Presenting money for a wedding in a comic form. Congratulations on the wedding with the presentation of comic gifts to the newlyweds

What would be the best gift
For a long time we could not decide
And after a long discussion, it suddenly dawned on us,
After all, we can give you money.

For the Bride, beloved,
I'll give you a pot
To cook porridge for her husband,
With the words "I love!".

Everything in life matters:
Shopping, budgeting, entertainment!
On the day of the wedding - we will give money,
And the choice.

Congratulations on your wedding day
We are happy to give you money!
To grow all the time
Your family capital!

We came to the celebration
Look at soul kinship,
On a happy long journey
Unfasten the newlyweds!

On the day of the wedding, let me give
An envelope for you with crispy banknotes.
Of course, they cannot buy happiness.
But you can really relax.

And for the groom (NAME),
There is also an idea
We give you a hammer
So that you know a lot about repairs!

And there is also a general surprise,
We give it to you for an encore,
Potty for future kids
For girls and boys!

Well, for mother-in-law, we give a rolling pin,
To know hardening in pies!

And we give our aunt a brick,
To build a big house!

Mother-in-law, here is the frying pan,
To always have pancakes!

Absolutely everyone knows -
There is never too much money!
That's why I give an envelope
With the amount of money to you.

Well, apart from congratulations,
So to your surprise
We give you gifts
And heartily congratulations:

Young couples are hard to please
We want to give money on the wedding day!
Choose whatever you want
What is necessary, like and fashionable.

An invitation to a wedding celebration is associated with thoughts about gifts. If you are well acquainted with the newlyweds, then you know what to present them as a surprise. But there are situations when nothing comes to mind, then an envelope with money “hurries” to the rescue.

Usually, most of the invited guests go to the wedding with this present, so that your envelope is not lost among others and remembered by the newlyweds, you should be creative in handing it. So, congratulations on the wedding, cool options with the delivery of money - next. Variants of delicious and spicy tomatoes with garlic inside for the winter, recipes.

If you think that brevity is the sister of talent, then accompany the presentation of a beautiful envelope as a congratulations on the wedding (fun with money) with short rhymes.

You are at the beginning of the journey, on the threshold,
And your dream comes true.
May the road be easy and smooth
Let only hearts beat nearby.

We will give you an envelope
But we will not declassify what is in it.
Then look inside.
When a minute appears.

So long thought, decided
What will your couple need?
And then they realized that they
Decide how to congratulate yourself!

With your wedding, on a great day
I want to congratulate you personally.
I do not give any pots or a broom,
A useful paper envelope!

Congratulations guys
I am very happy with your wedding!
I won't torment you for a long time
And give a bed, dishes.

You know what you need
For your friendly family.
So treat yourself
You are a memory of me!

Accept a gift from me
And manage them yourself.
Nothing comes for free
So be stingy with joy!

This is not an empty envelope,
In it your desire is hidden!
There is no secret -
Living well with money

You can dress up with them
Buy furniture and cruise.
Several of these envelopes
Increase optimism!

You can give money
The case is also entrusted
You follow the profit
Promotions do not miss!
Here's the challenge - business for you
And more money!

Such a gift will be both money and a fun investment, who knows, what if securities will captivate the newlyweds and really raise material wealth in the newly-made family?

Hey guys don't be shy
Hurry up!
We will replenish the budget
We are with you for many years!
Money was washed for you
But they are few and far between
Have time to dry them
Yes, post it!

You can also donate money in the form of one expensive coin. Often their release is dedicated to a specific event. Or maybe the coin will be made of platinum or gold. Then it can be placed in a huge box, and taking it out, voice such a congratulation:

Tricks with a budget
Yes, now about it!
We will be very public
Cool surprise!
Watch your hands
Ears and feet:
Your budget is everywhere
We will deliver!

Here's a sheet for every day!
So that the husband can spend
So that the wife can spend.
Enough money for a family!
Tear off and spend quickly
But no more than a leaf a day!

Ideas for giving money can be found everywhere. Rely on events, the individual characteristics of the young couple and the theme of the wedding. The main thing is that the fantasy process should be captivating, and congratulations will come to mind by itself and cause unexpected surprise not only among the guests, but also the original congratulator.

