Psychological support of the child in kindergarten. Psychological support for children with disabilities in a general developmental kindergarten. Counseling and education


, teacher - psychologist MDOU "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 47" Rainbow "in Serpukhov

In modern society, the problem of health and its preservation is given special attention. In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", human health is assigned to the priority areas of state policy in the field of education.

Children's health is a matter of paramount importance, as it determines the future of the country, the scientific and economic potential of society, and is an indicator of the socio-economic development of the country. Raising a healthy child is one of the main tasks of the family and preschool educational institution.

It should be noted that the term "health" is a broad, multifaceted concept. According to the Constitution of the World Health Organization, health means “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. Thus, health includes not only the physical component, which is most often given priority, but also the mental and socio-moral.

Preschool educational institutions are an important link where it is necessary to implement health-saving technologies, ensuring care not only for physical health, but also for the psychological well-being of their pupils. An important condition that contributes to the preservation and strengthening of the mental health of preschoolers is the psychological competence of all participants in the educational process, since one of its main components is the idea of ​​ways to harmonize the emotional-volitional sphere.

In the MDOU "Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 47" Rainbow "with the priority implementation of activities for the rehabilitation, physical and intellectual development of children, directed psychological and pedagogical work is being carried out to improve the psychological competence of all participants in the pedagogical process, by ensuring a specially organized impact on preschoolers, creation of appropriate conditions and psychological education of teachers and parents.

In order to improve psychological competence, the following areas of work were identified:

Creating an atmosphere of psychological comfort, conditions for experiencing emotional well-being to provide opportunities to meet the socially oriented needs of participants in the educational process (a sense of security, security, increased self-esteem, the need for recognition, etc.);

Improving the psychological and pedagogical culture of teachers, children, parents, through training, group, individual classes, conversations, consultations, lectures in order to improve work to strengthen and preserve the psychological health of all participants in the educational process;

Transformation of the subject-spatial environment, which provides for the organization and equipping of psychological assistance corners in preschool educational institutions in accordance with the goals of safety, development and psychological well-being of each child;

Development of scientific and methodological support for the educational process using the corners of psychological assistance in a variety of activities.

In accordance with these areas and within the framework of the "Healthy Babies" program, developed and implemented in the preschool educational institution, a program of psychological and pedagogical support for participants in the pedagogical process was drawn up, which includes:

1. Diagnosis of emotional well-being, social competence and intellectual development of preschool pupils.

2. Correction-developing classes with children: drawing up individual, group correctional-developing programs and conducting classes, including elements of psycho-gymnastics, training, role-playing and outdoor games, expressive movement techniques, sketches, psychomuscular training, facial expressions and pantomimics, sand therapy.

Games: plot-role-playing, didactic, communicative, dramatization games;

Organization of sports and recreational activities: outdoor games, dynamic pauses, sports games;

Psycho-gymnastics: mimic and pantomimic studies;

Psychomuscular training;

Elements of art therapy: drawing, musical and rhythmic movements;

Elements of sand therapy;

Visiting corners of psychological relief.

As a result of a cycle of correctional and developmental classes, preschoolers who need correction of the emotional and personal sphere (hyperactive, anxious, aggressive) acquire the ability to recognize their emotions, distinguish and explain the emotional state of other people; learn the techniques of self-regulation, adequately show their emotions in communication, respond correctly to various life situations.

3. Active interaction with the parents of pupils, psychological and pedagogical education, their involvement in the pedagogical process: consultations, conversations, organization of master classes, thematic exhibitions - where parents can act as assistants, consultants, event organizers. Such joint interaction of parents and teachers is necessary to create a unified educational environment that contributes to the disclosure of the potential of each pupil of the preschool educational institution. Parents, taking an active part in the life of their children, begin to understand them better, build relationships. Teachers learn more about their pupils, which allows them to choose the most effective means and methods of education and training. Preschoolers feel more confident, calm, which has a positive effect on the entire educational process.

4. Psychological and pedagogical education of the teaching staff of the preschool educational institution: conversations, mini-lectures, consultations, thematic seminars, classes with elements of training in order to increase theoretical knowledge, acquire practical skills in preventing and resolving children's conflicts, interacting with "special" children in the preschool educational institution; intensifying the activities of teachers in the design and scientifically - methodologically sound use of game materials in the corners of psychological assistance.

5. In order to transform the subject-developing environment, psychological assistance corners are organized in the groups of preschool educational institutions.

The work on organizing and equipping such corners in the groups of preschool educational institutions was based on the following principles:

Activity, independence, interest, creativity: providing pupils of the preschool educational institution with the opportunity to change the subject environment around them, use previously formed skills and abilities in independent activities, the development of cognitive-orientational activity, stimulating the need for preschoolers to independently solve problems that have arisen, conflict situations;

Flexibility and manageability of the environment: creating conditions for the manifestation of creative, transformative activity of preschoolers; subject development environment should open up many opportunities, provide various components of the educational process, and in this sense should be multifunctional;

Personally - oriented, individual approach: taking into account individually - personal characteristics, identifying positive personal qualities, revealing potential opportunities, forming a positive I - the concept of pupils of preschool educational institutions.

The equipment of psychological corners was carried out taking into account the principle of space zoning, that is, it was conditionally divided into blocks in accordance with the goals of development and correction of the emotional-volitional sphere. To decorate the interior of all corners, indoor plants were used, selected in accordance with the age of the children, since the green color has a beneficial effect on the emotional state of the child.

1. In the zone of psychological unloading, privacy corners are equipped, where each child can calm down, be alone, play or relax. For a comfortable stay of preschoolers in a group, the corners are equipped with frameless upholstered furniture, pillows and screens. Framed photo studies of family and group photos. Playing with favorite toys calms naughty children, and also contributes to the comfortable organization of regime moments during the adaptation period. Children feel comfortable in this zone, they learn to be calm not due to control, but due to its absence.

2. Sensorimotor zone. To teach aggressive children acceptable ways of expressing anger, it is planned to equip the corners with punching bags, soft pouffes, "whipping pillows", "anger" rugs, with which you can cope with negative emotions, throw out the accumulated energy. Such game materials as “Scream Bags”, “Scream Cups” can help children express anger in an accessible way, and the teacher can easily conduct a lesson.

To reduce anxiety, corners with "sleep toys" are organized, which are most often used during the adaptation period.

