Application, beneficial properties of essential oils for the face. Essential aromatic oils for the face are good helpers in the fight for beauty

Since ancient times, the first beauties used the recipes of their grandmothers to preserve eternal youth. They used by no means expensive substances. Essential oils have been used for almost all areas of the body. In ancient times, there were no proper hygiene products, so they rubbed the entire surface of the skin to eliminate an unpleasant odor or to avoid various acne breakouts.

Such funds with their properties saved more than one woman from rapid aging, as well as any skin defects. Our ancestors used their intuition, which helped them perfectly in carrying out cosmetic procedures. One had only to draw up the correct recipe and dilute the ingredients in the desired consistency, as the face covered with eels or wrinkled became smooth.

general characteristics

Since the past centuries, scientists have proven that essential oils for the face are indispensable if you want to have beautiful, smooth and forever "blooming" skin. Their healing components perfectly regulate hormonal levels, help to improve skin regeneration, and also have antioxidant properties.

In particular, elixirs of this kind create a biomassage effect - they act on various points that conduct impulses, thereby improving blood flow, normalizing water balance, which is so necessary for youthful skin, and, undoubtedly, affect the condition and complexion.

Toning particles will be able to normalize the psychological state. They are very refreshing and soothing. Mental comfort comes instantly, so cheerfulness in the morning is guaranteed to you.

Those who suffer from dry skin can relieve themselves of this problem with the help of oils of mimosa, frankincense, fir, chamomile, lavender, tea tree, jasmine.

You can eliminate the oily face with the following oils: rosemary, lemon, juniper, ginger, chamomile, tea tree.

All of the above essential oils for the skin of the face will become indispensable, since no expensive cream can cope with problems better than natural remedies.

Australian antiseptic

It will be about tea tree essential oil, which is an indispensable aid in cosmetology. Its composition gives a drying effect, therefore, with any rash, all the shortcomings are neutralized. Derived from tea tree leaves, this ingredient has a pale yellow hue and a spicy yet pungent aroma. The plant is common in Malaysia and Australia.

Tea tree essential oil for your face will be the main remedy in your home medicine cabinet if you are the owner of oily or combination skin. To achieve the expected effect, it is worth adding such an ingredient to all kinds of lotions and creams that you use, one drop at a time.

Also, for a quick action of such procedures, use this tool when making face masks from white or blue clay. Here you already need to be careful, since if the proportions are incorrectly calculated, you can overdo it and leave red marks on the skin. They disappear, but after a few hours. And yet, before going to an event, we do not recommend doing such a procedure plan, carry them out at least a couple of hours before leaving the house.

Here is an example of a mask that uses tea tree essential oil. For the face, this is the best option if the skin is oily, the improvement will be noticeable the first time.

Mix half a tablespoon of clay powder with two teaspoons of low-fat sour cream, then add two drops of tea tree oil at the end. Pre-clean your face with a daily toner and apply the thickened mass evenly for about fifteen minutes. Then wash off with cool water and apply any nourishing cream. The feeling of freshness and smoothness of the skin comes from the first application.

Citrus help

Orange essential oil for face is useful if you have dry or rough skin. In other situations, it is not recommended to use it, as it is less gentle than other means.

This tool is used to soften and moisturize the skin. In addition, it has a lifting effect and replenishes collagen deficiencies. Also, with systematic use, the complexion will acquire a healthy look, toxins are removed from the body through the pores.

If there is a problem with age spots or freckles, orange oil should be added to various masks. It has an excellent whitening effect.

The recipes for these masks are very simple. For starters, try a mixture of white and blue clay with three drops of orange essential oil. Apply to cleansed face for ten to fifteen minutes, then rinse with cool water and apply a moisturizer.

The result will be noticeable with repeated procedures, namely if they are done once every two to three days. Adjust the proportions yourself, taking into account the condition of the skin.

Soothing inflorescence

Lavender essential oil for face is indispensable as it can be used by women with all skin types. It is especially suitable for those who suffer from allergic rashes or redness.

Also, this oil is good for cuts, wounds and in all other cases when the skin is damaged. Next, consider the use of such a remedy at home.

First of all, it should be noted that lavender essential oil for the face is an excellent tonic. Therefore, it is worth adding it to lotions and tonics one drop at a time and wipe your face with them no more than once a day.

It is not recommended to apply such an ingredient in its pure form; it is added in small quantities to masks and creams. This product has a good cosmetic effect when used with other natural products.

For dry to combination skin, for example, mix a few drops of lavender essential oil with one tablespoon of olive oil. This composition can be used as a mask - apply for half an hour.

Also, the tool fights well with mimic wrinkles. Therefore, for those who have such a problem, we advise you to add a couple of drops to your night cream.

Woody fragrances helpers

Essential oils used at home for the face can give an effect that you will not find in any beautician. Rosemary elixir is no exception. Its properties help owners of oily and rash-prone skin to eliminate defects from the first week of use.

Only the composition of such oil is rather complicated in comparison with other products. There are camphor, cineole and verbenon rosemary. In most cases, the first option is used for problem skin of the face, and the third is used for dry and wrinkled skin.

In addition to antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects, rosemary essential oil has a tonic effect and restores the skin's moisture balance.

If there is a problem with mimic wrinkles, then such a tool will come in handy: it helps to smooth them out and brightens age spots.

Rosemary essential oil should be mixed with various vegetable oils in a one-to-one ratio. It should be noted that this type of remedy is not suitable for those people who suffer from hypertension and epilepsy, and pregnant women should not use it either.

Elixir that preserves youth

Lemon essential oils for the face against wrinkles have been used for a long time. It's no secret that they have an excellent anti-aging effect, inhibit the action of the enzyme elastase, which breaks down collagen fibers.

Lemon essential oil is perfect for those people who generate excess sebum and have clogged skin. Before using this product, you should take into account that it is very photosensitive and, when exposed to the sun, can scorch the skin. Therefore, we do not recommend making any manipulations with it before going outside.

Procedures with such a tool are very simple, and at home they can be performed without much difficulty, as long as you acquire an arsenal of other ethers that can solve your specific problem.

So, for example, a mixture of lemon and grape seed oils is suitable for oily skin, and for skin that withers, we recommend adding peach, olive, castor or coconut oil.

Herbal echoes

The use of essential oils for the face at home will help enrich your skin with all useful, and most importantly, natural ingredients. And one of the best tools that will make cosmetic procedures not only useful, but also pleasant is grapefruit elixir.

It has a bitter-citrus aroma with an admixture of forest herbs. In cosmetology, it is used as a tonic for oily or combination skin. Grapefruit oil also has the ability to perfectly retain moisture, thereby preventing premature aging and wilting of the skin.

For rashes on your face, treat the affected area with a clean product that does not contain any other ingredients. Just be very careful and try not to touch healthy areas of the epidermis. If you want to lighten dark spots on your face, then mix a couple of drops of grapefruit oil with sea buckthorn and apply as a cream (do not rinse off the remains).