You can give money in different ways and for anything. We will look at several options. And you already choose which one suits you.

The first option is money for family life and children.

The fourth option is gifts and money.
In this option, they first give comic gifts, which are accompanied by poems, and then money is awarded. Everything is fun and interesting.

Humorous congratulations on the wedding with gifts and money

Funny congratulations on the wedding. Parting words to young people for a happy family life

Vladimir Goray-Boretsky

Not enough to drink today
And mountains of eaten food.
Today the wedding was celebrated
Under the leadership of the toastmaster.
Thank you for a fun holiday
You young people, I'll tell you.
May your life be wonderful
Let there be courage.

May your union be strong!
And your bonds are unbreakable.
Carry the burden of life
Today, together you decide.
Let the kids fill the house
Warms your souls
Let love in your hearts
Never fade away!

Cool congratulations on the wedding

Hymen did not eat, did not sleep -
Forged the bonds of marriage,
He tried, he groaned,
I wanted to please you!

So that your marriage union
Distinguished by the strength of the bonds,
Hymen, family god,
Worked the best I could!

In the marriage alloy he put
And patience, and strength,
Lots of joy and happiness
Understanding, participation.

And also - hope, faith
And trust beyond measure
Joint plans and works,
Interesting adventures.

Today is your magical day
Even the shadow sparkles with happiness.
The bride is tender like a fairy,
The groom immediately melts at the sight.

Let us congratulate you
Say - you will be all class!
Give you a money envelope
And make a contribution to us in your budget.

To live happily, beautifully,
My heart sparkled with positivity.
And every day was full of happiness
And bad weather did not touch you.

On the wedding day - a very important holiday -
We decided to give you
A simple set of paper banknotes,
So that you can carry out
Your hopes and dreams.
Let this small capital
Fill up the money bag
To take your family boat
Start in life serious, big,
Where happiness and success await you
To sound in the apartment soon
You have a perky children's laugh!

For a wedding as a gift
Accept the envelope.
Envelope without stamps
But look inside!

What lies inside
It will definitely fit.
It won't run away
And good for a lot!

to the family budget
You accept this contribution.
There are a lot of coins
For a pleasant cost!

Congratulations guys
Became husband and wife
And now these banknotes -
My glorious gift from the heart.

Let them replenish the budget
Let them bring your goal closer
May you always have enough money
For caviar and for a cocktail.

A gift from me
At the wedding you accept
To a family account
Put money.

For son and daughter
Let the interest run
Accumulate and multiply
Rubles, euros and cents.

My gift is money
Let it become a magnet
Let the wallet be
Stuffed with banknotes.

Wish the money
Your family was loved
So that you are more valuable than money
Appreciate your love.

Happy holiday, young people.
Happy beautiful wedding day.
Here, accept the first deposit
To the family estate.

Or for fun
Or just for a spree
The main thing is that the result
Was helpful and good.

Let the gift be a joy
May it bring you closer to your dream
Live richly and happily
I wish the family!

Bride and groom, congratulations!
Let your life be a beautiful song!
The time has come now, the hour has struck,
Think about your joint budget.

We give you starting capital,
We wish you all the best,
So that he attracts money to your family,
May it become the beginning of prosperity!

I donate money for the wedding
I know it will come in handy
So that you study the budget
Manage yours.

There is no such thing as a lot of money
Everyone knows this
And so the gift
My necessary and important.

I wish that in the family
The wallet was shared
To have money in himself
Collected more.

Let them not buy happiness
But I want to wish you
To be able to spend money
And they were able to multiply.

What to give the newlyweds?
For a long time, probably not a secret,
What about young husbands and wives
An envelope is given with the money!

Spend it on what you want
It will definitely give you pleasure!
I bring you closer to your dreams
In the treasury you have made a replenishment!

Congratulations young people
Accept money in the budget,
For your desires
Gather the money quickly.

May there always be prosperity
And let the bills rustle
And your eyes from happiness
And great love is burning.

Man, I'm not far away
And fantasy is weak
But I am a practical person
I know that you will be glad.
I don't give you a cactus
I don't give you flowers
And I give you money
My beauty queen.
Who will receive a bundle of money
That lucky man!
You can hide them in a stash
To be with a supply forever!
Can you put it into action right away?
And spend them wisely!
In general, act with them boldly
And don't think about anything!
We give an envelope for happiness
And we have no doubts:
Our humble contribution
Save your budget!