“Medals for awarding” contribute to the increase in self-esteem of insecure children - in this way the child receives positive emotional nourishment, the opportunity to be in the spotlight.

In order to teach preschoolers the techniques of self-regulation, to develop the ability to control themselves, the audio library of a relaxation orientation presented in the corners and a set of texts for relaxation and visualizations, balls with multi-colored threads, tennis balls, objects for reincarnations (magic wands, hats, capes, etc.) are used. Games with “Mood Bags” help teach children to get rid of bad moods in an acceptable form, “Boxes of Good Deeds” bring up goodwill, sensitivity, encourage children to do good deeds. To form a positive attitude towards peers, theatrical games, table and plane theater, glove puppet theater are used.

Games organized in psychological corners with sand and water, buttons, materials of different textures , dry pools soothe, relax, reduce the level of neuro-psychic stress, contribute to the sensory development of pupils.

3. The zone of emotionally developing games forms in children the ability of friendly, conflict-free interaction with others. To teach preschoolers different ways of reconciliation will help such games as: "Box of reconciliation", "Rug of reconciliation". With the help of desktop - printed games, you can switch the attention of excited children to more calm activities, develop their willpower, increase self-confidence and self-confidence in closed children. Such games as: "Twister", "Caterpillar" bring up the skills of cooperation, the ability to act in a coordinated manner in a team.

In the corners of the mood, children can show their emotional state - each child exposes the picture that corresponds to his mood at the moment. Teachers have the opportunity not only to determine the emotional state of all the children in the group, but also to provide timely psychological support - to calm, switch the attention of the child.

Thus, in the MDOU "CRR - Kindergarten No. 47" Rainbow ", a comprehensive work is carried out to preserve and strengthen the psychological health of their pupils, which is expressed in the continuity and close interaction of teachers, children and parents. The result of systematic psychological and pedagogical work is the stability and well-being of the general emotional state of all participants in the educational process.


1. Vepritskaya of attention and emotional-volitional sphere of children 4-6 years old: lesson development, diagnostic and didactic materials / comp. . - Volgograd: Teacher, 2010. - 123 p.

2. In the world of children's emotions: a manual for practitioners of the preschool educational institution /,. - 4th ed. - M .: Iris - press, 2008. - 160 p. – (Library of Educational Psychologist).

3. Krylova space of a preschool educational institution: design, training, classes / comp. . - Volgograd: Teacher, 2009. - 218 p.: ill.

4. Monina for adults: Psychocorrective work with hyperactive, aggressive, anxious and autistic children. M.: Genesis, 2000

5. Sosedenko subject-developing environment. Design - project Psychological corner // Handbook of the senior educator. - M .: , 2011, No. 1, P. 36 - 44.

6. Chistyakova / Ed. .-2nd ed.- M.: Enlightenment: VLADOS, 19s: ill.

The basic principles of accompanying the development of the child: the recommendatory nature of the advice of the escort: the responsibility for solving the problem remains with the child, his parents, teachers, close circle; the recommendatory nature of the advice of the escort: the responsibility for solving the problem remains with the child, his parents, teachers, close circle;

Continuity of support: the child is guaranteed continuous support at all stages of assistance in solving the problem; maintenance is terminated if the problem is solved or the approach to its solution is obvious; children under the constant influence of risk factors, for example, a chronically ill child, an orphan child, should be provided with continuous support throughout the entire period of their formation; continuity of support: the child is guaranteed continuous support at all stages of assistance in solving the problem; maintenance is terminated if the problem is solved or the approach to its solution is obvious; children under the constant influence of risk factors, for example, a chronically ill child, an orphan child, should be provided with continuous support throughout the entire period of their formation;

Support multidisciplinarity involves the coordinated work of a team of specialists included in a single organized model and owning a single system of methods; support multidisciplinarity involves the coordinated work of a team of specialists included in a single organized model and owning a single system of methods; autonomy: specialists are autonomous from outside pressure in decision-making situations. autonomy: specialists are autonomous from outside pressure in decision-making situations.

Consultative and projective stage (discussion with all interested parties of options for solving the problem, building efficiency forecasts, choosing methods, distributing responsibilities for implementing the solution, determining deadlines and the possibility of adjusting plans);

The reflexive stage (comprehension of the results of activities to solve the problem, it can be final in solving an individual problem; or starting in the design of special methods for preventing and correcting mass problems that exist in an educational institution).

The social situation of the development of each particular child, i.e. a specific combination of external social conditions and its internal development processes (for example, the characteristics of the family microenvironment, living conditions, the specifics of education and training in an educational institution);

Model of psychological and pedagogical support for the development of a young child the course of the mental development of the child, as well as to ensure the prevention of violations of the socialization process.

The tasks of accompanying the development of a young child: stimulating the development of age-specific psychological neoplasms, as well as the prerequisites for those mental functions and activities that will develop in preschool age; stimulating the development of age-specific psychological neoplasms, as well as the prerequisites for those mental functions and activities that will develop at preschool age;

Ensuring the formation of mental functions that determine productive interaction with others at a given age; ensuring the formation of mental functions that determine productive interaction with others at a given age; promoting the formation of adaptive behavior in a variety of social situations. promoting the formation of adaptive behavior in a variety of social situations..

Adaptation should be considered not as a passive adaptation to changing conditions, but as a process of developing new forms and methods of activity that ensure the effectiveness of activity in changing conditions and the preservation of one's psychophysical well-being.

The new conditions that characterize preschool educational institutions can be conditionally divided into three groups: 1. Conditions associated with the new organization of interaction with an adult.1. Conditions associated with the new organization of interaction with adults. 2. Conditions associated with the new organization of the environment. 2. Conditions associated with the new organization of the environment. 3. Terms of interaction with peers.3. Terms of interaction with peers.

For successful adaptation, it is necessary to organize the satisfaction of the basic needs of the child, both organic (for rest, food, etc.) and social (confiding contacts and cooperation with an adult, knowledge, recognition, approval, etc.), in a new environment and new means. For successful adaptation, it is necessary to organize the satisfaction of the basic needs of the child, both organic (for rest, food, etc.) and social (confiding contacts and cooperation with an adult, knowledge, recognition, approval, etc.), in a new environment and new means.