Toning bergamot

Essential oils for the face have recently been replenished with another product that at first glance does not produce the same visible effect as the others. But this is not at all the case.

The healing liquid obtained from the bergamot tree is great for people with excessive sebum production and excessive sweating. It also perfectly refreshes and tones the skin, while improving the complexion.

Another effect that the elixir of bergamot brings is the acceleration of tanning when sunbathing. We recommend adding this ingredient to your tanning oil, but not to the cream. Apply the product to the skin an hour before you go out in the sun.

As for other cosmetic procedures, the use of bergamot oil is no different from the use of the other ingredients listed above. So choose the mask at your discretion and depending on the condition of the skin.

Anti aging flower

Citrus essential oils, used for the face, perfectly relieve skin imperfections. One of these is the Neuroli Flower Elixir. It is obtained by steam distillation of wild orange petals. At the exit, a liquid with a light yellow tint is formed, which has a pleasant spicy aroma.

This oil is used for a person suffering from wilting, regardless of its type. It significantly improves the firmness and elasticity of the skin and prevents the appearance of premature wrinkles.

Essential oil masks used for the face work well when combined with other herbal ingredients. Do not use Neuroli Elixir in its pure form, unless in the case of spot application on acne. Typically, it is mixed with olive oil (one drop of neuroli oil per tablespoon).

Elixirs in action

Every day, the fair sex uses essential oils for the face. Reviews of the results of their use, of course, are very diverse. Someone stops at one tool, someone tries to constantly experiment and combine ingredients in different proportions and consistencies.

Most owners of problematic and oily skin choose essential oils for the face from the category of antiseptics - these are elixirs of lavender and tea tree.

Those who suffer from dry face stop at citrus ingredients: mandarin, lemon, orange, grapefruit oils.

Also, many girls prefer products that penetrate into the deep layers of the skin and saturate with many vitamins. These include sesame, jojoba, wheat cob, walnut, cocoa oils.

Of course, you should choose which essential oils for the face to use, but before trying this or that remedy, you should seek advice from a beautician. This will help avoid negative consequences. Be beautiful and healthy!

Cosmetic oils are successfully used in various procedures for rejuvenating the skin of the face and body, they are present in the recipes of many masks, scrubs and peels, foot baths. Knowing the properties of popular cosmetic oils, you can easily use them to maintain youth and beauty at home.

The table, which describes the benefits and features of the use of each oil, will help every woman look fresh and well-groomed, with perfect face and body skin.

To your attention, the composition, properties, recipes for the use of natural, essential and professional cosmetic oils from the leading cosmetologists of our time.

What oils are good for the skin?

Each oil has individual components in the composition, which is why it has specific properties that, to one degree or another, affect the health of the skin.

Oils are:

Coconut oil

Description, oil composition Beneficial features
Refers to the number of vegetable and fatty. Manufacturing method retains a large amount of all known useful substances. There is coconut oil that is cold produced but it has a higher price tag.Contains thiamine - a vitamin of group B. It has an effect on regeneration, rejuvenates the dermis, prevents drying out.Before using cosmetic oil for the face, one should not only find out its properties indicated in the table, but also conduct a test for a possible allergic reaction. Apply a thin layer of oil to the wrist and wait, then rinse with water and observe the sensations for several hours. The same is the recipe for the simplest mask - applying the product.

Castor oil

Almond oil

Description, oil composition Beneficial features Face mask. Prescription, application
It has good penetration and has no contraindications. Since ancient times, there are manuscripts that say that almond oil is an irreplaceable natural medicine. It contains a large amount of linolenic acid glyceride, phytosterol and tocosterol fatty acids. In cosmetology, the product is very popular due to vitamins F, B.Heat the oil slightly and dampen a cotton ball or cloth such as cheesecloth. If gauze, then you need to leave it on the face, if a cotton pad - it is enough to wipe the face well and not rinse anything off.

Description, oil composition Beneficial features Face mask. Prescription, application
One of the most expensive oils, since it is made only from wood that grows in a certain area. The main components of the oil are tocopherol and polyphenol.
The content of vitamin E and F is also high here.
Since tocopherol and polyphenol work well in pairs and are found in the oil, it is able to rejuvenate the skin well, triggering the natural process of cell regeneration. After a course of using oils, it is noticeable how the skin is smoothed.2.5 tsp blue clay + 2 tsp minad butter + 1.5 tsp. argan oil. Mix all the ingredients well, apply on face until dry. Rinse off with water and blot well (do not wipe with effort, but blot) your face with a towel to get rid of the stickiness.

Jojoba oil

Description, oil composition Beneficial features Face mask. Prescription, application
The oil is produced by pressing. The finished product is odorless, which is a plus when using it. If the oil has been standing for a long time, it can harden to a wax consistency, but this is normal.The main action is the action of an antioxidant, which prevents the formation of wrinkles. This is the main reason why oil is popular in modern cosmetology.4 tablespoons butter + 2.5 tsp. chamomile oil + 2.5 tsp. sandalwood, + 1 tsp. patchouli. Mix the ingredients and apply to a steamed face. Due to the strong concentration of various oils, it should not be left on the skin for a long time, so as not to get burns.

Olive oil for face

Description, oil composition Beneficial features Face mask. Prescription, application
According to recent research by scientists, a high percentage is accounted for by fats. These fats are as similar as possible to the fats produced by the human sebaceous glands. Therefore, the oil easily harmonizes with the skin, quickly penetrating deeply and into all layers.
The percentage of vitamins is also high.
Easily moisturizes the skin without weighing down or causing discomfort. The oil also penetrates the capillaries and is able to accelerate blood circulation, which accelerates the natural process of rejuvenation of the body.Compress is also popular. Gauze or a cotton pad should be moistened with heated oil and rubbed over your face, but this procedure is often impossible.

Peach oil

Description, oil composition Beneficial features Face mask. Prescription, application
The oil is obtained from the pressed. It is very rich in all kinds of vitamins (B, A, P, E, C). Useful for any skin, it will prove to be an irreplaceable remedy.It is able to remove inflammatory processes on the skin, after procedures using oil, the skin becomes soft to the touch, irregularities are smoothed out.With the appearance of a cold, peeling nose and chapped lips, it is the oil that gently regenerates the skin. Use is possible without additional additives, however, it is worth observing the proportions. For finger application, apply in a small layer.

Sea buckthorn oil

Linseed oil

Description, oil composition Beneficial features Face mask. Prescription, application
It is a strong anti-aging agent, consisting of: many unsaturated fatty acids, several acids, a natural protein that serves to build new cells.Unsaturated fatty acids, acting on the skin, restore damaged tissues.

Thiamine promotes the production of collagen, a natural substance found in the skin and aimed at maintaining elasticity.

4.5 tbsp. l. Strawberry puree + 1 yolk + 3 tsp flour + 2.5 tsp. linseed oil. Grind the ingredients well, apply the entire mixture on your face.

Avocado oil

Description, oil composition Beneficial features Face mask. Prescription, application
For the first time, South American girls learn about such oil.