But if the money is in hand,
Then this ‘tone’ raises!
May it not be too late and not too early
You will be magically lucky!
Let the pockets bulge
The purse is bursting at the seams!
Let the income in large cash
Pour in bulk:
Mountains or pyramids
All the way to Antarctica!
For happiness to be near
And everything burned in my hands
Let luck help
Be with money all the time!
Success, joy, good luck
And a dream come true!
And wishes in addition
Accept cash gift!
I'm a little confused
What to give you
I'm a little confused
How to make you laugh.
And I decided to give you money
So that you can buy happiness for yourself,
These magical bills
Will give you a life of haute couture.
Why break your head here
What is the best gift for the holidays.
I will congratulate you
Money along with poetry!
May they live forever
In your pot-bellied purse.
Buy yourself a present
To remember me for a long time!
Absolutely everyone knows -
There is never too much money!
That's why I give an envelope
With the amount of money to you!
I know what a gift
Will give pleasure.
Feel free to spend on anything!
Money is a business!
Banknotes in an envelope, no matter how trite,
They are sometimes very criminal.
I will be extremely brief:
This is a gift, not a bribe!
This cash gift
Take it from me now!
Not too much and not too little
And literally just right!
They say that happiness is not in money,
But without them it is sad to live.
happy to spend it,
Buy whatever you want!
Oh, what a smart brother you are!
Wanted a chandelier as a gift!?
Choose it yourself
And I'll just give money.
Let the money, straying into a flock of birds,
They fly towards you like a hurricane!
Let them surround, attack
And climb into your pocket with impudence!
I give you money today
Such a gift is always appreciated.
Let this amount be small
She won't bother you!
And very soon, no doubt
You will find a use for it!
I would like to wish in verse:
"Be constantly with money!"
If we cannot choose a gift, -
Quietly invest money in an envelope,
And there, as you wish, decide for yourself,
What to do now with your money.
To the celebration of a happy occasion
Kst surprise to live without vicissitudes!
I wish you well,
Pleasure, health and joy!
Keep a big money as a gift,
Buy any beauty on them,
Looking from the depths of shop windows, golden,
Sorrow dispersed the darkness over them.
Postcard wrapped in an envelope
What's inside? And you check!
Yes, there are "bucks", yo - mine,
You have a happy life!
Money, as usual, can be saved,
And you can buy something nice!
Let them not melt in vain,
Let the family's capital grow!
To live in peace and joy
So that the nerves are always in order,
May they add to your family
Gold reserves!
Now the newlyweds have become smarter,
They stopped looking for children in cabbage.
We picked some cabbages for you,
And take care of the kids!
As a gift, so as not to suffer,
Here's the birthday amount!
Hope you are the best
Find a use for it!
There is not much money
But they are not redundant.
Let them always rustle in your pocket
Euro, dollars, rubles.
Let them help you
Solve a number of your problems
After all, with money you can
What you need to buy.

Poems for a wedding for a gift money

Everything in life can be useful
And a plot on the moon is good for something,
True, in order to achieve something,
It takes a lot and hard work!
To make a great start
We give you a little and a lot,
To "where to live?" there was no question
We hand over this first installment to your apartment!

Young couples are hard to please
We want to give money on the wedding day!
Choose whatever you want
What you need, like and fashionable!

Everything in life matters:
Shopping, budgeting, entertainment!
On the day of the wedding - we will give money,
And the choice of gift is yours!
Have a marriage certificate
It has the seal of the native registry office.
We give you, newlyweds,
Congratulations and bucks!
We wish you milk rivers,
Around - jelly shores,
Pleasant and happy years
Tight money wallets!
To the kind white stork
I brought you a child,
We give what is in the envelope,
For pacifiers and diapers!
For such a beautiful couple
Let's raise a glass now!
To start family life
We give start-up capital!
We wish you a honeymoon
And have a sweet married life!
Bathe in love and harmony
Splash in great optimism!
We came to the celebration
Look at soul kinship,
On a happy long journey
Unfasten the newlyweds!
We wish to become a family
Happy and rich
Row big money
Not with a handful, but with a shovel!

