Scenario of entertainment in the second junior group. Abstract of a lesson in decorative drawing with children of the younger group "Golden Eggs


  • Ø cultivate such qualities of character as compassion, love for one's neighbor, mercy.
  • Ø instill in children the basics of Orthodox culture

Preliminary work:

  • Ø conversation with children about good and evil, about the Orthodox faith
  • Ø learning Orthodox songs, poems

Entertainment progress.

IN traveling.

Spring came,

Spring is red

And she calls everyone for a walk!

The sun rises bright

Calling everyone to the street!

The people are having fun -

Easter holiday at the gate!

The bell sounds and the children come up to the teacher and stand in a semicircle.

IN traveling. In the spring there are many wonderful holidays. Among all Christian holidays, Easter is the most solemn. Guys, do you know how they say hello at Easter - Christ is Risen! Truly Risen!

Our ancestors prepared for this holiday with the whole family, baked Easter cakes and pies, painted eggs on the Thursday before the holiday, with the whole family.

In ancient times, such eggs were called krashenki. Eggs that were painted by hand were called Easter eggs. Well, if the ornament was broken, then among the people such eggs were called - malevanki. With Easter in Rus', fun festivities began! Both old and young rode carousels, danced round dances, sang folk songs in the streets, played games.

They also went to visit each other. And to this day, we honor the traditions of our ancestors. I congratulate you on the upcoming holiday, on the bright Resurrection of Christ! This is the biggest holiday for Christians. Let's have some fun today!

Guys, let's tell the verses that we will prepare for this holiday.

1 child:

The sun has risen

In the fields across the river.

Morning has come

Already blue!

2 child:

Resurrection of Christ!

Everyone is full of love and affection

We've come here now

To celebrate Easter

3 child:

The earth is waking up

And dress up the fields

Spring is coming full of wonders!

Christ is Risen, Christ is Risen!

4 child:

The sun is getting hotter

Bird songs are heard

And the leaves are turning green

Easter is the day of spring!

5 child:

And the domes shine again

Glitter in the sun

Magic cake outfit

It announces Easter.

6 child:

And in our garden today

I noticed how secretly

christened lily of the valley

With a white-winged moth.

7 child:

Will be warm again

Streams of resentment will wash away

Under the church bells

Meet Spring

The Easter song sounds - “Today a sparrow chirped at the window” .


Why is joy and joy for all people? -
Because we are celebrating Christ today... ( Sunday)

A bright day looks out the window.

Happy as in a fairy tale.

And the sun caresses the earth.

Has come….


Angels trumpet a miracle

From earth to heaven.

Rejoice, rejoice, people

Know that Christ... (Resurrection).

The message flies in all directions:
Messenger angels trumpet,
Christ is sung in heaven:
He has risen from decay!
It's not fiction, not a fairy tale,
The main holiday is ours ... ( Easter)

The hostesses baked for the holiday in the oven
Lush, ruddy miracle - (Kulich)

The sun is playing and the birds are chirping
Table decoration - red... ( testicles)

Guys, let's play with our testicles?

The game "Roll, roll, testicle"

Children stand in a circle, the leader gives two testicles in opposite directions to the children. They sing a song and pass the egg in a circle, on whom the song ends, go out in a circle and dance .

Roll, roll, egg.

According to our circle.

Find yourself an egg

For myself my friend .


In a circle, friends, come out

And dance together for us!

Round dance game "Cat Vaska" Music. L. Lobacheva, sl. N. Frenkel.

A child in a cat mask walks in the middle of the circle, the rest of the children walk in a circle, holding hands, pronounce the words:

1. Vaska walks gray,

Fluffy white tail

Vaska the cat is walking.

Squat down, make movements (wash, dry with one hand)

2. He sits and washes,

wiped with a paw,

Sings songs.

3. Only the mice will scratch, - The children run in a circle, running away from the cat Vaska.

Sensitive Vaska here, as here,

He will instantly catch.

The game is played several times.

The game "Bring the egg in the spoon"

Game "Roll in the gate"

The song "The birds settled in the nests"

Birds settled in nests

The snow melted like a candle.

The air smells sweet,

Golden cake.

Sunny rain dripped

On this day of holy miracles,

And kiss me, mom

He says: "Christ is risen!"

Truly risen!

8 child:

The birds are chirping

in one rapture

Praise Christ for His Resurrection!

9 child:

Christ is Risen! - the earth sings

Seas and mountains and fields!

And in response to them sounds from heaven:

Truly Risen!!!

10 child:

A bright day looks out the window.

Happy as in a fairy tale.

And the sun caresses the earth.

It has come .... Easter.

11 child:

How friendly in the yard

The birds chimed.

