The development of a 9 month old baby that should be able to. We sculpt and draw. What does a 9 month old play with?

Nine months is an amazing age! The baby spent nine months of his life under your heart, nine months he already lives with you. Involuntarily, it draws on romantic moods and reflections. And what a child has learned at 9 months sometimes surprises and delights even his eternally excited grandmothers. And only the baby does not share anyone's thoughts, but simply grows and learns without even noticing it.

physical skills

According to your child, just sitting in a crib or playpen is for babies, and he is already big. Sitting is a long gone stage, from this position he easily gets up, is already firmly on his feet, even tries to walk near the barrier. Now you will have to attach special pads to the legs of the chair - the child will be happy to walk around the whole apartment, holding on to the chair. But with much more pleasure, he will inspect his home, holding your hands. You should not hold him only by one handle - the spine can bend in this way, it is better to give him both (). Or you can make reins out of a long towel and drive it on them.

The playpen for many children is no longer a deterrent - they easily get out of it.

Do not worry if your little one seems to be “fixated” on some kind of action - for example, crawling around the playpen for a long time - the baby is practicing movement skills.

He, most likely, has a new wonderful exercise toy - SOFA! The kid will be happy to climb on it and climb down - dozens of times a day! And walk along it.

But walking is not his only accomplishment. Now, if desired, he can crawl in any direction, even backwards. And maybe turn around.

emotional development

  • Your son or daughter still love to play near you. You are a source of confidence and peace for him.
  • Now he has become so big that he can feel anxiety and fear. Especially if you are in an unfamiliar environment. At this moment, he needs you the most.
  • A new achievement - learned how to cheat when you are going to do something that he does not like - wipe his nose, cut his nails or put him to bed.
  • A child at 9 months old should be able to sit. And it already. This habit can be developed at this age quite quickly and simply.
  • In some matters, he tries to be independent - for example, at the table. With ease, he will climb into a plate of porridge with his hand and pull a full fist into his mouth. And it's just great, you need to learn to make independent decisions as early as possible!

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Moms take note!

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Games and toys

  • You will not believe it, but a child at 9 months old knows how to build a house! True, so far only from cubes, and only two-story. Which will immediately destroy. But this is only temporary! Soon he will learn to make them taller and stronger.
  • Playing with a ball - what could be better! And take it with both hands.
  • He also needs a variety of pyramids. Rings should be easy to put on the rod.
  • At 9 months, the child does not yet have the ability to play independently for a long time. But he will play hide-and-seek and Ladushki with you.
  • A wonderful toy for a baby can be his own face. He needs to show his nose, mouth, eyes. He will then be happy to show them to anyone.
  • And such a wonderful game of the Magpie-Crow, when you give the baby a gentle massage of the palms and fingers, will help the person learn to speak as soon as possible. So "cook porridge" is on both handles.

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Your baby is now a “little monkey”, copying everything and everyone has become his favorite pastime. He will repeat any movements after you, try to copy any sounds. And not only for you - cats, dogs, birds can become "teachers". At this time, he will easily remember the names of the animals that most often surround him. No need to teach him distorted, "childish" names. Let the dog be a dog and the cat a cat. He will eventually call them correctly, but for now he only imitates the sounds that he hears from them.

For example, a developing video: We teach pets. Pet sounds

In the meantime, a real breakthrough has occurred in mastering the language - the baby has already said the first word. So everything is going right. Soon there will be many more of these words, and you will be proud to listen to how your child reads the first learned rhymes at family holidays!

Although at nine months your baby cannot speak yet, but he already understands a lot, knows and knows how. Nine months is the time for the baby to master and improve another important skill - standing up.

Your child already knows...


67-77.3 cm.
7.8-11.4 kg.
43.5-49.0 cm.
43.6-52.0 cm.
66.4-76.8 cm.
7.5-10.4 kg.
42.4-48.5 cm.
43.6-51.0 cm.

Physical development of the child in the ninth month of life

During the ninth month of life, the child gains about 500 grams in weight. For the entire period of life 5900-6000 grams.

