Theoretical substantiation of the aesthetic education of junior schoolchildren. Aesthetic education of junior schoolchildren

aesthetic education school student literature


Chapter 1. Theoretical approaches to the problem of aesthetic education of primary schoolchildren

1 The essence of aesthetic education

2 Tasks of aesthetic education

3 Features of aesthetic education at primary school age

Chapter 2. The practice of firm aesthetic education of primary schoolchildren in the family

1 Studying the aesthetic education of primary schoolchildren in the family

2 Diagnostics of aesthetic education of primary schoolchildren and their parents

3 Draft program of aesthetic education for primary schoolchildren





Aesthetic education is a purposeful process of forming a person's aesthetic attitude to reality. With the emergence of human society, this attitude developed along with it, being embodied in the sphere of material and spiritual activities of people. It is associated with the perception and understanding of the beautiful in reality, the enjoyment of it, the aesthetic creativity of man.

The beauty in life is both a means and a result of aesthetic education. It is concentrated in art, fiction, and is inextricably linked with nature, social and labor activities, people's everyday life, and their relationships. The system of aesthetic education as a whole uses all the aesthetic phenomena of reality. At the same time, particular importance is attached to the perception and understanding of beauty in work, the development of a person's ability to bring beauty into the process and results of work.

The system of aesthetic education is called upon to teach to see the beauty around oneself, in the surrounding reality. And every system has a core, a foundation on which it rests. We can consider art as such a basis in the system of aesthetic education: music, architecture, sculpture, painting, dance, cinema, theater and other types of artistic creation. Plato and Hegel gave us a reason for this. Based on their views, it became an axiom that art is the main content of aesthetics as a science, and that beauty is the main aesthetic phenomenon. Art has great potential for personal development.

From the foregoing, it can be assumed that, by introducing a junior schoolchild to the richest experience of mankind, accumulated in the arts, it is possible to bring up a highly moral, educated, versatile modern person.

The object of the research is the process of aesthetic education of primary schoolchildren.

The subject of the research is the aesthetic education of primary schoolchildren.

The purpose of the study is to identify the conditions for successful aesthetic education of primary schoolchildren.

Research objectives:

to determine the essence and content of aesthetic education of primary schoolchildren;

to study the level of formation of aesthetic ideas among the parents of younger students;

to develop a draft program for the environmental education of primary school students.

In the course of the research, the following methods were used: analysis of pedagogical and methodological literature on the research problem, questionnaires, generalization of practical experience.

The base of the research is the secondary school №35 of the city of Tambov, grade 2.

Chapter 1. Theoretical approaches to the problem of aesthetic education of primary schoolchildren

1 The essence of aesthetic education

Adults and children are constantly faced with aesthetic phenomena. In the sphere of spiritual life, everyday work, communication with art and nature, in everyday life, in interpersonal communication - everywhere the beautiful and the ugly, the tragic and the comic play an essential role. Beauty brings pleasure and pleasure, stimulates labor activity, makes meeting people pleasant. The ugly repels. The tragic teaches compassion. Comic - helps to fight flaws.

The ideas of aesthetic education originated in ancient times. Ideas about the essence of aesthetic education, its tasks, goals have changed since the time of Plato and Aristotle up to the present day. These changes in views were due to the development of aesthetics as a science and an understanding of the essence of its subject. The term "aesthetics" comes from the Greek "aisteticos" (perceived by feeling). Materialist philosophers (D. Diderot and N. G. Chernyshevsky) believed that the object of aesthetics as a science is beauty. This category formed the basis of the system of aesthetic education.

In a concise dictionary of aesthetics, aesthetic education is defined as "a system of measures aimed at developing and improving in a person the ability to perceive, correctly understand, appreciate and create the beautiful and the sublime in life and art." In both definitions, we are talking about the fact that aesthetic education should develop and improve in a person the ability to perceive beauty in art and in life, to correctly understand and evaluate it. In the first definition, unfortunately, the active or creative side of aesthetic education is overlooked, and in the second definition it is emphasized that aesthetic education should not be limited only to a contemplative task, it should also form the ability to create beauty in art and life.

There are many definitions of the concept of "aesthetic education", but, having considered only a few of them, it is already possible to single out the main provisions that speak of its essence.

First, it is a targeted impact process. Secondly, it is the formation of the ability to perceive and see beauty in art and life, to evaluate it. Thirdly, the task of aesthetic education is the formation of aesthetic tastes and personality ideals. And, finally, fourthly, the development of the ability for independent creativity and the creation of beauty.

In addition to the formation of the aesthetic attitude of children to reality and art, aesthetic education at the same time contributes to their all-round development. Aesthetic education contributes to the formation of human morality, expands his knowledge of the world, society and nature.

2 Tasks of aesthetic education

Any goal cannot be considered without objectives. Most teachers (G.S.Labkovskaya, D.B. Likhachev, N.I.

So, firstly, it is "the creation of a certain stock of elementary aesthetic knowledge and impressions, without which an inclination, craving, interest in aesthetically significant objects and phenomena cannot arise."

The essence of this task is to accumulate a varied stock of sound, color and plastic impressions. The mentor must skillfully select, according to the specified parameters, such objects and phenomena that will correspond to our ideas about beauty. Thus, sensory-emotional experience will be formed. Specific knowledge about nature, oneself, and the world of artistic values ​​is also required. "The versatility and richness of knowledge is the basis for the formation of broad interests, needs and abilities, which are manifested in the fact that their owner in all modes of life behaves like an aesthetically creative person," notes G.S. Labkovskaya.

The second task of aesthetic education is "the formation, based on the knowledge gained and the development of artistic and aesthetic perception abilities, of such social and psychological qualities of a person, which provide her with the opportunity to emotionally experience and evaluate aesthetically significant objects and phenomena, and enjoy them."

This task suggests that it happens that children are interested, for example, in painting, only at the general educational level. They hurriedly look at the picture, try to remember the name, the artist, then turn to a new canvas. Nothing causes amazement in them, does not make them stop and enjoy the perfection of the work. B.T. Likhachev notes that "... such a cursory acquaintance with the masterpieces of art excludes one of the main elements of the aesthetic attitude - admiration."

Closely connected with aesthetic admiration is the general ability to deeply experience. "The emergence of a range of lofty feelings and deep spiritual pleasure from communicating with the beautiful; feelings of disgust when meeting the ugly; a sense of humor, sarcasm at the moment of contemplation of the comic; emotional shock, anger, fear, compassion, leading to emotional and spiritual cleansing resulting from the experience tragic - all these are signs of genuine aesthetic education ", - notes the same author.

A deep experience of aesthetic feeling is inseparable from the ability of aesthetic judgment, i.e. with an aesthetic assessment of the phenomena of art and life. A.K. Dremov defines aesthetic assessment as an assessment "based on certain aesthetic principles, on a deep understanding of the essence of the aesthetic, which presupposes analysis, the possibility of proof, argumentation." Let us compare with the definition of D.B. Likhachev. "Aesthetic judgment is a demonstrative, well-grounded assessment of the phenomena of social life, art, nature." In my opinion, these definitions are similar. Thus, one of the components of this task is to form such qualities of a child that would allow him to give an independent, taking into account age-related capabilities, a critical assessment of any work, to express a judgment about him and his own mental state.

The third task of aesthetic education is associated with the formation of each educated aesthetic creative ability. The main thing is to "educate, develop such qualities, needs and abilities of the individual that turn the individual into an active creator, creator of aesthetic values, allow him not only to enjoy the beauty of the world, but also to transform it" according to the laws of beauty. "

The essence of this task is that the child should not only know the beautiful, be able to admire and appreciate it, but he should also actively participate in the creation of beauty in art, life, work, behavior, relationships. A.V. Lunacharsky emphasized that a person learns to comprehensively understand beauty only when he himself takes part in its creative creation in art, work, and social life.

1.3 Features of aesthetic education at primary school age

It is very difficult to form aesthetic ideals, artistic taste, when the human personality has already taken shape. Aesthetic personality development begins in early childhood. In order for an adult to become spiritually rich, special attention should be paid to the aesthetic education of children of preschool and primary school age. B.T. Likhachev writes: "The period of preschool and primary school childhood is perhaps the most decisive in terms of aesthetic education and the formation of a moral and aesthetic attitude to life." The author emphasizes that it is at this age that the most intensive formation of attitudes towards the world takes place, which gradually turn into personality traits. The essential moral and aesthetic qualities of a person are laid down in the early period of childhood and remain more or less unchanged for life. It is impossible, or at least extremely difficult to teach a young man, an adult, to trust people if he was often deceived in childhood. It is difficult to be kind to someone who, in childhood, did not join sympathy, did not experience the child's immediate and therefore indelibly strong joy from kindness to another person. You cannot suddenly become courageous in adulthood, if in preschool and primary school age you have not learned to express your opinion decisively and act boldly.

Of course, the course of life changes something and makes its own adjustments. But it is precisely in preschool and primary school age that aesthetic education is the basis of all further educational work.

One of the features of primary school age is the arrival of a child to school. He has a new leading type of activity - study. The teacher becomes the main person for the child. For children in elementary school, the teacher is the most important person. Everything for them starts with a teacher who helped them overcome the first difficult steps in life. Through him, children learn the world, the norms of social behavior. The teacher's views, tastes, and preferences become their own. From the pedagogical experience of A.S. Makarenko knows that a socially significant goal, the prospect of moving towards it, with an inept statement in front of children, leaves them indifferent. And vice versa. A vivid example of consistent and convincing work of the teacher himself, his sincere interest and enthusiasm easily raise children to work.

The next feature of aesthetic education in primary school age is associated with the changes taking place in the field of the student's cognitive processes.