In terms of composition, it is able to outperform most other cosmetic oils, moreover, recognized as the most environmentally friendly product. Many vitamins of various groups: A, E, D, K.

Experts note that with frequent use of the oil, an acceleration of blood circulation is observed, this fights dull and pale skin.

The oil repels harmful microbes and promotes the elimination of toxins.

1 tbsp. avocado oil + 2.5 tbsp. l. olive oil.

Grape seed oil

Description, oil composition Beneficial features Face mask. Prescription, application
It is a storehouse of beneficial properties and nutrients.

It is created by both hot and cold pressing from dried seeds. It contains antioxidants and vitamins.

The oil is able to penetrate deeply and quickly into the skin.

Fights flaking.

Restores and participates in the regulation of the sebaceous glands.

Combine 3 parts of bone oil with 1 part of avocado, wheat germ and chamomile oil. Two use cases: apply a thin layer on the face, or soak with a cotton pad and leave on the face. Then wipe your face with a cotton pad to remove excess.

Shea butter for face

Description, oil composition Beneficial features Face mask. Prescription, application
The oil looks like a hardened wax, by the color of which you can find out how the product was prepared. If the oil is light yellow or gray-yellow in color, it was made by hand. In industrial pressing, the oil has a clear white color. The oil is 80% triglycerides. With a lack of this substance, the skin becomes problematic, acne and rashes appear.Many beneficial effects can be achieved when using oil. This is explained by all the same triglycerides, because they are the main source of energy for the vital activity of cells. The skin is rejuvenated, softened, sufficient moisture is obtained and the ability to retain the necessary moisture is obtained.1 egg yolk + lemon peel + 2 tsp oil + 3 drops of rosehip oil. Mix all ingredients, add shea butter melted. As a result, the mixture should be free of lumps.

Wheat germ oil

Description, oil composition Beneficial features Face mask. Prescription, application
The most developed application of this oil is its use on the skin of the face. This is due to the large amount of amino acids and trace elements that are contained in the oil and are essential for the skin.The only contraindication for this product is intolerance, otherwise a large amount of vitamins speaks of the benefits of the oil. Cosmetologists assure that it is the sprout oil that effectively fights dry skin that is affected by the aging process. In addition, it nourishes all skin types.1 drop of lemon balm oil + 1 drop of rose oil + 1.5 tsp. wheat germ oils. Wipe your face with this mixture.

Cacao butter

Description, oil composition Beneficial features Face mask. Prescription, application
Thanks to the oil, intensive care is carried out for the skin that has been exposed to various influences. All this is due to the composition: oleic, palmitic, lauric, stearic, linoleic acids have a beneficial effect on the skin.Oleic acid, for example, starts the metabolism in the cell, increases protein synthesis. Palmitic acid contributes to the supply of oxygen to the cell. Most acids are aimed at eliminating dryness and providing adequate nutrition to the cell.can be used as an independent tool. This is one of the few oils that is allowed to be used before going out. Since the composition of the oil is strong, it is precisely rubbing the skin with frozen oil that is an effective cosmetic tool.

Face primer oil

Description, oil composition Beneficial features Face mask. Prescription, application
Most often it is the final stage, as it is applied with a top layer after other means.It is a mistake to believe that a primer can only cope with oily skin. This product removes oily sheen, but is just as good at fighting dry skin. In addition, the primer will help to make the tone as even as possible.After the face care products, the primer is applied in a thin layer to the skin. Wait 10 minutes before moving on to applying the foundation.

Tea tree oil

Description, oil composition Beneficial features Face mask. Prescription, application
The oil has a tart aroma and is endowed with vitamins. But what distinguishes this product from other oils is the presence of rare B-terpineols and L-ternineols.Any inflammation that occurs on the skin can be easily eliminated with tea tree oil. Dermatologists believe this is a safe way to get rid of herpes quickly.

For burns and cuts of such a delicate area as the skin of the face, the oil is considered indispensable.

Crude protein + 3-6 drops of lavender oil + 3 drops of tea tree + 2 drops of chamomile oil. Apply the mixture with a cotton pad for 15 minutes, carry out the procedure no more than once every 2 days.

Apricot oil

Description, oil composition Beneficial features Face mask. Prescription, application
The oil is used in pharmacology, cosmetology and medicine. It has a soft structure as it contains organic acids. In addition, this includes tocopherol, retinol, vitamin B, ascorbic acid, potassium and magnesium.Potassium and magnesium affect blood circulation, which helps to visibly improve complexion and cope with skin pallor. Ascorbic acid works well on the skin, especially after sunbathing or burns.A cotton pad moistened with oil is used to wipe the face. Do not use before going outdoors, can be used daily.

Camphor oil for wrinkles

Description, compositionoils Beneficial features Face mask. Prescription, application
Recently it has been used in cosmetology, while in medicine the oil has earned its place due to its ability to rejuvenate the skin. Suitable for several skin types: oily, inflamed and wrinkled.Regular use of the oil can certainly make the skin smooth and even in color, silky - thanks to the work of pinene, the skin is completely restored due to camphene.1 tbsp warmed honey + 3 tbsp. milk + 2 drops of butter. Stir the mixture, rub, apply on the face for 20-25 minutes and rinse off the face.

Macadamia oil

Description, oil composition Beneficial features Face mask. Prescription, application
Macadamia is an expensive and unique nut, and therefore any product that contains this plant is expensive. The oil is also not cheap, but the cost is fully justified. This includes trace minerals like potassium, magnesium, zinc, sodium and calcium. There are many vitamins, proteins and fatty acids here.The beneficial properties include the process of rejuvenation, hydration, protection. The oil regulates blood circulation, restores water balance and unclogs pores.To moisturize, mix in a teaspoon each of rose oil, almond oil and macadamia oil.

Sesame oil

Description, oil composition Beneficial features Face mask. Prescription, application
It is noteworthy that each component from the composition of the oil is able to penetrate deeply into the layers of the epidermis. This is natural glycerin and fatty acids, useful protein and animal amino acids in one bottle.Glycerin is mainly aimed at protecting the skin from external influences. Forms a thin film through which pores are not clogged. Amino acids and protein affect the production of collagen, the main substance that can keep skin firm and taut.1.5 tsp rose hips + 1.5 tsp. sesame oil. This mixture can be turned into ice, and used to rub the skin in the morning. The cold and nutrients will help to awaken the skin, accelerate blood circulation and therefore promote nutrition and hydration.

Rosehip oil

Description, oil composition Beneficial features Face mask. Prescription, application
It is used both in cosmetology and actively in medicine due to its natural beneficial qualities.

The composition includes vitamins, acids and trace elements.

Vitamins of group A, B, C saturate the skin, nourishing and moisturizing it. Acids contribute to a sufficient amount of essential substances in the cell, and trace elements are involved in internal metabolism.2 boiled egg yolks + 1.5-3 tsp oil, grind the mixture well.