The length of the body during this month increases by 2 cm. The circumference of the chest and head increases by 0.5 cm during the ninth month.

Neuropsychic development of a child at 9 months of age

At this age, it is necessary to pay special attention to the development of fine motor skills, this contributes both to the development of speech and, in general, is very useful for the baby.

Speech development in the ninth month of life

By nine months, children know and understand well not only their name and the words "mom", "dad", but also the names of many objects around them. If you ask a nine-month-old baby to show one or another object, a toy (which he has seen before), then most likely he will accurately point to it.

In the arsenal of the baby, a lot of sounds and intonations appear, his babble more and more begins to resemble meaningful speech.

cognitive development

Your baby is becoming more and more aware of himself as an independent person. Thus, at nine months, a child can distinguish his reflection in the mirror from the reflection of a child of a different age.

The child actively responds to the requests of adults to show the cube, ball, spoon and other items.

Can fulfill simple requests such as "give", "on".

Shows in the picture, in the reflection or on the face of the parents, the nose, mouth, eyes.

At nine months, the baby is very fond of tearing, crumpling paper, he is interested in plasticine and clay.

Can pick up small objects with two fingers. Takes items out of a box or drawer with pleasure. Many kids already know how to put objects in boxes or jars, and at the same time correlate them in size.

Baby motor skills at 9 months

The baby can independently sit down and sit for quite a long time.

Improved crawling skills. So a nine-month-old baby begins to crawl not “in a bellies way”, but on all fours (leaning on his hands and knees). The baby crawls more and more actively and for long distances.

Some babies try to move around the floor in a sitting position, it looks very funny.

At nine months, the baby can stand up with support and take a few steps with the handle. Some, especially nimble kids, try to take their first independent steps.

At this age, children can climb on the sofa, climb over small obstacles, go down and up the sloping hill.

The kid with great zeal begins to imitate the actions of adults - he drinks from a cup, puts a hat on his head, takes a spoon.


By the age of nine months, many babies have no fear of strangers, but all children are individual, so some can communicate with guests with pleasure, while others, on the contrary, get scared, cry and hide behind their mother.

Attachment to your favorite toy is more and more noticeable.

The facial expressions of the baby are becoming more and more diverse.

Ninth month baby care

Since the baby begins to move long distances and explores neighboring rooms, it is necessary to ensure that the environment is safe and at the same time interesting for the child.

Encourage the child's desire for independence, let him do some things himself, for example, while bathing, give him a soft washcloth in his hand, let him dry himself with a towel, let him try to drink from a cup and so on.

Pay attention to the physical development of the child - massage and gymnastics are great for this.

Continue to do hardening procedures - "air baths", water procedures, walks in the fresh air.

Since many babies acquire teeth by nine months, it is gradually possible to accustom the child to caring for the oral cavity. For this, special children's toothbrushes are suitable, which can be purchased at the pharmacy.

Potty train, so if the baby woke up in a good mood, then immediately after waking up, he can be put on the potty.

Baby food at 9 months

By nine months, more and more place in the child's diet is occupied by adult food. The baby has a need to chew, as teeth are actively developing.

At nine months, the child's diet continues to expand, the volume of products increases.

Gradually, you can switch to dishes cooked in a denser form. For example, meat can be offered in the form of meatballs.

When moving from pureed food to pieces, remember to do this gradually. First, mash your food with a fork. Give it to your baby in small portions. After the child gets used to the new consistency, you can increase the serving. Then try to give food in pieces.

The most useful cereals at this age are buckwheat and oatmeal.

Breast milk at this age is about 1/3 - 1/4 of the daily diet of the child.

  • Fruit juices - 80 ml;
  • Fruit puree - 80 grams;
  • Cottage cheese - 40 grams;
  • Yolk - 1/2
  • Vegetable puree - 180-200 grams;
  • Milk porridge - 180-200 ml;
  • Minced meat - 50 grams;
  • Fish puree - 50 grams;
  • Liver mince - 30 grams;
  • Kefir - 200 ml;
  • Crackers, cookies - 10 grams;
  • Bread - 10 grams;
  • Vegetable oil - 5 grams;
  • Butter 5 grams.