We give money to young people!
Here is copper money for you,
So that you are not poor!
Here's your silver
To be good to you!
Here's your paper money
So that you go important!

Serious poems for a gift money for an anniversary

Gifts are different
Everyone dreams about it
For a life that has developed in puzzles
Giving is important!
Push the boundaries of dreams
And now the choice is yours!
Here is a full page list
What did you dream about?
When looking into the envelope,
This is a nice thing...
Decide, buy, try on?
Feel free to spend!

Poems for a gift money
My gift is unpretentious -
I give you money as a gift!
Anything you want
Buy them for yourself!
In general, figure it out yourself
How do you deal with money!
look so amazing
You can easily do it!
Make a gift, give a warm hug -
All that's left now!
May your life be success, luck,
Love and friendship adorn...
I also want a lot of money -
They don't get in the way either!
We want to become happier and richer
At least a hundred times!
May good luck accompany you in life
The process will start immediately, now!
May there be happiness and success
Walking confidently!
Let it bear fruit all year round
You money tree!
Let them say that money is not a gift,
But how many gifts can be bought with them ...
I give you a magic envelope,
A present for you to give yourself!
You choose what you dreamed about
What you so wanted and desired,
After all, everyone knows - dreams come true,
So buy yourself a gift of unearthly beauty!

Poems for a birthday gift money

Happy Birthday! let it bright
Every moment will be!
With this cash gift
We give our congratulations!
To keep the money flowing
We give these seeds!
Let them come soon
Golden times!

Of course, happiness is not about money!
And what it is - no one knows ...
But if the money is in hand,
That raises the ‘tonus’!!
As a gift, so as not to suffer,
Here's the birthday amount!
Hope you are the best
Find a use for it!
I want to congratulate you on your birthday
Unfortunately, I won't give you a gift.
But I will give you an envelope.
And the envelope is not simple,
It has a small pocket.
I put a bill in it
(Don't take me for a fool).
Buy a gift yourself
Although the amount may be small.
I hope for understanding
After all, the gift is not expensive, but attention.
Listen to the elders
Take care of the little ones!
Do not forget yourself, beloved,
Invite us to visit more often!
Money-money piled up
And they put it in an envelope.
We give them to you now
Happy birthday congratulations.
May they bring happiness
Let them take away bad weather,
And maybe help
Buy whatever you want.

Poems for dollars as a gift

He falls, he rises
Don't let this process concern you.
I would give a "wooden",
But not so, I'm afraid you will understand.
The dollar is good for everyone now
And in Russia became desirable!
I gave dollars - put it in the account,
Maybe it will grow a lot overnight?
Good Ben Bernanke, be like a father to us,
Do not prophesy that the dollar is no longer a tenant ...

To date, money is a universal gift that is presented to newlyweds. But to make everything look beautiful, it is worth choosing a special way, how to give money for the wedding in an original way. This may seem like a rather difficult task, because there are many different options. We will share great ideas that you can use when preparing a gift for the newlyweds.

Method number 1 - Collage of money for newlyweds travelers

For newlyweds who love to travel, you can prepare a special surprise. Create a kind of collage of the currencies of different countries of the world, the more there are, the better. It is not at all necessary to have only large bills (you can use several solid ones, for example, 100 euros or 100 dollars), the main thing for a collage is variety.

With such an original gift, you will definitely surprise the newlyweds. In addition, read the congratulations in poetic form, because the poems for the gift (wedding money) will be the perfect complement. Mention that young people now need to visit all the countries of the world whose banknotes are in your gift.

Method number 2 - Present under glass

You can present cash gifts for a wedding in another, no less interesting way - in a frame, for this you need a photo frame. You need to hand it over with the words: “Now you have such a glass, breaking it, you will instantly solve material problems and find happiness again.” We wanted to give you a picture,
But they thought - suddenly there is?
Then there were arguments about the car ...
And the offers of all do not count!

Decided - enough questions from us,
Tired of thinking
And we give this money simply,
So that you can choose everything!

Method number 3 - Humorous surprise "Careless guest"

Presenting a gift is better to play it interesting so that everyone remembers it. Take a large box, decorate it festively using bows and ribbons, and place glass jars in the middle. Heading towards the newlyweds, the guest must, as it were, accidentally stumble and fall so that the box effectively flies out of his hands, and its contents break with a characteristic ringing.