Bio oil cosmetic oil

Description, oil composition Beneficial features Face mask. Prescription, application
On the market since 2002, it is popular among those who get rid of skin stretch marks, wrinkles and cosmetic defects.

The composition includes several unrefined oils.

It is used for problematic, dehydrated skin, combating aging problems. After a course of use, the skin returns to its tone, the complexion becomes more even.The oil is used 4 times a day on its own, it is not included in any masks. Rub a small amount of oil thoroughly on the skin.

Burr oil

Lavender oil

Cedar oil

Description, oil composition Beneficial features Face mask. Prescription, application
It is isolated from the fruits of the cedar pine, which is common in several countries. Cosmetologists assure that the oil has no analogues. This includes vitamins of different groups (E, A, B, D, F), acids.The oil is prized for its ability to increase the skin's resistance, create a protective layer and accelerate the regeneration process. This can be easily explained by the large amount of acids that make up the composition and at times accelerate the wound healing process. Able to visibly rejuvenate the skin.Used as an additive to cosmetic cream(no more than 5 drops per 30 ml of cream) or as an independent means to protect the face and hands from chapping.

Shea butter

Description, oil composition Beneficial features Face mask. Prescription, application
Extracted from the seeds of the fruits of an African plant. Since the plant is not common, oil prices are quite high. The unique composition of the oil, which includes a large list of amino acids, vitamins, fatty acids, and minerals, also affects the price.Able to soothe dermatitis and restore skin tone, it fights wrinkles well. In addition, it is recommended as a décolleté care, as the amino acids penetrating into the layers of the dermis contribute to the production of new cells, due to which the skin is constantly renewed.Grind the lemon peel in a coffee grinder, combine the yolk with the ground peel + 5-8 ml of oil.

Lemon oil

Amaranth oil

Rosemary oil

Description, oil composition Beneficial features Face mask. Prescription, application
It is obtained from the flowering tops of the branches of this plant. Due to the fact that it is produced from young shoots, it has a high concentration of nutrients. This includes calcium, protein, vitamins, and tannins.It is a good way to tone the skin, cleanse and accelerate the metabolism inside the cell. Restores the moisture balance of the skin.1 tbsp bones + 3 drops of rosemary. The mixture can be frozen and used in the evenings to wipe down the skin.

Sunflower oil

Description, oil composition Beneficial features Face mask. Prescription, application
It is used not only in cooking, but has recently become popular in the cosmetic industry. The main element that is included in large quantities is fatty acids.Thanks to tocopherol, the skin is able to regain its shine, get rid of fading and eliminate age spots. Acids nourish the skin. One of the few oils that easily copes with expression lines on the face.Heat 100 ml of oil + 35 ml of vodka + 20 ml of calendula. Mix everything and place in a closed container, use in the morning as a basic skin care.

Black cumin oil

Description, oil composition Beneficial features Face mask. Prescription, application
It is used in cosmetology as a strong antibacterial agent and an agent capable of fighting pigments on the skin. The composition includes many acids: oleic, linolenic, stearic, myristic and palmitic.The oil nourishes the skin, restores shine and elasticity, at the same time relieves oily and unhealthy shine. Heals purulent inflammations and restores elasticity to the skin.2 tbsp. l. butter + 2-5 tsp. starch + 1 egg. Rub all ingredients well and apply to face, then rinse with water.

Clarence oil

Description, oil composition Beneficial features Face mask. Prescription, application
Oils have existed on the market for more than 60 years, have become famous due to their effectiveness and are also known in cosmetology for their composition, which includes a large number of amino acids.The use of oil increases the production of collagen, a substance responsible for how elastic and firm the skin is. It is recommended to use the oil from the age of 25, when the first signs of wrinkles appear on the skin.The oil is applied to the skin in a small layer in the evenings; it must be thoroughly rubbed and not washed off.

Avon face oil

Hydrophilic oil

Description, oil composition Beneficial features Face mask. Prescription, application
A distinctive feature of the oil is the emulsifier polysorbate - a substance that allows you to easily apply oil and prevent it from washing off your face with water, but the oil can be easily removed with a napkin.Each cosmetic oil for the face has its own properties, it is easy to combine them into a table. The property of this oil is to nourish the skin. Recommended for insufficiently hydrated skin.Make-up is easily removed with the help of oil. It is necessary to wet a cotton pad and, without pressing, remove cosmetics from the skin.

Neroli oil

Description, oil composition Beneficial features Face mask. Prescription, application
The oil is named after a princess from Italy, who was one of the first to spread this product among the people. The composition includes esters and amino acids.Normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, whitens the skin, removes age spots and unclogs pores.Compiling and studying a table of cosmetic oils for the face, where their properties are listed, it should be borne in mind that each oil can be used by a universal method: by applying to the skin and rubbing in with light pats.

Peppermint oil

Ylang ylang oil

Clarins oil

Mango oil

The table contains the properties and descriptions of popular oils that are used in cosmetology for the skin of the body and face.

Many experts in traditional medicine believe that natural and essential oils are in no way inferior to the most modern expensive cosmetic oils from well-known manufacturers.

Essential oils are successfully used at home to improve the condition of facial skin.... The beneficial properties of essential oils have been known since ancient times, and modern cosmetology uses more than 2000 aromatic substances from a variety of essential oil plants to manufacture its products. Essential oils are often added to moisturizing, nourishing, anti-aging masks, and are also mixed into cosmetic creams to enhance the regenerating effect during skin treatment. The fact is that the active substances of aromatic oils have a very high penetrating ability, significantly accelerating the "delivery" of the components to the deep layers of the skin.

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It is important to note that essential oils cannot be used in their pure form (except for lavender or tea tree oil), since after applying this product with active substances, traces of irritation remain on the skin. You can mix them with a "greasy" base base such as vegetable oils. When choosing a mask recipe for home use, be sure to pay attention to the presence of a base base (for example, olive, almond, linseed or castor oil), if there is an essential oil in the composition.

And one more important point - do not use masks or other skin care products with essential oils in the composition less than two hours before going outside (especially in summer), since most of them are quite phototoxic even after exposure to ultraviolet rays on the skin of the face red spots, peeling may appear.

Creams and masks with essential oils can be used after 30 years to prevent early skin aging and the appearance of expression lines. In addition, this natural cosmetics perfectly restores the oxygen balance, moisturizes and nourishes the skin, improves the elasticity and tone of the epidermis. After 40 years, it is advisable to apply homemade creams or masks with essential oils on a regular basis to improve skin tone, tighten the face contours, get rid of fine wrinkles and prevent the appearance of new ones.


Tea tree oil.

Beneficial features:
Evens out the complexion and relief of the face, has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, helps to eliminate acne and prevent the appearance of pustules.



Fir oil.

Beneficial features:
It has antibacterial and antioxidant properties. Normalizes the sebaceous glands, helps eliminate acne, improves skin tone and smoothes wrinkles.



Camphor oil.

Beneficial features:
Helps to normalize perspiration, prevents acne and blackheads. Often added to whitening masks (lightens freckles and age spots)



Rosemary oil.