Approximate diet for a 9 month old baby

6:00 - Breast milk or adapted milk formula - 200 ml

10:00 - Porridge (170 grams), chicken yolk 1/2; cottage cheese (15 grams), fruit puree (30 grams), bread (10 grams);

14:00 - Vegetable puree (160 grams), meat or fish puree (40 grams), fruit puree (30 grams);

18:00 - Breast milk (or adapted milk formula) or adapted kefir - 140 ml; cottage cheese (30-50 grams); cookies (10 grams);

22:00 - Breast milk or adapted milk formula - 200 ml.

Necessary examinations at 9 months

As before, you need to visit a pediatrician to find out how much your baby has grown and how much weight he has gained. Also, the doctor will evaluate his neuropsychic development.

At nine months, you need to visit a number of narrow specialists - a surgeon and a dentist.

Also, the pediatrician will give a referral for an ECG.

How to play with a baby at 9 months?

At this age, games aimed at developing fine motor skills are useful.

You can start playing with your baby in games with a simple plot. For example, a bunny is dancing, a doll is drinking from a cup, a frog is jumping.

It is interesting for the kid to collect a tower from cubes, put objects into the holes intended for them, or simply put them in a box or jar.

Kids love to play hide and seek. Cover a small toy with a handkerchief and the little one will certainly want to check if it is there.

Play with your child in "patties", "magpie-white-sided".

Roll the ball, leave it in the box. Show and explain how to put rings from a pyramid on a stick, how to insert one cap into another.

What toys are suitable for this age?

Toys at this age should be aimed at the comprehensive development of the baby. These can be: rattles, activity centers, pyramids, cubes, caps, toys with ropes, musical toys, hammers with squeakers, soft books and books with thick cardboard pages, bathing toys and others. You can make toys yourself, for example, fill transparent plastic bottles with cereals, pebbles or multi-colored beads. Just do not leave your baby alone with toys and small objects so that he does not choke on them or put them in his nose or ear.

Of course, nature has laid a lot in your baby, but he can fully open up only thanks to you. Now the baby has the most active time to explore the world, help him. Give your child more time, engage with him, tell and show him everything that interests him, and then his achievements will not keep you waiting.

Other related information

  • Child development at 2 years old

  • Child development at 1 year 9 months

  • Child development at 3 years old

  • Baby development at 2 months

  • Child development at 1 year 6 months

At the ninth month of a child's life, a period of complete and partial helplessness is replaced by a stage of increased activity, independence and self-expression. He becomes more independent and independent, but also very vulnerable. For full development, the parents must provide the child with all the conditions for unhindered movement, create a safe space for existence and provide maximum attention and care.

In order to better understand their baby and his needs, it does not hurt for parents to know what a child should be able to do at 9 months, what skills he masters, what he is interested in, how the process of social adaptation takes place. It is the latter direction that prevails at 9 months, so it is necessary to lay in the baby the ability to love himself and others.

The weight of a child at 9 months increases by about 500 grams and reaches 8900-9300 grams. In growth, the child adds about 2 centimeters and in general by the end of 9 months is 73-74 centimeters.

The sleep of a nine-month-old baby lasts an average of 15 hours a day. Of these hours, 10-11 are for night rest and 2-2.5 for daytime. As before, the baby can go to bed 2 times a day. Sleep during this period is noted to be more calm, as fatigue from violent activity has already weakened a little. Night sleep is deep enough, the baby wakes up less often and falls asleep more easily.