The donor quickly rises, apologizes for the incident and says that the box has instructions (an envelope with a cash gift), which he hands to the couple. A similar surprise prepared for the wedding of the newlyweds will be remembered by everyone without exception.

Method number 4 - Money composition

Approach the preparation of the gift creatively, be able to beautifully and correctly present a wedding gift with money.

An excellent option would be a money picture. Take a large photo frame, place banknotes under the glass (preferably randomly). Above each bill, sign the destination, for example, “for a diaper for a baby”, “for a gift to his wife”, “for a fifteenth wedding anniversary”, “for a beer for her husband”.

Method number 5 - Unusual umbrella

Another way to give money is to give an umbrella with money. Use an ordinary umbrella, put inside banknotes that are tied on threads. As a musical arrangement, the refrain of a song about the weather in the house can act. At the end, open an umbrella over the newlyweds, thus symbolizing a simple solution to financial problems.

Method number 6 - Money balls

Of the proposed methods, you have not yet chosen the option of how beautifully to give money for a wedding? We will offer you a few more ideas - a gift within a gift. How to make it? Yes, it's very simple: cover a large box with gift paper, then pack balloons with helium and money into it. When the present is opened, the packed balloons fly out, each of them has a tied surprise for the newlyweds - banknotes. This is how you can give money in an original way.

Method number 7 - Decorative cake

Everything is not right? Then see how else it is unusual to give money for a wedding. Then, by the day of the wedding, make a money cake, young people will definitely like it.

How to do:

  • Prepare a round cardboard base.
  • Now carefully roll the bills into a tube, then lay them out in three rows.
  • Next, the “layers” need to be tied with a ribbon, and decorate the cake with flowers (think about the design in advance). The donated craft will undoubtedly surprise and delight. Do not forget to say congratulatory words when handing over. You can prepare such a surprise for your sister, girlfriend or friends.
On a note: In the same way, you can make a ship.

A detailed description of the creation of a wedding decorative cake is presented in the video tutorial.

Or give a “money cake with wishes”!

  1. Journey to the sea (you can additionally put small seashells in a piece of cake);
  2. Prosperity and abundance (here we put the most important gift - money);
  3. sweet daughter (you can put tiny baby booties, socks or a pink pacifier);
  4. Four sons (here you can place 4 key chains depicting: a soccer ball, a basketball ball, a tennis ball, an American football ball);
  5. Good luck (you can put lottery tickets here);
  6. love (candle in the shape of a heart);
  7. health (vitamins from the pharmacy);
  8. Sweet life (sweets, you can fill the whole box with M&M's);
  9. Many true friends (write phone numbers of mutual friends and laminate; or make a paper garland of people);
  10. Lots of energy and vivacity (put energizer batteries in);
  11. Merry family holidays (pipe with a spinning tube, balloons, confetti, serpentine);
  12. Golden wedding (50 years) Diamond wedding (60 years) (image of an ingot or Swarovski stones).

When all the pieces of the cake are filled, put them on a tray or wooden plate (sold in Ikea) and tie with a satin ribbon so that they do not move apart. Place the plate itself in a transparent gift bag and tie it with a huge bow.

Method number 8 - Money in the bank

Various gifts are presented at the wedding, but there are very few funny presents. If the newlyweds have a good sense of humor, prepare them money in the bank. It's best to do everything yourself. The procedure is very simple:
  • Roll each bill into a tube, then tie a thread around the banknote, tie it.
  • Put everything in a jar, you can add large coins.
  • Now cover the jar with a beautiful piece of fabric with embossed edges, tie it with a rope. You can decorate such a surprise with an original label with a cut out heart. It seems that this is the most original option among the many ideas that involve a cash gift.
  • At the end, decorate the jar with a cabbage sticker. Presenting a jar, in addition to the banal “congratulations”, you can say a beautiful poem. Give it special significance with solemn intonation.
We invite you to choose from any of the options below.

I give you a bank!
It's for storage
Or maybe jam!

Let your household
She'll come in handy.
And won't break
And it won't get dusty!

Accept a present
Such a modest one.
Just a jar
But this is from the heart!