Look - on the table

Red eggs!

Presenter: Our holiday was wonderful, it was very interesting! (As gifts, distribute thermal stickers for decorating Easter eggs to children. Work with parents: offer to decorate an Easter egg with a thermal sticker at home with the children in the evening.)

Here comes the time

Finish the holiday, kids!

May, like Easter, a holy day,

Joyful and clear

There will be a moment in life

Light and wonderful!

Holidays of all Holiday, Miracle of miracles,
Congratulations to all of you! After all, CHRIST IS RISEN!

After, on a walk, invite the children to bake sand cakes and decorate them with natural material.

Expand children's ideas about folk and Orthodox holidays;
to promote the formation of a stable interested, respectful attitude towards the culture of the Russian people;
to teach to take care of the festive folk traditions and customs;
use the game as an emotional-figurative means of influencing children;
to form creative activity, resourcefulness, ability to concentrate;
learn to follow the rules and norms of behavior in a joint game;
to achieve consistency of movements, unity in creating an image and mood;
foster a culture of fair competition in the game;
to continue work on enrichment, activation of the dictionary, improvement of the sound culture of speech.

Preliminary work. Acquaintance of children with a brief history of the Easter holiday, with folk traditions. Examination of illustrations on the topic. Visit to an exhibition of painted Easter eggs made by older children. Learning spring round dance games, calls, counting rhymes.

Material. Russian folk costumes, "skating rink", painted Easter eggs, small souvenirs, toys.

Educator: Holy Easter week is coming (Bright Week). We learned a lot of interesting things about Easter. They call it the holiday of holidays, the triumph of celebrations. This day is famous not only for delicious treats. He is rich in rituals. On this day, the old people combed their hair with wishes that they would have as many grandchildren as there are hairs on their heads, washed themselves with gold, silver and red eggs in the hope of getting rich, and the young climbed onto the roofs to better see how the red sun would play and have fun . When during the Easter service the words “Christ is Risen. Truly Risen, ”the young girls made plans for the future of a good groom.

The first spring round dances and games begin with the Holy Easter week. Let us, good fellows and beautiful girls, call spring.

Spring, red spring!

Come spring with joy

With joy, with joy

With great mercy:

With tall flax,

With a deep root

With abundant bread!

And now let's get up in a round dance and play the familiar game "Grandma Malanya". Let's remember the rules of the game.

Children, together with an adult, stand in a circle, in the middle of which there is a child depicting Grandmother Malanya. Everyone moves in a circle and sings a funny song. Movement words:

At Malania, at the old woman's

Lived in a small hut

seven sons,

seven daughters,

All without eyebrows.

With eyes like that

With ears like that

With such noses

With such a mustache

With such a beard

With a head like this...

Didn't eat anything

Sitting all day

They looked at her

They did it like this...

With the help of gestures and facial expressions, children depict what is said in the text: they cover their eyebrows with their hands, make “round” eyes, a “big” nose and ears, show mustaches, etc., squat down, repeat any funny movement after the leader.

Well done boys! How funny and resourceful you all are! Tell me - what treats are prepared for the Easter table? (He draws attention to the exhibition of Easter eggs, the children look at them). In the old days, they came up with many games with Easter eggs. One of these games I want to teach you. It's called Egg Roll.

We spread the litter on the ground or limit something to a flat surface, lay eggs and small souvenirs, toys on it. We install a wooden or cardboard chute - a “skating rink”. Children take turns approaching the “skating rink” and rolling an egg - a cue ball (you can use one egg or different ones for each player). The object that the testicle touches becomes the winner.

Did you guys like the new game? Teach this game to your friends, brothers and sisters. On Easter, it is customary to give each other colored eggs. Let's give our guests a testicle.

On this day, people went to visit each other and exchanged eggs and pastries. Eggs are dyed in different colors and given with the words: "Christ is Risen!" In response, one should say: “Truly He is risen!” - and kiss three times as a sign of forgiveness and love for loved ones.

Educator: "Let's try to give an Easter egg."

The teacher chooses two volunteers, gives one of them an Easter egg in his hands and invites the children to say hello according to the Easter custom.

The teacher shows the children colored eggs: “How are these eggs different?”

Teacher: "That's right, guys. One egg is painted in one color, and on the other we see a pattern. Eggs dyed with paint are called “krashenki”, and painted with fine patterns are called “pysanky”. When an artist paints, they say that he paints a picture or a pattern.

Now let's find out what cookies are. Easter cake symbolizes the red sun, and if a person tries Easter cake, he absorbs life-giving rays and becomes kind and strong.

Easter always fell in the spring and people watched the weather, so folk signs developed: Look outside, is there still snow?

