge: Do you know what other porridge? (children's answers)

presenter: Our guys even know proverbs and sayings about cereals. Dear porridge, do you want to listen?

Proverbs, sayings.

Without porridge lunch not at lunch.

Our grief is buckwheat porridge: I don’t want to eat, but it’s a pity to leave.

The porridge is thick, but the cup is empty.

You won't spoil the porridge with butter.

Buckwheat porridge is our mother.

A good porridge - but a small cup.

Shchi and porridge - our mother.

Spare the water - and do not cook porridge.

presenter: Children, do you know what products are needed to cook porridge? (children's answers). But now I check: We will play an attraction game.

"Bring food for porridge» .

(There is a table on one side of the hall, on it products: meat, sugar, vermicelli, potatoes, cereals, salt, milk, carrots, water)

presenter: Who cooks porridge, you know? (children's answers).

Dance "Good hostesses".

presenter: We have cooks visiting us today and they will perform

"They cook a song".

(vocal group of the senior group)

presenter: We do not want sweet cookies,

Help us cook porridge.

cook: To cook porridge, you need to sort out the cereal, will you help us?

The game "Let's go through the cereal".

(Peas, beans, barley are mixed in a plate. Children must sort and arrange in the first plate - peas, in the second - beans, in the third - barley. Whoever sorts it out faster is the winner)

presenter: They sorted out the grits. You can cook porridge.

cook: But for porridge need more milk. Do you have it?

presenter: There is no milk yet, but now the little ones will ask for it from the brown cow.

Song "Cow cow".

(vocal group)

presenter: They sorted out the grits, asked the cow for milk. And now the cheerful cooks will cook porridge.

Dance "Little Chefs".

presenter: Saucepan - cunning

She cooked porridge for us.

Covered with a handkerchief

And it won't rain

Who will come first?


presenter: Slowly, little by little, little by little, slowly ate porridge. Is porridge really good?

Porridge: I'm happy for you guys, you did well with the competition. Did you like porridge? And I have a girlfriend - pea porridge. Have you ever eaten such porridge? (Yes)

presenter: Children not only love pea porridge, but they know and play an interesting game.

The game "Baba sowed peas".

presenter: Our children eat porridge every morning for breakfast, so they grow up strong.

Porridge: I'll see how they cope with my tasks.

Games - attractions:

1. Pull the rope

2. Strongmen with kettlebells

3."Rooster Fight"

Porridge: (praises children)

presenter: There are many dances in the world

And children are dancing everywhere.

With balalaika, flowers,

With bells and flags.

One, two, three, four, five,

Do not dance them all.

Porridge: I invite you all to dance "Dance like me".

Well, guys, I liked being your guest and I'm glad that you like porridge, and as a gift I'll leave you a pot of delicious rice with raisins porridge.

The children are grateful.

Goodbye kids, goodbye adults.

Children say goodbye to porridge, porridge leaves.


Song "Semolina".

1. Milk boils in a pot,

You need salt, my friends!

You need salt - here's salt for you!

2. Milk boils in a pot,

Oil is needed, my friends!

You need oil - there is oil!

3. Milk boils in a pot,

You need sugar, my friends!

Sugar is necessary - there is sugar!

4. Everything is in full swing with us,

We need decoys, lads!

We are already carrying manka.

5.– Everything is cooked in a pot

Is porridge tasty, my friends?

Delicious! Delicious! Let's eat!

Song "Cow cow".

(words and music by Litovko)

1. Cow cow,

smooth sides,

Give the boys and girls

More milk.

Chorus: warm, steam,

such delicious.

2. Cow cow,

smooth sides,

Give it to a little cat

Some milk.

Chorus: warm, steam,

such delicious.

The song is being cooked.

Words by Denikina Music by Nikolsky.

1. We are in white, white caps,

In white robes, white robes,

We hold spoons in our hands

Dexterous and skillful.

2. If you want soup, we will cook soup,

And roll out the dough

Cookies sweet to whom

Bake for tea today?

Dance: "Little Chefs".

1. A boy comes out with a saucepan, puts it on the floor in front of him, merrily walks around with jumps.

2. Cooks come out with ladles on their shoulders and go to the pan. They look into the pan in surprise, shaking their heads. They imitate - they fall asleep porridge, pour milk.

3. Stir with ladles in a saucepan, taste.

4. Joyfully dance around the pan.

5. Two cooks take a pan and carry it. The rest cheerfully follow them and dance.

Dance: "Good hostesses".

1. They go in a circle, stop.

2. Scoop up some water with a bucket.

3. They put buckets, dance.

4. They take buckets in their hands, walk in a circle.

5. They go and pour some water into a barrel.

The game: "Pick through the grits".

There are plates on the table. In one cereal (peas, rice, others are empty. It is necessary to sort the cereal into plates, whoever sorts it out faster wins!

For kids, a simplified version - they sort out beans and peas.

Competition: "Feed each other porridge".

Two children are sitting at the table, facing each other, blindfolded. In front of them are plates of porridge, spoons in their hands. Who will feed the porridge faster and more accurately.

The game: "Rooster Fight".

Children are divided into pairs and stand at a distance of 3-5 steps from each other. Couples pretend to fight roosters: jumping on one leg, they try to push each other with their shoulders. The one who lost his balance and stood on the ground with both feet is out of the game.

Children, before starting, agree on how they will keep arms: on the belt, crossed in front of the chest or hands to hold the knee of the bent leg.

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