Beneficial features:
Evens out skin relief, eliminates post-acne and dull complexion. With regular use, it has a rejuvenating effect.



Cinnamon oil.

Beneficial features:
An excellent remedy for problem skin. Improves the work of the sebaceous and sweat glands, eliminates pallor, grayish skin tone. Helps to get rid of fungal diseases, dermatoses.



Eucalyptus oil.

Beneficial features:
Often included in homemade creams and masks against boils, herpes, acne. Helps to narrow pores that are too enlarged, has a pronounced bactericidal, antiseptic, antibacterial properties.



Grapefruit oil.

Beneficial features:

An effective tonic for aging skin. Promotes smoothing of wrinkles, tightens the face contour and slows down the aging process of the skin. Helps get rid of blackheads (comedones) and small white wen (milia).



Juniper oil.

Beneficial features:
Improves blood microcirculation, accelerates the removal of toxins and toxins from the skin. It tightens pores and prevents the development of inflammatory processes, restores the protective water-lipid barrier. Promotes facial rejuvenation.



Mandarin oil.

Beneficial features:
An excellent remedy for improving the condition of too oily, porous and constantly inflamed skin. Prevents the appearance of acne and pustules, accelerates the bleaching of age spots, helps to get rid of herpes faster.



Lemongrass oil.

Beneficial features:
Lemongrass or lemon grass tightens enlarged pores, cleanses the mouth of hair follicles from dirt and prevents comedones. Helps to eliminate purulent-inflammatory processes, has antiseptic and bactericidal properties.




Orange oil.

Beneficial features:
Improves the condition of rough, rough skin that is constantly irritated. The color of dry skin evens out, small rashes disappear and the work of the sebaceous glands improves (stimulates the production of sebum).



Rose oil.

Beneficial features:

It is used in homemade masks for the care of aging, wrinkled skin. Stimulates skin regeneration, restoration of damaged cells. Rose oil will help you tighten the oval of the face and eliminate fine wrinkles after 3-4 months of regular use as part of face masks. Can be added to oily eye creams.



Ylang Ylang oil.

Beneficial features:
Many people call this oil the elixir of youth. Ylang-ylang in homemade masks helps to even out complexion, improves the protective properties of problem skin, perfectly moisturizes the epidermis and has a noticeable lifting effect.



Patchouli oil.

Beneficial features:
An excellent remedy for skin that is often exposed to adverse external factors. Improves the functioning of the sebaceous glands, tones and restores damaged epidermis, helps to get rid of age spots.



Chamomile oil blue.

Beneficial features:
Soothes sensitive skin, relieves irritation, relieves itching and redness. It moisturizes and nourishes dry skin well. Restores and rejuvenates the skin of the face. Helps get rid of minor rashes.



Anise oil.

Beneficial features:

Has a pronounced lifting effect. Can be used in masks for regular care of aging skin in adulthood. Improves elasticity, tones wrinkled skin, restores water-lipid balance.



Fennel oil.

Beneficial features:
Fennel seed oil refreshes and moisturizes dry skin and helps relieve rashes. In adulthood, it improves the condition of sagging skin, smoothes shallow wrinkles, tightens the oval of the face.



Frankincense oil.

Beneficial features:
Restores damaged skin cells, stimulates regeneration, and normalizes the sebaceous glands. Helps get rid of rashes and flaking on dry skin.




Lavender oil.

Beneficial features:
Perfectly relieves irritation on sensitive skin, promotes rapid healing of abrasions, wounds, burns, cuts. Prevents the appearance of expression lines at a young age.



Peppermint oil.

Beneficial features:
It is part of masks for the care of irritated, often inflamed skin. Improves complexion, normalizes the work of sweat and sebaceous glands, has a lifting effect on mature skin. Peppermint oil can be used as part of products for the treatment of certain skin diseases (eczema, dermatitis).



Neroli oil.

Beneficial features:
It is useful to add to creams for home care of sensitive skin in adulthood. Soothes irritated skin, tones up, improves protective functions, has a rejuvenating effect.



Jasmine oil.

Beneficial features:
Refreshes, tones the skin in adulthood. Helps get rid of small wrinkles, crow's feet in the corners of the eyes. Often added to homemade creams and masks to improve color, restore normal skin tone.



Basil oil.

Beneficial features:
Tones the skin, evens out the relief, tightens the face contour. It can be added to the composition of masks or simply mixed with fatty (vegetable) oil.



Cypress oil.

Beneficial features:
Slows down the aging process of the skin, improves complexion and restores skin elasticity. Restores the water-lipid barrier on the surface of the epidermis.




Lemon oil.

Beneficial features:
It has anti-aging properties, tightens pores and normalizes the sebaceous glands. Can be added to bleaching masks to combat age spots.



Clove oil.

Beneficial features:
It has an anti-inflammatory effect on problem areas of the facial skin, eliminates acne and pimples. Accelerates the healing of wounds, abrasions, scars.



Bergamot oil.

Beneficial features:

Bergamot peel oil is often used in home remedies to combat sweating. It normalizes the work of the sebaceous and sweat glands, tones the skin, and helps to get rid of minor rashes.



Geranium oil.

Beneficial features:
Perfectly moisturizes the skin, eliminates flaking and redness. Tones the skin, accelerates regeneration and slows down the aging process. It helps to get rid of some skin diseases faster.



Sandalwood oil.

Beneficial features:
It has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Prevents the appearance of rashes, acne, milia. Evens out complexion and whitens post-acne, age spots.



Myrrh oil.

Beneficial features:
The active substances quickly penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, stimulate the synthesis of collagen and elastin, and restore damaged cells. An excellent anti-wrinkle remedy. Slows down the aging of the skin in adulthood.




in the photo: face before and after regular use of masks with essential oils


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Essential oils are called the soul of plants, because it is in them that the beneficial substances are contained in maximum concentration. The inhabitants of Ancient Egypt were among the first to discover their properties. For centuries, they have used essential oils for skin care, household chores, and religious services. In modern Europe, oils have been almost completely replaced by more modern substances, but the case made them remember. During one of his experiments in 1937, the French chemist Rene Hattefosse severely burned his hand and mechanically lowered it into the first available container with liquid in order to relieve pain. The pain really went away, moreover, the wound healed many times faster. That liquid turned out to be lavender oil. Nowadays, the passion for essential oils is experiencing another "boom" ..

How to use essential oils

Essential oils for face

To isolate nutrients from plants at home, raw materials are usually poured with base oil (olive, almond and others) and infused, thereby obtaining solutions of essential oils, often already ready for use.

Conventional concentrated essential oils cannot be consumed in their pure form. They can cause negative reactions - from simple irritation to a real chemical burn. Lavender and tea tree oils are perhaps one of the few exceptions to this rule.

Before applying to the skin of the face, essential oils should be mixed with the so-called base in a ratio of 5-7 drops of essential oil for every 20 mg of base oil or cream. Due to their ability to penetrate deeply into the skin, essential oils will enhance the effect of cosmetics. In addition to their direct functions, most of them have antiseptic properties and are natural preservatives.