The main skills at 9 months can be called:

  • infantile babble more and more resembles sound serenades;
  • the child can point with his finger at different parts of his body or the body of a toy, for example, an ear, a spout;
  • out of curiosity, he can stick his fingers into any recesses and holes;
  • likes to crumple elastic materials in the palm of his hand, for example, plasticine, crumples and tears paper with pleasure;
  • can independently and confidently sit down, walk at the support, and also crawl;
  • can get up from any position without support;
  • jumps and performs rhythmic squats at the support or with the support of the hands;
  • claps hands with pleasure, taps objects against each other;
  • can simultaneously lift several objects and play with them;
  • masters the skill of taking small objects with fingers, and large objects with both handles;
  • while crawling, it can turn in the right direction;
  • Prefers to play with parents
  • chooses toys consciously;
  • when in contact with other children, shows a reaction corresponding to their behavior, for example, may cry or laugh if another child does it;
  • tries to protect himself and his own toys;
  • can almost accurately assess the mood of people;
  • is the initiator of games, can demonstrate that he is tired of the same game;
  • can imitate the sounds around him;
  • plays roles in front of the public, repeats certain actions when he is praised and asked;
  • can find a toy or other object that was hidden with him;
  • remembers what he played recently;
  • with pleasure can fulfill simple requests of adults;
  • may be afraid of heights, as well as get acquainted with the concept of vertical space;
  • actively and nimbly crawls in different directions and changes them;
  • tries on all fours to overcome hills, for example, a children's slide or a hill of pillows;
  • from a lying position sits down and sits confidently, and also from a sitting position can lie down independently;
  • at the support kneels, legs, rises from a sitting position;
  • can jump and crouch at the barrier;
  • stands independently, even with the support of an adult by one hand;
  • takes steps with support under the armpits or for both hands;
  • imitates the movements of adults, for example, clapping, raising arms or legs.

Physical development of a 9-month-old baby

The ability to sit down independently is the main acquisition of the 9th month of a child's life and the foundations are laid for mastering a new skill - vertical movement.

If this does not happen, it should be seen by a doctor, since the lack of attempts to sit down can be a sign of a neurological disorder in the prenatal period.

During this period, parents may notice that the baby is more interested in not how much to sit and crawl, how much to walk independently, relying on handles, for example, by a playpen or a sofa. The first attempts to climb also take place, during which the muscles of the legs are perfectly trained and developed, the movements of the legs are coordinated, the skill is mastered to bear the weight of one's body and use the handles for pulling up.

For further development of hand motor skills and finger training, the child needs to be given as many objects of different shapes and sizes as possible.

The ability to scoop up loose items can be developed by giving the baby a container, a scoop and pebbles or buttons. Also, the baby can experiment with pouring water from one container to another, scooping it up with a spoon.

At 9 months, the baby can begin to instill self-care skills. To do this, it is necessary to give him to put on socks, put on shoes, wash, put on things with sleeves. It will also benefit the child to participate in common family activities, such as cleaning the house or having dinner with the whole family.

Mental development of a child at 9 months

A nine-month-old peanut can babble for a long time, while expressing different emotions, copying the intonations of adults. He manages to pronounce individual words, for example: mom, give, dad, woman, na. Joint pastime with relatives develops into a certain business cooperation, which can be expressed, for example, in object games.

The child in a mirror image repeats the actions of adults and their behavior. He confidently manipulates various objects and understands what the reaction to the possible results of these actions may be.

Mom is still the greatest value. It is very important that parents let him know how important he is and what value he represents to others. So the baby will learn to love himself and everything around him, and will also feel the reliability of loved ones and the fact that they can be relied upon.

It is absolutely impossible to underestimate a child’s self-esteem with the phrases “You are bad”, if you need to let him know that he is doing something wrong and not good, then it is better to say “You did badly”.

The main emotions of a child in the 9th month of life are surprise, interest, resentment, anger, fear, and stormy joy. All whims during this period may indicate physical or emotional discomfort. Therefore, the baby needs to be more sorry and listen to his signals.

Possible deviations in children

Parents of a 9-month-old baby should be alert to his development if the following is observed:

  • he does not balance well in a sitting position;
  • if during crawling he fails to make a turn around his axis and continue the trajectory of movement;
  • does not make attempts to drink from a cup or drinker on his own;
  • if he does not try to tear off the headdress from the head;
  • does not knock different objects against each other;
  • it is impossible to repeat syllables and sound signals after adults;
  • is not afraid of completely strangers and does not react when a toy is taken away from him.

All of these symptoms can be signs of developmental disorders. In this case, it is better to consult a specialist and find out what is the true reason for this behavior.