Educator: “A folk sign tells us:“ If all the snow has already come down by Easter, then the year will be fruitful. And if the snow still lies, then the year will be poor.

Educator: “Now look, is it raining or is the sun shining?”

Educator: “There is another sign: if the weather is clear and sunny on Easter Sunday, then the summer will be hot, but dry. If the “mushroom rain” passes, then the summer will be warm, but rainy. And if it is cloudy, but without rain, then the summer will be cold, but dry.

Educator: “What do you think our summer will be like?”

Educator: “For a long time there has also been a rite of “setting birds free”.

Let's imagine that we have birds in our hands, and we release them.

Educator: “So we set our birds free so that spring would come soon, so that the snow would melt, so that the flowers would bloom.

Easter all over the world is not only a church holiday, but also one of the most beloved family holidays.

Preparations for Easter begin with cleaning the house, many collect things for the poor and give them to those who need it. After all, Easter is a holiday of mercy and compassion, and each of us can show these qualities by helping our neighbor. And this, you see, is pleasant and not difficult at all.

On Easter, you can also put together with your parents things that you grew up with and toys that you don’t play with, and give them to younger children.

On Thursday and Friday, the housewives bake Easter cakes, and the children decorate them with icing, sprinkle with colorful sugar stars and peas.

Easter has always been accompanied by folk games and fun.

Do you want to know how our grandparents celebrated Easter? (children answer)

Game "Find the egg": the teacher shows the children a pysanka egg, after which he offers them close your eyes while hiding the egg in group. It is advisable to put it in a conspicuous place. Then the children are invited to find a Easter egg.

The game "Chasing two hares": the teacher takes three colored eggs. Puts two side by side. And the third one offers to run the children so that it hits these two and they roll in different directions. Children "get sick" for each other.

Egg rolling game: the teacher lays out small souvenirs and sets up a small homemade slide or board. The child picks up an egg and rolls it down a hill. To which souvenir the egg rolls, the child receives that gift.

Outdoor games:

"Laying game": for this game you will need 2 eggs and 2 spoons. Children are divided into two teams, the teacher sets the flags. On command, the children put an egg in a spoon and carry the egg so as not to drop it from the spoon, while bypassing the flags. Next, the egg and spoon are passed to the team. The first team to carry the egg around the flags wins.

"Game Confusion": A leader is chosen, the rest of the children stand in a circle, hold hands and get confused. The leader must unravel them.

Julia Pankova

Synopsis of an open lesson in the second junior group« Easter Egg» at project implementation« Happy Easter»

Target: Introduce children to the Christian holiday Happy Easter and its customs.

Tasks: to cultivate love for the culture of their people, their traditions, customs, rituals. Develop artistic and creative abilities in children. Expand children's vocabulary words: Easter, Easter Egg, golden, painted.

Equipment: saucer with painted painted eggs and Easter cake, pictures with painted eggs, do-it-yourself chicken from "Kinder Surprise", a spoon for each child, decorated eggs from "Kinder Surprise"; a tinted sheet of paper with the image of an egg, cotton buds, gouache diluted with water, napkins for each child.

Lesson progress

1. The teacher reads a poem « Easter Egg» .

Look what a miracle

Did mom put it in the dish?

Here egg, but not simple:

golden painted,

Like a bright toy!

There are stripes, curls,

Lots of little rings

Stars, circles and hearts.

What are all these colors for?

Like in a good old fairy tale?

Mom gave answers to everyone:

- Easter is the brightest holiday!

A egg, I know

Symbol of life on earth!

The teacher asks questions about the content poems:

Guys, what holiday is this poem talking about. (Easter)

- Easter- is considered the main Christian holiday. And tell me, what kind of miracle did mom put in the dish? (Egg) . Which egg? (Gold, painted).

Holiday Easter celebrated every year. People are getting ready for it. in advance: put things in order in their homes, bake Easter cakes, muffins, paint eggs (show pictures).

Guys, why Easter we paint eggs?

- Egg- this is a small miracle, it is a symbol of new life. A chicken will lay an egg, and it looks like a pebble - as if inanimate, but there is life in it. A live chick that hatches from an egg.

Coloring eggs is an ancient Slavic custom. On Easter It is customary to give colored eggs. Eggs are dyed in different colors and given with words: "Christ is risen!" The answer should say: "Truly Risen!"

Eggs dyed the same color were called eggs. If spots, stripes, specks of a different color were indicated on a common colored background, these eggs were called specks. And there are eggs - Easter eggs. They are hand-painted with plot or ornamental patterns.

IN Easter for a week people go to visit each other, give colored eggs and Easter cakes, play easter games. Come on guys, let's play with you too!

2. Outdoor games.

A game "Most dexterous".