Suitable base oils for dry skin are apricot oil, soybean oil, macadamia oil, and avocado oil. For oily - peach, almond, rapeseed, safflower and mustard, hazelnut oil. For those prone to the formation of wrinkles and mature - oil from grape seeds, wheat germ, corn. Olive and sesame oils, as well as walnut and jojoba oils, are versatile bases suitable for all skin types.

Essential oils for different skin types

It is better to choose essential oils according to your skin type.

For normal skin essential oils of rose, mint, chamomile are suitable. They will calm her down and provide protection. Lavender and jasmine have a healing effect.

For dry skin orange oil will be useful - it eliminates peeling and stimulates blood flow, bergamot - relieves irritation and soothes the skin, geranium - improves complexion by stimulating microcirculation, sandalwood - relieves inflammation and moisturizes, incense - tones. Also, combinations of oils can be added to creams or base oils, for example, 2 drops of myrtle essential oil and 3 drops of Damask rose essential oil, or 2 drops of sandalwood, rosewood, chamomile essential oils for every 10 ml of base.

For oily skin showing tonic essential oils of mint, rosemary, lemon and grapefruit. Ylang Ylang Oil will soothe oily skin. You can try the following combinations: 3 drops of grapefruit essential oil, 2 drops of bergamot essential oil and 1 drop of lemon balm essential oil, or 3 drops of lemon essential oil and 2 drops of clove essential oil, or 2 drops of rosemary essential oil and 3 drops of lemon essential oil for each 10 ml base. A combination of essential oils of lemon (2 drops), eucalyptus (1 drop), mint (1 drop), neroli (1 drop) will help fight enlarged pores.

For problem skin choose jasmine - it has a tonic and antiseptic effect, lavender - helps with acne, juniper disinfects, and bergamot, tea tree and ylang-ylang will help fight imperfections. You can try the following combinations: 2 drops of lemon essential oil, 2 drops of ylang ylang essential oil, 1 drop of peppermint essential oil, or 2 drops of neroli essential oil and 1 drop of rosewood essential oil for every 10 ml of base.

Essential oils for face

For sensitive skin tea tree essential oil will also work. It will soothe itching, eliminate redness, and tangerine essential oil will relieve the feeling of tightness and make the skin more elastic.

Help mature skin essential oils of patchouli will be able to stay toned as long as possible - it stimulates cell renewal, roses - it refreshes, strengthens, tones.

Get rid of freckles and lighten age spots a mixture of essential oils of lemon (3 drops), chamomile (4 drops) with 7 drops of wheat germ oil will help - they are recommended to be added to 1/3 teaspoon of salt and applied to problem areas. You can also massage with a mixture of essential oils of grapefruit (3 drops), ginger (4 drops), rosewood (3 drops) - these oils must first be dissolved in 30 ml of almond oil.

Make creams for eyelid skin essential oils of limette, sandalwood, rose, neroli, frankincense will help more effective. They can be added to the cream in different combinations at a ratio of 3 drops per 10 ml of base. In this case, special attention should be paid to ensure that the cream enriched with these components does not get on the mucous membrane of the eyes.

Your helpers:

Essential oils for face

  1. Emulsion Pure for problem skin with lavender, thyme, rosemary, cypress and geranium essential oils Yon-Ka,
  2. Tea Tree Oil The body shop,
  3. Deliquesce Melting Makeup Remover Balm Rouge Bunny Rouge,
  4. Multifunctional oil for face, body and hair Huile Prodigieuse Nuxe,
  5. Revitalizing nourishing night cream with geranium and alpine chamomile essential oils Natura Siberica,
  6. Huile 27 Regenerating Facial Oil with Essential Oils M.E. SkinLab,
  7. Immortelle Anti-Aging Eye Balm with Immortelle Essential Oil L'Occitane,

Essential oils for face

  1. Nourishing face cream with sea buckthorn oil and cedarwood essential oil Green mama,
  2. Aromaterme thermal water-spray for face and body with essential oils Frais monde,
  3. Neroli rejuvenating eye serum with neroli essential oil Eminence,
  4. Chamomile Aromatic Care face treatment with chamomile essential oil Darphin,
  5. Lotus Moisturizing Facial with Rosehip, Patchouli and Blue Orchid Essential Oils Clarins,
  6. Vinosource Nourishing Facial Concentrate with Essential Oils Caudalie.

How to choose a quality essential oil

It is very important that the oil you plan to apply to your face is of the highest quality. Such a product cannot be cheap, because to obtain only a kilogram of essential oil, at least tens, at most thousands of kilograms of raw materials, are used.

It is good if the oil has passed the organic certification of ECOCERT, the packaging of such products usually bears the AB or BIO mark. He guarantees that you have an environmentally friendly and high-quality product: ECOCERT controls all stages of production, storage and sale.

Essential oils for face

It is also important that the name of the raw material, information about the place of its growth, the name of the part of the plant used to make the product are indicated on the package in Latin letters. For example, the oil labeled “Citrus grandis peel oil” was made from grapefruit peel, and “Lavandula angustifolia oil” was made from the whole

The main ingredient in many skin care products is conventional natural oils. "Oil formulas" are especially typical for serums, moisturizers, caring creams and masks. Contrary to popular belief, vegetable fats are useful not only for dryness and associated cosmetic defects. The vitamins and minerals included in their composition are indispensable for other skin problems - acne, acne, pimples and viral rashes, cuts, allergic reactions, hypovitaminosis.

Skin oils are divided into two types - cosmetic and ethereal... The former are obtained by pressing and "cold pressing" plant materials. The latter are extracted by steam distillation, chemical extraction, and sorbents. Essential oils are rarely used in their pure form. Usually they are added to the base (in natural oil or cream) in a few drops. But sometimes for medicinal purposes they can also be used independently.

Benefits of oils for the skin


Cosmetologists consider oil to be the most natural and safe "transport" for vitamins, phospholipids and minerals. Oils have excellent "penetrating" abilities, are quickly absorbed and actively affect the upper layers of the epidermis and subcutaneous fat. Depending on the composition, oils can have a mild or pronounced effect on the skin. anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating, tightening, moisturizing, toning, anti-cellulite action.

Cosmetologists are unanimous - oils are useful. But - completely replacing creams with oils - day or night - means harm to the skin!

Oils are natural and can cause allergies. They perfectly retain moisture in the skin - but they themselves are poorly absorbed, so they can clog pores, cause irritation and provoke "blackheads" on the face.

Pure oils are used for scalp care and face and body massage. It is good to add them to creams and masks. But you shouldn't leave oil instead of cream overnight. It is important to observe the measure- otherwise a useful and fragrant product can damage the skin.