This age is the threshold of the first birthday of the crumbs. And today, many children are developing so actively that already at nine months they can, know how and want to do the same as in a year. So, we learn about the features of nine-month-old babies, their mental and physical development.

The daily routine of a child at 9 months

During this age period, the baby has two daytime sleeps of 2 hours each and a nighttime one, lasting about 11 hours. It is advisable to organize at least one daytime sleep in the fresh air. The night becomes deeper, and mom has the opportunity to sleep off. As for bathing, it is no longer necessary to do it daily. Evening bathing can be done every other day, and during the day you can only wash the child. The diet remains five times a day. The approximate distribution of wakefulness and sleep looks like this:

6.00-6.30. Climb. Morning toilet. Charger.

7.00. Breastfeeding or formula. Games, activities.

9.30. The second feeding in the form of fruit puree, porridge.

10.00. Walk and sleep outdoors.

13.00. Lunch in the form of vegetable puree with meat or soup, banana.

13.30. Activities, wakefulness.

15.00-15.30. Walk and second nap.

17.30-18.00 Dinner in the form of cottage cheese with fruit juice or porridge with fish.

19.00. Communication with dad, relatives.

21.00. Last feeding with adapted milk formula or breast.

21.30-22.00. Going to sleep.

The baby's appetite is largely determined by its activity. And if the child does not eat at the allotted time, then you should not shift the meal by 30-40 minutes. Better to skip it. In the next scheduled feeding, he will eat well.

Bathing at this age can already be done with games and toys. Positive emotions before going to bed will help you fall asleep. And it should already be a ritual for the baby with putting on pajamas, a lullaby, turning on a night light. Up to a year, the baby should sleep on a hard mattress, without a pillow.

Physical development of children at 9 months

By this age, the baby's limb muscles are already well developed, many are already crawling, starting to walk, more and more coordinating the position of their body. Some of them stick to the ground. The movements of the arms and legs become coordinated, the children themselves get up from a prone position, they like to lie on their stomach, turning their heads to one side and the other. Toddlers consciously reach for interesting objects with their whole body, hold them tightly.

The development of small muscles of the hands allows during this period to teach to hold a spoon and learn to eat on their own. Children actively move their fingers, perform turns of the torso, tilts, independently changing their posture on a hard surface.

The height of the boys is 71.2-72.3 centimeters, weight - up to 9-9.5 kilograms. As for girls, their weight is 8.2-8.7 kg, height is 68.5-70 cm.

Mental and speech development of a child at 9 months

The child actively explores the space and enjoys watching the movement of doors in the room, opening the closet, listening to sounds, voices, trying to copy the simple movements of adults. The most exciting activity for him is crawling around the chair, for example, because it is interesting to repeat the same action repeatedly. The baby likes to watch mom and dad, their communication. At this age, he already clearly distinguishes between his own and others. He may have a reaction of fear of strangers.

The attention of the baby becomes more persistent. He is already able to consider the same object for several minutes. Therefore, mom should already read him children's books with large images of animals, cars, fruits. The child tries to repeat their names after their parents, as well as the sounds that living creatures make. Babies have favorite toys. He meets them with enthusiasm and pays more attention.

At nine months old, there are not many words in the active vocabulary of crumbs. They are simple, consisting of two syllables. These are “woman”, “give”, “on”, “dada”, “am”, “mother”, “dad”. Each child forms his own active "vocabulary", which can usually be understood only by the mother.

The broader one is the passive vocabulary. This is the name of objects and actions to which the child reacts and which he knows well. Among them is their own name. Later, as speech develops, words from the passive vocabulary will move into the active one with regular repetition.

The child loves to copy adults, the intonation of their voices. For this, parents should praise the baby. Every day it is necessary to acquaint the child with new objects and actions, developing memory and attentiveness.