Principles of organizing interaction with the child: pedagogical influence follows the direction of the child's attention; pedagogical influence follows the direction of the child's attention; natural, everyday situations are used; natural, everyday situations are used;

The priority of indirect influence through a properly organized environment, space; the priority of indirect influence through a properly organized environment, space; the assimilation of the rules proceeds in a playful way; the assimilation of the rules proceeds in a playful manner;

Education and upbringing is included in the interaction of a child and an adult, taking into account the natural patterns of communication between the child and parents. Education and upbringing is included in the interaction of the child and the adult, taking into account the natural patterns of communication between the child and parents.

The tasks of the previous section of the program, when mastered, are included in the next section when new tasks are introduced; the tasks of the previous section of the program, when mastered, are included in the next section when new tasks are introduced; familiar game situations are included in everyday processes; familiar game situations are included in everyday processes;

For a unit of interaction with the child, the game can be repeated several times, but stopped before he lost interest in it; if the child wishes, the game is resumed; for a unit of interaction with the child, the game can be repeated several times, but stopped before he lost interest in it; if the child wishes, the game is resumed;

In everyday use of games, the state of the child is taken into account at a particular moment of interaction, so it is possible to return to games that were previously mastered. In everyday use of games, the state of the child is taken into account at a particular moment of interaction, so it is possible to return to games that were previously mastered.

Requirements for the organization of educational space: determination of sufficient space for walking, running, playing with balls, wheelchairs; creating a set of items to inhibit negative emotions; connection of play corners with real everyday situations;

Each technique is presented according to the scheme: the name, which reflects its purpose; the name, which reflects its purpose; algorithm for its implementation; algorithm for its implementation; data processing with selection of parameters, their gradations; their scale scores in the form of points; data processing with the selection of parameters, their gradations; their scale scores in the form of points; diagnostics; diagnostics;

List of used literature: 1). Afonkina Yu.A. Psychological and pedagogical support in the preschool educational institution for the development of a young child. – M.: ARKTI, – 80 p. 2). Adaptation of the child to the conditions of the kindergarten: process control, diagnostics, recommendations / ed. N.V. Sokolovskaya. - Volgograd: Teacher, - 188 p.

3). Sotnikova V.M., Ilyina T.E. Control over the organization of the pedagogical process in early age groups of preschool educational institutions. - M .: LLC "Publishing house Scriptorium 2003", - 80 p. 4).First steps. Materials of the Moscow City Competition "First Steps" (Model of Early Childhood Education) 2001-2002. – M.: LINKA-PRESS, – 392 p.

5). Smirnova E.O. Child - adult - peer (Methodological recommendations). – M.: MGPU, – 140 p. Author of photo materials: Efimova S. N.

Sections: Working with preschoolers

Psychological and pedagogical support should be understood as the interaction of a child and an adult in practical activities aimed at development.

Accompanying a child in the process of preschool education involves the implementation of the following principles:

  1. Following the natural development of the child at this age stage of his life path.
  2. Accompanying is based on those mental personal achievements that the child really has and constitute the unique baggage of his personality. The psychological environment does not carry influence and pressure. The position of a psychologist allows the child to realistically assess the situation and his own position in kindergarten.
  3. The priority of goals, values, needs of the development of the inner world of the child himself.
  4. Orientation of activities to create conditions that allow the child to independently build a system of relations with the world, people around him and himself, to make personally significant positive life choices.

The position of a psychologist, teachers in accordance with these principles, allows you to be close to the child in difficult, critical periods, sensitively respond to problems, taking into account changes.

This method requires us not to influence the child, but to interact with him, to believe in inner strengths and possibilities. The main priorities today are the personality-oriented interaction of the teacher with the child, the acceptance and support of his personality, interests, needs, care for his emotional well-being.

The question arises, how to organize one's activities so as not to harm the child, but to psychologically help him, while maintaining his usual circle of communication with close adults around him, to enter the world of broader and more complex social relations, to find himself in this world?

How to prevent possible violations in the mental and personal development of the child and organize a developing environment?

Working in this institution for a long time, I noticed that the following problems stand out:

  • discontinuity in requirements;
  • solving the teacher's own problems at the expense of the children's team;
  • the inability of children to deeply understand, feel, experience.

To start solving these problems, I studied the literature: N.V. Pilipko “Invitation to the world of communication”, “Development of the child’s personality, communication skills with adults and peers”, K. Fopel “How to teach children to cooperate”, V.V. Vetrova “Lessons in psychological health”, V. Alyamovskaya “Nursery is serious ". After studying and analyzing the literature, I came to the conclusion to revise and change the content of my work. Created a creative group, which included active teachers. We have been successfully working in this direction for four years. I cannot but rejoice at the fact that other employees of the kindergarten are also being reorganized. From my own work experience, I understood that it was impossible to accompany children and be isolated from families. So I thought about how I can involve my parents? Simple agitation and "convening" will not help. And then I decided to expand my field of activity.

Clearly defined goals and objectives.

Purpose: To promote the creation of favorable conditions for the interaction of a child and an adult.

  • to develop in children the ability to feel and understand other people: peers and adults.
  • To deepen the content of work on self-disclosure and self-realization of teachers.
  • Establish equal, partnership relations with the families of pupils.

Identified the main subjects of psychological impact:

  • children;
  • teachers;
  • parents;

When planning practical correctional and developmental classes with children, I rely on the experience of children, take into account their capabilities, interests, needs; health status. In order for the children to be cozy and comfortable, I developed my own structure for conducting classes, selected and systematized a series of games and exercises. In games, children comprehend social relationships, play incomprehensible and problematic situations, express their own reactions to everything that especially affected the child, struck him, made him think.

They have a beneficial effect on low-contact, aggressive, timid, shy children.

So, for example, Masha S. Experienced difficulties in communication, was closed, timid, insecure, could not turn to her peers, did not know how to keep up the conversation. In the process of organized interaction with peers, Masha's interactions with a small group of children normalized, stable friendships appeared. The girl began to show herself more actively. She developed an interest not only in herself, but also in others. The constant inclusion in theatrical games helped. Masha self-realization, self-disclosure. A year later, she played leading roles in performances.

Pasha L. - aggressive, did not control his actions, emotions. Playing the created situations, Pasha learned to make decisions himself. He more often began to show positive reactions to the invitation of an adult. At the next stage of the boy's interaction with peers, friendliness manifested itself more widely, since in games he had to do good deeds.