Children stand in a circle, the number of eggs is one less than children. To the cheerful music, the children run in circles, when the music ends, everyone should take egg. The one who didn't get it is out of the game. (sit on chair).

A game "Transfer egg in a spoon» .


And now we will become real masters and decorate the eggs ourselves.

Children sit at the tables and decorate the painted eggs on a piece of paper using cotton swabs using the poke method.

4. Reflection.

What holiday are we talking about today?

What is customary to give each other for this holiday?

Related publications:

Happy Easter, how nice it is to receive a gift made by oneself, and if this gift is made by a child, it is pleasant in twins. For.

Application of napkins in the second junior group "Easter egg". Home interior, decorated with their own creations, looks somehow.

It is known that the impressions received in childhood remain in the memory for life. That is why preschool age is favorable.

Purpose: To form in children the desire to make gifts for relatives with their own hands. Tasks: We introduce children to the concept - "Family" by example.

Abstract of a lesson for children with disabilities on manual labor "Easter Egg" Theme: "Easter egg". Purpose: To create conditions for the formation of the ability to attach a sequin with a pin to the foam. Tasks: 1. Learn to pin.

Purpose: to develop the spiritual and moral potential of children;

Learn about the tradition of celebrating Easter.

Tasks: 1. Education of moral qualities

2. Introduction to the origins of the cultural traditions of the Russian people

3. Acquaintance with spring rituals.

Equipment and materials: audio recording of Russian folk songs; painted eggs, Easter eggs, illustrations of the image of Mary Magdalene.

The course of educational activities:

Educator: Singer, a little bird

I drew on the testicle.

A bird chirps to us from heaven:

I drew the temple of God:

Rays glide over the domes,

The cross is gilded in the sun:

"Christ is risen! Christ is risen!"

Guys, what holiday are we talking about? (children's answers)

Easter is the most important Christian holiday. On Easter night, believers in Christ go to church for a festive service. The Orthodox Church has been celebrating Easter for over two thousand years. The service ends with the ringing of bells.

Easter is the day of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the day when people are freed from all evil. On this holiday of hope for a brighter future, the victory of Good over Evil, people rejoice and congratulate each other with the words “Christ is risen!” answer in response: "Truly risen!"

Everyone celebrates Easter, even non-Christians, since this holiday falls at the beginning of spring and the awakening of nature.

Drops drip loudly

Near our window

The birds sang merrily

Easter has come to visit us.

On Easter early in the morning, people went outside to see how the sun was shining and whether there was still snow on the ground. They determined and predicted what the harvest would be this year. “On holy rain - good rye”, “on Easter the sky is clear and the sun plays - to a good harvest!” “If by Easter all the snow has already gone, then the year will be fruitful.

Guys, tell me, what special dishes are prepared for Easter? (children's answers)

Dishes were prepared for the holiday: Easter cottage cheese, Easter cake, colored eggs. (showing Easter eggs)

In Rus', they believed that a consecrated testicle gives a person strength: “eat it and you won’t get sick, you will become kind.”

For a whole week, people went to visit each other and exchanged Easter eggs. But the eggs have always differed from each other in color, in the method of staining.

Look at our holiday eggs, how are they different? (children's answers)

Well done! Some eggs are simply painted in one color, while others, on the contrary, are decorated with different patterns. Painted eggs are called krashenka, and painted with patterns - patterns or pysanky.

Previously, eggs were dyed only red at Easter, which is why it is also called Red Easter. There is a legend that one of the preachers of the teachings of Christ, Mary Magdalene, came to the king with the news that Christ had risen. As a gift to the king, as was customary, she brought gifts. Since she was a poor woman and without wealth, she presented the king with white eggs. The king said: how can you believe that someone can rise from the dead? How impossible it is to believe that white eggs will suddenly turn red. As he spoke these words, the eggs began to change color: they turned pink, darkened, and finally became bright red. This is how the first Easter eggs were given. (showing an image of Mary Magdalene)

They also say that if the egg is left until the next Easter, then it can fulfill a wish. You can also play with eggs.

Do you want to know how our grandparents celebrated Easter? (answers guys)

Conducting a game "for two hares":

Three colored eggs are taken; two of them are placed side by side, and the third is proposed to be launched by the children so that it hits these two and they roll in different directions. (an audio recording of any Russian folk song sounds).

For a long time there has been a rite of "letting the birds free." Let's imagine that we have birds in our hands, and we release them.

(in chorus with teachers):

Titmouse sisters,

Tap dance aunts,

You fly freely

You live in freedom

Bring spring to us soon.

So we let our birds go free, so that spring would come to us as soon as possible, so that the snow would melt, so that the flowers would bloom, and Easter would come to visit us!