For example, the formation of aesthetic ideals in children, as part of their worldview, is a complex and lengthy process. This is noted by all the teachers and psychologists mentioned above. In the course of upbringing, life relationships, ideals undergo changes. In some conditions, under the influence of comrades, adults, works of art, life upheavals, ideals can undergo fundamental changes. "The pedagogical essence of the process of forming aesthetic ideals in children, taking into account their age characteristics, is to form stable meaningful ideal ideas about society, about a person, about relations between people from the very beginning, from early childhood, doing this in a diverse, changing each stage in a new and exciting form ", - notes B.T.Likhachev in his work.

For preschool and primary school age, the leading form of acquaintance with the aesthetic ideal is children's literature, cartoons and films.

Book, cartoon or movie characters, be they people, animals, or fantastic fictional creatures endowed with human qualities, are carriers of good and evil, mercy and cruelty, justice and deceit. To the best of his understanding, a small child becomes an adherent of good, sympathizes with heroes who are fighting for justice against evil. "This is already, of course, the formation of an ideal as part of a worldview in a peculiar form that allows babies to easily and freely enter the world of social ideals. It is only important that the child's first ideal ideas do not remain at the level of only verbal-figurative expression. It must be constantly, by everyone. by means of encouraging children to learn to follow their favorite characters in their behavior and activities, to really show kindness, justice, and the ability to portray, express the ideal in their work: poetry, singing and drawings. "

From primary school age, there are changes in the motivational sphere. The motives of children's attitude to art, the beauty of reality are recognized and differentiated. D.B. Likhachev notes in his work that a new, conscious motive is added to the cognitive stimulus at this age. This is manifested in the fact that "... some guys relate to art and reality precisely aesthetically. They enjoy reading books, listening to music, drawing, watching a movie. They do not yet know that this is an aesthetic attitude. But an aesthetic attitude has been formed in them. to art and life. The craving for spiritual communication with art gradually turns into a need for them. Other children communicate with art outside of their own aesthetic attitude. They approach the work in a rationalistic way: having received a recommendation to read a book or watch a film, they read and watch them without deep comprehension in fact, just to have a general idea of ​​it. " And it happens that they read, watch or listen for prestigious reasons. The teacher's knowledge of the true motives of children's attitude to art helps to focus on the formation of a truly aesthetic attitude.

A sense of the beauty of nature, people around, things creates in a child special emotional and mental states, arouses a direct interest in life, sharpens curiosity, thinking, memory. In early childhood, children live spontaneous, deeply emotional lives. Strong emotional experiences remain in memory for a long time, often turn into motives and stimuli for behavior, facilitate the process of developing beliefs, skills and behavior habits. In the work of N.I. Kiyashchenko quite clearly emphasizes that "the pedagogical use of the child's emotional attitude to the world is one of the most important ways to penetrate the child's consciousness, expand, deepen, strengthen, and design." He also notes that the emotional reactions and states of the child are a criterion for the effectiveness of aesthetic education. "The emotional attitude of a person to a particular phenomenon expresses the degree and nature of the development of his feelings, tastes, views, convictions and will."

Thus, primary school age is a special age for aesthetic education, where the teacher plays the main role in the life of a student. Using this, skillful teachers are able not only to establish a solid foundation of an aesthetically developed personality, but also through aesthetic education to lay the true worldview of a person, because it is at this age that the child's attitude to the world is formed and the essential aesthetic qualities of the future personality are developed.

Chapter 2. The practice of firm aesthetic education of primary schoolchildren in the family

1 Studying the aesthetic education of primary schoolchildren in the family

Today, new curricula of aesthetic subjects are being developed, the number of hours allocated for the study of humanitarian subjects is increasing, art schools, schools and classes with an aesthetic bias are being opened, all kinds of circles, studios, creative teams, etc. aesthetic education of primary schoolchildren, in our opinion, is played by the family. Under the influence of parents, the child develops aesthetic tastes and inclinations, develops an interest in a particular type of art. The aesthetics of everyday life, the circle of spiritual values, needs, tastes of parents - this is the environment where the moral and aesthetic ideal is formed, where all the necessary conditions can be created for the disclosure and development of the creative abilities of children.

Of course, every family has different possibilities. But success still depends not on the number of books or musical instruments, but on the parents' interest in the cultural and aesthetic development of their children, on the atmosphere in the family.

The effectiveness of aesthetic and educational work with younger students depends largely on the unity of the actions of teachers and parents. This allows you to multiply the efforts of both to create conditions conducive to the aesthetic development of the child. Each of us in his own way participates in this process, each has its own advantages in the ways of aesthetic impact on the child.

Most of the parents have a sufficient level of general culture to assist the teacher in guiding the aesthetic development of younger students. And yet they do not always pay due attention to this work. Few of the parents spend leisure time with their children, arrange family holidays, and introduce children to art.

There are many reasons for parents' indifference to the aesthetic side of upbringing, but one of them is the position of the teacher himself. What is the primary school teacher talking to the parents? More often about successes or difficulties in learning, about the student's daily routine, about monitoring homework, about the student's work and social assignments.

When visiting a student's family for the first time, a primary school teacher gets acquainted with her traditions, way of life; observes the relationship between adult family members and children; finds out the interests of the child, his inclinations, hobbies, the presence of a children's corner, a library, musical instruments. During a conversation with parents, it is important for the teacher to feel the general cultural level of the family, to learn about the nature of the work of adult family members, about their hobbies, what specific help they could provide to the class, teacher, school.

To make parents allies, it is necessary to organize their aesthetic education. At parent-teacher meetings, it is advisable to systematically conduct conversations with parents on aesthetic and pedagogical topics, for example: "Formation and development of the abilities of younger students", "Guiding children's reading", "A talented child in the family", "Raising a respect for nature in children", " Collection and Children "," Musical Education in the Family "," Aesthetics of Behavior and Life of Schoolchildren "," Organization of Family Holidays "," Aesthetics of Family Relations "," The Role of Cinema and Television in the Education of Younger Schoolchildren ", etc. One of the parent meetings can be to devote entirely to the problems of aesthetic education of children in the family, where the parents themselves will share their experience of work on the aesthetic education of their child, and the teacher will tell about the successes in the subjects of the aesthetic cycle. You can show a videotape with a recording of a reading lesson, in which children tell a fairy tale they have composed or stage a literary work, show fragments of music lessons, rhythmics. It is better to end such a meeting with the "Our Talents" competition, for which both adults and children are preparing. An exhibition of children's handicrafts, drawings, as well as books to help parents about the aesthetic education of children in the family is being organized.

It is advisable to invite teachers who teach rhythmics, fine arts, music, cultural and art workers (it is good if there are any among parents), a school librarian, leaders of school circles, creative associations to parent meetings, so that they can talk about various forms of introducing children to this or that kind of art at home.

So, a fine arts teacher will give advice on how to organize children's art activities at home that do not require an abundance of materials. Younger schoolchildren love to draw, write on the blackboard, but at school they do not always succeed or they have to write not what they themselves want. Therefore, at home, you can attach 1-2 sheets of Whatman paper or old wallpaper to the wall, which the student makes at his own discretion, without fear of being punished. On such a wall, the child will draw, glue pictures, applications and write mini essays. It is desirable both at home and in the class to have multi-colored crayons and individual boards. Parents can be advised to organize a home art gallery, solo exhibitions of children's creativity and the creative work of family members. At the meeting, the music teacher will tell you how to hold a "Music Lounge" at home, in which both children and their parents will perform with musical numbers.

An important incentive in the aesthetic creativity of primary schoolchildren is the active participation of parents in holidays, competitions, concerts. Some parents act as actors, others are members of the jury, help in making costumes, in class design. It is very important with all parents and children to jointly discuss sketches for the design of the future classroom. They also decorate the class: they bring potted flowers, sew beautiful curtains, help in decorating stands. For drawing lessons and labor, special folders are made, aprons, kerchiefs for girls, oilcloths and napkins on tables are sewn. A wonderful form of joint work of the class and parents is the exhibition "The World of Our Hobbies", where children, mothers and fathers, grandparents present their collections of stamps, badges, coins, postcards, photographs, amateur art products: chasing, embroidery, knitting, macrame, ceramics, etc. With the help of parents, a classroom library for extracurricular reading, a video library is collected, trips to the forest, excursions to museums, collective exits to the cinema, theater, etc. are organized.

The organization of class circles by the forces of parents who have the ability for artistic creativity is valuable in the system of aesthetic education of students. The most popular is puppet theater, in the performances of which a whole complex of artistic means is used: both the artistic word, and a specific visual image, and music. Here everyone will find something to their liking - from acting to technical performer. Leaders of other circles can be attracted.

Thus, a properly formed teacher's relationship with the family will provide an opportunity for the full disclosure of the aesthetic abilities of primary schoolchildren.

2.2 Diagnostics of the aesthetic education of primary schoolchildren and their parents

For a more comprehensive study of the problem of aesthetic education of primary schoolchildren, the following research methods were used in the work: questioning, theoretical analysis and generalization. 20 parents of pupils and 20 pupils took part in the pedagogical experiment. During the pedagogical experiment, the method of pedagogical testing was used. Parents of students had to answer eight questions (Appendix 1). Possible answers were offered, from which the parents had to choose the appropriate answer or enter the desired one.

As part of my coursework, my research has shown that, unfortunately, the level of aesthetic education of the parents of primary schoolchildren does not have high rates. Parents of pupils of the 2nd "D" class of the secondary school №35 of the city of Tambov were interviewed. 60% of parents read with their child every day, 39% do it only occasionally, and the remaining 1% of parents do it very rarely. 45% of the respondents regularly visit exhibitions, children's theaters and other aesthetically developing places with their children, 50% of parents have done this for a long time, and 5% have never taken their children to such places. 85% of the parents surveyed love art, 10% do not like it, and the remaining 5% are not interested in such things. Based on the test results, we can conclude that 12% of the parents surveyed do regular reading for the soul, thereby setting an excellent example of self-education for their children, 75% rarely do it, and 13% simply do not have time for this activity. (Appendix 2)

From the foregoing, we can conclude that some parents are seriously concerned about the aesthetic development of their children and are trying in every possible way to develop them, to set an example. Nevertheless, there are, unfortunately, the majority of them, which provide an opportunity for aesthetic development to school, teachers, since they themselves do not have enough time for this or are simply not interested in such activities. In their free time, the interviewed parents prefer to watch TV, go for a walk, go online, spend time with their family in nature.