Dima N. - intellectual development is above the norm. The problems were in the behavior of the child. He never laughed out loud, only played where there were no other people. After a long time of studying in the boy's condition, she noted positive dynamics: Dima developed an interest in playing together, the ability to work together, the interaction between the child and the adult improved, speech and auditory attention improved. He had an emotional tone. He laughed out loud for the first time during the game.

I consider “Minutes of communication” to be a particularly effective form of training, where these games and exercises are used. Here, children put into practice the accumulated experience of interacting with peers and adults.

From my observations, I noticed that children are more successful in "teaching each other" than listening to an adult's explanation. That is why it is so important that the Accompanying Adult be able to enter into the activities of the children “on an equal footing”. Only then can we, adults, try to direct this activity (as if from within) to the tasks that confront us.

In the training sessions I conduct, parents, educators, and administration are active participants. They are given the opportunity to put themselves in the place of the child and analyze their own reaction - feelings, thoughts, possible behavior. Adults become closer to children, understand them better, live with them.

Systematic meetings of children with adults accompanying their development allow preschoolers to speak openly, speak out, splash out emotions, share thoughts, impressions, feelings. At the same time, the fear of being misunderstood by an adult disappears, and a very important sense of trust appears. Children freely ask questions, discuss information and question it, draw their own conclusions, imagine, think, and engage in dialogue. I want to say with confidence that I create the maximum conditions for self-realization, self-disclosure, not only personal, but intellectual, creative abilities of children.

There are certain skills a child must learn. But to feel, empathize, communicate and love - this is more difficult to learn; when such skills are formed, the child also becomes more successful in educational activities, cognitive mental processes develop more actively, and the result is brighter.

Contributing to the creation of the most favorable conditions for the development environment, I pay special attention to the close cooperation with teachers.

With an active group of colleagues, I held a number of theoretical seminars, where questions on this problem were discussed. As a result of the discussion, we came to a consensus: it is very important to provide both objective and subjective prerequisites for creating emotional well-being and comfort.

In order to create objective prerequisites, it is necessary:

  • place all practical material in places accessible to children, stimulating their free activity;
  • development centers can be used flexibly, so that children can independently change, structure according to their own needs.

The growth of professional skills of all subjects influencing the development of a preschooler is also extremely important. In particular, the teacher must:

  • be able to highlight the personal qualities of the child and, focusing on them, accompany the educational process;
  • be able to work with other team members

Analyzing the work of theoretical seminars, I developed a scheme for the interaction of all kindergarten teachers.

The result of the activities of the active group is the creation of a model of psychological and pedagogical support and the development of a scheme of personality-oriented interaction between teachers and children.

Processing, discussion of maps of the individual development of the child, which we use at the psychological-medical-pedagogical consultation. It takes place twice a year. The main task of the council is to outline the route for the individual development of children, and help to go through it.

In addition to this work, I systematically conduct training sessions, individual consultations, interviews, questionnaires, joint practical exercises with the entire teaching staff.

Conducted classes in the form of psychological training made it possible to develop teachers' empathy, i.e. the ability to understand the state of another person, mentally put oneself in his place and actually act, self-actualize, self-reveal. Training “Know thyself”/. In one of the “What am I” exercises, the participants talked about each other's personality traits. One teacher heard some direct statements addressed to him. She accepted them without undue resentment, but after that the teacher experienced some changes not only in relations with teachers, but also in relation to the children's team.

A teacher with a high intellectual level, with a broad outlook, introducing innovative technologies, experienced difficulties in training games. In several sessions, I invited her to be an observer and then she became a participant. Her problem was her inability to establish contact with other people. After some time, the teacher expressed her opinion: “I would never have believed that the training could bring you so close.”

Thus, all the work contributed to the creation of a professional community of teachers, focused on the further development of social partnership, cooperation, and close interaction of teachers with each other, for example, in the practice of a theater studio.

I gave recommendations on an individual approach to each child participating in the performance, based on the study of personal characteristics. The head of the theater studio sensitively and attentively listened to my advice when distributing roles and working out their content. The teacher of this group provided emotional support. The actors felt the general friendly atmosphere.

Organized and systematic work with teachers made it possible to better understand the inner world of the child and his problems.

From conversations with parents, questioning and observation, I found out that every parent wants his child to be surrounded by an atmosphere of love and understanding, and employees to be competent and friendly in communicating with children and adults. For parents, it is important that the teacher could tell in detail and with interest about the child, highlight his features, achievements, best qualities. I understood that my work could be truly effective only if my parents were his active assistants and like-minded people.

New ways of working with parents: seminars, trainings, individual consultations, joint practical exercises, conferences, Young Family club, Mother and Child adaptation group, etc.

The most productive in this captivity are practical exercises jointly with parents. The “Young Family” family club, where I am the leader, has proven itself well. It has been working successfully for five years now. These are not just lectures for parents interested in the upbringing of their children - this is an interested dialogue between the two sides.

The need for psychological and pedagogical knowledge is great, whether they are young parents who brought their first child to us, or parents with experience who are expecting the birth of their second. Discussions on the topic “Waiting for a child”, “A child is growing in a family”, “How to prepare a child for kindergarten”, etc., we solve those problems and find answers to those questions that are currently topical and significant for parents. The interest of parents in the fate of the child and the kindergarten allowed us to discuss joint activities, make adjustments, and evaluate the effectiveness of interaction.

At parent conferences, they use the experience of family education. This work is covered annually in the local newspaper.

It is gratifying to say that in recent years the level of pedagogical consciousness of parents, who are interested not only in age characteristics, but also in the development of the child, has significantly increased.

It is important that parents, receiving advice and help from specialists, also communicate with each other.

I, as a psychologist, consider it a very important moment for a child to enter new social conditions, i. adaptation to the conditions of kindergarten. This was the main idea in the organization of the group. short-term stay. This group has been functioning in our kindergarten for five years. Parents with children attend preschool 3 times a week. The work uses the developed scheme “Adaptation to the conditions of kindergarten”.

The continuation of this idea was the opening this year of the adaptation group of toddlers “Mother and Child”. This group, created for three months (April, May, June), is unusual in that the child comes with his mother, and all the activities that we hold for the baby take place in the presence of the parents. They get acquainted with the teaching staff, see what conditions are created in our kindergarten, what is the attitude towards children here, improve their psychological and pedagogical culture, discuss issues related to the individual development of the child.