Of course, happiness is not about money!
And what it is - no one knows ...
But if the money is in hand,
Then this “tone” raises!
This gift is perfect.
And it is universal for everyone,
Take money as a gift
And buy what you want.

Or save carefully
And multiply them a hundredfold
Maybe even 1000 times
We will be happy only for you!

Method number 9 - Gift passbook

Here is another option for how fun it is to give money for a wedding: make a passbook.
How to create:
  • To do this, you need to take envelopes, place a bill inside each, and then seal it.
  • Now, on the front of each envelope, make an inscription - the purpose of the contribution.
  • After that, create a cover from cardboard and sign: “Savings book”.
  • Place the envelope inside the cover and sew. This is a great wedding gift from parents.
To make the gift more vivid and original, write humorous rhymes on each “leaf” of the passbook, something like the ones below.

1. Although your happiness is not in money,
But you can't live without them
We decided to start
Give you a passbook.

2. An account has been opened for you in Sberbank,
the interest on the contribution will go big!
We will invest a lot of money, a little,
But in the bank your money will turn into capital!

And each envelope has its own text:

Don't waste money in vain
Buy furniture wisely
To stand for hundreds of years
Never wear out.

Take it to the passbook
What's up for the kids
For diapers, panties
And for other needs.

To you, (name of the bride), for outfits,
For sweets, for lipsticks.
Spend money wisely
Only my husband no gu-gu.

You to dance, to the cinema,
On the button accordion and on the background
We also provided
You have not spared money.

Buy a car later
We think you'll be lucky
To not lose her
We put it forward in the garage.

On Hawaiian cigars
For good wine...
Even though they put it in an envelope,
Sorry for the money anyway.

If a dark day has come
That's for this case
Open the envelope last
And don't torture yourself.

(Name of the groom), on love cupids
And on the broads on the side
You do not expect banknotes from us,
Instead of money - figs to you!

Leave the last envelope blank!

Method number 10 - Money carpet

It is not at all difficult to make such a gift yourself. We offer a good idea that can be easily implemented - make a wedding money carpet.

How to do:

  • Place the banknotes inside the transparent files, fasten them all together to make a large square.
  • In the middle, you can place several photos that are included in the couple's joint photo album (choose cool photos for the wedding).
  • Sew a ribbon around the perimeter of the carpet, its design will become much more interesting.
We were thinking, guessing,
The microwave oven was chosen for you,
Then the food processor
To have a great design
And then they decided: no!
Let them go on a cruise
Wherever they like
We would be happy to send them
To Turkey or to the Emirates.
Let them walk in the open
Only the money needs the sea!
But we're safe here.
Fabulous gin was contacted!

He was asked for help
And now we received the package (get the box)
We don't know what the genie sent
With everyone, we open the parcel (get the carpet and unfold it).
Ah, what a fashionable gift,
The carpet of money is excellent!
If spread over the shoulders
He will warm your soul (depict).
And if you take a camera,
You won’t find a better nature (staging a photo shoot in front of the carpet).
Against the background of this carpet
You can shoot until the morning!

Our gift is very beautiful
We give you this exclusive.
Only a mole so as not to eat
Let's spray it quickly
Young, glasses in hand
For a gift on this day!

Method number 11 - Brick

Take a brick, then attach a banknote to it. If desired, you can decorate the brick with ribbons. It must be presented with the words:

"Brick is an excellent harmonizer of your relationship!",
“A good brick is an excellent tool for resolving conflict situations!”,
“Whoever has a brick in his hands is right!”

Such a present looks unusual and interesting.

Method number 12 - Well-wrapped gift

Put the bills inside a beautiful envelope, put it in a bag, then in a small box, then in a larger box, and so on. Give a present in a box, a small chest can also be used. Attach a note containing the following words:

“Money is not easy to get in our life, but you can definitely handle it!”.

Method number 13 - Present "Help"

As you know, every man must complete three important things in his life, help in these endeavors. To raise a son, for example, put a dummy to build your own house - a brick with a ribbon, to plant a tree - an ornamental tree.

Such a present is symbolic, the newlyweds will appreciate it.

Method number 14 - "Ten" or "Sotochka"

You can give banknotes not one at a time, but, for example, a dozen or a hundred, while pronouncing certain words. Presenting a gift in a playful way with poems, you will definitely be sure that the newlyweds will remember it.