Art as a means of aesthetic education in elementary school is realized in the lessons of the art cycle (music, fine arts, literature or reading). In the course of analyzing the work of teachers, the following feature was identified. In fine arts lessons, preference is given, first of all, to teaching fine literacy, that is, drawing; on music - choral singing; on reading - expressive reading, that is, improving practical skills. Attention is not paid at all to the knowledge of the works of art themselves, and if this happens, it is only on a superficial level. In the theoretical part, I noted how important it is to correctly approach the perception of a work of art. As a result of long-term communication with works of art, not only those aspects of the student's personality develop, which feed primarily on the figurative and emotional content of the work of art - aesthetic feelings, needs, attitudes, taste, but also the whole structure of the personality, personal and social ideas, worldview, its moral and aesthetic ideal is being formed

In addition, the absence in the lesson of an artistic cycle of theoretical material about art, its types, representatives, works of art is, in our opinion, its main drawback.

Thus, having received the initial premises during the preparatory work, I began the second part of the study.

The children were offered the following system of questions. (Appendix 3)

The results were as follows. In this class, children outside the school, that is, on their own, quite often visit cultural institutions. They go there with pleasure. To the question "Do you like visiting theaters, museums, exhibitions, concerts?" "yes" was answered by 23 people, "not very" - 3 people. 14 people think that this is enough to be a cultured person, and, meanwhile, 24 people would like to be there more often.

Despite such a genuine interest of junior schoolchildren in various types of art, they still have limited knowledge of art itself. So to the question "What do you know about art?" 13 people honestly admitted “I don’t know” or “I don’t remember”, 5 people answered “a lot” without spreading their answer, and only 8 people tried to give a detailed answer, more or less correct of which were only three: Art is when a person creates pictures, draws them "," There are several genres in art "," Art is the ability to do something. "Realizing their limitations in knowledge of this area, only 4 people from the class would not want to enrich their knowledge in the field of art. the question “Would you like to learn more about art?” they answered negatively. However, to the question “Do you like books, programs about art?” “yes” was answered by only 11 people - less than half of the class. I can explain this by the fact that, Despite the abundance of various literature for children nowadays, there are few books on art adapted for primary school age, mostly intended for older audiences.

When asked about the introduction of a new art lesson, the opinions of the class were divided. Only half of the class (14 people) reacted positively, 2 people wrote "not very" and "no" - 10 people.

During the conversation with the students who answered “no”, it turned out that they generally think that such a new art lesson would be rather boring and therefore they would not want to introduce it. It is noteworthy that out of 10 people who answered “no”, nine are boys, and they are not in the first place in their studies. And, as it seems to me, they were not against the introduction of an object of art, but generally against the introduction of another new lesson. This response showed their attitude towards learning in general.

Thus, after conducting a survey, I found out that the interest of younger students in art is quite high. They not only enjoy going to the theater for performances, visiting various exhibitions or the circus, but they would also like to learn more about the art itself. Unfortunately, books on this topic and educational programs on television, as a source of information for a younger student, are not available today. I was also convinced of this, having visited the children's libraries of the city. Art literature is intended for the older age. A contradiction arises between the need for knowledge among younger students, on the one hand, and the impossibility of obtaining them, on the other. One of the solutions in this situation, I see in the introduction of elements of art history in the lessons of the art cycle: music, art, literature.

3 Draft program of aesthetic education for primary schoolchildren

Explanatory note

The federal educational standard of primary general education determines the goal and the main result of education - the development of the student's personality on the basis of mastering universal educational actions, cognition and mastery of the world. At the same time, it is assumed that in accordance with the standard "the formation of the foundations of civic identity and worldview of students, spiritual and moral development of education of students, providing for their acceptance of moral norms, moral attitudes, moral values" is carried out. In essence, we are talking about the socialization of students, the creation of conditions for the formation of a versatile social experience of younger students. When developing a socialization system, one should take into account the possibilities of three components of the educational process: the learning process itself, extracurricular and extracurricular activities - based on the connection of the educational institution with the social environment. Primary attention to aesthetic education is advisable for the following reasons: firstly, the development of each subject area depends on the emotional-value attitude to educational information, which requires reliance on figurative perception; secondly, it is the organization of aesthetically directed creative activity that allows, in a complex, to realize the possibilities of the three components of the educational process; thirdly, extracurricular activities represent an inexhaustible arsenal of means of aesthetic development of the personality of a younger student. One of the central tasks of a comprehensive school at the present stage is the development of a sense of beauty in students, the formation of a healthy artistic taste in them, the ability to understand and appreciate works of art and literature, the beauty and wealth of the natural world around us.

In the course of research activities, both the teacher and the student are in the same situation, together they put forward a hypothesis, test it, and draw conclusions. This activity in the full sense is a joint work of a teacher and a student. In such activities, the product of the research, as a rule, has not only novelty, but also socially significant, practical value.

Research and project activity of students is a form of organization of teaching and educational work, which is associated with the solution by students of a creative, research problem with a previously unknown result. In the course of research activities, students' skills in working in groups are also formed, the development of feelings of camaraderie, empathy, and responsibility for the assigned task.

The object of the research is the process of formation of aesthetic education of primary schoolchildren.

The subject of the research is the conditions conducive to the formation of the aesthetic culture of primary schoolchildren.

The main result of effective project implementation:

Achieving high educational results;

Disclosure of the creative abilities of students;

Formation of aesthetic education of junior schoolchildren.

Project goals:

Improvement of the educational process for the formation of aesthetic education in primary school;

Creation of conditions for creative self-realization of children, their involvement in research activities;

Systematization and generalization of work on aesthetic education in primary school.

Project objectives:

Summarize the experience of research and project activities in the formation of aesthetic education in primary school;

Create conditions for creative self-realization of children, involve them in research activities;

Select the brightest and most developing methods of work during the project

Predict possible options for further work.

Research methods:

Analysis of literature on research and project activities of primary schoolchildren, study of normative, methodological documents, study and generalization of advanced pedagogical experience polls (questionnaires)

Pedagogical experiment; pedagogical observation; analysis of school documents, comparison, generalization.

Significance of the project.

In the field of modernization of primary education, the task is to get an elementary school graduate with the knowledge, skills and abilities of the foundations of independent and creative activity. The most productive option to achieve such a result is to use research and design technologies in teaching and upbringing of a younger student.

In the course of this project, the student must "pass" through himself aesthetic values, information about the world around him, which will become the motivational basis for his actions. At the same time, the child's interaction with the aesthetic environment satisfies his cognitive needs, promotes intellectual development, and realizes his inner potential.

Project components



Components of the project.

The use of creative, research and design work in academic disciplines

Development of the creative potential of students

Formation of skills of independent project activity of schoolchildren and the ability to work in a team

Dissemination and promotion of the experience of work in the aesthetic education of primary schoolchildren.

Forms of organizing research activities of students:

Cool watch.

Excursions, walks.

Experiments and observations.

Extracurricular activities.

Project participants:

Pupils of primary school age 2 grades

Primary school teachers

Parental community

Terms of project implementation:

Expected results.

Active interest of students in the acquired knowledge, acquired by them in joint creative, research and practical work.

The positive impact of educational information beyond the scope of standard textbooks.

Teaching the techniques of research work with books, using the Internet to gain new knowledge, developing skills in working in the library.

Acquisition of communication skills.

Development of the ability to adequately present the results of their work in the form of reports, mini - essays, reviews, drawings, photographs, etc.

Speech development and vocabulary enrichment.

Active participation of parents in the school life of the child.

Improving the professional competence of the teacher.

DurationEventsSeptember Experiments and observations Excursion to the children's library Educational project "Beauty of Autumn" Educational project "How verses are born" Go to the children's theater OctoberExcursions to the picture gallery Educational project "I am an artist" Drawing competition cartoons "Action" My own cartoon "DecemberAction" I am a creator "Educational project" Crazy hands "Contest of creative craftsJanuary Educational project" Beauty of winter "Action" Snowflake "Exhibition of" snowflakes "Hike to an exhibition of winter paintingFebruaryAction" Writer "Educational project" Famous writers of Tambov region "March Action" Gatherings with adults "Educational project" Communication between children and their parents "Event" Family competitions "April Action" I am a musician "Go to the children's theater Presentation of class talents May Greening of the class, schools, houses Action" Clean yard "Go to the children's theater Excursions to nature

Plan for the aesthetic week

Days of the weekEventParticipantsMondayParticipants' Day Celebration Class teachers, children, parentsTuesday Drawing and poster competitionClass teachers, children


Aesthetic education really occupies an important place in the entire system of the educational process, since it is not only the development of the aesthetic qualities of a person, but also the entire personality as a whole: its essential forces, spiritual needs, moral ideals, personal and social ideas, worldview.

The impact of the aesthetic phenomena of life and art on a person can take place both purposefully and spontaneously. The school plays a huge role in this process. In the curriculum, subjects such as fine arts, music, literature are fixed, the basis of which is art.

The research has shown that the cognitive interest in art among junior schoolchildren is quite high, and the presence of interest is the first of the conditions for successful upbringing. In addition, art material has great emotional potential, be it a piece of music, literary or artistic. It is the power of emotional impact that is the way to penetrate the child's consciousness, and the means of forming the aesthetic qualities of the personality.

Indeed, the means of art used in the educational process are an effective means of aesthetic education of primary schoolchildren. Experienced teachers, knowing this, are able, through art, to educate the true aesthetic qualities of a person: taste, the ability to evaluate, understand and create beauty.