The system of work on psychological and pedagogical support made it possible to ensure the successful solution of the tasks set. The head of the kindergarten, all the teachers actively supported and developed the ideas of cooperation in their activities. At pedagogical meetings, seminars, psychological-medical-pedagogical consultations, emerging problems were vividly discussed and constructive solutions were worked out collegially.

At parent meetings, conferences, family clubs, the problems of harmonious interaction with children were considered.

Analysis of the data obtained allows us to conclude that such methods and techniques of work have positively changed:

  • the level of personal, intellectual development of children attending kindergarten;
  • the number of parents interested in being active partners in the implementation of the tasks of the preschool educational institution;
  • professional level of the teaching staff;
  • the very approach to the child not as an object of influence, but as a subject of interaction.

Methodical generalizations of personal experience prove the beneficial effect on the child and adults of the developed activities presented in this work.

I believe that the presented materials are quite relevant and can be used in standard, special children's institutions for psychological and pedagogical support.

From the experience of the senior educator. Organization of psychological and pedagogical support for children in a preschool educational institution

Author: Belyaeva Natalya Vladimirovna, senior educator
Place of work: MDOU "Kindergarten No. 204", Saratov

Description of the material: I bring to your attention the material on documenting and organizing the psychological and pedagogical support of a preschooler in an educational institution. The material can be used for all kindergarten teachers working with children of different age groups.

One of the tasks of modern preschool education is the individualization of the educational process. If at school everything is clear and understandable, who has mastered the material and who has not, then in a preschool educational institution the picture is completely different. It is important that now the position of preschool psychologists has been officially announced, that the development of preschoolers is mobile, there are no clear definitions of what and when a child should learn. One preschooler may start reading at the age of five, while another may "mature" only by school. Each child at preschool age has his own "route" of development, therefore, educators are now given the opportunity for more flexible planning. In the state standard of preschool education, targets for the development of a preschooler are given, it formulates what qualities should be developed in a child at preschool age, what ideas a child should receive. But this does not mean that the teacher should not monitor the development of the child. Should, focusing on the age psychological characteristics of children. We have moved away from the requirements to strictly comply with the program tasks for mastering what the child should learn later in primary school and have come to the main need at preschool age - to develop by playing. But if the teacher sees that the child has difficulties in the development of speech, in social and communicative development, in artistic and aesthetic and low cognitive interest, individual work should be organized. I am not talking about cases when a speech therapist and defectologist should deal with a child. We are talking about the need of some preschoolers in individual communication, about the emphasis on certain aspects in its development.
Where to start? The task of pedagogical monitoring is to identify such children. A low level in the development of integrative qualities, in the assimilation of educational areas is not an assessment of the child, but a signal to the educator to organize special work with this preschooler. After monitoring, a route of psychological and pedagogical support is drawn up for such children. All teachers (educator and specialist teachers) take part in its compilation in our institution. This material is drawn up in the form of a table, where all types of work with the child are recorded during the year of all pedagogical workers of the preschool educational institution. The teacher plans individual work in the evening, considers involving this child in personal game tasks during the GCD (for example: October: development of cognitive interest, involvement in the joint production of the Wild Animals in Autumn layout, joint production of the album "Amazing Animals"; individual work for the development of thinking - a selection of didactic games and manuals, preparation of individual tasks in a lesson on the formation of elementary mathematical representations). In addition to educational tasks, it is planned for the pupil to participate in events of various levels (holidays in the preschool educational institution, involvement in various competitions), educational tasks (involving the child in helping, on duty, etc.) It is important not to show the child that he cannot do the same as other children rather create a situation of success. Then it is planned to work with parents - consultations, recommendations on visiting the theater, exhibitions, etc., organizing joint activities of parents with a child, recommendations on organizing life at home, on choosing games, etc. This is also done every month. Preschool specialists also enter their planning into the general table (music director, physical education instructor, teacher-psychologist) If everything is clear with the teacher-psychologist (he plans both individual lessons with the pupil and his participation in group classes), then with teachers -specialists can be more difficult. Previously, they did not do such planning. They, of course, cannot organize additional work with the child in the evening (except for circle work), but they can also think over their special attention to the child during their classes so that the child can feel successful here too.
In addition to the table with the planning of the upbringing and educational process, the map of psychological and pedagogical support (individual route) should contain an analysis of the results of monitoring, an analysis of individual characteristics, an analysis of the causes of developmental difficulties (the situation in the family, health characteristics, etc.), tasks for the development of academic year. With such children, intermediate monitoring must be carried out to correct and analyze the effectiveness of the work being built. At the end of the year, an analysis of the effectiveness of psychological and pedagogical support and tasks for further work are written.
I will briefly describe an approximate scheme of an individual route map:
1. Information about the child.
2 Analysis of the conducted monitoring.
3. Features in development, features of health.
4. The social environment of the child.
5. Tasks in development for the academic year.
6. Table with records of educators and specialists (individual work, work to attract participation in various events, work with parents, organization of joint activities of parents and the child)
7. Results of interim monitoring, adjustment of ongoing work.
8. Results of monitoring at the end of the year, analysis of the results of individual work.
In addition to organizing accompaniment for children with developmental difficulties, for children with disabilities, an individual route is planned in our kindergarten for capable children. Here, special attention is paid to the realization of their abilities in certain types of activity, their further development, which is ahead of the curve. Also planned are individual game tasks, some homework with the organization of joint activities of the child and parents, attracting the child to participate in competitions of various levels.
It is important to remember that the organization of an individual route is not about "training" the child in the main educational program, but the creation of a favorable environment for the further development of the child, for the formation of self-confidence and positive self-esteem.

I stage. Formulation of the problem

Target: identifying the subject of psychological impact and corrective work, confirming the validity / groundlessness of complaints from parents and employees of the preschool educational institution.

Adequacy levels requests may vary:

The complaint is completely unfounded, the main problem is
personal characteristics of parents, educators or inadequacy of their perception;

in relationships with adults (parents and caregivers);

The complaint is justified, the main reason for the child's behavior is
in violation of interpersonal relationships in the family;

The complaint is justified, the problem is related to the mental development of the child or interpersonal relationships, which are most clearly manifested at home;

The complaint is justified, the prevailing problems are most clearly manifested outside the family (in kindergarten).

Then a hypothesis is put forward regarding the causes and nature of the problem that made him turn to a psychologist. This happens in the process of collecting expert information about the preschooler and basic diagnostics.