You can choose the oil that is suitable for specific skin problems, guided by the table:

Essential oils and skin type

Skin problems


Anise oil
for aging skin

Loose skin, wrinkles, loss of tone

Increases elasticity, turgor, firmness of the skin, normalizes water-fat balance

the best oil for dry, oily, aging skin

Peeling, calluses, dryness, enlarged pores, pigmentation

Softens rough, dry skin; eliminates flaking; whitens freckles and age spots; narrows enlarged pores; "Dries" acne

Bergamot oil
for oily skin

Overactive sebaceous glands, sweating, pigmentation, acne, inflammation

Relieves irritation, tightens pores, refreshes, tones

Grapefruit oil
the best oil for fighting "blackheads"

Eliminates the problems of oily skin -
Blackheads, enlarged pores, cellulite

Has a stimulating effect on metabolic processes, tones, regulates collagen production

suitable for normal, dry, oily, problem skin

Loss of tone, dull color, rosacea, blackheads, viral and bacterial infections

Has an antiseptic, tonic, immunomodulatory effect, stimulates collagen production and skin cell renewal

the best essential oil for all skin types

Enlarged pores, acne, wrinkles, dryness, allergic reactions

Moisturizes, tones, tightens pores, regulates sebum production; there is a slight anti-inflammatory and antipruritic effect; reduces harm from UV radiation in tanning beds (after tanning)

Juniper oil
for oily, aging skin

Decreased tone, acne, inflammation, enlarged pores

Accelerates metabolism, removes toxins, acts as an antiseptic

Rosemary oil
for oily, problem skin

Acne, blackheads, blackheads, scars, fading skin

Anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect, acceleration of metabolism

the best oil for aging, damaged, sensitive skin

Decreased tone, peeling, age spots

Accelerates metabolism, increases elasticity, whitens, reduces rosacea

the best essential oil for damaged, problematic, oily skin

Acne, herpes and bacterial infections, wounds, cuts

Antiseptic, antiviral, drying effect

Natural oils

Skin type and problems


Apricot oil
for aging, dry skin

Hypovitaminosis, dehydration, wrinkles, flaking, loss of tone

Stimulates cell metabolism, moisturizes, nourishes, saturates with vitamins

the best oil for dry, damaged skin

Skin dehydration, loss of firmness, wilting

Improves blood circulation, saturates with vitamins and fatty acids, stimulates collagen production

for aging, problematic, normal, dry, oily skin

Hypovitaminosis, decreased tone, inflammation, dryness, peeling

Tightens enlarged pores, evens out color, increases elasticity, refreshes, tones

Almond oil
for normal, sensitive, dry, problem skin

Dryness, peeling, irritation, hypovitaminosis

Nourishes, moisturizes, relieves irritation

for dry, aging, normal skin, sensitive skin

The appearance of wrinkles, allergic reactions to other oils

Used as a cosmetic base oil, moisturizes, cleanses, suitable for all skin types

the best natural oil for problem, aging, sensitive skin

Inflammation, viral and bacterial infections, dryness, hypovitaminosis

Moisturizes, rejuvenates, nourishes the skin, saturates with vitamins, has an antioxidant effect

Peach oil
for dry, sensitive, aging skin

Dehydration, loss of tone, dull complexion, wrinkles, age spots

Moisturizes, cleanses, whitens, relieves puffiness and dark circles, rejuvenates, softens, tightens, reduces wrinkles, relieves inflammation

Milk thistle oil
for problem and oily skin

Inflammation, hard-to-heal wounds

Promotes epithelialization, normalizes the sebaceous glands

the best oil for dry and aging skin

Flaking, premature aging, dehydration

Moisturizes, softens, positively affects collagen production

Soybean oil
for dry, normal skin

Dryness, loss of tone, fatigue

Refreshes, moisturizes, saturates with vitamins

Choose from the table the oil that best solves the problems of your skin type.

For example, soybean oil is in no way inferior to olive oil as a base oil. However, it is not recommended to use it on oily skin, as soy can clog pores and provoke the appearance of comedones ("blackheads").

Let's talk in more detail about the best oils for different skin types:

The best natural cosmetic oils for skin

1st place is taken by grape seed oil - for its versatility

Price:from 90 rublesBotanika (for 50 ml.) Up to 500 rubles perBasso for 1 liter.

Active ingredients: vitamins (A, C, E, B), polyunsaturated fatty acids.


Grape seed oil is a frequent component of branded cosmetics and a truly versatile product. Due to its unique composition, it is suitable for different skin, smells good, almost does not cause negative reactions. The vitamins contained in it increase the elasticity of the skin, prevent the formation of wrinkles and equally eliminate both dryness and oily sheen.

How to use?

As a base for masks, cream additives, make-up removers and cleansers. Unlike olive or soybean oil, grape seed oil does not need to be washed off your skin.

Nuances: for the skin it is better to use cold pressed oil, because hot, less antioxidants.

2nd place is taken by olive oil - for availability


Price:from 140 rubles per 100 grams to 2000 rubles per 5 liters

Active ingredients: vitamins (A, E, K, B, D), Omega-6 and Omega-3 acids, oleic acid.

Action: nourishes, cleanses, moisturizes, removes flaking.

The good thing about olive oil is that it can be used for both culinary and cosmetic purposes. It is better to pour the care part into a separate container and store in the refrigerator. Do not leave olive oil on oily skin for long. It is better to wash the face after it or wipe it with a tonic, but on coarse feet or elbows it is quite possible to apply it at night.

What is the best way to use olive oil for skin?

As a make-up remover, base for masks, wraps. Olive oil with salt, pepper or honey copes well with cellulite, heated in a water bath - softens the skin of the hands and feet.

Nuances: masks based on olive oil are applied even to dry skin for only 10-15 minutes, after which they are washed off. Olive oil is considered hypoallergenic and can therefore be used on sensitive skin.

3rd place is taken by sea buckthorn oil - for the benefit!


Price:from 70 rubles for 50 milliliters

Active ingredients: vitamins (A, C, E, B1, B6, B2, P, F), zinc, strontium, magnesium, iron, calcium.

Action: nourishes, heals wounds, accelerates tissue regeneration processes, increases elasticity.

Often, cosmetic defects are just a manifestation of bacterial and viral infections, damage, hypovitaminosis, and slow metabolism. Sea buckthorn oil helps tackle these problems with a record amount of antioxidants, minerals and vitamins. It can be used for both skin and hair, used as a base cosmetic, or added to other creams, oils and masks.

How to use?

In its pure form - lubricate damaged skin areas (cuts, scratches, herpes, burns), acne and acne with a cotton swab with sea buckthorn oil. Up to 30% can be added to masks and creams for dry and normal skin. Sea buckthorn oil can be rubbed into the cuticle after a manicure or pedicure, as well as into the scalp before washing the hair (for dryness and flaking).

Nuances: For wrinkles, it is enough to add just a few drops of sea buckthorn oil to the cream. Cosmetologists strongly discourage the use of pure sea buckthorn oil on healthy skin, since with systemic use it can suppress natural immunity.

4th place is occupied by avocado oil - for natural skin support


Price:from 100 rubles for 30 millilitersPlanetaOrganica up to 1250 rubles for 120 milliliters from Diar Argan.