Read an example verse here...

We give you a hundred for free,
Sotka for kindly letting me in.
We put a hundred on a transparent stocking,
Sotochku from us in income tax,
A hundred for a glass
Weave - for two (let it make a little noise in my head),
We'll give you a hundred as a surprise.

Weave you on linen from Versace,
And we will give this hundred to the dacha -
There you will walk in underwear from Versace,
And look like Cleopatra herself.

Take a hundred for a cream from "Max Factor"
Sotka for clarity in the housing issue,
A hundred to go to a restaurant
And this one to put in your pocket.

A hundred for our joint friendship
One hundred for something you really need to drink!

Method number 15 - "Bablomet"

To donate money for a wedding with a joke, take note of the next option - “bablomet”. For manufacturing, you will need a shovel or a broom, attach banknotes and coins to them and hand them over with the following poetic words:

Such a shovel can become a symbol of the financial well-being of a young family.

Bablomet - The unit is multifunctional!

If rubbish lives in the house
And the dust lurks in the corners -
The ubiquitous "loot thrower"
This is where you will need it!

If on the street in the morning
unbearable heat
And the sweat is pouring down
Your salvation is Bablomet!

Kohl in the house "roll the ball",
And there's no gas in the car
Get on the "bablomet"
And rush to the store!

And when Saturday comes
flood the bathhouse
And in the steam room "loot thrower",
Of course, grab it.
He is sick of any and infection
It will drive away from the body immediately!

Method number 16 - Money house

For its "construction" you will need to take a beautiful box, which will act as a foundation. Roll the bills into a tube, then fasten them with paper clips, two banknotes will need to be folded into a triangular attic. The wall will be supported by chopsticks for sushi. Assemble the whole structure - you get a wonderful house.

Method number 17 - Chocolate with a surprise

If the newlyweds have a sweet tooth, then give them chocolate with a surprise. Remove the packaging from a regular tile, leaving the foil. Make a festive decoration of a treat with the names of the newlyweds and the date of marriage, wrap the tile. Place banknotes under the package.

Method number 18 - Thermos

Get a metal thermos and engrave the couple's names on it, it's best if it comes with cups made of the same metal. Place your cash gift under the lid and give it to the young.

Although, at first glance, such a present may seem simple, it looks quite original. Do not hesitate, the thermos will be used for its intended purpose and every time you drink hot tea or coffee, it will remind the couple of the solemn day and, in fact, of the donor himself.

Video bonuses

The video instruction below will help you create a great gift - candy with money inside.

Another video will show how to pack money in cabbage. Take note of these gift making options, because everything is done very simply.

A wedding is a solemn and exciting event, so prepare a bright and memorable gift for the newlyweds, with which you will maintain a special cheerful atmosphere, and the holiday will go off with a bang.

Dream up, take into account the preferences of the couple and create your own present that will amaze with originality and a special appearance. Unusual jokes and extraordinary ideas will amuse not only the newlyweds, but also the guests. Give your excellent mood, spend the holiday bright and unforgettable!

Congratulations on a wedding is not a simple performance for an invited guest. Not everyone can witty and beautifully voice cool congratulations on a wedding with the presentation of money. And everyone wants to pass for the original with such a banal, but, of course, the right gift. Several interesting options for congratulations can help anyone with this.

You can give money not only directly with banknotes. The option of investing in cash investments is quite interesting. Even though it will be only one percent of the shares of the holding for the production of chairs or cars, the fact that the money is in business and the newlyweds can be real shareholders will surprise and delight everyone.

You can give money
The case is also entrusted
You follow the profit
Promotions do not miss!
Here's the challenge - business for you
And more money!

Such a gift will be both money and a fun investment, who knows, what if securities will captivate the newlyweds and really raise material wealth in the newly-made family?

You can give money in a beautiful way. Well-known portraits that are ordered in various techniques can also be laid out ... with coins. They also have color and shade. Yes, such a gift will be difficult to put into action without destroying it. Well, on the other hand, the value of a family portrait will only increase due to the amount of material used, literally. The execution of such a mosaic-puzzle portrait of coins can be either entrusted to the artist, or you can try to perform it yourself. Accompanying can be like this:

I want to give you money
Not a bag, not even a bunch.
The bank account is also by.
Here's the option I'm going to put forward:
You ... your family portrait, mind you
It's real money, you know.
But please, even in difficult times...
You ... do not pick it!
Keep your nose up like a ruble
And do not frown so your pennies.
Shine a smile on the top ten
With an anniversary coin at the neck.