As a result, it becomes possible:

Differentiation of the norm and pathology of the mental development of the child;

Determination of the state of psychological health of the child;

Identification of the zone of actual and immediate development of the child;

The study of personality traits;

Identification of the content of the internal conflict.

II stage. Refinement of the problem

At the beginning of this stage, a psychological and pedagogical consultation is held. Its tasks are:

differential psychological diagnostics with the aim of
identifying the psychological structure of the disorder and choosing, in accordance with this, the optimal strategy for the corrective influence of the child;

strategy Development comprehensive support for the child.

During the development of the maintenance strategy, the choice is made:

a) areas of corrective and developmental impact on the child (correction of behavior, disorders of psychological development, etc.);

b) spheres of psychological impact on society (correction of child-parent relations, child-educational relations and relations with peers).

In parallel, work begins on consulting teachers, administration, parents (with the implementation of social and dispatching activities of a teacher-psychologist in a preschool educational institution of combined and compensating types), which allows you to create optimal conditions for the implementation of systemic subgroup and individual correctional and developmental work with the child.

A significant proportion of the working time of the teacher-psychologist is given to the analysis of the results of comprehensive support for the development of the child in the preschool educational institution and the education of teachers and parents.

III stage. Solution

This stage begins with a dynamic diagnosis of the development of the child, which allows you to determine:

The level of his education and learning;

Potentials of the micro- and macroenvironment, allowing to optimize the process of comprehensive support for the development of the child.

At the same time, corrective control is carried out - clarification, addition, change of means and methods of corrective-developing and psychotherapeutic influence on the child and his environment.

This stage of work ends with a control council. At this time, the analysis and evaluation is carried out:

Catamnesis of the child;

Organizational and methodological support of the educational and correctional process in the preschool educational institution;

Organization of interaction with parents and their education.

The reflection of the activity of a teacher-psychologist, which completes the entire cycle of his work, is aimed at determining the correspondence of the results to the set goals of the work (current, final, distant) and identifying factors that impede his effective work.

Let's consider the latter in more detail.

Factors hindering effective work

Throughout all stages of the work of a teacher-psychologist, he encounters certain problems and "temptations".

So, for stage I work, primary and secondary diagnostics, determining the adequacy of the request of parents and educators, the following problems will be typical:

1. Problems associated with errors that arise in the process of social perception of parents and educators who seek help from a psychologist: the error of “false consent”, the “halo effect”, the error of the “average tendency”, etc.

2. The problem of the “littering” of the diagnostic field of psychologists with insufficiently tested tools, in some cases - with the incorrectness of its application.

On the other hand, one may be tempted to speculate on the absence of generally accepted criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of consulting work. As you know, consultation should be prognostic, that is, oriented to the future - it is possible to fully assess the quality of the work of a psychologist only after some (sometimes quite a long time, if we are talking about children with developmental disabilities) time. Therefore, some of the psychologists, referring to the lack of clear criteria for effectiveness, may work in bad faith and claim that only "time will tell" how good their help to a child or adult is.

3. Problems arising from the violation of the principle of confidentiality of the information received by the psychologist.

Material obtained by a psychologist in the course of his work with children, educators or parents on the basis of a trusting relationship is not subject to conscious or accidental disclosure and must be presented in such a way that it cannot compromise either the subject, or the psychologist, or psychological science. In this case, we are talking about the observance of the principles of ethics in the work of a teacher-psychologist, or the code of ethics. According to him, at the diagnostic stage, the psychologist should:

Observe the principle of voluntary participation in psychological procedures 1 (work is allowed only after obtaining the consent of the parents of the children to participate in it and permission from the administration of the preschool educational institution to conduct research);

Use procedures and techniques that do not infringe on the dignity of participants in the educational process;

Provide an opportunity for all participants in the educational process to refuse to continue work at any stage.

1 The psychologist proceeds from respect for personal dignity, rights and freedoms proclaimed and guaranteed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

At stage II work, development and implementation of a program of psychological support for a child, the following temptations and problems are encountered in the work of a teacher-psychologist:

1. The temptation of power. It is known that the psychologist has many opportunities to make people dependent on themselves. In addition, this can be combined with misconceptions about the "omnipotence" of a psychologist in solving all the problems of education and training.
children in kindergarten and issues of improving the professionalism of teaching staff. Educators and other teaching staff of preschool educational institutions are usually very wary of those psychologists who begin to “teach” them what
teachers feel more competent, so there is a problem of rejection of the psychologist from the teaching staff.

2. The temptation of "self-beautification" at work, when a psychologist uses his profession to demonstrate his merits rather than to help people who turn to him.

This is especially dangerous when it results in self-confident dilentanism in corrective work. In addition, such shortcomings in the work of the preschool psychological service, as the focus of psychologists on the diagnostic function, instead of preventive, propaedeutic and corrective, only reinforces this. On the other hand, it is also impossible not to make any impression on people who turn to a psychologist. The problem is, in an effort to "make an impression" to find such a "golden mean" to be a facilitator and coordinator of the work of the entire teaching staff of preschool educational institutions and parents of children.

3. The temptation to follow “methodical fashions”, when, in pursuit of the latest innovations in practical psychology, the consultant spends a lot of time getting to know new methods and does not really have time to master any of them.

In order to overcome this problem, it is necessary to take into account the following principles of the work of a psychologist.

The principle of professional competence: the psychologist has the right to take on only those issues on which he is professionally aware and endowed with the appropriate rights and powers. A psychologist should not transfer complex psychological techniques to untrained specialists, as well as use techniques that he does not properly master.

The principle of the adequacy of the methods used: they must be adequate to the objectives of the study, age, gender, education, condition of children and adults, the conditions of the experiment. This principle is combined with the principle: "Do no harm!"(or "the principle of no harm to the subject"). At the same time, the organization of the work of a psychologist should be such that neither its process nor its results cause damage to the health, condition or social status of children, parents and educators.

The principle of professional communication between the psychologist and the subject. The psychologist must master the methods of psychological influence at a level that would allow, on the one hand, to effectively solve the problem, and on the other hand, to maintain a sense of satisfaction in the child and adult from communicating with the psychologist.