One of the most important sources in the emotional experience of schoolchildren is intrafamily relationships. The formative and developmental significance of the family is obvious. However, not all modern families pay attention to the aesthetic development of their child. In such families, conversations about the beauty of the objects around us, nature are quite rare, and going to the theater or museum is out of the question. The class teacher should help such children, try to make up for the lack of emotional experience, with special care in the classroom. The task of the class teacher is to conduct conversations, lectures with parents on the aesthetic education of the younger generation.

Thus, the means and forms of aesthetic education are very diverse, ranging from subjects of the natural and mathematical cycle at school and ending with "laces on shoes." Aesthetically, it educates literally everything, the whole reality around us. In this sense, art also belongs to the important sources of the aesthetic experience of children, since art is the most concentrated expression of a person's aesthetic attitude to reality and therefore plays a leading role in aesthetic education.


1.Adaskina A.A. Features of the manifestation of aesthetic attitude in the perception of reality // Questions of psychology, 2008 - №6.

Aksarina N.M. "Education of children" M., publishing house "Medicine" 2002.

Aleksakhin N. Acquaintance with the culture of color in the classroom for fine arts // Preschool education. - 2008 - No. 3.

Baturina G.I., Kuzina T.F. Folk pedagogy in the upbringing of preschoolers. - M .: A.P.O., 2005.

Borev Y. "Aesthetics" M., publishing house of political literature 2007.

Zaporozhets I. D. "Education of emotions and feelings in a preschooler" M., 2005.

Kulchinskaya N.L., Kulchinskaya A.A. Games in the Museum // Little Man, 2003-№1.

Kalyanov V.T. Aesthetic preparation of a teacher at school. Dis ... Cand. - M., 2007.

G.I. Koroleva, G.A. Petrova The system of aesthetic training of students in higher educational institutions. - Kazan: Publishing house of Kazan University, 2004.

A Brief Dictionary of Aesthetics: A Book for a Teacher / Ed. Akonshina E.A., Aronova V.R., Ovsyannikova M.F. - M.: Education, 2003.

Krementsova O.V. On the aesthetic essence of pedagogical activity // Soviet pedagogy, 2007. - №6

Kovalev S.M. "Education and self-education" M., Publishing house "Mysl" 2006.

Krutetskiy V.A. "Psychology" M., Publishing house "Education" 2003.

Loginova V.I. "Preschool Pedagogy" M., "Education" 2003.

Maymin E.A. Aesthetics is the science of beauty. - M., "Education" 2005

Matskevich M. Walks in the Tretyakov Gallery // Preschool education. - 2008 - No. 3

Matskevich M. Enter the world of art: a program of aesthetic education. // Preschool education. - 2008-No. 4

World of childhood: Younger schoolboy / Ed. A. G. Khripkova; Resp. ed. V.V.Davydov. - M .: Pedagogy, 2001.

Obukhova L.G. "Psychology of Childhood" M., 2002.

Pedagogy. Textbook for students of pedagogical universities and pedagogical colleges / Ed. P.I. Pedastic. - M .: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2006.

Pechora K.L., Pantyukhina G.V., Golubeva L.G. Young Children in Preschool Institutions: A Guide for Preschool Teachers. institutions. - M .: VLADOS. 2002.

Slastenin V. A. et al. Pedagogy: Textbook. manual for stud. higher. ped. educational institutions / V. A. Slastenin, I. F. Isaev, E. N. Shiyanov; Ed. V.A. Slastenin. - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2002.

Soviet encyclopedic dictionary / editor-in-chief A.M. Prokhorov. - M .: Soviet encyclopedia, 2006.

Kharlamov I.F.Pedagogy: Textbook. allowance. 2nd ed., Rev. and add. - M .: Higher. shk., 2005.

K.D. Ushinsky "Selected pedagogical compositions" M 2004

"In order to educate a person thinking and feeling, he should, first of all, be educated aesthetically."
Friedrich Schiller

The changes that have taken place in our country in recent years have determined a new social order of society for the activities of the education system. In the new conditions, the personality of the student comes to the fore, his ability to self-determination and self-realization, to make independent decisions and bring them to execution, to a reflective analysis of his own activity, creatively realizing his abilities, knowledge, skills, abilities, to help a person live in peace and harmony with people, nature, culture, civilization. A school graduate who will live and work in the new millennium must have certain personality traits, in particular:

  • to adapt flexibly to changing life situations, independently acquiring the necessary knowledge, skillfully applying it in practice to solve various problems;
  • to think independently critically, to be able to foresee the difficulties arising in the real world and to look for ways to rationally overcome them;
  • competently work with information;
  • be sociable;
  • to work independently on the development of their own morality, intellect, cultural level.

What needs to be changed at school (in the teaching of the subject, in the organization of educational and extracurricular work) in order to foster the desired qualities in students?

So the child came to school. A new alluring world opens up before him. Every day is an initiation into discovery, it is an enrichment of the mind, feelings, education of will and character.

How will his school years go? What kind of person will he become?

I think that if a school graduates a not very literate person, it’s half the trouble, and if a graduate leaves the walls, soulless, callous to someone else’s pain, who doesn’t know how to understand and compassion, it’s a disaster, so I pay great attention not only to training, but also to educational work with students. disclosure of the spiritual potential of the individual.

The problem of the development of the spiritual culture of society at the present stage is extremely acute, and in this regard, it becomes necessary to turn the school to aesthetic education as the most important means of revealing the spiritual potential of a person, stimulating his all-round development.

At a time when social ideals are blurred, works, the heroes of which were the Korchagins and the Young Guard, are excluded from the curriculum, the Teacher takes the liberty and great work of tirelessly explaining to children “what is good and what is bad”

Modern pedagogical science provides the teacher with a wide variety of ways to achieve the set goals. Where should you focus your attention? Which one best suits your conditions? These are the questions that inevitably arise before a teacher who decides to break the old foundations.

The search for answers to these questions made me turn to the study of one, in my opinion, an important direction in the development of personality - the aesthetic education of schoolchildren.

I am sure that aesthetic education plays a leading role in realizing these goals.

Topic "Aesthetic education of junior schoolchildren ”Is of considerable interest for research.

Target: Reveal and develop students' abilities, shape spiritually rich a creatively minded person with solid basic knowledge, able to adapt to the conditions of a new life.

I see the achievement of this goal through the solution of the following tasks:

  • Consideration of various ways of implementing an individual approach in teaching and education, namely in aesthetic education.
  • Help each student find his “ecological niche”, evaluate his capabilities, knowledge, abilities, - evaluate himself and become more confident.

Algorithm for studying this problem:

1. Acquaintance with the theory of the question

  • Study and analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature on this issue.
  • Acquaintance with the state of the practice of solving this problem.
  • Identification of the main problems of this topic.

2. Search work

  • Studying the experience of teachers working on this issue.

3. The practice of researching this topic.

  • Implementation of the achievements of pedagogical science and practice in the educational process.
  • The analysis of the literature and the research work that I conducted on this topic helped me to develop my own opinion and achieve certain results in my work.

Art is a determining factor in the aesthetic education and development of a child, and its use as a means of upbringing is deeply justified, since art by its very nature has great educational potential and is incomparable with anything in terms of its impact on a growing person.

Art has a unique ability to shape and diversify the personality, to influence the spiritual world of a person as a whole.

This is a powerful tool for the formation of the most important aspects of mental life - the emotional sphere, imaginative thinking, artistic and creative abilities.

Theory and practice shows that primary school age is a special period of childhood, which is characterized by emotionality, developed imaginative thinking, creative imagination, it is sensitive to the physical, mental, and personal development of children, which largely determines the future appearance of a person.

Art is the world in which children feel at ease and naturally. With the help of various means of art, they can quite freely express their feelings, desires, dreams, give an outlet to internal conflicts and strong emotions, develop their artistic and musical abilities.

In addition to the aforementioned aesthetic functions, art, from the point of view of psychologists, has great health potential.

In this regard, there is an increasing need to revise and expand the traditional views on the possibilities of aesthetic education in primary school.

Practice shows that school subjects of the aesthetic cycle are not enough to achieve the above goals. Therefore, I turned to the art school for help. Music and art teachers responded to my request. And since 1991 we have been working in close contact. Children are recruited to the first grade at the request and request of their parents, regardless of their abilities. At the same time, they are enrolled in a kindergarten school for the arts. Throughout the year, first graders take up music and art in the afternoons. All classes are held in the school building, the teachers themselves come to them. This is also very convenient. Music lessons include choir, individual singing lessons, specialty (piano). And classes in fine arts cover painting, arts and crafts, drawing, composition.

Teachers set a goal: to develop musical and artistic abilities in all children, to evoke and maintain a desire to express themselves in music and artistic activity, to identify talented children. And suddenly nature has endowed the child with abilities that no one knows about.

Classes are held in an atmosphere of mutual understanding, ease, friendliness, respect for each individual individually. The principle of gradualness, consistent complication of requirements, a differentiated approach to the knowledge and skills of each child is taken into account.

Children receive an emotional charge, the joy of communication, become more self-confident, develop comprehensively. At the end of the first grade, a general parent meeting is held together with the teachers of the art school, where, taking into account the wishes of children, parents, as well as the recommendations of teachers, children are assigned to the piano or art department of the art school for a more in-depth study of a particular subject of the aesthetic cycle.

But at the same time, the "artists" continue to sing in the choir (1 hour per week), and the "musicians" continue to paint (1 hour per week).

For the purpose of pedagogical control, coordination of the activities of working teachers and parents, I had to attend all these classes for the first 4-5 years, observe and draw conclusions. Children are changing before our eyes. As a result of communication with music, her mood and feelings are transmitted to them: joy and anxiety, regret and sadness, decisiveness or tenderness. This is the power of the psychological impact of music. Thanks to music, receptivity and sensitivity develops, a humane attitude towards the world is formed. Music lessons form musical sensory abilities, vocal and choral skills, develop auditory attention, teach to listen attentively and distinguish sounds by pitch, strength, duration, compare and compare them. Children practice the perception of the metro rhythm. The rhythm of the picture is shown with claps, steps. Individual lessons in teaching children how to play musical instruments require special concentration from them. Indeed, music provides incomparable opportunities for the development of the emotional sphere of a person, especially in childhood. It helps regulate the emotional state. Eliminates the disharmony of the surrounding world. In the world of music, a child receives a charge of positive emotions, "harmonizes" his inner world.