What should a child be able to do at 9 months

Now we will make sure that a child at 9 months already knows quite a lot. Here are the main skills that pediatricians recommend to focus on for parents:

  1. Plays with objects. These can be books, and the children themselves turn their pages, looking at the pictures. Some tear them, and this is nothing more than a study, the study of the possibilities of their hands. Shifting objects, stroking, feeling, putting them in your mouth are elementary actions with them at this age.
  2. Learning to stand up. The baby does this from a sitting position, rearranges its legs, paces, stands straight without support for several seconds.
  3. Selects toys. He needs bright and informative. Sitting on dad's lap, he can pull out a mobile phone from his pocket. He is interested in exploring adult toys.
  4. Able to straighten up. He shakes his head intensely when he doesn't want to eat or go to grandma's arms. These are manifestations of one's "I" and character. And if he is forced to do what he does not want, then the child can go on crying.
  5. Looks at himself in photos, videos. He is interested in watching moving pictures, looking at himself in the mirror. At times, he may try to pat or kiss the image.
  6. Recognizes parts of the body. The child can show where the mother has a nose, an eye, a pen, hairs.

Games and toys for the development of a child at 9 months

In this age period, the crumbs should have musical toys, soft cubes, carousels, balls, cars, dolls. Parents are advised to pay attention to the properties of such toys: the ball rolls, it must be pushed; The piano makes sounds when you press the keys. The children's kit should also have buckets with toys inside, dishes, various rattles, "rodents" with a special teething gel.

Experts advise moms and dads to periodically change toys so that the baby is interested. You should not simultaneously lay out everything in the house in front of the crumbs.

Children of this age really like the game "Hide and Seek" with covering the head with a handkerchief; "Big big!" with pulling the handles up; pyramid folding.

Games at this age are simple actions with objects: the doll walks, dances, eats; the machine rides, buzzes; bunny jumps, eats. During them, parents should create an emotional color: focus on the beauty and purity of the doll's clothes, the softness of the ball, the kindness of the bunny who loves the baby.

Games and toys should help the baby learn the properties of objects, develop finger motor skills, memory, attention, and creativity.

9 month old baby scratches, pinches, bites

Bites often accompany the process of teething crumbs. They itch, hurt, and such actions are attempts to alleviate their own condition. But biting can be more than just a sign of chewing organs. Sometimes at 9 months, and at the age of 1 year, the child can begin to pinch and scratch. Sometimes this is a manifestation of aggressiveness and nervousness. In this case, it is worth showing the baby to a pediatric neurologist.

But sometimes mothers themselves can stop such reactions. For example, if a child bites, then you can try to make him bite his own instead of his mother's hand. After that, the kid is very surprised, indignant, crying - and no longer attempts to bite adults. The same goes for pinching. When he does this, try at the same time to lightly pinch his ass.

Some psychologists are sure that biting is just a repetition of the actions of mom or dad, who bite the baby with love, lightly. And he, not knowing how to calculate his strength, does the same, but bites painfully. Experts recommend not to focus on such bad actions. And then, in the absence of the reaction of adults, the child stops such things.

A child at 9 months refuses food, formula, complementary foods

A complete refusal to eat with the introduction of complementary foods or a sharp deterioration in appetite is a problem that parents of a nine-month-old baby may face. And there are no unambiguous solutions in this matter. This may be a manifestation of the crisis of one year, which came earlier, with a demonstration of its character. Then this phenomenon does not last long, perhaps throughout the day, until the baby is hungry. But he must drink at this time.

If during such periods he remains active, does not cry, shows the same interest in toys, then you should not worry too much. This is emphasized by the famous pediatrician Yevgeny Komarovsky. He emphasizes that at such moments it is not necessary to force-feed the child! Indeed, from parental perseverance, the baby may experience a gag reflex. The doctor explains that this can happen to babies during the winter months, when they have a biological defense against excess food. And if the child at the same time begins to act up, cry, close his eyes, then just calmly move the plate away - go for a walk, work up an appetite.

You can try to just put the baby at the table with all family members who have lunch or dinner. And then, perhaps, the habit of copying and inheriting the actions of adults will wake up the appetite of the crumbs. It is also recommended to "feed" his beloved bear with the baby. The main thing is not to swear and not to shout.

Child development at 9 months: Komarovsky

The absence of violence and demonstration of parental superiority is the basis for the healthy development of the baby at this age, according to the pediatrician. This applies to feeding and accustoming the crumbs to the potty. The latter, according to Evgeny Olegovich, will happen the sooner, the higher the level of physiological development of the baby.