The principle of shared responsibility of the psychologist. Unlike the responsibility of ordinary people (non-specialists), a psychologist does not have to take full responsibility. His task is more complex: to gradually form a sense of responsibility and readiness for it among people who come to him. The psychologist himself should be responsible only for the very organization of such assistance, and not for the decisions made by other participants in the educational process. On the other hand, a psychologist can help a child, educator, parent realize that each of them is the cause of his achievements.

For Stage III(analysis and evaluation of the results of work in order to implement corrective control), the following problems are typical.

1. Problems of developing programs for individual psychotherapy
psychological development of the child based on ideas about the environment
non-statistical and functional norm.

To the concept average norm refers to the category of children who perform diagnostic tasks at an 85-100% success rate. At the same time, it is important to take into account the qualitative criteria for data analysis: the acceptance of the task, the method of execution, the child's learning ability, and attitude to the result.

To the concept functional norm include children who adapt relatively well to society and have a sufficient level of socio-psychological adaptation so as not to stand out among other children.

Wherein socio-psychological adaptation(the term of the Armenian psychologist A. A. Nalchadzhan) can be characterized as This is the state of the relationship between the individual and the group:

When a child, without prolonged external and internal conflicts, productively performs his leading activity 1 and satisfies his basic needs 2;

At the same time, it fully meets the expectations that
presents to him the society (by age, gender, social status).

1 From 1 to 3 years: subject; from 3 to 7 years - playing and modeling,
experimental activities.

2 From 1 to 3 years: the need for competence as fluency
means, or the need to act oneself; from 3 to 7 years: need
in social conformity, "to be like an adult."

3. Problems of the prejudiced attitude of a teacher-psychologist towards children (parents, educators) associated with a violation of the principle of impartiality of a psychologist. This principle needs a special comment. L. A. Petrovskaya, analyzing
approach to the problem of K. Rogers, writes: “When Rogers speaks of such a therapist’s attitude as “unconditional positive acceptance,” it should be borne in mind that it refers to the feelings of the “client” and does not at all imply approval of all his behavior.

This refers to the recognition of the right to any range of one's own feelings without the risk of losing the respect of a psychologist, a therapist.

3. Problems of coordinating the opinion of a psychologist with the point of view of other specialists (or problems of developing a unified approach to the implementation of further correctional and developmental work).

These problems should be solved based on the principle of respect for themselves and their colleagues, their right to professional creativity and independent choice of working methods. Criticism and discussion should be conducted with reason and tact. It is unacceptable to clarify the relationship between colleagues and employees in the presence of children and their parents.

4. The temptation to work "peddling", forgetting about your health and the interests of your family and friends. For example, a preschool psychologist, constantly, even on holidays, arranges additional meetings with parents or educators, etc. This is complicated by the fact that the work of psychologists in kindergarten is usually carried out in the "ambulance" mode.

Quite often, the lack of elementary psycho-hygiene of the work of a psychologist leads him to a psychiatric hospital. Therefore, as the well-known psychotherapist A. S. Spivakovskaya said at her lectures, "The psychologist should not dive deep into the client's problems", if he did not provide his “rear”, which would allow him to “get out” of the problems of the consulted person and “return to his normal state”.

Tasks for self-control

1. What are the main stages in the activity of a teacher-psychologist working in a preschool educational institution.

2. Highlight the main levels of adequacy of the request of parents and teachers who turn to a psychologist for help regarding the problems of upbringing, development and education of the child.

3. List the main areas of psychological impact on the child's environment.

4. Explain what is the main purpose of the psychological impact on the child and his environment.


First, let us turn to the documents regulating the reporting activities of a psychologist.


Psychologists working in an educational institution

educational institution for children in need of psychological

psychological and medical and social assistance, keep records of the work carried out in the following forms 2:

1. Work plan of a teacher-psychologist of an educational institution
(Form No. 1).

2. Conclusion based on the results of the conducted psychodiagnostic study (Form No. 2).

3. Journal of psychologist consultations (Form No. 3).

4. Journal of accounting for group forms of work (Form No. 4).

5. Card of psychological, medical and social assistance to the child (Form No. 5,
5A, 5B, 5C).

6. The program of work of a teacher-psychologist with a group (Forms No. 6, 6A).

7. Corrective work (Form No. 7).

8. Program of correctional and developmental classes (Form No. 8).

10. Analytical report on the work of a teacher-psychologist (Form No. 10).

11. Analytical report of the head (methodologist) of the municipal
methodological service (Form No. 11).

At the end of the year, educational psychologists submit an analytical report on their work (Form No. 10) to the head of the educational institution and the head of the municipal psychological service.

2 The forms are based on the practical experience of the regions and
tested by the regional center for socio-psychological research and diagnostics of the Samara region.

This report is included in the reporting documentation of the educational institution. The head of the psychological service at the municipal level submits an analytical report at the end of the year (Form No. 11) to the head of the municipal education authority and the head of the psychological service of the region.

So, according to the Appendix to the Instructional Letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated March 1, 1999 No. 3, the main (mandatory) forms of reporting by a teacher-psychologist are:

Work plan;

Conclusion on the results of the psychological and pedagogical examination (at the request of other persons, it is issued only in an incomplete amount);

Journal of consultations;

Journal of group forms of work;

Card of psychological, pedagogical and social assistance to the child;

The program of work of a teacher-psychologist with a group;

Analytical report on the work of a teacher-psychologist for the year;

Analytical report to the head of the municipal methodological service.

The teacher-psychologist of a specialized preschool institution maintains the following documentation:

Card of psychological examination of the child;

Journal of planning and accounting of group classes;

Journal of planning and conducting individual classes;

Plans for working with the child's family;

Group work programs;

Long-term work plan for the year and quarter;

Report on the results of psychological work for the year.

All documentation of a teacher-psychologist is stored in a place inaccessible to general viewing (safe, closed closet, etc.) and can be presented at the request of specialized specialists in the education system. Based on these documents, the psychologist can make recommendations to the teacher, parents or persons replacing them; make statements to external organizations at the request of parents.

Let us consider in more detail the main forms of reporting of a teacher-psychologist in accordance with the stages of his work and acquaintance with children, parents and employees of the preschool educational institution.