Active ingredients: vitamins (A, D, C, PP, E), potassium, zinc, oleic, linoleic, stearic, linolenic fatty acids.

Action: moisturizes, rejuvenates, protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation and harmful environmental influences.

Avocado oil is close in composition and PH balance to human fat, it is quickly absorbed and redistributed in the subcutaneous tissue, delivering valuable vitamins and minerals to the cells. It can be used as a base for all skin types, but it is best suited for scaly dry and problematic acne areas. In summer, avocado oil will protect you from UV radiation (natural SPF up to 6).

How to use?

Add to care products (creams, masks) 1 drop per 1 gram. Lubricate oily or normal skin with a cotton pad to remove make-up, apply for 30 minutes as a mask on dry skin.

Nuances: Avocado oil can be kept on the face for a long time and lubricated with it the skin around the eyes, but it is better to blot the excess with a napkin.

5th place is taken by shea butter - for a pleasant aroma and melting texture


Price:from 200 rubles for 30 milliliters at Elfarm to 600 rubles for 250 milliliters at Therme.

Active ingredients: fatty acids (oleic, stearic, linoleic), phenols, steroids, vitamins (tocopherols).

Action: moisturizes, nourishes, softens, rejuvenates the skin.

Shea butter or shea butter is the only solid butter. It is obtained from the fruits of tropical trees in Africa, where it is mainly eaten. In the world, this product is especially loved by chocolate manufacturers and cosmetologists. Shea butter is often used in spa treatments. It melts quickly from contact with the skin, perfectly moisturizing and nourishing it.

How to use?

Lubricate dry, damaged and rough skin, scratches, eczema, wrinkles; knead heated shea butter into homemade creams and masks; lubricate problem areas of the skin with a small piece before going to bed or before going outside in the cold season.

Nuances: Shea butter absorbs well on dry, rough and dull skin, but leaves a shine on normal to oily skin. Blot excess shea butter with a dry cloth.

Best Essential Cosmetic Oils for Skin

1st place is taken by tea tree oil - for a wide spectrum of action


Price:from 120 rublesBotanika (but only for 50 ml.) Up to 500 rubles fromBasso for 1 liter

Active ingredients: monoterpenes, L-terpineol, B-terpineol.

Action: cleanses, nourishes, moisturizes, removes toxins, increases skin turgor.

Tea tree oil whitens teeth, heals wounds, dries up pimples, stimulates hair growth. It relieves inflammation, stimulates blood circulation, inhibits the growth of pathogenic bacteria and fungi, whitens age spots, evens out the color and texture of the skin. But when working with this natural antiseptic, cosmetologists recommend carefully observing the dosage.

How to use?

Pure tea tree oil is used to disinfect cracks and other small superficial wounds, and for cosmetic purposes - add essential oil to the base (in a ratio of 1 to 10 with olive or other vegetable cosmetic oil; 1 drop - per 1 gram of cream or massage oil ).

Nuances: Tea tree oil in its pure form is used to kill dandruff from the scalp and to treat nails affected by fungus. To do this, rub it into the affected areas for several minutes.

2nd place - lemon oil, suitable for all skin types


Price:from 80 rubles at "Crimean Rose" to 160 rubles at "Aromatica "for 10 ml.

Active ingredients: linalool, pinene.

Action: tonic, antiseptic, immunomodulatory; promotes collagen production.

Lemon oil rejuvenates the skin. Just a few drops, added to a base base, have a powerful tonic effect and stimulate cell renewal. On oily skin, lemon oil helps to get rid of rosacea and acne, on dry skin it eliminates flaking. In addition, it helps to increase elasticity, smooth the relief, tighten the oval of the face, lighten freckles and age spots.

How to use?

Add 1 drop of lemon oil to 3-4 grams of cream or natural base oil for cosmetic procedures; 1 drop - 2 grams of massage product.

Nuances: Lemon oil works well for all skin types, but it is recommended to mix it with different bases. For oily skin it is good to mix it with grape seed oil, for dry skin - with peach oil or avocado oil, for skin whitening - with sea buckthorn oil.

3rd place is occupied by ylang-ylang oil - for high efficiency


Price:from 100 rubles

Active ingredients: pinene, geraniol, phytol, formic, valerian, acetic acids.

Action: anti-inflammatory, emollient, tonic.

Ylang-ylang oil tightens pores, helps to quickly get rid of eczema, dermatoses, acne. It is equally effective for oily, dry and normal skin. As part of other cosmetic oils, it stimulates collagen production. It goes well with olive oil, peach oil, avocado oil. Reduces itching and UV damage due to its anti-inflammatory properties.

How to use?

Add 3 drops to 1 tablespoon of base cream or oil.

4th place is taken by orange oil - for a delicious aroma


Price:from 100 rublesBotanika up to 200 rubles from Elfarm.

Active ingredients: limonene, citral, terpene alcohols, geraniol.

Action: anti-cellulite, emollient, tonic.

Orange oil perfectly narrows enlarged pores, helps get rid of cellulite, dries acne. On dry skin, it can be used to cope with peeling, and on oily skin - to normalize the work of the sebaceous glands. Like other essential oils in our ranking, orange oil for skin is not recommended in its pure form.

How to use?

Add 3 drops to 1 tablespoon of base cream or skin oil, or 5-10 drops to a tablespoon of water base.

Nuances: using orange oil in anti-cellulite procedures, you can take both oil and salt (special for baths or ordinary sea salt) as a base, it is not recommended to add oil in its pure form to water.

5th place is occupied by rose oil - for tone for the soul


Price:from 160 rubles at the "Crimean Rose" to 3600 rubles atLivingNature.

Active ingredients: geraniol, stearopten.

Action: tonic, whitening.

Rose oil is obtained from rosehip flowers. It is best suited for aging skin that regains its youthfulness, if not after the first application, then with regular use at least after a month. The esters it contains accelerate metabolism and stimulate collagen production, increasing elasticity and improving regenerative capacity. This oil is often recommended for damage, fatigue, and the effects of poor ecology. An additional bonus from its use is the benefit for the soul. Through its influence on dopamine receptors, rose oil helps to increase performance, creativity and erotic desire.

How to use?

Add 2-3 drops per dose of cream or mask, 5 drops per 15 grams of massage or bath base, up to 10 drops per 250 ml. lotion or tonic for the face.

Nuances: It is not recommended to use rose oil in its pure form, but it can be done to treat herpes (in a course of 2-3 times a day for a week).

Which body and face oil should you choose?

Obviously, it's best to choose the oil that's right for your skin type (and then look for a way to use it that suits your specific problem). If we turn to, it can be seen that essential oils of juniper, bergamot, tea tree, ylang-ylang, rosemary are well suited for oily skin, and grape seed or milk thistle oil as a base. All natural oils are strong reagents, in which nutrients are in a sufficiently high concentration, therefore cosmetologists recommend mixing them with caution with factory cosmetic and pharmaceutical products.

Attention! There are contraindications, specialist advice is required