You should not focus on the development of a neighbor's child, who at 9 months learned to go to the potty.

Repeated “ah-ah” can achieve the emergence of a conditioned reflex, but this should not be the goal of the parents. "Filling the bladder - urinating" - this should be the mechanism of accustoming to the potty. That is, the motive is the physiological process of filling the bladder, and not a sound stimulus (such as "ah-ah" or "ps-ps-ps"). Up to a year and a half, a child cannot yet feel the process of filling it, which means that the skills developed will not be stable. According to Mr. Komarovsky, during this age period it is better to develop independent walking skills, to stimulate the intellectual development of the child.

Especially for - Diana Rudenko

If the child is 9 months old, then parents have to deal with his hatching independence. Changes occur at the physiological and psychological levels, it is important not to forget about the control of this process so as not to miss anything important.

Baby development at 9 months

The body of the baby is strengthened, preparing for walking, the muscles become stronger, the coordination of movements improves. He learns to build the simplest logical chains, to correlate familiar sounds with subsequent actions. A child at 9 months old knows how to show emotions, it is already possible to recognize not only joy and displeasure, resentment, interest, surprise, and others become clear from his reactions.

Baby weight and height at 9 months

Correct development is indicated not only by newly emerging skills, but also by the results of measurements of physical parameters. One of the most important is the weight of the baby at 9 months. According to WHO, the weight of boys at this age should be in the range of 7.1-11 kg. For girls, the indicator is between the borders of 6.5 and 10.5 kilograms. During this period, weight gain slows down somewhat due to the higher activity of the baby.

The growth of a child at 9 months of WHO is considered normal 67.5-76.5 cm for boys and 65.3-75 cm for girls. The increase in growth for this month is 1-2 centimeters. With strong deviations from these parameters, an examination is required. Growth retardation may indicate liver disease, heart disease, endocrine or genetic disorders. When combined with a lack of weight, there is a risk of latent flow.

What should a child be able to do at 9 months?

At this age, children begin to actively reinforce everything that they have learned earlier. They move more, become more curious. A pediatrician can tell you what a child can do at 9 months, but these points should be taken as a guideline. Small discrepancies are allowed, you need to worry if there is not even a hint of acquiring a skill.

  1. It is not convenient for all babies to move around on all fours, but in a plastunsky way they are already willingly getting close to toys or their mother.
  2. He sits down on his own and can stay in this position for up to 10 minutes, can reach objects of interest.
  3. Easily holds pieces of food, a spoon in his hands, but opens his fingers with difficulty. Therefore, it is difficult to take away a thing from a child.
  4. When the child is 9 months old, he tries not to take the object with his whole palm, but to use his fingers. He picks up crumbs, tears paper, diligently feels everything that is in his reach.
  5. Can stand holding on to a support. Some babies take their first steps with a chair. In a walker, he moves with his feet, does not get tired for about 10 minutes.
  6. Many people like to listen to music, jump and stomp their feet to the beat.
  7. It is not yet possible to fully pronounce the words, but the child actively repeats the syllables, imitates his parents, and communicates emotionally.
  8. At this time, children try their hand, learn to pretend and manipulate their parents.
  9. If the child is 9 months old, then he already knows how to recognize his name. In response to a call, he will look or crawl closer. Can fulfill simple requests - take or throw a toy, stand up, find familiar things or lie down.
  10. He masters gestures, points a finger at a place that he would like to see. Can play hide and seek and find parents by voice or rustle. Favorite idea is to knock toys or throw them on the floor.

Baby food at 9 months

This moment is individual, due to peculiarities or diseases, separate recommendations can be made. If it was started at six months, then the question of how to feed a child at 9 months should not cause difficulties - all the basic products are already on the menu. It can be made more varied by gradually reducing the volume of breast milk or formula. It should make up no more than a quarter of the total diet. If you start complementary foods before 6 months, there will be no new foods in food, only portion sizes will increase.