The first stage of the work of a teacher-psychologist

The following documents are submitted to PMPK 1:

Birth certificate of the child (to be presented);

The conclusion of the psychological, medical and pedagogical council of the educational institution in which the child is studying (submitted to the municipal PMPK), or - municipal PMPK (submitted to the regional PMPK);

A detailed extract from the history of the child's development with the conclusions of doctors: pediatrician, neuropathologist, audiologist, ophthalmologist, orthopedist (if necessary, additional medical information about the child, PMPK sends
request to appropriate medical professionals). At
in the absence of the listed specialists in the field, the primary medical examination is carried out by specialists of the PMPK;

Pedagogical representation (characteristic);

Written work in the Russian (native) language, mathematics, drawings and other results of the child's independent productive activity.

Sometimes a psychologist has to deal with clinical diagnoses of children brought by parents or caregivers to PMPK. In this case, basic medical knowledge is needed to decode the "primary diagnoses" of children, indicated in the form of ciphers in certificates from a neuropathologist or psychoneurologist.

1 Approximate position on the psychological-medical-pedagogical commission.

F80-P89- Disorders of psychological (mental) development

F80.0- Specific articulation disorder (dyslalia)

F80.1- Disorders of expressive speech (general underdevelopment of speech, motor alalia)

F80.2- Disorders of receptive speech (sensory alalia)

F80.81- Delayed speech development due to social deprivation

F81.0- Dyslexia

F84.4- Mental retardation with motor disinhibition and stereotyped movements

F84.5- Asperger's Syndrome

F90-F98- Emotional and behavioral disorders

F90.0- Violation of activity and attention

F90.1- Hyperkinetic behavioral disorders

F90.8- Other hyperkinetic disorders (microcerebral dysfunction (MMD))

F90.9- Unspecified hyperkinetic disorder

F91.0- Conduct disorder confined to the family

F91.1- Unsocialized conduct disorder

F91.2- Socialized conduct disorder

F91.9- Disturbance of conduct, unspecified

F92- Mixed disturbances of behavior and emotions

F92.0- Depressive conduct disorder

F92.8- Other mixed disorders of behavior and emotions

F92.9- Mixed disorders of behavior and emotions, unspecified (schizophrenia, epilepsy, RDA, etc.)

P93.0- Anxiety disorders in children caused by separation

F93.1- Phobic anxiety disorder in preschool age

F93.2- Social anxiety disorder in preschool age

F93.3- Violation due to sibling rivalry

F93.8- Other emotional disorders in preschool age

F93.9- Emotional disturbance in preschool age, unspecified

F94.0- Selective Mutism

F94.1- Reactive attachment disorder in preschool age (violation of social relationship with emotional disorder, fearfulness, alertness, aggression, self-aggression, suffering experience)

F94.2- Violation of attachments in preschool age according to the disinhibited type

F94.8- Other functioning disorders in preschool age (insufficient social competence)

F95 - Tics (individual muscle groups)

F95.1- Chronic motor tics and vocalisms

F95.2- Combination of vocalisms and multiple motor tics (Gilles de la Tourette syndrome)

F95.8- Other tics (face, limbs)

F95.9- Tics, unspecified (rough and inconsistent)

F98.0- Enuresis of inorganic nature

F98.1- Encoprese of inorganic nature

F98.4- Stereotypical movement disorders (swinging of the body, limbs, biting nails and sucking fingers, self-injurious actions)

P98.5- stuttering

It should be noted that knowledge of the diagnoses should help the psychologist in the process of selecting and clarifying the methods of primary diagnosis, but in no way serve as a reason for discussing them both with parents and with the administration of the preschool educational institution: psychologist has no right disclose such diagnoses and/or use them against the child and his parents.

As one of the options for behavior in a problem situation that requires the "discovery" of a child's diagnosis, a psychologist can help determine:

The level of impairment (neurophysiological, psychological and pedagogical) and

The social vector of its manifestation (the personality of the child, parent, educator, peer).

The PMPK maintains the following documentation:

Logbook for PMPK;

Journal of registration of children who have passed the examination;

Child development map with protocols, expert opinions and a final collegial opinion;

In the presence of diagnostics of entire correctional groups -
data of preliminary and final conclusion;

List of specialists and their work schedule;

Regulatory documents of the relevant federal
agencies for working with children with developmental disabilities.

If we are talking about diagnostics as one of the areas of complex work of a teacher-psychologist in a preschool educational institution, and not the general task of the work of an entire “team of specialists”, then there are also certain forms of reporting. They are divided into preliminary (tables indicating the most commonly used diagnostic techniques), intermediate (protocols and survey cards, etc.) and final (psychological and pedagogical characteristics for children, conclusions, etc.).

Methods of both individual and subgroup forms of diagnostics, the pedagogue-psychologist chooses at his own discretion. In the process of diagnosing, as a rule, several of them are used. Therefore, it is recommended to have a separate registration form for the most commonly used methods.

There are many well-developed methods for diagnosing the emotional, cognitive and personal development of preschoolers, so we will not dwell on them in detail. It will suffice to mention such books as: Bugrimenko E.A., VengerL.A. etc. “Children’s readiness for

school. Diagnostics of mental development and correction of its unfavorable variants”;

Burlachuk L. F., Morozov S. M."Dictionary - a guide to
psychological diagnostics”;

Venger A. A., Vygodskaya G. L., Leonard E. I."Selection of children in
special preschool institutions”;

"Orphans: counseling and diagnostics of development" /
Ed. E. A. Strebeleva;

"Diagnosis and correction of the mental development of preschoolers" / Ed. Ya. L. Kolominsky, E. A. Panko;

Zabramnaya S.D."Visual material for the psychological and pedagogical examination of children in medical and pedagogical commissions";

"Clinical and pedagogical study of children with a complex defect" / Ed. M. S. Pevzner, T. V. Rozanova;

LuriaA. R."Higher cortical functions of a person";

Martsinkovskaya T. D."Diagnostics of mental development
children. Handbook on practical psychology”;

Pantyukhina G. V., Pechora K. L., Fruht E. L."Diagnostics
neuropsychic development of children in the first three years of life”;

"Psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of the development of children
preschool age "/ Ed. E. A. Strebeleva;

Uruntaeva G.A., Afonkina Yu.A."Workshop on children's
psychology. Allowance for students ped. institutions teaching
sya ped. schools and colleges, kindergarten teachers”;

Khudik A.V."Diagnosis of child development: research methods";

Chirkova T. I."Psychological service in kindergarten";

ShvantsaraI."Diagnostics of mental development".

The protocol of examination of the child is drawn up in the form of a table indicating the following points.