I would especially like to say about choral lessons. Systematic choir lessons help to form a healthy vocal apparatus in every child, to develop the ability to function in a flexible and varied manner. I made such a conclusion as a result of observing the changes in the physical condition of the students. The vocal apparatus also acquires vital qualities such as indefatigability and endurance. Due to this, the physical nature of children is strengthened (in the winter, a decrease in the number of colds was recorded).

Choral classes play a huge role in the development of the respiratory system. It is known that the quality of the voice, its strength, depends on the skills of singing breathing. This skill is developed from the first lessons. The breathing mechanism, fixing itself in the mind of the child, becomes a habit. Since singing breathing is a kind of massage of internal organs. Its systematic use has a beneficial effect on strengthening the general psychophysical state of a fragile, growing child's body.

Children like art classes very much, where they realize their abilities to the fullest extent. Since childhood, a stream of visual information (movement of light, color, shape) falls on us. It is very important, even in childhood, to teach a person an artistic vision, which gives him the opportunity to comprehend the images of reality.

Artistic taste will help make your living environment more aesthetic. And, accordingly, bring joy and harmony to your world. This is especially important for children. In our life, where there is a lot of instability, they need to create psychological comfort. Otherwise, they will not be able to develop normally.

The discovery of a unique individuality in oneself helps the child to realize himself in studies, creativity, communication with others. In the process of studying, he each time looks for his own solution, finds a way to express himself. Tasks require from the child certain efforts and tension of consciousness. The reward for this is the creation of their own world in which the child will be the master. This increases his self-esteem, raises his vitality.

I am sure that such a purposeful work on aesthetic education yields positive results, and I want to continue my creative search on this issue.

Experience shows that if you create favorable conditions for all children, you can be sure that each of them will successfully master the experience of aesthetic activity available to him.

Let my pupils not become professional musicians and artists, but even the very introduction to art, to beauty, raises children, raises their intelligence, makes them spiritually richer, cleaner, kinder, and also healthier.

For myself, I made the following conclusions: only someone who is keen on work can captivate others; only those who are creative in organizing their activities can teach students to think creatively. All pedagogical practice is a creative process, and the result depends on how you approach this process.

And the results speak for themselves.

  • 1st place - E. Ilyasova - for the work "Memory" at the III open republican competition of children's creativity
  • 1st place - M. Khaziev - at the regional competition "Musical drops"
  • Sayfutdinova G. - laureate and diploma winner of regional, republican, All-Russian music competitions. III place in vocal - at the All-Russian competition "Rose of the Winds" (Neftekamsk).
  • In May this year, Khaziev M. and Sayfutdinova G. passed the audition and were invited to study at the Nuriman Sabitov Republican School (Ufa).

Let my pupils not become musicians and artists, but even the very introduction to art, to beauty raises children, raises their intellect, makes them spiritually richer, kinder, and also healthier.

And here one cannot but recall the wonderful words of the writer - humanist FM Dostoevsky that “beauty will save the world”.


1.Likhachev B.T. The theory of aesthetic education of schoolchildren. - M., 1985

2. Basics of aesthetic education / Under. Ed. I.A. Kushaeva. M., 1986

3. Tretyakova ZI, Anichkin S.A. Preparing a teacher for aesthetic education: Methodological guide. Sverdlovsk, 1985

4. Verb M.A. The relationship between the aesthetic and pedagogical culture of the future teacher / Problems of aesthetic education / Sverdlovsk, 1981

5. A Brief Dictionary of Aesthetics. M., 1983

6. Nemensky BM The wisdom of beauty: on the problems of aesthetic education. - M., 1987

7. The structure and levels of aesthetic consciousness. / Editorial board. : E. I. Krupnik, V. F. Kozmin, L.P. Pechko. –M., 1982

8. Pedagogical encyclopedia. M., 1993

9. Stolovich Ya.N. Life - creativity - man. Functions of artistic activity. M., 1985

10. Bear E.I. Aesthetic education of schoolchildren in the system of additional education. Tutorial. TsGL "RON", 2002

11. Shchatskaya V.M. Musical and aesthetic education of children and youth. M., 1975

MOBU Tabaginskaya secondary school

Topic: "Aesthetic education of primary schoolchildren"

Zamostina Lyudmila Vasilievna, primary school teacher

Yusupova Zakhira Lotfullovna, primary school teacher


Aesthetic education of junior schoolchildren

"In order to educate a person thinking and feeling, he should, first of all, be educated aesthetically."
Friedrich Schiller

The changes that have taken place in our country in recent years have determined a new social order of society for the activities of the education system. In the new conditions, the personality of the student comes to the fore, his ability to self-determination and self-realization, to make independent decisions and bring them to execution, to a reflective analysis of his own activity, creatively realizing his abilities, knowledge, skills, abilities, to help a person live in peace and harmony with people, nature, culture, civilization. A school graduate who will live and work in the new millennium must have certain personality traits, in particular:

  • to adapt flexibly to changing life situations, independently acquiring the necessary knowledge, skillfully applying it in practice to solve various problems;
  • to think independently critically, to be able to foresee the difficulties arising in the real world and to look for ways to rationally overcome them;
  • competently work with information;
  • be sociable;
  • to work independently on the development of their own morality, intellect, cultural level.

What needs to be changed at school (in the teaching of the subject, in the organization of educational and extracurricular work) in order to foster the desired qualities in students?

So the child came to school. A new alluring world opens up before him. Every day is an initiation into discovery, it is an enrichment of the mind, feelings, education of will and character.

How will his school years go? What kind of person will he become?

We believe that if a school graduates a not very literate person, this is half the trouble, and if a graduate comes out of the walls, soulless, callous to the pain of others, who does not know how to understand and compassion, this is a disaster, therefore I pay great attention not only to training, but also to educational work with students. disclosure of the spiritual potential of the individual.

The problem of the development of the spiritual culture of society at the present stage is extremely acute, and in this regard, it becomes necessary to turn the school to aesthetic education as the most important means of revealing the spiritual potential of a person, stimulating his all-round development.

Modern pedagogical science provides the teacher with a wide variety of ways to achieve the set goals.Where should you focus your attention? Which one best suits our conditions?These are the questions that inevitably arise before a teacher who decides to break the old foundations.

The search for answers to these questions made us turn to the study of one, in our opinion, an important direction in the development of personality - the aesthetic education of schoolchildren.

We are confident that aesthetic education plays a leading role in realizing these goals.

Topic "Aesthetic education of junior schoolchildren

Target: Reveal and develop students' abilities, shapespiritually richa creatively minded person with solid basic knowledge, able to adapt to the conditions of a new life.

Achieving the goal through solving the following tasks:

  • Consideration of various ways of implementing an individual approach in teaching and education, namely in aesthetic education.
  • Help each student find his “ecological niche”, evaluate his capabilities, knowledge, abilities, - evaluate himself and become more confident.

The determining factor in the aesthetic education and development of the child is art. Its use as a means of education is deeply justified, since art by its very nature has great educational potential and is incomparable with anything in terms of its impact on a growing person.

Art has a unique ability to shape and diversify the personality, to influence the spiritual world of a person as a whole.

This is a powerful tool for the formation of the most important aspects of mental life - the emotional sphere, imaginative thinking, artistic and creative abilities.

Theory and practice shows that primary school age is a special period of childhood, which is characterized by emotionality, developed imaginative thinking, creative imagination, it is sensitive to the physical, mental, and personal development of children, which largely determines the future appearance of a person.

Art is the world in which children feel at ease and naturally. With the help of various means of art, they can quite freely express their feelings, desires, dreams, give an outlet to internal conflicts and strong emotions, develop their artistic and musical abilities.

In addition to the aforementioned aesthetic functions, art, from the point of view of psychologists, has great health potential.

In this regard, there is an increasing need to revise and expand the traditional views on the possibilities of aesthetic education in primary school.

Practice shows that school subjects of the aesthetic cycle are not enough to achieve the above goals. Therefore, we have organized a children's ensemble "RADUGA". The music teacher responded to our request. And since 2007 we have been working in close contact. Children are recruited to the first grade at the request and request of their parents, regardless of their abilities. At the same time, at the request of children and parents, they are enrolled in the ensemble. Then comes the selection for musical ability. Classes are held in the school building after hours .. This is also very convenient. Music lessons include choir, one-to-one vocal lessons. And classes in fine arts cover painting, arts and crafts, drawing, composition.

We set ourselves a goal: to develop musical and artistic abilities in all children, to evoke and maintain a desire to express themselves in music and artistic activities, to identify talented children. And suddenly nature has endowed the child with abilities that no one knows about.

Classes are held in an atmosphere of mutual understanding, ease, friendliness, respect for each individual individually. The principle of gradualness, consistent complication of requirements, a differentiated approach to the knowledge and skills of each child is taken into account.

Children receive an emotional charge, the joy of communication, become more self-confident, develop comprehensively.

As a result of communication with music, her mood and feelings are transmitted to them: joy and anxiety, regret and sadness, decisiveness or tenderness. This is the power of the psychological impact of music. Thanks to music, receptivity and sensitivity develops, a humane attitude towards the world is formed. Music lessons form musical sensory abilities, vocal and choral skills, develop auditory attention, teach to listen attentively and distinguish sounds by pitch, strength, duration, compare and compare them. Indeed, music provides incomparable opportunities for the development of the emotional sphere of a person, especially in childhood. It helps regulate the emotional state. Eliminates the disharmony of the surrounding world. In the world of music, a child receives a charge of positive emotions, "harmonizes" his inner world.