Baby menu at 9 months

By this period, the composition of children's food already includes:

  • fruit and;
  • meat;
  • yolk;
  • vegetable and butter;
  • cottage cheese and kefir;
  • wheat bread;
  • porridge.

At 9 months, your baby should start receiving:

  • lean;
  • steamed meatballs;
  • cereals from a mixture of cereals in milk, except for semolina;
  • combined vegetable purees.

The diet of a child at 9 months does not need mother's milk or formula so much. They are left for the first and last meals of the day, and for washing down unusual dishes. With their introduction, care must be taken, because there is a risk of receiving an unusual reaction. To reduce it, you need to start with a small amount. It is better to offer a new one in the morning so that there is time to evaluate the effect. if by the evening everything is fine, then food can be given on an ongoing basis.

How many times to feed a baby at 9 months?

To determine the amount of food that a baby should receive per day, you need to divide its weight by 9. The figure is indicative, the appetite of children may differ. To organize daily nutrition, the child's diet at 9 months is divided into 5 meals. The intervals between them should be 3-4 hours so that the food is evenly distributed throughout the day. It is advisable to gradually introduce finely ground food, replacing mashed potatoes with vegetables mashed with a fork.

Baby routine at 9 months

At this age, curiosity increases, the desire to explore the world around us ensures a long wakefulness. A baby at 9 months hardly wakes up at night, and the daytime rest regimen may change slightly. Walking is recommended to be done twice a day - in the morning and in the afternoon, the organization of sleep during this period is allowed. In the summer, you can stay outside longer to give you the opportunity to learn new things and get the necessary hardening.

How much does a 9 month old baby sleep?

The total sleep time is 15-17 hours. It is divided into three sections:

  • night - 10-12 hours;
  • daytime - 2 times for 1.5-2.5 hours.

A nine-month-old child gradually reduces the time of his rest. Often active children refuse one daytime sleep or reduce it to 30-60 minutes, pediatricians do not consider this wrong. In this case, parents need to monitor the absence of overwork. The kid should not be capricious until the next bed, not lose his appetite and remain inquisitive. If all this persists, then you should not force him to sleep a second time during the day.

9 month old baby not sleeping well

Due to the increase in activity, children may have difficulty going to bed and then waking up several times during the night with tears. This is not always a sign of something serious, even waking up every hour can be normal.

  1. Breast-feeding. A child of 9 months does not sleep well at night due to the habit of feeling the warmth of the mother, and having lost it, ceases to feel safe.
  2. Teething. This process rarely goes smoothly, in such a situation, poor sleep is justified.
  3. Diseases. Colds, colic and otitis often cause pain, which provokes increased anxiety of the crumbs.
  4. Wrong schedule. A child of 9 months may not have enough daily activity, which he makes up for in the evening.
  5. Uncomfortable environment. Stuffiness or too low temperature in the room, uncomfortable clothes, irritating odors can interfere with deep sleep.
  6. Strong impressions and noisy games in the evening may take a long time to calm down.

How to develop a child at 9 months?

The period is distinguished by greater independence and curiosity, the desire to explore everything around and learn more. Therefore, the main thing that a nine-month-old baby needs is development. You can offer him new toys and more interesting activities, helping to acquire new skills. To make him learn faster, you can try:

  1. Alternately put your hands to support your legs.
  2. Place a blanket under your chest and push forward a little.
  3. Build a house with a tunnel in which your favorite toys are laid out.

Games with a child at 9 months

  1. Cubes. They can be used to build towers and other structures. It is not always possible for children to completely repeat these actions, but they watch their parents carefully.
  2. Treasure chest. In the box you need to put small items with different textures - pieces of fabric, cardboard, sponges, bottle caps. A baby at 9 months old, whose development includes the formation of grasping functions, will be happy to touch them.
  3. Bath games. While swimming, you can teach to pour water from glass to glass.
  4. Telephone. First, the mother imitates a conversation on the phone, and then offers to repeat after her.
  5. Drawing. For this, finger paints are used. Your child may enjoy fiddling with salt dough. You can make a cake out of it, roll up small objects, and then offer to get them.