Money is a thing that comes and goes, so why not associate it with movement. To give a vehicle, decoration with banknotes and funny to congratulate the newlyweds - what could be more fun? For example, skis! A sufficiently flat surface may well be decorated with banknotes of various denominations. But, of course, so that they can be unfastened. And it does not matter if the wedding takes place not at all in winter. You can beat the gift in different ways, and at the same time introduce the bride and groom to a healthy lifestyle:

Let winter or summer
I will remind you of this
Sports should be done
And of course, get hot!
Two of you - and two skis
So forward on them to fate!
On the rich road
A little stuck to them
Where is a bill, where are two!
Money sticks to you everywhere!
So that drifts of coins,
So that wealth is all signs
Do not pass, do not pass
Your money has covered your way!
Well, do you enjoy
Yes, go skiing!

The option with the presentation of money can be beaten as ... a big wash. You can also arrange a competition. Who will launder money more. Two basins, and a clothesline with a bright ribbon in the middle and a sign "Top of Wealth" or any other sign that makes sense. The bride and groom each take one bill and quickly hang the money to “dry”. Whoever reaches the tape in the middle faster will manage the family budget. Congratulations can be applied like this:

Hey guys don't be shy
Hurry up!
We will replenish the budget
We are with you for many years!
Money was washed for you
But they are few and far between
Have time to dry them
Yes, post it!

You can also donate money in the form of one expensive coin. Often their release is dedicated to a specific event. Or maybe the coin will be made of platinum or gold. Then it can be placed in a huge box, and taking it out, voice such a congratulation:

Oh, I can't give
A big gift for you...
Just a coin
I will present you...
Denomination to you
I won't tell right away.
secretly on paper
I'll write a number!
Let it be small
But all in gold (platinum)
Will be in your bank
She is the first.
So that like Scrooge McDucky
early in the morning
You are in the pool of such coins
Would dive to the bottom!

Original congratulations on the wedding with the presentation of money will not take much time to prepare, if you approach the idea of ​​​​gifting in a very unusual way. For example, money can be presented by a magician from a top hat! It is necessary to arrange banknotes in advance in a tape - it is not so difficult to make money from a film and insert money into pockets of various denominations. Or just fasten them with paper clips on a colorful ribbon. Then, after congratulations in verse, you can invite a previously prepared artist to perform:

Tricks with a budget
Yes, now about it!
We will be very public
Cool surprise!
Watch your hands
Ears and feet:
Your budget is everywhere
We will deliver!

The simplest trick is also important here with getting coins “out of the nose” or “out of the ear”. Moreover, if desired, the artist can teach you how to do this trick. Well, in the final, instead of a rabbit from a hat, you can get a ribbon of money.

The best gift is a book. They do not argue with the classics, but presenting a book with banknotes is also original and non-standard. Let it be a self-made book "History of the development of the budget" or "Diary of the growth of the family bank." Where on each page, in addition to the banknote attached in ascending order, there will also be a wish for its use. In the preface of such a book, you can write a congratulation:

I am the author of this book
I won't show you shit
Neither the dollar nor the euro,
But I'll tell you boldly:
read this book,
What to spend - know!
And if you want to keep it!
And to give to grandchildren... so be it.

Everyone knows a funny picture from the Internet, where bills of a thousandth denomination are placed as a tear-off calendar. If you know how to needlework, it will not be difficult to arrange such a calendar for at least a month. Money pockets can be made from paper, transparent material, or simply attached to real calendar sheets.

Here's a sheet for every day!
So that the husband can spend
So that the wife can spend.
Enough money for a family!
Tear off and spend quickly
But no more than a leaf a day!

Ideas for giving money can be found everywhere. Rely on events, the individual characteristics of the young couple and the theme of the wedding. The main thing is that the fantasy process should be captivating, and congratulations will come to mind by itself and cause unexpected surprise not only among the guests, but also the original congratulator.