I would especially like to say about choral lessons. Systematic choir lessons help to form a healthy vocal apparatus in every child, to develop the ability to function in a flexible and varied manner. We made such a conclusion as a result of observations of changes in the physical condition of students. The vocal apparatus also acquires vital qualities such as indefatigability and endurance. Due to this, the physical nature of children is strengthened (in the winter, a decrease in the number of colds was recorded).

Choral classes play a huge role in the development of the respiratory system. It is known that the quality of the voice, its strength, depends on the skills of singing breathing. This skill is developed from the first lessons. The breathing mechanism, fixing itself in the mind of the child, becomes a habit. Since singing breathing is a kind of massage of internal organs. Its systematic use has a beneficial effect on strengthening the general psychophysical state of a fragile, growing child's body.

Children like art classes very much, where they realize their abilities to the fullest extent. It is very important, even in childhood, to teach a person an artistic vision, which gives him the opportunity to comprehend the images of reality.

Artistic taste will help make your living environment more aesthetic. And, accordingly, bring joy and harmony to your world. This is especially important for children. In our life, where there is a lot of instability, they need to create psychological comfort. Otherwise, they will not be able to develop normally.

The discovery of a unique individuality in oneself helps the child to realize himself in studies, creativity, communication with others. In the process of studying, he each time looks for his own solution, finds a way to express himself. Tasks require from the child certain efforts and tension of consciousness. The reward for this is the creation of their own world in which the child will be the master. This increases his self-esteem, raises his vitality.

We are confident that such a purposeful work on aesthetic education yields positive results, and we want to continue our creative search on this issue.

Experience shows that if you create favorable conditions for all children, you can be sure that each of them will successfully master the experience of aesthetic activity available to him.

Let our pupils not become professional musicians and artists, but even the very introduction to art, to beauty, raises children, raises their intelligence, makes them spiritually richer, cleaner, kinder, and also healthier.

For ourselves, we made the following conclusions: only someone who is keen on work can captivate others; only those who are creative in organizing their activities can teach students to think creatively. All pedagogical practice is a creative process, and the result depends on how you approach this process.

And here one cannot but recall the wonderful words of the writer - humanist FM Dostoevsky that “beauty will save the world”.

And the results speak for themselves.

Competitions (reciters, drawings, vocal)

Date of the event

Full name

activities indicating


(international, all-Russian, regional, city, etc.)

Event organizers

Venue of the event

Number of participants per class

FI of the participant




(full-time / part-time)



(status - participant, prize-winner with indication of place, etc.)

December 2013

1 All-Russian competition of creative works "Magic spirit of the New Year"

Educational Center Mr. Chebokrasy


Kuzenina S

Vardugina A





March 2014

Republican competition of readers "The Endless Far North", dedicated to the Year of the Arctic

Yakutsk State Museum of History and Culture of the Peoples of the North named after Eat. Yaroslavsky

Kuzenina S

Yugai C

1 cl




1 Regional Choir Competition "School Class Choir"

Ministry of Education of the Republic of Sakha I

Yakut musical school

Ensemble Surprise

1 cl


Diploma, certificates



1 Republican contest of patriotic songs "Main song about the Motherland"

Republican center for the development of additional education YPK named after S.P. Gogolev

YaPK them. S.P. Gogoleva

Ensemble "Surprise"




October 2015

1st open republican competition "I Sing My Republic"

Department of People's Affairs of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) AU RS (Y) “House of Peoples' Friendship named after A.E. Kulakovsky "

“House of Friendship of Peoples named after A.E. Kulakovsky "

Yugai C

Ermukhanova M


2 cl.




DDN named after Kulakovsky

DDN named after Kulakovsky

Ensemble "Rainbow"

2 cells



II regional competition "Winter begins in Yakutia"

FC "Diamond Notes"

Youth Theater

Ensemble Rainbow




November 2014

House of Friendship of Peoples. A.E. Kulakovsky


2 cl.


2nd degree diploma

Republican Interethnic Festival Kaleidoscope of Cultures

Department of People's Affairs of the YAN

House of Friendship of Peoples named after Kulakovsky

Ensemble Rainbow




Republican competition of literary and musical composition "Poet from the country of childhood"

Department of People's Affairs of the YAN

House of Friendship of Peoples named after Kulakovsky

Department of People's Affairs of the YAN

House of Friendship of Peoples named after Kulakovsky

Literary composition


in person



International Festival "Peoples Sing about Mother"

Ensemble Rainbow

2 cl.




Republican Festival of Military Song.

House of Friendship of Peoples A.E. Kulakovsky

16 people

14 people

2 cl.



Artistic word

House of Friendship of Peoples A.E. Kulakovsky

House of Friendship of Peoples A.E. Kulakovsky

Borisova E.


in person



Open Republican Festival of Amateur Artistic Creativity "70 Peaceful Years"


House of Friendship of Peoples A.E. Kulakovsky

House of Friendship of Peoples A.E. Kulakovsky

Ansable "Rainbow"


in person




Republican festival

"Young Talents for Safety", vocals


Palace of Children's Creativity

Ensemble Rainbow






Republican festival

"Young Talents for Safety", literary word

Yakutsk Republican Branch of the All-Russian Public Organization


Palace of Children's Creativity

Yugai C

Kuzenina S

Vardugina A






Republican competition of children's creativity dedicated to the icon "Burning Bush"

Yakutsk Republican LLC "VDPO"

Belozerov, S

Gainulin M

Ermukhanova M

Fedorov A

Kuzenina S

Yugai C

Vardugina A




XVII repub. Children's song contest "Ylyir oho saas"

House of culture of the village of Khatassa

Ensemble "Rainbow"

2 cells


Diploma winners



IV International Festival "Diamond Notes"

FC "Diamond Notes"


5 people

Ensemble "Rainbow"

3 cl.


1st degree diploma


XIX repub. Children's song contest "Ylyir oho saas"

GU “House of Friendship of Peoples named after A.E. Kulakovsky "

House of culture of the village of Khatassa

Ensemble "Rainbow"

3 cl


Diploma winners

Republican competition of reciters "Syrdik sulus yyar sualunan"

Yakut State United Museum of History and Culture of the Peoples of the North named after E. Yaroslavsky

1 person

3 cl.



3 Open interethnic competition of children's amateur art creativity Spring of Friendship

State Committee of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) on National Policy

DDN named after Kulakovsky

Ensemble Rainbow




April 2016

Interethnic republican. Festival-competition "My love is a Yakut song"

House of Friendship of Peoples. A.E. Kulakovsky

House of Friendship of Peoples. A.E. Kulakovsky

Ensemble "Rainbow"

3 cl.





Children's rice competition. FSSP of Russia on the topic: "The Second World War and my family"

FSSP management

FSSP management

2 persons

3 cl.



Yakutsk Republican LLC "VDPO"

Yakutsk Republican LLC "VDPO"

Ensemble Rainbow



3 Republican review of the implementation of the Music for All project

Ministry of Education of the YAN Ministry of Culture and Spiritual Development of the YAN

GU “House of Friendship of Peoples named after A.E. Kulakovsky "

Ensemble Rainbow

in person


VII Republican Festival of Children and Youth Creativity "Young Talents for Safety"

Yakutsk Republican LLC "VDPO"

Yakutsk Republican LLC "VDPO"

Ensemble Bell


3rd degree Laureate Diploma

DDN named after Kulakovsky

Ensemble Rainbow

4 cl

in person


3 Republican festival of coachman culture

Ministry for the Development of Civil Society Institutions of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

DDN named after Kulakovsky

Ensemble Bells

4 cl

in person

2nd degree diploma


Ministry for the Development of Civil Society Institutions of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

DDN named after Kulakovsky

Ensemble Rainbow

4 cl

in person



1 Republican Festival of Cossack Songs and Dances

Ministry for the Development of Civil Society Institutions of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

DDN named after Kulakovsky

Ensemble Bells

4 cl

in person




Republican Interethnic Festival KALEIDOSCOPE OF CULTURES "

DDN named after Kulakovsky

DDN named after Kulakovsky

Ensemble Rainbow



3rd degree laureates



XX repub. Children's song contest "Ylyir oho saas"

GU “House of Friendship of Peoples named after A.E. Kulakovsky "

House of culture of the village of Khatassa

Ensemble "Rainbow"

4 cl


Result in March

City Vocal Competition Open Your Heart

UO of the District Administration of the city of Yakutsk

Children's Art Palace

Ensemble Surprise

In person

3rd degree diploma



City II Festival-Competition "Young Reader"

DK "Kedr"

Yugai C

Kuzenina S. Vardugina A

1 cl.


Diploma 2 place




City show jumping "Young reader"

MBU "OCNT" GO Yakutsk

MBU "OCNT" GO Yakutsk

DK Kedr

Kuzenina S


in person


April 2016

Vocal competition "Merry Notes"

UO of the District Administration of Yakutsk within the framework of the Republican project "Music for All"

Palace of Children's Creativity "

5 people

Ensemble "Rainbow"

2 cl.



May 2015

City vocal competition "Merry Notes"

MOBU DOD "Palace of Children's Creativity"

Ensemble Rainbow






City-competition festival Baby hit-2015

Department of Culture and Spiritual Development of the District Administration of Yakutsk


Ensemble Rainbow





September 2015

City competition "Young reader"

MBU OCNT GO "City of Yakutsk" DC "Kedr"

DK "Kedr"

2 persons

Yugai C

Kuzenina S



Laureate of the 2nd degree,


Vocal Competition "Open Your Heart"

MOBU DOD "Palace of Children's Creativity"

MOBU DOD "Palace of Children's Creativity"

6 people

Ensemble "Rainbow"






Organization and participation in the festive concert "Country Literature"



8 people

Team class.

3 cl.



Certificate, Audience Award nomination



XV City Competition-Festival "Singing Tuimada"

Department of Culture and Spiritual Development

MOBU DOD "Palace of Children's Creativity"

Ensemble "Rainbow"

3 cl.



February 2016

Drawing competition on the theme "Fire safety"

Department of the State Fire Service of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) No. 40

1 person

Kuzenina S.

3 cl.


1st degree diploma

Drawing competition "Children paint space"

MTRK "Mir"

MTRK "Mir"

4 people

3 cl.



April 2016

Concert for the day of the young employee



5 people


3 cl.



Battle of the Choirs "Heirs of Victory"



16 people

16 people

3 cl.



November 2016

City ceremonial event dedicated to the Day of Agriculture.

Department of Agriculture OA "city of Yakutsk"

DK "Kedr"

Team 4B class

4 cl

in person




2nd city festival "Christmas miracle"

Yakut diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church.


"Palace of Children's Creativity"

Ensemble "Kolokolchiki"

4 cl

in person

Cup, certificates, gifts

The wonderful world of sounds and colors of poetry, the beauty of nature is revealed only to those who are curious and inquisitive, who feel the need to expand and deepen knowledge related to the perception of beauty, who reads, reflects, and observes.

Not every person can become a composer, writer, artist, but everyone can learn to love, appreciate and understand beauty in art, in nature, in public life, in human actions, in everyday life. Whoever a person is, his life must be spiritually rich, he must see beauty and be able to admire it. The ability to feel beauty makes a person's life more meaningful, rich, and bright. However, the beautiful not only gives pleasure, pleases, inspires good feelings and thoughts, great deeds and deeds. Striving for beauty in behavior, in everyday life, in clothing, the understanding of the beauty of creative work is inextricably linked with correct moral convictions with the education of good taste. The ability to feel, understand the beautiful does not come by itself, it must be systematically developed from an early age. To strive for this goal means to carry out aesthetic education, which contributes to the development of a harmonious personality, occupies an important place in the general system of the educational process at school.

What are the tasks of aesthetic education? In that by means of art to exert a beneficial influence on the worldview, moral concepts, behavior of children; to develop the ability to notice and understand beauty in nature, in social life, in art; to develop the aesthetic taste, artistic abilities of children, introducing them to artistic creativity.

Aesthetic education of schoolchildren is carried out in reading lessons, Russian language, music, fine arts, in extracurricular activities, in circles (fine arts, music schools, acting).

But parents should not stay away from solving these important problems. In families where this is well understood, the aesthetic education of children begins long before they become schoolchildren.

The famous sculptor Konenkov wrote: “I would never have embarked on the path of art if I hadn’t loved music since childhood. Childhood impressions largely determine the future of every person. This is the cup from which we drink the most fertile and life-giving drink. Impressions of childhood, as well as the years of study, are the foundation of conscious life and the memory of these pure and bright days, like a storeroom in which everything unforgettable is stored. "

Aesthetic education with a book begins in the family already when the child, with bated breath, listens to the first fairy tales about the turnip, about the kids, about the red cap. Fairy-tale images, acting on the child's imagination, evoke in him sympathy for bold deeds, love for animals, for nature, aversion to evil, low, instills a love for the artistic word. The older the children become, the more important works of art acquire as a means of educating the beautiful, forming beliefs.

"Everything in a person should be beautiful: face, clothes, soul, and thoughts." (A.P. Chekhov) “I read a good book for the first time, as if I had acquired a great soul mate. I read it - as if I met an old friend again. When you finish reading, it’s as if you’re parting with your best friend, and who knows if you’ll meet him again. ”(Chinese wisdom) In those families where they read aloud and discuss a book, schoolchildren learn to pay attention to a poetic description of nature, characterization of characters, lyrical digressions , the beauty of the language of the work. Reading good poetry teaches you to rhyme, to beautiful turns of speech, instills a love of poetry. In families where lines from the poems of Pushkin, Lermontov, Tvardovsky and other wonderful poets are often heard, children from an early age begin to love poetry.

Especially helpful in aesthetic education are books that introduce great people, the era in which they lived, with teachers, friends who influenced them. The genius artists, sculptors, composers and poets embodied their passionate love for the Motherland, for their people in their art. The life of any brilliant musician, artist, writer is continuous, intense work. KI Chukovsky recalls Repin: “In the morning, right after breakfast, Repin hurried to the studio and there literally tortured himself with creativity, because he was an unparalleled worker and was even a little ashamed of the passion for work that forced him, from dawn to in the twilight, without abandoning brushes, give all his strength to the huge canvases that surrounded him in the workshop ... do not break away from painting. It is impossible to understand how he managed to find time for listening to lectures and reading books. Once returning from St. Petersburg on a starry night, I was surprised by his unexpected knowledge of heavenly bodies. He named all the constellations and greeted them as old friends. "

Many books have been written about wonderful people from the art world. The educational value of these books lies not only in the fact that they tell in a lively visual form about the high moral qualities of great people in art. These books also acquaint with the very work of artists, composers, writers, with their best works of art about which they have read. Music helps aesthetic education of children. Without music, songs, life does not pass in any house. But what and how do they listen, sing, dance? This is what is important for fostering good taste in music. " If you want to love and understand music, listen to it carefully. And you will definitely fall in love with her, gradually you will learn, as if imperceptibly for yourself, to distinguish good from bad. This will give you good taste. ”(Shostakovich) Where people talk to music, quarrel, teach lessons, read books, they don't hear her at all.

Small home concerts are of great educational value. And usually those children are enrolled in dance, music circles in whose family one of the adults sings, dances or plays.

It is necessary to cultivate love for the beautiful through the fine arts. The urge to paint appears very early in children. Already in preschool age, children try to portray what excites their children's imagination. The first "creative torments" are experienced by all little draftsmen, especially when they see that on paper they get something quite different from what the imagination suggests. Even the most unsuccessful children's drawings cannot be called "daub", to prove to the child that his image is not like anything. Younger schoolchildren with a pencil in their hands learn not only to draw, but also to observe, notice the beauty around them, to feel a special surge of joy, cheerfulness, happiness at the sight of the beautiful around them. Let the flower that the child tried to portray does not very much resemble a rose. But before drawing, the child admired her, examined the shade of flowers, inhaling the aroma. And this is the most important thing. After all, only a few will become artists. But everyone should be people who have access to beauty. It is important for adults to remember this when they look at the drawings of children.

If the child's drawings are monotonous, it means that he still does not know how to observe, notice interesting things around him. How to teach a child the ability to see and be surprised, to admire and admire even those ordinary things that are around us?

Take him to the window, admire the winter landscape, discuss how best to arrange what he sees in the picture. Observe the fish in the aquarium, pay attention to how beautiful they are, how they differ in color and shape. And maybe the child will have a desire to draw them.

The child's aesthetic feelings wake up in the moments when he experiences the joy of discovery, when he rejoices both in fluffy snow and the first leaf on a tree, when he watches the flight of birds with happy eyes. The more often he experiences such moments, the more enthusiastic he will become towards everything beautiful. “And water, and space, and nature, the beautiful surroundings of the city, and fragrant ravines and swaying fields, and pink spring and golden autumn weren't our educators? Poor child, if it grew up without picking a wildflower, without crumpling the green grass in the wild. It will never develop with the fullness and freshness of which the human soul is capable. " (Ushinsky) All parents have the opportunity to bring up a sense of beauty in their children in the bosom of nature. Observations in nature sharpen the eyes, enrich the senses of young draftsmen. They have a desire to depict what they have seen and experienced. Some parents are unable to advise young artists. A workbook on fine arts (V.S. Kuzin, E.I. Kubyshkina) ed. "Bustard". It is addressed to primary school students. Some guys are fond of collecting reproductions of postcards. It is very good. Later visiting museums of fine arts, they come across the paintings as with old acquaintances, recognize them. Of course, printed copies will not replace the pictures themselves, but they will prepare children for their perception. It is good when adults help with this collecting. Children will want to know about each painting, about the artist. One cannot agree with those parents who say that the school should deal with the aesthetic development of children. Any family where adults themselves are interested in art and love it can foster aesthetic feelings in children, ignite a spark of love for beauty in them.

Cinema and theater are loved by all children from preschool age. Here, parents need to worry not so much about arousing interest in them, but about how to pedagogically correctly use them for upbringing. After all, the task of theater and cinema is to educate the audience, not to amuse, to open a person's eyes to high ideals, to make him cleaner, smarter, more useful. Good performances and films not only expand the knowledge of children, but also teach them to peer into life, make them condemn unworthy in people, the surrounding reality, show viewers the beauty, nobility of thoughts, experiences and actions of a person. What and how often can young children watch in movies, theaters and on TV? Of course, a huge mistake is made in those families where they allow children to watch adult programs on TV. Children will receive nothing but harm from the programs if they see in them only an opportunity to have fun every day. Children should only be allowed to watch programs intended for them. In children, pictures that are not suitable for their age can cause a misconception about the most complex feelings and actions of adults, in addition, they prematurely draw their attention to such issues that it is too early for them to think about. Excessive passion for cinema and theater is harmful, since the abundance of impressions tires their nervous system. A.S. Makarenko recommended that parents allow their children to go to the cinema no more than three times a month, so that school work and other responsibilities are not forgotten because of the cinema.

It's good when parents visit the cinema with their children, talk not only about the events taking place on the screen, but also force children to talk about the beauty of a person, the enchanting power of art.

Fostering good taste that opens the way to beauty requires continuous painstaking work on oneself. Comprehending beauty, a person gradually regenerates his spiritual image: his consciousness, feelings become deeper, richer, his heart is kinder, life is fuller, more interesting, happier. The successful education of schoolchildren cannot be imagined without their creative activity. The desire for such activities in children appears from an early age. Already at preschool age, they begin to draw, sculpt from plasticine, make toys, memorize poetry, dance, and sing. Most of the children's games are associated with a rich creative imagination. Children are happy to take part in class hours, matinees dedicated to folk traditions, native nature at different times of the year, literary works, universal concepts of kindness and politeness. Classroom hours are varied in form - these are conversations and oral magazines, shows and KVNs, quizzes and games.

Creative activity, which is within the power of children, is very diverse, and therefore makes it possible to comprehensively educate the artistic abilities of schoolchildren.

Dancing, schoolchildren develop a sense of rhythm, plasticity, grace. Singing, they improve their hearing, learn to better understand musical works, to distinguish bad music from good. Literary reading develops the student's speech, enriches his memory, instills a taste for reading. In the process of drawing, modeling, making toys, schoolchildren begin to feel and better understand the beauty of lines, the harmony of colors. That is why those parents are mistaken who think that singing and drawing is necessary only for a child who has a voice, draws well and is going to choose the profession of a pianist or artist in the future. Parents need to work with the school to develop their children's creativity. If the child is fond of any kind of creativity, then the parents need to support him, but not to the detriment of the lessons. In art, there is no road without knowledge, and therefore one should not abandon studies, being carried away by the first successful steps in a circle. And it is very important for parents to find that measure of praise and approval so as not to turn the child's head and not kill his interest in amateur performances.

Have all adults thought about what tremendous opportunities for the development of the creative abilities of children are given by any work in itself? To someone who works beautifully, for whom work is creativity and work is a joy. The fruits of his work delight those around him, give him great satisfaction not only with his practical purpose, but also with the feeling of the beauty of his work. We teach children to work, but we do not always pay attention to the aesthetic side, to the development of creative abilities in the process of work. It's not that hard. The main thing is to notice and pedagogically correctly respond in word, deed, example, both to poor, poor-quality work, and to good-quality, beautiful. If the children have a desire to redo a work that was done somehow, sloppy, or to do an even better job, then your reaction was correct. The development of creative abilities in work presupposes an endless striving to create better and better, to look for ever more perfect forms of work.

“Man creates according to the laws of beauty,” said K. Marx. Remember these words as you observe the children at work and give them advice.

Thus, the means, methods and techniques of aesthetic education that parents can use in a family are very diverse. However, they require a certain level of aesthetic development, the correct attitude to art and from the parents themselves. It is necessary to consult more often books, magazines, attend lectures on art.

Upbringing- purposeful professional activity of the teacher, contributing to the maximum development of the child's personality, his entry into the context of modern culture, the formation as a subject of his own life, the formation of his motives and values.

Aesthetic education- purposeful interaction of educators and pupils, contributing to the development and improvement in the growing person of the ability to perceive, correctly understand, appreciate and create beauty in life and art, actively participate in creativity, creation according to the laws of beauty

Aesthetic education- a purposeful process of forming a creatively active personality capable of perceiving, feeling, evaluating the beautiful, tragic, comic, ugly in life and art, living and creating "according to the laws of beauty"

The purpose of aesthetic education- the formation in schoolchildren of the moral and aesthetic humanistic ideal of all-round personality development, the ability to see, feel, understand and create beauty.

  • 1. To create a certain stock of elementary aesthetic knowledge and impressions, without which an inclination, interest in aesthetically significant objects and phenomena cannot arise.
  • 2. On the basis of the acquired knowledge and abilities of artistic and aesthetic perception, to form such socio-psychological qualities of a person, which provide her with the opportunity to emotionally experience and evaluate aesthetically significant objects and phenomena, and enjoy them.
  • 3. To form aesthetic creative abilities in each educated person.

The concept of aesthetic education is associated with the term aesthetics, which denotes the science of beauty. The very word "aesthetics" comes from the Greek aisthesis, which translated into Russian means sensation, feeling. Therefore, in general terms, aesthetic education means the process of forming feelings in the field of beauty. But in aesthetics, the beautiful is associated with art, with the artistic reflection of reality in the consciousness and feelings of a person, with his ability to understand the beautiful, follow it in life and create it. In this sense, the essence of aesthetic education consists in organizing various artistic and aesthetic activities of students, aimed at developing their abilities to fully perceive and correctly understand the beauty in art, and in life, to develop aesthetic ideas, concepts, beliefs and tastes, as well as the development of creative talents. and the makings of art.

The organization of the system of aesthetic education is based on a number of principles:

  • 1. The universality of aesthetic education and art education is due to the fact that adults and children constantly interact with aesthetic phenomena in spiritual life, daily work, communication with art and nature, in everyday life and interpersonal communication.
  • 2. An integrated approach to the whole matter of education. In the aesthetic education of schoolchildren, various types of art interact with each other and have a complex effect on the child.
  • 3. The principle of the organic connection of all artistic and aesthetic activities of children with life, the practice of renewing society, with the process of forming the worldview and morality of schoolchildren.
  • 4. The principle of combining classroom, extracurricular, extracurricular activities, various forms of exposure to art through the media. extracurricular student pedagogical
  • 5. The principle of the unity of artistic and general mental development of children. Artistic and aesthetic activity of schoolchildren provides intensive development of their imagination, emotional sphere, figurative and logical memory, speech, thinking.
  • 6. The principle of artistic and creative activity and amateur performance of children. Choral singing, folk dances, playing instruments, poems, stories, acquaints children with works of art, becomes the content of spiritual life, a means of artistic development, individual and collective creativity, self-expression of children.
  • 7. The principle of the aesthetics of all children's life requires the organization of relationships, activities, communication of schoolchildren according to the laws of beauty, which brings them joy.
  • 8. The principle of taking into account the age-related psychological and pedagogical characteristics of children. Labor plays an important role in the system of aesthetic education. The organic relationship between labor and beauty, production and consumption requires the involvement of schoolchildren in work that meets modern aesthetic criteria. In such work, the artistic and aesthetic education of the future participant in market production - the consumer of goods and the spiritually and aesthetically developed member of society - is carried out.

Pedagogical science and practice determine a number of the most effective methods that contribute to the formation of aesthetic feelings, relationships, judgments, assessments, practical actions in children:

  • - a method of persuasion aimed at the development of aesthetic perception, assessment, initial manifestations of taste;
  • - a method of accustoming, exercises in practical actions designed to transform environment and developing the skills of a culture of behavior;
  • - the method of problem situations, prompting creative and practical actions;
  • -the method of encouraging empathy, emotionally positive responsiveness to the beautiful and negative attitude to the ugly in the world around.

Methods of aesthetic education:

  • - techniques for developing a conscious attitude, the ability to analyze, compare and techniques that induce emotional experiences;
  • - the teacher's word (explanations, instructions) and visual methods, consisting in the demonstration of works of art, demonstration of performance techniques;
  • - demonstration of actions that must be followed exactly, and techniques that form the methods of independent actions;
  • - techniques aimed at exercise, training in skills, and creative tasks, suggesting originality, originality of performance, invention, variability.

Traditional common forms: contests, quizzes, lecture halls, school holidays, circles, creative associations, as well as new forms of work in the primary collective - ringing songs, a "lightning" concert, a puppet theater, literary and art contests, a tournament for connoisseurs of poetry, relay of favorite activities.

Pedagogical conditions- this is a purposefully created environment (environment), in which a set of psychological and pedagogical factors (relations, means, etc.) are presented in close interaction, allowing the teacher to effectively carry out educational or educational work. For the analysis of pedagogical conditions, it is important to distinguish I.P. Podlasim four generals factors determining in the complex the formation of the products of the didactic process.

He refers to them:

  • - educational material;
  • - organizational and pedagogical influence;
  • - learners learnability;
  • - time

The effectiveness of the process of forming aesthetic education is determined by the following pedagogical conditions: didactic, organizational, psychological and pedagogical.

Didactic conditions- these are circumstances of the pedagogical process specially created by the teacher, in which the procedural components of the training system are optimally combined.

These include:

  • -selection of certain forms, means and methods of teaching, as well as methods and forms of control over the assimilation of knowledge (simulators, tests, interactive training computer programs, etc.);
  • -development and application of special tasks that contribute to the mastery of aesthetic ideas and skills in the course of studying the academic discipline;
  • -development and application of a system for assessing the knowledge, skills and abilities of schoolchildren.

Organizational conditions- these are the circumstances of the learning process necessary for the formation of aesthetic education of schoolchildren, each of which is realized through a certain type of activity.

These include:

  • - orientation towards creative activity aimed at creating and transforming new information presented in the form of new tasks and assuming self-organization (creation of creative projects, independent activity outside of school)
  • - resource provision of the process of formation of aesthetic skills of students;
  • - purposeful management of the cognitive activity of schoolchildren by means of special teaching methods, by monitoring its effectiveness.

Psychological and pedagogical conditions- these are the circumstances of the learning process, suggesting emotional comfort and a favorable psychological climate in the team, characterized by mutually respectful communication and coexistence of the teacher and students. This is a pedagogical tact, and the creation of a "situation of success", and team cohesion, as well as the implementation of diagnostics of the development of schoolchildren, a system for stimulating learning motivation, a reflexive-evaluative stage of each lesson.

Measurement of aesthetic upbringing is carried out using different criteria: psychological, pedagogical, social. Psychological criteria are used to measure the child's ability to recreate artistic images in his imagination and reproduce them, to admire, experience and express judgments of taste. Pedagogical criteria help to identify and evaluate the aesthetic ideal, the level of its formation, as well as the degree of development of artistic taste. It manifests itself in the quality of works of art chosen by children to satisfy their interests and needs: in assessing the phenomena of art and life; in the results of their various activities, especially artistic and aesthetic creativity. Pedagogical criteria make it possible to discover the level of artistic and imaginative thinking and creative imagination in children; the ability to create your own, new, original image, as well as the skills of creative activity. A high level of aesthetic education in creativity is characterized by refined performing skills, combined with improvisation, the creation of a new image.

The social criteria of aesthetic upbringing require pupils to have broad interests in various types of art, a deep need for communication with the aesthetic phenomena of art and life. Aesthetic upbringing in the social sense is manifested in the entire complex of behavior and relationships of the child.

Thus, aesthetic education forms a student's sense of beauty, develops personality, its creative potential, increases the culture of behavior. These manifestations of upbringing have specific measuring criteria that help determine the level of aesthetic development of a younger student. Aesthetic education involves a variety of forms, methods and techniques that can be realized through the organization and implementation of extracurricular activities.